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Charisma, Love and Health

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You see, what Robert does with people is love them when he talks to them. Keep in mind that love is an action, it is not an idea that sits there, it is active. Bernie’s cancer patients loved those around them more and as a result their health improved.

charisma, love, attraction, social, life, admiration, talking, hypnotic, focus, listens, loves, interaction, helping, others, patients, caring, coaching,

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This is an amazing story. It’s about my friend Robert. Robert is one of those really charismatic people. You know the kind I mean. Wherever he goes, people are just drawn to him, its truly a sight to behold.

At dinner the other night, Robert’s charm drew the waiters in and they conversed with him a great deal. However, when I spoke up, the waiters didn’t seem to pay much attention. They may have even been a little dismissive. It was as if the only person at the table was Robert. The difference was Robert’s charisma. He has that special way about him that we all sometimes wished we had.

Anyway, in order to find out what that special something was, I decided to interview Robert. I captured about 2 hours worth of questions and answers with him.

Here is what I found out. Robert basically, though he might not say this directly, ‘loves’ people when he talks to them.

He has genuine concern and positive regard. He likes to focus in on one thing that he finds especially interesting about a person when he talks to them. It doesn’t matter if he tells the person what that thing is or not, it seems to have the same effect. Try it and see what happens.

Now, how does that relate to health? Well you see, my article on the mind-body connection discusses the principle that Bernie Siegel wrote about in his book, Love, Medicine and Miracles. It seems that when his cancer patients revolutionized their thinking to become more loving and accepting of others, their cancer often went into remission.

You see, what Robert does with people, is love them when he talks to them. Keep in mind that love is an action, it is not an idea that sits there, it is active. Bernie’s cancer patients loved those around them more and as a result their health improved.

Now do you see the connection between charisma, love and health? By loving others, not only can your health improve, but your social life improves as well.

So what are you waiting for? Start looking for ways to love others more and watch your life improve in every aspect. This could be the most important thing you’ll read today. Why not share it with a friend?

This article is for information purposes only. If you have or think you have a health problem, visit your doctor for diagnoses and treatment.

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Characteristics of Fibromyalgia Treatments

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Fibromyalgia is a serious neurological condition that causes pain in the musculoskeletal system. People who suffer from fibromyalgia also feel pain in the tendons, ligaments and the areas of the joints. Another characteristic of fibromyalgia is a pronounced state of fatigue that takes over the entire body. The symptoms of fibromyalgia resemble those of rheumatoid arthritis and due to this fact, fibromyalgia may be misdiagnosed. However, unlike people with physical illnesses, the people with fibromyalgia seem to be in perfect health. Although the pain reported by people with fibromyalgia is present, it occurs on the premises of abnormal brain activity. People who suffer from fibromyalgia have a very sensitive nervous system and a low tolerance to external stimuli. Increased nervous excitability is considered to be the cause of the intense, recidivating pain experienced by people with fibromyalgia.

fibromyalgia treatment, fibromyalgia

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Fibromyalgia is a serious neurological condition that causes pain in the musculoskeletal system. People who suffer from fibromyalgia also feel pain in the tendons, ligaments and the areas of the joints. Another characteristic of fibromyalgia is a pronounced state of fatigue that takes over the entire body. The symptoms of fibromyalgia resemble those of rheumatoid arthritis and due to this fact, fibromyalgia may be misdiagnosed. However, unlike people with physical illnesses, the people with fibromyalgia seem to be in perfect health. Although the pain reported by people with fibromyalgia is present, it occurs on the premises of abnormal brain activity. People who suffer from fibromyalgia have a very sensitive nervous system and a low tolerance to external stimuli. Increased nervous excitability is considered to be the cause of the intense, recidivating pain experienced by people with fibromyalgia.

Statistics indicate that more than 3.7 million Americans are diagnosed with fibromyalgia. This is a disturbing fact, as modern medicine hasn’t yet discovered a specific cure for this type of neurological disorder. In fact, although scientists have established a connection between abnormal brain activity and the symptoms of fibromyalgia, the exact causes responsible for the development of the disorder remain unknown. In present, fibromyalgia treatments are solely focused on ameliorating its symptoms, instead of overcoming its causes. Although most fibromyalgia treatments can ease the muscular pain and discomfort characteristic to all people with the disorder, these symptoms seem to reoccur on a regular time bases. This is due to the fact that fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder and therefore it needs ongoing treatment.

