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Cause Of Stuttering

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When a person has a stutter or a parent realises that their child is developing a stutter they often want to find out the cause. So what causes a stutter?

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When a person has a stutter or a parent realises that their child is developing a stutter they often want to find out the cause. So what causes a stutter?

The answer is many things can trigger someone starting to stutter. These are some of them:
It can be a traumatic event
It can run in the family
People may copy a friend at school who has a stutter and then it sticks An over aggressive relative

Last year I had a female client who told me how she had developed a stutter. She was fluent until the age of twenty four. At this age she became pregnant for the first time, she was very happy and excited about the prospects about becoming a mother.

She was apprehensive about the birth and her friends had been winding her up telling her how painful the experience is. She knew that they were only teasing and tried to keep relaxed.

The day of the birth arrived and unfortunately the delivery was particulary hard and she was extremely shocked about how bad it actually was. After the birth of the baby, who was a healthy boy she developed the stutter.

Not all people who stutter have it from an early age, another one of my clients was fluent until the age of nineteen. At this age he had a car crash and this was the trigger to him starting to stutter.

Stephen Hill

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Can Affirmations End Binge Eating Disorder?

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It is proven that affirmations help to reprogram one’s mind. When one repeats an affirmation over and over, the subconscious picks up on it as the present reality. Does this mean that people have the ability to

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It is proven that affirmations help to reprogram one’s mind. When one repeats an affirmation over and over, the subconscious picks up on it as the present reality. Does this mean that people have the ability to completely turn around their life as they know it? In one word: yes.

You can co-create your world to your own specifications. You want a better relationship? Start telling yourself that you deserve it. Once you have heard this for so long, your mind will not settle for anything else. You want a better job? Learn to say affirmations about your passions and watch how many doors open in your direction.

Now, what if you want to end your binge eating habit? Although this may sound tricky, there is nothing tricky about it. Truth is, when you boldly affirm your thoughts to yourself and to the Universe, you will get what you want in time. For example, you can say “My body is a healthy temple.” As with any subject that you affirm, your mind is changing and will not accept anything less. You will start to regard your body as sacred and will not want to damage it in any way. A newfound respect will start to flourish within you. You will start to think twice about what food you fill your body with. Before eating, you will wonder what nourishment will enter your body from eating that food.

As all binge eaters know, it is not about being hungry and wanting food. No, you eat because you are numbing your feelings toward a particular subject. What if you start to affirm that you are capable of handling those difficult situations that cause you to binge? Your mind might just start to believe what you are saying and this will make the binging slow down. Of course, it won’t get rid of it overnight, but it will cause you to become more aware of what you say and what you think. It will cause you to really think about the type of food you are feeding your soul.

When your thoughts on binging and on yourself start to improve, your life with follow in the same direction. The new love and respect that you have for your body will guide you away from any binges. You will learn to supplement your negative feelings with positive ones. Ultimately, this is the beginning of your end to changing your food habits and getting rid of Binge Eating Disorder. Start believing in yourself and only wanting the best for yourself and watch how things will start to shift in your life.

By: Kristin Gerstley

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Cause Of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension

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It is strange but true that the exact Cause of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is yet to be ascertained. However, researchers in this regard suggest that certain diet drugs (appetite suppressants) can make a person more prone to developing this fatal condition.

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It is strange but true that the exact Cause of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is yet to be ascertained. However, researchers in this regard suggest that certain diet drugs (appetite suppressants) can make a person more prone to developing this fatal condition.

Primary Pulmonary Hypertension is basically a disorder of the blood vessels wherein the pressure in the pulmonary artery rises above normal levels, thereby posing a life-threatening risk. Several diseases or causative factors, largely unknown, may lead to the malfunctioning denoted by the term Primary Pulmonary Hypertension.

Research done in recent times point out that A mutation in the gene denoted BMPR2 Causes Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. Researchers have sensed that other genes may also possibly lead to causing Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. It is also probable that other genes can contribute to the development of the disease in people, together with the known mutation of the BMPR2 gene. The disease is thereby inheritable via genes.

