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Causes of variations from normal sperm count

Marc Deschamps
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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The factors that may affect the normal sperm count and quality could actually be summarized in six main points namely: sperm mobility, concentration, morphology, speed, count and last but not the least, sub-fertility. Drawbacks in any of these areas can vastly affect the chances of conception.
Sperm mobility refers to the sperm’s ability to move in a rather dynamic and active fashion. When it comes to healthy sperm, more than 50% of them may be considered as active if over 25% of them moving vehemently in one direction. Its significance can be understood by the fact that it enables the sperm to travel through the cervical canal, into the uterus and the fallopian tubes and finally, to break through the egg.
Normal sperm count is a function of concentration that refers to the measure of the number of sperm cells in a milliliter of semen. The average or normal concentration measures around 22 million sperm cells per milliliter of semen.
The third point is morphology. A healthy sperm cell bears a resemblance to a tadpole in shape. The oval head of the sperm holds the genetic material, while the center provides energy and the tail thrusts the sperm forward. In addition, experts believe that oddly shaped sperm are not capable of fertilizing an egg.
Speed is another factor that affects sperm quality. Based on the study made by the World Health Organization in a healthy male, beyond 25% of sperm will exhibit progressive mobility. These are the sperm with the best chance of successfully infiltrating and fertilizing an egg.
Normal sperm count is also a vital factor in sperm production. Count refers to the number of sperms in the fluid that is ejaculated. There are over 50 million sperms in a normal ejaculate, and a total count below 40 million may indicate decreased fertility.
The sixth and last factor is sub-fertility. The term refers to the couples that are unable to reach conception even after a year’s period of unprotected intercourse. However, this is different from infertility. The typical causes of male sub-fertility include sperm production problems, blockage in the sperm’s delivery system, injuries to the testicles, low or high hormone production, anatomical problems, varicocele, past illnesses, side effects of medications, and sperm quality.
Increasing the volume of ejaculation and the normal sperm count has become a common obsession among men. During the past few years, the medical community had been committed to developing a safe and effective alternative treatment than the run of the mill advice that has been handed down from one generation to the next. Recent studies show that increasing sperm volume could actually be accomplished in two ways. First is by taking herbal supplements that contain amino acids and zinc. Amino acids, if taken regularly, are generally believed to increase ejaculate fluid. On the other hand, zinc seems to improve both the amount of sperm produced as well as the sperm’s ability to move spontaneously and independently. Together with amino acids, this will increase normal sperm count and volume significantly.
The second way is doing PC exercises. Although Kegel exercises can help you last longer, they can also aid in increasing sperm volume. Several exercises can help to keep your penis in great shape and shoot like a champion.
Copyright 2006 Marc Deschamps


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Causes Of Hemorrhoids

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People with hemorrhoids have been stereotyped by the comics or comedians to be laughing stocks. That’s why fewer people with hemorrhoids tend to go to a doctor and have back irritations and pain sensations consulted by a specialist. Instead they just wait for the pain to subside and just worry about it some other time; especially if the pain becomes chronic. If you are really worried about having hemorrhoids, a careful lifestyle will help a lot. Here are some causes of hemorr…

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People with hemorrhoids have been stereotyped by the comics or comedians to be laughing stocks. That’s why fewer people with hemorrhoids tend to go to a doctor and have back irritations and pain sensations consulted by a specialist. Instead they just wait for the pain to subside and just worry about it some other time; especially if the pain becomes chronic. If you are really worried about having hemorrhoids, a careful lifestyle will help a lot. Here are some causes of hemorrhoids that you may have been practicing.


Being pregnant causes a woman to increase chances of having hemorrhoids. This is because the rectal veins will be pressured more because of the added weight in the uterus. For women who are already experiencing hemorrhoids, pregnancy can worsen the situation.

Women who are pregnant who do not experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy may still get hemorrhoids during the labor period. This is due to the long and arduous delivery. Another reason is the constipation that a woman experiences after childbirth. Because of the tenderness in the anus and perianal area, women will prolong bowel movements.

Postponing Bowel Movements:

There are some people who are afraid to crap at other places because the toilet might be dirty. Another reason is that there is just no toilet nearby. So people will just try to force the crap back inside for a couple more hours. Doing this occasionally can do no harm, however if it becomes habitual it might lead to hemorrhoids.

