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Buying Discount Prescription Drugs Online

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With the recent rise in medication costs and health care insurance expenses, a lot of people are looking for ways to obtain discount prescription drugs. Some choose to go to other countries, as some choose to buy from the Internet. Discount pharmacies sell a lot of prescription based medications, sometimes even illegally. Regular people can even buy Fioricet online with no prescription note contrary to what the law dictates. Included in this article are some tips to help consumers determine good pharmacies from the bad ones.

discount prescription drugs, Fioricet online with no prescription

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The cost of pharmaceutical products has recently gone up, and thanks to that health care insurances also underwent a major revamp to cope with the medication cost increase. Now health care plans no longer cover medicine costs. These changes left the average Joe searching for an alternative way to meet their prescription medication needs.

Some people chose to cross the border and go to either Canada or Mexico where prescription drugs are almost sixty-four percent cheaper than the price of medications inside the United States. And then there are some who would rather stay in the comfort of their own homes and rely on the power of modern technology. Thanks to advancements in the Internet, pharmacies and other services are readily available in the World Wide Web.

Internet pharmacies that sell discount prescription drugs abound the web. You can get prescription drugs like Fioricet online with no prescription. It’s so easy you don’t need to be an Internet expert to be able to order. All you need is a working computer, a fast enough Internet connection, and a credit or debit card to make a purchase. Just type the prescription medicine you’re looking to buy on any search engine and click on search, you’ll find yourself faced with a lot of links directing you to hundreds of thousand of Internet pharmacies. But how can you tell which ones are good and not?

Here are some tips to help you discern the good online drugstores from the bad:

1. Look for an Internet pharmacy whose headquarters and warehouse are located within the United States. Make sure the company homepage shows a complete and credible head office address, contact number, and email address. Also, for most states in the US, it is illegal to bring in prescription drugs from foreign countries.
2. Check the company’s license and certification. Contact your local state pharmacy board to get a list of licensed pharmacies allowed to operate in or dispense medicines to your state. You can also go to the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) official website for a list of online drugstores that have passed the standards set by the NABP along with the different state pharmacy boards to become a part of the Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites (VIPPS).
3. Look for Internet pharmacies that require a valid prescription before selling you prescription drugs. The prescription note serves as a written confirmation of a recent visit to the physician and that you have undergone a physical examination. By law, no pharmacy, be it land-based or web-based, can sell prescription medications to people who do not have a valid prescription note.
4. Make sure the online drugstore has a plausible policy to protect your privacy and security as their customer. Read and understand the company’s privacy policy to make sure the company does not sell or use your information for any other purpose aside from the reason it was collected for in the first place.

Always remember to never fill out any medical questionnaire from any Internet pharmacy without checking the integrity of the website. With the increasing instances of drug counterfeiting and identity theft being reported against some online drugstore companies, it is better to be cautious and safe than to be careless and sorry.

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Buying Cheap Drugs Over The Internet

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This article is about Internet pharmacies offering an alternative solution to buy cheap drugs online. Listed in this article are some of the benefits and potential risks involved in purchasing prescription medications online. Also included is a tip on how to find a legal online drugstore to buy cheap drugs from.

Cheap Drugs Online

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Medicines don’t come cheap, especially those that require prescription. But now, thanks to the many pharmacies that have started to flood the World Wide Web, consumers are given an alternative option to buy cheap medications online. Here are some of the advantages of purchasing prescription medications from online drugstores:

l It is cost efficient. Web-based pharmacies offer prescription medications at discounted prices. This proves beneficial to customers who have problems filling their prescription on its regular price. Aside from the cheaper price range, online pharmacies also help cut down on traveling costs because they eliminate the need to physically go to the pharmacy and back just to get prescription drugs.
l It is more convenient. The conventional way of obtaining medications is to go to the pharmacy and present a prescription note before you are given your medicine. But when you use Internet-based drugstores, you only need to go online and register for membership in the online pharmacy’s website so you can start ordering the medication you need. Some Internet pharmacies don’t even require you to present a valid prescription anymore. Also, you no longer have to worry about picking up your ordered medications since most online pharmacies offer a free overnight delivery package.

