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Cause Of Obesity In The World Today

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Why are people obese? What causes it? Is it due to laziness and unhealthy living? On the other hand, is it due to genetic make up? Medical researcher shave investigated into the causes of obesity and their findings support all of these theories. They have come up with the fact that it is not only one thing that makes you obese it is several factors.

Genetic make up plays a large part when it comes to obesity and the cause of it. If you family members before hand have strug…

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Why are people obese? What causes it? Is it due to laziness and unhealthy living? On the other hand, is it due to genetic make up? Medical researcher shave investigated into the causes of obesity and their findings support all of these theories. They have come up with the fact that it is not only one thing that makes you obese it is several factors.

Genetic make up plays a large part when it comes to obesity and the cause of it. If you family members before hand have struggled to control their weight then you will ultimately suffer the same fate. I am not saying that you cannot stop it, of course you can. It takes a lot of time and hard work to prevent it but following a proper diet plan with exercise is a great way to prevent obesity falling upon you. So yes, the cause of obesity does sometimes boil down to your DNA.

Laziness and unhealthy living plays major part to the cause of obesity also. When you eat and you do not exercise, the energy from food is not used and is then stored as fat, the more fat your store the bigger you get and the more obese you become! Steps can be taken to prevent obesity by following a healthy living plan. The government have invested a lot of money into showing people how to live a healthy lifestyle, there are books, adverts and leaflets available to the public for information on how to live a healthy life. There are also slimming clubs and diets that can be joined to help you shed the weight.

The cause of obesity is due to a variety of factors that all need to be addressed and sorted out. If you are struggling with obesity then you need to seek out help, although you do not have to look very far! Doctors and friends are always there to offer support advice and help when it comes to struggling with obesity. The cause of obesity can also be medical related but that is not always the case, people are just sometimes to lazy!

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Cause Of Childhood Obesity Explained

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Many people believe that the cause of childhood obesity is due to over eating and laziness and to an extent they are right but the main cause of childhood obesity are two reasons. The child’s DNA and their parents. If people in the child’s family have been struggling with weight gain for most of their life then the genes in that child will make them more susceptible to follow the same pattern, but that can be prevented by healthy eating and exercise which is where the parents…

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Many people believe that the cause of childhood obesity is due to over eating and laziness and to an extent they are right but the main cause of childhood obesity are two reasons. The child’s DNA and their parents. If people in the child’s family have been struggling with weight gain for most of their life then the genes in that child will make them more susceptible to follow the same pattern, but that can be prevented by healthy eating and exercise which is where the parents come in. Children imitate their parents behaviour so if the parents were to eat healthily and live active lifestyles the child is sure to follow but in this day and age that is not the case and because more adults are going down the road of obesity more children are following them and ultimately suffering at the same hand of fate as their parents although it could easily be prevented!

Parents have the most influence on their child’s life, they have the power to show the child that over eating and that lack of exercise is not acceptable in a young person’s life and this is the cause of obesity problems later on in life. Obesity has some dreadful side affects and day to day life can be very unpleasant and simple tasks such as climbing stairs, taking a shower and other general things take more time and more effort because of the extra weight. This is even worse for a child, they need to be active and have fun!

The causes of childhood obesity are not so severe that obesity can be avoided! If you we teach oour children how to live an active and healthy lifestyle there is no reason why they should become obese even if they’re family are full of obese people! Obesity is a cause and effect disease it is caused by several things over eating being the man one and the effects are horrible which complicated medical problems such as diabetes, high blood pressure and coronary heart disease! Childhood obesity can be avoided so lets try and do that, lets avoid it and help our children lead happy healthy lives with no health problems or emotional setbacks!

