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Can Hypnosis Help to Eliminate Pain?

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Most people respond to pain – whether acute or chronic – by taking drugs of some kind. But drugs are often a temporary solution.

hypnosis, pain, pain relief

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Pain is a subject that touches everyone. After all, it is a human condition from which we all suffer at one time or another. There are headaches, dental procedures, sports injuries, broken bones, soft-tissue injuries, and psychosomatic pain.

Research shows that 75% to 80% of all adults will experience lower back pain at some time in their lives. Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from arthritis pain and as many as 45 million suffer from chronic, recurring headaches. There are thousands of people every year who suffer the agony of surgical interventions and thousands more who endure the pain of debilitating or terminal illnesses.

All of this pain falls into two basic categories: (1) acute pain, which is of short duration and (2) chronic pain, which continues for weeks, months or years.

Most people respond to pain – whether acute or chronic – by taking drugs of some kind. But drugs are often a temporary solution.

What few people realize is that the ancient art of hypnosis offers a safe, effective alternative for reducing sensitivity to pain.

Hypnosis has been shown effective in the management of various types of pain. Besides providing an effective solution for maladies such as headaches and acute injuries, hypnosis offers a unique solution for those suffering from chronic conditions like back pain and arthritis as well as intermediate and advanced stages of cancer. Studies show that patients with chronic diseases require fewer painkillers to achieve pain relief when they practice hypnosis. These same patients exhibit fewer signs of anxiety and experience greater comfort during medical procedures.

Hypnosis also has been shown to be effective in reducing nausea and vomiting in chemotherapy patients.

The most effective approach for acute pain appears to be the use of hypnotic suggestions focusing on anxiety reduction and minimizing the importance of the pain. For chronic pain, it is more effective to confront the pain directly under hypnosis, dealing with both the pain’s physical and psychological effects.

Another area where hypnosis offers significant positive results is in dealing with pre- and post-operative patients. Using hypnosis in preparation for surgery has been shown to reduce the experience of pain during surgery, resulting in the need for less anesthetics. Hypnosis as a pain management tool with surgical patients also has been shown to reduce nausea and greatly increase the recovery rate in most patients, thereby truncating the length of time spent in the hospital. (That creates another rarely mentioned positive result: reduced medical costs!)

But efficacy and lower medical expenses are not the only positives related to the use of hypnosis for pain management. This modality has no dangerous side effects. Unlike medications, hypnosis does not become less effective with use and does not require stronger and stronger doses to cope with pain. While patients may have to ingest costly medications several times a day for years, they have the potential for reducing or eliminating their pain in just a few hypnotic sessions for significantly less cost.

Does hypnosis always work? In the area of pain control, everyone can be helped to SOME degree. There are essentially five categories into which subjects fall:

1. Those who find total and permanent relief.
2. Those that have a decrease in the severity of pain.
3. Those who experience pain relief initially, but who need occasional reinforcement.
4. Those that experience intermittent relief.
5. Those that still have pain, but feel 10-30% less pain than before.

What accounts for these differences in relief? The answer appears to be the patient’s susceptibility to hypnosis – the level of relaxation reached during the hypnotic sessions. The deeper the relaxation, the more effective the pain reduction.

Certainly, no treatment for pain – whether chemical, physical or psychological – is effective all the time. However, hypnosis has shown over and over again that it can help people reduce or eliminate both acute and chronic pain. Best of all, it works its magic without any side effects.

As a safe, effective alternative for reducing sensitivity to pain, hypnosis is second to none.

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Central Sleep Apnea

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Central sleep apnea is a rare condition characterized by a cessation or decrease in breathing during sleep due to problem with signals from the brain that control breathing.

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Central sleep apnea is a rare condition characterized by a cessation or decrease in breathing during sleep due to problem with signals from the brain that control breathing.

The symptoms of central sleep apnea are loud snoring, hypersomnolence (excessive daytime sleepiness), and restless sleep. The problem of excessive daytime sleepiness (especially while driving, working or talking) develops slowly over years and is noticeable by friends and colleagues. Hypersomnolence and neurocognitive disturbances stand as a cause for automobile or work-related accidents in sleep apnea patients.