Most cases of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension are, however, found to be not inherited as a result of traits in genes. Cirrhosis of THE liver, stimulant abuse and H.I.V. infection are often closely associated with Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, though no cause of the disease has been specifically delineated. Conclusive evidence has, however, been found regarding a direct correlation between the usage of appetite suppressants (diet drugs) and the risk of Primary Pulmonary Hypertension. The names of Pondimin and Redux, commonly known as Fen Phen, are important in this regard. These drugs were recommended by hospitals and health centers from the 1970s to late 1990s. The manufacturers and the people prescribing it (doctors and the like) did not have the necessary diligence to discover the severe risk involved in using the drugs. Their ignorance has, thus, been the cause of thousands of people either suffering from the disease or potentially at risk to fall prey to the deadly condition.

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Can Acupuncture Help you Stop, and Eventually Quit Smoking?

Peter Vine
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Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese healing approach that is almost 3500 years old. It is based on the belief that chi, a vital energy force flows around 12 key channels around the body. Within these channels there are 365 acupuncture points, which can sometimes become ‘blocked’ preventing the smooth flow of the vital energy, resulting in degrading health.
Acupuncture is a highly effective method for treating all manner of addictions including nicotine. The application of acupuncture to help you stop and eventually quit altogether, involves the insertion of very fine needles into special points on the skin. The needles are generally left in the skin for up to 20mins. There is virtually no pain apart from the slight pricking sensation when the needle first goes in. The technique itself results in the release of special chemicals called endorphins which will provide a ‘natural high’ at the end of the treatment.
Following the first treatment, the patient is likely to cough up phlegm during the week after treatment as the body starts to adjust to life without smoking, and the tar and phlegm in the lungs starts to loosen. It is common to schedule a follow up session about 1 week after the first to assess progress, and decide whether further therapy is required. Many heavy smokers have reported success after only 1 or 2 acupuncture sessions.
Acupuncture as a method for quitting smoking is best for those individuals that are heavily addicted to the nicotine, but have clearly made the commitment to quit. This type of therapy will dramatically reduce the side effects of nicotine withdrawal, such as the cravings, depression and anxiety. The body will also start to repair itself, particularly in improving blood circulation and de-congesting the lungs, and the patient will generally feel very positive and optimistic as a result of the release of natural anti-depressants by the brain.
Combining acupuncture with more traditional approaches to quitting smoking can be an effective strategy, especially if you have tried and failed at simply using willpower to quit in the past. If you decide acupuncture to stop smoking is for you, make sure you see a qualified and reputable practitioners.


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Cause Of Obesity In The World Today

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Why are people obese? What causes it? Is it due to laziness and unhealthy living? On the other hand, is it due to genetic make up? Medical researcher shave investigated into the causes of obesity and their findings support all of these theories. They have come up with the fact that it is not only one thing that makes you obese it is several factors.

Genetic make up plays a large part when it comes to obesity and the cause of it. If you family members before hand have strug…

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Why are people obese? What causes it? Is it due to laziness and unhealthy living? On the other hand, is it due to genetic make up? Medical researcher shave investigated into the causes of obesity and their findings support all of these theories. They have come up with the fact that it is not only one thing that makes you obese it is several factors.

Genetic make up plays a large part when it comes to obesity and the cause of it. If you family members before hand have struggled to control their weight then you will ultimately suffer the same fate. I am not saying that you cannot stop it, of course you can. It takes a lot of time and hard work to prevent it but following a proper diet plan with exercise is a great way to prevent obesity falling upon you. So yes, the cause of obesity does sometimes boil down to your DNA.

Laziness and unhealthy living plays major part to the cause of obesity also. When you eat and you do not exercise, the energy from food is not used and is then stored as fat, the more fat your store the bigger you get and the more obese you become! Steps can be taken to prevent obesity by following a healthy living plan. The government have invested a lot of money into showing people how to live a healthy lifestyle, there are books, adverts and leaflets available to the public for information on how to live a healthy life. There are also slimming clubs and diets that can be joined to help you shed the weight.

The cause of obesity is due to a variety of factors that all need to be addressed and sorted out. If you are struggling with obesity then you need to seek out help, although you do not have to look very far! Doctors and friends are always there to offer support advice and help when it comes to struggling with obesity. The cause of obesity can also be medical related but that is not always the case, people are just sometimes to lazy!

