Health 5

If It’s Not Food, Don’t Eat It!

Food Factoid: An estimated 90% of food budget dollars are spent on processed, packaged fake food.
When Betty first came to me she was taking seven medications, had severe osteoarthritis, could barely walk, was in constant pain and had to catheterize herself daily–among other things.
She had heard that making dietary changes could be beneficial to her health, but doubted it could work for her. Betty sought nutrition and health coaching only because she could no longer afford her medications.
Although skeptical at first, Betty was delighted when, in just a few weeks she was able to go off four of her medications, was virtually pain-free, could walk without using her walker, had lost a few pounds, and was generally beginning to feel much better. In addition, her cholesterol had dropped below what it had been when she was taking cholesterol-lowering drugs.
What did Betty do to achieve such dramatic results so quickly?
It may surprise you that she didn’t cut or count calories, carbohydrates or fat, take a special pill, or start working out. She simply began to switch from the low-quality, chemical-laden processed food brands she had been eating for years, to higher quality, additive-free natural food brands. She also began to include a couple servings of fresh produce into her diet each day.
How can this be?
This is so because the most popular brands of processed, packaged chemical-laden foods (fake foods) so widely consumed today, are injurious to the body. Aside from the obvious diet-related conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or obesity, few people realize poor nutrition in general, is the primary cause of all chronic conditions.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 20221 — IF IT’S NOT FOOD, DON’T EAT IT! The very definition of “food” is that it is nourishing to the body. Consequently, anything that is not nourishing to the body (i.e. fake foods containing refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, chemical additives, etc.) is not food — don’t eat it! And if you do, wait a long time before you do it again so your body can recover.
Stimulants or extreme foods send your body’s chemistry soaring out of balance causing fatigue, brain fog, weight gain and more. Stimulants include: sugars and other refined carbohydrates (i.e. high fructose corn syrup, white refined flour, etc.), refined salt, caffeine, and alcohol. Less stimulants equal more health and energy.
Most everything that comes in a box, can or packaging is a processed food. Whole, fresh, natural foods (preferably organic) such as produce, meats, fish, poultry, whole grains, legumes and seeds are always your best choice. When you do consume processed foods, natural brand foods are best as they do not contain toxic, chemical additives.
The most common food allergens (i.e. wheat, dairy, soy, corn, etc.) are notorious for causing acid reflux and other digestive problems, constipation, sinusitus, depression, arthritis and more. Most people today are sensitive to one or more of these foods–and most don’t know it! Follow a basic elimination diet to learn which foods may be affecting you.
As you start improving the quality of your diet you’ll start feeling better and improving the overall quality of your health. Also, learn which foods exacerbate or help improve any specific conditions to give your body every opportunity to heal.
When applied consistently over time, these five guidelines produce “amazing” results as Betty can attest. It’s miraculous what the body can do when fueled properly–energy is restored, excess weight is shed, body systems are regenerated, disease is reversed, and nagging symptoms disappear.
Where should you begin? Start with the basics: if it’s not food, don’t eat it!

Health 5

How to Read Food Labels

If you are into bells and whistles, there are food scales that are preprogrammed with nutritional information, as well as scales that will keep a running total of your daily food and nutrient intake for you. The only tools you really need, however, are a simple and inexpensive gram scale, dry and liquid measuring cups, and idea on reading food labels.

Among all of the mentioned tools, reading food labels seem to be the most effective way of determining the right kind of food to be bought in the supermarket. It lets you make sensible food selections. Through the “Nutrition Facts” section in a particular item in the grocery, you can identify the amount of serving sizes provided in that product.

With food labels, you can clearly understand the amount and kinds of nutrients that are provided in the item. Usually, it contains the information on saturated fat, sodium, total fat, fiber, and cholesterol amount “per serving.”

However, understanding and reading these food labels can be very perplexing. A typical consumer would definitely ask what those numbers mean and how it will affect her diet intake if ever she will religiously follow the serving guide as stipulated on the food label.

