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Cat Care 101: Keeping Your Cat Healthy and Your Home Clean

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Just as we clean up the spills made by our kids (or our spouses!), it’s up to us to clean up after our cats. Luckily, there are any number of products that make pet care a breeze.

furminator, litter boxes, kitty litter, shedding, shedding tools, cat care

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There’s no question that our cats are full-fledged family members. Their loyalty, their love, and their ability to comfort us are unparalleled. Sometimes, though, their hair or odors can leave an unwelcome footprint in our homes. Just as we clean up the spills made by our kids (or our spouses!), it’s up to us to clean up after our cats. Luckily, there are any number of products that make pet care a breeze.

Cat Litter Boxes

Cats are generally low maintenance pets, but their litter boxes often contribute little to you home decor, and can become a smelly nuisance. Today’s litter boxes, though, can bring a touch of whimsy to your interior design, while their functionality can put an end to messes and odors.

One line of litter boxes comes in an assortment of patterns and colors, from solid silver and solid black, to polka dot, leopard print and wood grain. The litter tray door pulls out, and a metal sifter rake pulls and lifts litter out of the tray for easy cleaning. Another ingenious design has a triangular shape so that you can easily place it otherwise used corner space.

If you want to make cat care even easier, self-cleaning litter boxes are the answer. One style has an internal grill that traps used litter. You simply roll the enclosed litter box on its side and remove the waste tray. Another type takes self-cleaning to the next level by having a slowly but rotating system that quietly but continuously scoops used cat litter into a receptacle. The ultimate litter box is one that automatically flushes cat waste down your toilet. Instead of cat litter, this box uses permanent granules that are washable. After your cat uses the box, the granules are automatically washed, disinfected, and dried. Liquid and any solid waste are flushed down the toilet with fresh water.

Kitty Litter

When it comes to kitty litter, many cats have a preference for one brand over another. But if you start with the right litter or are persistent, you can find kitty litter that can help eliminate odors while keep your cat healthy. One brand of kitty litter on the market not only neutralizes litter box odors, but also changes color if your cat has a urinary tract infection. Given that urinary tract infections can quickly become life threatening, early detection is key. It’s also helpful to have information about a potential infection to give to your veterinarian.

Shedding Tools

Many people who love cats are troubled by allergies, or by the cat hair that clings to furniture and clothes. Products that help with shedding take one of two approaches: either they work at the source of the problem (your furry feline) or they make it a snap to clean up hair off of furniture.

Cats typically shed their undercoat (rather than the hair you see), so a product that helps you remove hair from your pet – a “furminator” of sorts – means you’ll never see it on your couch. These products brush out the dead hair from the undercoat (but don’t cut it), while bringing your cat’s natural oils to the surface. Because this type of product also helps stops over zealous self-cleaning, your cat may be less likely to be bothered by hairballs.

Cat care isn’t difficult, and the great litter boxes, kitty litter, and shedding tools make it even easier!

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Casinos Most Guarded Secrets

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Many people think that the casinos have secrets that if they get out everyone would be winning fortunes in the casinos, and the truth is there are things the casinos do not want you to know. In this article we will spill the beans and tell you all their darkest secrets.

Casino, casinos, gambling, entertainment, sports and leisure, games, hobbies,

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The secrets of the casinos are not the kind of secrets that you may think. They are not secrets like the third slot machine in every row pays out on the hour, they are more like things they do to distract you from the obvious.

One of the biggest secret the casinos do not want you to know is that if you use your head and not act irrationally you can go home with some money in your pockets, unfortunately most people enter a casino and all logic flies right out of their heads. They start seeing the bells and whistles of the casinos, and people with stacks of chips and all they can think of is what they are going to do with all the money they are going to win from the casino.

