Health 5

Lose Weight by Eating Breakfast and Drinking Milk

Did you know that dieting and weight loss are two of the most common resolutions or goals by many people but usually results to failure? Don’t give up yet. Stay committed and read through.
If you really want to lose weight, forget the fad diets and eat breakfast and drink milk. Starting each day with milk and cereal may be the success for achieving a healthy weight.
Many people don’t realize to eat breakfast but to skip entire morning tastes, either because you’re in rush or lazy, or just want to reduce weight. Considerable number of people finish with a soft drink or a cup of coffee as their morning meal. Chances are this is going to have an opposite effect on you because skipping meals almost always leads to overeating at lunchtime. This is especially true with breakfast, because you’ve just been asleep for 7 or 8 hours and your body needs to recover from this brief period of starvation.
Studies show that people who regularly eat breakfast, particularly cereal with low fat or fat-free milk, tend to be leaner compared to those who skip the morning meal or eat other options. Also, breakfast eaters are more likely to have long-term success in maintaining a reasonable weight. There is a finding that a cereal and milk breakfast is a habit common to successful weight loss maintainers.
Combine that with studies drinking 24 ounces of milk a day with healthy weight loss, and you’ve got a strategy that may lead to lost pounds. Multiple studies have shown that people who drink milk and get adequate amounts of calcium in their diets tend to weigh less than their peers who don’t drink milk. A diet deficient in calcium has a higher risk for being overweight.
*Weight Control by Eating Eggs*
Eating eggs for breakfast can reduce hunger and caloric intake by more than 400 calories, both at lunchtime and over the next 24 hours. As a result, eggs are useful in helping overweight people reduce their energy intakes, a prerequisite of losing weight. This is great news if you’re trying to lose weight as it means you may find it easier to cut calories without feeling hungry. In fact, you could expect to lose up to 2lb. a month, simply by eating eggs for breakfast!
Eggs are packed with various nutrients but contain just 85 calories each. There’s also no limit to the number of eggs you can eat in a week contrary to popular belief.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022*Should I avoid eating certain foods for the sake of weight loss?*
Forget about avoiding eating a certain food that you like to eat – that’s a dieter’s mentality and it doesn’t help you lose weight. It just makes you obsessed about food and eating. Instead, if you are really hungry, then eat, and stop as soon as you’re satisfied. Just don’t eat until you’re totally full! So, if you’re hungry during breakfast, then eat. If you’re not hungry during lunch or dinner, then have a smaller meal.
Keep in mind that you should not eat too many sweet foods. No matter what time you eat sweets, if it’s more energy than your body can use, it will be stored, meaning excess kilos.
Fad diets won’t work and only provide short-term results. Instead, always enjoy a wide variety of healthy foods and be physically active. Fad dieting is a hindrance that you don’t need in your life.
*Things to Remember:*
* Eating breakfast increases your metabolism and burns more kilojoules during the day, which can help you lose weight.
* Protein-based breakfasts improved weight loss better than carbohydrate-focused breakfasts.
* Eggs are great protein-rich breakfast, complete with zinc, iron and vitamins like A, B, D, E and B12. Long ago, people thought that eating many eggs contributed to health risks. This is not true and it’s already proven that they don’t contribute to high cholesterol or heart disease.
* Don’t be afraid to eat a reasonable portion of your favorite dessert or snack food every now and then.
* Try to eat steamed vegetables and drink soup in the morning. Did you know that this is common in Japan? It may take some time getting used to, but the benefits are: reduced fat and added nutrients from the vegetables.