To further have a clear and more comprehensive understanding of the items stated in the food label, here is a list of things that you need to know:
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 20221. Serving size

This is the primary item you will see in a food label.

The amount of servings stated in the food label refers to the quantity of food people usually consume. However, this does not necessarily mean that it reflects your very own amount of food intake.

Moreover, serving size determines the amount of nutrients that enters the body. This means that if you will follow strictly what the serving size is, you will obtain the same amount of nutrients according to the serving size that was given in the label.

For instance, if the serving size says one serving size is equal to 54 grams, that would mean you have to measure 54 grams and eat that and you have just eaten one serving. So to speak, the amount of nutrients stated in the food label is the same amount that has entered your body considering the fact that you have just eaten 54 grams.

However, if you have eaten everything, and the food label says that each pack is equivalent to 4 servings, you have to calculate the amount of nutrients that have entered your body. This means that if the food label says 250 calories per serving that means you have to multiply it to four to get the total amount of calories you have taken.

2. Nutrients

This refers to the list of available nutrients in a particular item. It is also where the nutritional claims of the product based on the recommended daily dietary allowance are stated. Usually, the nutritional amounts are based on both the 2,500-calorie diets and the 2,000 recommended dietary allowances.

In order to understand the numeric value of each item, you should know that the “% daily value” that the food label indicates is actually based on how a particular food corresponds to the recommended daily dietary allowance for a 2,000 calorie.

If in the event that you have purchased an item that has a dietary allowance different from the 2,000-calorie diet, you just have to divide the stipulated amount by 2,000 and you will be able to identify the “%daily value” for the nutrients.

3. Ingredients

This refers to the list of the ingredients that were used to manufacture the product. The listing is usually arranged from the main ingredients that have the greater amount by weight up to the smallest quantity. This simply means that the actual quantity of the food includes the biggest quantity of the main ingredient or the first item and the minimum amount of the very last ingredient.

4. Label claim

This refers to the kinds of nutritional claims of a particular food item. For instance, if an item says it is sodium-free, it has less than 5 milligrams per serving or a low fat item actually contains 3 grams of fat or less.

Indeed, reading food labels can be very tedious and confusing. Nevertheless, once you get the hang of it, it would be easier for you to watch your diet because you can already control the amount of food that you take.

Health 5

How Toxic Is Your Bathroom?

Be warned! Your daily beauty regime could be taking years off of your life. Most (99%) personal care products have not been safety tested. Your health may even be damaged due to the daily mixing of many different types of toxins in and on the body. On average, each of us uses 9 personal care products a day, containing a total of 126 different ingredients. When these chemicals are absorbed into the body, they can be stored in fatty tissue or organs (ie the liver, kidney, reproductive organs and brain). Medical research has proven that fragrances can trigger asthma; the detergents in shampoos can damage eye tissue; and that hair-dye chemicals can cause bladder cancer and lymphoma. If these problems had been linked to pharmaceutical drugs, the products would have been taken off of the market. However, since the cosmetics industry is largely self-governing, products containing potentially harmful substances remain in use and on sale. If you think that it can’t be that bad, then you need to consider what goes into some of the most popular toiletries.
Olay Regenerist claims to instantly improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. But what they don’t tell you is that in order to work, the product needs to be well absorbed, so it uses penetration enhancers which actually drive toxins deeper into your skin. This in turn leads to hormone disruptions, carcinogenic effects and skin irritation.
Clairol Herbal Essences Shampoo For Dry/Damaged Hair claims to provide you with a totally organic experience. But what they don’t tell you is that it also contains 4 potentially cancer-causing dyes, as well as synthetic fragrances that are known neurotoxins and skin irritants. This product can also permanently damage eye tissue, cause breast cancer, and chemicals that also cause the damaging chemicals to penetrate more deeply into skin and bloodstream.
Johnson’s Baby Soft Wash claims to be best for you and your baby. But what it doesn’t tell you is that it also contains skin and eye irritants and hormone disrupters. Since children’s skin is thinner and more absorbent than adults’, it provides a less effective barrier to these chemical toxins. Furthermore, you only get the mere impression of smoothness since there’s nothing in this product that actually smooths your skin.
Calvin Klein’s Eternity, as well as numerous other perfumes, contain the same neurotoxic solvents that are found in glues and adhesives, as well as the same volatile chemicals that are common in garages and factories. Perfumes also contain known neurotoxins, allergens, irritants and/or hormone disrupters.
Colgate Total claims to provide you with 12-hour fresh breath and antibacterial protection. But what it doesn’t tell you is that it also contains irritating detergents which can cause sore gums and mouth ulcers. It also contains abrasives which can erode tooth enamel. There are also carcinogens, and chemicals that can produce chloroform gas, which is easily absorbed into the skin or inhaled and can cause depression, liver problems and cancer.
Gillette Mach 3 Shaving Gel contains skin irritants, 3 potential carcinogens and 3 central nervous system toxins or pollutants.
Clairol Nice ‘N Easy claims to provide natural-looking color with complete grey coverage. But what they don’t tell you is that it can cause allergic reactions and has carcinogenic effects. In fact, intensive longer-term use is associated with breast, ovarian and bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, multiple meyeloma and rheumatoid arthritis.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Listerine Teeth And Gum Defense claims to kill the germs that cause plaque and bad breath. But what it doesn’t tell you is that it is 21.6% alcohol and thatq alcohol dries and changes the pH of the mouth and throat and long-term use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes increases the risk of mouth and throat cancers. Listerine also contains ingredients that are poisonous if swollen, are known carcinogenics, and can alter the basic flora of the mouth and may cause dermatitis.