Other symptoms of central sleep apnea include choking or gasping during sleep, unrefreshing sleep, morning headaches, daytime fatigue, personality changes, memory impairment, impaired concentration, poor judgment, mood disturbances, recent weight gain, polyurea, and impotence.

The hypoxic and hypercapnic drives can be impaired by brain stem lesions or by exposure to recurrent hypoxia and hypercapnia and result in central sleep apnea. The stimulus to breathe instead from the cortex and reticular activating system is lost during sleep and the patient stops breathing, the so-called “Ondine’s curse”. Central sleep apnea can also be caused by another rare condition of bilateral diaphragm paralysis which usually occurs as part of a general neuromuscular condition but in some cases can lead to respiratory failure before general weakness is apparent.

The most common and effective treatment option for patients of central sleep apnea is assisted overnight ventilation with external devices such as a rocking bed, or cuirasse. A rocking bed prevents cessation of breathing during sleep by pushing the diaphragm up and down by gravity. Another ventilator device of importance is cuirasse. Cuirasse consists of a small shell that fits around the patient and is connected to an intermittent vacuum pump that draws out the chest wall.

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Can Hypnosis Cure Adult Incontinence

Clyde Willabus
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With hypnosis you can deal with all the emotional and psychological issues relating to many conditions including adult incontinence. Not only can you create positive healthy changes with hypnosis, but you are involved with the process called self-hypnosis. Hypnosis is an empowering tool you can use on your own. There is no withdrawal, patches or gum, no sedation, medications, prescriptions, interactions or allergic reactions in hypnosis, so hypnosis is absolutely harmless. Many people over the age 60 suffer from incontinence. Although incontinence is most common among older people, it can occur at any age. Hypnosis is the best method to cure many psychological and mental problems and adult incontinence hypnosis helps to cure it.
Incontinence is a symptom and not a disease that can be caused by wide range of conditions. Urine leakage can be caused by incontinence, though when treated, stops the incontinence, including urinary tract infections, vaginal infections or irritations, and constipation. Incontinence also can be the caused by a serious illness or disease, such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, stroke or brain tumors. Long-term incontinence can be caused by weak pelvic, bladder, or urinary sphincter muscles, or a bladder that contracts involuntarily and expels urine. Usually incontinence can be cured with treatment. Treatment depends on the type of the incontinence and its causes. There are three types of incontinence; stress incontinence, urge incontinence and overflow incontinence. Using hypnosis you can be treated to control your bladder and sphincter muscles.
Hypnosis is a formal process of accessing subconscious thought and then directing it to support intended goals. Hypnotist are like tour guides, they point out the wonderful vacation spots in your mind that you may choose to visit. They create a safe, relaxing environment and are prepared to direct the client towards still, peaceful depths of unconscious thought. The hypnotist gives the subconscious mind the help it needs. They make the client relax and then guide the subconscious mind to the new direction it needs. Since imagination is a part of the subconscious mind, the hypnotist will help the client create vibrant imagery involving goals and desires that can create dramatically positive results. Many people have benefited from hypnosis and have been cured of incontinence. There is no need to be ashamed if you have incontinence because many people suffer from this condition. You should consult your doctor for accurate diagnosis and a proper treatment plan.
Copyright 2005 Clyde Willabus