Health 5

Look and Feel Young Even After 40 — Part 2

In part 1 of this article we uncovered why it is important to work for optimal health and fitness after 40 years of age. We also made the case to avoid substance abuse in our most productive mid-life years.
Furthermore, we noted our families and community really need our experienced insights over forty. In the second part of this article we discuss the nitty gritty of using diet, exercise, and some nutritional supplements to help us feel more youthful.
– Rebuild Your Body with Diet and Exercise
By now I am sure that we all have heard the bad news: there is an obesity epidemic in the United States. This health crisis without a doubt is exacerbated by our sedentary life style.
There are other reasons for our weight problems in the US. Our diet of fatty processed foods is also a culprit in our battle obesity.
Being over weight seems to accelerate the aging process. This is because being over weight seems to be related to the on-set of diseases associated with aging like diabetes, certain types of cancer, heart problems, and stokes.
There is hope in a good diet, supplements and exercise associated with weight loss can help reduce your aging process and make you feel much younger. I have found that exercise makes me feel much younger and increases my libido.
While it has been reported that hormones in men and women decline after forty, I have found that exercises like running makes me more energetic throughout the day. One of the most nagging problems however with running or other high impact aerobics is joint pain in the knees, ankles, and back.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Dr. Andrew Weil M.D. advocates the use of Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin to help with joint support problems. I am experiencing great results with a product that combines these ingredients and others that work in a time release fashion called Phosoplex.
I am running about 3 miles a day and am slowly training for the 2006 NYC marathon, due in part to the great joint support and less pain I am experiencing associated with using Phosoplex. I also include a regiment of strength training (pushups, pull-ups, etc.) and flexibility like yoga and martial arts forms to resist the inflexibility associated with aging.
If you are having problems loosing the weight with exercise cut down on simple sugars, pastas, and starches. Also eat more lean protein sources like fish and broiled chicken without the skin. Look into eating more stemmed vegetables, drinking more water and less soda and juices. Perhaps products like Zyroxin and especially Zalestra for weight loss in pre-menopausal women would also be good to for you to consider.
Lastly, after losing those extra pounds we all want to put our best face forward in looking great. Unfortunately nature does not always cooperate. According to the Seattle Times Study as we age we experience the beginnings of crow’s feet, laugh lines, and potbellies.
It also states that our Skin cells divide more slowing, causing the skin to thin. Wrinkles form around the eyes and mouth. More than 3 million people ages 35 to 50 had a cosmetic procedure last year in the U.S.
I notice that as I age I find older women with character lines more attractive. However if you feel you want to smooth out the few wrinkles on your face why chance expensive and serious surgery or Botox injections (a product related to the biological warfare agent botulism)? Consider trying some over the counter products like Rejuvinol, which fights wrinkles while it moisturizes and helps protect your skin. Don’t put yourself at risk to look younger.
For Further information for supplements like Phosoplex, Rejuvinol, and Zalestra you can visit or… .
Always remember to consult with a fitness and health professional first before entering into any kind of weight, diet, or health program.
This article is for general information purposes only. Your ultimate health, fitness, and diet program will depend on your personal goals, abilities, and objectives after consulting with your doctor or health professional.

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Just Diagnosed With a Visually Impaired Child