Health 5

How to Stop Eating Too Much at Christmas

With all the tempting food available in December, it’s difficult to resist eating too much – yet if you don’t you’ll regret it later. One or two bouts of over-indulgence won’t make much difference but if you throw in the towel for the whole month you’ll end up quite a few pounds heavier in January.
But how do you resist when there is so much on offer? And without feeling that you’re missing out? Here are 10 tips to guide you through the holidays.
1. Have what you really want
When you’re faced with wall-to-wall goodies, don’t feel that you have to get your nutrition before you indulge. You’ll only end up with more calories than your body needs. In other words, if you know you’re going to have the apple pie, don’t fill up on meat and potatoes and then have it! One occasion is not going to make you malnourished.
2. Take three bites
If the chocolate cake looks good but you know 800 calories is not going to look great on your hips, have a tiny piece. Have three bites, eat them as slowly as you can and really taste what you’re eating. Satisfy your taste buds without wolfing down a huge portion.
3. Quality counts
Instead of buying cheap fattening treats at Christmas indulge yourself and your family with the best delicacies you can afford. Buy the best and treat yourself that way rather than picking your way through a mountain of unmemorable junk.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022If you do over-indulge, don’t give up all semblance of watching what you eat for the whole festive period. It’s only one meal, one snack and you’re unlikely to have done much damage. Just go right back to eating when you’re hungry and stopping when you’re full – right from your next meal.
5. Pace yourself
If you’re going to a party or dinner later don’t starve yourself or you’ll fall ravenously on the buffet table or bread basket. Do, however, eat moderately during the day with lower calorie but filling foods. Have soup and bread or salad and a baked potato for lunch and have a small snack such as an apple or some toast later in the afternoon so that you don’t arrive too hungry at the party.
6. Stay away
Whatever you do don’t position yourself near the buffet table – you’ll nibble all night. Put one or two things on a plate and get away from there – you can always go back if you’re still hungry. By the same token don’t leave snack foods lying around at home. Put them out of sight as much as you can.
7. Keep busy
The more you do the less time you’ll have to sit around eating, so get busy around the house (you can make it spick and span for Santa). Get all your preparations done early so that you’re less stressed and less likely to turn to food to soothe your frazzled state.
8. Plan ahead
No matter how much you have to do, make sure you take a few minutes out of your schedule to plan your meals each day. It would be even better if you could organise yourself to do this on a weekly basis. If you don’t plan your meals you’ll end up eating out or calling for take-away more than is good for you. Also if you know you’ve got big meals or parties on particular days plan some lighter meals (but not starvation rations) on the days before and after to help balance out the amount you are eating.
9. Low calorie options
If you are in charge of cooking use all the tricks you know to reduce the calories of the food you provide without reducing the flavour. Look up some low-calorie versions of the dishes you normally cook online and use these. Or try some new lighter recipes. They may be an improvement on what you usually cook. Your family and guests will think that you are serving them something special rather than something low-calorie. In any case provide alternatives for any particularly fattening dishes – fruit salad as well as Christmas pudding for example. Your health conscious guests will thank you.
10. Be Mindful
We put so much in our mouths without thinking about it, without even noticing it or enjoying it. This is easy to do with so much food available and lying out on display. Make sure that whatever you eat, you serve it properly. Put it on a plate or in a bowl, sit down and enjoy it. Even if you intend to do this, you’ll catch yourself nibbling from packets, standing up in the kitchen or whatever – but awareness is half the battle – just notice how much you do this so that you can gradually start to change this habit.


