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Change is Vital to End Binge Eating Disorder

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So, you are at the point where you realize that you have Binge Eating Disorder and you want to make a change in your life for the better… But what do you do next? If you are like how I was, a mixture of emotions used to begin to fill my head about …

end binge eating, binge eating, binge eating disorder, emotional eating, overeating, binge eating help, binge eating support, health, dieting, weight loss, kristin gerstley

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So, you are at the point where you realize that you have Binge Eating Disorder and you want to make a change in your life for the better… But what do you do next? If you are like how I was, a mixture of emotions used to begin to fill my head about what my new self would be like. I was excited about getting on with my life and making Binge Eating Disorder a thing of the past. But I was also a little nervous about letting Binge Eating Disorder go. Why? Not because I wanted to eat myself to death, but because I didn’t know any other way. I had turned to food for about nine years of my life and that was all I knew. I didn’t know how to deal with anything that was going on in my life. I didn’t know what I would do without bingeing to make myself feel better. What would I now do when I was happy, sad, bored, excited, or scared? It was definitely a scary time for me to wonder what my new life would be like.

The most important thing that I did was to first transform my feelings toward change. When most people think of change, they are scared because they are chartering along unknown territory. They are not sure of what the future has in store for them. They start questioning whether or not they are truly ready to take on this risk.

I knew that I had to erase everything negative in my mind about change and focus on what good would come from it. There were so many things that I was able to think of. For example, I would be a healthier person. I would feel better about myself. I would start to like myself. I wouldn’t feel like I was leading a double or secret life. I would not worry about when or how I would binge next. I would finally have a normal relationship with food. Most importantly, I would finally be happy.

When your negative thoughts of change start to turn into good thoughts, change doesn’t seem like such a bad thing. It certainly doesn’t seem like something to be scared of. I found myself starting to get excited about changing my life. I couldn’t wait to see what was going to unravel and become my life.

After the decision has been made to make changes in your life, next will come motivation. Motivation is the driving force inside us all that push us to better ourselves. Motivation is what keeps on refueling us and reminding us what it is that we truly desire. Positive change is what produces positive motivation within each and every one of us. When you feel inspired to change the bingeing in your life, motivation will kick it up a notch to push you in the right direction. You will begin to do whatever it takes to achieve your desire result: no more bingeing!

Once positive changes in your life start to happen, you will want more. You will feel motivated to keep on pushing forward, no matter how hard the obstacle may seem. It is motivation, along with hard work and dedication that is going to create the new path for your new life of no more binge eating.

By: Kristin Gerstley

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Can’t Stop Smoking, Start Drinking Tea…

David Giusti
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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

Let me start off by saying, that this is not an article about how to stop smoking. In a way, it is quite the opposite. Whether it is a pipe, cigar, or cigarettes, some of us have found that we are smokers. Maybe you have attempted to quit, and maybe you haven’t cared enough to try. Either way, the truth remains, “I am a smoker.” If this sounds familiar, then you I write this for you.
It came to me one afternoon, when I was trying to fight off a sore throat, and I held my pipe in my left hand, and searched for my lighter with my right…I shouldn’t be doing this. I have had this sore throat for a week, and I can’t stop smoking.
Well, the truth was the truth, and I really didn’t have intentions of stopping…Slowing down, yes; stopping, no. Though this moment was quick, it was important, as it was then that I accepted my fait. And more importantly, was now able to balance the scales.
Smoking makes you look old, smoking causes cancer, smoking smells, smoking makes your teeth yellow, and a million other STOP SMOKING ads rushed through my head…
I accepted them all…
Ok, now what…Well, I began to think. With a sore throat nagging me at the moment, I decided to attack this enemy first. Mouth wash, medicine, vitamins; I found these were all good ideas. But although I was helping the issue, my throat still hurt, and I was beginning to cough.
Perhaps the coughing was a blessing in disguise as I reached for cup of tea to help stop a fit of coughs. The steam helped me breathe, and the hot water cleared my throat. If nothing else, this experience got me thinking.
I looked further into the matter, as I of course stepped up my tea intake.
I found out that drinking tea, Rooibos Tea and Jasmine Green Tea in particular, will help me to relax (calming down my nerves), contain large amounts of anti oxidants to fight against the increased level of free radicals in my body from smoking (the cause aging skin and of course, Cancer), clean my body of toxins, help me breathe, and help my previously mentioned sore throat. I looked at this list, and the STOP SMOKING ads returned…
Could it be that a pot of tea was a helpful accessory walking down this smokey path?? From personal experience, I have found that tea helps. And NO, I do not think drinking tea will protect me from all ailments, or that I will never get sick again, or I will avoid any other ill drawn fait that may await me, but with certain facts that I had to accept, I can only do my best to minimize the damage. And as I end this article with no promises, I will restate a simply written statement that proves itself time and time again, “Drinking tea is a good idea…”


