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Carbon Monoxide Can Be Deadly–Early Detection Monitors Make It Easy to Protect Your Family

Debra Lynn Dadd
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If you burn gas, kerosene, or wood in your home to produce heat for cooking or warmth, you need to monitor the level of carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is odorless and can easily build up to dangerous levels. Ordinary carbon monoxide detectors don’t sound an alarm until certain levels of carbon monoxide accumulate in the air. New monitors show the amount of carbon dioxide in the air at any given time, so you can take action well before levels reach the danger zone.
Carbon monoxide is the major toxic combustion by-product that is created when gas, kerosene, or wood is burned to produce heat for cooking or warmth. Other combustion by-products include formaldehyde, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, nitric acid, and vapors from various organic chemicals.
Carbon monoxide and other combustion by-products are produced when fuels do not burn completely. All fuel-burning appliances need air for the fuel to burn efficiently. When a generous supply of fresh air is available and the fuel is burning properly, there is little danger of poisoning. But when there is inadequate ventilation or the appliance is not operating properly, carbon monoxide is produced and can gradually overcome and even kill an unsuspecting bystander. Many years before I was born, my grandmother almost died from carbon monoxide seeping from her gas furnace. It was just by chance that someone walked in and saved her.
It is possible to identify symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning if you know what to look for. Your body will tell you if there is too much carbon monoxide in your home. Different concentrations of carbon monoxide and different exposure times cause different symptoms.
Mild exposures to carbon monoxide are often confused with the flu. Symptoms include sleepiness, slight headache, dizziness, flushed skin, disorientation, abnormal reflexes, blurred vision, irritablity, slight nausea, fatigue, and an inability to concentrate.
As exposure continues, mild symptoms turn into severe throbbing headache, drowsiness, confusion, shortness of breath, vomiting, and an accelerated heart rate. Unconsciousness and convulsions are signs that cardio respiratory failure and death are near.
If you or anyone in your family experiences flu-like symptoms and you burn gas, kerosene or wood in your home, you should immediately evaluate if it is, in fact, early signs of carbon monoxide exposure.
There are two types of devices that can warn you about carbon monoxide levels in your home.
Carbon monoxide detectors sound an alarm like a smoke detector when carbon monoxide reaches dangerous levels. These are relatively inexpensive, but, like a smoke detector, only warn you when carbon monoxide in your home has already reached a level that is approaching dangerous.
Carbon monoxide monitors give you an ongoing numerical reading of the current level of carbon monoxide, and sound an alarm when concentrations approach dangerous levels. These cost around $50, but show you what the actual carbon monoxide concentration is at any given time. With a monitor, you can catch carbon monoxide leaks at low levels, and rest assured that your family is safe.
Electric appliances do not emit combustion by-products under normal use.
If you prefer to use gas, propane, or wood, make sure appliances are well-adjusted for a clean burn and provide enough ventilation for combustion by-products to escape.
For online sources of carbon monoxide monitors, visit

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Buying Home Whitening Kits like Whitestrips

Yale Wang
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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Tired of stained, yellow teeth? Want to give yourself a beautiful, whiter smile? Then perhaps you have thought about at home teeth whitening kits. In January 2004, Consumer Reports wrote “Home kits do whiten teeth for far less than you’d pay for a professional treatment.”
Along with the above quote, Consumer Reports rated Colgate Whitestrips as “good” while Crest Simply White Night was given a rating of “very good.” Both were said to help in whitening the tester’s teeth and both were recommended products.
But which of the two is most right for you? When deciding to buy an at home teeth whitening kit, keep in mind of what is most convenient for you. The main difference is that Crest Whitestrips are nearly invisible sticky strips that are worn twice a day, for 30 minutes at a time, (or you can do a single one hour session) while Colgate Simply White Night is a gel that is brushed onto your teeth before you sleep. Neither are flavored and after a few days, most people get accustomed to either method. However, the main reason consumers do not get the full benefits of their whitening kits is because they prematurely stop usage before the recommended time (usually 14 days).
One last note is that both Crest and Colgate recommend continued usage or their products to improve your teeth whiteness level. Therefore, if you are satisfied with your initial results, consider purchasing another teeth whitening kit to whiten your teeth even more. However, neither Crest Whitestrips nor Colgate Simply White Night can give you a “bombshell” white smile if you have had years of coffee, caffeine, or smoking. For those results, you will most likely have to have multiple visits to your dentist as well as spend hundreds of dollars. If however, you are looking for a cheap alternative to whiten your teeth several shades, then why not give at home teeth whitening products a try? After all, almost all of them offer a money back guarantee.