Using your head is the key to winning money in the casino. The first think you need to remember is that the odds of you winning the big jackpot are so outrageously against you, that it is not worth losing your hard earned money on. So by being smart and not trying to get rich on one spin of the roulette wheel, one toss of the dice at the Craps table or one go on the slot machine you can consistently win smaller amounts that at the end of the day can a large sum of money.

Next time you are in the casino try going to the 10 dollar Roulette table and only play red or black. Each win you will double your bet, and at 10 dollars a spin you can make 100 dollars in less then 30 minutes. I usually walk up to a table and wait for the wheel to land on the same color 3 times in a row then bet on the other color. Then after I have made some money I will start to play some other bets, but I only stay on the outside of the board. The odds are much better at 3 to 1 or 4 to 1 instead of 40 to 1. Using this method I have managed to turn $20 into $900 in just over 3 hrs. It may not sound like a fortune, but as I said before walking in poor and walking out a millionaire is not realistic.

Next time you are at a casino look for a clock or window. Ok do not waste your time, there are none. Another secret of the casinos is that they want you to have no concept of time. When you are gambling time seems to go faster, and if there were clocks or a window in the casino you would have some idea of how long you have been gambling and would then start to think about leaving the casino instead if losing all track of time and spending all day and night in the casino. They do this because at some point you will start to get tired but be kept awake from the adrenalin from gambling, and at this point you can’t think straight, and you will start to spend money faster. Always remember the casinos are not there to make you dreams come true they are there to take you for all your money. Any time you leave the casino with some of the casinos money it was accidental.

Some of the tricks the casinos use to keep you gambling are:
No Windows
No Clocks
Ugly colors in the rugs and walls around the exits, and nice colors around the gamming areas will subliminally make you not want to go to those areas. The worse the odds of you winning the nicer the colors of that area will be.

By keeping this information in mind you will not be going home from the casinos and quitting your job but you will have more money in your pocket and you will have had a good time making that money.

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Can A Golfer Do Without Golf Fitness And Exercise

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Just how important is golf fitness and exercise to a golfer today in the modern game? Can a good amateur or even professional golfer do without it and still maximize their potential?

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Just how important is golf fitness and exercise to a golfer today in the modern game? Can a good amateur or even professional golfer do without it and still maximize their potential?

Will they still be able to enjoy their game and see constant improvements or at least consistency in their quality of play?

Those golfers who ask these sorts of questions about golf fitness and exercise sometimes nostalgically cast their minds back to the so called good old days of the golf game when the game was strictly a leisure sport where one hardly needed to break into a sweat to thoroughly enjoy themselves on the course.

The modern golf game has changed dramatically and permanently. Although golf is still very much the leisure sport that has given pleasure to thousands over the years even with the golf fitness and exercise programs. If anything these golf fitness and exercise programs have given many more people a chance to master the game much faster and really get to enjoy it.

Assuming that a golfer would want to skip golf fitness and exercise they would find themselves faced with one major problem. Increasingly they would find themselves frustrated and would be faced with a situation where it would seem that the standard of their game is dropping.

Actually what would be happening is that the pressure of playing against golfers involved in golf fitness and exercise programs would be taking its’ toll.

There are few things that are as infuriating and frustrating as seeing your opponent effortlessly run rings around you on the course just because they have taken golf fitness and exercise seriously and you have not.

In all likelihood the golfer who is determined to do without golf fitness and exercises, just like in the old days, would increasingly find themselves in a position where they enjoy their game less and less.

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Carving the Flesh With the Scalpel of Philosophy

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According to some recent studies, it would appear that one’s outlook, attitude, and philosophy towards life holds a greater influence on physical well-being and longevity than initially believed. The main theory to explain this is that a positive outlook has a strong influence on mental health and subconscious actions, theoretically leading people away from self-destructive lifestyles. Another is that positive thought has a direct influence on a person’s physical being, likely through chemical responses.

mental health, depression, relationship, self-destruction, side effects

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Does your attitude have a connection to your physical and mental health? Up until recently, the answer to that was a strong ‘No’ from a strictly scientific standpoint. However, according to some recent studies, there may be more to it than the obvious. More or less, mental health and personal outlook and philosophy are connected. There isn’t much scientific data to explain how the two are connected, but there is ample proof of the link. However, what about the body? Will people who perceive themselves as being healthier and more lively actually be in a better physical state than others? Unlike the mental health link, there is no definite connection made just yet, but there have been some findings that point to a possibility.