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Catching a Killer – New Steps Taken in Treating Mesothelioma

Maggie Kay
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There’s a silent killer out there. It creeps up on its victims, attacks them quietly and unsuspectingly, and initiates a wound that develops over many years before it eventually causes pain. This unstoppable murderer is known as mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor that develops on the mesothelial cells of either the lungs, heart or abdominal organs, and plagues those who have been exposed to asbestos for a prolonged period of time. Many who fall victim to this disease are people who have worked in specific trades or fields prior to the 1970s, such as blacksmiths, electricians, millwrights, and oil refinery workers.
Since it can take up to forty years for symptoms to surface, mesothelioma-related deaths are higher than ever in the 21st century. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that 1,493 people died from asbestos in 2000, compared to 77 people in 1968.
Mesothelioma treatment methods differ depending on the stage of the cancer upon detection, as well as the patient’s age and personal choice of treatment. The four distinct stages of the disease are a factor in determining the type of mesothelioma treatment that can be carried out. The first stage is when the tumor has had limited growth on the pleural lining (the lining of the lungs). At this stage, an attempt can be made to surgically remove the entire tumor. However, if the tumor is detected at a later stage when it has invaded surrounding areas, it is considered incurable.
Traditionally, the later stages of mesothelioma have been treated with either chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells while radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.
Although mesothelioma treatment methods have been proven to prolong patients’ lives, they cannot cure the disease. Ongoing clinical trials are dedicated to overcoming this debilitating illness. Current experimental treatments include the following:
Drug Therapy: A drug called Alimta, developed by Eli Lilly, has been shown to significantly increase the life expectancy of patients and decrease symptoms of the disease. It is the only chemotherapy drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Gene Therapy: This mesothelioma treatment is currently in the experimental stages. The process involves inserting a “suicide gene” directly into the tumor. This gene makes the cells sensitive to a normally ineffective drug called glanciclovir which destroys all the cancer cells and leaves the healthy cells unharmed.
Photodynamic Therapy: Still in its experimental stage, photodynamic therapy uses light to kill cancerous cells. The patient first receives a photosensitizer that only collects in cancerous cells. Fiberoptic cables are then placed in the body in order to focus the right frequency of light on the tumor. The photosensitizer is then caused to produce a toxic oxygen molecule that kills the cancer cell.
Immunotherapy: Also referred to as biological therapy, this mesothelioma treatment uses the body’s personal immune system to defend itself against mesothelioma. It has been discovered that the immune system is capable of deciphering healthy cells from cancerous cells, and can thus eradicate those cells that cause cancer.
While treatment methods are still in the developmental or experimental stages, there is hope that one day all mesothelioma victims will be freed from the murderous hands of this fearsome disease.

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Catastrophic Health Insurance Coverage

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A catastrophic or major medical insurance plan is a deductible and comparatively cheaper form of health insurance with an element of speculation to it. A deductible is the amount you pay out of your pocket for medical expenses before the insurer pays the balance. For instance, if your deductible is $5,000 and the hospital bill is $12,000, the insurance company will pay only $7,000. The general rule is the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. When you opt for this plan, you’re gambling that you will not face major medical problems in the near future.

Health Insurance Coverage, Individual Health Insurance Coverage, Travel Health Insurance Coverage, Maternity Health Insurance Coverage

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A catastrophic or major medical insurance plan is a deductible and comparatively cheaper form of health insurance with an element of speculation to it. A deductible is the amount you pay out of your pocket for medical expenses before the insurer pays the balance. For instance, if your deductible is $5,000 and the hospital bill is $12,000, the insurance company will pay only $7,000. The general rule is the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. When you opt for this plan, you’re gambling that you will not face major medical problems in the near future.

It is a calculated risk. According to one survey, the annual medical expenses of 90% of the U.S. population are less than $2000; for 73%of the population, it is below $500.

Two groups that normally opt for catastrophic health insurance are young people in their twenties who are confident of their health condition, and older men between fifty and sixty-five who are still waiting for Medicare eligibility.

Catastrophic health insurance coverage is only meant to protect against major hospital charges and not routine medical expenses. It normally does not cover maternity care, doctor’s visits and prescription drugs. Certain pre-existing medical conditions and cases involving mental health and substance abuse are usually excluded from the coverage. A catastrophic health insurance policy can be purchased as an individual plan or as part of a group plan. In fact, there appears to be a trend among employers to encourage employees to opt for this type of medical cover. The maximum lifetime limit could be as high as $3 million.