But even with the enticing benefits Internet pharmacies offer, consumers must also be aware of the risks they will take when they choose to buy cheap medications online. There is no denying that there are devious people who set up phony online drugstores just to take advantage of the buying public. Here are some of the possible hazards of buying cheap drugs online:

l You might get fake, knock-off medications. It is dangerous to use counterfeit drugs because you do not know what components or ingredients have been used to create those “copy-cat” medicines. Another problem with using counterfeit medicine is that it may trigger an undesirable drug interaction or set off an allergic reaction.
l You may get medications that are of a higher of lower dose than the medication you ordered. Cheaps drugs may cut down on medicine ingredients and use fillers to replace the reduced material. There is also a chance of getting medications that are already out of date.
l You’re prone to identity theft. Because of the information you’ve provided on the Internet pharmacy’s medical questionnaire, shady individuals may use that information to make transactions in your behalf. Your financial information may also be used to make online purchases without your permission.

Consumers might start doubting the integrity of the Internet pharmacy industry because of the above mentioned risks. But there’s no need to worry, for it is still safe to buy your prescription medications online. You just need to look for an honest and reputable website to buy medicine from. The most important step you should do before settling to a specific Internet-based drugstore is to visit the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) website. The website shows a list of online drugstores that have met the standards set by the NABP and the local pharmacy board to become a member of Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites (VIPPS).

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Cannot Lose Those Extra Pounds Of Weight??
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Intake of fats and carbohydrates in excess results in obesity. Lack of exercise, physical work also helps in accumulation of fat in the body. In Ayurveda this condition is called medoroga. The fat in the body is primarily drawn from the oils, ghees, and other fatty substances consumed through food and drink. Chocolates, wafers, sweets, remember excessive fat may also impair the function of the vital organs like heart, liver, joints and the kidneys. Obesity may also cause diabetes, asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure.
Walking is the best exercise to begin with.
Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity.
Make a mixture of two teaspoon of lime juice, one teaspoon of honey , in a glass of water, add some pepper to it & have it regularly.
Drink a glass of boiled water daily after every meal.
Spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight. Drink ginger tea 2-3 times a day.
Shudh Guggulu is very beneficial for curing this ailment. It helps to regulate the lipid metabolism. Take a teaspoon of guggul with ginger and honey, twice a day.
Two teaspoon of lim e juice added to water also helps in loosing weight. Have it frequently.
Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. Have some salads, vegetables with it.
Trifla , a herbal combination of amalaki, bibbitaki, and haritaki is good for loosing weight.
Online Store for Natural Products

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Canine Companions Cure

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This article talks about how depression can lead to serious mental health conditions, if not treated as soon as possible. A new research suggests that by having pet dogs as companions, they can help the person dealing with depression in overcoming their emotional symptoms, as well as physical symptoms.

overcoming depression, depression, well being, lifestyle, mental health, recovery, relationship, stress and anxiety

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People normally encounter different situations that may cause more bad than good. Things like financial problems, death of a loved one, dealing with serious medical conditions, the breakup of a relationship, and certain changes in one’s life can certainly cause depression. Having a family history of depression (with a pessimistic personality) can run in the genes for generations, and this too can affect one’s lifestyle and well being if not treated as soon as possible.
While many people dealing with depression turn to friends and family members for comfort and support, a new research has shown that assigning the help of an unexpected companion–a dog, may also have a positive effect on overall health and well being of a depressed individual. An award winning actress, Linda Dano is leading “Support Partners: Canine Companions,” a new program that offers practical tips on how to expand support networks by incorporating dogs into the recovery process of depression, as part of her commitment to helping people with the health condition. This program is sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company together with the Psychiatric Service Dog Society.
Depression is an illness that is often associated with strong social stigma, causing people to withdraw from their lives, therefore intensifying the emotional symptoms of the illness, such as sadness and feelings of worthlessness. While a doctor, friend, or family member should form the basis of any support network, dogs can play an important role by being a constant companion to the the distressed patient. With daily walks, dogs can help reduce the emotional symptoms while possibly helping other symptoms, such as fatigue or lack of energy.
Research has shown the many potential benefits of having a dog that can correlate to areas which health care professionals believe can help people in overcoming depression. Majority of pet owners feel that their pets are extremely important whenever they are feeling sad, lonely, or depressed. The “man’s best friend,” can provide the desirable qualities as human such as listening, physical contact and empathy which helps in dealing with emotional symptoms of a depressed individual. Half of the population with dogs as companions believes that their pet makes a huge difference to their lives, ranking increased exercise and companionship as the two most important differences. Research has also shown that talking to dogs is related to greater life satisfaction and would lead to better physical and mental health.
Joan Esnayra, president of the Psychiatric Service Dog Society, an organization that works with mental health consumers who wish to train their dogs to assist depression management, explains that there are many simple things one can do with their dog if feeling depressed which would make them feel better. By taking the dog for a walk, it would give the person some exercise. Teaching the dogs new tricks can also give the person a sense of accomplishment, which would help them conquer feelings of depression. Our pet dogs can help with the recovery of a depressed individual by relieving the stress and anxiety that the person may be experiencing. These dogs can really give a sense of comfort, purpose, and companionship that depressed people need in order to overcome their condition.