According to a large-scale study conducted by Duke University, there is a link between attitudes and physical well-being. The reports state that the research team did their best to eliminate external factors, such as mental health issues, vices, and hereditary diseases from the final results. The end result of the report makes the claim that, if two people with similar states of physical well-being are taken, the one with a more positive outlook is more likely to have better health in the long-term. The one that has more fear and anxiety about his physical condition is more likely to suffer from some sort of illness or have poorer overall health than his counterpart.

Of course, before taking this into account, people should also eliminate possible factors affecting longevity and health. For example, people who have depression or Thanatos complex may perform acts that can permanently compromise their immune system, possibly cutting their life expectancy. The relationship between diet and vices to physical and mental health also plays a larger role than outlook and attitude theoretically do. Further study is under way, but Dr. Ellen Idler has studied the research data and the implications extensively. She believes that the link is less of a “mystical” one and more deeply rooted in the principles of cause and effect. According to her theory, the relationship between attitude and longevity is one that is connected to mental health.

In her theory, people who have a more negative outlook are more likely to slip into unhealthy lifestyles. Whether this is subconscious or not would likely vary from case to case, but she believes that negative attitudes tend to eventually lead to negative states of mind. It is known that mental health is connected closely to physical health, with a number of mental disorders either having physical symptoms or side effects. While a negative outlook in life may not necessarily be an act of self-destruction on the person’s part, it may help push the person into an increasingly degenerate lifestyle.

Further study is likely to be needed before any concrete connections are made. There are currently two major areas where the studies are liable to concentrate. First is the theory that a positive outlook is linked to mental health and that is how it affects the physical well-being and longevity of a person. Another, far less accepted theory, is that a positive outlook actually can influence the body in the same way that some people manifest physical symptoms simply by believing that they are ill.

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Can A Contact Lens Really Get Lost In Your Brain?

Steve Cogger
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Did you lose your contact lens under your upper eyelid? HELP!
If you ever get a contact lens misplaced under your upper lid the first step is to stay relaxed. There is never really a reason to panic. Know that it is not at all dangerous to have a lens under your upper lid, usually it does not even hurt. At best it is a nuisance, nothing more.
Also know that your lids are attached to your eye, so the lens can not get lost behind your eye, in your brain, or up in your forehead. Let me repeat that, a contact lens can never get lost behind your eye and go in to your brain. It is impossible and will never happen.
So how do you get a contact lens out from under your upper lid? There are two basic techniques depending on what style of lens you are wearing.
Removing a Soft Contact Lens From Under Your Upper Lid:
1) Look all the way down towards your nose.
2) Close your eyes.
3) Place one finger over your lid at the inside corner of your eye(near your nose)
4) gently rub in one direction, towards your ear, along the globe of your eye under your brow.
5) Open your eye and notice you have pushed out from under your upper lid.
6) remove the lens.
That’s it, it’s that simple. If the lens did not come out, hold your upper lid out of the way to see if it is still there. If you see it, repeat the previous steps. If you don’t see the lens, take a break. It is highly possible the lens isn’t even there anymore.
Removing a Gas Permeable Contact Lens From Under Your Upper Lid:
1) First, be over a surface where the lens will not get lost if it falls out.
2) Locate the lens by holding your upper lid out of the way and look downward into a mirror. (or have a friend look)
3) Once the lens is located, lift your upper lid entirely over the lens so the entire lens is exposed.
4) Using the margin of your lid (where the lashes grow) gently push on the upper edge of the contact lens.
5) When the proper connection is made, the lens will slide freely and easily.
6) You can slide the lens back over the cornea, or pop it off.
Usually lenses don’t get dislodged unless they are rubbed or very dry. If you find that your lenses consistently move off center, you may consider contacting your eye care provider to verify the fit and type of lens is right for you.