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Carbohydrates: Why Size Matters

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If I collected a dime for each time I’ve seen or heard the word “carbohydrate” – or picked up a book on the subject, for that matter – I’d be a wealthy woman. And of course we’ve all heard the buzzwords: simple carb; complex carb; high carb; low carb; no carb. But do we really know what a carbohydrate is? And are carbs really as bad and fattening as we’re told they are?

In this article, I’ll make my best attempt to unveil the mystery of the carbohydrate – and why it’s gott…

diet, wellness, weight loss

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If I collected a dime for each time I’ve seen or heard the word “carbohydrate” – or picked up a book on the subject, for that matter – I’d be a wealthy woman. And of course we’ve all heard the buzzwords: simple carb; complex carb; high carb; low carb; no carb. But do we really know what a carbohydrate is? And are carbs really as bad and fattening as we’re told they are?

In this article, I’ll make my best attempt to unveil the mystery of the carbohydrate – and why it’s gotten such a bad rap. After all, it’s the molecule both scientists and nutritionists know is the main source of the body’s energy.

Basic Chemistry:
First the boring stuff. The basic chemistry of a carbohydrate. I’ll keep it brief: Carbohydrates contain a carbon atom attached to water molecules. This is important because it’s the structure and size of a carbohydrate which influences the speed by which it’s converted into glucose (sugar) and then into energy.

Why Are Carbs Useful?
Before we take a look at the different “sizes” of carbohydrates, let’s look at why they are useful to us. Aside from supplying the body’s energy, carbs are also useful for the proper functioning of internal organs, as well as proper function of the muscles and nervous system. The most exciting feature of a carbohydrate, in this writer’s opinion, however, is it’s ability to aid in protein and fat metabolism. So as it turns out, when used wisely, carbohydrates are actually useful in burning fat.

The Three Principal Carbs Found In Foods:
Next let’s take a look at the three basic carbohydrates found in foods (Still boring but stay with me). They are: simple sugars, starches and fiber.

Simple Sugars come in two varieties. The monosaccharide (meaning one sugar) are quickly digested and almost immediately utilized by the body due to their “simple” structure (think fruits, fruit juices and honey).

The second, disaccharides, act in almost the same way and are one molecule larger. The disaccharides, however, tend to be more of the refined sugars are very sweet to taste (think white sugar, candy etc.)

The second basic type of carbs are the starches or what we would consider complex carbs (the polysaccharides): foods such as potatoes, wheat, rice, corn. These carbs are slow to break down and take some time to be converted into energy.

Finally, there’s the fibers (think bran). Fibers don’t have a lot of energetic value, however, they do lend some support to the body. Because they don’t add much sugar to the system, they make it further through the pipeline to help with intestinal function and elimination. Moreover, they reduce cholesterol and slow fat absorption.

Why Size Matters
The theory behind a low carbohydrate diets is, when the body consumes too many carbohydrates the excess will become stored by the body as fat. This is true.

When the body ingests a carbohydrate, it aims to convert it to glucose as soon as it can, so that it can be utilized by the body. If there is some excess, no problem, it will get stored as glycogen in the limited space of the muscles. The trouble arises, when the stores exceeded capacity: the remaining molecules are stored as fat in fat cells that can infinitely expand (horrors!).

Yet, what if there was a way to outsmart this system by using the different “sizes” of carbohydrate molecules to your advantage? What if you could keep the body burning carbs at a steady rate according to the speed of your metabolism and your activity level?

Enter the glycemic index. The glycemic index is a scale which tells you (on a food-by-food basis) the rate at which a carbohydrate is converted into glucose. The scale is calibrated by glucose itself (which is rated at 100). The higher the number the faster the conversion.