Finding out that your child is blind, partially blind, or has low vision can be a scary experience. Some disorders will be discovered at birth, if the vision impairment has observable characteristics such as cataracts or congenital glaucoma, but many go undetected until the child doesn’t meet certain visual milestones. Parents may start to notice that their child does not seem to make eye contact or track bright high contrast items. Children with profound vision loss will often have nystagmus. Nystagmus is an observable condition where the eyes tend to shift back and forth rapidly, giving the appearance of jiggling eyes. There are a few children that are born with normal vision and develop vision loss due to accidents, brain tumors, or severe illnesses. Generally if your child is not meeting typical vision milestones by around three or four months your pediatrician will refer your child to an ophthalmologist. Proper diagnosis cannot be made without a thorough exam from an ophthalmologist.
Visual Acuity
Visual Acuity may not be determined until your child is older. When doing an exam on an infant, ophthalmologists often use visual acuity cards. Basically these are large posters of black and white lines. Infants see high contrast, black and white items the best. The cards will start off with very thick black lines and each card will have gradually thinner black lines. The thicker the line, the easier it is for an infant to see. By observing how your infant tracks these cards, your ophthalmologist can determine more about your infant’s visual acuity.
Dealing with the shock
There is no easy way to deal with finding out your child is blind or has a significant vision issue. Usually the diagnosis comes as a shock. Even if you are aware that there is a problem, actually hearing the words that your child may be blind or partially blind is emotionally crushing. Talking to others parents going through the same thing will help some. Educating yourself on the subject matter will also help. Not knowing what to expect is one of the most difficult aspects of having a vision impaired child. With most conditions your ophthalmologist can’t give you a perfect idea of how well your child will be able to see in the future. Once your child starts being able to communicate well, you will have a better idea of the severity of your child’s condition.
Coping with family members and friends
Not only do parents have to deal with their own emotions but also they have to handle the reaction of their family and friends. Sometimes family members can say things to make the situation worse, questioning your prenatal care, dismissing the problem as not as severe as you are telling them, or giving you unwanted advice. You may hear things like “well you can just get him glasses”, or “you know they have surgeries for that”. Even as you try to educate them on the subject, often times they have their own beliefs. Sometimes it is best to keep the discussions to a minimum if they are not supportive or helpful to you.
What to do next
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Helpful links:
Albinism- NOAH
The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation
Nystagmus – American Nystagmus Network
Optic Nerve Hypoplasia/ Septo Optic Dysplasia – Focus Families
Retinopathy of Prematurely
The Association for Retinopathy of
Prematurity and Related Diseases
Blindness and low vision
National Association for Parents of Children with Visual Impairments

Health 5

Jump and Run – The Horrors of The Male Physical!

For all you ladies out there, if you want to know one of the things we men fear most, it’s physicals.
Yes, y’all heard me right, physicals. The yearly physical. Since I’m closing in on fifty like an all-you-can-eat buffet diner closes in on the soft serve, it’s time for me to start getting yearly physicals. And with that in mind, I went ahead and got one today, and I survived it, but it’s no walk through the roses, let me tell you for sure. Other than a vasectomy, there’s nothing that pushes the humiliation envelope higher up for men than a complete physical does. In order for all you ladies to better understand our fears, and in the hope of gaining sympathy for men everywhere, this week we’re gonna take the components of the male physical, lay them all out for y’all to see, and then discuss them. After we do that you ladies will better understand our reluctance to get one. As an upfront word of caution, most of you men out there will wince at some of these items, but I think it’s important that you ladies have this once in a lifetime enlightenment opportunity. So, with all that being said, here are the major components of the male physical:

The Weigh-In – If you’ve recently been hitting the Krispy Kremes pretty hard, this is not a good item to begin with. What makes it all the worse is that the scale the doctor typically uses almost always has a big face with large numbers on it, and it is not uncommon for the nurse to weigh you and say, right out loud, “Looks like two hundred and thirty pounds for you, honey.” If you happen to only be five foot five, this can be a tad embarrassing.
The Urine Specimen – Nothing’s all that bad about this per se, except for the fact that you’re not allowed to drink coffee right before the physical which means that all you can have is water that morning. It’s murder on our caffeine addicted bodies, but we have to do it, and it does psychologically prepare us for some of the other sweet experiences coming up…experiences like…
The Interrogation- At this point, your physician approaches you, greets you warmly, and then asks if any of your family members happen to be bed wetters or serial droolers. The ostensible purpose of this is for you to let your doctor know your family’s medical history so that he can treat you better, but it’s still pretty harrowing. If nothing else, it sets you up for the next tender experience, which is…
Hammer Time – For some unknown reason, at this point your doctor will hit you with a hammer all over your knees and ankles. With a metal hammer, I might add. The reason he’ll give you for doing this is that he’s checking your reflexes, but I think it’s really done in order to provide a few moments of laughter for the doctor. Nothing like some humour to settle him down before the “big three” components of the physical, its true main events, which happen to be:

Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Checking the man out for prostate problems.
Drawing blood to run a bunch of other tests.
Modesty forbids me describing any of these items in great detail, especially the first and second ones, but I’ll bet a hundred dollars to a doughnut that most of you men out there who are reading this are suppressing any urge that you might have to cough, and I’ll also bet that your legs are crossed tighter than Jack Benny. These parts of the male physical experience are enough to make you reflect on whether or not you might want to consider taking your chances with the diseases or problems that cause these personal “inspections.” Frankly, I’d rather cut my lawn with my teeth than have to endure them, and just thinking about what all goes on is making my legs hurt as I type this.
So ladies, there you have it, the scoop on one of the male’s greatest fears, the yearly physical. And please don’t give us any static about the demands of giving birth in order to counterbalance this. All of us men appreciate the fact that having kids is a rough, gritty business, but at least you ladies are physically designed to somehow get through it. We men, on the other hand, are ill equipped to deal with some of the invasive horrors inherent in our yearly physicals. And now, as abrupt as it may seem, I have to go as I need to shut down my computer before someone female comes in and reads these last few lines…

Health 5

Joint Discomfort Has No Age

(ARA) – It can happen at any time and at any age. Strenuous activity, whether from jogging, a set of tennis or even gardening, can cause joint stiffness and discomfort, limiting range of motion and decreasing mobility among younger people as well as those who are more mature.
But it doesn’t have to be that way. There are several ways to keep joints healthy and flexible so that you can continue to enjoy favorite activities.
Although many people have relied on analgesics, which only offer temporary relief, there are natural supplements that can offer long term benefits and help to promote healthier joints. Two nutrients in specific — glucosamine and chondroitin — have been shown to improve the structure and function of joints and cartilage. Both are nutrients that occur naturally in the body. Glucosamine helps the body to manufacture the building blocks of cartilage and help keep cartilage lubricated and maintain its slippery texture. Chondroitin helps attract and hold fluid in the cartilage, inhibiting the activity of harmful enzymes that break down cartilage.
As our bodies age, the ability to produce some of the nutrients necessary for cartilage building declines. That’s where nutritional supplementation can help. In a 1999 study, the combination of glucosamine and chondroitin was effective in preventing the progression of cartilage loss.
Today, there is a wide variety of glucosamine and chondroitin nutritional supplements available. Osteo Bi-Flex, for instance, is one of the most popular and carries the distinction of being the nutritional supplement most doctors recommend for joint health.* Additionally, it offers a complete range of dosage forms and formulas to suit every preference, including exclusive smaller, easier-to-swallow caplets, a unique triple strength formulation for convenience, popular softgels, a fast-acting formula and great tasting soft fruit chews. There’s even a specialized Osteo Bi-Flex formula designed to meet the joint care needs of high-performance activity.
Although there is no “magic bullet” to alleviate the discomfort and stiffness associated with joint problems, to get the greatest benefit from the use of nutritional supplements whatever your age, you should follow a program involving several lifestyle changes:

Shed extra pounds to reduce stress on your joints. Your health care provider can give you tips on the best ways to trim calories and inches.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Learn to lift properly, using your legs instead of your back. Lift and carry smaller objects in the palm of your hand instead of with your fingers, and when possible, slide objects instead of lifting them.
Maintain good posture. When standing, keep legs shoulder-distance apart for balance and support, tuck your buttocks in and keep your shoulders back. When sitting, use a small pillow to support your lower back if necessary, and keep your hips, knees and feet at 90-degree angles.
Move. Don’t stay in one position for too long. Shift your weight and stretch occasionally to keep joints from becoming stiff.
Use a pillow that supports your neck to reduce stress around the neck and shoulders while sleeping.

The Arthritis Foundation also recommends incorporating relaxation into your daily routine to help relieve both mental and physical stress. Deep breathing, meditation or “guided imagery” tapes are commonly used methods. Finding a relaxation technique that works for you is a highly personal decision, but the rewards of making relaxation part of your routine are plentiful.
For additional information on Osteo Bi-Flex, visit For information on arthritis and joint health, visit the Arthritis Foundation’s Web site at
* Based on the results of the National Drug and Therapeutic Index syndicated report among physicians who recommend a branded glucosamine supplement, March 2001.

