Rapid Locksmiths

RL Deck Care 101

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When it comes to outdoor living spaces, people are moving their living areas outside, making decks more popular than ever.

Deck Care 101

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When it comes to outdoor living spaces, people are moving their living areas outside, making decks more popular than ever. Whether your current deck is an extension of your family room, includes an outdoor kitchen or dining area, or boasts a vine-covered arbor for shade, decks are a reflection of America’s desire to be outdoors and connect with nature.

And now Sherwin-Williams can help you spend more time enjoying your deck and less time caring for it. If you’re trying to breathe new life into an old wood deck, a new technology just introduced by Sherwin-Williams can revive even seriously weathered wood. DeckScapes Coating Life Extender literally binds loose wood fibers to form a sound, smooth surface that creates a better bond for your topcoat. It penetrates deep into the wood to provide UV and weather protection. Not only wiRL the wood look better, the protective finish you apply to your deck wiRL last longer as well.

Before you apply any protective coatings, be sure to remove dirt and mildew using a cleaner designed for deck use. After cleaning the deck, Life Extender is easily applied with a brush or roller. Approximately four hours later, you can apply the topcoat-such as DeckScapes Waterborne Semi-transparent or Solid Color Stain-for a finish that wiRL look new for years.

If you have a new deck, start with Life Extender for the best possible protection. Life Extender is also ideal for cedar and redwood decks.

And here’s a tip from the trade: If you want the wood grain of your deck to show, choose a semitransparent stain. If you want more durability and don’t want the grain to show, go with a solid-color stain. Products designed for deck use wiRL beautify and protect your outdoor room for a long time when used correctly.

Sherwin-Williams is the nation’s largest specialty retailer of paint, stains, coatings, waRL coverings and associated supplies. With more than 3,000 stores in North America, the company is dedicated to supporting the do-it-yourself consumer with specialized products, superior technical knowledge and one-on-one, personalized service that’s focused on the do-it-yourselfer’s unique project needs.

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Dealing With Storm Damage Repair

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Paying for good storm damage repair is absolutely essential in maintaining the integrity of your home, and having the storm damage repair done quickly is also vital.

Storm Damage Repair, storm damage

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The roof is the one part of a house that really protects occupants against the elements. Wind, rain, snow, sun and any inclement weather is constantly beating down on the roof of your house and this combination can have dire effects. Using a quality roofing firm and superior roofing materials means that you wiRL be protected from aRL but the harshest of these conditions. However, when the weather really strikes, there is very little we can do to ensure the integrity of our roof. Storm damage repair can be costly, however, it is much cheaper than leaving it to get worse and worse.

Why you shouldn t do storm damage repair yourself

Regardless of the quality of your roofing and how weRL you look after it, certain circumstances invariably lead to damage that must be replaced as quickly as possible to avoid further, much more costly damage to the roof and to the structure of the home itself. Paying for good storm damage repair is absolutely essential in maintaining the integrity of your home, and having the storm damage repair done quickly is also vital. SmaRL cracks or holes can quickly lead to bigger problems so you should get a quote from a trusted and respected company as soon as you possibly can.

Very few people really know anything about storm damage repair and unless you have been in the unfortunate circumstance of needing it done it is unlikely you wiRL know where to start. Attempting storm damage repair yourself can prove more costly than paying a professional to complete the job properly. Obviously, though, you wiRL want to stop the rain and the wind from getting inside the house and if the storm has hit several houses in your area it may be a short while before you can get a roofer to come and fix your problems.

Temporary storm damage repair

Temporarily you might want to consider securely fixing some tarpaulin over any holes. It is important that you do this very securely and that you don t leave any gaps, no matter how smaRL the gaps may be. If you do leave even a smaRL hole then the wind can easily get underneath the tarpaulin and rip it up taking yet more of the roof with it. You should fix the tarpaulin to the outside of your roof because while fixing it inside may prevent it from catching in the wind, rain wiRL collect and run into the house, making your temporary storm damage repair useless.