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Buying Birth Control Products

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This article is a short guide on buying contraceptive products. It shows the readers where and how to get various birth control products. It differentiates which products require a prescription and which ones don’t. Also listed in this article are some tips on how to choose the right contraceptive method.

how to get birth control

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A lot of studies have shown that most accidental and unwanted pregnancies belong to adolescents between the ages of fifteen and nineteen. The United States holds the highest teen pregnancy rate among the different developed countries. A recent study showed that approximately thirty-one percent of American women get pregnant before reaching the age of twenty, and roughly thirteen percent of all American males between the ages of fifteen and nineteen have admitted to have fathered a pregnancy.

But why do we have a high percentage of surprise pregnancies? We cannot blame it on a lack of contraceptive measures because there are a lot of different birth control products available in the market. Whether the youth understand the idea of using contraceptives is out of the question, it is whether or not they know where and how to get birth control products that is the problem.

How can I get birth control products?
A lot of different birth control products require prescription from doctors. Barrier contraceptive products like the cervical cap and the diaphragm need to be prescribed because you have to be sized by a health care professional to be able to get a good fit. A properly fitted cervical cap or diaphragm ensures efficacy and more protection from unwanted pregnancies. Hormonal contraceptives like oral contraceptive pills, hormonal patches, and vaginal rings deal with altering a woman’s hormone levels by means of synthetic hormones. Because these products use man-made chemicals to induce such alterations, it may have serious side effects or cause undesirable drug interactions, and therefore it requires a prescription. Contraceptive methods like the birth control shot and the intra-uterine device (IUD) are doctor administered and are therefore considered prescribed.

There are over-the-counter birth control products available as well. Contraceptive products such as: male and female condoms, birth control sponges, and vaginal spermicides are readily available without the need for a prescription note.

Where can we buy contraceptive products?
Birth control products that require a valid prescription note like oral contraceptive pills and hormonal patches can be bought only from pharmacies, either local or on the Internet. Generic, over-the-counter contraceptive methods can be bought from pharmacies, supermarkets and grocery stores as they do not require a prescription note. IUDs and birth control shots are available only through sexual health clinics as it requires the assistance of a doctor to properly insert or administer it.

It is important to emphasize, though, that over-the counter products are only sold to people eighteen years old and above. Younger adolescents can still buy these products, however they would first need a prescription before they can be sold these contraceptives.

How do I know which birth control product to use?
You can ask the people you trust for suggestions. They may be able to share a bit of insight on the different contraceptives they’ve tried and which ones they found effective. You can go to a sexual health clinic and attend a quick seminar on the different birth control methods to find out its pros and cons. The most important thing is to consult your physician so that you’ll have an idea of what kind of protection you need and which birth control method would work best for you.

