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Can Dancing Heal?

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Dance give us plenty of room for self-expression and can be powerful in helping the body and mind to be stimulated. It’s all about movement and music and you.

This is one thing everyone agrees about: Dance is beneficial. It’s exercising without “feeling” like you’re exercising, it increases cardiovascular and mental health, releasing endorphins while you turn, spin, and simply MOVE.

Unfortunately, in our “modernized” society, we have lost touch with its potential. In co…


To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Dance give us plenty of room for self-expression and can be powerful in helping the body and mind to be stimulated. It’s all about movement and music and you.

This is one thing everyone agrees about: Dance is beneficial. It’s exercising without “feeling” like you’re exercising, it increases cardiovascular and mental health, releasing endorphins while you turn, spin, and simply MOVE.

Unfortunately, in our “modernized” society, we have lost touch with its potential. In contrast, dance has always been an integral part of many other cultures. You don’t have to dance with an African tribe around a roaring fire to realize the healing benefits of dance; luckily, all you need is yourself.

The other great thing about dance is that it can be done either in the privacy of your own home, in dance classes as a recreational outlet, at a party with friends, or as you do any number of houshold tasks, fitting a little “swing” in your steps.

“Oh, I can’t dance,” you’ll say. Can’t, or won’t? Dancing is simply moving, like wayward walking. It doesn’t have to be funky-crazy or hip; you don’t have to go with a style you don’t feel comfortable with; and those of you with “dance inhibition” are free, nearly every day, to find time and a private place large enough to move around freely — again, also knwn as dancing.

Choose music you feel comfortable with. Music preferences naturally vary from person to person — and even from day to day — so it just doesn’t matter of you decide to dance to Prince, Mozart, Garth Brooks, or Billie Holiday. That’s the first rule: Never put any kind of restrictions on yourself, thinking, “I like that music, but how do you dance to “Jingle Bells”?

When you are ready to begin, stand for a moment with your eyes closed. Feel the connection of your feet to the floor and just relax. If you feel completely at a loss for what to do, imagine your breath supplying your entire body with a golden fluid, making your body light and flexible.

Allow this to transition into any movements you wish, moving as the body dictates. Flow, float, stomp, jump up and down. Move fast or in slow motion. The key is to just allow the body to move, so don’t think too much — just move. Don’t worry about how you look; if you’re alone, no one can see you. If you’re in a dance class, everyone else is laughing, making the same mistakes you are.

When you really get into it, after a while you’ll definitely notice something: You’re not worrying as much any more; you are sleeping better; you aren’t as irritable at work or at home, with your family; and you feel surprisingly “healed” in some way.

In fact, the natural bodily healing and restoration can last from a couple of minutes to a several hours. People young and old, in all states of fitness, living in all kinds of bodies can benefit from dance. Those with injuries or physical challenges can bene fit as well as any “able-bodied” person; just listen to your body and work with its limitations. Dance can be used for healing major stresses as well as “everyday life,” for it is often that these stresses build up, manifesting in extreme tension, anger, and even illness.

Remember, you’re not forcing your body to move according to someone else’s steps; to truly dance is to just tune in to your own personal radio station, and move according to the rhythm of your soul. Dance slow, dance fast, dance solo, dance with others, dance with joy, even dance the sorrow out of your heart. There are no rules — just DANCE!

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Can Curry Cure Cancer?