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Cellulite Solutions

Gavin Walsh
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Cellulite…a womans worse nightmare, but what the hell is it? Well you might know it as orange peel, lumpy mattress, golf ball, dimples or even craters!
Currently Cellulite is said to be caused by connective tissue weakening between the skin and underlying fat. Therefore, fat beneath pushes out slighlty causing the orange peel look.
It’s not just you that Cellulite affects. Models, athletes, office workers, mothers are all at risk. There are many factors which contribute and aggravate Cellulite some of which are stress, weight gain, a sedentary lifestyle, hormonal contraceptives and inflamation. While Cellulite affects all shapes and sizes, body fat levels play a large role in worsening the appearance of it.
Have you entered grade 2?! Grade 2 Cellulite is the first stage where the condition is visible. It usually starts on the glutes or on the back of the thighs. What can you do about it? The best form of treatment is to reduce the factors that contribute such as those mentioned above. However the main foundation for any treatment rests with diet and exercise…eat healthy and be active!
Are you overweight? If so the appearance of cellulite can look even worse. There are many pills, creams and oitments offering magical cures. However, most of these products either produce short term or disappointing results.
It is widely accepted that by lowering your body fat and toning your muscles cellulite can be lessened or even correct the appearance. Therefore, its time to begin exercising and start eating that little bit healthier.
Well done, you’ve decided to make the commitment to exercise but what do you do now? Which exercises, how long for?
The plan…you want to lose weight and tone up. The most important cause of fat gain and losses is your resting metabolic rate, this is the rate at which you burn calories while resting. Its all very well going to the gym and burning calories when you are there but what happens when you’re at home? You need to rev up your resting metabolic rate so that you burn more calories when you are sitting at home watching TV. After all, to lose weights all you have to do is burn more calories than you are taking in.
The exercises that you need to know! First off cardio, idealy 5 times a week for 60 mins. Good forms of cardio include, fast walking, running, cycling, elliptical, etc. However, if you really want to rev your metabolism up you need to do some interval training as this willenable you to burn a faster rate of calories after the exercise is finished. Interval training is repeated bouts of high intensity exercise interupted by short rest periods. Once again, any of the exercises above can be used. An example would be to run for 1 minute at 90-100% of maximum effort, followed by 2-3 mins rest. Repeating this 10-15 times. You should try to interval train twice a week.
Weight Training…you will not get bulky! No! Never! Women simply don’t have enough testosterone in their body to get big like men do. Weight training is the core of your cellulite management program. Why i hear you ask. Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue in the body. Weight training helps people lose fat because it burns calories, increases muscle mass which consequently helps increase the amount of calories you burn over a 24 hour period. 2-3 weight training sessions per week is sufficient enough to add muscle mass.
Finally, remember there are many treatments out there offering fantastic results but the true cure lies with eating healthily and exercising. This way you can eliminate excess fat and the appearance of cellulite, even to a point where the cellulite is no longer visible.

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Can Home Fitness Get Better Results Faster Than A Gym?

Matt Clarkson
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Deciding on a home fitness regime is one that will take a bit of planning and dedication. In short…home fitness does get results just as fast but of course depends on effort and knowing what to do.
It would be most beneficial to first go to a gym or see a personal trainer and get proper advice on the advantages of home fitness. With today’s hectic lifestyle, for many of us home fitness is the only solution because of time and money constraints.
If the correct equipment is used and you actually stick to your home fitness program, you can definitely achieve the same results you would from going to the gym. There’s plenty of home fitness equipment around to choose from that would suite any age, agenda or fitness level.
The main thing with home fitness is having the discipline to actually stick at it and push yourself just as if you had a training partner. There are many, many benefits for home fitness, as you can now train as often as you like without the hassles of having to be somewhere at a certain time or worrying about your appearance. Not only that, if you do decide to opt in for a home fitness regime, you can get as much or little variety as you choose as there are just so many options available to you.
A fitness plan is great for someone who has a certain goal or outcome they want to achieve within a certain time frame. If you’re the type of person whom doesn’t stick to your daily fitness routine without an actual fitness plan…then definitely go for it! If you want a fitness plan that actually works, make sure you get the advice of a certified fitness instructor/personal trainer. There is plenty of great information on getting a fitness plan on the net for free.
If you are trying to lose weight through a fitness plan, also consult a dietician to help you fast track your fitness results. A Fitness Plan mixed with healthy eating habits is a win, win situation all around!
Depending on the outcome you want, your fitness training should be tailored to suit. If you are trying to lose weight and ‘tone’ up, your fitness training will need to be more intense than if you were ‘getting over an injury’. To get the best results with your fitness training, it is best to book in with a personal trainer for a one-on-one Fitness Training assessment and work out together what you need to do to get the results you want.
Rushing into your fitness training program without the proper education, support and professional help could also mean injury in the short and long term. If you haven’t undertaken any fitness training for some time, definitely seek a certified fitness trainer’s help. Fitness training should be enjoyable, un-intimidating and results driven all at the same time. It’s never too early or too late to get started with your fitness training program and if you get the right help, you’ll never look back!