Fibromyalgia treatments mostly consist of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs (used solely for their analgesic properties). However, apart from intense pain, many people with fibromyalgia complain about having trouble sleeping and feel a pronounced state of fatigue throughout the whole body. Therefore, in some particular cases, fibromyalgia treatments may include sedatives in order to correct the patients’ sleeping problems.

As a consequence of the fact that modern medicine is unable to trace the actual causes of the disorder, the symptoms of fibromyalgia can only be corrected by prescribing a certain treatment for each individual symptom. Therefore, the majority of fibromyalgia treatments consist of many types of medicines that target different aspects of the disorder.

Other physical symptoms of fibromyalgia are: migraines, lack of concentration, body weakness, decrease of the short-term memory, accelerated heart rate, nausea, abdominal pain and bloating, vomiting and diarrhea. When patients are confronted with these symptoms, the fibromyalgia treatment includes medicines appropriate for each particular problem. Fibromyalgia can even cause depression and in this case the fibromyalgia treatment will include anti-depressives.

The multitude of fibromyalgia symptoms requires a multitude of fibromyalgia treatments. Due to this fact, many people who follow ongoing medication either develop increased tolerance to drugs and need higher doses (especially in the case of analgesics and sedatives), or they start feeling even worse than before due to the side-effects of the fibromyalgia treatment.

However, there are other forms of fibromyalgia treatments that can relief the symptoms of the condition without relying on drugs. These fibromyalgia treatments involve kineto-therapy and massage therapy. By stimulating the trigger points on the body (the places where the pain is the most intense) and through the means of therapeutic massages, the muscular pain and fatigue can be diminished. Medical experts strongly recommend these forms of therapy instead of ongoing fibromyalgia treatments that involve drugs.

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Characteristics Of Enzymes

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The word enzyme comes from the Greek ‘ensymo’. Here ‘en’ means ‘at’ or ‘in’ and ‘simo’ means ‘leaven’ or ‘yeast’. The enzymes are biological catalysts. These are by and large proteins. There are also some RNAs that have catalytic activity. These are referred to as RNA enzymes or ribozymes. The enzymes bind temporarily to one or more of the reactants in a reaction and lower the amount of activation energy needed. In this way they speed up the reaction. The enzymes may speed up…


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The word enzyme comes from the Greek ‘ensymo’. Here ‘en’ means ‘at’ or ‘in’ and ‘simo’ means ‘leaven’ or ‘yeast’. The enzymes are biological catalysts. These are by and large proteins. There are also some RNAs that have catalytic activity. These are referred to as RNA enzymes or ribozymes. The enzymes bind temporarily to one or more of the reactants in a reaction and lower the amount of activation energy needed. In this way they speed up the reaction. The enzymes may speed up reactions by a factor of many millions.

If it were not for the enzymes then most of the chemical reactions in biological cells would occur too slowly. The products obtained from such reaction would also have been different. In this respect the enzymes are essential for sustenance of life. Again, a malfunctioning of a single enzyme can lead to a severe disease. Such malfunctioning may stem from mutation, overproduction, underproduction or deletion of the enzyme.

Changes in pH and temperature affect the activity of enzymes to a large extent. Every enzyme works at its optimum level at a certain temperature and pH. At temperature and pH levels above and below that point the activity of the enzyme decreases.

Other molecules can affect the activity of enzymes. There are certain naturally occurring or synthetically prepared molecules that decrease or even completely abolishing enzyme activity. These are called inhibitors. There are also activators, which increase activities of enzymes.

Apart from the use of enzymes for their biological role they are also commercially used for other purposes. There are many cleaners used in the household, which use enzymes to speed up chemical reactions. Breakings down of proteins or removing starch stains in clothes are facilitated by the use of enzymes. There are more than 5,000 known enzymes. The names of the enzymes characteristically include the suffix ‘ase’ added to the name of the substrate.

The enzymes are found in all tissues and fluids of the body. The intracellular enzymes catalyze the reactions of metabolic pathways, the plasma membrane enzymes regulates catalysis within cells in response to extra cellular signals while the enzymes of the circulatory system regulate the clotting of blood.