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Chamomile: The Sacred Herbal Muscle Relaxer

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The article is about Chamomile, a so-called sacred herb that

has been in use since the ancient times because of its many

curative and healing powers. This article features the many

benefits of the herb which is also best known as the best

herbal muscle relaxer. Chamomile is the safest and confident


herbal muscle relaxer

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It is probably the most widely consumed herbal tea in the

world. Prove to the fact that over one million cups of this

kind of herb tea are ingested worldwide each day. Chamomile is

the name for various related plants of the family Asteraceae,

the aster family. The word chamomile is derived from the Greek

word “chamos” meaning ground and “melos” which means apple,

which refers to the plant’s low growing habit and the fact

that the fresh blooms are somewhat apple-scented. Chamomile

has been used for centuries in teas as a mild, relaxing sleep

aid, treatment for fevers, colds, stomach ailments, and as an

anti-inflammatory, to name only a few of its therapeutic uses.

The plant according to extensive scientific research over the

past 20 years has confirmed many of the traditional uses and

established pharmacological mechanisms for the plant’s

therapeutic activities, including anti-peptic, antispasmodic,

antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-allergenic activity. The

Chamomile flower has also been hailed as a sacred herb from

early on. The nervous system benefits from Chamomile tea

through its calming effects. Muscles in the body contract and

relax in response to chemical signals delivered through the

bloodstream. Muscles that are having difficulty relaxing have

a chemical in them that is signaling the muscle to contract.

This herbal muscle relaxer soothes muscles by increasing

certain amino acids. With the way humans depend on their

muscle function, it is no wonder muscle pain can be a very

uncomfortable situation. Some muscle pain sufferers experience

manageable pain only causing stiffness and soreness. For

others, the pain may be debilitating and cause tenderness and

inflamed areas. Doctors often first recommend applying heat or

cold as well as rest and basic stretching. However if that

fails to work, an herbal muscle relaxer such as Chamomile is

the safest and confident choice.

Although best known as a herbal muscle relaxer, chamomile is

also believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory

capabilities. The plant’s healing properties come from its

daisy-like flowers, which contain volatile oils including

bisabolol, bisabolol oxides A and B, and matricin, as well as

flavonoids and other therapeutic substances. Chamomile may be

used internally or externally. As a popular remedy, it may be

thought of as the European counterpart of ginseng. Chamomile

tea benefits the muscles along the digestive tract, allowing

digestion to take place more efficiently. It helps muscles

relax in other parts of the body, which helps people who

suffer from insomnia fall asleep naturally. Chamomile tea even

has the benefit of reducing gas. Chamomile flowers have also

been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties. Cosmetic

products such as lotions that are infused with chamomile are

used to reduce skin diseases such as eczema and other skin

inflammation. It also greatly help repair skin on over-worked

and over-exposed hands. The chamomile flower extracts help

tone and strengthen delicate ski tissue. Drinking chamomile

tea before bedtime has been followed for centuries on account

of its ability to calm the nervous system and soothe

gastrointestinal disorders. It’s mild flavor makes chamomile

tea a favorite beverage with many. From the time of the early

Egyptians and Greeks until today, Chamomile is still

considered as a sacred herb because of its many curative and

healing properties.

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Can’t Hold Back: What You Need To Know About Fecal Incontinence

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This article is about fecal incontinence. It hits a lot of elderly people. Also called bowel incontinence, it comes as a result of anal sphincter muscle damage, rectal and sphincter nerve damage, loss of storage capacity, diarrhea, and pelvic floor dysfunction. Changing dietary habits, medications, and surgeries may help treat and cute this condition.

cramps, anxiety, surgery, treatment

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Most elderly people manifest this as they lose control of their certain muscles and as a result of certain diseases. This isn’t an easy condition to bear with as it may put you in embarrassing situations. Incontinence is a lack of voluntary control of excretory function. It affects nearly 12% of the American population and the rate is still climbing at a steady rate yearly.