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Can Headaches Be Caused By Sitting At A Computer?

Dr. Larry A. Johnson, D.C.
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Has it ever occurred to you that while you are happily typing away on your computer for hours on end you are actually creating a problem in your neck that can lead to chronic headaches? If you suffer from migraine headaches or tension headaches it may be something you should investigate.
When a person with migraine headaches or tension headaches visits a chiropractor for their pain what does the chiropractor typically do for that patient? The usual treatment for most headache patients is to manipulate, or adjust, the neck. Chiropractors teach us that most headaches come from neck problems, and that by adjusting or manipulating the neck tension and migraine headaches can be relieved or cured.
Over 80% of headache patients that receive chiropractic treatment show improvement that ranges from slight improvement up to complete elimination of their headache pain. If this is the case then it seems logical that the majority of migraine headaches or tension headaches originate from spinal (neck) problems. It also seems logical that if we knew what was causing these neck problems, and eliminated what was causing them, we could also eliminate the headaches, both migraine and tension.
As a chiropractor for 25 years I have treated many patients with migraine headaches and tension headaches. After examining thousands of patients I discovered that as many as 95% who were experiencing headaches had one thing in common, a reversed cervical (neck) curve. From the side view a normal neck should have a slight curve in it. But in my experience as a chiropractor I estimate that approximately 95% of my patients with headaches had either a lessening of that curve, no curve at all, or a curve that was completely reversed. When these “poor neck curvatures” were treated with chiropractic adjustments most showed great improvement.
Chiropractors know that headaches can be caused by “poor neck posture,” so the next question becomes “can sitting at a computer cause poor neck posture?” If the answer is yes, then it’s obvious that sitting at a computer can and does cause headaches.
People usually develop poor neck curvatures because of poor posture habits. Anything a person does that places their head in a position forward to their body will lessen or reverse their normal neck curve. And poor neck curvatures DO cause headaches. Chiropractors have been teaching this for decades.
The types of activities that can lead to poor neck posture include sitting at a computer for extended periods of time, reading with the head bent forward, sitting while slouching in a chair or on a couch, sleeping with the head or neck in odd positions, or any other activity that places the head in a position forward to the body. So, to answer our original question, yes, headaches can be caused by sitting at a computer. Sitting at a computer can cause an abnormal neck curvature to develop which can cause headaches.
Good posture can surely prevent the development of poor neck posture, which would seem to be the best remedy, but what can be done if the lessening or reversal of the neck curve has already been developed? Obviously, chiropractic treatment is an option that could be considered. But there are many other alternative treatments for tension or migraine headaches.
Most people just take a pain pill. But are pain pills the best approach? They surely are in some cases, but there are many other headache treatment options that don’t require the use of potentially harmful drugs. All drugs have side effects, some of which can end up being worse than the headaches themselves. Before treating your health problems with drugs it is wise to seek the advice of a health professional.
There are many natural remedies for migraine headaches or tension headaches. These include stress and tension reduction, ice therapy (used at the base of the skull), eliminating food triggers, getting the proper amount of rest, biofeedback, headache pillows or cushions, exercise and many others. Some of these may help relieve headaches, both migraine and tension, and could be investigated further.

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Cellular Phones Can Be Hazardous To Your Health

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Many people are using cellular phones nowadays because of the added convenience that it offers when it comes to communication. I have to admit that I even get disoriented when I accidentally leave my cellular phone every time I go out of the house to go someplace else. I feel troubled because I hate missing on important calls and messages. But who would have thought that these compact and handy devices pose dangerous side effects to our wellbeing.