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Catching a Killer – New Steps Taken in Treating Mesothelioma

Maggie Kay
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There’s a silent killer out there. It creeps up on its victims, attacks them quietly and unsuspectingly, and initiates a wound that develops over many years before it eventually causes pain. This unstoppable murderer is known as mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is a malignant tumor that develops on the mesothelial cells of either the lungs, heart or abdominal organs, and plagues those who have been exposed to asbestos for a prolonged period of time. Many who fall victim to this disease are people who have worked in specific trades or fields prior to the 1970s, such as blacksmiths, electricians, millwrights, and oil refinery workers.
Since it can take up to forty years for symptoms to surface, mesothelioma-related deaths are higher than ever in the 21st century. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention state that 1,493 people died from asbestos in 2000, compared to 77 people in 1968.
Mesothelioma treatment methods differ depending on the stage of the cancer upon detection, as well as the patient’s age and personal choice of treatment. The four distinct stages of the disease are a factor in determining the type of mesothelioma treatment that can be carried out. The first stage is when the tumor has had limited growth on the pleural lining (the lining of the lungs). At this stage, an attempt can be made to surgically remove the entire tumor. However, if the tumor is detected at a later stage when it has invaded surrounding areas, it is considered incurable.
Traditionally, the later stages of mesothelioma have been treated with either chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells while radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors.
Although mesothelioma treatment methods have been proven to prolong patients’ lives, they cannot cure the disease. Ongoing clinical trials are dedicated to overcoming this debilitating illness. Current experimental treatments include the following:
Drug Therapy: A drug called Alimta, developed by Eli Lilly, has been shown to significantly increase the life expectancy of patients and decrease symptoms of the disease. It is the only chemotherapy drug to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Gene Therapy: This mesothelioma treatment is currently in the experimental stages. The process involves inserting a “suicide gene” directly into the tumor. This gene makes the cells sensitive to a normally ineffective drug called glanciclovir which destroys all the cancer cells and leaves the healthy cells unharmed.
Photodynamic Therapy: Still in its experimental stage, photodynamic therapy uses light to kill cancerous cells. The patient first receives a photosensitizer that only collects in cancerous cells. Fiberoptic cables are then placed in the body in order to focus the right frequency of light on the tumor. The photosensitizer is then caused to produce a toxic oxygen molecule that kills the cancer cell.
Immunotherapy: Also referred to as biological therapy, this mesothelioma treatment uses the body’s personal immune system to defend itself against mesothelioma. It has been discovered that the immune system is capable of deciphering healthy cells from cancerous cells, and can thus eradicate those cells that cause cancer.
While treatment methods are still in the developmental or experimental stages, there is hope that one day all mesothelioma victims will be freed from the murderous hands of this fearsome disease.

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Can A Respirator/Mask Really Help Against Bird Flu?

Sarah Jenkins
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Surgical masks and respirators are forms of personal protective equipment used to guard against the spread of infectious diseases. With the increased onset of bird flu, many manufacturers and distributors of various protective equipment have touted incredible results from the use of their products. Do they hold water? Do these respirators and masks actually protect against bird flu?
For many years, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended the use of various forms personal protective equipment to safeguard against spreading diseases. Of these are surgical masks. These masks are manufactured to block the passage of tiny particles such as the influenza virus and keep the particles from reaching the eyes, mouth, and nose of the wearer, therefore preventing infection.
However, all masks are not developed to guard against infection. Masks for healthcare use are regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which ensures certain standards and criteria are met by all personal protective equipment. Therefore, if a mask is FDA approved, you can be assured the mask protects against the spread of infection. However, if a mask is not approved by the FDA, you should consider purchasing a different type.
Many manufactures are specifically guaranteeing bird flu protection; it should be understood that the FDA does not test for specific forms of disease, and therefore, companies are not allowed to make such allegations. If similar claims are made, you should be skeptical of the company’s validity and the quality of their products. There is a website to search for approved FDA masks, On the other hand, the CDC determines which type of equipment is appropriate for varying conditions.
You do not need a prescription or any special information to buy these masks and they can be bought at most pharmacies, medical supply stores and on the internet. However, if you are buying from the internet, be certain you are dealing with a reputable company to be certain you are purchasing quality products.
For the most part, personal protective equipment has proven to be a very effective way to prevent against infection. However, the CDC does not suggest or imply the use of these masks is appropriate for common use to keep from becoming infected. They suggest, instead, staying home when you are sick and simply staying away from sick people to prevent the spread of illnesses. However, with the threat of bird flu, many are seeking any means available to guard against infection.


