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Common Arthritic Pain Relief Cream Components

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A pain relief cream is a popular choice in soothing and relieving joint pain caused by arthritis. Some of the common components of arthritic pain relief creams include salicylate, NSAID, capsaicin, emu oil, menthol, and eucalyptus oil. This article provides an overview of the common components of arthritic pain creams.

pain relief cream

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Arthritis is a common condition characterized by joint pain and inflammation. If you are suffering from arthritis, there are several ways by which you can relieve the pain it causes. A popular option is by applying an arthritic pain relief cream. Since most arthritis creams available in the market are topical, they often produce instant results. However, with the variety of pain relief creams in the market, each with its own active painkilling ingredient, choosing one can be tough. Below are some of the most common components of pain relief creams available today:


One of the most popular components of arthritic pain creams is salicylate, an ingredient found in aspirin. Salicylate can enter the bloodstream and produce the same effects as an orally ingested aspirin. Although salicylate-based creams are effective, they should be avoided by anyone taking blood-thinning medicines or is allergic to aspirin.


Nonsteriodal anti-inflammatory drugs are also common ingredients found in pain relief creams, particularly those that target athletes as their main consumers. NSAID-based pain relief creams are available only through prescription since their active ingredients may cause side effects. As it is, if you are thinking of using an NSAID-based pain relief cream, talk to your doctor first.


Capsaicin is a popular ingredients in most natural pain relief creams. An ingredient found in chili peppers, capsaicin works by ridding the nerve cells of pain-inducing Substance P. Pain relief creams with capsaicin work best when applied on the knees, fingers, and elbows. Although highly effective in soothing joint pain caused by arthritis, capsaicin-based creams can irritate and cause burining sensations in the eye and mouth areas. Thus, it is essential that you wash your hands properly after applying capsaicin creams. If the cream is applied to your hands, wearing mittens or gloves are strongly recommended. Alternatively, you can wait for 30 minutes or so until the cream is fully absorbed before washing your hands. Applying capsaicin creams to broken skin or using a heat pad after is a no-no. Breastfeeding mothers and those allergic to chilies are also advised to avoid using capsaicin creams.

Emu Oil

Creams that use emu oil as their active ingredients are usually pricier since authentic emu oils are imported from Australia. Creams with emu oil are very effective against joint pain with no severe side effects. Emu oil creams get absorbed easily, thus, providing quick relief.

Eucalyptus Oil or Menthol

Aside from heat, cold therapy also works well against joint pain. Using creams with menthol or eucalyptus oils as active ingredients is a convenient way of providing your joints with a cooling sensation. Eucalyptus oil or menthol-based creams works well for mild arthritic pain but they must be applied at frequent intervals. Like capsaicin, these creams must not be used near the eyes or mouth.

There are different pain relief creams for arthritis and choosing one that best suits your needs and lifestyle is essential in ensuring maximum efficiency. Take note of the advantages and disadvantages of each active ingredient to find out which is the best one for you.