Fecal incontinence
Fecal incontinence is one of two kinds of incontinence that people experience. This is also called bowel incontinence. It is the inability to control over bowel movement. This causes involuntary excretion and leaking of stool or feces from the rectum. This may range from occasional leakage of stool while passing gas to total loss of bowel control. People with fecal incontinence may also experience other bowel-related conditions such as diarrhea, constipation, gas and abdominal cramps.

People with bowel incontinence are often plagued with feelings of shame and humiliation. A lot of people affected by this condition are afraid to seek help in fear of being ridiculed, thereby trying to manage the problem on their own. This may lead to serious self-esteem issues that may result to social withdrawal and isolation which in turn may end into cases of severe anxiety, more specifically, agoraphobia.

Here are the five most common causes of fecal incontinence:
Muscle damage. Injury to the one of both of the ring-like muscles at the end of the rectum may cause fecal incontinence. The internal and external anal sphincter contract to help retain stool. When it is damaged, these muscles may have partial or total functionality, and leakage may occur. This may occur as a result of improperly performed episiotomy, or as a side effect of hemorrhoid surgery.
Nerve damage. Incontinence may come as a result of damage to the nerves that control the anal sphincters or the nerves that detect stool in the rectum. When the nerves surrounding the sphincter is damaged, the muscles may not be able to function effectively. If the sensory nerves are damaged, a person will not feel the need to defecate until it is too late. This may come as a result of childbirth, of long-term constipation, stroke, and/or diseases that cause nerve degeneration.
Loss of storage capacity. The rectum normally stretches to contain feces until a person voluntary releases it. However, when a person is subjected to certain surgeries or therapies, or has inflammatory bowel disease that causes scarring, the rectal walls may become stiff and less elastic. Once the rectum is unable to expand and accommodate as much stool, it may result to fecal incontinence.
Diarrhea. Loose stool is more difficult to contain than solid stool and may sometimes leak on its own.
Pelvic floor dysfunction. Abnormalities of the pelvic floor may cause decreased rectal sensation, decreased anal canal pressure, decreased squeeze pressure of the anal canal, and rectal prolapse. All of which may lead to incontinence.

As with any medical condition, treatment depends on the cause and the severity of the bowel incontinence. Treatment may include one or a combination of the following:
Dietary change. Food affects the consistency of stool and how quick it passes through the digestive tract. Eating food that add bulk to stool and decrease the water content of feces may help make it firmer. Also, avoiding foods and/or drinks that may relax the sphincter muscles like coffee, tea, and chocolate.
Medications. Certain medications like anti-diarrheal drugs, laxatives, and stool softeners may help with bowel incontinence in different ways. Anti-diarrheals help reduce leakage incidents. For people who’ve developed fecal incontinence due to constant constipation, laxatives and stool softeners are suggested to promote normal bowel movement and stop “accidents” from happening.
Bowel training. This is advised to people who lack anal sphincter control or have decreased awareness of their need to defecate to restore muscle strength. This may include setting specific schedules for going to the toilet, or making a conscious effort to defecate after eating.
Surgery. This is suggested to people who’ve had anal sphincter damage due to childbirth or rectal prolapse. Such surgeries as sphincteroplasty, where weakened anal sphincters are repaired; operations to treat rectal prolapse or hemorrhoids; sphincter replacement and/or repair; and colonostomy may be advised depending on the severity of the incontinence.

It is understandable to want to keep a condition such as fecal incontinence to yourself, people who don’t care will ridicule you for having this condition. Treatments are available for us to take advantage of and use to put an end to bowel incontinence. Don’t pay too much attention to what other people will say about you when they find out. Think more about what this will do to you in the long run.

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CHAMOMILE: A Reliable Herbal Muscle Relaxant

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Inspite of modern advances in medicine, some herbal treatment remains to be popular in the treatment of various ailments.

herbal muscle relaxant,natural muscle relaxant,over the counter muscle relaxant,sleeping pill

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Herbal medicine is a traditional practice of treating ailments with the use of plants and its extracts. We all know that long before the advent of medical science and technology, people in ancient times would rely on the efficacy of certain plants and its extracts in curing various ailments such as stomach pain, head ache, skin infections as well as in the treatment of wounds. The use of herbs as remedy to treat many types of diseases remains to be popular even in this new millenium where significant advances in medicine have been made alongside increased sophistication in medical technology and pharmacology.