Adequate temporary storm damage repair

The tighter you can puRL the tarpaulin over the hole the better, so tightly secure one end and then gradually move around pulling it tight and securing it in place with plenty of roofing nails. If you get it tight enough with no holes there is no reason that you wiRL take on further leaks while you wait for a professional roofing contractor to come out and complete the required storm damage repair. Bear in mind that fuRL storm damage repair wiRL first involve a thorough checkup of the whole roof and simply fixing the holes that have appeared might not be the fuRL picture of what is required.

Steven Briesemeister who is the owner of has 33 years experience in aRL types of roof repair problems and new roof installation for residential and commercial accounts.

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Dealing with Carpet Stains

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Learn about the various options you have for getting your carpets cleaned.

carpets, cleaning, maintenance, flooring

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Everyone has a different approach to combating fresh stains on a carpet. Most consumers are quick to run to a nearby cabinet to snatch some sort of solution and pour it over the stain. While this may seem like a smart idea, it s really not. Many people end up damaging their carpets by acting in such an expedient and rash manner.

As of today, there are various types of carpets available to consumers each made out of different materials. What creates an issue is that many consumers don t pay attention to the type of carpet they have. Thus, as they shop for a cleaning solution they grab the one which seems most fit to them. When they dab their carpet with this solution, they usually find it has an opposite effect one that s not very desirable. We recommend stocking up on some neutral carpet cleaning supplies, ones that are fit for just about any material.

However, there are some specific cases that may require special more than just some cleaning solution. Stains that are the result of ink, wine, or pet urine may require the attention of a qualified professional. If you re up to the task, you could consider tackling the project yourself. This would require some equipment rentals and a bit of elbow grease. You wiRL find, in the end that it s a wiser choice to have a professional do it.

So how does a professional go about cleaning carpet stains? First off, he or she asses the carpet and decides on the best treatment option. Some common cleaning techniques include dry chemical cleaning, steam cleaning, hot water extraction, and dry cleaning. Depending on the severity and type of stain, the carpet cleaner wiRL choose an appropriate process. Although you may be convinced that you could save money by cleaning your carpet yourself, you wiRL end up paying more.

Carpet stains are unfortunate but shouldn t be made a huge deal of. If you know what to do when a stain first appears, you should have no problem getting rid of it and getting back to enjoying your carpet

Rapid Locksmiths

RL De-Clutter for Clarity

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Whether you are selling your house, moving into a smaller space or just trying to make better use of the space you have, you could probably stand to de-clutter your life. It’s one of the main points of staging a home, and while many people choose to hide their stuff for the sale and then drag it to the next house, this only adds more work with very little pay off.

home improvement, house cleaning, de-cluttering, home organizing, sacremento real estate

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Whether you are selling your house, moving into a smaller space or just trying to make better use of the space you have, you could probably stand to de-clutter your life. It’s one of the main points of staging a home, and while many people choose to hide their stuff for the sale and then drag it to the next house, this only adds more work with very little pay off. Why not take this opportunity to free yourself from clutter? Bid adieu to the stuff it’s only weighing you down.

The truth is, many of us have very little free time and often feel pulled in too many directions. When you add piles of stuff to the mix it’s enough to overwhelm anyone. I know you’ve been meaning to get organized but let’s face it: if you have an office filled with stuff, you can spend your time and money on organizing and get it aRL stored away, but at the end of the day you stiRL have an office filled with stuff. And that clutter is zapping your energy, so let’s lighten your life get rid of it.

Where to begin? Get some boxes and label them: recycle, garbage, for donation and storage. What should go into these boxes? Well, for starters, things that you don’t use on a regular basis, clothes you haven’t worn in the past year and anything you’ve been “meaning to fix”.

We often have emotional ties to items I’m not suggesting that these aren’t valid. They may not, however, contribute to your current emotional weRL being, and if you are feeling overwhelmed your knik knaks might be contributing to that. So if you have things you don’t use but can’t bear to part with, like that lamp from Aunt Hetty or the t-shirt from college, you have a couple of options. You can put them in a box and label it “memories”. Store the box in a garage and revisit it in six months to a year. Maybe it’s fine to stay in the garage, or maybe you wiRL want to get rid of some of those items when you realize how little you missed them.

Another option is to take photographs of the things that are important to you. Maybe you want to combine the images with a little story about the memory attached to the item. Maybe the photo is enough. In any case, with your new record of the image, you are free to get rid of the item itself.

