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Childhood Obesity In Our Youth

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Seeing a child abused is one of the worst sights a mother can endure, so why is making your child obese any different? Childhood obesity is on the rise as well as adulthood obesity so why are we all concentrating on adults getting slimmer when it should be children that are our main focus. An obese child is something that cannot go unaddressed. The child will have some serous problems in his life if he is not made to loose this weight. He will be unhappy and unfit for the res…

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Seeing a child abused is one of the worst sights a mother can endure, so why is making your child obese any different? Childhood obesity is on the rise as well as adulthood obesity so why are we all concentrating on adults getting slimmer when it should be children that are our main focus. An obese child is something that cannot go unaddressed. The child will have some serous problems in his life if he is not made to loose this weight. He will be unhappy and unfit for the rest of his life if no one takes charge, how I he supposed to know any difference he is a child, it is the parents responsibility to make sure that the child gets better!

A child is less likely to be obese due to health problems and although genetics play a part in his obesity the lifestyle of his family contributes most to his disease. To be straightforward most childhood obesity stems from an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Although in this day and age being overweight is nothing of a surprise with junk food, takeaways and sweets everywhere you go and convenience not health is on everyone’s mind! Not to mention that most children would rather sit in and watch television or play their console games than go out and play! Exercise is no longer a part of children’s routine, they are lucky if they get two hours of exercise at school and at home it is non existent. The National Diet and Nutrition survey in 2000 showed that 40-69% of children did not get the one hour a day exercise that is recommended and there is concern that this number has increased.

Childhood obesity can be sorted if worked on from a young age, we do not want to have to watch our children getting bullied at school for being grossly overweight, or getting operations to prevent them from eating as much. We need to show our children to eat sensibly and we need to get them active. Most children copy examples from their parents so if we were to eat fresh fruit and vegetables then there is no reason why they can’t. To help prevent childhood obesity try to eliminate a lot of the sweet stuff in the house and replace it with nutritional foods such as fruit, and low fat alternatives.

As well as an increasing mortality childhood obesity adds to the likelihood of contracting chronic diseases and we need to prevent this, we need to show our children that being overweight is not the life that they should be living and parents should buckle down and get their children eating properly or else obesity will lead us all into a recipe for disaster.

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Childhood Obesity: Your Kids And Heart Disease!

Ray Kelly
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Shockingly, it is estimated that 22 million of the world’s children under 5 are overweight or obese and approximately one in four American children are overweight. The problem this presents is that these children are more susceptible to pediatric hypertension, type II diabetes, greater risk of heart disease, the extra burden of weight on joints, not to mention, the social effects with peers. The medical community has already indicated a surge in childhood diabetes and of the children diagnosed with Type II diabetes, 85% are obese.
Childhood obesity can be caused by a combination of many factors, but certainly two of the biggest contributors are lack of exercise and poor dietary habits.
Today’s youth spend several hours a day in front of televisions and computers. These activities, along with the lack of physical exercise programs at school, are not providing the energy the body requires to burn off calorie intake. Plus, energy levels continue to decline as additional weight is gained, inhibiting the desire to spend the recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise (in addition to what the child may receive during school). The benefits to physical exercise are extremely important though as it will reduce the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, along with reducing or maintaining body weight. Additional benefits include, building healthy muscles, bones and joints and improving depression and over all psychological well-being.
Dietary habits contribute to obesity as well and have changed greatly over time. Due to the busy lifestyles of two income households, the demand for quick and easy microwaveable food, fast food and snack foods have increased drastically. Also, many children are substituting soda and vending machine snacks for school lunches. Unfortunately, most of these types of foods are high in salt, sugar, fat or calories and have low nutrient content.
Bottom line, children look for role models. If they see the adults around them exercising regularly and eating a balanced diet, they will be more apt to do those things as well. Fun family activities could include a walk, a bike ride, playing at the playground and shooting hoops on the basketball court.
A final note, if your child is overweight, consult your doctor. Rare hormonal disorders and/or other medical conditions can be diagnosed with blood tests and medical exams.