Nowadays, herbal medicines are no longer limited to the traditional fresh or dried plants. They come in the form of tablets, capsules, powders or teas. The scent and flavors of these herbs have therapeutic benefits such as the chamomile plant which can be an effective natural muscle relaxant.

Medicinal Chamomile

Chamomile is very popular in Europe and has been widely used as for thousands of years as treatment for a number of ailments, such as sleep disorders, stress, anxiety, depression, digestion problems, intestinal conditions, skin infections or inflammation (including eczema), wound healing, infantile colic, teething pains, and diaper rash.

There are several varieties of the chamomile herbs. Chamomile varieties with medicinal properties include the German Chamomile (Matricaria Recutita) and Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum Nobile)). Both varieties are known to have the same medicinal properties but the German Chamomile has a less bitter taste quality while the Roman Chamomile is known for its sweet and unique scent especially when warmed up by the sun. A special blue oil component, called azulenes, is responsible for its sweet, distinctive aroma. Other active compositions include bisabol, flavonoids, apiginine, luteoline, chamazulene, matricine and flavonoids. But regardless of variety or type, the chamomile’s main characteristic is its sedative properties or effects.

Sedative Properties

Though there are a number of over-the-counter muscle relaxants and sleeping pills that are readily available, some people still prefer the soothing and relaxing effects that a chamomile treatment brings.
In the United States, chamomile is popularly known as an ingredient in herbal tea preparations usually advertised for its mild sedating effects. The sedative properties of chamomile are used in sleep disorders and as a muscle relaxant in the treatment of such illnesses as menstrual pain, neuralgia, tooth ache and tension headaches. Taking Chamomile Tea before going to bed has long been used to induce sleep in children as well as in adults and promotes a very deep, relaxed, and restful sleep. Aside from aiding in the treatment of insomia, the flower essence of Chamomile is known to relieve stress, tension, anxiety, and depression among others.

Aside from its sedative properties, chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties that is useful in reducing the inflammation caused by gout and arthritis when taken internally. Moreover, it can also have external application such as adding chamomile essence in your bath to relieve hemorrhoid problems; as a chamomile wash for inflamed eyes; or as an anti-inflammatory agent for inflamed gums, inflamed skin conditions, and sore throat.

The third effect of chamomile is its carminative properties which brings about a calming action on the stomach and eases digestive problems, minimizing heartburn cases, reducing hyper acidity conditions and inhibits the formation of ulcers.
Aside from being used as a healing remedy for hysteria and other nervous afflictions, Chamomile has been known for other benefits such as reviving a withered plant in a vase or when planted in a garden, it can heal the ailing plants and prevent disease in other plants that is why it is aptly called a “plant’s physician.”

However, although chamomile has a reputation as a gentle medicinal plant and has been widely use especially in Europe, there is not enough reliable research in humans and there are many reports of allergic reactions in people after eating or coming into contact with chamomile preparations. It is best to still seek medical to avoid possible drug interaction which may lead to life-threatening situations.

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Chamomile – A Natural Sleeping Aid

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This article tackles the area of chamomile wherein it helps depress the hectic and stressful feeling of the body, therefore making the person feel good, calm, relaxed, and ready to sleep. It not only induces sleep, but also helps in settling upset stomachs.

natural sleeping aid

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There is no better feeling like ending a long hard day’s work by lying down and crawling under the cool sheets of a soft bed, closing one’s eyes, away from the harsh and stressful scenes of reality. For many people, the only time that they can be at peace with themselves and be truly alone is during the blissful time of sleep.

There can be a number of things that might interfere with one’s sleep. Stress due to financial or relationship problems, sickness, and even other unknown causes could make a person suffer from sleeplessness. For people who suffer from sleeplessness or even insomnia, the immediate source of relief is often sought in sleeping aids. Still, these people remain reluctant about using such medications due to known side effects. For them, the only thing that matters is to have normal sleep, and wake up in the morning feeling good and refreshed, ready for another day of work — hopefully, without the need to use any chemicals or medicines the night before.

So what are the alternatives to sleep aid medications?