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Canine Bloat

Ron Swerdfiger
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What is Canine Bloat?
Bloat refers to the bloating of the stomach. Essentially it is a build up of gas in the stomach which is unable to be released. Bloat with Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) occurs when the stomach fills with gas and twists 180 to 360 degrees on it’s axis between the esophagus and duodenum or the entrance and exit parts of the stomach. Bloat is a very serious problem in large breed dogs. When combined with the complications of GDV, bloat is a leading cause of death of dogs, second only to cancer.
The exact cause of bloat is still unknown. Generally, it is believed that excessive eating and drinking of water followed by exercise can cause bloat. It is thought that exercise causes food or fluid in the stomach to cause a build up of gas. The severity of the conditions is more serious when the stomach twists upon itself within the abdomen in a clockwise rotation causing the inlet and outlet of the stomach as well as blood vessels which supply the stomach to become constricted at both ends. As a result, the constriction will cause the stomach tissue to die. In a very short time, the stomach becomes restricted of nutrients and oxygen. If not treated, the dog can die.
What Are the Symptoms of Canine Bloat?

Anxious, restless
Distended abdomen
Attempting to vomit
Excessive drooling
Pale gums
Increase in heart rate.
Difficult breathing

What Causes Bloat?
The stomach becomes filled with gas and because of several possible factors; the dog is unable to relieve the pressure. Bloat, with GDV, is when the stomach goes in to a Atwist.@ This closes both the esophagus and pylorus, preventing the dog from relieving the gas pressure which can quickly build up after a large meal. This condition is extremely fatal, causing shock, coma and eventually death. Like many other conditions which affect our dogs, the actual cause of bloat is still unknown. Several factor seem to contribute to a dogs chances of getting bloat

Eating or drinking too fast.
Exercise before and immediately after eating
Having a large deep chest
Elevated food bowls

Are All Dogs At Risk Cannine Bloat?
Canine bloat and GDV usually only effects large breed dogs, but smaller dogs are still susceptible.. It is thought that some lines of breeds are genetically at a higher risk. Though bloat can occur in puppies, it is a condition which usually occurs in adult dogs. Furthermore, male dogs are more likely to suffer from bloat than female dogs. Here is a list of some breeds that have a higher chance of being effected by bloat and GDV.

German Shepherd
Great Dane
Standard Poodle
Great Pyrenees
Irish Setter
Old English Sheepdog
Golden Retriever
Irish Wolfhound
St. Bernards
Labrador Retriever

What Is the Treatment of Dog Bloat?
Canine bloat is a very serious problem. If you suspect your dog of having bloat, contact your vet immediately. Every second counts! If caught and diagnosed quick enough, initial treatment will involve inserting a tube or tochar in to the stomach wall to remove the gas. If necessary, the vet will then operate, attempting to untwist the stomach. Secondary treatment will involve treating shock, dehydration, fatigue, and other complications resulting from the distension of the stomach.
Is There Any Way To Prevent Dog Bloat?
Prevention of bloat can be difficult. Because there are so many possible causes for this condition, prevention must be examined on an individual basis. If you have a dog that is at risk there are a couple of things that you can do to decrease the chances of this fatal condition. Since bloat is believed to be connected with genetics and hereditary, these preventive measures can only decrease the chances of bloat.

Do not overfeed. Feed 2-3 small meals a day.
Do not use elevated food bowls
Do not allow your dog to drink large amounts of water after eating.
Add an enzyme product to your dogs food
Keep emergency veterinary contact handy
Gastropexy surgery

Ths website only provides BASIC information about canine bloat. your veterinarian is always your best source of health information. Consult your veterinarian for more information about Canine Bloat and GDV and its prevention.

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Buying adjustable beds.

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Information and tips on buying adjustable beds.

adjustable beds, mobility aids, products, bed

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As we spend on average a 1/3 of our time in bed it is essential that we are as comfortable as possible. As we get older it is often difficult to have a good nights sleep, or often we wake up feeling stiff and sore.

An adjustable bed can bring many advantages over a traditional flat bed. The human body is not flat therefore a traditional flat bed cannot offer the support required. This is where an adjustable bed has advantages; it can be adjusted by the user to suit your body, offer maximum comfort.

In addition to a more comfortable sleeping position adjustable beds can often bring health benefits. Two simple examples include, elevating the upper body to help reduce acid reflux and heartburn and another example: elevating the legs to reduce edema or swelling in the lower legs.

Adjustable beds come in two main forms; single and dual motors. The numbers of motors the bed has will determine the flexibility of positions which the bed can be adjusted to. Dual motor offers greater selection of positions as the leg portion of the bed can be adjusted independently of the head portion of the bed.