When the crap stays longer in the fecal colon, it becomes harder and drier. This makes it tougher to pass. You will then need to force its way out. The rectal muscles that signal a person its time to crap may also become weaker. Just imagine a situation that you suddenly crap in your pants because you didn’t feel anything.


There are lots of diseases that cause hemorrhoids. One disease that can seriously cause hemorrhoids is rectal cancer. This is because rectal cancer will make the person have “false” calls of nature. It will then cause the person to go the bathroom regularly and will strain longer.

People who abuse alcohol will make their livers larger. This will then create extra pressure on the rectal veins. Other diseases that may also cause hemorrhoids are irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal tumor. These diseases causes constipation or interfere with normal elimination.

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Causes of Bad Breath: What Are They?

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There are so many causes of bad breath. We uncover what some of those causes of bad breath are and how to stop them in their tracks.

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There are many factors that could be the causes of bad breath, and many of the factors that could be causes of bad breath can be dealt with quickly and easily using simple techniques. In fact the causes of bad breath are so well documented that it is easy to find the factors which are the cause of bad breath for you.

So what are the causes of bad breath exactly?

Bad breath, which is usually halitosis, is caused by VSCs (Volatile Sulphur Compounds) in the mouth, these are the most common of the causes of bad breath. But what are they, anyway?

Bacteria in your throat and mouth help to break down certain proteins. When some Amino acids which have a lot of Sulphur inside, start to get broken down and then produce various foul smelling compounds from the back of the mouth and throat.

There is a common misconception that bad breath can come from your stomach, and although it may feel like that sometimes, the smeel comes from the compounds produced your throat and mouth. Some foods however after they have been consumed encourage the production of certain chemicals that are then discharged via the lungs. So that extra helping of deep-fried onion rings is actually making a smell through your lungs.

So how can we avoid these great causes of bad breath?

Well many of the causes of bad breath are things that we take for granted and use everyday. Most toothpastes can be a cause of bad breath because the stuff that makes the foam actually promotes production of VSCs.

A dry tongue can also be a cause of bad breath. The bacteria that produce those nasty SVCs actually don’t like oxygen, so a dry mouth is perfect and hence becomes a cause of bad breath.

The nasty stuff from the bacteria comes from the breakdown of Amino acids, which are found in protein. So high protein foods can be a cause of bad breath, even a generally high protein diet could be one of the causes of bad breath.

Once you have elevated levels of the bacteria in your throat, it becomes very difficult to fight off the bad breath as those bacteria can use anything to be the next trigger for your bad breath. By successfully reducing the amount of bacteria in your throat you can make sure that it becomes that much more difficult to get the bad breath in the first place.

You literally zap the cause of bad breath at its source.

So one of the causes of bad breath are those things that allow the bacteria to produce more SVCs, so avoid or treat these and you will rid yourself of your cause of bad breath. Otherwise hit at the source and reduce those bacteria.

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Causes of Bad Breath: New Research Reveals True Cause

Whozylee Aris
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What Causes Bad Breath:
Three Leading Factors Did you know:
1. Medications (including allergy medications) cause bad breath
2. Alcoholic beverages cause bad breath
3. Mouthwash with alcohol causes bad breath
4. Smoking causes bad breath
5. Dry mouth causes bad breath
The fact is that everyday common over-the-counter hygiene products, beverages an medications can be the “mysterious” cause of your bad breath! Medications and alcohol dry out the mouth, creating less saliva which leads to less oxygen in the mouth. This combination creates the perfect breeding ground for the Anaerobic Sulfur-Producing Bacteria that cause bad breath. In short simple terms, oral bacteria cause bad breath. Think of your breath in the morning, probably not top-notch. At night your mouth is at rest and drier than in waking hours, so bacteria grow. Upon waking you’re greeted with “morning breath.” Likewise, when you are sick and congested, possibly breathing out of your mouth, you probably noticed your breath smells. This is caused by dry mouth which creates bacteria which causes bad breath.
How do I Avoid the Bacteria That Causes Bad Breath?
Bad breath is caused by excessive bacteria in the mouth. Scientific study and clinical research on bacteria has helped experts discover why bacteria causes bad breath and how to best eliminate it. Surprisingly, those commercials and ads that tell us to pop a mint or use a mouth wash to deal with bad breath are always accurate. In fact many of the mints and washes people use to combat bad breath, actually cause bad breath or make it worse. How so? The bacteria that cause bad breath live and breed beneath the tongue’s surface, on the tonsils and in the throat, not on the surface where it can be scraped or brushed off or dissolved with a wash or mint. Instead of getting rid of bad breath, many of these products contain alcohol which dries out the mouth creating a more favorable environment for these odorous bacteria to grow.
Does Food Cause Bad Breath?
You bet your garlic breadsticks they do. Certain foods like garlic and onions can cause bad breath because they contain the same compounds, previously discussed, that create bad breath. If you regularly consume these foods, it can create higher amounts of bacteria and lead to halitosis. The catch is that the Anaerobic Sulfur-Producing Bacteria that can cause bad breath are in everyone’s mouth, because they are needed to assist in breaking down proteins in certain foods. Researchers are still searching for a reason why some people are prone to develop more of the beneficial bacteria, which in bulk are no longer beneficial because they cause bad breath.
The Secret to Getting Rid of Bad Breath (halitosis) is…
To truly eliminate the cause of bad breath you must eliminate the odorous bacteria by converting them to non-odorous volatile sulfur compounds. Okay, sounds complicated, right? In other words, make sure you are using the right type of bad breath eliminator to do the job for you. This cannot be done with mouthwashes or mints. These give your mouth a strong taste, which then leads you to believe if your mouth tastes “medicated” or minty, then your breath must smell good.