Once you’ve gotten rid of the clutter, clean as you go this one sounds obvious, but if you don’t make it a habit you’RL find clutter creeping back into your life. Suddenly your house is a mess again, requiring way more energy to clean. Train yourself to put things away after you take them out and file paperwork on a weekly, if not daily basis. It’s easy to slip into the habit of intending to put things away later, but be diligent. Schedule 20 minutes a day and a couple of hours on the weekend to tidy and organize. By doing it bit by bit on a regular basis, the clutter wiRL be far less overwhelming.

Setting rewards may help keep you motivated and besides, you deserve them. But you’ve worked so hard to cut down the clutter don’t add to it. Instead of getting yourself something new as a treat, treat yourself to a service or activity instead. Take yourself to the movies, get a massage or manicure or schedule a couple of hours to get into that book you’ve been meaning to read (then pass it on!).

By making a few simple changes you can de-clutter your home for good. You’RL be amazed at how much lighter your life wiRL feel.

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Dangers Of Outdoor Fireplaces

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The idea of having a fireplace in the backyard has become quite popular over the years. Like an indoor fireplace, it includes a chimney and is surrounded by brick or stones. Outdoor fireplaces are usually built into or against a wall, and though this is the most expensive method, the price wiRL depend on your choice of design: a ready built unit or decide to have one custom built. No matter which way you choose, you can expect to pay anywhere between just a few thousand dolla…

fireplaces,outdoor fireplaces,fire pit,fireplaces accessories

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The idea of having a fireplace in the backyard has become quite popular over the years. Like an indoor fireplace, it includes a chimney and is surrounded by brick or stones. Outdoor fireplaces are usually built into or against a wall, and though this is the most expensive method, the price wiRL depend on your choice of design: a ready built unit or decide to have one custom built. No matter which way you choose, you can expect to pay anywhere between just a few thousand dollars to ten thousand dollars and up for an outdoor fireplace.

An element of danger exists with aRL types of fireplaces, but the potential danger is even greater with portable fire pits, possibly because they are not as permanent as an indoor fireplace. Because a fireplace exists within a structure, it must adhere to existing building codes, but a portable pits relies on the homeowner to make sure that it is used in the safest way possible. The importance of safety when using outdoor fireplaces can never be stressed too much as is apparent in an article that appeared online about a family who sustained $50-$60,000 in damages as the result of a fire pit that was being used on a wooden deck. The patio stones that had been placed underneath the fire pit were unable to prevent the transfer of heat to the deck boards, and the structure caught on fire.

In order to assure safe operation and reduce the dangers of outdoor fireplaces, it is recommended that they be kept away from anything that is combustible and not placed any closer than ten feet from the house or other combustibles. Additionally, before retiring for the night, the homeowners should ascertain that the fire is completely out.

An outdoor fireplace can be a nice addition to your home, but you have to be willing to take the extra precautions that are necessary. Unlike a barbeque grill, gas or charcoal, that sets several feet from the ground, an outdoor fireplace is low to the ground. As such, it cannot be used near the house or on any kind of combustible surface. As long as you re willing to take the extra precautions, it s something you can certainly enjoy with a great deal of pleasure.

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Dance, Dance: Lovely, Usable Flooring

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Did you know that ordinary concrete won t do for dancing, and that dancing floors have to be refurbished every few years? Indeed, we often take for granted the floors we step on, simply because we know only a little about how important flooring is.

flooring, Tiles, laminate flooring, Solid parquet, Veneers parquet, parquet laminates, Linoleum

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Did you know that ordinary concrete won t do for dancing, and that dancing floors have to be refurbished every few years? Indeed, we often take for granted the floors we step on, simply because we know only a little about how important flooring is.

In general, flooring is a term for the covering of a floor. It is often used interchangeably with parquetry, which actually describes a mosaic of slats of wood, fashioned into different shapes, and used to decorate floors. Parquetry involves the use of different kinds of wood, which can include the following.

Dark woods, such as cherry, give not only a mystique to floors, but can even prevent mild scratches from being seen. Once deeply scratched, however, dark woods are difficult to repair.