Michael Brooks
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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Researchers at the University of Texas have found that small doses of curcumin, a common ingredient in curry, not only can stop the growth of melanoma cells but also cause the cells to self destruct. The research further indicated the more curcumin that was added to melanoma cells, the greater the number of dead cells. Increasing the amount of curcumin also stopped the melanoma cells from reproducing. This is exciting news to say the least.
What is Melanoma?
In the simplest terms, melanoma is the bad kind of skin cancer. The cancer cells develop as odd shaped and colored moles on the surface of the skin and sometimes in the eye. Melanoma can metastasize (spread) to other organs in the body such as the liver, lungs, and brain. Doctors diagnose about 53,000 people each year with melanoma. Most skin cancer deaths are caused by melanoma. If there is some good news, it’s that if caught and treated early, melanoma can be cured.
What is Curcumin?
Curcumin is the active ingredient in the herb turmeric. Curcumin is a member of the ginger family and is ground from the root of the curcuma longa plant. It has been used for thousands of years in India and many Asian countries as a food preservative, coloring agent, folk remedy and a food flavoring.
Curcumin vs. Chemotherapy
According to one of the researchers associated with the UT study, one of the most exciting aspects of curcumin is its low toxicity. People seam to be able to handle large doses of curcumin with no side effects. This is in contrast to chemotherapy were most forms of the treatment cause serious adverse reactions.
Where to buy Curcumin
If you want to get started taking curcumin you should be able to find it in supplement form at your favorite natural pharmacy. Make sure to get the kind that is 95% curcumin. It is too early to have dosage levels for fighting cancer but most practitioners are recommending a dosage of 400-600 mg 3 times daily.
Below is a great recipe if you want to start using this powerful spice on some or your food preparations:
Uncle Mike’s Turmeric Chicken Cha Cha
This recipe will give you a big dose of turmeric. Remember, the active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin. When you go to the store to get your spices look for turmeric, you will not find curcumin. I use Spice Islands brand but there are usually others available depending on the store. Be careful with this spice as if you get it on your clothing it is very hard to remove.
Mix equal parts of soy sauce and light olive oil together in a bowl
Pour Soy/Olive oil mixture over chicken breasts and let them marinate for a few hours
Prepare a spice mixture of 3 parts turmeric and 2 parts garlic powder
Cover the marinated chicken with the spice mixture (I just sprinkle it on with a salt shaker)
Bake for one hour at 325 degrees
Remove and cook on grill for 4 minutes on each side over medium heat
The last step is optional but is my favorite step during the summer season. If you don’t use the grill then bake for about an hour and fifteen minutes
Copyright 2005 Michael Brooks


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Causes Of Vertigo – Vertigo Symptoms

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

This article is written from a layman’s’ perspective. Always check with your doctor with any vertigo symptoms (dizziness).

The first time I experienced Vertigo symptoms was right after I had a nasty bout with bronchitis. I had already missed one week of work because of it. On the day I planned on returning to work; I got up when my alarm went off and promptly hit the floor.

I didn’t fall to the floor because my legs were weak. I didn’t even feel “bad”. But I was as dizz…

health, vertigo symptoms,dizziness

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This article is written from a layman’s’ perspective. Always check with your doctor with any vertigo symptoms (dizziness).

The first time I experienced Vertigo symptoms was right after I had a nasty bout with bronchitis. I had already missed one week of work because of it. On the day I planned on returning to work; I got up when my alarm went off and promptly hit the floor.

I didn’t fall to the floor because my legs were weak. I didn’t even feel “bad”. But I was as dizzy as you could get. Scared out of my wits – I’d never experienced any thing like this before in my life – I crawled my way to the living room and climbed into a chair. The dizziness remained. I made coffee, thinking the Vertigo symptoms would go away. They didn’t and I decided to go to the emergency room.

At the emergency room, (as visions of brain tumors and the like presented themselves in my mind) the doctor seemed quite confident as to what my problem was. He asked me a series of questions, ran some tests, did some blood work and gave me some Antivert. He concluded that because of the Bronchitis, I had gotten the Vertigo, and that this was common. Vertigo is also common in the elderly – and it’s usually chronic.

He sent me home with my prescription of Antivert. I was out of work for another week, basically chained to my couch or bed. I couldn’t do anything else. I could not sit in front of my computer, or watch TV – everything had a tendency to bounce around. I was miserable. The Antivert that was prescribed to me made me incredibly drowsy and I slept a lot. After 3 days, I felt better and not quite so dizzy, but I still was unable to drive at this point, and it took another few days to feel normal.

The best way for me to describe my Vertigo symptoms is this. Don’t laugh. It’s exactly how I felt.

Have you ever gotten so drunk to the point to where you got the spins? The room starts spinning and twirling taking you for the ride. It only goes away when you lay down and lay completely still. Only with Vertigo symptoms, it doesn’t go away.

My mother is prone to Vertigo, she usually gets the Transderm Scop motion sickness patch. She says it doesn’t make her drowsy and vertigo symptoms go away within 24 hours. I’ve never tried the patch, I’ve always taken Antivert, prescribed by a doctor or you can also buy generic Antivert over the counter at any drugstore. Look for Meclizine on the box, or the brand Bonine.

My understanding of one of the causes of Vertigo is an imbalance of the crystals in the ear, which make sense, at least for me since I only get Vertigo after I’ve been sick with Bronchitis.