One such alternative is trying an all-natural option called Chamomile Tea. This kind of tea is recognized as one of the best all natural sleeping aid beverages in the market. The typical day at work comes with a big serving of stress. Millions of busy career men and women try to get through the day with a huge cup of coffee. The caffeine is supposed to keep them awake, alert, and ready for the challenges of the workplace. But after office hours, they can try to unwind by sipping the natural sleeping aid that can be found in a serving of chamomile tea. This tea is the perfect counterbalance for settling down the nerves before going to bed. Chamomile tea has been shown to work as a mild depressant, thus bringing the nerves down to a manageable level before trying to sleep. Adding to the depressant effects on the nervous system, this natural sleeping aid can help for those who are having a bad experience with caffeine which can wreak havoc on one’s digestive system, leading to an upset stomach at night, particularly when lying down. Chamomile tea has properties that are known to settle the stomach, as well as the nerves.

There is a little disagreement within the scientific community as to whether chamomile provides the effects that have long been attributed to it. Either way, while they are all out to know more on the exact effects and properties, it woudn’t hurt to give chamomile a try. There are few if any reports of adverse effects about this natural sleeping aid, so perhaps sitting with a warm cup of chamomile and finding time to relax would help.

The best timing for a cup of chamomile would usually be a half-hour to an hour before one intends to go to bed. In addition to chamomile, try avoiding distractions and stimuli. Turn off the television, minimize interactions with other family members, and avoid other things distractive or those that are not conducive to sleep. Reading a book can also be an excellent way to stir up the sleeping hormones.

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Can’t Get Through The Kitchen Door

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Would you super size that and… give me a bag of chips and… a… diet coke, please

children, garden of eden, fatty, Ricky Labit, Houma LA, louisiana, sportman’s paradise, fox news, mississippi, bmi, american, beautiful people, diet

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Children can be cruel to their peers – especially if there is a child that is a little different from the majority. Children go through many stages as they grow up. There is the gangly period when the girls physically outpace the boys. The boys then endure the lanky stage where they deal with two left feet while trying to come to terms with the newly discovered rib Adam had lost in the Garden of Eden. Each growth spurt carried it’s own pain for most certainly – if not for all children.

Compound the normal growing pressures by adding something like being obese, and a child can find himself or herself lost in a hell from which he or she can see no escape. Many of us spend a lifetime battling our childhood insecurities. Those of us of a certain age remember cruel jokes and poems. Poems like: “fatty fatty two by four, can’t get through the kitchen door”. As adults we all too often find that the cruelties were not left behind at the school ground doors. They tend follow man through adulthood fed by an ever increasingly judgmental society.

It happened to Two Hundred and Sixty Five (265) pound Ricky Labit and his wife’s cousin, weighing in at Two Hundred and Seventy Seven (277) pounds, on Dec. 21, 2007, when they told FOX News they were overcharged and banned by an all you can eat buffet in Houma, La. Why? Because the owners apparently believed them to eat too much. They said before finishing their meal, they were presented with a bill for $46.40, roughly double the normal buffet price. The waitress explained, “Y’all fat, and y’all eat too much.” And, finally the two men were barred from the restaurant before leaving the facility.

Who knew the people of the Sportsman’s Paradise could be so cruel? Certainly not yours truly. Having lived in the great State of Louisiana for five (5) years we fell in love with it. The Tennessee Mountain Man not being a light weight himself can actually see both sides of the Houma issue. In younger years he certainly got his money’s worth when eating at such places.

Computer man owned a restaurant at one time. Sundays were an open buffet and there was a husband and wife couple weighing in around four hundred (400) pounds each who drove over an hour to get to the facility every Sunday. They were dreaded because they were the first to arrive – usually before the doors were unlocked, and they were the last to leave. And, incredibly they were able to eat the entire time. Then you never saw them for a week when the buffet was once again open. They were a site to behold
as they waddled about the place and had to turn sideways to get through the door. Unlike the skinny customers, they always had a smile on their faces. They were apparently happy and they were always treated with respect.

The treatment the two Louisiana men received at the restaurant was appalling enough. The State of Mississippi decided it should pile on. The big brother component of the legislature wants to make sure if one is of a certain BMI he or she cannot get service in a public restaurant. Mississippi is quick to say the bill is dead and will not become law. But, it has been the experience of the American people that once such a dumb move gets started it grows legs and keeps crawling along until the state manages to subdue another liberty.

Are the food police about to strike again? Back off people!