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Cartoon Marketing Turns Healthy

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Food forums have raised many a discussion on the “difficulty” to get kids to eat fruits and vegetables. Some parents respond saying their kids have no problem eating fruits and vegetables and like them, while others do look for ways to help their kids get the nutrition they need. The question has been raised whether or not societal stigmas are to blame for this problem of unhealthy eating by kids. Perhaps kids are just meeting expectations, or trying to fit in, by not “liking…

vegetables, advertising, marketing, cartoons, healthy,

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Food forums have raised many a discussion on the “difficulty” to get kids to eat fruits and vegetables. Some parents respond saying their kids have no problem eating fruits and vegetables and like them, while others do look for ways to help their kids get the nutrition they need. The question has been raised whether or not societal stigmas are to blame for this problem of unhealthy eating by kids. Perhaps kids are just meeting expectations, or trying to fit in, by not “liking” fruits or vegetables. If a parent expects that a kid might prefer a cookie to an apple, and has one on hand, it’s likely the kid may choose the cookie – because they are expected to. While man-made products such as cupcakes and cookies have been loaded with sugar may be appeasing to kids, other parents suggest that the media is to blame for marketing such snack foods to kids more often than healthy choices.

Well, kid-friendly brands like Nickelodeon and Disney have been fighting back, trying to put their famous cartoon characters on healthier foods like fruits and vegetables instead. Nickelodeon, owned by Viacom, just announced they joined the “help kids make healthy choices” bandwagon by restricting its cartoon characters from being found on any sort of junk food, according Reuters article. Nickelodeon characters such as Sponge Bob Square Pants, Jimmy Neutron or the Rugrats will only be used as marketing tools for foods that meet their advised dietary guidelines. Sponge Bob Square Pants now circulates the vegetable aisles instead of snack aisles, as he has been found on snack packs of baby carrots, and other vegetables. However, Nickelodeon still plans to license their characters to be used on holiday treats or snacks like Valentine’s Day chocolates, for example.

Whereas Nickelodeon is restricting its licensing of characters, Disney has released its own whole line of Disney Garden products that include a number of bagged fruits and vegetables like cut up apple slices and even cauliflower. Disney Garden hopes to help kids make healthier choices by choosing their fruits and vegetables. They hope to make the lives of parents easier by creating some incentive to want these fruits and vegetables with their characters. Their Web site offers recipe ideas for kids, as well as hints and tips for parents to help their kids make healthier choices.

But, who benefits more from these relatively new marketing ploys? Have parents fallen to a trap where they buy these products to unsuccessfully appeal to their kids, or have kids actually now been eating their vegetables? In other words, is this “humanitarian” effort really just putting more money in the pockets of Viacom and Disney, or is it actually helping kids to become healthier? Maybe a little bit of both.

Food blogger Kate Hopkins of Accidental Hedonist believes these new marketing concepts have kept public school systems out of the know. Kids are surrounded by food choices while at school, and the school system has a large bearing on what food choices are the right ones to make, as well as what foods show up in vending machines, etc. Questions such as these raise further issues as to what’s behind these new marketing schemes.

All in all, these efforts can’t necessarily hurt much, unless you’re an adult forced to eat Sponge Bob Square Pants carrots instead of a regular old bag of carrots, like me 🙂

Accidental Hedonist
Imagination Farms
Viacom Company

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Campaign Helps Uninsured Kids Get Health Care Coverage Millions Of Children Eligible For Low-Cost Or Free Coverage

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Millions of children will head back to school without one of the most important of all school supplies–health insurance.

