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Can Fat Turn Into Muscle Or Muscle Into Fat?

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Can muscle turn into fat or fat turn into muscle? How many time have you heard this hilarious fats and muscles myth?

Yes, this is one fats and muscles myth that will never go away. Get this straight. Fat will never turn into muscle and muscle will never turn into fat.

The reason is simple. Your body fats and muscles are made up of completely different cell structure and they are so different that they cannot be converted to each other. Your muscle is very much alive a…

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Can muscle turn into fat or fat turn into muscle? How many time have you heard this hilarious fats and muscles myth?

Yes, this is one fats and muscles myth that will never go away. Get this straight. Fat will never turn into muscle and muscle will never turn into fat.

The reason is simple. Your body fats and muscles are made up of completely different cell structure and they are so different that they cannot be converted to each other. Your muscle is very much alive and work very hard whereas fat just sits there doing nothing and just plain looking ugly. How can they be the same or can be converted to each other?

How did this fitness myth come about then? Well, let me offer some suggestions.

When a fat person train with weights, he will build muscles and then for his muscle definition to show, he will have to lose fat. He will do cardio exercises and eat healthily to achieve a healthy fat loss. When that is accomplished, he will revealed a lean muscular body because he has already
packed on some muscle mass and have lost a substantial amount of body fat from his lose fats and build muscles program.

So when people see his new found lean muscular body and noticed that his body fat is now gone, some will comment that his fats has turned into muscles. Isn’t that a nonsensical comment? Not just nonsensical, it is downright

Now, just say that this same guy has lost his motivation to train for whatever reasons and because he no longer wants to maintain his lean muscular body, he naturally will lay off exercises and start to eat unhealthily. Gradually, he will put on body fat because of his unhealthy diet and the fact that he no longer exercise to burn calories. Then as he put on more fat, the fat begins to cover up his muscles and his muscles are no longer noticeable.

Ahhhh….these same people who do not know the biology of muscle and fat will proclaim that his muscles has turned into body fat. Well, these chaps must be magicians or how else can muscle turn into fat or fat turn into muscle?

Why am I exposing this fat and muscle myth? Because it is funny? Well perhaps that too. But the main reason is that this fat and muscle myth has put alot of people away from exercising to build muscles and continue to indulge in unhealthy eating habits by proclaiming that there is no point building muscles because once they stop, they will get fat. Again, this is rubbish because most of them are fat to begin with anyway. It is just a lazy excuse not to exercise and eat healthily.

So if you have friends who tout this fat and muscle myth to you, send them this article. You may be doing them a great favor when they realised the truth and head for the gym to build some muscles and lose some body fat.

Then what about you? Are now convinced that muscle will never turn into fat and fat into muscle? If not, write to me and tell me why.

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Can Fasting Help Me To Lose Weight?