First used by diabetics to prevent flux in blood sugar, the glycemic index (GI) has become a popular way to get all the benefits of carbohydrates without the threat of fat storage.

Here’s what the scale looks like:
Low GI = 55 or less
Medium GI = 56 – 69
High GI = 70 or more

To see a chart with samples of some favorite foods visit:

How Is The GI Helpful?
If weight loss or weight maintenance is your goal (isn’t it everyone’s?), creating a diet around lower GI foods will decrease peaks in glucose levels. It’s as simple as that. You can implement this eating pattern by scanning the low glycemic foods and aiming to consume a serving at each meal, this will also help you avoid both the “highs and lows” of the refined sugar rush.

Higher glycemic foods can be useful, too, and are considered the “recovery” foods. Medium and high GI foods should be consumed for up to two hours after exercise to recover lost carbohydrates and maintain steady blood-sugar levels.

Because metabolism varies from person to person, it would be well worth your time and effort to continue a personal study of the glycemic index. Enjoy your carbs by checking in on your favorite foods and decide when it’s best to consume them.

Where To Get This Information?
You can get the skinny on the glycemic indexes of all your favorite carbohydrate foods. Check out the searchable data base at:

In closing, here’s a few guidelines to help you put your carbs to good use:

*Aim to eat several small meals during the day. Choose one serving of carbs for each, preferably low GI.

*When in doubt choose carbohydrates that are naturally occurring such as vegetables and fruits.

*Minimize refined sugars whenever possible.

*When consuming breads aim for wheat instead of white.

*Try to substitute white potatoes with sweet and substitute brown rice for white.

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Carbohydrates: What You must know

Gary Matthews
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2904.shtml

This scares me to death, every day you walk down the street it is becoming more and more apparent that the average person is becoming larger and this trend has escalated over recent years. Why are they getting fatter? Here are some reasons…

Less incidental activity
Automated and computerized lifestyle
Longer working hours and less leisure
Increased consumption of processed foods
Our food servings are larger than ever

Being overweight, or obese, has now moved from a social nuisance and domestic embarrassment to an official disease. The American Heart Association has announced obesity is a major risk for heart disease.
Obesity itself has become a major and dangerous epidemic. More than 70% of US adults are overweight and that figure is rapidly increasing.
What do most people do to rid their body of unwanted fat? They diet! Dieting is now a trillion dollar industry and just about every month a new diet is announced.
If you do have weight problems how do you find a diet that is safe, effective and sustainable?
What you do is try to find a diet that includes a variety of foods that you can live with comfortably. You have to take a long-term view and include plenty of exercise.
A good diet is one that supplies all of the essential vitamins and minerals, and is not high in fat or protein.
Research on people, who have successfully lost a lot of weight and kept it off long term, shows that the vast majority succeeded by consuming a low fat diet high in fibre coupled with strength training and cardiovascular activity.
Be wary of diets that

Ban a specific food group
Promise a quick fix
Replace a balanced meal with a drink or a snack bar
Make recommendations based on single studies
Make recommendations to help sell a single product

Excess weight does not appear overnight and nor will it disappear overnight! In fact the faster you lose weight, the more likely you are to pile the pounds back on.
Seek out a program that will help you maintain long-term body fat losses by providing attainable solutions such as a program that promotes lifestyle changes, healthy eating and regular exercise.
Regular exercise is important (i.e. strength training) as it burns fat, boosts your metabolism and also increases your energy levels. Dietary changes can lead to initial weight loss, but this is only for the short term. Exercise is essential for maintaining weight loss for the long term.
Now let’s take a closer look at what food is made up of and then you will have a good idea of what to look for in your daily eating plan. Firstly we need a wide range of nutrients to perform various functions for a healthy life.
These nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fat and are all present in the food we eat on a daily basis.
The foods containing these nutrients are cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables, fruits, milk products and flesh foods (fish, meat and poultry).
We need all these nutrients to live and thrive and since we receive them through the food we eat, our food must be well balanced and in the proper proportions.
Food is a fuel; the body requires this fuel for energy, which is measured in fats, carbohydrate and protein.
Each of these nutrients provides different amounts of energy and these are measured in calories.
Nutrient Calories per Gram
Carbohydrate 4
Protein 4
Fat 9
Let’s look at carbohydrates first, carbohydrates supply energy for our body, they provide fibre for the prevention of disease and taste and texture to food. They are found in cereals, potatoes, fruits and vegetables.
They come in two basic forms, simple and complex. Simple carbs are easily identified by their taste and are sweet. Complex carbs, such as potatoes are pleasant to the taste buds, but are not sweet.
They are then divided into two groups, high fibre and low fibre.
High-fibre foods are the healthiest choices for nutrition and the intake of these foods is associated with a lower incidence of cancer and diabetes. Carbohydrates supply the sort of calories easily burned during cardiovascular exercise.
They are often wrongly feared and considered fattening, but the most important factor in weight control is balancing the energy (calories) consumed.
Please remember:

