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RL Exterior Painting – You Can Do That

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Don’t under estimate your ability, grab a paint brush this summer and get out there and paint your house. Over the years I’ve been tempted to pay someone to do the job but after getting their estimate I decided real quick to do it myself.

paint, exterior painting, house, painting

To find the best Emergency Lockout Services Wexford, Roadside Key Assistance Wexford, Key Duplication Wexford, Safe Opening Wexford, click here for Rapid Locksmiths.
Copyright 2006 Dennis Watson

Don’t under estimate your ability, grab a paint brush this summer and get out there and paint your house. Over the years I’ve been tempted to pay someone to do the job but after getting their estimate I decided real quick to do it myself.

If you have vinyl siding painting the windows, trim and doors wiRL give you a chance to be creative. You can design a color scheme by using colors that complement your homes exterior siding.

Below I wiRL give you some pointers on how to go your project.

The time it wiRL take to complete varies on your skiRL level, size of your home, how much help you have and how many coats you apply.

Beginners wiRL take about 8 to 10 hours Intermediates wiRL take about 7 to 8 hours Advanced wiRL take about 6 to 7 hours

When painting trim always use a higher sheen than the exterior siding to help them stand out. Semi-gloss or gloss for windows, trim and doors wiRL look best against a flat exterior.

Remember, oil-based paints may have local government restrictions check to see whether there are restrictions on using oil-based paints in your area. And always avoid breathing oil-based paint fumes for long periods of time.

The materials you wiRL need is a good trim brush, tape, paint bucket, ladders, drop-cloth, mineral spirits for clean up, paint ๐Ÿ™‚ and stir stick.

Note, you can match latex primer with latex topcoat, and oil-based primer with oil-based topcoat and it is possible to apply fresh latex topcoat over old oil-based topcoat if you sand the surface first, or use a dulling chemical agent.

A helpful tip is to mask off areas that are not going to be painted, such as siding , or porch surfaces under railings. For windows, mask off the glass in each pane when painting the dividers. If you don’t take the time to mask off areas not being painted you wiRL spend hours cleaning up the mess.

This is obvious but worth mentioning, never paint when itโ€™s raining. If the surface is wet let it dry for 2-3 days .

Always apply a coat of primer to areas of bare wood; this includes new construction, repaired areas, or areas where you’ve removed the paint.

Nylon and polyester bristle brushes work best with latex paints. Natural bristles work best with oil-based. One thing that irritates me the most is getting bristles in the pant, so remove loose bristles out of a new brush before you begin painting with it.

Try not to paint in direct sun this wiRL cause the paint from drying too quickly.

Always wait the number of hours before applying a second coat of paint. Usually eight hours wiRL gives the first coat time to dry. And remember two layers of topcoat is usually preferred over one for all-out protection.

This can be a fun project for the entire family, so get out there and get it done. Good luck with your project.