Health 5

How to spot bad mole?

This morning you took a bath. The warm water feels so nice during the cold winter day. There was some funny skin itching on you back. You looked in the mirror, turned this way , that way. There is small mole on your back You remember this spot had been there for years, since childhood. Did this spot get that strange itching?
Recently you have heard the news that there are more than 50000 of new melanoma cases every year. This number grows 3% a year.
What is going on? Is this small spot on you back went out of control?
Several types of skin tumors exist. Many are slow growers. Many give rare metastasis. Simple removal cure majority of skin tumors.
Melanoma brings troubles big time.
Melanos = black, oma = tumor.
You can detect melanoma by self-exam. Skin cancers show themselves much easier than any other types of cancer.
In the same time you can cure melanoma by simple surgical resection. However, catch this tumor in early stage. Late stage metastasize. Surgeon can not cut off every metastasis in your body.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Fair skin people have more chances of getting melanoma. However, dark skin people develop melanoma too.
Everybody has moles. Women even use moles to charm. How to find if your mole became dangerous?
Dangerous signs include ABCD:
A- asymmetry. Suspicious mole does not look like a round or oval blot. Often, early melanoma looks rather like a blot with an odd shape.
B- borders. Borders become irregular, uneven, fuzzy. The edges of the blots become notched.
C- color. Color of normal mole should be more or less homogenous. Change in color is very suspicious . There are shades of brown, black, tan, red. Mottled color is suspicious.
D- diameter. Change in diameter is suspicious too. Mole that is bigger than 6 mm is suspicious. Everybody compares 6 mm to a pencil eraser (though few people actually use it extensively). Just to get idea about the borderline size.
Besides ABCD there could be other signs of dangerous mole:
E – enlargement and elevation over the time
Also worrisome signs include easy bleeding and erythema (redness) around the mole.
Itching and pain in the side of mole make you suspicious as well.
History of melanoma in Family should also raise suspicions.
Some skin problems look like melanoma, but are actually harmless. Anyway, do not gamble with them. Even experienced physician can not always tell if the lesion is malignant or not. It is better to be safe then sorry and check the troubling changes soon.
Some rare types of melanoma exist. Because even obvious melanomas are not always diagnosed on time, the unusual types becomes much more deadlier. Often doctor sees them too late.
Melanoma under the nails. Melanoma of mucous membranes. (Mouth, nose or guts) Amelanotic melanoma – this one is not even colored.
The treatment will be excision with margins and biopsy, but most important of course is to catch melanoma Know that the treatment depends on the thickness of the tumor and the presence of distant metastasis.
Surgeon or dermatologist cuts off the melanoma. Then, Pathologist (doctor specializing in lab diagnostics) looks the sample under microscope.
He classifies the tumor. The grade of the tumor gives the clue to the chances of your survival.
There are several classifications
Breslow classification measure the penetration of the lesion into skin by millimeters. Know that > 0.75 mm is already dangerous, but > 4 mm is wacking.
What is 4 mm. It is nothing. Right? Take a ruler and check how 1 mm looks and how 4 mm looks.
So this is why it is important to catch melanoma early.
There is also Clarks classification that measures penetration of the melanoma into the skin and other layers.
TNM classification standardizes the grading.
You can not know the grade unless you excise and measure the melanoma penetration under microscope. It is not a do-it-yourself project. Surgeon and pathologist will do it.
The time of evolvement 1-2 years.
The frequency of melanoma is increasing. It might be because of more people get sun damage. Also other reasons may play role.
Treatment of melanoma includes surgical removal, chemotherapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy.
Keywords: Melanoma, mole, nevus, dermatology, pathology, surgeon