Rates vary according to where you live and your age. In certain states, the saving on premiums could be two-thirds. For example, a 21 year old, non-smoking female may pay as little as $30 per month as a premium.

It is advisable to seek professional guidance from insurance companies and/or agents and compare quotes before making a decision.

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Cat Health and Cat Care

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General hints to keep your kitty healthy!

Cat Care, Cat Health, Looking after Cats, Looking after Kittens,

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As a cat lover, you would naturally want to know as much as you can about your kitty’s health! Your little bundle of fur can be practically considered as part of the family, so why wouldn’t you make sure that he is happy and healthy?

In this article we will look at a few starting points for your cats health.

Cat health is strongly affected by what kitty eats. Obesity is a major factor in heart disease particularly as your cat gets older. Choose a pet food for your cat that is right for it’s age but feed it regularly. If in doubt get your veternarians advice as your cat can have completely different nurtient needs to what you would expect!

Longhaired cats should be groomed regularly for optimum cat health. Use a pet brush and groom no less than once a week. This is a great way to bond with kitty!

The litter box can be a danger to both cat health and human health if it isn’t cleaned regularly. Change your pet’s litter no less than once every four days or more remembering to clear the tray of faces as since cats are very clean animals and can smell up to 10 times better than humans! Your kitty will just love you for it! Also be careful as some litter can be very dusty, which can irritate kitty’s asthma.

If choosing to declaw your kitty, this can be a major factor in Cat health. If you choose to declaw your pet it is important to remember to keep them inside at all times! Although I would never recommend to declaw kitty as this is taking away what makes him a cat! Also sometimes declawing can be very painfull for your cat and he may become resentful! If you are worried about your furniture, invest in a cat scratcher and rub some cat nip over it, you will be suprised! Another option is only to trim the claws with great care.

Stressful situations like moving, travelling, natural disasters or even changes in the family can affect cat health as cats are very sensitive creatures. To minimize the effects of stress on your pet, ask your vet or pet store what to recommend to slightly sedate kitty. Cat nip is always a good option, when cat eats this plant it acts as a sedative.

Part of managing cat health is making sure dangerous poisons like antifreeze are inaccessible to your pet just as you would with your own toddler. Some household plants are fatal to cats so make sure to raise your plants and lock your toxins! If you have an indoor kitty, invest in a few cat-friendly plants such as Cat nip, Cat grass, Honeysuckle etc with the bonus of giving kitty much needed nutrients and minerals not generally found in manufactured pet food!

Cat’s often have mouth diseases and this can impact cat health. Cat’s are just as prone to gingivitis as humans and cats can also develop. Take kitty to the vet at least once a year to have his teeth regulary checked and cleaned, even switching to a food that prevents tatar buildup is always a bonus.

As always one of the greatest factors in cat health is deciding if your cat goes outdoors. Cars, children, other animals and toxins, ALL are all dangerous and should be avoided by keeping your cat indoors. Sometimes this isn’t the solution for every kitty as you will need to stock up on the cat toys! And can be very hard to stop your kitty if he already has been accustomed to the outdoors!

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Cat Care 101: Keeping Your Cat Healthy and Your Home Clean

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Just as we clean up the spills made by our kids (or our spouses!), it’s up to us to clean up after our cats. Luckily, there are any number of products that make pet care a breeze.

furminator, litter boxes, kitty litter, shedding, shedding tools, cat care

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There’s no question that our cats are full-fledged family members. Their loyalty, their love, and their ability to comfort us are unparalleled. Sometimes, though, their hair or odors can leave an unwelcome footprint in our homes. Just as we clean up the spills made by our kids (or our spouses!), it’s up to us to clean up after our cats. Luckily, there are any number of products that make pet care a breeze.

Cat Litter Boxes

Cats are generally low maintenance pets, but their litter boxes often contribute little to you home decor, and can become a smelly nuisance. Today’s litter boxes, though, can bring a touch of whimsy to your interior design, while their functionality can put an end to messes and odors.