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Catastrophic Health Insurance Coverage

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A catastrophic or major medical insurance plan is a deductible and comparatively cheaper form of health insurance with an element of speculation to it. A deductible is the amount you pay out of your pocket for medical expenses before the insurer pays the balance. For instance, if your deductible is $5,000 and the hospital bill is $12,000, the insurance company will pay only $7,000. The general rule is the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. When you opt for this plan, you’re gambling that you will not face major medical problems in the near future.

Health Insurance Coverage, Individual Health Insurance Coverage, Travel Health Insurance Coverage, Maternity Health Insurance Coverage

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A catastrophic or major medical insurance plan is a deductible and comparatively cheaper form of health insurance with an element of speculation to it. A deductible is the amount you pay out of your pocket for medical expenses before the insurer pays the balance. For instance, if your deductible is $5,000 and the hospital bill is $12,000, the insurance company will pay only $7,000. The general rule is the higher the deductible, the lower the premium. When you opt for this plan, you’re gambling that you will not face major medical problems in the near future.

It is a calculated risk. According to one survey, the annual medical expenses of 90% of the U.S. population are less than $2000; for 73%of the population, it is below $500.

Two groups that normally opt for catastrophic health insurance are young people in their twenties who are confident of their health condition, and older men between fifty and sixty-five who are still waiting for Medicare eligibility.

Catastrophic health insurance coverage is only meant to protect against major hospital charges and not routine medical expenses. It normally does not cover maternity care, doctor’s visits and prescription drugs. Certain pre-existing medical conditions and cases involving mental health and substance abuse are usually excluded from the coverage. A catastrophic health insurance policy can be purchased as an individual plan or as part of a group plan. In fact, there appears to be a trend among employers to encourage employees to opt for this type of medical cover. The maximum lifetime limit could be as high as $3 million.

Rates vary according to where you live and your age. In certain states, the saving on premiums could be two-thirds. For example, a 21 year old, non-smoking female may pay as little as $30 per month as a premium.

It is advisable to seek professional guidance from insurance companies and/or agents and compare quotes before making a decision.

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Can a Natural Health Supplement Help You To Stop Puffing Away?