Health 5

How to Lose Weight Easily, Increase Health with a Fast, Tasty Diet

If you are looking for a way to lose fifteen pounds in two weeks, a high protein diet, a low carb diet, a fruit diet, a no fat diet, a blood type diet, a juice fast, a diet named after a place in Miami, a grapefruit diet, a cactus diet, a coffee and cigarette diet, a diet that includes sweets, a diet based on your body type, a diet based on an ancient religion or a diet based on your hair color, then this article is NOT for you.
Fad and crash diets, such as the ones described above are not only unhealthy but they also cause rebound weight gain. Also most diets, even though diet gurus write them, cause an initial weight loss but the ultimate result is that you gain all of the weight back the minute you go off the plan. If you don’t gain it back within a couple of diets, you are likely to gain it all back plus a bit more within a year.
Crash diets dehydrate you, low calorie diets put your body into starvation mode so you plateau where you can’t lose one more pound and high protein diets stress your kidneys and clog your arteries.
So how does one lose weight?
There is only one answer to this question.
You need to expend more calories than you are taking in. Restricting certain foods, eating so-called fat burning foods, or dehydrating yourself with special pills or teas does not do it. It is simple math. The only way is to eat a little less and exercise a little more. Here is the equation below:
Eating Less + Exercising More = Weight Loss.
This is not a magical formula, it is just logic. It is also not the fastest way to lose weight. As I have mentioned before, this is not an article about how to lose ten pounds in three days or 80 pounds in a month. It is about safe, healthy, smart weight loss.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Although that might not sound like a large amount of weight to lose it actually is! If you lose 3 pounds a week that means you can achieve a weight loss of twelve pounds a month! If you only have twenty pounds to lose then your weight loss is not only quite rapid, but you have the extra guarantee that it will stay off because you have followed a sensible exercise plan that did not involve starving, exhausting or depriving yourself. If you are willing to drop your impatience and desire for immediate gratification and stick to an exercise plan and healthy eating habits, then a Mediterranean Diet is for you. Remember being slim is only good if you are able to enjoy it!
Do You Need to Lose Weight?
Fascination with Fat
If you want to lose weight, you first need to assess whether you need to actually lose weight or are simply a fashion victim. Unfortunately this society is fascinated with fat – who has it and who doesn’t. As we are persuaded by so many images in the media that persuade us to believe that you can never be too thin, many of us are bad judges of our actual body weight.
If you are under the age of eighteen and reading this book, the first thing you need to do is consult with your parents about your plans to lose weight. Have them make an appointment with a physician so that he can indicate to you whether or not you are a candidate for weight loss.
If you are an adult, it is possible that you may not be overweight and are just trying to be, as Bridget Jones put it in Bridget Jones Diary “a stick insect with eyelashes.” It is also very possible that you know you need to lose weight but have no idea where to start.
If you are obese and you know it, then you have to check with a physician first to see how your health is before you embark on any exercise program or plan. The same is also true if you have any kind of medical condition but especially a thyroid condition or heart condition. Some physicians may not recommend a weight loss program for those who are over 40 as due to genetics and hormonal changes some people naturally just round out or gain weight in a way that simply cannot be changed. If your doctor tells you your spreading hips are due to menopause or genetics, believe him! It is not clever to fool with Mother Nature.