Energy In is more than Energy Out = Weight gain
Energy In is equal to Energy Out = Weight maintenance
Energy In is less than Energy Out = Weight loss

Different foods affect the ability to exercise at different levels. High levels of exercise (cardio and strength training) require carbohydrate as a fuel source; at lower levels it is fat.
A lack of carbohydrate in the diet will lead to fatigue, the inability to exercise effectively, and excess fat consumption. When our food is digested, carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars.
These sugars are absorbed by the body and used by the muscles or stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver. As our glycogen storage capacity is limited, carbohydrate needs to be continually topped up by the foods we eat.
But the body has an unlimited storage capacity for fat!
The average person is extremely vulnerable to fad diets and extreme dieting behaviours. The low carbohydrate diet is one of the latest eating plans to hit the streets.
This current diet craze is very popular but there are safer and more effective methods based on scientific research, to reduce body fat levels.
Low carbohydrate dieting is simply wrong.
Why is this? Just as a car runs better on a certain fuel, so does the human body. Unfortunately the latest low-carbohydrate fad diets are not the fuel mix the human body was designed to run on.
Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, whereas fats contain 9 calories per gram. For weight loss, the priority is to decrease total calorie intake. Reducing the amount of fat in the diet will make the biggest difference in reducing total daily calorie intake and hence weight loss.
Carbohydrate intake is not fattening, excess calorie intake is fattening.
If you aren’t having enough carbohydrates in your diet you will experience:

Fatigue due to low blood sugar levels inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals
Low fibre intake, which may affect bowel movements
‘Bad’ breath due to the breakdown products of fats (called ketones)

The bottom line for carbohydrates and weight loss is to:

Try to balance carbohydrate intake with activity levels
Maintain energy levels by eating carbohydrate rich foods on a regular basis
Carbohydrate rich foods are normally low in fat and nutrient-rich

A real weight loss program includes all the food groups, strength training, and low-level aerobics, a slight decrease in your daily calorie levels and a program that can be followed for life.
In conclusion try to achieve a balanced diet, eating a balanced variety of foods will help you to feel great every day, ensure better long-term health and improve weight control

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Buying Health Insurance In Ohio

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Ohio residents are afforded certain protection when buying health insurance from a state licensed insurer as a result of standards put in place by the Ohio Department of Insurance. Below are some of the standards you should be aware of when buying insurance:

Alcohol Treatment : There must be at least $550 per year in alcohol treatment whether inpatient or outpatient

Mental Illness : On an outpatient basis, there is a requirement for $550 per year for treatment. This ap…

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Ohio residents are afforded certain protection when buying health insurance from a state licensed insurer as a result of standards put in place by the Ohio Department of Insurance. Below are some of the standards you should be aware of when buying insurance:

Alcohol Treatment : There must be at least $550 per year in alcohol treatment whether inpatient or outpatient

Mental Illness : On an outpatient basis, there is a requirement for $550 per year for treatment. This applies only if the policy covers in hospital treatment of mental illness.
Kidney dialysis : If an insurer provides coverage for dialysis in a hospital, it must also provide the same coverage for dialysis on an outpatient basis.

Specific practitioners : Health policies in Ohio cannot discriminate against particular health professionals. It must pay any licensed professional who legally performs a service. This includes Chiropractor, dentist, nurse-midwives, Mechanotherapists, osteopaths, Optometrists, Podiatrists, Psychologists

Generic drug use : If a policy covers prescription drugs, it must pay for any legally approved drug prescribed by your doctor even if it has not been approved by the government for treating your particular medical problem or disease.