One line of litter boxes comes in an assortment of patterns and colors, from solid silver and solid black, to polka dot, leopard print and wood grain. The litter tray door pulls out, and a metal sifter rake pulls and lifts litter out of the tray for easy cleaning. Another ingenious design has a triangular shape so that you can easily place it otherwise used corner space.

If you want to make cat care even easier, self-cleaning litter boxes are the answer. One style has an internal grill that traps used litter. You simply roll the enclosed litter box on its side and remove the waste tray. Another type takes self-cleaning to the next level by having a slowly but rotating system that quietly but continuously scoops used cat litter into a receptacle. The ultimate litter box is one that automatically flushes cat waste down your toilet. Instead of cat litter, this box uses permanent granules that are washable. After your cat uses the box, the granules are automatically washed, disinfected, and dried. Liquid and any solid waste are flushed down the toilet with fresh water.

Kitty Litter

When it comes to kitty litter, many cats have a preference for one brand over another. But if you start with the right litter or are persistent, you can find kitty litter that can help eliminate odors while keep your cat healthy. One brand of kitty litter on the market not only neutralizes litter box odors, but also changes color if your cat has a urinary tract infection. Given that urinary tract infections can quickly become life threatening, early detection is key. It’s also helpful to have information about a potential infection to give to your veterinarian.

Shedding Tools

Many people who love cats are troubled by allergies, or by the cat hair that clings to furniture and clothes. Products that help with shedding take one of two approaches: either they work at the source of the problem (your furry feline) or they make it a snap to clean up hair off of furniture.

Cats typically shed their undercoat (rather than the hair you see), so a product that helps you remove hair from your pet – a “furminator” of sorts – means you’ll never see it on your couch. These products brush out the dead hair from the undercoat (but don’t cut it), while bringing your cat’s natural oils to the surface. Because this type of product also helps stops over zealous self-cleaning, your cat may be less likely to be bothered by hairballs.

Cat care isn’t difficult, and the great litter boxes, kitty litter, and shedding tools make it even easier!

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Casinos Most Guarded Secrets

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Many people think that the casinos have secrets that if they get out everyone would be winning fortunes in the casinos, and the truth is there are things the casinos do not want you to know. In this article we will spill the beans and tell you all their darkest secrets.

Casino, casinos, gambling, entertainment, sports and leisure, games, hobbies,

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The secrets of the casinos are not the kind of secrets that you may think. They are not secrets like the third slot machine in every row pays out on the hour, they are more like things they do to distract you from the obvious.

One of the biggest secret the casinos do not want you to know is that if you use your head and not act irrationally you can go home with some money in your pockets, unfortunately most people enter a casino and all logic flies right out of their heads. They start seeing the bells and whistles of the casinos, and people with stacks of chips and all they can think of is what they are going to do with all the money they are going to win from the casino.

Using your head is the key to winning money in the casino. The first think you need to remember is that the odds of you winning the big jackpot are so outrageously against you, that it is not worth losing your hard earned money on. So by being smart and not trying to get rich on one spin of the roulette wheel, one toss of the dice at the Craps table or one go on the slot machine you can consistently win smaller amounts that at the end of the day can a large sum of money.

Next time you are in the casino try going to the 10 dollar Roulette table and only play red or black. Each win you will double your bet, and at 10 dollars a spin you can make 100 dollars in less then 30 minutes. I usually walk up to a table and wait for the wheel to land on the same color 3 times in a row then bet on the other color. Then after I have made some money I will start to play some other bets, but I only stay on the outside of the board. The odds are much better at 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 instead of 40 to 1. Using this method I have managed to turn $20 into $900 in just over 3 hrs. It may not sound like a fortune, but as I said before walking in poor and walking out a millionaire is not realistic.

Next time you are at a casino look for a clock or window. Ok do not waste your time, there are none. Another secret of the casinos is that they want you to have no concept of time. When you are gambling time seems to go faster, and if there were clocks or a window in the casino you would have some idea of how long you have been gambling and would then start to think about leaving the casino instead if losing all track of time and spending all day and night in the casino. They do this because at some point you will start to get tired but be kept awake from the adrenalin from gambling, and at this point you can’t think straight, and you will start to spend money faster. Always remember the casinos are not there to make you dreams come true they are there to take you for all your money. Any time you leave the casino with some of the casinos money it was accidental.