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Changing How You Eat

As you may know, not fueling up with the right
nutrients can affect how well your body performs
and your overall fitness benefits. Even though
healthy eating is important, there are myths that
hinder your performance if you listen to them.

Below, you’ll find some myth busters on healthy

1. Working out on an empty stomach.
If you hear a rumbling noise in your stomach, the
rumbling is trying to tell you something. Without
listening to them, you are forcing your body to
run without any fuel. Before you exercise or do
any physical activity, always eat a light snack
such as an apple.

2. Relying on energy bars and drinks.
Although they are fine every once in a while, they
don’t deliver the antioxidants you need to prevent
cancer. Fruits and vegetables are your best bets,
as they are loaded in vitamins, minerals, fluid,
and fiber.

3. Skipping breakfast.
Skipping breakfast is never a good idea, as
breakfast starts the day. Your body needs fuel
as soon as possible, and without it, you’ll be
hungry throughout the day.

4. Low carb diets.
Your body needs carbohydrates for your muscles and
the storing of energy.

5. Eating what you want.
Eating healthy and exercising doesn’t give you an
all access pass to eat anything you want. Everyone
needs the same nutrients whether they exercise or
not, as well as fruits and vegetables.

6. Not enough calories
Although losing weight involves calories, losing
it too quickly is never safe. What you should do,
is aim for 1 – 2 pounds a week. Always make sure
that you are getting enough calories to keep your
body operating smoothly. If you start dropping
weight too fast, eat a bit more food.

7. Skip soda and alcohol.
Water, milk, and juice is the best to drink for
active people. You should drink often, and not
require on thirst to be an indicator. By the time
you get thirsty, your body is already running a
bit too low.

Changing how you eat is always a great step
towards healthy eating and it will affect how your
body performs. The healthier you eat, you better
you’ll feel. No matter how old you may be, healthy
eating is something you should strive for. Once
you give it a chance, you’ll see in no time at
all just how much it can change your life – for the

(word count 402)


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Changing Your Salt Habit Starts at the Grocery Store

ARA Content
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(ARA) – Many medical experts would agree that being worth your weight in salt in today’s society is not quite as valuable as it may have been at one time. In fact, researchers and doctors across the world have found that a diet high in sodium contributes to a number of health risks, including high blood pressure.
This is not breaking news to many Americans, especially those already at a high risk of heart disease, stroke and certain kinds of cancers. The number of Americans at a high risk for high blood pressure alone has grown to nearly 50 million. It also may not come as a surprise to the many people whose doctors have continuously recommended a low-sodium diet in an attempt to decrease these and other health conditions. But this may be harder than simply removing the salt shaker from the dinner table.
Over 70 percent of a person’s salt intake is derived from processed foods, so skipping that sprinkling of salt at dinner is not a sufficient way to cut the salt in your diet. Using salt substitutes or alternatives like NoSalt is an easy way to add flavor to your food without the sodium. Another way to prevent sodium from entering your kitchen and your body is to keep your eyes open at the food source itself, the grocery store.
Following these grocery shopping tips can help reduce the salt in you and your family’s diet:
Always Read the Label
Salt is a substance with many different names. So even if you make the extra effort to read food labels and search for the amount of salt in the product, it can be difficult to determine. The following list contains a few of salt’s aliases: sodium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium benzoate, monosodium glutamate (MSG), sodium nitrate and disodium. Other products with a large sodium content include hydrolyzed vegetable protein, soy sauce, miso and brine.
Interpreting the Labels
The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) is making an effort to create public awareness of the amount of salt in store products. “By appropriately labeling, we are attempting to inform the public and those who want to keep their sodium intake down as to the amount of sodium they are consuming,” says Ida Yoder, a chemist with the FDA’s over-the-counter drug products division.
But some salt descriptors are not so cut and dry. Use the flowing list as a guideline to help determine the approximate number of milligrams of salt in a product:
Sodium free – Contains less than 5 mg of sodium per serving
Very low sodium – 35 mg or less per serving
Low Sodium – 140 mg or less per serving
Reduced Sodium – Contains at least 25 percent less sodium than the original product
Without added salt – No salt is added during processing to a product which would normally have salt added
No salt added – Unsalted
Fresh is Best
Avoid processed foods in the grocery store and head directly to the fresh fruit and vegetable aisle instead. Rather than adding salt to these fresh food items while cooking, use unsalted butter or salt alternatives. Many salt substitutes, such as NoSalt, are sodium-free but taste like the real thing. “By incorporating salt substitutes and other spices into your cooking, you can still add flavor to food while skipping the sodium,” says Janet Andreas, a Home Economist with Reckitt Benckiser. She also recommends using a variety of spice substitutes as salt alternatives like Seasoned NoSalt.
If you do buy canned vegetables, rinsing them in water for one minute can reduce their sodium content by 40 percent. Also, it is important to resist the temptation of fast food, which also usually has a high salt content.
While making these tips habits on your trips to the grocery store can help reduce your sodium intake, health professionals recommend an even larger, overall change in diet. One diet that specifically addresses the issue of hypertension is the Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH), a diet formulated by clinicians and researchers at Harvard University.
The DASH diet is based on increased servings of fruits and vegetables and the inclusion of low fat dairy products, lean meats, poultry and fish. The diet provides the right amount of fiber, adequate vitamins and antioxidants while limiting sodium and fat intake.
Consulting with your physician is the best and safest ways to address high blood pressure and the treatment of other health concerns. But by taking the initiative to start eating a healthier diet, you begin taking responsibility for your own health and well-being.
Reckitt Benckiser, the makers of NoSalt, has published a brochure on how to manage sodium intake and live an overall healthier lifestyle. To receive a free booklet entitled “Changing for Life,” call toll free at 1-800-841-1256.