If you are experiencing vertigo symptoms, contact your doctor immediately.

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Causes of variations from normal sperm count

Marc Deschamps
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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The factors that may affect the normal sperm count and quality could actually be summarized in six main points namely: sperm mobility, concentration, morphology, speed, count and last but not the least, sub-fertility. Drawbacks in any of these areas can vastly affect the chances of conception.
Sperm mobility refers to the sperm’s ability to move in a rather dynamic and active fashion. When it comes to healthy sperm, more than 50% of them may be considered as active if over 25% of them moving vehemently in one direction. Its significance can be understood by the fact that it enables the sperm to travel through the cervical canal, into the uterus and the fallopian tubes and finally, to break through the egg.
Normal sperm count is a function of concentration that refers to the measure of the number of sperm cells in a milliliter of semen. The average or normal concentration measures around 22 million sperm cells per milliliter of semen.
The third point is morphology. A healthy sperm cell bears a resemblance to a tadpole in shape. The oval head of the sperm holds the genetic material, while the center provides energy and the tail thrusts the sperm forward. In addition, experts believe that oddly shaped sperm are not capable of fertilizing an egg.
Speed is another factor that affects sperm quality. Based on the study made by the World Health Organization in a healthy male, beyond 25% of sperm will exhibit progressive mobility. These are the sperm with the best chance of successfully infiltrating and fertilizing an egg.
Normal sperm count is also a vital factor in sperm production. Count refers to the number of sperms in the fluid that is ejaculated. There are over 50 million sperms in a normal ejaculate, and a total count below 40 million may indicate decreased fertility.
The sixth and last factor is sub-fertility. The term refers to the couples that are unable to reach conception even after a year’s period of unprotected intercourse. However, this is different from infertility. The typical causes of male sub-fertility include sperm production problems, blockage in the sperm’s delivery system, injuries to the testicles, low or high hormone production, anatomical problems, varicocele, past illnesses, side effects of medications, and sperm quality.
Increasing the volume of ejaculation and the normal sperm count has become a common obsession among men. During the past few years, the medical community had been committed to developing a safe and effective alternative treatment than the run of the mill advice that has been handed down from one generation to the next. Recent studies show that increasing sperm volume could actually be accomplished in two ways. First is by taking herbal supplements that contain amino acids and zinc. Amino acids, if taken regularly, are generally believed to increase ejaculate fluid. On the other hand, zinc seems to improve both the amount of sperm produced as well as the sperm’s ability to move spontaneously and independently. Together with amino acids, this will increase normal sperm count and volume significantly.
The second way is doing PC exercises. Although Kegel exercises can help you last longer, they can also aid in increasing sperm volume. Several exercises can help to keep your penis in great shape and shoot like a champion.
Copyright 2006 Marc Deschamps


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Can Cognitive Fitness Be a Workout for Your Brain?

Ken Savage
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2121.shtml

There is growing interest to exercise your brain using something called “cognitive fitness.”
It’s a known fact that exercise and meditation reduce anxiety, ease depression, and give you a general feeling of wellness. Can ideas about the brain be discovered from these practices to help create an emotional fitness tools?
Can biofeedback games like Wild Divine help beginner brains look more like enlightened brains without a lifetime of dedication?
Numerous articles published by the Mayo Clinic Foundation for Education and Research, the New England Journal of Medicine and other resources, cite the importance of regular “brain work-outs” in helping individuals maintain a vital and healthy lifestyle. Solving crossword puzzles, playing card and board games, and participating in other mentally challenging tasks, are specifically mentioned as activities that can delay the onset of age-related cognitive problems. A great site for this is Acuity Games.
Engaging in mental exercises for the purpose of increasing cognitive fitness is gaining popularity for Baby Boomers and their parents. The research is not definitive regarding the prevention of brain deterioration by rigorous mental exercise, but psychologists, neurologists, and other educators are designing cutting-edge programs for the public’s desire to stay mentally sharp.
Elkhonon Goldberg, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist in Manhattan, has offered programs since 1999 for patients who have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment. “I have been increasingly impressed by a growing body of relevant research literature, both animal studies on the positive effects of species-appropriate stimulation on the brain and more recently the human literature that demonstrates positive effects of structured cognitive stimulation on mental functions in aging,” said Goldberg, who reviews this work in his new book, The Wisdom Paradox.
A private grant underwrites the foundation of Goldberg’s “mental gym” that offers computer-based cognitive exercises that the client can practice in his center two or more times a week under the direction of a private cognitive fitness trainer. Following a neuropsychological evaluation, the client follows an individualized protocol of brain workout exercises that focuses on verbal and visual memory, divided attention, language, or spatial and verbal problem-solving. In addition Goldberg and his staff hold discussions about cognitive changes to allay anxiety triggered by mental slippage and to increase a sense of empowerment.
“Our program is geared toward patients with mild cognitive impairment because this is where evidence is the strongest, the need is most obvious, and the likelihood of success is the greatest.” He said that in principle, the programs will work for healthy older adults, but “my impetus has been to help those truly in need, rather than to offer the program as an amenity.”
In Hartford, Conn., the non-profit New England Cognitive Center (NECC) offers programs for healthy older adults as well as those with early onset dementia. “People are becoming aware that fitness does not stop at the shoulders and neck,” said the Director of the NECC, Patti Said, M.A., health educator. Their most requested program is a series of a four-, six-, or eight-session “memory tune-up” workshops consisting of psychoeducation and memory strategies provided in senior centers and other community agencies. According to Said, because some older adults feel uncomfortable around computers the NECC offers a series of 24 paper-and-pencil memory exercise sessions in addition to individualized computer based cognitive training.