Pregnancy and Maternity : Insurance companies do not have to offer maternity benefits, However, when it is provided, it may never be considered a pre-existing condition. Although, under certain conditions, an insurer may impose a 270-day waiting period before providing maternity benefits.

Mammograms: Every major medical policy group and individual must cover mammograms for breast cancer screening in adult women.

The frequency varies depending on age:

Age: 35-39 One only

Age: 4-49: One every two years unless your doctor has reason to believe you are a high risk for breast cancer

Age 50-64: one a year.

This is subject to a maximum of $85 per covered mammogram.

Please view our recommended insurance quote companies below. They are also great sources for information about rates and coverages for most of the lower 48 states.

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Buying Fitness Equipment On eBay: Deals or Duds?

Jane Simms
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With tens of millions of registered members and more than 12,000 items listed, eBay is, without a doubt, the world’s largest Internet marketplace. And you can buy just about anything there–from CDs, movies and vitamins to first edition books, new businesses and even someone’s last breath of air. But–what you want to know–is it the place to shop for fitness equipment?
The answer is yes, but that’s if you don’t mind sifting and, in most cases, bidding.
On a given day in June 2003, there were 1,026,771 items listed under the “Sports” category; and there were 344,705 items in the “Sporting Goods” subcategory, which is broken down into more than three-dozen subcategories. Under “Exercise & Fitness,” a “Sporting Goods” subcategory, there were 7,146 items. And that subcategory is divided up into six subcategories. Hope you’re not too confused.
On that given June day, I took a look at several fitness products sold on eBay. I wanted to find out how low prices on new (never been used) popular or quality products go on this mega auction site. The good news: They can go pretty low.
One product I examined was Total Trainer, and there are several models listed on eBay. I zeroed in on the 3000 model, which is supposed to be comparable to the Brinkley- and Norris- endorsed Total Gym 3000. On eBay, Total Trainer is offered in two pricing formats: Name your own or Buy It Now (skip the auction process) for $277. Off eBay, Total Gym retails for, on average, $500.
I also compared a few other infomercial-marketed products. One, a knock-off of the Fast Abs bodybuilding belt, an electronic muscle stimulation device, runs for about $10 to $15 on eBay (with free shipping). Off eBay, the real product will cost you around $30, plus shipping/handling. Another, Smart ABS, is priced at $50 on eBay; off, it ranges between $70 and $80. A third product is a Fitness Quest glider similar to the Tony Little Gazelle Freestyle Elite. Buy it on eBay and you’ll pay roughly $220, almost half of what you would spend at Little’s official site.
The last product I checked out was Jolie Weights, one-pound attachable fitness shoe weights introduced this spring by Jolie World. At, these weights cost $19.99. An independent eBay seller was auctioning them for $14.99. That’s a 25 percent savings. Plus, shipping/handling charges are exactly the same.
The bottom line is: You will find some good deals on eBay. But there are a good number of duds there too. The best advice? Do your research before buying. Compare prices; read the fine print; ask the seller whether it’s a discontinued or irregular product; and be vigilant of bloated shipping/handling charges (a common practice among eBay sellers). A final tip: before buying anything, read the seller’s reviews, where buyers post their positive or negative shopping experiences. If the eBay seller has too many negatives, then you may want to pass on the deal. If the seller seems legitimate, and you’ve confirmed it’s a steal, jump on it. The price–the product– may be gone tomorrow.

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Carb Blocker, A Solution to Weight Loss?