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Changing Your Looks With Cosmetic Dentistry

Charles Preston
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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Cosmetic dentistry is very popular right now because people are starting to realize that a cosmetic dentist isn’t anything you should be afraid of. A cosmetic dentist can actually help you feel better about yourself in a variety of ways. Because a lot of who we are is how we feel about ourselves, we can’t afford to have a smile that we aren’t comfortable with. Your smile is the easiest way to show people what a warm person you are, but when you aren’t feeling good about your smile it’s hard to let that warm side show through the way you want to. A cosmetic can easily turn your aging or unattractive smile into something beautiful.
A cosmetic dentist is still a dentist; it’s just a dentist who has special training in more than the general removal of cavities, braces, and the like. A cosmetic dentist is someone who has been given training to help you feel better about your smile, while keeping the integrity of your teeth in tact. A cosmetic can perform very simple acts such as teeth whitening to make you feel better about your smile, or something more complicated such as porcelain veneers or tooth shaping. A cosmetic dentist can work with you to formulate a plan that will give you what you are looking for, while still keeping your teeth and your gums healthy.
While the idea of going to a cosmetic dentist may be quite exciting despite the dental procedures, you should really do your research about any dentist that you choose to go to. Before you let your cosmetic dentist do anything to you, it’s wise to ask for pictures and references of people who have had the same procedure done by the same dentist. There is a lot that can make you feel great where cosmetic dentistry is concerned, but if you aren’t careful you can end up with a dentist who doesn’t really know what they are doing which can leave you, your teeth, and your self image suffering as a result. So, before you get started ask your cosmetic dentist for pictures and referrals and don’t worry, the good ones won’t take offense to this request!
If you are self-conscious about your dull teeth and you think they could be whiter, a cosmetic dentist can help you out by whitening your teeth. Tooth whitening is very popular and minimally invasive. There are several techniques for tooth whitening, the most popular using whitening gel, and lights to whiten teeth. With just a couple whitening appointments your teeth can be as white as they were when you were a kid, or even whiter! It’s amazing how much whitening your teeth can change the way you look and feel, so if you think you might like to have whiter teeth get with your cosmetic dentist today to discuss the options available to you.
If you think your teeth are white and straight but they just don’t look all that great, you might want to talk to a dentist about tooth shaping or even gum shaping. These two procedures actually can change the shape of your teeth and your gums, changing your smile completely. It’s amazing how much a little tooth or gum shaping will change your smile, and this may be an option for you.
One of the more invasive techniques is porcelain veneers, which require the actual tooth to be ground down to fit a veneer over it. Porcelain veneers are great for people with poor teeth, awkward shape, and just in need of some help. Porcelain veneers aren’t something you can change your mind about later, so you need to be sure that your cosmetic dentist really believes that it is necessary to perform this procedure.
Remember that a new smile will make you feel great, but your new smile will only be as good as your cosmetic dentist. So, do your research and then look forward to your new healthy and beautiful smile.
Copyright 2005 Charles Preston