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Causes and Types of Gall Bladder Disease

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The gall bladder is a small organ that is situated in the vicinity of the liver. The liver produces

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The gall bladder is a small organ that is situated in the vicinity of the liver. The liver produces bile, a substance that has a very important role in the digestion of fat. The gall bladder stores the bile produced by the liver and expels it inside the small intestine when the substance is required in the digestion of foods containing fat.

Many people suffer from gall bladder disease these days. The disease has a high incidence in elderly people and statistics indicate that around 15 percent of people with gall bladder disease have ages over 50. Gall bladder disease mostly occurs in women, as estrogen facilitates the development of the illness. Children and teenagers rarely develop gall bladder disease and young patients usually suffer from milder forms of the disorder. Gall bladder disease has a high incidence in overweight people, people with internal disorders (gastro-intestinal problems) and people with high blood cholesterol levels.

In the majority of cases, gall bladder disease is caused by gallstones. Gallstones are formed due to the excess of cholesterol in the bile or incomplete emptying of the gall bladder. Sometimes, gallstones are formed when the gall bladder removes too much water from the stored bile. Gallstones are solid formations that accumulate inside the gall bladder, blocking the access of the bile. The diseased gall bladder can’t sustain its normal activity and the process of digestion is perturbed.

Gall bladder disease can usually be overcome through diet and medical treatments. However, in serious forms of the disease, doctors recommend the removal of the diseased gall bladder through the means of surgical intervention. Gall bladder disease can be either chronic (chronic cholecystitis or billary colic) or acute (acute cholecystitis). Chronic cholecystitis is less serious and generates milder symptoms, while acute cholecystitis may in some cases require surgery.

The gall bladder is not considered to be a vital organ and if it is removed, the body can still sustain its normal activity. However, in the absence of the gall bladder, the liver has to produce more quantities of bile whenever food that contains fat enters the small intestine. Without a gall bladder, food digestion and absorption can sometimes be affected. People who had their gall bladder surgically removed need to respect a low-fat diet and limit the amount of food consumed during their meals. With appropriate medical treatment and good diet, the body will begin to cope with the absence of the gall bladder.

There are two common medical procedures used in gall bladder surgery: open surgery (cholecystectomy) and laparoscopic surgery (laparoscopic cholecystectomy). Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is usually preferred by both patients and surgeons, as the surgical intervention involves less risk and leaves less pronounced scars. This form of surgery is performed with the aid of a laparoscope, a tube-shaped medical instrument that has a camera attached to it. By using a laparoscope, the surgery requires smaller incisions and patients who suffer such surgical interventions recover rapidly. There are many effective means of dealing with gall bladder disease and it is important to see a doctor if you suffer from gall bladder inappropriate activity. Left untreated, gall bladder disease can aggravate and lead to complications.

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Causes and Symptoms of Low Back Pain

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Low back pain is a quite common phenomenon in the humans and is generally experienced by all at some or the other point in their lives. The severity of the pain is often unrelated to the injury that has caused it. While a simple strain in the back can cause unbearable pain, a displaced disk may turn out to be quite painless. What are the causes of low back pain.