Kristy Haugen
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4615.shtml
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Low carb diets restrict the consumption of carbohydrates. The difference between the Atkins and the South Beach diet is within the amount of restriction. The induction phase of the Atkins diet restricts most carbohydrates while the South Beach diet allows ‘good’ carbohydrate consumption. These diets can really put one’s will power to the test. Why?
The human body’s primary source of energy is glucose. Glucose is derived from the breakdown or hydrolysis of carbohydrates that are consumed. Limiting carbohydrate consumption forces the body to use fat or protein as an energy source. Decreased carbohydrate consumption may leave you feeling tired and easily fatigued until the body adjusts to the change.
The word carbohydrate arose because molecular formulas of these compounds can be expressed as hydrates of carbons which yield a basic carbohydrate empiric formula of (CH2O)n. Carbohydrates consist mainly of the combination of two chemistry functional groups: the carbonyl and the hydroxyl group. Carbohydrates exist in different forms such as monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides.
Monosaccharides are usually called simple sugars. These simple sugars cannot be broken down or hydrolyzed into a simpler form (glucose). A complex carbohydrate refers to one or more linked simple sugars that require digestion for absorption.
Oligosaccharides contain at least two monosaccharide units. Oligosaccharides may be referred to as disaccharides or trisaccharides depending on how many units of monosaccharides the compound contains. Maltose and sucrose (table sugar) are considered disaccharides.
Polysaccharides contain many monosaccharide units. In order for the body to use polysaccharides, these compounds must be broken down into a simpler monosaccharide form. Examples of polysaccharides are starch and cellulose (fiber).
Dietary carbohydrate digestion occurs mainly in the mouth and small intestine. During mastication (chewing) the salivary glands secrete the enzyme alpha-amylase which is referred to as ptyalin. Alpha-amylase briefly acts on dietary carbohydrates in the mouth to hydrolyze starch into simple sugars such as glucose. In fact, if you chew on a carbohydrate long enough you may taste sugar. This is a result of salivary amylase hydrolyzing the carbohydrate into a simpler sugar.
Mastication increases the surface area of the food for alpha-amylase to act upon. This allows the enzyme alpha-amylase to work more efficiently in carbohydrate digestion. However, the food does not remain in the mouth for a long time so only a small portion of starch is hydrolyzed there.
Once the chewed food has been swallowed into the stomach, carbohydrate digestion halts temporarily. This occurs because alpha-amylase is inactivated by the high acidic environment of the stomach. However, carbohydrate digestion will resume once the chyme (food mass and gastric juices of the stomach) enters the small intestine.
The acidic contents emptied into the small intestine are neutralized by bicarbonate secreted by the pancreas. The pancreas will then secrete alpha-amylase to continue carbohydrate digestion. Carbohydrate digestion is finished when the mucosal lining of the upper jejunum and duodenum absorb the bulk of the dietary sugars in the form of monosaccharides.
Now that we have a good understanding of what a carbohydrate is and the importance of the carbohydrate in the body, maybe an extreme low carb diet isn’t the answer for weight loss. Extreme diets whether they are low carb or high protein can put the body to the test. Carbohydrates may be a necessary evil, but the body relies heavily on carbohydrates for energy. Instead of testing one’s will power, using a weight loss supplement called a carb blocker may be a better option.
Carb blockers are a weight loss supplement recently introduced into the weight loss world. Carb blockers claim to block the enzyme alpha-amylase. If the enzyme alpha-amylase is blocked, then carbohydrate hydrolysis is affected. By blocking the enzyme, you block the breakdown of the carbohydrate which affects absorption of the monosaccharide. How so? If the carbohydrate is of complex origin, the enzyme must be secreted to break down the carbohydrate into a simpler form for absorption. In theory, the carb blocker should indeed help to block carbohydrates from being absorbed.
Phaseolus vulgaris is the active ingredient in carb blockers that comes from the white kidney bean. Phaseolus vulgaris interferes with the pancreas’ ability to secrete the enzyme alpha-amylase. Subsequent studies do prove that Phaseolus vulgaris does in fact inhibit the enzyme alpha-amylase.
Carb blockers are another option for weight loss. However, permanent weight loss requires you to make changes to your lifestyle. If you do not change your lifestyle then no matter what diet or supplement you choose, weight loss is temporary and short lived. This also means that if you choose a low carb diet, make sure that this diet can be done. Many people fail the low carb diets because of extreme commitments.
Copyright 2006 Kristy Haugen

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Capsaicin: A Pain Relief Cream Straight Out of Your Kitchen

