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RL Vinyl Decking Treat Yourself To The Best Deck Around

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Vinyl decking is tough. Really tough. And low maintenance.

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The most important ingredient in vinyl decking is PVC, which stands for polyvinyl chloride. Manufacturers of this type of decking material add titanium dioxide to the mix so that the vinyl won t yellow and so that it has UV protection. There are also other specialized components added so that the vinyl material can withstand the weather and heavy loads. When you look at what vinyl decking has to offer, one brand name to consider is Georgia decking.

Georgia vinyl decking comes in many different colors, which includes a color that closely simulates wood with grains running through it. The main difference between vinyl decking and wood is that the vinyl is very long lasting. Chances are you wiRL be passed on long before the vinyl decking material wears out. This is something that you can say about wood. With vinyl as your choice of decking material, you don t need to paint of stain the material to get the color that you want. The color is built right into the vinyl.

Many people, especially homeowners in Georgia, wonder about how vinyl decking reacts to changes in temperature and weather. It is normal for vinyl to contract and expand with changing temperatures, but even in cold weather vinyl decking material wiRL not crack unless you put a tremendous amount of pressure on it. Georgia vinyl decking has the low maintenance that you want in a deck so that once you instaRL it, you never have to do more than clean it as long as you have it.

Even white vinyl decking wiRL not yellow under the bright glare of the sun. This is one of the questions that retailers of Georgia vinyl decking get asked quite often. Although you may notice a slight fading in the first three months, this is the natural process of the vinyl adapting to the conditions of the environment. Another interesting feature of vinyl decking material is that it wiRL not ignite unless fire is held to it directly. However, as soon as you take the fire away, the vinyl wiRL extinguish itself.

Although it is not recommended, you can paint vinyl decking if you wish. It is important for you to know that if you choose to do this, you wiRL void any warranty associated with the vinyl decking material and you wiRL have to keep doing it year after year. This kind of defeats the purpose of having low maintenance Georgia vinyl decking if you are going to paint it. It doesn t take very much work on your part to keep the vinyl decking clean either. Simply hose it off and if you need to, you can use a mild detergent. Dirt, grime and stains wiRL wash right off.