Some of the tricks the casinos use to keep you gambling are:
No Windows
No Clocks
Ugly colors in the rugs and walls around the exits, and nice colors around the gamming areas will subliminally make you not want to go to those areas. The worse the odds of you winning the nicer the colors of that area will be.

By keeping this information in mind you will not be going home from the casinos and quitting your job but you will have more money in your pocket and you will have had a good time making that money.

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Carving the Flesh With the Scalpel of Philosophy

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According to some recent studies, it would appear that one’s outlook, attitude, and philosophy towards life holds a greater influence on physical well-being and longevity than initially believed. The main theory to explain this is that a positive outlook has a strong influence on mental health and subconscious actions, theoretically leading people away from self-destructive lifestyles. Another is that positive thought has a direct influence on a person’s physical being, likely through chemical responses.

mental health, depression, relationship, self-destruction, side effects

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Does your attitude have a connection to your physical and mental health? Up until recently, the answer to that was a strong ‘No’ from a strictly scientific standpoint. However, according to some recent studies, there may be more to it than the obvious. More or less, mental health and personal outlook and philosophy are connected. There isn’t much scientific data to explain how the two are connected, but there is ample proof of the link. However, what about the body? Will people who perceive themselves as being healthier and more lively actually be in a better physical state than others? Unlike the mental health link, there is no definite connection made just yet, but there have been some findings that point to a possibility.

According to a large-scale study conducted by Duke University, there is a link between attitudes and physical well-being. The reports state that the research team did their best to eliminate external factors, such as mental health issues, vices, and hereditary diseases from the final results. The end result of the report makes the claim that, if two people with similar states of physical well-being are taken, the one with a more positive outlook is more likely to have better health in the long-term. The one that has more fear and anxiety about his physical condition is more likely to suffer from some sort of illness or have poorer overall health than his counterpart.

Of course, before taking this into account, people should also eliminate possible factors affecting longevity and health. For example, people who have depression or Thanatos complex may perform acts that can permanently compromise their immune system, possibly cutting their life expectancy. The relationship between diet and vices to physical and mental health also plays a larger role than outlook and attitude theoretically do. Further study is under way, but Dr. Ellen Idler has studied the research data and the implications extensively. She believes that the link is less of a “mystical” one and more deeply rooted in the principles of cause and effect. According to her theory, the relationship between attitude and longevity is one that is connected to mental health.

In her theory, people who have a more negative outlook are more likely to slip into unhealthy lifestyles. Whether this is subconscious or not would likely vary from case to case, but she believes that negative attitudes tend to eventually lead to negative states of mind. It is known that mental health is connected closely to physical health, with a number of mental disorders either having physical symptoms or side effects. While a negative outlook in life may not necessarily be an act of self-destruction on the person’s part, it may help push the person into an increasingly degenerate lifestyle.

Further study is likely to be needed before any concrete connections are made. There are currently two major areas where the studies are liable to concentrate. First is the theory that a positive outlook is linked to mental health and that is how it affects the physical well-being and longevity of a person. Another, far less accepted theory, is that a positive outlook actually can influence the body in the same way that some people manifest physical symptoms simply by believing that they are ill.

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Cartoon Marketing Turns Healthy

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Food forums have raised many a discussion on the “difficulty” to get kids to eat fruits and vegetables. Some parents respond saying their kids have no problem eating fruits and vegetables and like them, while others do look for ways to help their kids get the nutrition they need. The question has been raised whether or not societal stigmas are to blame for this problem of unhealthy eating by kids. Perhaps kids are just meeting expectations, or trying to fit in, by not “liking…

vegetables, advertising, marketing, cartoons, healthy,

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Food forums have raised many a discussion on the “difficulty” to get kids to eat fruits and vegetables. Some parents respond saying their kids have no problem eating fruits and vegetables and like them, while others do look for ways to help their kids get the nutrition they need. The question has been raised whether or not societal stigmas are to blame for this problem of unhealthy eating by kids. Perhaps kids are just meeting expectations, or trying to fit in, by not “liking” fruits or vegetables. If a parent expects that a kid might prefer a cookie to an apple, and has one on hand, it’s likely the kid may choose the cookie – because they are expected to. While man-made products such as cupcakes and cookies have been loaded with sugar may be appeasing to kids, other parents suggest that the media is to blame for marketing such snack foods to kids more often than healthy choices.