Have we found yet another way to assure that only the beautiful people dare be seen in public? Do we really want big brother regulating such things? First, the airlines started charging over weight people for two seats (explainable – see picture above), and now the government wants to bar them from even getting through the kitchen door.

Would you super size that and… give me a bag of chips and… a… diet coke, please?

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Can’t Get Enough on Insomnia

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One of the most common sleep problems in the world is insomnia. Insomnia includes any combination of difficulty with falling asleep, staying asleep, intermittent wakefulness and early-morning awakening. This article tackles the causes, symptoms and treatments for insomnia.

sleep problems, insomnia, anxiety, stress, depression, anti depressant medications

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Everyone needs to sleep, one of the primary functions of sleep is to reset and replenish the emotional capacity of our brain circuits so we can approach the day’s emotional challenges in appropriate ways. However, there are the unfortunate ones who go through annoying sleep problems.

Sleep problems are a highly common medical issue that affects millions of people each year. While some people suffer from mild sleeping problems, such as occasional nightmare, others have extremely severe sleep disorders that can negatively affect their health, if it left untreated. This astonishing number means that a huge number of people aren’t getting the treatment they need, putting them in danger of permanently damaging their health. If one doesn’t get enough sleep, he or she will eventually make irrational choices due to lack of concentration. If this lack of sleep constantly hounds a person, he or she might be having some sort of a sleeping disorder such as insomnia.

Insomnia is a condition in which a person have trouble falling or staying asleep. Some people with insomnia may be able to get asleep fast but they just as easily wake up. Other people may have the opposite problem, or they have trouble with both falling asleep and staying asleep. The end result is poor-quality sleep that doesn’t leave one feeling refreshed when he or she wakes up.

Insomnia includes any combination of difficulty with falling asleep, staying asleep, intermittent wakefulness and early-morning awakening. Episodes may be transient, short term or chronic. Insomnia may also result from psychological or physical causes. The most common psychological problems include anxiety, stress, and depression. Many people will have insomnia during the acute phases of a mental illness. Other medical conditions that trigger insomnia are chronic pain syndromes, congestive heart failure, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) or Alzheimer’s Disease.

Common stimulants associated with poor sleep include caffeine and nicotine. One should consider not only restricting caffeine use in the hours immediately before bedtime but also limiting the total daily intake. People often use alcohol to help induce sleep, as a nightcap. However, it is a poor choice. Alcohol is associated with sleep disruption and creates a sense of non-refreshed sleep in the morning. A disruptive bed partner with loud snoring or periodic leg movements also may impair one’s ability to get a good night’s sleep.

Insomnia can be mild to severe depending on how often it occurs and for how long. Chronic insomnia means having symptoms at least three nights per week for more than a month. Insomnia that lasts for less time is known as short-term or acute insomnia. Secondary insomnia often resolves or improves without treatment if an individual can eliminate its cause. This is especially true if the problem can be corrected soon after it starts.

Fortunately, there are treatments for insomnia that can help put a person back on the path to a good night’s sleep. There are cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I), hypnotics (FDA approved medications for insomnia), and other treatments such as low dose antidepressant medications.

Better sleep habits and lifestyle changes often help relieve insomnia. One may need to see a doctor or sleep specialist to get the best relief for insomnia that is persistent or for which the cause of the sleep problem is unclear.