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Childhood Obesity

Beverley Brooke
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Along with the increase of obesity in adult, childhood obesity is on the rise. Around 15.5 percent of adolescents in the United States, aged 12 to 19 are obese. Even more alarming, about 15.3 percent of children ages 6 to 11 are obese. These children are developing Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure at an early age. They are placing themselves at increased risk for heart disease and other obesity-related diseases. Their weight also makes them the target of bullies and children who insult and taunt them about their weight. This can ruin their self-esteem and put them at risk for depression.
Today’s children make up the digital generation. They’ve been surrounded by computers their entire life and are not as physically active as children of past generations were. Instead of going outside and playing, they tend to hang out indoors, watching TV and playing computer and video games. Along with lack of physical activity comes the convenience of fast food. There are fast food restaurants virtually around every corner, and they have easy access to snack foods full of saturated fats and sugars. In addition, obese parents are more likely to have obese children. The reason for this is two-fold. First, obese parents probably pass down their poor habits to their children. Second, genetics plays a role in obesity.
It’s important for parents to be role models to their children and emphasize the importance of physical activity and healthy eating. Parents can create healthy environments for their children by doing regular physical activities, such as biking, swimming, or walking together. They should encourage their children to participate in sports, dance, martial arts, and etcetera. This allows children to develop an appreciation of physical activity and enjoy exercising.
When it comes to eating, parents need to implement diets rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole-grains. They can make eating enjoyable and healthy by preparing food together and eating together as a family. Fast-food should be limited and reserved for special occasions. Way too often, we reward ourselves for a job well done with food. Look for other ways to reward your children for doing a great job, such as a special shopping trip or a day with just mom or dad.

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Childhood Ear Infections

Raquel S. Hunter
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The most common of all childhood ear infections are infections in the middle ear. This is commonly referred to as Otitis Media. Cases of middle ear infections in children are most prevalent in children who are six years old and younger. Within that group, children between the ages of six and 24 months seem to be more susceptible to middle ear infections. Children who are in group child care facilities, around smokers, have prior ear infections, or who are bottle-fed are more prone to develop ear infections.
Middle ear infections are usually accompanied by, or come after, the child has a cold or the flu. The eustachian tube, which connects the ear and the nose, is short and horizontal in children. This opens the door for bacteria and viruses from the nose to enter the ear and set up infection.
When a child has a middle ear infection, they will experience pain. This pain can be worse upon chewing, blowing the nose, reclining, or even swallowing. The reason for the pain is the eustachian tube is swollen, and sometimes blocked. This causes a buildup of fluid which places pressure on the eardrum. The eardrum can bulge, or be stretched very taut. Middle ear infections may also bring about a temporary loss of hearing.
If your child has an ear infection, you will know they are in pain. You may notice them pulling on their ear, or they may become irritable during feedings, or when laid down to sleep. Your child may also have a fever, or drainage from their ear. You should take him or her to their pediatrician.
Once a pediatrician diagnosis that a child has an ear infection, he or she will prescribe antibiotics. You may also be advised to give your child over the counter pain or cold medication. Applying a warm cloth to your child’s ear may also help to lessen the pain.
Children who have frequent ear infections may be candidates for tympanostomy. This is a surgical procedure that places tubes in the ears. These tubes are placed in the ear drum to keep fluid draining from the middle ear, and not building up. The tubes generally stay in place six to eighteen months. Most generally fall out on their own. Some may be removed by a doctor.
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Child Obesity In Today’s World

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Child obesity rates are soaring just as high as adult statistics and this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed straight away!! Most child obesity problems stem from the fact that the child was bigger when they were younger therefore the problem was inevitably going to come back. It is so easy to gain weight in a world that convenience foods are most peoples answer to a good and proper meal, and where parents think that food should be used as a reward for children d…

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Child obesity rates are soaring just as high as adult statistics and this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed straight away!! Most child obesity problems stem from the fact that the child was bigger when they were younger therefore the problem was inevitably going to come back. It is so easy to gain weight in a world that convenience foods are most peoples answer to a good and proper meal, and where parents think that food should be used as a reward for children doing something good, all they are doing is contributing to civilizations biggest problem and dooming their child to a life of fatdom.

There are many emotional drawbacks as well as physical drawbacks when it comes to child obesity. When the child goes to school he will automatically become a target for school bullies, the other children will pick on him and he will begin to get depressed and loose interest in school when school should be the happiest time of any child’s life! To prevent this from happening measures need to be taken to loose the weight of your child.

There are also some serious physical drawbacks to having an obese child, he will be a target for chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, bowel cancer and high cholesterol. Those are only some of the more serious problems he will face, other more general problems will be day to day activities will be hindered by his size, nice clothes wont fit him, general movement will be slow as all the extra weight causes pressure on his organs and muscles.

More often than not though once obesity is caught at a young age it can be prevented but when the child gets older to know the difference he must watch what he eats and take care of his health. He is advised to regularly exercise, but this does not mean going to a gym, going out to play football or going to the park are all good things he can be doing to get rid of his excess weight. The parents need to take a look at their lifestyle as well childhood obesity stems from the fact that the parents are not setting a good example and letting their children get grossly overweight.