Kaye Bewley
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Smoking was once seen as the cool thing to do. But not now. The whole country is about to change its stance on smoking in public places and what are people to do about it? Well, Stop 7 will go a long way to helping cease the urge!
Since 1586, when Sir Francis Drake returned home from the West Indies with a shipload of tobacco, smoking became the thing to do in Britain. However, it was Sir Walter Raleigh who made it fashionable. The ‘stick between your fingers’ was hyped to such an extent that the craze never had a chance of dying out – until the new millennium saw it as the unhealthy thing to do.
Knowing that smoking can kill is one thing, but trying to stop doing it is another. Once the drug has bitten deep, it’s a very hard thing to give up. What addictive drug is? Take it this way, if chocolate had ‘THIS CAN KILL YOU’ stamped all over it, do you think sales would dramatically drop? Of course they would! So what is it about ciggies that make people ignore the warnings and continue even though the blatent messages is that their lungs are being damaged?
Those who have tried to stop, have used every method under the sun – patches, gum and even resorting to hypnosis – all painfully resorting back to something they simply can’t get out of their system. Smokers are aware of what the nicotine does (it’s a drug that stimulates the brain), and how the lack of it affects them (anxiety, headaches, irritability, lack of concentration). They also are aware that the tar in cigarettes lingers in the lungs and that the carbon monixide resulting from the smoke is a poisonous chemical that gets into the bloodstream. But what is less well-known is that cigarette smoke produces hydrogen cyanide which is a toxic by-product that only the old heroes of World War II would recognise, Zyklon B (it was a genocidal agent used during that period – and what all the fuss is all about for passive smoking!).
Let’s face it, it is difficult being a smoker in this day and age. Even the works’ tea-room won’t allow anyone to light up for a quick one. And it’s going to get even harder when public places are shutting their doors to those who take a drag. And when a smoker does succeed and stop their habit, they put on weight because of all the sweeties they eat to put a stop to the craving.
So, what’s a smoker to do? Thankfully now a corner has been turned! After impressive results witnessed in America there’s a new alternative product about the hit the European market. It has had a 94% success rate. It’s not a drug. It’s not a nicotine patche or even a stick of gum – it doesn’t even mean that you have to have someone hypnotise you. It’s a simple seven day course that guarantees you your money back in the pennies (or pounds/dollars) you’ll be saving – and your money back anyway, if you resort to smoking after you’ve followed the instructions on the packet.
What’s different about this method? The simple fact that once you start to take the two types of supplements in the pack, your body ceases craving for the drug and reverts back to the time before you even started smoking. Its unique combination of 100% natural herbal supplements quell the cravings and suppress any ‘sweet tooth comfort eating’. Your body resumes back to its normal healthy state – after 20 minutes your blood pressure drops and your pulse returns to normal, after eight hours there’s more oxygen in your body, circulation improves after three months – and what was once a painful procedure (exercise!), becomes a hell of a lot easier. Irritating coughing reduces after nine months when the sinuses also clear up and after one year, the possible risk of smoker’s heart attack is halved.
There’s an added bonus of a comforting tongue spray included in the pack together with a 14 page book that gives you step-by-step instructions to help you through the stages you’ll face.
Everyone starts their life as a non-smoker, this kit just brings you safely back to that state of health.
The first herbal supplement consists of Inulin, Alfalfa, Liquorice, Dandelion Root, Gynmnea Sylvestre, Siberian Ginseng Extract and Atriplex Halimus Powder. The second’s ingredient list is Red Clover Extract, Nettle Leaf Powder, Saw Palmetto, Thyme, Peppermint Leaf Powder, Aniseed Powder and Deodorised Garlic Powder. Meanwhile, the Spray consists of a blend of Tincture of Gotu Kola, Dandelion Root, Liquorice, Peppermint and Aniseed.
More details are available from the distributor of this article:
Kaye Bewley
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Can a Natural Eczema Treatment Help You?

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If you’ve done the rounds of skin experts and dermatologists and still found no relief, maybe it’s time you turned to some more natural Eczema remedies? I’ve put together a few tips here that will help you experience some relief from your condition

cure eczema, eczema cure, beat eczema

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If you’ve done the rounds of skin experts and dermatologists and still found no relief, maybe it’s time you turned to some more natural Eczema remedies? I’ve put together a few tips here that will help you experience some relief from your condition.

Learn To Like Blueberries.
Ok well maybe that’s not so necessary. Eczema experts have found that there is something in Blueberry leaves called chlorogenic acid, and this acid can have excellent effects on your Eczema. In short, it uses completely natural means to remove the microbes from your skin which cause the itching and discomfort. It’s also an excellent natural anti inflammatory, so when you apply it to the affected area you will really notice the benefit. You should be able to find some kind of blueberry leaf extract in your local wellness store.

Get A Moisturization Habit-
Anyone with Eczema should keep their skin moisturized as often as they can. It’s as simple as that. Your skin is a lot less prone to itching and cracking if it is soft and supple, and moisturization is the key to this. At least twice a day, and if possible after bathing. You want to do it after bathing or a shower so the moisturizer can lock the moisture from the bath into your skin. You may also find that you get by better if you can find an unscented moisturizer.

Get Some Vitamin E-
Vitamin E is a very powerful natural antioxidant. Applied to the affected areas, it can remove all traces of dirt/bacteri/anything else that may otherwise have the effect of worsening your symptoms.

Hopefully, if you’ve been at the end of your tether after getting nowhere with the Doctors and specialists, these tips may bring you some relief. The key is to actually take some action and be consistent with it. If you apply these tip consistently, you can see considerable relief.