Adjustable beds can also be equipped with additional features such a massage and heat functions.

As with traditional beds, adjustable beds come in a variety of sizes; single, double, queen or king. Dual beds are also available which consist of two side by side beds which can be adjusted independently to one another, which is ideal for couples who like to sleep in different positions.

Before buying it is worth shopping around to see if any manufacturers offer a free trail or money back scheme. Take your time before purchasing to ensure you buy the right bed. Also check for after sales service such as warranty and return procedure if the bed needs repairs.

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Buying a Wheelchair Lift for Your Vehicle

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Buying a wheelchair lift for your vehicle requires that you know what options are available and where best to shop.

wheelchair lifts, wheelchair lift, home wheelchair lift

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Wheelchair lifts are very convenient for those who are using wheelchairs and often need to transport the equipment. Mobility will never be hampered if you have one installed. A stroll in the park or a visit to the mall can be easier if you can load and unload your wheelchair without much effort. This is the foremost reason why wheelchair lifts are being installed to more cars nowadays. There are many choices which a prospect buyer can choose from. It is necessary to know the fundamental information about wheel chair lifts in order to be successful in making the purchase.

There are two main types of wheelchair lifts which one can easily install on any vehicle. The internal vehicle wheelchair lift, as the term suggests, can be stored inside the vehicle and is most commonly placed in the rear part of the car. This internal lift type is a permanent one. You need not worry about your wheelchair getting wet in the rain or exposed to dust and other elements since it is stored inside. In choosing an internal carrier, be sure to consider you car’s space, most especially in the rear. This is best suited for SUVs or wagons with ample space for storage.

There is also the external wheelchair lift which is attached at the back of the vehicle. This is suited for medium cars and sedans. An external wheelchair carrier is only appropriate if the wheelchair you are using is light to medium built. A heavy mechanized one will be too much load for external lifts and will place so much stress to the frame. This is very important because you are going to carry it in your rear for the duration of your trip and you may lose some due to material breaks. You can only use an external wheelchair lift if you travel short distances only.

Today, there are many variations of wheelchair lifts according to its manner of usage and operation. There are electrical types, powered by the cars 12 volt system which can hoist the wheelchair with a few press of the button. There are also lifts which are operated mechanically. These lifts are normally less costly because they do not need electric motors and wiring service.
Choosing the right wheelchair lift for you car is not a difficult task. What you only need to figure out is the weight of your wheelchair and the average travel distance that you usually take. From there you can somehow choose whether to go for and external one or an internal lift. Lastly, your car’s compatibility to these lifts is equally important.

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Candida Overblown

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Candida is normally inoffensive yeast, an organism that lives naturally inside our bodies in small populations within the intestines. Sometimes, however, under certain conditions is can mutate into a fungal infection. The aggressive fungal form invades the body’s systems and causes a great deal of damage.

How does this happen and how is it treated? Well, there are a number of causes, and not too many possible treatments. Before evaluating treatment options, it is necessary…

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Candida is normally inoffensive yeast, an organism that lives naturally inside our bodies in small populations within the intestines. Sometimes, however, under certain conditions is can mutate into a fungal infection. The aggressive fungal form invades the body’s systems and causes a great deal of damage.

How does this happen and how is it treated? Well, there are a number of causes, and not too many possible treatments. Before evaluating treatment options, it is necessary to understand the cause of the imbalance. Common causes of environmental imbalances are changes in blood sugar levels because of diabetes, changes in hormone levels as a result of pregnancy, puberty, menopause and menstruation, changes in normal gut flora due to intestinal infections or the intake of antibiotics, or a compromised immune system, such as AIDS.

The fungal form of Candida is a far worse companion than the simple yeast infection. The fungal-form of Candida develops aggressive roots that penetrate the intestinal walls, and create the opportunity for partially digested food particles to penetrate the blood stream, and establish food sensitivities. The fungus also ferments the sugars in our colon. This can cause a problem with gas, excessive bloating of the stomach, and extreme discomfort.

The fungal form of Candida also attacks the nervous system. Sufferers of fungal Candida experience mood swings, depression, fogginess of the brain, and poor concentration. There are several theories as to why this occurs. But they are just that, theories. One such theory holds that when the fungus pierces the wall of the intestine and allows the partially digested food to pass into the bloodstream, exorphins are released. They can affect the neurological reactions by switching them on and off. Thus creating the depression and mood swings.