It seems that there a…

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Many people are using cellular phones nowadays because of the added convenience that it offers when it comes to communication. I have to admit that I even get disoriented when I accidentally leave my cellular phone every time I go out of the house to go someplace else. I feel troubled because I hate missing on important calls and messages. But who would have thought that these compact and handy devices pose dangerous side effects to our wellbeing.

It seems that there are certain studies indicating that the use of these mobile devices can be detrimental to our health especially to the children. These discoveries have been studied upon by health experts to warn us of the harmful effects that these cell phones have on our health.

Cellular phones give out electromagnetic signals or radio frequencies (RF) similar to that in microwave ovens. Scientists have discovered that these transmissions damage the cells in our bodies. Cellular phone radiation can somehow permit unsafe toxins and proteins to pass through the barrier between the blood and the brain.

Other studies indicate that the use of cellular phones decreases the ability to concentrate and calculate. It even causes damage to parts of the brain that are responsible for learning and memory. It has been found that children who are exposed to usage of mobile phones or living near areas where there are cell phone towers are most likely to be not doing well in school. This is because cell phone transmissions interrupt learning and memory. It causes one to easily forget and get confused.

It has also been believed that exposure to such frequencies can actually cause permanent brain damage in the long run. The children’s nervous systems are still developing and they are the ones most susceptible to these radiations. Hands free sets are even more damaging because they seem to discharge more brainwave interference compared to ordinary handhelds. There are even studies indicating indirect linkages on the use of cellular phones to Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and even cancer.

But despite these findings, the population of cellular phone users continues to grow by millions every single year. It is evident by the fact that companies are continuing to provide new innovations to better serve the user’s needs. With regards to the health hazards that it poses, it is up to you to weigh which is more important, the convenience it offers or the inconvenience of contracting a disease.

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Celiac Sprue? You Need To Go Gluten Free!

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If you are suffering from severe and chronic abdominal pain and bloating after meals, have excessive gas, or have large bulky stools that may have blood in them, you need to go to a doctor. While there are many causes for this set of symptoms including dysentery and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (which can only be treated with medications), it may be something called celiac sprue which is treated simply with a change in diet to a gluten free diet.

Celiac sprue is an allergic …

gluten free

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If you are suffering from severe and chronic abdominal pain and bloating after meals, have excessive gas, or have large bulky stools that may have blood in them, you need to go to a doctor. While there are many causes for this set of symptoms including dysentery and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (which can only be treated with medications), it may be something called celiac sprue which is treated simply with a change in diet to a gluten free diet.

Celiac sprue is an allergic condition of the small bowel that causes inflammation and damage to the lining hindering absorption of nutrients. This is why you get the symptoms of malabsorption and intestinal damage (bleeding) described above. You may also have weight loss and suffer from dietary deficiencies like iron deficiency anemia and B12 deficiency neuropathies for example.

The substance that your body is allergic to turns out to be something called gluten that is a protein found in many of the grain products in a typical diet including wheat, rye, barley, etc. The bad thing is that this food product is found in so many things, the good thing is that the treatment for this condition is simple, change your diet. No meds with nasty side effects, no surgeries, no changes in activity, or other limitations. Don’t get me wrong I am not saying that changing your diet and avoiding a common ingredient is just a walk in the park. But I am saying that this could be much worse than it is and that you can live a “normal” life despite this condition and the gluten free diet that you have to have.

So what about this diet? How much work is it? How much does it cost? What kind of affect will it have on my life? Well another positive thing to focus on is that you have a public health system that has made it easier on you if you have Celiac Sprue. They have made it mandatory for food producers to put labels on their food that show the ingredients and they have also made it a legitimate selling point to be gluten free. The other positive is that there are many similar products that will make staying gluten free easier in terms of acceptable substitute foods. There are helpful lists and recipe books and other resources that can make this process as close to a walk in the park as possible.

The other nice thing about the new diet is that it will have an almost immediate effect on the symptoms, for sure within one week of new diet initiation. The lining of your intestine takes a bit longer but will also return completely to normal. No more embarrassing bodily malfunctions, no more pain, and being able to enjoy meals again! Sounds nice doesn’t it?

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Can Hair Dye Cause Cancer?