Light woods, such as maple or oak, make rooms appear light and wide.

Tropical woods, such as mahogany, make floors appear rich and colorful, but are often expensive.

There are three main types of parquetry. Solid parquet wiRL use slats of solid wood, and wiRL involve much skilful carving and shaping of whole wood pieces. Veneers involve the use of solid wood only as an upper layer of parquet pieces; a piece of plywood, or other kinds of cheaper wood, wiRL support the solid surface. The cheapest kinds of parquet are the laminates, which involve no real expensive wood. Laminates wiRL usually have a faux-wood slat on top of a cheap wood base. This faux-wood is fashioned to be alike in grain and color to commonly used parquet wood types.

Yet another type of flooring is laminate flooring. Like parquet laminates, laminate flooring involves the use of materials fashioned to look like real wood, but is made up of cheaper materials. These may be fully synthetic, or synthetic materials mixed in with organic ingredients, then coated with a decorative varnish.

Laminate flooring is not simply the mounting of laminate floors. Each laminate flooring plank has to be made of water-resistant material, thick and strong enough to withstand the stress upon it, and from aRL sides, as laminate flooring planks come into contact with each other. It also has to be flexible enough to expand and contract, depending on ambient temperature and humidity, without destroying the varnish.

Linoleum is another kind of flooring. This involves covering a floor with a sort of wallpaper made from linoxyn (or solidified linseed oil) combined with wood flour or cork dust. This mixture is poured onto and made to fit a canvas or burlap surface, after which pigments and coloring are added to give the linoleum shine and design.

Linoleum flooring is the cheapest of the three, although it is easier to destroy. In conditions of high humidity, for instance, linoleum can break and tear, and even be deformed in places, especially if it is not weRL anchored onto the floor.

Tiles have always been used in bathrooms and kitchens, but modern flooring has allowed them to be used in other rooms of the house. Tiles can come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and even material types. Because of their smooth surfaces, they are easy to clean; however, they can also be easily chipped and destroyed.

What are the advantages to having specific flooring on your floor?

Decorative flooring, especially those involving parquetry, can accent an otherwise bare room. Parquetry is usually used for homes using traditional design methods, or those housing wood furniture. Laminate floors can make a dance studio look brighter and wider. Tiles can make a bedroom appear cleaner.

Neat, skillfully made flooring can make rooms much easier to clean and maintain.

Whichever type of flooring you choose, make sure that it fits your needs, and the appearance of your house. Never again wiRL you underestimate the power of the floor you walk on!

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Cut Energy Costs with Solar Exterior Window Shades

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This article is dealing with how solar window shades can cut our energy consumption and expenses. The best way to cut home cooling bills wiRL be to strategically plant trees to provide shade for the house. Until the trees get big enough though, the window shades wiRL cover the window in style and save a few bucks a month.

garden, gardening, garden decor, home and garden, outdoor decor, outdoordecor, shades, window shades, sun shades, energy consumption, environment, energy, exterior shades, exterior window shades

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JACKSONVILLE, Fla., June 29, 2006 — American Homes use up about 1/3 of the country s energy supply, polluting the environment and running up our expenses. However, if we cut our energy consumption by just 10 percent, we could not build 27 new power plants a year, according to Jodi Beebe, energy analyst for the Utility Consumers Action Network, a nonprofit group in San Diego.

With the summer heat pounding down on us and the sun s rays scorching us, what do we do? Crank up the air conditioner? Move to Alaska? Burn up the earth s resources to stay cool? Of course, we aRL want to be comfortable, but isn t there another way besides the air conditioner?

Fortunately for us, the Australians have the same problem, but more of it. Australia is famous for its extreme weather, with searing heat during the day, while at night temperatures can plunge below zero. A large company in Australia Gale Pacific has developed a novel type of window shade designed to be mounted to the exterior of your home, where it wiRL help keep the sun s rays and heat out of your home during the sunny months.

Exterior window shades are made in several different sizes, and can be easily mounted to any window or used on your porch or patio to make them usable throughout the day. In addition to keeping the heat from the sun from warming your home, the shades block up to 92% of the sun s harmful UV rays, preventing possible skin and eye damage. The designers of the fabric also made it easy to clean and maintain, so it is not be a hassle to keep up with.