Dada Vedaprajinananda
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One way to lose weight is to just stop eating. It sounds simple but in reality you have to know what you are doing to get any long term weight loss benefits from fasting. Let’s look at the weakness and strengths of fasting for weight loss.
Like most forms of dieting, fasting can be used to bring about dramatic but temporary reductions of weight. You can go on a long fast, taking nothing but juice or eating grapes or taking some other low calorie meal substitute for several weeks, and while you are on the fast you will certainly lose weight. However, during the fast you may not be able to carry on your normal social interactions. It’s not so easy to sit around sipping carrot juice while the rest of your family is eating a normal meal.
Another problem with long fasting is that your body requires vital nutrients (vitamins, minerals, protein) and your favorite juice may not contain them. Long fasting without proper medical supervision can be dangerous.
Finally, a major problem with this kind of fasting is that once you stop fasting and resume eating your normal diet, you are likely to gain back all the weight that you have lost during your crash weight loss fast.
So, does fasting have any place in a weight loss plan? Yes it does. Periodic fasting is one of the secrets of a long and healthy life. Our body’s digestive organs require a rest from time to time, just as we require days off from work. One-day fasting done in a methodical and regular manner provides the kind of rest that helps our digestive system, aids in the elimination of toxins from our body, and, yes, also helps us to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way.
How to Do Proper Fasting
Here is a method of doing one day fasts, taking no food and (if your body is strong) no water in a period from the sunrise of one day to the sunrise of the next day.
Successful fasting has three stages: preparation, the actual fast, and breaking the fast. Each one of these stages is important.
If you are not prepared both mentally and physically you will find it difficult to go one day without food. The mental preparation is simple, but very important. The night before the fast you have to take a firm determination that tomorrow you are going to fast, that you are not going to eat any food. If you fix your mind in advance then you will not start deliberating during the fasting day whether you should continue or not to continue. If you are undecided or waffling you can always find a hundred reasons why you should start eating!
Physical preparation is also important. The day before you fast you should eat a normal amount of food and take a good amount of liquids (especially if you are going to be fasting without taking any liquids). If you miss some meals on the day before fasting, then you may start feeling hungry during the fasting period. If you do not take enough liquids, especially during the night before the fast, then you will feel uncomfortable when you are fasting.
If you are physically and mentally prepared you will not feel very hungry while you are fasting. Once you decide to fast, your hunger just “shuts off” for the fasting period. This sounds hard to believe, but if you do it a few times you will see that it is true.
The Fasting Day
It is best to do light physical tasks and concentrate more on intellectual and spiritual work during the fasting period. It is not a good idea to spend your time thinking about what you are going to eat tomorrow! If you have prepared yourself properly this shouldn’t be a problem and you can use the time that you gain by not eating to do some constructive things that you normally don’t get time to do.
Breaking the Fast
One of the benefits of fasting is that it helps to eliminate toxins from the body. However, you can only get this benefit if you break your fast correctly. On the morning following the fasting day, take two glasses of lemon water. Put the juice of have of a lemon in one glass and add a bit of salt. (The drink should taste both lemony and salty). After some time, you can eat your breakfast. The lemon water will help you to flush your digestive system with a strong bowel movement and many toxins will be eliminated.
One day fasts like this can be done twice a month. This kind of fasting will give rest to your digestive organs, help eliminate toxins, build your will power and strength of mind. On top of this, the overall reduction in calories that you get from going two days without food each month, will definitely be one of the elements of a balanced and sustainable weight loss program.

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Celiac Disease

Andy Casasanta
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Celiac Disease is a digestive disorder found in patients who are genetically susceptible, with the resulting damage to the small intestine by an interference with the absorption of nutrients. The main culprit with Celiac Disease is a protein called Gluten. These proteins are found in all forms of main stream and non-mainstream wheat products. Such as durum semolina, spelt, einkorn, kamut and related grains such as rye, barley, and oats. Damage to the mucus on the surface of the small intestine is caused by a toxic reaction to the ingestion of gluten.
Effects Of:
With Celiac Disease the villi,which are the tiny hair-like projections in the small intestine, shrink and eventually disappear. This is the destructive reaction to Celiac Disease. Damaged villi interferes with the body’s ability to absorb nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and even possibly water and bile salts. If left untreated, damage to the small bowel can be life threatening, posing an increased risk of many disorders.
If Left Untreated:
Iron deficiency, Anemia, Vitamin K deficiency, Vitamin deficiencies such as folate, B12, B6, or an iron deficiency, and other mineral deficiencies, Other food sensitivities.
Symptoms May Include:
Abdominal cramping,gas,and bloating.Diarrhea or constipation. Fluctuation of weight(loss or gain), fatigue, weakness, lack of energy, and all thats associated with with lack of energy.
Possible Treatment:
There is no treatment or cure for Celiac Disease. Except for a lifelong adherence to a strict gluten-free diet. When gluten is removed from the diet, the small intestine will begin to heal and general health will be improved. You may want to consider supplementation for any deficiencies. Consult your doctor about this. Lifestyle changes are in order for the Celiac sufferer. Become a label reader. If you are unsure about a certian food or ingredient, stay away and learn to identify ingredients that may contain that hidden gluten. Be very diligent. Be aware that hidden gluten can be hiding in some unlikely foods such as low or non-fat products, deli meats, soups, hard candies, soy sauce, even salad dressings. If there is no label to read such as candy in a dish, stay away, again be very diligent.
Gluten may also be used as a binder in prescription medicines. Again ask youre doctor about Gluten in medications.
Alcohol that’s properly distilled shouldn’t contain any harmful gluten. Research indicates that the peptide is too large to carry over in the distillation process. Beer is a definite no-no. You might want to consider staying away from alcohol altogether (like the author of this site). This might seem drastic to some but our health is at stake. Wine from the Liquor store might bother youre stomach, like it does mine possibly because of Sulfites as a preserative to give it a longer shelf life. Home made Wine wthout any added ingredients in moderation seems to be O.K.
Sometimes Gluten products are added to alcohols and Vinegars after the distilling process and should be avoided intirely. Malt vinegars are not distilled and therefore are not gluten-free. This in a nutshell is what Celiac Disease is. I might have left out some details, I’m not a doctor. But, I am a Celiac sufferer and I know what Celiac’s go through.