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Changing your life-style can lower blood pressure

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When treating high blood pressure it helps a lot if it is detected in an early phase, because it appears long time before its symptoms and complications do.If it’s detected early, much of the damage it does to the organs in the body can be prevented, and lowering blood pressure can be done easier. This is the first step that should be taken in high blood pressure treatment.

natural lower blood pressure

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When treating high blood pressure it helps a lot if it is detected in an early phase, because it appears long time before its symptoms and complications do.If it’s detected early, much of the damage it does to the organs in the body can be prevented, and lowering blood pressure can be done easier. This is the first step that should be taken in high blood pressure treatment.

Afterwards, when what is called “pre-hypertension” is discovered, several other things should be done in order to lower the blood pressure.For example, patients should change their lifestyle quite often. The doctors recommend this for pre-hypertensive people. They are stating that life-style changes helps lowering blood pressure a lot for them. If your blood pressure reading starts exceeding 140/90 mm Hg, you can treat yourself by changing your lifestyle and taking the prescribed medicines. This, together with quitting smoking and drinking significantly helps lowering blood pressure. People must be made aware of these facts in order to help preventing and/or lowering blood pressure, and to reduce the risks of heart attacks and kidney failures.

As said before the blood pressure reading is very important when trying to prevent hypertension. For example, if you discover that the diastolic pressure is situated somewhere between 85 and 90 mm Hg you must consult a doctor and follow a different treatment, because there have been cases where people with blood pressure of these values suffered from end organ damage, and for some patients aged around 65 years-old the risk of cadiovascular damage increased when their diastolic blood pressure increased.These patients were suffering from diabetes and were smoking. Therefore it is recommended to immediately visit a doctor and lower your blood pressure if the readings indicate such levels.

Besides lifestyle changes of course, proper medication has an important role in lowering blood pressure.Medication should be administered right when high blood pressure is discovered in order for it to have its best effects in lowering blood pressure.If you suffer from high blood pressure and also diabetes there are special drugs that help treating both in the same time. Therefore, the conclusion is that in order to successfully and quickly lower blood pressure it must be discovered and treated while it is still in an early stage.

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Changing Stock Brokers Can Be Dangerous To Your Financial Health

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

You need to find a stockbroker,or change brokers…but how do you know if your getting a good deal?.Sure… the salesman said it’s a great deal and you would get 10 free trades…but what’s the catch?.Guess what? The salesman is paid to sign up new accounts not to help you.I can tell you from personal experience…they “bend the truth”as much as any used car salesman,and so much more money is involved !!.

It pays to make sure you understand what you are getting ca…

Broker,trader,day trade ,margin,charles schwab

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You need to find a stockbroker,or change brokers…but how do you know if your getting a good deal?.Sure… the salesman said it’s a great deal and you would get 10 free trades…but what’s the catch?.Guess what? The salesman is paid to sign up new accounts not to help you.I can tell you from personal experience…they “bend the truth”as much as any used car salesman,and so much more money is involved !!.

It pays to make sure you understand what you are getting can save yourself from a horror show later.There is no such thing as a free lunch… so they must make up the money they don’t get on 7$ trades somewhere else.Many rules buried in the fine print are as convoluted and devious as the worst cell phone plan…and can cost you just as much!.

But how can changing stock brokers can be hazardous to you financial health?

Learn the pitfalls; do you know what to look for?.

Changing stock brokers can be hazardous to you financial health!!!.

Let’s start with this…it’s not all that fun or easy to change brokers !;unless you have only mutual funds or buy and hold positions.If you are a trader or hold option positions,be very careful before you move accounts that you know all the terms before you move.while it may seem that if you get into a bad deal with a broker you can just relocate to a new broker with the click of a mouse;in practice there is more to it.The system for transferring open stock or option positions is called “ACAT”. This is sometimes represented by salespeople as taking”a few days”.

This seems to be like when the garage says your car will be done by noon..plan on 6;30 or maybe tomorow.In my experience the quickest completion is 10 days.but this will vary by the number of positions in the account,and the brokers back office or “clearing broker”(some sub this work out..some have their own)they come into the new broker in dribbles and drabs over the time period,and the new broker must reconcile the balances /positions with the new broker.


