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Check Steroid Graphs!

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Steroids are synthetic hormone drugs derived from testosterone. There are wonderful drugs, if they are used rightly for right purpose, but these drugs are more often abused. According to surveys and steroid graphs, steroids are oftentimes used by young sportsmen, jocks, wrestlers and athletes. Such, without prescriptions steroid use for non medical purposes is steroid abuse, which has serious side effects and dangerous consequences.

steroid graphs

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Steroids are synthetic hormone drugs derived from testosterone. There are wonderful drugs, if they are used rightly for right purpose, but these drugs are more often abused. According to surveys and steroid graphs, steroids are oftentimes used by young sportsmen, jocks, wrestlers and athletes. Such, without prescriptions steroid use for non medical purposes is steroid abuse, which has serious side effects and dangerous consequences.
The steroid graphs on steroid abuse reveal the clear surge in the steroid use among youngsters. The recent steroid graphs show the rise in the trend of steroid use among eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders since the mid-1990s.

The recent steroid graphs on steroid abuse are titling towards rise of the steroid abuse among the high school students and players. It has been noticed that steroids are often abused by young athletes and non athletes to enhance their power, performance and stamina, and for various cosmetic reasons.

The steroid graphs on steroid abuse also show that steroid abuse is higher among males than females. The graphs show that the steroids’ use is fast on rise among 12-17 year old males, with average youngsters start using steroids at age 15. The proportion of male high school athletes using steroids is 6.6 percent and out of the 6.6 percent, 40 percent are hard-core users.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s National Household conducted drug abuse survey on 1,084,000 Americans, or 0.5% of the adult population, and revealed that they had used anabolic steroids. In the 18-34 age groups, about 1% had ever used steroids.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducts the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Study, a survey of high school students across the United States. A survey conducted in 2001 depicted that 5% of all high school students described lifetime use of steroid tablets/injections without a doctor’s prescription. The steroid graphs based on the study also showed that 5.8% of ninth graders, 4.9% of tenth graders, 4.3% of eleventh graders, and 4.3% of twelfth graders reported lifetime illegal use of steroids.

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Can You Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

Nicky Pilkington
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The question, “Can you get rid of stretch marks?” sounds simple enough, but the answer to the question is not so easy. Ask 10 skin specialists this question and you are likely to receive answers spread across the board. On one side of the issue are the specialists who believe that the answer to the question is an emphatic, “no.” The reason behind this school of thought is associated with collagen. Some skin specialists believe that once collagen is decreased in an area of the body, there is no way to regenerate it so that the skin heals and is restored to its normal elasticity.
On the other side of the debate are those skin specialists who believe that the answer to the question, “Can you get rid of stretch marks?” is “yes.” There have been reports from tests that indicate that it is possible to rebuild the level of collagen in an individual’s body. These tests also reveal that it doesn’t take intense prescription medication to rebuild collagen. Many people, pregnant women in particular, have reported a reduction in their stretch marks by using common products such as Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula Massage Lotion for Stretch Marks. This product costs less than $5 and is available just about anywhere products for the skin are sold.
Moisturizing the skin is a helpful preventive measure against stretch marks. Since there are different answers to the question, people will basically have to decide for themselves which side of the debate they want to believe.

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Check Out Steroid Pictures!

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Steroids are the synthetic drugs or steroid hormones that help advancing body growth or the development of the reproductive organs and the secondary sex traits. These are one of the highly abused and controversial drugs of modern times.

steroid pictures

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Steroids are the synthetic drugs or steroid hormones that help advancing body growth or the development of the reproductive organs and the secondary sex traits. These are one of the highly abused and controversial drugs of modern times. There are lots of anabolic steroids available on the market.

Some of popular steroids include Methandriol Dipropionate, Oxymetholone, Testosterone undecanoate, Arimidex, Cytomel, Boldenone Undeclynate, Clomid, Clenbuterol, Dianabol, Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, Gonadotropin, Testosterone Cypionate, Masteron, Parabolan, Primobolan, Nandrolone Decanoate, Turanabol, Trenabol, Proviron, Somatotropin, Oxandrolone, Steroids Cycles, Sustanon, Tamoxifen, Testosterone Eenanthate, and Testosterone Propionate.