Health 5

How To Improve Your Memory In 5 Easy Steps

Discover the 5 easy to follow steps how to quickly improve your memory and learn more in less time. Stop forgetting things that you need to remember. Become a fast learner, remember details and be more effective. Simply follow these 5 easy steps and watch your memory improve.
Today everyone is overwhelmed with information and having a good memory is very important. There are thousands of little things that you need to remember each day. You need to remember names, numbers, prices, study material, daily tasks, foreign languages, passwords and so much more. The list could continue forever here.
But can you really improve your memory, is it hard and how much time does it take?
You can improve your memory and it’s easier than you think. With the right knowledge you can have a better memory in a matter of days. Read the 5 steps carefully, try to follow the advice and watch your memory improve.
Step #1: Use your imagination
Use your imagination when you face something that you want to memorize. When reading a book, imagine the things you are reading about. Imagine objects, people, situations, sounds, motion and more.
Imagination keeps you interested in a topic, makes it more fun, and gets you involved. This way your mind concentrates on what you are reading or listening and you’re much more likely to remember it later
Step #2: Motivate yourself to learn
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Understand why are you learning something and what benefits does the new information give you. Be involved in what you are learning as much as possible because then you have a purpose and more motivation to learn it.
Step #3: Have some spacing between learning sessions
You don’t have to learn all information at once when you can learn everything much better by taking breaks between learning sessions. You should take breaks as rewards because this gives your mind a chance to review what you have just learned.
When you face lots of information that you have to learn, plan your learning and divide it into parts and learn each part separately. It is better to study in two or three small sessions than to study in a long six hour session.
Step #4: Learn with a clear mind
Try to be relaxed when learning. It is harder to learn something when you are stressed, tired, anxious or angry. You learn more, better and faster when your mind is not occupied by thoughts that distract you.
Also eliminate distractions like clutter, and other things that can distract you. Learn in stimulating, light and positive environment. Distractions can keep you unfocused and waste your time. Before you learn, make sure that the learning environment is free from distractions.
Step #5: Always educate yourself about memory
Your memory is one of the most important assets that you have and learning how to improve your memory is very important. By having a better memory you can make more money, be more effective, save time, always remember important details, look smarter, have more friends and so much more.
Considering all the advantages that good memory gives you and how easily you can improve your memory, it wouldn’t be wise to not do anything about it.
An excellent website where you can learn how to improve your memory is
From this website you’ll learn very effective ways how to improve your memory and how to develop a memory that you can rely on in a short time. What you will learn here can improve your memory to what you want it to be.
The email course that this website offers is absolutely fantastic. From this course you will learn real memory ‘secrets’ like how to easily, quickly and perfectly memorize long digit numbers, long speeches, names of people, foreign languages, long lists of items and more things that was previously hard to memorize.
You’ll learn the ‘secrets’ that memory experts use to perform impressive memory stunts on stage and how you can easily apply their memory ‘secrets’ in everyday life to improve your memory to what it really can be.

Health 5

How To Get A Flat, Toned Stomach

One of the most common fitness questions this time of year is “How can I tone my stomach for swimsuit season”? Typically, people believe that the guaranteed quick route to obtaining a rock-solid six-pack is a path packed with hundreds of sit-ups or abdominal crunches. Wrong!
The reality is that even if you do crunches every day you aren’t guaranteed to get the stomach you desire. Getting those highly sought after, toned abs requires more work than just abdominal exercises. Plus, as far as stomach exercises go, sit-ups or crunches alone are not the solution.
We won’t go into detail about the muscles that make up the abdominal wall, but it’s good to know the basic information. At a high-level the abdominal/trunk area consists of 5 major muscles. It’s necessary that all of these muscles be exercised. It’s also important to utilize different types of training techniques like concentric, eccentric and isometric.
In addition to training those muscles, it is imperative that you also reduce the fat in your stomach area. If you don’t decrease the fat in this area, then you’ll never see well-defined abdominal muscles not matter how long and hard you train them.
The key to reducing body fat is a comprehensive workout program that consists of cardiovascular, strength, and flexibility exercises. Plus, don’t forget a healthy diet. Good examples of cardio exercises are: walking, swimming, aerobics, and jogging. Strength training can be done with dumbbells, resistance bands and even just your own body weight. Flexibility can be as simple as a few stretches held in place for about 20 seconds.
Now, back to the specifics of abdominal training. Traditional crunches can be a part of your abdominal training, but should be limited and certainly shouldn’t be the only part. To most effectively work your stomach area, it’s necessary to include about 80% rotational work. Rotational exercises are those that include twisting-type methods. Simple crunches do not fall into the rotational category because you simply lift your body straight up and down.
To most effectively train your abs, incorporate a lot of variety, including different positions and equipment. This will allow your muscles to continually be challenged, which is what will help make them stronger and more defined. Remember that you don’t have to lie on your back in the supine position to work your stomach area. There are hundreds of different ways to work them, including exercises in a standing position, on your side, raised on a ball, hanging from a bar, etc.
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Don’t ever pull on your neck or head
Don’t allow your legs to move, they should remain still — let your abs do all the work
Try to keep your belly button pulled in toward the floor throughout the entire move.