They are in a kind of limbo where they cannot be traded by you at either firm.Is this very dangerous?you bet you life..what if market drops 100 points?ever heard of Murphys law?.what if stock goes up 10 points but you can’t sell,then goes back down the day before position are cleared to new broker?.well anyway.. you had time to practice kicking yourself!!

Here is another complication that can arise in this situation.what if the positions arrive from the prior broker and when the margin department at the new broker calculates you account balances they issue a margin call because they have a different margin policy.Oh you were told that all brokers have the same policy?..wrong!(more about that later).

This nightmare case would have you making forced liquidations as your freshman trade,further delaying access to your account.”welcome to &^$# trade!!”.How do I know this?.you guessed it ;it happened to me and it cost me $100,000 in losses,in that 12 day period.Sure you can sue..but my advice?….as much as you hate to pay the commissions… or face the tax consequences.liquidate all open positions at the broker you are leaving,and either wire the cash or express mail the check to the new broker. you also save the service fees that many brokers charge for acat transfers by leaving with cash.and starting with cash.If you have spare funds in the bank and are concerned about a position in the old account moving for/against you ,you could open an offsetting position by setting up the new account in advance of your move, and opening the offsetting position BEFORE liquidating the old account .Do it with cash and you will have one less headache!

“A man’s got to know his limitations”

You 70’s movie buffs will know where that line came from!.What’s that got to do with stockbrokers?.The first step in selecting a broker you will be happy with is to be realistic about what you plan on doing in the account .This is because the brokers do vary as to the com commissions,margin policies,and fees they charge.By thoughtfully,and REALISTICALLY thinking about what type of activity will occur in the account you can find a broker who will suit your investment activity.

Don’t go with a broker with minimum activity levels if you are really a buy and hold customer..the fees will add up.If you tend to run margin balances,shop for the lowest margin loan rate..they vary a lot!If you trade options be very careful of the fine print when comparing commissions(more on this later)

Be aware of the brokers limitations.This is the truly hard part,and what I hope to shed light on in this website.Most brokers would rather you did not know this stuff,and they have a huge incentive not to tell you,why?because there mean?…No! ,the brokerage business is intensely competitive.I saw where bank of America is offering free trades.Humanitarians?,you know there is a catch!

Apparently the competition to loss lead;Leads the brokers to come up with hidden fees that(hopefully) will not be noticed.I believe they frequently are not noticed for two main reasons.One; people are intimidated by financial jargon,or are bored by it.Two;brokers have every incentive to…let’s just say accentuate the positive and forget to mention the not so good stuffNot to worry,the detective is here to help point you to the trouble spots!!!.please stick around and visit page two ,where some of the places where the bones are buried lurk.I will show you where to look.

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Change is Vital to End Binge Eating Disorder

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

So, you are at the point where you realize that you have Binge Eating Disorder and you want to make a change in your life for the better… But what do you do next? If you are like how I was, a mixture of emotions used to begin to fill my head about …

end binge eating, binge eating, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, overeating, binge eating help, binge eating support, health, dieting, weight loss, kristin gerstley

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So, you are at the point where you realize that you have Binge Eating Disorder and you want to make a change in your life for the better… But what do you do next? If you are like how I was, a mixture of emotions used to begin to fill my head about what my new self would be like. I was excited about getting on with my life and making Binge Eating Disorder a thing of the past. But I was also a little nervous about letting Binge Eating Disorder go. Why? Not because I wanted to eat myself to death, but because I didn’t know any other way. I had turned to food for about nine years of my life and that was all I knew. I didn’t know how to deal with anything that was going on in my life. I didn’t know what I would do without bingeing to make myself feel better. What would I now do when I was happy, sad, bored, excited, or scared? It was definitely a scary time for me to wonder what my new life would be like.

The most important thing that I did was to first transform my feelings toward change. When most people think of change, they are scared because they are chartering along unknown territory. They are not sure of what the future has in store for them. They start questioning whether or not they are truly ready to take on this risk.