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Capsaicin is a common ingredient in many pain relief creams available on the market. This article describes what capsaicin is, where it comes from, and how it works. Capsaicin is said to help ease the pain felt by patients from various medical conditions including post-surgery pain and osteoarthritis.

pain relief cream

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When we think of a chili pepper, we imagine it in adding its distinctive spiciness to food. But how about in a pain relief cream? Strange as it may sound, chili peppers have traditionally been used as a topical painkiller, usually made by crushing the fruit and mixing it with a neutral base or applying the pulp directly to the skin. A modern version of this is the capsaicin pain relief cream available in tubes or jars or as the active ingredient in heating pads for sale at most drugstores. Among the conditions it is used for are back pain, bursitis, fibromyalgia, joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain, osteoarthritis, pain due to diabetes, neuropathy, phantom pain after amputation, post-herpetic neuralgia, post-surgical neuropathic pain, and rheumatoid arthritis. It can also relieve itching (pruritis).

But what is it about capsaicin that makes it so effective in relieving pain? The answer lies in its distinctive mouth-burning, eye-watering, and sweat-breaking spiciness. Capsaicin or 8-methyl N-vanillyl 6nonamide is one of the six capsaicinoid compounds in chili peppers. It works by activating the chemical terminals of sensory neurons called transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1), which increases membrane permeability to elements like calcium and sodium. This triggers the release of substance P, which is primarily responsible for the sensations of pain we experience inside our mouths when eating a habanero chili pepper. When these chemical terminals are flooded with capsaicin, they open and allow the latter to enter specific pain fibers, letting extra calcium inside the cells until the nerves become overloaded and shut down. When these cells shut down, it temporarily numbs the feeling in that specific area where it was applied.

The brain responds to the burning sensation by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller.

Endorphins are a class of neurotransmitters produced by the body to respond to any kind of pain, and bonds to some of the same receptors in the brain as the opioid morphine. The term itself is a blend of two words coined by American scientists Rabi Simantov and Solomon H. Snyder, “endogenous” and “morphine” and literally means “morphine produced naturally in the body.” Endorphins are also known to cause a sense of well-being, and is the attributed cause of a phenomenon called “runner’s high.” This is largely because its release is triggered by exercise, which puts a great deal of wear and tear on the body and causing muscle pain. The muscle pain in turn becomes the signal for the body to release endorphins. Similarly, capsaicin has also been known to trigger the release of endorphins.

While some studies suggest that it is only effective in a percentage of actual users, capsaicin pain relief creams give patients an alternative to taking oral medications to manage their pain. Although it is associated with certain side effects, specifically a mild to moderate stinging or burning sensation, these diminish with frequent use. However, this treatment option is worth a try.

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Buying Drugs Online: Scam or Secure?

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This article discusses if it is safe to buy drugs online or not. With the abundance of new internet pharmacies, it is becoming more difficult to distinguish which sites are valid and which ones aren’t. This article provides helpful hints on how to make sure that when they buy drugs online, it will be secure and valid.

buy drugs online

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One could not fail to notice that there has recently been a boom in internet pharmacy businesses. Surely it’s difficult to ignore the large numbers of emails flooding your spam box about advertisements offering the cheapest medicines online, overnight shipment, and prescription drugs without the need for prescription. But is it secure to buy drugs online or not?

Let’s face it, we live in a world where everything can be done with just a click of a button, and anybody can set up a website and pass it off as a valid business to obtain personal and financial information to use in fraudulent activities. And without proper know-how, it would be difficult to distinguish a legitimate from an illegitimate business. Here are some helpful hints on how to tell between the two.

However tempting the offer is, a drugstore that sells prescription drugs without asking for a prescription already sounds shady, not mention downright illegal. The first thing you need to check with any online pharmacy is if they require a valid prescription from your current primary care physician before they can dispense any medication. This is important because the prescription acts as a confirmation from your doctor or other health care provider. This also tells the internet drugstore that you’ve undergone due physical assessment, and that you’ve been prescribed the proper medication for the result of the assessment. An adequate diagnosis of your medication needs requires more than just filling out a medical questionnaire or providing them your credit card number.