Campaign Helps Uninsured Kids Get Health Care Coverage Millions Of Children Eligible For Low-Cost Or Free Coverage

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Millions of children will head back to school this Fall without one of the most important of all school supplies–health insurance.

More than 8 million children in the United States are uninsured-that means one in every 10 kids might not receive the medical care they need, when they need it, because they don’t have insurance. In fact, uninsured children are 10 times more likely than insured children to miss out on needed care. Even when uninsured children do get some medical care, they often miss out on vital medical screenings and preventive care or seeing a doctor when they are sick.

To help these students start the school year off right, the Covering Kids & Families Back-to-School campaign, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, is making sure that parents, grandparents and teachers of uninsured children know that low-cost or free health care coverage is available. Many uninsured children are eligible through Medicaid or the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).

These programs cover doctor visits, prescriptions, hospitalizations and more. That means parents can put ‘getting coverage for our kids’ at the top of their back-to-school checklists.

“As a physician and mother, I have seen first hand that children who have health care coverage are better prepared to learn in school and better equipped to succeed in life,” says Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, M.D., M.B.A., president and CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. “Uninsured children are less likely to receive proper medical care for childhood illnesses such as sore throats, earaches and asthma-all of which can become very serious without treatment. These children are the future of our country and we need to make sure that they get the care they need.”

Although these programs are in every state and the District of Columbia, many parents may not believe their kids are eligible. Because these parents are working, they may think they earn too much to qualify. Children in a family earning up to $40,000 a year or more may qualify for Medicaid and SCHIP. Eligibility is based on family size and income.

“Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program have provided millions of children with low-cost or free health care coverage, but there are millions more who are still eligible,” said Sarah Shuptrine, national program director of Covering Kids & Families. “Many people still do not know about these programs, and parents in working families might assume their children would not qualify. Anyone can help get eligible kids covered. Grandparents can play an important role and are encouraged to find out about these public health coverage programs.”

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Camaraderie: A Key To Coping With Job Stress

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Everyone knows that work stress can take a heavy toll on health. Studies have revealed that stress at work increases the risk for depression, heart attack and other health worries. Research shows that employees who are friendly with each other are better able to cope with work stress more effectively than those who do not relate well with their co-workers.

stress, anxiety, depression

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Elle and Monique are both new in their workplace. At 26, it is only Elle’s second job and first time to work in one of the most progressive call centers in the city. Monique, on the other hand, is turning 37 and though being a web content writer is not totally new to her, having once worked as a copywriter in an advertising agency, she still finds the writing job quite overwhelming.
Both women started on the same day and after only three days, both have already realized how the work can be so stressful and mentally-draining. While adjusting in a new work environment can already cause stress and anxiety, having a kind of work that requires round-the-clock creativity and demands mental calisthenics could lead to exasperation and burnout.
It has been almost five months now and both women are still working in the same company. Just when they thought they wouldn’t last another day of coping with the demands of their writing job, time has slipped away that they have adjusted to their new environment and have learned to enjoy their job as well. Their secret? Camaraderie.
Although not all company bosses welcome close relationships at work, research shows that employees who are friendly with each other are better able to cope with work stress more effectively than those who do not relate well with their co-workers.
Everyone knows that work stress can take a heavy toll on health. Studies have revealed that stress at work increases the risk for depression, heart attack, and other health worries. Recent reports, however, shows that the solution to work stress may be found in the adjacent cubicle. According to an article published in the American Journal of Public Health, those who get social support at work are far less likely to suffer serious depression problems.
In 2002, more than 24,000 Canadian workers have been the subject of a research study conducted by the University of Rochester Medical Center and discovered that five percent of the workers suffered from serious bouts of depression. It was noted that men who endured high job strain were two times more likely to succumb to depression than men with minimal job stress. Women who had little decision-making authority had twice the depression risk compared to women with more power.