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Causes Of Hemorrhoids

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

People with hemorrhoids have been stereotyped by the comics or comedians to be laughing stocks. That’s why fewer people with hemorrhoids tend to go to a doctor and have back irritations and pain sensations consulted by a specialist. Instead they just wait for the pain to subside and just worry about it some other time; especially if the pain becomes chronic. If you are really worried about having hemorrhoids, a careful lifestyle will help a lot. Here are some causes of hemorr…

hemorrhoids, hemroids, hemorrhoids treatment

To find the best Pilates Mat company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
People with hemorrhoids have been stereotyped by the comics or comedians to be laughing stocks. That’s why fewer people with hemorrhoids tend to go to a doctor and have back irritations and pain sensations consulted by a specialist. Instead they just wait for the pain to subside and just worry about it some other time; especially if the pain becomes chronic. If you are really worried about having hemorrhoids, a careful lifestyle will help a lot. Here are some causes of hemorrhoids that you may have been practicing.


Being pregnant causes a woman to increase chances of having hemorrhoids. This is because the rectal veins will be pressured more because of the added weight in the uterus. For women who are already experiencing hemorrhoids, pregnancy can worsen the situation.

Women who are pregnant who do not experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy may still get hemorrhoids during the labor period. This is due to the long and arduous delivery. Another reason is the constipation that a woman experiences after childbirth. Because of the tenderness in the anus and perianal area, women will prolong bowel movements.

Postponing Bowel Movements:

There are some people who are afraid to crap at other places because the toilet might be dirty. Another reason is that there is just no toilet nearby. So people will just try to force the crap back inside for a couple more hours. Doing this occasionally can do no harm, however if it becomes habitual it might lead to hemorrhoids.

When the crap stays longer in the fecal colon, it becomes harder and drier. This makes it tougher to pass. You will then need to force its way out. The rectal muscles that signal a person its time to crap may also become weaker. Just imagine a situation that you suddenly crap in your pants because you didn’t feel anything.


There are lots of diseases that cause hemorrhoids. One disease that can seriously cause hemorrhoids is rectal cancer. This is because rectal cancer will make the person have “false” calls of nature. It will then cause the person to go the bathroom regularly and will strain longer.

People who abuse alcohol will make their livers larger. This will then create extra pressure on the rectal veins. Other diseases that may also cause hemorrhoids are irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal tumor. These diseases causes constipation or interfere with normal elimination.

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Can Cell Phones Harm Your Health?

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

It seems like everywhere a person goes there is at least one person in view with a cell phone to their ear whether it is on the road, in a store, in a parking lot, walking down the street, etc. Even in places where cell phone usage is banned such as concert halls or movie theaters there is the occasional offender, or more likely, at least a few people using the text messaging feature on their phone.

Cell phone usage has exploded over the past decade and continues to rise….

cell phone, mobile phone, camera phone, cell phone plan, satellite phone, cell phone company

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It seems like everywhere a person goes there is at least one person in view with a cell phone to their ear whether it is on the road, in a store, in a parking lot, walking down the street, etc. Even in places where cell phone usage is banned such as concert halls or movie theaters there is the occasional offender, or more likely, at least a few people using the text messaging feature on their phone.