Causes and Symptoms of Low Back Pain, back pain

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Low back pain is a quite common phenomenon in the humans and is generally experienced by all at some or the other point in their lives. The severity of the pain is often unrelated to the injury that has caused it. While a simple strain in the back can cause unbearable pain, a displaced disk may turn out to be quite painless. What are the causes of low back pain.

Causes of Low back pain is often due to a wrong posture or displaced or strained back muscle. Irritation of the large nerve roots that go to our legs and our arms, a strain in the smaller nerves or an injury in any of the bones, ligaments or joints may also result in pain in the lower portion of our back.

Many a times, one can experience low back pain without any injury or known anatomical cause. However, back pain can be largely linked to a strain in any of the muscles or a specific condition such as degenerative disc disease or a herniated disc.

Most of the times, one can get rid of the low back pain by using conservative treatments, such as the application of ointments, physical therapy or oral medications. However, cure of certain back low pains may require surgery. One should seek proper medical treatment if the back pain continues for a long time, and is severe and accompanied by sudden bladder or bowel incontinence or progressive weakness in legs. Persons, who have suffered from fever, cold, trauma or undergone sudden weight loss, should seek proper medical attention for the cure of their low back pain.

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Causes And Solution For Obesity!

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Exercise for Obesity

Personal training is an excellent option for anyone, but especially someone who’s obese and looking to lose weight and get healthy. However, because of the gym-intimidation factor, there are plenty of obese people who miss out on the opportunity to work one-on-one with an expert. One option, if you want to avoid the masses, is to work privately with a personal trainer. You can opt for hiring a trainer to come to your home or work with a trainer at a pe…

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Exercise for Obesity

Personal training is an excellent option for anyone, but especially someone who’s obese and looking to lose weight and get healthy. However, because of the gym-intimidation factor, there are plenty of obese people who miss out on the opportunity to work one-on-one with an expert. One option, if you want to avoid the masses, is to work privately with a personal trainer. You can opt for hiring a trainer to come to your home or work with a trainer at a personal training studio.

Causes for Obesity

Too much Calories! Consumption of more calories than are burned through work, exercise, and other activities will lead to overweight and obesity. In the late 1990s, Americans ate about 340 more calories per day than they did in the mid-1980s, and about 500 more calories per day than in the 1950s. The extra food was often some kind of refined carbohydrate combined with fat, saturated fat in the unhealthiest cases.

Medical problems. Some individuals are obese because of biological problems such as malfunctioning thyroid or pituitary glands. Others may have physical problems or disabilities that severely limit or prohibit exercise, strenuous work, and other physical activity.

Too much stress. New research suggests that there is a biological link between stress and the drive to eat. Comfort foods high in sugar, fat, and calories, seem to calm the body’s response to chronic stress. In addition, hormones produced when one is under stress encourage the formation of fat cells. In developed countries, life tends to be competitive, fast paced, demanding, and stressful. There may be a link between so-called modern life and increasing rates of overeating, overweight, and obesity.

Is there a Permanent Solution to Obesity?

Lucky for us all, Yes, there is a permanent solution to obesity! This permanent solution is known as the Gastric Bypass Surgery. This surgery must be performed by a certified doctor. Thousands of obese people has permanently lost tens of kilos with this fool proof method. We urge you to find out more about Gastric Bypass Surgery as the permanent solution to obesity! It works.

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Causes and Cures for Premature Ejaculation

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The notion “premature ejaculation” can be interpreted in many ways, because it’s relative. Taking place within minutes does not cause anything tie-up in a relationship as long as the partner herself had orgasm too, but an ejaculation can be premature even after a long lasting sex, if her orgasm occurs later.

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The notion “premature ejaculation” can be interpreted in many ways, because it’s relative. Taking place within minutes does not cause anything tie-up in a relationship as long as the partner herself had orgasm too, but an ejaculation can be premature even after a long lasting sex, if her orgasm occurs later.

A friend of mine said so rightly once: expectations concerning a men’s performance in bed, can be compared to a dinner of a couple, which becomes perfect if they finish their meat simultaneously, they digest it together and also they use toilet in the same time.

Putting the joke away, premature ejaculation is being indeed around. The unpleasant form of it is the ejaculation “ante portas” (ejaculation before the gate), when ejaculation occurs before penetration.