Earlier research on job stress were consistent with the findings, but the Rochester scientists detected a surprising trend. The study suggested that those who said they felt generally supported by their colleagues and could lean on co-workers in a time of crisis were spared the rigors of job stress. Men and women who felt little social support at work were two to three times more likely to suffer major bouts of depression.
“It’s more than just friendship,” said the lead author of the study, Emma Robertson Blackmore, who is also Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester. “Your family and friends give you support, but because they’re not in your work environment they don’t have the level of understanding that your work colleagues do.” Work friends, she noted, “get where you’re coming from.”
The data are especially significant to employers and managers who sometimes view fraternizing by colleagues as a distraction that interferes with productivity. Dr. Blackmore, however, noted that because work friendships lower job stress and risk for major depression, employees who get along and support each other are likely to be more productive. According to the journal report, depression at work reduces employee productivity, increases disability and absences, and may lead to premature retirement.

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Carrots : The Master Key For Healthy Living!

Jasdeep Singh
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It slows ageing, promotes healthy vision, has anti-cancer properties, increases immunity towards various chronic diseases. Yes, carrot does it all for you. This natural health booster enhances your health on various grounds and fills in the essential vitamins to your body like pro-vitamin A, B3, C and E. Other important advantages of carrot besides those mentioned above includes preventing various gastrointestinal complaints like colic and ulcers and it also prevents heart attacks and cancer by reduces cholestrol levels as it has high soluble fibre levels.
. Tip: Carrots are more nutritous when eaten cooked. The valuable nutrients lie either in or just beneath the skin.
See how Carrot works?
Beta-carotene, the main content of carrots, is maily responsible for improving your vision. The vitamin A forms a purple pigment called rhodopsin the eye needs to see in dim light. Hence, if we dont get adequate vitamin A, it can lead to night blindedness.
Beta-carotene also acts as an anti-oxidant which prevents free radicals responsible for cancer and heart attacks. A study at Texas and Chicago states that men with higher content of Beta-carotene are 37% less prone to heart related diseases. Carrot has one more anti-oxidant called alpha-carotene which reduces the risk of lung cancer.
. Tip: Cut off the leafy tops of the carrot before storing them. The leafy tops suck the vitamins from the main body robbing its nutritions. You can make best use of carrots by adding it to your favourite juices.
Wow, see the magic of carrot which is so easily available and cheap too. So start having atleast 50 gm of Carrot daily to fill in the required amount.
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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome And How To Avoid It

Mila Sidman
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Carpal tunnel syndrome is a nerve disorder of the wrist and hand. It can cause pain, numbness and tingling. It’s caused by doing repetitive hand motions, such as typing.
Medical transcriptionists are especially at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome due to the amount of typing they do.
Although, there is no way of avoiding typing if you’re a transcriptionist there are a few things you can do to alleviate or avoid carpal tunnel altogether.
1. Set up a comfortable work area. Make sure you have plenty of room to use the mouse comfortably and position your keyboard to elbow level.
2. Keep your wrists and hands parallel to the floor as you type. Do not rest your wrists on the keyboard unless it has a specifically designed wrist rest on it (these let you rest your wrist while keeping them straight).
3. Stretch your hands and arms before and after typing. Make a tight fist with your hand, hold for a few seconds then slowly release. This will help alleviate any tension in the hands and wrists.
4. Take breaks while working. Ideally, you should get up every hour to stretch and relax your body. Shake your hands and open and close your wrist to help relieve tension.
5. Sit up straight in your chair when working. Overall good posture will give you good hand position.
6. Wear a wrist band to help avoid the problem. This will give your wrists and hands extra support.
If you follow these tips early you may avoid carpal tunnel syndrome altogether since there may be damage being done before you actually feel any symptoms. And If you already suffer from carpal tunnel, following these tips should help alleviate the problem.
Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome include tingling/numbness in the hands, a burning sensation in the fingers, and/or sharp pains from the wrist shooting up the arm.
If you do have any symptoms of carpal tunnel, you should see your physician right away.