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Can Fast Food Be Healthy?

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It is possible for people to make healthy food choices even if they only have a short time in which to prepare their meals. The first thing to realize is that it is often that healthy choices do not always mean a need for two-hour meals. A person can choose healthy foods that are quick and easy to prepare at home or to pickup from a takeout place. Cities often provide restaurant guides in their telephone books that display full-page menus indicating what a particular restaura…

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It is possible for people to make healthy food choices even if they only have a short time in which to prepare their meals. The first thing to realize is that it is often that healthy choices do not always mean a need for two-hour meals. A person can choose healthy foods that are quick and easy to prepare at home or to pickup from a takeout place. Cities often provide restaurant guides in their telephone books that display full-page menus indicating what a particular restaurant or drive-thru offers. Many of these food vendors now include healthy alternatives to their usual fast-food selection.

At places like McDonald’s and Hardee’s, it is possible to find consumers who are concerned about their carbohydrate consumption. This has prompted the restaurants to provide other options in their hamburger choices. Hamburgers can be ordered without the bun, for example, and fruit and yogurt are included on the menu along with fresh salads. Many restaurants provide salad choices either as side orders or as complete meals. Often, a salad of fresh vegetables with chopped ham, roast beef or chicken is more attractive than regular menu items. Salads are especially appealing in the summer months because they are lighter on the digestive system.

Restaurants that feature foods in season cultivated by local farmers offer very healthy and affordable choices. Some of these kinds of restaurants will create their own recipes for healthy food options. This provides the consumer with a totally new choice and encourages them to visit the restaurant again.

If home preparation of food is preferred, the options for healthy choices increase. Visiting a local grocery store or supermarket emphasizes the number of healthy choices that are available. Fresh fruits and vegetables are more varied than ever before due to improvements in transportation and preservation methods. All types of cuisine can be prepared quickly because of the choices of fresh goods rather than frozen foods. There are numerous choices among frozen foods as well. The demand for healthy frozen dinners and other meals has increased along with demands for more variety in frozen food offerings. Any frozen food aisle in any supermarket will show as many healthy food options and poor choices. The decision is up to the individual.

People can either choose to eat a healthy diet or an unhealthy one. Time and availability of healthy choices are no longer problems for a person who is trying to eat better and healthier foods.

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Celexa And Cymbalta As Anxiety Treatments

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There are several drugs to help alleviate anxiety problems. Celexa is designed to target anxiety specifically, while cymbalta can also be used as an anti-depressant.

There are several drugs to help alleviate anxiety problems. Celexa is designed to target anxiety specifically, while cymbalta can also be used as an anti-depressant.

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Stress and anxiety have become such an integral part of modern urban life, and it is no wonder that the market now is riddled with numerous drugs designed to lower these all-too-common human problems. It is not exaggeration to say that most people living and working in the city, particularly those climbing up the government bureaucracy or the corporate ladder, have had to take a “chill pill” or two. The fact is, with the modern world’s focus on success and the “bottom line,” the average Joe always lacks the time to unwind and vent. Some,with utter resignation, would just point to the mysterious signs on the back of the US dollar and understand why they have to be “slaves” even in the 21st century.

Of course, this particular situation is a veritable goldmine for folks who make the aforementioned “chill pills.” Stress, fear, anxiety, and whatever else might fit into their category all have a drug or two that is designed to help deal with the effects. These drugs, which often tackle certain chemical transmitters in the central nervous system, can sometimes be made to target a number of conditions at once. However, it is generally more common to see drugs that target either specific or related conditions.