To get you started, below are a few sample exercises* with instructions. Start working out today, and you can show-off your toned abs in time for summer.
Basic Crunch: Lie flat on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands lightly behind your head for support. Using your abdominal muscles lift your shoulders a few inches off the ground, pause briefly and return to start position. Complete at least one set of 10-12 reps.
Standing Towel Circle: Stand tall and hold a small towel (or resistance band) taut overhead. Contract abs and slowly draw a large, wide circle over your head and around your torso with your hands. Keep towel pulled taut throughout. Return to beginning position and reverse the circular direction. Complete at least one set of 8-10 reps in each direction.
Oblique Twist With Ball: Begin by sitting on the ball. Walk feet forward until ball is resting under your back — body is now parallel to the floor. Place hands lightly behind head for support. Using your abdominal muscles slowly crunch up lifting your shoulder blades off of the ball and rotate left shoulder toward right hip. Return to starting parallel position and repeat then switch sides.
For access to a huge library of exercises demonstrations (including demos for the above exercises), visit:
*You should always consult your physician before trying any new exercise programs.

Health 5

How Do I Gain Weight?

Try asking people how to gain weight and you’ll likely see some bewildered faces staring back at you. For the majority of people, hearing that question is akin to hearing the questions, “How do I stub my toe?” or “How do I run out of gas?”
Those confused faces not withstanding, the question is a legitimate one and one that frustrates those who find themselves on the light end of the scale. While those on the heavy end can’t get through a commercial break or flip through more than five pages of a magazine without someone offering up a solution to their weight problems, it can be a lonely struggle for those who want to put on weight.
If you are lucky enough to get a reasoned response to your question, it will probably involve the words “eat more.” That, despite being obvious, is great advice. Quite simply, to gain weight you will need to up your calorie consumption to the point where you consume more calories than you expend. Couple an increased caloric intake with a little weight training and you have the recipe for healthy weight gain.
You may think you eat a lot, even enough to keep pace with your more weight-furnished friends, but you are probably over-estimating your intake. After a trip to the doctor’s office to rule out medical causes for your inability to bulk up(thyroid disease and other medical problems can hamper weight gain), a first step to designing an effective weight gain program is to journal your eating habits. Counting calories for a week will give you an accurate view of your diet.
From there, increase your daily caloric intake by about 300-500 calories until you start putting on the pounds. Keep in mind though, while your caloric intake will directly influence your bodyweight, it will be other factors like the types of food you eat and your weight training regimen that decide the type of weight you are putting on. So if you are after an aesthetically pleasing weight gain, that of lean muscle weight as opposed to just some extra body fat to lug around, it will be important to pay attention to these factors.
To get the most muscle out of your weight gain, avoid the junk food and focus on eating whole foods. A good weight gain diet should be composed of 30-50% protein, 20-50% carbohydrates and 20-40% fat (the majority of which should be essential fatty acids). Different ratios within these ranges will work differently for different people. Keep up your food journal and experiment to find the ratios that work best for you.
Providing your body with the materials it needs to build muscle is only one piece of the puzzle. A weight training program designed to give the body a reason to add some muscle will be very important to achieving your goals. Your workout routines should concentrate on compound weight lifting exercises (those that involve multiple muscle groups like the squat or bench press) with weights that allow you to do 6 to 12 reps per set. Higher rep ranges will tone your muscles but may not sufficiently signal the body into muscle growth. Try to either increase the amount of weight lifted or the reps completed with each workout.
Don’t go overboard with your workouts. Two or three one-hour workouts per week done with intensity should do the trick. Too often those that have trouble gaining weight (hardgainers) spend too much time in the gym. This can be counterproductive in two ways. First, it means you are burning off a lot of the calories that could otherwise be used to build muscle and, second, you can over-train your muscles by working them too hard, basically making them unresponsive.
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Health 5