There are hormonal changes associated with fungal Candida that aren’t too pretty either. Severe menstrual pain, thyroid conditions, and auto-immune deficiencies are known to be a result of fungal Candida. Other symptoms that are hormone related and indicate a Candida overgrowth are pain in the muscles and joints, sugar cravings, athlete’s foot, thrush of the mouth, sinusitis, poor concentration, and intolerance of perfume.

There are diets and treatments available to rid your body of this awful fungus, but they aren’t quick fixes, and sometimes the damage to your body’s organs can be permanent. A couple of the more natural treatments are cranberry extract and garlic. Other items to be addressed once you’ve begun to rid your body of the fungal infection are the leaky gut and a general detox, since Candida can produce up to 100 different toxins.

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Candida- It’s Not Just a Yeast Infection

Dr. Rita Louise
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Candida Albicans or a yeast infection, both digestive and systemic, is a health problem of which answers to its elimination are far and few between. Literally millions of men and women have a potential yeast infection that is causing, directly or indirectly, a significant number of health problems or conditions.
Candida Albicans is a destructive yeast infection that begins in the digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the body. Candida is present in all of us not long after birth. Typically, this yeast remain in a healthful balance with the other bacteria and yeasts within the intestinal tract. Under certain conditions, such as excessive stress, lowered immunity or the long-term use of steroids, the candida yeast can multiply, thus disrupting the gastrointestinal "terrain". Candida overgrowth may also be a consequence of antibiotic treatment, as antibiotics not only kill pathogens but also a large number of those bacteria that are part of a healthy gastrointestinal flora. With the depletion of the beneficial protective flora in the intestinal tract and a weakened immune response, this opportunistic yeast can then spread and multiply beyond the intestinal tract affecting every organ in the body.
In babies, an overgrowth of candida appears as diaper rash. It can also be found on the body as jock itch or athlete’s foot. It can appear in the mouth as thrush or in the vaginal tract, known by many women as a yeast infection. Systemic yeast is now being associated with a variety of conditions ranging from mental disorders, deranged immune system, food intolerance, gastric upsets, premenstrual tension, infertility, ovarian failure, sexual function difficulties and fatigue. It can manifest with a multitude of symptoms including constipation, diarrhea, colitis, headaches, bad breath, mood swings, canker sores, muscle and joint pain, congestion, severe itching, PMS, fatigue, kidney or bladder infections to name a few. It is estimated that 30% of the population suffer from health issues directly related to yeast. In fact, the majority of people who have Candida do not realize they have it until become seriously ill.
If you think you might have candida, or would like to find out if you do, take this simple self-scoring Candida Questionnaire located at If you score over 140 points on this test, you might want to follow the Recommendations for Wellness listed below to begin down the road of better health.
Recommendations For Wellness.

Avoid all yeast containing foods: Yeast breads, fermented beverages (beer, wine, brandy, scotch, etc.) moldy cheeses, fermented vinegars, salad dressing, peanuts, biscuits, canned citrus fruit juices, cake mix, ice cream, all dried fruit, oranges, pickles, tomato sauce, sugars, yeast powder, processed and smoked meats, malt products, barbecue sauce, olives, mayonnaise, chili peppers.
Avoid all refined carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners, hidden sugars such as those found in soft drinks, pastries, canned fruits and vegetables.
Rotate between at least 3 different anti-fungal herbs every 4 days to kill the candida yeast in the intestinal tract. These herbs can include Garlic, Caprylic Acid and Pau d’ Arco (Taheebo tea).
Supplement with Lactobacillus Acidophilus or Bifidophilus daily. This helps to reintroduce the good bacteria back into the intestinal tract.
Take 1 tablespoon of Flax seed or olive oil daily to improve healing and prevent the fungus from destroying cells.
Incorporate Echinacea to help strengthen the immune system.
Multivitamin & mineral complex with vitamin A to provide all the nutrients needed for proper immune function and for repair of intestinal lining. Try to select a vitamin complex that includes zinc.
Treat any skin yeast or fungal infection with tea tree oil.