Well, kid-friendly brands like Nickelodeon and Disney have been fighting back, trying to put their famous cartoon characters on healthier foods like fruits and vegetables instead. Nickelodeon, owned by Viacom, just announced they joined the “help kids make healthy choices” bandwagon by restricting its cartoon characters from being found on any sort of junk food, according Reuters article. Nickelodeon characters such as Sponge Bob Square Pants, Jimmy Neutron or the Rugrats will only be used as marketing tools for foods that meet their advised dietary guidelines. Sponge Bob Square Pants now circulates the vegetable aisles instead of snack aisles, as he has been found on snack packs of baby carrots, and other vegetables. However, Nickelodeon still plans to license their characters to be used on holiday treats or snacks like Valentine’s Day chocolates, for example.

Whereas Nickelodeon is restricting its licensing of characters, Disney has released its own whole line of Disney Garden products that include a number of bagged fruits and vegetables like cut up apple slices and even cauliflower. Disney Garden hopes to help kids make healthier choices by choosing their fruits and vegetables. They hope to make the lives of parents easier by creating some incentive to want these fruits and vegetables with their characters. Their Web site offers recipe ideas for kids, as well as hints and tips for parents to help their kids make healthier choices.

But, who benefits more from these relatively new marketing ploys? Have parents fallen to a trap where they buy these products to unsuccessfully appeal to their kids, or have kids actually now been eating their vegetables? In other words, is this “humanitarian” effort really just putting more money in the pockets of Viacom and Disney, or is it actually helping kids to become healthier? Maybe a little bit of both.

Food blogger Kate Hopkins of Accidental Hedonist believes these new marketing concepts have kept public school systems out of the know. Kids are surrounded by food choices while at school, and the school system has a large bearing on what food choices are the right ones to make, as well as what foods show up in vending machines, etc. Questions such as these raise further issues as to what’s behind these new marketing schemes.

All in all, these efforts can’t necessarily hurt much, unless you’re an adult forced to eat Sponge Bob Square Pants carrots instead of a regular old bag of carrots, like me 🙂

Accidental Hedonist
Imagination Farms
Viacom Company

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Carrots : The Master Key For Healthy Living!

Jasdeep Singh
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It slows ageing, promotes healthy vision, has anti-cancer properties, increases immunity towards various chronic diseases. Yes, carrot does it all for you. This natural health booster enhances your health on various grounds and fills in the essential vitamins to your body like pro-vitamin A, B3, C and E. Other important advantages of carrot besides those mentioned above includes preventing various gastrointestinal complaints like colic and ulcers and it also prevents heart attacks and cancer by reduces cholestrol levels as it has high soluble fibre levels.
. Tip: Carrots are more nutritous when eaten cooked. The valuable nutrients lie either in or just beneath the skin.
See how Carrot works?
Beta-carotene, the main content of carrots, is maily responsible for improving your vision. The vitamin A forms a purple pigment called rhodopsin the eye needs to see in dim light. Hence, if we dont get adequate vitamin A, it can lead to night blindedness.
Beta-carotene also acts as an anti-oxidant which prevents free radicals responsible for cancer and heart attacks. A study at Texas and Chicago states that men with higher content of Beta-carotene are 37% less prone to heart related diseases. Carrot has one more anti-oxidant called alpha-carotene which reduces the risk of lung cancer.
. Tip: Cut off the leafy tops of the carrot before storing them. The leafy tops suck the vitamins from the main body robbing its nutritions. You can make best use of carrots by adding it to your favourite juices.
Wow, see the magic of carrot which is so easily available and cheap too. So start having atleast 50 gm of Carrot daily to fill in the required amount.
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