No consumer can rest easy if the store they bought their merchandise from is illegal. This is why it is important to verify that the online drugstore you’re planning to buy from is a licensed pharmacy in the state you live in, or if it is licensed to dispense drugs to people who live in your state. Online pharmacies should not differ much from local pharmacies in terms of the quality of their service.

The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) is the organization responsible for developing, implementing, and enforcing a set of consistent standards for pharmacies in different states. The NABP is composed of pharmacy boards from fifty U.S. states, the District of Columbia, three U.S. territories, nine Canadian provinces, and four Australian states. The NABP is also the group responsible for created the voluntary certification program for online pharmacies called the Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites (VIPPS) to cover concerns regarding internet pharmacies. This program requires online pharmacies to meet the requirements set by the state from which their operations are based, and of the states to which they deliver medications to.

To ensure your safety against fraudulent online pharmacies, it is best to always keep these tips in mind:
l Buying any kind of medication from illegal sites puts you in great risk of receiving counterfeit or expired products, an incorrect dose, or no product at all.
l Taking medications not prescribed to you may produce dangerous drug interactions and create serious medical complications.
l Make sure that the online drugstore offers access to a registered pharmacist for any questions regarding the medications sold on the website.
l Beware of websites that offer and sell medications that claim to be quick cures or cure-all.
l As much as possible, avoid purchasing any prescription or over-the-counter medications from foreign websites.
l Check the NABP list if a pharmacy is included and is currently in good standing.
l Never give out any personal or financial information unless you’ve verified that the internet pharmacy is accredited by the NABP as a VIPPS.

pilates mat

Cant Stop Smoking, Start Drinking Tea…

Word Count:

For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Let me start off by saying, that this is not an article about how to stop smoking. In a way, it is quite the opposite. Whether it is a pipe, cigar, or cigarettes, some of us have found that we are smokers. Maybe you have attempted to quit, and maybe you haven’t cared enough to try. Either way, the truth remains, “I am a smoker.” If this sounds familiar, then you I write this for you.

stop smoking, smoking, tea,

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Let me start off by saying, that this is not an article about how to stop smoking. In a way, it is quite the opposite. Whether it is a pipe, cigar, or cigarettes, some of us have found that we are smokers. Maybe you have attempted to quit, and maybe you haven’t cared enough to try. Either way, the truth remains, “I am a smoker.” If this sounds familiar, then you I write this for you.

It came to me one afternoon, when I was trying to fight off a sore throat, and I held my pipe in my left hand, and searched for my lighter with my right…I shouldn’t be doing this. I have had this sore throat for a week, and I can’t stop smoking.

Well, the truth was the truth, and I really didn’t have intentions of stopping…Slowing down, yes; stopping, no. Though this moment was quick, it was important, as it was then that I accepted my fait. And more importantly, was now able to balance the scales.

Smoking makes you look old, smoking causes cancer, smoking smells, smoking makes your teeth yellow, and a million other STOP SMOKING ads rushed through my head…

I accepted them all…

Ok, now what…Well, I began to think. With a sore throat nagging me at the moment, I decided to attack this enemy first. Mouth wash, medicine, vitamins; I found these were all good ideas. But although I was helping the issue, my throat still hurt, and I was beginning to cough.

Perhaps the coughing was a blessing in disguise as I reached for cup of tea to help stop a fit of coughs. The steam helped me breathe, and the hot water cleared my throat. If nothing else, this experience got me thinking.

I looked further into the matter, as I of course stepped up my tea intake.

I found out that drinking tea, Rooibos Tea and Jasmine Green Tea in particular, will help me to relax (calming down my nerves), contain large amounts of anti oxidants to fight against the increased level of free radicals in my body from smoking (the cause aging skin and of course, Cancer), clean my body of toxins, help me breathe, and help my previously mentioned sore throat. I looked at this list, and the STOP SMOKING ads returned…

Could it be that a pot of tea was a helpful accessory walking down this smokey path?? From personal experience, I have found that tea helps. And NO, I do not think drinking tea will protect me from all ailments, or that I will never get sick again, or I will avoid any other ill drawn fait that may await me, but with certain facts that I had to accept, I can only do my best to minimize the damage. And as I end this article with no promises, I will restate a simply written statement that proves itself time and time again, “Drinking tea is a good idea…”