All this trouble and anxiety can all be prevented with a sensible eating plan and moderate exercise. Don’t waste time trying to fix the problem once its happened, save time before it has happened and prevent the problem!

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Child Obesity

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For the best Pilates Mat company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Child Obesity is a medical disorder that is found in young children. Children who suffer from this disorder will typically have a weight that is out of proportion with their age and height.

child obesity, obesity, diet

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Child Obesity is a medical disorder that is found in young children. Children who suffer from this disorder will typically have a weight that is out of proportion with their age and height. Many countries consider this condition to be an epidemic, and it is common in both the United States and the United Kingdom. Statistics show that one out of every three children living in the US is considered to be overweight. There are a number of elements that are responsible for the rise of child obesity in the US. These three elements are genetics, acquired, and marketing.

Research has shown that children who are born to parents who are obese are likely to become obese themselves. While this is often caused by the excessive consumption of unhealthy foods, and some believe the condition may be genetic as well. However, this research is currently being conducted, and there is no concrete evidence which has currently been found to support this. Some children have been found to become obese because of the way their bodies grow. Another element that many believe is responsible for causing children to become obese is referred to as being acquired.

A large number of children in both the US and UK do not get sufficient amounts of exercise. Certain forms of technology such as computes, cell phones, and video games have created an environment where many children are not burning calories by being physically active. The energy that is not used may be stored in the body in the form of fat. It should be noted that it is not the technology that is responsible for this, but it is the failure on the part of parents to make sure their children are getting reasonable amounts of exercise. In the West, many children eat unhealthy amounts of fast or junk food, which has become quite popular. These foods tend to be rich in saturated fat, and are low in nutrients.

The third element which is often blamed for child obesity is marketing. In the United States and Britain, fast food companies are known for advertising their unhealthy foods to young children, and some parents have begun blaming them for the rise in child obesity. However, the junk food and fast food companies often point out that it is not their responsibility to supervise the diet habits of those who eat their products. They often point out that this is the responsibility of the parents to make sure their children are eating right.

There are a number of complications that can be caused by child obesity. Children can develop dangerous ailments such as heart disease or diabetes, and some may also develop cancer. Many of these children who are overweight will remain the same after they have become adults. Some of these children are humiliated by their peers, and may even be insulted by their own families. Because of this, children who suffer from obesity are prone to suffering from mental disorders. There is current debate about who is responsible for this. While it is easy to blame junk food companies, parents ultimately have the responsibility of making sure their children eat right and exercise.

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Child Nutrition: Help Your Child Be Healthy

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The food your child eats is important not only now but also for the rest of his or her life. A small child is going to need various types of foods for energy to play, grow, and to build a healthy body. Muscles and bones are forming over the first fifteen years of life, and when eating the right types of foods and including smart nutrition your child is more likely to avoid sickness and to ward off some types of disease.

Your child’s nutrition

Your child’s nutrition …

nutrition, child nutrition, nutritionist

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The food your child eats is important not only now but also for the rest of his or her life. A small child is going to need various types of foods for energy to play, grow, and to build a healthy body. Muscles and bones are forming over the first fifteen years of life, and when eating the right types of foods and including smart nutrition your child is more likely to avoid sickness and to ward off some types of disease.

Your child’s nutrition

Your child’s nutrition is going to start with you. You child is going to see what foods you eat, and when you are more likely to eat them, and your child is going to build their own habits from those habits he or she sees you following. If you eat breakfast on the go, all the time, your child will feel this is normal and ok, but you should be sitting down to a breakfast every morning for good nutrition basics. Even if you are eating a bowl of cereal or you are enjoying a glass of juice, taking five minutes will encourage better eating habits.

Nutrition for your child’s health

Healthy beginnings start with fruits, vegetables and good portions of meats. The food pyramid is going to be important in the early stages of life so that your child will learn to eat many types of foods, and not only the foods they like the taste and looks of. Giving your child many options in life will help them pick foods that are better for them in the long run. Healthy children are not going to eat burgers and fries for every meal, but they will have a well-rounded life with nutrition builders such as fruits, vegetables, meat, and variations of these builders.

Teaching good habits for your child’s nutrition awareness will start with reading labels. Learn about what preservatives and additives are in some of the foods you are eating, and then talk about these with your child as they grow. Include foods that are all natural, or that contain very little preservatives for a solid start in their understanding of nutrition.