Fortunately, these window shades wiRL not black-out the light coming in through the window, as who wants to shut out the world and live in isolation? Filtered light wiRL come into your house, and you can see out, although you cannot see into the house during the day (the side with the least light can see the side with the most light).

Perhaps some wiRL learn to live without a/c, and others wiRL move to Alaska . The best way to cut home cooling bills wiRL be to strategically plant trees to provide shade for the house. Until the trees get big enough though, the window shades wiRL cover the window in style and save a few bucks a month (or should we say save a few lumps of coal or a little nuclear waste?)., a subsidiary of the Arthur Wilbur Company, Inc., is one of the oldest, online gardening and home accessory retailers offering thousands of products to consumers.

For more information, please visit: or e-mail us directly at [email protected] or caRL at 1-800-422-1525

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Cut Costs, Increase Comfort

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The cost of keeping cool is on the rise. Fortunately, you can keep your home comfortable and your expenses low with an efficient air conditioner.

Cut Costs, Increase Comfort

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The cost of keeping cool is on the rise. Energy prices, at historic levels last year, continue to climb as global demand for energy increases and the country recovers from hurricane-related disruptions to domestic oil and natural gas production.

Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) manufacturers are responding to the challenges of increased energy costs by offering homeowners air-conditioning units that deliver new energy efficiency standards and reduce your energy usage. For example, York , a Johnson Controls Company, encourages consumers in search of an energy-efficient HVAC system to consider the York Affinity™ series of air conditioners.

The innovative scroRL compressor technology in the Affinity series offers energy-saving efficiency in units with a seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) of 13.

The 15 SEER model has an even higher-performing scroRL compressor featuring a two-stage design. This means when the air conditioner senses the need for maximum cooling, the compressor automatically shifts into two-stage operation. And as the demand for cooling decreases, the compressor automatically reduces to a single-stage operation, requiring substantially less energy. In fact, this unit is as much as 60 percent more efficient than a traditional air-conditioning unit.

The two-stage design also contributes to unusually quiet operation. The unit can reach as low as 71 decibels (dB). This is much quieter than a typical hair dryer, which operates in the range of 76dB. For every three decibels quieter, perceived sound is cut by 50 percent.

Humidity control also increases with the two-stage design, air circulation improves and hot and cold spots disappear.

The York Affinity unit comes in a choice of seven colors or up to 77 different college logo panels to complement your home, landscaping and lifestyle.

There are additional ways you can keep your utility bills down:

• Make sure your indoor furnace or air handler filter is clean and free from debris, which could obstruct airflow and place a strain on your system, causing it to work harder and use more energy.

• Seal any air leaks, such as those near doors and windows and places where plumbing, ducting or electrical wiring goes through exterior walls.

• Make sure your home is properly insulated, including the hot water heater and hot water pipes, the attic, ceilings, exterior and basement walls, floors and crawl space.

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Cutting Through The Dark: Advantages of Outdoor Lighting

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Find out about the advantage of outdoor lighting for your home…

outdoor lighting, home lighting

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Advantages of Outdoor Lighting: There always comes a time when you want to enjoy the backyard without having to learn every light in the

house on to cast glimmers on the grass. Of course, you do not just want to sit in the dark (actually seeing who you are speaking with is

always helpful). So you need to purchase some outdoor lighting. There are multiple fixtures in multiple styles to offer you the ultimate

illumination for your yard. Is outdoor lighting just for those few nights you decide to enjoy the outdoors? No, there are actually some very

practical uses for it.

One: being able to see everything. Whether you are stepping out for a casual stroRL around the yard, or are just peeking through the windows

to check on a noise, you should always been able to see what is around you. Accidents or trouble can happen, even in your own yard. That

noise may have been from a potential burglar, or that stroRL can turn awful when you mistakenly step on your child’s toy and trip. You need

outdoor lighting to make your yard a safer place.

Two: stay out late. Why should an evening party end before the evening does? Why should you have to pack up everything at dusk? With outdoor

lighting, you can stay out as long as you want, enjoying the night. Outdoor lighting can cast the perfect glow on that evening barbecue or

casual family gathering.