Health 5

It’s Never Too Late to Prevent Osteporosis

Calcium – a key element in the fight
(ARA) – Osteoporosis, a chronic disease that results in the deterioration of bone mineral density, affects nearly 28 million Americans — 2 million of which are men. Despite these staggering numbers, this disease is often preventable.
Though osteoporosis has been thought of as a disease that affects mostly women, 5-6 million men are at risk of developing this disease each year and the risks increase with age. This year alone 80,000 men will suffer from hip fractures and one-third of these men will die within a year. It has also been estimated that direct and indirect costs associated with osteoporosis are $12-14 billion annually.
The leading causes of osteoporosis in men are:

Heavy use of alcohol
Steroid usage
Hypogonadism (loss of male hormone)
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Additional causes of osteoporosis (in both men and women) include:

Genetics/family history
Lack of weight-bearing exercises
Inadequate calcium intake throughout life

Your Prescription Medication is Not Enough
With such alarming numbers, the National Institutes of Health and the National Osteoporosis Foundation have recommended that treatment of osteoporosis with any drug therapy also requires sufficient calcium and vitamin D to achieve optimal benefits. Studies have shown that you can triple your medication’s bone-building benefits if you get the recommended 1,200 milligrams of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D daily. But, according to a recent survey, only 30 percent of women are taking calcium and vitamin D with their osteoporosis medication.
According to national studies, we are not getting enough calcium in our daily diet. While foods such as milk, broccoli, kale, beans and cheese are primary sources of calcium, large quantities of these foods would need to be eaten in order to get the right amount of calcium. A single serving of dairy provides only about 300 mg of calcium and up to 100 IU of vitamin D.
Because the average woman only gets about half the recommended daily requirement of calcium through her diet, patients who are on therapy for osteoporosis need a calcium and vitamin D supplement. “It’s generally acknowledged that we don’t get enough calcium through our diet, so it’s a good idea for most adults, particularly those patients on osteoporosis therapy or at risk for osteoporosis, to take a calcium supplement such as Citracal + D,” advises Dr. Miriam Nelson, associate professor of Nutrition and director of the Center for Physical Fitness at the School of Nutrition Science and Policy at Tufts University, and author of “Strong Women, Strong Bones.”
Choosing a Supplement That’s Right for You
Research has determined that different types of calcium supplement formulations (carbonate, phosphate and citrate) are absorbed in different ways by the body. The most widely available over-the-counter calcium supplements are formulated primarily from calcium carbonate, which is relatively insoluble.
Though calcium carbonate usually contains the highest concentration of calcium by weight, a study published in The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology shows that calcium carbonate is not readily available to the body. A study conducted by Howard J. Heller, M.D., assistant professor, Center for Mineral Metabolism and Clinical Research at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, indicates that the tablet formulation of calcium citrate in the form of Citracal was more bioavailable than calcium carbonate in the form of Os-Cal, even when given with a meal.
Dr. Nelson explains, “Calcium citrate does not require stomach acids for absorption as does calcium carbonate. This is an added benefit for older women who do not produce much stomach acid between meals. When combining the ease of absorption when taken with or without a meal and the vital Vitamin D component by which calcium turns into bone, calcium citrate supplements such as Citracal + D are a simple way to maintain the bone mass you’ve built.”
Here are Some Tips to Prevent Osteoporosis:

Eat calcium-rich foods, such as dairy, broccoli, kale, and beans
Moderate your intake of alcohol
Don’t use steroids
If you smoke, quit
Take a daily ten-minute walk as a form of weight-bearing exercise

For more information on osteoporosis, please visit Mission Pharmacal’s Web site at