A prime example of this would be Cymbalta, an anti-anxiety and anti-depression drug. While by no means an obvious choice, Cymbalta for anxiety is gaining ground for being an effective medication for dealing with anxiety problems. Recent studies have shown that using Cymbalta for anxiety disorders is on the increase, though it is not quite as obvious a choice as cymbalta use for depression. This is likely due to the availability of more prominent medications that are on the forefront, whereas cymbalta for anxiety treatment is relatively new.

Celexa anxiety medication is also gaining ground in terms of commercial use and doctor-preference. Celexa anxiety treatment also works by targeting the central nervous system but the set of neurotransmitters and receptors in the brain are different. Celexa anxiety drugs have not been found to have any noticeable or significant effects on other psychological disorders, though research is still being conducted in this regard. Celexa anxiety prescriptions are really no more frequent than other potential anxiety treatments, though there are several patient testimonials that attest to the efficacy of celexa anxiety pills.

Of course, celexa anxiety and cymbalta for anxiety are not the only anti-anxiety medications on the market. There are still several other drugs out there, with similarities and differences from the examples mentioned above. A vast majority of them affect the chemical component of the central nervous system, which is believed to be the non-mental root of most anxiety-related disorders.

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CDC Issues Health Alert Notice for Travelers to USA from Hon

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The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) on Saturday began distributing cards at airports receiving flights returning directly from Hong Kong warning travelers returning to the United States from Hong Kong & Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China & Hanoi, Vietnam that they may have been exposed to cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

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The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) on Saturday began distributing cards at airports receiving flights returning directly from Hong Kong warning travelers returning to the United States from Hong Kong & Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China & Hanoi, Vietnam that they may have been exposed to cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).

The cards are being handed out by quarantine officials at Chicago, O’Hare International Airport; Los Angeles; old York City, JFK International Airport; Newark; & San Francisco. These airports are the only U.S. airports receiving direct flights from Hong Kong. No U.S. airports receive direct flights from Hanoi or the Guangdong Province. CDC officials expect to expand the distribution of cards to Anchorage, Alaska & the territory of Guam later today.

The cards also offer guidance designed to assist physicians in making a diagnosis by advising travelers to tell their physicians about recent travel to the affected regions, & whether they’ve been in contact with individuals who displayed symptoms of SARS.

The travel cards warn those returning from the three areas that they should monitor their health for at least three days. they’re also advised to contact their physicians if they become ill with a fever accompanied by a cough or difficulty in breathing.

The CDC advises physicians & other clinicians to be alert for travelers who:

As of March 15, 2003, the CDC had received reports of SARS cases in Hong Kong & Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China; Hanoi, Vietnam & Canada, Singapore & Thailand. For that reason the World Health Organization has issued emergency guidance for travelers & airlines so that persons displaying symptoms of the illness can receive immediate health care & can be brought to the attention of public health authorities. These individuals are also advised against travelling while ill.

Have a fever of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher;

one or more symptoms of respiratory illness including cough, shortness of breath, difficulty in breathing, hypoxia (deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching tissues of the body), X-rays indicating the presence of pneumonia, or respiratory distress; &

one or more of the following:

History of travel to Hong Kong or Guangdong Province, People’s Republic of China, or Hanoi, Vietnam within three days of symptom onset;

Close contact with persons with respiratory illness having the described travel history. Close contact includes having cared for, lived with, or had direct contact with respiratory secretions & body fluids of a person with SARS.

Additionally, airlines should:

Alert the destination airport of any passengers meeting the case definition criteria;

Arriving passengers who are symptomatic should be referred to health authorities for assessment & care;

The passengers & crew should provide all contact information for how passengers can be reached for the subsequent 14 days to airport health authorities.

Aircraft passengers & crew should be informed of the person’s status as a suspect case of SARS;

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Can Eating Salmon Really Give You A Flawless Face?