Cell phone usage has exploded over the past decade and continues to rise. Nearly two hundred million people in the United States have cell phones and there are well over one billion users worldwide. That means there are a lot of phones sending their frequencies over the airwaves at any given time.

Concern has arisen over whether or not cell phone usage can harm a person’s health. Brain cancer rates in the United States have risen since cell phones were introduced, leading some people to wonder if cell phone usage is the reason for the increase.

There have been reports of people developing brain tumors in the exact same spot where they held their cell phone. Some studies have expressed concern over long-term cell phone use, believing it can lead to a person to develop cancer. That is not to say a person who uses a cell phone is going to get cancer, but some studies suggest long-term use increases a person’s risk.

Things may not be all gloom and doom however. A large study done in Denmark with almost a half million cell phone users showed no increase in cancer for cell phone users.

Yet, other studies have concluded there is a greater risk of cancer but only with analog phone users. Some other studies conclude that any type of cell phone usage can raise a person’s risk for developing cancer. There are a lot of varying opinions on the subject. According to the FDA, available data does not show there are definitely health problems associated with using wireless phones, but the information goes on to say that there is also no proof that wireless phones are completely safe either.

What about cell phone usage is causing the concerns and the numerous studies to be done? Cell phones emit radiation when they are used. The levels are low and are the same type of radiation as a microwave oven emits but in much smaller amounts.

It has been suggested that using hands free sets can alleviate the problem of the head being exposed to the radiation. Again opinions vary. Some studies say it does not decrease the amount of radiation exposure at all. Other studies say it significantly decreases the amount of radiation exposure.

Some people say the biggest danger with cell phones isn’t from the either real or perceived potential to develop cancer, but from inattentiveness while using the cell phone. How many of us have seen vehicles driving somewhat erratically down the road and then see when we get near the vehicle that the driver is talking on a cell phone. It is a proven fact that a driver on a cell phone is less attentive and more likely to get in an accident. And, hands free sets aren’t the answer that some people may believe. Yes, they free up both hands for driving and prevent a person from getting a sore arm, but the driver’s mind is still occupied with the conversation and therefore less attentive to what is going on around him or her on the road.

Even people who are walking and talking on a cell phone at the same time can put themselves in more danger because they are not as aware of what is going on around them.

All the conflicting reports make a person wonder what they should do. The good news is that more comprehensive studies are being done to see if cell phone usage does or does not cause cancer. At the same time, manufacturers are working on new processes that will decrease or even possibly eliminate a person’s radiation exposure. Until more definitive answers are given, a person may want to avoid talking on a cell phone for several hours every single day, but a person probably does not need to feel like they should have to give their cell phone up. It is still a great tool.

The advice about driving and talking on a cell phone is the same as it has been though. A person should pull over in a safe area out of traffic before engaging in a cell phone conversation.

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Can calcium aid in boosting you health?

Mike Yeager
For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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A popular mineral today, coral calcium, is mainly calcium, but is also abundant in many trace sea minerals. Some people consider coral calcium to be nature’s purest calcium supplement. Harvested from sea marine coral in Okinawa, Japan, coral calcium has been consumed by Okinawan’s for many, many years.
As with many mineral products, coral calcium is not without its ardent admirers, who make all kinds of fantastic claims regarding the benefits of taking coral calcium. Keep in mind that calcium is a mineral that our bodies need for muscle movement and to keep the heart and bones healthy. While coral calcium is a good source for mineral calcium, it should not be considered as a panacea for all illnesses.
As with all new diet and exercise plans, it’s always best to consult with your physician regarding a new regime of coral calcium mineral supplement intake.
There are many coral calcium products to choose from as you focus on your physical and health goals. Choose from only the best providers of coral calcium products that offer great prices. That way you’ll be guaranteed quality and they can even be shipped right to your door.

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Causes of Bad Breath: What Are They?

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

There are so many causes of bad breath. We uncover what some of those causes of bad breath are and how to stop them in their tracks.

cause of bad breath

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There are many factors that could be the causes of bad breath, and many of the factors that could be causes of bad breath can be dealt with quickly and easily using simple techniques. In fact the causes of bad breath are so well documented that it is easy to find the factors which are the cause of bad breath for you.