I knew that I had to erase everything negative in my mind about change and focus on what good would come from it. There were so many things that I was able to think of. For example, I would be a healthier person. I would feel better about myself. I would start to like myself. I wouldn’t feel like I was leading a double or secret life. I would not worry about when or how I would binge next. I would finally have a normal relationship with food. Most importantly, I would finally be happy.

When your negative thoughts of change start to turn into good thoughts, change doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. It certainly doesn’t seem like something to be scared of. I found myself starting to get excited about changing my life. I couldn’t wait to see what was going to unravel and become my life.

After the decision has been made to make changes in your life, next will come motivation. Motivation is the driving force inside us all that push us to better ourselves. Motivation is what keeps on refueling us and reminding us what it is that we truly desire. Positive change is what produces positive motivation within each and every one of us. When you feel inspired to change the bingeing in your life, motivation will kick it up a notch to push you in the right direction. You will begin to do whatever it takes to achieve your desire result: no more bingeing!

Once positive changes in your life start to happen, you will want more. You will feel motivated to keep on pushing forward, no matter how hard the obstacle may seem. It is motivation, along with hard work and dedication that is going to create the new path for your new life of no more binge eating.

By: Kristin Gerstley

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Chamomile: The Sacred Herbal Muscle Relaxer

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

The article is about Chamomile, a so-called sacred herb that

has been in use since the ancient times because of its many

curative and healing powers. This article features the many

benefits of the herb which is also best known as the best

herbal muscle relaxer. Chamomile is the safest and confident


herbal muscle relaxer

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It is probably the most widely consumed herbal tea in the

world. Prove to the fact that over one million cups of this

kind of herb tea are ingested worldwide each day. Chamomile is

the name for various related plants of the family Asteraceae,

the aster family. The word chamomile is derived from the Greek

word “chamos” meaning ground and “melos” which means apple,

which refers to the plant’s low growing habit and the fact

that the fresh blooms are somewhat apple-scented. Chamomile

has been used for centuries in teas as a mild, relaxing sleep

aid, treatment for fevers, colds, stomach ailments, and as an

anti-inflammatory, to name only a few of its therapeutic uses.

The plant according to extensive scientific research over the

past 20 years has confirmed many of the traditional uses and

established pharmacological mechanisms for the plant’s

therapeutic activities, including anti-peptic, antispasmodic,

antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-allergenic activity. The

Chamomile flower has also been hailed as a sacred herb from

early on. The nervous system benefits from Chamomile tea

through its calming effects. Muscles in the body contract and

relax in response to chemical signals delivered through the

bloodstream. Muscles that are having difficulty relaxing have

a chemical in them that is signaling the muscle to contract.

This herbal muscle relaxer soothes muscles by increasing

certain amino acids. With the way humans depend on their

muscle function, it is no wonder muscle pain can be a very

uncomfortable situation. Some muscle pain sufferers experience

manageable pain only causing stiffness and soreness. For

others, the pain may be debilitating and cause tenderness and

inflamed areas. Doctors often first recommend applying heat or

cold as well as rest and basic stretching. However if that

fails to work, an herbal muscle relaxer such as Chamomile is

the safest and confident choice.

Although best known as a herbal muscle relaxer, chamomile is

also believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory

capabilities. The plant’s healing properties come from its

daisy-like flowers, which contain volatile oils including

bisabolol, bisabolol oxides A and B, and matricin, as well as

flavonoids and other therapeutic substances. Chamomile may be

used internally or externally. As a popular remedy, it may be

thought of as the European counterpart of ginseng. Chamomile

tea benefits the muscles along the digestive tract, allowing

digestion to take place more efficiently. It helps muscles

relax in other parts of the body, which helps people who

suffer from insomnia fall asleep naturally. Chamomile tea even

has the benefit of reducing gas. Chamomile flowers have also

been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties. Cosmetic

products such as lotions that are infused with chamomile are

used to reduce skin diseases such as eczema and other skin

inflammation. It also greatly help repair skin on over-worked

and over-exposed hands. The chamomile flower extracts help

tone and strengthen delicate ski tissue. Drinking chamomile

tea before bedtime has been followed for centuries on account

of its ability to calm the nervous system and soothe

gastrointestinal disorders. It’s mild flavor makes chamomile

tea a favorite beverage with many. From the time of the early

Egyptians and Greeks until today, Chamomile is still

considered as a sacred herb because of its many curative and

healing properties.