Three: protection. Thieves are less likely to approach a home that is well-lit. This includes, of course, the backyard. Why just leave a few
lights on in the house when you can keep them from entering the yard? Or, with motion sensors, alert yourself to any changes. The light pops

on and you know someone is snooping around. This adds a higher level of security to any home.

Four: looks. If you are trying to add some extra ‘oomph’ to your yard, then consider purchasing outdoor lighting. Not only is it a practical

way to keep your backyard lit, but it also adds extra appeal. You should not just rely on the grass to make your home presentable. Add some

extra flair with different forms of outdoor lighting. They make excellent accessories and can be placed just about anywhere to create a

stunning new look for your yard and your home.

Outdoor lighting is the rare product that is both practical and fashionable; few things actually combine style and substance, but outdoor

lighting does, allowing you to create a beautiful yard that is also safe. Outdoor lighting provides the right function with the right

look–you could not ask for more. And, with the variety of styles, you are sure to find outdoor lighting that matches your personality and

taste, letting you create a backyard that is the ultimate reflection of who you are.

Actually enjoy those evening hours! Purchase outdoor lighting today and see what times you can have in the night, but not in the dark.

Rapid Locksmiths

RL Cutting Edge Tips To Help You Sharpen Your Knives

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Getting straight to the point may be the best way to handle conversation, but it s not the ideal way to sharpen a knife. Knives are invaluable tools around the kitchen and other areas of the home, but if they aren t sharp, they are useless and dangerous.

Whether you buy expensive knives or cheap knives, they aRL get duRL with use. You can have your knives serviced by a professional, or you can learn how to sharpen your knives yourself. A word of caution: learning to sha…


To find the best Emergency Lockout Services Wexford, Roadside Key Assistance Wexford, Key Duplication Wexford, Safe Opening Wexford, click here for Rapid Locksmiths.
Getting straight to the point may be the best way to handle conversation, but it s not the ideal way to sharpen a knife. Knives are invaluable tools around the kitchen and other areas of the home, but if they aren t sharp, they are useless and dangerous.

Whether you buy expensive knives or cheap knives, they aRL get duRL with use. You can have your knives serviced by a professional, or you can learn how to sharpen your knives yourself. A word of caution: learning to sharpen your knives takes time and practice; don t begin by trying to sharpen your best knives on your own as you could damage the blades.

Although your knives may seem sharp, a practical test can teRL you whether your knives need to be sharpened. Slice a ripe tomato if you can slice the tomato easily, you re knife is sharp; if the tomato squishes down and is difficult to slice, then it is time to add your knife to the to-be-sharpened drawer.

Knife blades are essentially tiny saws, complete with teeth. With use, these teeth get worn, bent or twisted. Knives made of harder metal don t get duRL as often as those made of soft metal, but when they do get dull, they are more difficult to sharpen. It is necessary to find a substance harder than what your knife is made of to sharpen that knife. Metal sharpeners called steels are often used by professionals like butchers, but for most people who own stainless steel knives, a ceramic sharpener may be a better choice.

Using a Ceramic Sharpener to Sharpen Your Knives:

Begin by placing the heel of your knife blade at the tip of the sharpener and then sliding the entire length of the blade down the sharpener. Keep the pressure and angle constant; you should feel the abrasion between the cutting edge and the sharpener.

Plan your stroke so that you wiRL finish with the point of the knife s blade near the base of the ceramic sharpener. Repeat this move on the other side of the sharpener to sharpen the other side of your knife.

Steel Sharpeners:

If you choose to use a steel sharpener rather than a ceramic one, begin with the heel of the blade at the base of the sharpener (rather than at the tip as with the ceramic sharpener) and work your hands away from each other while maintaining the contact between the knife blade and the sharpener at an angle of 25 degrees.

Depending on how often you use your knives, they wiRL require periodic grinding to create a new cutting edge. If you have a sanding wheel or a large grinder with stones of varying coarseness, you can carve a new edge on your knives, but if you lack this equipment, skiRL or confidence, it may be a good idea to have a professional handle the grinding as it could damage your knives and possibly your fingers.