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Child hernia surgery restrictions & advises

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Hernia surgery is a very simple surgery that succeeds in almost all cases. But doctors recommend parents not to delay their child’s operation because some complications can appear in this situation. Next follow some useful facts about the surgery.

hernia, hernia surgery

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Hernia surgery is a very simple surgery that succeeds in almost all cases. But doctors recommend parents not to delay their child’s operation because some complications can appear in this situation. Next follow some useful facts about the surgery.

The operation lasts for about one hour and the child can return home the same day the surgery was performed. Overall the child must spend around five hours in the hospital, but if any complications appear at least one day of medical supervision is required.
No visible scars will remain on the child’s skin because all the work is done under the skin. Also there are no stitches that need removing but there is going to be a covering tape over the incision, but it will fall or it can be removed after a few days from the surgery. In some cases dried blood gathers under the tape but that will also be gone.
At many children who suffered a hernia surgery the scrotum has swallowed a little and it was also bruised, but this is a normal side effect that disappears is a few weeks.

After one week or so regular activities can be performed again, but the child should not do any sporting activities, or to the gym class until the doctor says its ok to do that.
The child can go to school the second day after the operation but tell him not to do any activity that involves physical effort, in fact he should not lift anything that weights more than 10 pounds for four weeks from the surgery.
When it comes to bathing, a shower or a sponge bath can be done but only after 48 hours pass from the surgery. A normal bath cannot be done in the first five weeks that pass, but the child can bathe or swim freely afterwards.

Most of the children do not suffer from great pain after the surgery and almost everything returns to normal in a few days, but if any pain occurs he should take pain relievers. These are prescribed by the doctor who performs the surgery, in the case that pain appears.

In conclusion, hernia surgery does not have any dangerous side-effects, but if you suspect anything or if the child has a fever that does not drop, or an unusual bulge appears around the surgery scar, contact your doctor for further information.

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Child Autism Behaviour

Balaji .B
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Autism is a developmental disorder and the specific cause for autism is not known. It is believed that some biochemical imbalance would have caused autism and some believe that it is a psychological disorder. Children with autism cannot communicate their feelings and emotions properly. Such children find it difficult to socialize. They communicate only to get their needs and not to socialize.
Autism behaviors include lack of proper response to social and environmental stimulations. Communication in a child with autism would be minimal and there would be no eye contact and the child would be in its own world and the response would be very slow. These are some of the autism behaviors that can be noted. There are many therapies available for treating such children.
To treat such autism behaviors nutritional supplements are given. Vitamin B12 is one such supplement that is given to improve autism behaviors which are odd when compared to a normal child. To improve autism behaviours they can be given educational therapies in which the child is motivated to respond to the social and environmental changes promptly. It is not easy to make a child with such autism behaviors to learn a task. They will interrupt the process and they might be aggressive towards other people to avoid learning any new task.
Magnesium in the form of intramuscular injections is given to improve autism behaviors. Usage of vitamin B12 to improve autism behaviors would usually give good results in 2 to 4 weeks time. Some children will take more than 3 months to improve their autism behavior. Dimethylglycine (DMG) is found to be very good in improving autism behaviors like lack of proper speech. This also improves better eye contact and frustration tolerance.

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Child Anxiety Disorder

Balaji .B
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Child anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental, emotional, and behavioral problems that commonly occur in both children and adolescents. The childhood anxiety disorder usually affects more girls than boys. Depression usually accompanies the childhood anxiety disorder in most of the children and adolescents.
Children with an anxiety disorder are usually so afraid, worried, or uneasy that they cannot function normally. Some anxiety disorders can last through out the life of the child and can greatly interfere in day to day work. There are various types of anxiety disorders which are commonly found in young children.
Anxiety disorders in children can range from a simple adjustment disorder to more difficult and debilitating disorders such as panic disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder. If anxiety disorder in a child is not treated in the early stages, it can lead to missed school days or an inability to finish school, impaired relations with peers and low self-esteem.
Some of the types of anxiety disorders that can occur in a child include generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and acute stress disorder. Some other types of anxiety disorder common in children include social phobia, specific phobia, adjustment disorder with anxiety, and anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition.
Thinking ability, decision-making ability, perceptions of the environment, learning, and concentration of a child are baby affected in severe cases of anxiety disorders. An anxiety disorder can raise blood pressure and heart rate and also cause a multitude of bodily complaints, such as vomiting, stomach pain, ulcers, diarrhea, tingling, weakness, and shortness of breath.