So what are the causes of bad breath exactly?

Bad breath, which is usually halitosis, is caused by VSCs (Volatile Sulphur Compounds) in the mouth, these are the most common of the causes of bad breath. But what are they, anyway?

Bacteria in your throat and mouth help to break down certain proteins. When some Amino acids which have a lot of Sulphur inside, start to get broken down and then produce various foul smelling compounds from the back of the mouth and throat.

There is a common misconception that bad breath can come from your stomach, and although it may feel like that sometimes, the smeel comes from the compounds produced your throat and mouth. Some foods however after they have been consumed encourage the production of certain chemicals that are then discharged via the lungs. So that extra helping of deep-fried onion rings is actually making a smell through your lungs.

So how can we avoid these great causes of bad breath?

Well many of the causes of bad breath are things that we take for granted and use everyday. Most toothpastes can be a cause of bad breath because the stuff that makes the foam actually promotes production of VSCs.

A dry tongue can also be a cause of bad breath. The bacteria that produce those nasty SVCs actually don’t like oxygen, so a dry mouth is perfect and hence becomes a cause of bad breath.

The nasty stuff from the bacteria comes from the breakdown of Amino acids, which are found in protein. So high protein foods can be a cause of bad breath, even a generally high protein diet could be one of the causes of bad breath.

Once you have elevated levels of the bacteria in your throat, it becomes very difficult to fight off the bad breath as those bacteria can use anything to be the next trigger for your bad breath. By successfully reducing the amount of bacteria in your throat you can make sure that it becomes that much more difficult to get the bad breath in the first place.

You literally zap the cause of bad breath at its source.

So one of the causes of bad breath are those things that allow the bacteria to produce more SVCs, so avoid or treat these and you will rid yourself of your cause of bad breath. Otherwise hit at the source and reduce those bacteria.

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Can Body Ph Balance Be An Early Detection For Cancer?

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Water (H2O) ionizes into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. When these ions are in equal proportions, the pH is a neutral 7. When there are more H+ ions than OH- ions then the water is said to be “acid”. If OH- ions outnumber the H+ ions then the water is said to be “alkaline”. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 and is logarithmic, which means that each step is ten times the previous. In other words, a pH of 4.5 is 10 times more acid than 5.5, 100 times more acid than 6.5 and…

balance ph,balance body,health,acid,acidic,acid food,alkaline,alkaline food,balance,

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Water (H2O) ionizes into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxyl (OH-) ions. When these ions are in equal proportions, the pH is a neutral 7. When there are more H+ ions than OH- ions then the water is said to be “acid”. If OH- ions outnumber the H+ ions then the water is said to be “alkaline”. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 and is logarithmic, which means that each step is ten times the previous. In other words, a pH of 4.5 is 10 times more acid than 5.5, 100 times more acid than 6.5 and 1,000 times more acid than 7.5.

When healthy, the pH of blood is 7.4, the pH of spinal fluid is 7.4, and the pH of saliva is 7.4. Thus the pH of saliva parallels the extra cellular fluid…pH test of saliva represents the most consistent and most definitive physical sign of the ionic calcium deficiency syndrome…The pH of the non-deficient and healthy person is in the 7.5 (dark blue) to 7.1 (blue) slightly alkaline range.

The range from 6.5 (blue-green) which is weakly acidic to 4.5 (light yellow) which is strongly acidic represents states from mildly deficient to strongly deficient, respectively.

Most children are dark blue, a pH of 7.5. Over half of adults are green-yellow, a pH of 6.5 or lower, reflecting the calcium deficiency of aging and lifestyle defects. Cancer patients are usually a bright yellow, a pH of 4.5, especially when terminal.
Virtually all degenerative diseases, including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, kidney and gall stones, and tooth decay are associated with excess acidity in the body. While the body does have a homeostatic mechanism which maintains a constant pH 7.4 in the blood, this mechanism works by depositing and withdrawing acid and alkaline minerals from other locations including the bones, soft tissues, body fluids and saliva. Therefore, the pH of these other tissues can fluctuate greatly. The pH of saliva offers us a window through which we can see the overall pH balance in our bodies.

Cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment. All forms of arthritis are associated with excess acidity. Acid in the body dissolves both teeth and bones. Whatever health situation you are faced with, you can monitor your progress toward a proper acid/alkaline balance by testing your saliva pH.