Holistic Medicine As Compared With Other Medical Practices

Holistic medicine is health care that comprises all the aspects of one’ s personality to obtain the optimum state of wellness. It encompasses the process of looking into the wholeness of the person including nutritional, physical, environmental, spiritual, lifestyle and social values. Holistic medicine includes virtually all treatments and diagnosis known to achieve balance in personality. It upholds the responsibility of educating one’s self to attain the ideal over-all health and well being.
Holistic medicine and Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine is commonly associated with holistic medicine. By definition, alternative medicine is the medical techniques that are usually not accepted or practiced by conventional medical practitioners. Most alternative medicines are founded to have rooted on unscientific, untested and untraditional principles. Often, these forms of medicine are closely associated with metaphysical components and anti-scientific stands.
Many of these techniques don’t normally have pharmaceutical values like the acupuncture, herbalism, Reiki, homeopathy and the likes. Yet the alternative medicine may also be used in experimental non-drug and drug techniques that are not yet accepted in the medical circles. The future of alternative medicine holds on the potentiality of transforming the “alternative medicine” into conventional medicine since it is now becoming widely appreciated and practiced by medical doctors. In fact, complementary medicine is the term used for alternative medicine practiced in combination with conventional medicine.
Due to these changes in view of the alternative medicine, holistic medicine has become a more preferable option among those who are quite doubtful of the alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine may appeal to metaphysical beliefs and so does the holistic medicine but on milder and more scientifically based approach. Yet the knowledge applied in holistic medicine still cannot hide the fact that it tends to cling to non-scientific knowledge.
Simply put holistic medicine claims to cure and treat the whole person. Holistic medicine stresses out the unification of the mind and the physical body. Holistic medicine practitioners give credence to the belief the man is not a pure physical body with systems and parts that encompass it. Man is also a spiritual being that requires spiritual healing. Holistic medicine concerns itself to the belief of the connection between the spirit and emotions and mind.
The gap between holistic medicine and alternative medicine is closed by the common practice of not using drug treatments and surgeries. They usually employ meditation, herbs, prayers, vitamins and minerals, as well as exotic diets in treating certain ailments.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Allopathy or conventional medicine defines individual health as the non-occurrence of diseases, which appeals to be a negative approach in defining the condition. Holistic medicine on the other hand concerns itself on a person’s absolute state of physical, social, mental and spiritual well-being.
As based on the definition given (that is commonly used among medical practitioners), orthodox medicine remains to deal with one’s susceptibility to diseases instead of the wellness as opposed by holistic medicine. Based on common observations, conventional medicine typically doesn’t apply to healthy individuals. While holistic medicine focuses on the quality of living practiced by people. Sick people normally don’t seek medical attention not until the symptoms of the disease/s are obvious. Thus, there is too little preventive treatment against sickness.
There are great differences between holistic medicine and the conventional type both in the diagnosis and treatments. Most of which are scientifically based. In oppose to this stand, diagnosis in holistic treatment are conceived through the manifestations of body imbalance. These are determined through certain procedures distinctive only to holistic medicine and other related medicinal practices.
People who have already undergone any of these procedures claim that is not bad trying on or all of these practices. Yet individual preferences still have the hand on what will be accepted as the ideal procedure.