Premature ejaculation, when the ejaculation comes quickly (within seconds or minutes) can be categorized in two types: the originally existing and the subsequently formed one.

To understand the process we have to know that ejaculation can happen as a result of stimulation of the glans (penis head), either without erection or with semi-erection, if sexual excitement becomes too strong.

The subsequently formed premature ejaculation is frequently associated with evolving erectile dysfunction.
In this case the patient concentrates to maintain it’s erection, sexual excitement becomes stronger, the body becomes “over stimulated” and all these leads to premature ejaculation.

Possible causes:
– Psychic causes
– Innervation disorder (increased state of excitement)
– Inflammations (prostate, genitals)

How to cure premature ejaculation?

If we oppose inflammatory symptoms, the ejaculation will return to normal after proper medical treatment.

If the cause is the above-mentioned evolving impotence, we have to treat the erectile dysfunction, which nowadays is perfectly remediable.

More difficult is to cure the originally existing premature ejaculation because in this case the nervous system is need to be adjusted; fortunately more opportunities are arising this time too.

One of these is the reduction of the stimulus using condoms, anesthetic gels or sprays. The last two options are contraindicated, because using these kinds of products both male and female sex organs, after contact becomes insensitive as well, leading to an un-enjoyable bed exercise.

There are medicines used in minor depression for rising the patient’s moral, which has few side effects, and usually one of these is the delayed ejaculation.

Onto lengthening sexual intercourse and curing premature ejaculation Last Longer sex pills were proved well suitable.

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Cause Of Stuttering

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When a person has a stutter or a parent realises that their child is developing a stutter they often want to find out the cause. So what causes a stutter?

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When a person has a stutter or a parent realises that their child is developing a stutter they often want to find out the cause. So what causes a stutter?

The answer is many things can trigger someone starting to stutter. These are some of them:
It can be a traumatic event
It can run in the family
People may copy a friend at school who has a stutter and then it sticks An over aggressive relative

Last year I had a female client who told me how she had developed a stutter. She was fluent until the age of twenty four. At this age she became pregnant for the first time, she was very happy and excited about the prospects about becoming a mother.

She was apprehensive about the birth and her friends had been winding her up telling her how painful the experience is. She knew that they were only teasing and tried to keep relaxed.

The day of the birth arrived and unfortunately the delivery was particulary hard and she was extremely shocked about how bad it actually was. After the birth of the baby, who was a healthy boy she developed the stutter.

Not all people who stutter have it from an early age, another one of my clients was fluent until the age of nineteen. At this age he had a car crash and this was the trigger to him starting to stutter.

Stephen Hill

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Cause Of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

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It is strange but true that the exact Cause of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is yet to be ascertained. However, researchers in this regard suggest that certain diet drugs (appetite suppressants) can make a person more prone to developing this fatal condition.

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To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
It is strange but true that the exact Cause of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is yet to be ascertained. However, researchers in this regard suggest that certain diet drugs (appetite suppressants) can make a person more prone to developing this fatal condition.

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is basically a disorder of the blood vessels wherein the pressure in the pulmonary artery rises above normal levels, thereby posing a life-threatening risk. Several diseases or causative factors, largely unknown, may lead to the malfunctioning denoted by the term Primary Pulmonary Hypertension.

Research done in recent times point out that A mutation in the gene denoted BMPR2 Causes Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. Researchers have sensed that other genes may also possibly lead to causing Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. It is also probable that other genes can contribute to the development of the disease in people, together with the known mutation of the BMPR2 gene. The disease is thereby inheritable via genes.

Most cases of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension are, however, found to be not inherited as a result of traits in genes. Cirrhosis of THE liver, stimulant abuse and H.I.V. infection are often closely associated with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, though no cause of the disease has been specifically delineated. Conclusive evidence has, however, been found regarding a direct correlation between the usage of appetite suppressants (diet drugs) and the risk of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. The names of Pondimin and Redux, commonly known as Fen Phen, are important in this regard. These drugs were recommended by hospitals and health centers from the 1970s to late 1990s. The manufacturers and the people prescribing it (doctors and the like) did not have the necessary diligence to discover the severe risk involved in using the drugs. Their ignorance has, thus, been the cause of thousands of people either suffering from the disease or potentially at risk to fall prey to the deadly condition.