Faye Spencer
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For years doctors have been telling us that eating junk food doesn’t cause acne, and you probably know at least one person who eats candy and chocolate non-stop and still has lovely skin. But recently the medical establishment has begun to give serious consideration to how what we eat impacts our health, and our appearance.
One of the most prominent spokespeople for this cause is Dr. Nicholas Perricone, whose “Wrinkle Cure” system touts salmon as a skin-saving miracle food. What started as a fringe trend–eating fish to get a smoother face–has now blossomed into a popular diet plan, and millions of men and women have given it a go. Even Oprah has sung the praises of this pink-orange fish on her talk show. What’s the reason for the popularity of the so-called salmon diet? Simple: it works.
Why Salmon?
Salmon, along with tilapia, trout, herring and sardines, are rich in a substance called omega-3 fatty acids. Don’t balk at that term–these fats are terrific for you. In fact, they are crucial to the growth and functioning of our organs, and they supposedly help to diminish dangerous inflammation within the body. (It’s that inflammation that can trigger a host of conditions we’d rather avoid, like acne, obesity, diabetes and heart disease.) Among the different types of fish, salmon is one of the richest, chockfull of good-for-you fats and other healthful substances that keep your body functioning like a well-oiled machine.
Did you know that humans are not able to produce omega-3s? That’s why it’s so important that we obtain them from the foods we eat on a daily basis. When you eat plenty of salmon and stick to a healthy overall diet and lifestyle, you will begin to see dramatic changes in your skin’s appearance and texture. Your skin will become smoother, plumper and more moisture-rich. Blemishes will fade and you’ll regain the glow you may have had when you were a teenager. Your eyes will likely become brighter, your hair shinier and stronger, and even your mood cheerier!
How Much Should You Eat?
Make salmon (or other fatty fish) a regular part of your meal plan. Aim to have fish about 10 times per week, whether in the form of a morning omelet, a lunchtime salad, or a dinnertime fish filet. Top your whole wheat bagel with lox for a delicious and healthy “booster shot” for your skin. Grill salmon plain and top with a mango relish. There is virtually no limit to what you can do with this delicious and versatile ingredient!
Round out your nutritious lifestyle with plenty of leafy greens and antioxidant-rich fruits, such as berries. A handful of nuts is also a great addition to your daily diet plan. And don’t forget to keep the water bottle on hand–drinking plenty of water helps to flush the body of toxins and get your skin looking gorgeous.

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Caution And Prevention Of Cholera

Kevin Pederson
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Cholera is a disease which affects the small intestine and is caused by bacterium vibrio cholera. It is an acute diarrhea illness which causes lots of problem to your entire system. Sometimes the symptoms are very mild which are not even detected sometimes till the time it gets severe. It is transmitted mainly due to ingesting drinking water which is contaminated due to loss of cleanliness, eating half cooked meals or not properly cooked food like fish.
Some of the basic symptoms which can be seen during the attack of cholera are diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting and dehydration. It may not be that serious disease but death can also occur due to the loss of fluid which causes dehydration and also loss of life. When such kinds of disease are left untreated then there is high rate of death. Sometimes the situation is so bad that death can occur within matter of hours. Your body plays host to this disease for nearly two to five days.
Some of the precautions you can adhere to while suffering from this disease is to have boiled water or treat it with chlorine or iodine, other boiled beverages such as coffee and tea are very good too, make sure to have food which are cooked thoroughly, undercooked meals is not good in this kind of condition, avoid having salads which are not cooked and some of the basic precaution which can be taken.
Cholera can be treated easily without much of a hassle. If the loss of salts and fluids are replaced immediately then major part of treatment gets over in that time. They can be done by oral rehydration solution and if it is an epidemic it cannot be stopped immediately. Although Cholera can be controlled easily, unless you take proper precautions, this condition could escalate into something serious. Please contact your physician immediately on experiencing any irregular conditions in your body or any of the symptoms mentioned above.

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Can Eating Certain Foods Help You to Lose Weight?