Health 5

Isoflavones Help Alleviate Menopausal Symptoms

However, Independent Study Finds That All Isoflavone Supplements are Not Created Equal
(ARA) – As baby boomers age, large numbers of women are entering menopause. Doctors often prescribe hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to alleviate symptoms associated with menopause. However, more and more women prefer to try other therapies as an alternative to conventional HRT.
“Many women are turning to products containing phytoestrogens in an attempt to reduce menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, as well as slow the rate of bone loss and reduce cholesterol,” said Lila Nachtigall, M.D., professor of OBGYN at the New York University School of Medicine, and director of the NYU Medical Center’s Women’s Wellness Center. “Phytoestrogens come from plants including soybeans and red clover. Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen that resembles human estrogen. They may help offset the drop in estrogen and regulate its fluctuations that occur at menopause.”
Because it is difficult for a woman who eats a typical American diet to consume enough isoflavones through food alone, many women turn to supplements to get to beneficial levels. According to the National Consumers League, women in the United States spend approximately $200 million per year on non-prescription dietary supplement therapies for menopausal symptoms.
Unfortunately, it can be almost impossible for consumers to know what they are getting in their supplements.
Recent studies show that many dietary supplements are mislabeled and have different amounts of active ingredients from what the manufacturer claims on the label. Unfortunately, according to a recent study, this practice holds true for some dietary supplements containing isoflavone-based ingredients. The results of an independent study, funded by the National Institute of Health, were reported in a recent peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Nutrition. To confirm that the manufacturers label claims were accurate the study analyzed the isoflavone content of known active phystoestrogens for 33 products sold in the U.S.
“It is evident that for a high proportion of these products, the consumer should have little confidence in what they are purchasing,” say the authors of the study.
“These supplements are intended to provide phytoestrogen support to women,” said Dr. Nachtigall.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Women taking many of these products may be receiving phytoestrogens well below effective levels and possibly of no true benefit. “Our studies of a selection of commercially available over-the-counter phytoestrogen supplements show that there is a wide variation in composition and that no two supplements appear to be the same. This poses some difficulties for the consumer as to what supplement is ‘best’ to purchase,” according to the study.
Promensil, manufactured by Australia-based Novogen, contains isoflavones derived from specially cultivated red clover. Promensil is standardized to deliver the claimed dose in every tablet. Products that are not standardized can vary significantly in the amount of active ingredient. Additionally Promensil provides four important dietary plant estrogens: formononetin, biochanin and the two contained in soy: genistein and daidzein.
The NIH-funded study also found that a number of the labels for the supplements promote soy content, and yet only a very small percentage of content appears to come from soy plants. A close review of the labels reveals that many contain isoflavones derived from kudzu (often identified by its Latin name, pueraaria lobata root extract). While there may be some soy isoflavones in these products, the major source of isoflavones is likely kudzu, the pest plant seen strangling natural vegetation in the Southern United States.
Consumers need to be informed to ensure they are making wise health decisions, including the safe and effective use of dietary supplements. Promensil can be purchased in the dietary supplement section of pharmacies and health food stores nationwide. For more information on Promensil, call (877) 4-1-Promensil (417-7663).

Health 5

Is Sleep Apnea Killing Your Marriage?