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Further study is needed to fully understand relationships between hair dyes and bladder cancer, researchers said. Basically, they found no overall increase in cancer deaths among users of hair dyes. These opinions are concerning the use of permanent hair dyes and bladder cancer in 2005. Because of the widespread use of hair dye, the possibility of a relationship between it and cancer is quite alarming. In this study, the two main criteria were exposure to personal hair dye pr…

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Further study is needed to fully understand relationships between hair dyes and bladder cancer, researchers said. Basically, they found no overall increase in cancer deaths among users of hair dyes. These opinions are concerning the use of permanent hair dyes and bladder cancer in 2005. Because of the widespread use of hair dye, the possibility of a relationship between it and cancer is quite alarming. In this study, the two main criteria were exposure to personal hair dye products and an outcome of cancer at any anatomical site.

“The totality of evidence today is far more reassuring than alarming about any hazards of hair dye use,” Dr. None found evidence of a significant excess among hair dye users overall. A European Commission watchdog has criticized the hair dye industry for failing to provide evidence of the safety of its products. Until definitive evidence come in consumers may want to proceed with caution when selecting a hair dye. A European Commission watchdog criticised the hair dye industry in 2002 for failing to provide evidence of the safety of its products. But there is no strong evidence that hair dyes cause any of these.

Permanent hair dyes, the most popular choice among consumers, come in two categories: oxidation and progressive. Thus it may be concluded that it is hair dye that accidentally spilled over and has taken effect by oxidation. They are called Oxidation hair dyes because they contain Paraphenelenediamine, which is a basic constituent of these dyes.

You might feel good after a chemical hair dye but, if you’re dying your hair in this way frequently, It is belived that you’re killing yourself softly. A chemical free hair dye, use at home hair colour. A compound henna mix is not a chemical free hair dye. Suraiya As with any chemical product, you should always use hair dyes in a well ventilated area. Here are the facts: Hair dye, bleach, perms and relaxing solutions are all absorbed into the bloodstream to some degree.

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Celiac Disease and Diabetes

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Managing one health problem can be difficult, particularly when it involves sticking rigidly to a restricted diet. Having celiac disease and diabetes is unfortunate but not impossible.

This article offers strategies to ccombine both diets with the minimum of fuss.

celiac disease. gluten free, coeliac, gluten intolerance, diabetes, multiple health problems, positive thinking, celiac disease and diabetes, gluten-free, celiac sprue, special diet

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Living with multiple health problems can complicate things. As a diabetic balancing the levels of carbohydrates, (starches and sugars) with the level of insulin requires thought and discipline. You should always consult your doctor and dietician for specific advice.

People with type 1 diabetes are at greater risk of developing celiac disease. It follows that they will need to manage a diet which controls both conditions. The diets do sit perfectly well together, but it needs careful planning.

In principle the same rules apply to your diet, whatever the problem. As a diabetic you need to eat a well-balanced diet. The one area of difficulty is managing your carbohydrate intake with gluten-free versions. You can find gluten-free carbohydrates in potatoes, rice, wild rice, buckwheat, maize, millet, sago, tapioca, corn flour, soya, polenta, flax, sorghum, linseed, gram flour, cargeenan, urd, channa (chickpea flour), quinoa, arrowroot, codex wheat starch, corn pasta, pure rice noodles, gluten-free pastas are available, as are gluten-free versions of bread.

Here are 5 rules to ennsure you get the most out of your life:

Become well informed about both conditions. Be clear what you can and cannot eat, what alternatives there are and where you can get them.

Plan ahead-always take a supply of suitable gluten-free carbohydrates and insulin with you. Planing ahead includes involving school, friends and other organizations of your needs.

Take control of your life, you are a person who happens to have celiac disease and diabetes. You are not defined by these conditions.

Confidence grows out of knowing what you can and cannot eat. Instead of tackling the conditions as two sets of restrictions, combine the needs of both. Having both diabetes and celiac disease is unfortunate but it is important to be positive and take control.

Live life to the full. Try new things, push out the boundaries and the sky is the limit!