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Chakras 101

Sam Stevens
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The chakras are different coloured energy centres that originate from seven different points in our body. Chakra is a Sanskrit (East Indian) word that means “Wheel”. For millennia the chakras have been visualized as round balls, blossoms or spheres of light that can open, close, darken, brighten and spin! The location of each of the seven chakras represents a different aspect of human experience. Our emotions, ability to connect with others and physical health are thought to be reflected in the condition of each chakra.
Seeing your own chakras requires mental focus and powers of meditation. Remember these are imaginary entities that were invented by great mystics thousands of years before medical technology. The manipulation of these spheres or wheels of light, particularly the brightening and opening of them is thought, by many, to relieve a variety of ailments.
There are seven main chakra centres in the human body and the correspond with the seven colours of the rainbow or light spectrum:
The Red Chakra, also often referred to as the Root, First or Base chakra is at the base of the trunk of the body and is thought to correspond to the sex drive and to primal drives such as the desire to procreate, survive and destroy. This is the chakra to work on if you are having troubles with your health.
The Orange Chakra, sometimes called the Second, Sexual or Spleen chakra is in the abdomen and relates to the lower digestive organs. It corresponds to our ability to physically digest and eliminate food, emotionally digest events and process them in a healthy way and emotions such as joy or affection. This is the chakra to work on if you are having trouble letting go.
The Yellow Chakra, sometimes called the Third, Stomach or Solar plexus chakra is located in the upper stomach area just below the rib cage. It is the centre where we connect to others on an astral level and it relates to our abilities to transform or manifest events.
The Green Chakra is located in the chest and is related to the lungs and heart. It is sometimes called the Fourth or Heart chakra. It represents the flow of energy and flow of love in our lives as well as our ability to connect to others.
The Blue Chakra, sometimes called the Fifth, Thyroid or Throat chakra relates to the immune system, the regulation of hormones. It represents our ability to communicate effectively with others as well as creative and personal expression.
The Indigo Chakra, sometimes known as the Sixth chakra or the Third Eye, is located just slightly above and between the eyebrows on the forehead. It is related to the pituitary gland and mental and spiritual processes, as well as intuition, second sight.
The Violet Chakra, also sometimes known as the Crown chakra, the Seventh chakra, the White chakra or the lotus chakra is located at the top of the head. It is thought to be the gateway or connection to the spirit world, ascended masters and the higher self. It is the receptor of divine wisdom and divine inspiration.
When functioning well, the chakras are thought to be a conduit for the constant flow of energy through out our bodies. If these chakras are blocked, slowed in their spinning, darkened or not working, then you can correct this imbalance by imagining them being cleared from negative energies such as resentment, fear or trauma. Tuning up your chakras can make an enormous difference to your sense of well-being in general as they conduct the natural flow of energy through our bodies. Chakras that are blocked are thought to cause physical disease and emotional and spiritual dis-ease. Common blockages are negative emotions, the desire to hurt, being emotionally hurt, and the holding on to of fears and resentment and sometimes past life issues. The chakras interact with each other in a constant dancing of the spheres that extends outside our bodies. They exist in a constant state of renewal that can be enhanced by meditation, creative visualization, light working and breath work.

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Can Six-Pack Change You Into A Real Man?

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You may have seen lots of women being crazy about men with six-pack belly. I know because I am, as they look masculine to me. Almost every model I see on TV has the 6 perfect ripples and it seems all the women melt at the sight

Nevertheless, don’t take it personally. Every man can have six perfect ripples on the stomach. The only problem is the extra fat that mostly takes place in the stomach area. The fat covers the six-pack body of a man.

I have seen some male model…

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You may have seen lots of women being crazy about men with six-pack belly. I know because I am, as they look masculine to me. Almost every model I see on TV has the 6 perfect ripples and it seems all the women melt at the sight

Nevertheless, don’t take it personally. Every man can have six perfect ripples on the stomach. The only problem is the extra fat that mostly takes place in the stomach area. The fat covers the six-pack body of a man.

I have seen some male models work very hard to achieve such good body. They have done so many exercises to get rid of the fat from their belly.

I’m sure every man can do it as long as he is willing to do so.

Do you want to have and show your six-pack? Don’t worry, you can get rid of your fat and get your six-pack by learning the facts and finding the right way to reach your goal.

But you must make sure you discipline yourself in doing it.

Here are the things you should do to have a six-pack performance:

1. Avoid Fat – Avoid foods containing many fats and sugar as they will increase the number of fats in your stomach. Also, don’t drink soda as it could kill your hard work.

2. Jogging – You can jog everywhere, either in the neighborhood or at the gym. Jog for at least 15 minutes and increase 5 minutes every week to get rid of your fat. .

3. Do Sit-Ups – Do your sit-ups every time you want to go to bed and after you wake up at least 50 times each (it depends on your physical strength).

4. Go to the Gym – If you are not sure about your exercise, go to the gym and find a professional trainer. Be a member of your local gym so you can be sure about losing weight and gaining muscle for your stomach.

If you can do it routinely, you may see the result in one or two months. It depends on how you train your self.

Those exercises, which mostly strengthen your stomach, are also important to support your spine and protect your back. So, don’t ever give up doing your stomach exercises as you will get all the benefits.

There are good points by doing those mentioned above. You will not only have your six-pack, but also increase your health. You will change into a real man by having a healthy and well-shaped body.

Good luck with your exercise.