Sleep Apnea or Obstructive Sleep Apnea as it is sometimes called, usually involves loud snoring as one of the symptoms. Anyone that has ever slept with a snoring partner knows that it can be seriously disruptive to one’s own sleep. But what effect, long term, does it have on a marriage? It is a common situation in many marriages and apparently has more impact than many couples think.
Obviously the experience of sleeping with a loud snoring partner is not positive, but what can be done? This is the question that The Sleep Disorders Center at Rush University Medical Center recently set out to ask and hopefully solve. In doing so, they hope to save marriages that might be in danger of divorce due to this cronic, ongoing struggle to get enough rest at night….and all the interpersonal implications of not achieving a balanced level of sleep.
The Center is currently evaluating 10 couples in which the male has been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea. The couples begin by completing surveys about sleepiness, marriage satisfaction and quality of life. After this step the couples spend the night in the Center’s sleep lab where technicians determine each partner’s quantity and quality of sleep.
Two weeks after these tests, and treatment, the couple repeats a night’s sleep in the sleep lab for comparison purposes. The results have been very interesting and mostly positive.
According to press releases from the Center, the early results show that there is indeed a significant impact on the wife’s quality and quantity of sleep. It is termed a serious problem that does indeed lead to a hostile and tense situation within the marriage.
In one example cited, the husband’s snoring was arousing the wife out of sleep over eight times an hour. Her sleep efficiency rating (the percentage of time she was actually asleep) was 73%. The average person’s sleep efficiency is closer to 90%.
In this example, the wife had attempted to use ear plugs, earphones and had finally given up and started to sleep alone.
To treat the husband, the Center used a device known as a continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP). This machine is non-invasive and the flow of air it delivers prevents the upper airway from collapsing during sleep, allowing the lungs to perform normally.
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022Obviously on every level, this treatment had made great strides for the couple and showed promise in other situations.
The Rush Center is continuing tests expected to be completed in April 2006. The Center will evaluate the results and expand on the information being provided to the public.
Their press release is very specific about the measures taken as each couple enters the program. As stated “…both the husband and wife undergo simultaneous polysomonography, a sleep test that monitors brain activity, eye movements, muscle activity, heart rate and rhythms, breathing patterns, blood oxygen level and body movements and respiratory sounds. All sensors are noninvasive and do not cause pain or discomfort.
The study involves first diagnosing the sleep apnea. The husband will sleep alone in the center as technicians monitor his sleep. If he has sufficient sleep apnea, he will undergo a split night study to determine the appropriate CPAP treatment.
Sleep apnea is a serious health problem that should be treated. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the tissue in the back of the throat collapses and blocks the airway. The breathing pause lasts at least 10 seconds and can occur 10 or more times an hour. Apnea lowers the oxygen level in the blood leaving the patient vulnerable to hypertension, stroke and other cardiovascular problems.
Obstructive sleep apnea can occur in men and women of any age; however, it is most common in obese, middle-aged men. The most common signs of sleep apnea are loud snoring, choking or gasping during sleep, and fighting sleepiness during the day. In addition to continuous positive airway pressure, treatment includes losing weight, sleeping on your side instead of your back, avoiding alcohol and tobacco.”

Health 5

Is Penis Enlargement Safe?

Yes it is 100% safe, obviously you have to be careful and avoid the dangerous techniques. Apart from when I did weights and stretches I never had any injuries while doing the natural penis enlargement and the pills. Below I re-iterate the techniques to avoid.
Studies have shown that most men are interested in penis enlargement. In fact these studies show that most men are not satisfied with their penis length or their sexual performance. They are also dissatisfied with the firmness of the erect penis, but are unwilling to talk with their doctor about what they perceive as a problem.
Many men are convinced that their penis is not large enough to satisfy their lover. This leads to an overall lack of confidence when making love, and this lack of confidence often leads to a softer erection, which feeds the problem by often leading to feelings of inadequacy. This can even lead to relationship problems as these feelings take root and deepen.
Feeling that you are an unsatisfactory lover leads to a lack of desire to have sex, which the woman in your life may interpret as sexual rejection. This can lead to further misunderstanding regarding sex and the relationship, and often leads to serious problems between couples.
The adult entertainment industry is full of ads for products and programs for the enlargement of the penis. The products include pills, creams and sprays that claim they will cause penis growth. These claims range from the scientific to the outrageous. Below we talk about penis enlargement methods that DO NOT WORK:
Enlargement Creams
Over the last few years, advertisements have been popping up for creams that claim that they will enlarge the penis with regular use. Do they work? Medical evidence has demonstrated that no topical preparation can do more for you than to increase blood flow in the area, which may aid in other programs and may also assist in erection firmness, but these preparations can do nothing on their own to promote actual penis enlargement.
Penis Pumps
Click here for more information on The Best Ways to Delete WhatsApp Images on the Laptop 2022. Or click here if you’re looking for information on What Does a Chest Compression Feedback Device Monitor 2022There is no actual medical evidence that penis pumps cause any actual increase in the size of the penis. Some men may even find that if they use a penis pump over a period of time that they will be unable to get an erection without using the pump.
Using Weights
Men have used this method of penis enlargement for hundreds of years. Basically you hang weight from your penis in order to stretch it. Many ancient and tribal people practiced this method. Does it work? Over time, with regular use, you can achieve greater length using this method. The drawbacks include a thinner penis, and because of the stretched tissue, often less ability to achieve and maintain an erection.
This method can also cause decrease in blood circulation to the penis, which can lead to serious problems including tissue damage.
Enlargement Surgery
Surgery is a big step, and an expensive one. More importantly, it can lead to serious complications like infection. It can also lead to scar tissue formation which can cause a misshapen penis. A common form of penis enlargement surgery involves taking your body fat and injecting a small amount into the penis. This does not cause significant change in length, although it can make a difference in girth.
Some men have the connective tissue at the top of their penis cut, which does not actually enlarge the penis, but does cause it to jut further out from the body. Of course, having less support, your penis will not stand up as far from your body as it did previous to the surgery.
Penis surgery doesn’t change your ability to get an erection, or the firmness of that erection. This is caused by blood flow in the penis.
Enlargement pills – 99% of these are rip-off pills which are nothing more than vitamin pills, some do work but be careful of which ones you do choose