David Snape
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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Experts have discovered that certain foods can actually help you to lose weight without the stress of dieting or exercise. The down side is that many of us have a tendency to dress these foods up with cheese, sour cream, butter or other calorie-laden flavor enhancers. This causes the weight loss effect to be lost. It may be difficult to not add extra calories to these foods but with a strong will power it can be done.
A negative calorie food can be defined as a food that results in a slimming effect for the body. In other words a carrot (without anything else) will cause your body to use an increased amount of energy when digesting it and other foods, this can lead to an overall reducing effect on the body. This is partly from the amount of energy it takes to digest the carrot or other “negative calorie food” and partly from the elevation in metabolism that these foods naturally create. The overall effect is a net loss of energy, which is measured in calories.
It should be understood that ‘negative calorie’ doesn’t mean that the food has zero calories in it, nor does it have an anti-calorie or a negative calorie.
Here is a partial list of negative calorie foods: apples, cranberries, grapefruit, lemon mango, oranges, pineapple, raspberries, strawberries, tangerines, asparagus, beets, cabbage (green), carrots, cauliflower, hot Chile peppers, cucumbers, endives, garden cress, garlic, green beans, lettuce, onion, papaya, radishes, spinach, turnips and zucchini. There are more and you can learn about them from a medical doctor’s very popular book.
In his book, Foods that Cause You to Lose Weight, Dr. Neal Barnard explains the effects these foods have on the body. A quote from Dr. Barnard’s book reveals some startling facts, “They found that those who ate foods that were very low in fat and high in carbohydrates, lost weight steadily, without limiting how much they ate. But those on high-fat diets could not effectively lose weight even if they ate skimpy portions.” Dr. Barnard is referring to the published results of an experiment conducted at Cornell University and published in the May 1991 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
A book reviewer posted on a website how he lost 30 lbs. utilizing the information from Dr. Barnard’s book.
It is important to exercise caution when dieting because there are certain things that your body needs to remain healthy including proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are necessary for the body to function at its optimum level. You cannot remain optimally healthy by eating the negative calorie foods alone.
This article is for information purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any health condition. Please consult a doctor before dieting.

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Caution: Hidden Sodium Inside Common Processed Foods

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Salt is not just to perk up the flavor of dishes but is also essential to maintaining a good health. While sodium deficiency can be problematic, excessive salt intakes have been associated with diseases and other conditions, such as hypertension and stomach cancer.

metabolism, vomiting, muscle cramps, nausea, heart disease, obesity

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When food tastes quite bland, a sprinkling of table salt usually does the trick. Instantly, it perks up the flavor of the dish. But salt is not just for seasoning. It is also essential to maintaining good health. The human body needs a good balance of salt and water for metabolism. This careful balance between salt and water regulates the electrolytes inside and outside of the body’s cells. Salt is a chemical compound that combines sodium and chloride. It also maintains the correct volume of circulating blood and tissue fluids of the body. Our source of salt comes from food and water, while our body loses salt through urine, perspiration, vomiting and diarrhea. Loss of body salt may cause the level of fluid in the blood to drop. Losing too much salt in the body can lead to muscle cramps, nausea, dizziness, and vomiting. Eventually lack of salt can lead to shock, coma, and death.

While sodium deficiency can be problematic, excessive salt intakes have been associated with diseases and other conditions, such as hypertension and stomach cancer. Studies revealed that Americans eat nearly two teaspoons of salt daily, considered to be more than double the amount they need for good health. The culprit is not the table salt-shaker. Neither is the cook. Most of the sodium is hidden inside common processed foods like stuffing mix, gravy, and all those ingredients for your holiday goodies. Public health specialists filed a petition with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as part of their clamor for government intervention to require food manufacturers to cut down on sodium content in the products they bring to the market. Their campaign is part of their fight heart disease. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), a consumer advocacy group, and food makers held an unprecedented, closed-door meeting on how to reduce sodium.

The American Medical Association (AMA) says that reducing sodium content in processed and restaurant foods by fifty percent within 10 years could wind up saving 150,000 lives annually. However, food manufacturers argue that it would take a tremendous investment on the part of the government and the industry to come up with sodium alternatives that works well with food. On the other hand, studies show that people who get used to eating less salt even in just a few months usually find their old foods too salty.
High blood pressure is experienced by at least one in three U.S. adults and almost 1 billion people worldwide. On the other hand, hypertension is a leading cause of heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure. Aside from obesity and inactivity, too much salt also raises blood pressure. While the average American consumes between 3,300 and 4,000 milligrams of sodium a day, the recommended daily requirement set by the government is 2,300 mg a day as the safe upper limit. But the Institute of Medicine says that 1,500 mg a day, a little less for older adults, is enough to regulate the body’s fluid balance.
Freezing technology can help bring down the sodium level of some frozen vegetables, though other foods may get saltier. Now that the holidays are fast approaching, Thanksgiving dinner alone can easily reach those limits. Think of the stuffing, gravy, salt-injected turkey, biscuit, dinner roll and the pumpkin pie. Homemade cooking, however, can help you regulate the sodium content of the ingredients and recipes.