Health 5

Is Modern Life Hurting Your Health?

How often have you said to yourself, “I wish things would slow down”? “I wish life was simpler!”
Modern life can be taxing. Today we live faster, work more, and have less free time than ever before. In addition, our ‘conveniences’ often come at the expense of the purity of our environment.
It’s no wonder we are the ‘stress generation’. Did you know that you hear more news in one DAY that your great-grandparents heard in an entire year? One day!
Combine the stress caused by too much information with the changes in our environment and the food we eat and you end up with a losing combination.
What can we do to fight back against the unseen environmental factors that rob us of our health and peace of mind?
Here are the top three environmental factors that have a negative impact on your life and what you can do about each.
1. Air pollution
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The good news is that this is a problem with several solutions. Today we have a wide variety of air filters from which to choose. Ranging from those that simply filter our air to more expensive models that ‘treat’ the air, be sure you get a filter that traps super-small particles and defends against ozone as well. And change your filter often. Experts now recommend changing filters up to once a week.
You may not be able to change the air outside but you can make a difference in the air your family breaths when they are in your home.
2. Water pollution.
If you remember high-school science, you will remember that there is no new water. That’s right, the water you drank today is completely re-circulated from the clouds above. Makes air pollution take on a completely new meaning, doesn’t it?
Water is essential to life. When NASA speaks about the possibility of life existing on Mars or any other planet, what they look for is whether that planet has or has ever had water. The majority of the human body is made of water. We cannot live without it.
Like our air, our water is polluted with chemicals and toxins from various sources in the environment.
Thankfully, water filtration is sophisticated. Having an effective home water filtration system is within the reach of virtually everyone.
Whether you choose a ‘whole house’ filter or one that runs from the faucet, be sure that the particle size that it filters is sufficiently small. Look specifically to see that your filter will remove contaminants like lead, mercury, and asbestos.
3. Chemical Residue
If our air and water are both polluted, where does that leave our homes? By cleaning up the air we breath and the water we drink, we are on the road to providing a safer environment for our families. However, we’re not there yet.
Every surface in our home collects dust, dirt, germs, and grease that need cleaning regularly. That’s no problem, you say! You can just pick up your handy dandy bottle of all-purpose chemical cleaner and begin, wait, did you say chemical cleaner?
We filter chemicals out of our air and water and then put them right back into our home environment by cleaning every surface in our home with chemical cleaners, exposing our families to their vapors in the process.
Modern advancements come to the rescue in the area of cleaning as well. For the first time, we have easy access to methods of cleaning that will do a great job without bringing us the chemicals and toxins that we don’t want.
In each area of household cleaning you undertake, be sure to choose products that won’t leave a chemical residue or strong chemical odors in the air. Your health and your lungs will thank you.
By making a few simple changes, you can have a permanent impact on your life and the lives of your family members. Why not start today? Take back your peace of mind and begin the journey to happier and healthier lives.