There are stacks of steroids selling at land based drug stores as well as online drug stores. There are numerous sites selling steroids online, and there are also sites that sell fake steroids and alternatives. It has really become very difficult for you to differentiate fake steroids from real steroids.

Steroid profiles with steroid pictures really help you a great deal to pick out real steroids. Steroid profiles are abstracts of significant steroid information, such as smell, taste, outcomes, fallouts, harms, precautions, dose directions, along with steroid pictures. You can check steroid profiles and steroid pictures online. There are a number of sites that offer genuine steroid profiles and steroid pictures.

The steroid pictures are the pictures of real steroids. Steroid pictures help you know and recognize real steroids; they help you know about the containers of real steroids of specific brands and also help you know the real shape and color of real steroid pills.

Offering pictorial representation of real steroids, the steroid pictures help in understanding the exact description of a particular drug, its size, potency level, color, shape, and different salts contained by it. Steroid pictures help you to choose the best and real drugs. Steroid pictures help saving you from fraudulent steroid sites selling fake steroids or steroid alternatives. So, whenever you buy steroids online, you must check steroid profiles and steroid pictures. This will really help you in buying real and genuine steroids.

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Cheap Health Insurance Plan – A Simple Way To Save Money

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Is there such a thing as cheap health insurance? It hardly seems possible when you look at the rise in hospital costs and physician services. Insurance companies have the task of underwriting the medical risk for insurance. The insurer then issues and delivers the policy to the insured once they are accepted into the plan. The policyholders then receive the policy declaration pages that list all of the benefits and features.

What are those benefits and features? How do the…


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Is there such a thing as cheap health insurance? It hardly seems possible when you look at the rise in hospital costs and physician services. Insurance companies have the task of underwriting the medical risk for insurance. The insurer then issues and delivers the policy to the insured once they are accepted into the plan. The policyholders then receive the policy declaration pages that list all of the benefits and features.

What are those benefits and features? How do they work after a hospital stay? When you begin to find the answers to those questions then you begin to understand what makes up the total premium. When you receive your first benefit statement after a hospital stay then you will begin to understand how the deductible is applied and how the coinsurance works.

Simple claims analysis

1. Total inpatient expense for 4 days in the hospital including physician services amounts to $4000.

2. Your policy has a $500 deductible with an 80/20 coinsurance clause with a maximum out of pocket $2000.

3. You must pay the first $500 for your stay leaving a balance of $3500.

4. You will pay 20% of that $3500 or $700 and the insurance company will pay $2800.

When your 20% reaches $2000 then the insurance company pays 100% of the remaining costs up to a million dollars (or 2 million etc).

The health insurance buying trends indicate that people are purchasing health insurance with higher deductibles. Deductibles bring down the premium dramatically. There are some plans with deductibles as high as $5000. This is called self-insuring because in essence that is what you are doing for the deductible amount.

Health Savings Accounts are also starting to become very popular. These savings accounts are tax deductible. They are like medical IRA’S. Contact your tax advisor or accountant for more details.

Please see our recommended source for insurance quotes. We have done the research so you don’t have to.

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Can You Get Free Treatment For Bipolar Disorder?

Susan Nickerson DC PT
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Unfortunately, many people with bipolar symptoms are unable to get the treatment, medications and support they require due to financial difficulties. There is an option, however.
Some people with bipolar disorder receive medication and/or psychosocial therapy at no charge by volunteering to participate in clinical studies (clinical trials). Clinical studies involve the scientific investigation of illness and treatment of illness in humans.
Clinical studies in mental health can yield information about the usefullness of a medication or a combination of treatments, the efficacy of a behavioral intervention or type of psychotherapy, the reliability of a diagnostic procedure, or the success of a prevention method.
Clinical studies also guide scientists in learning how illness develops, progresses, lessens, and affects both mind and body. Millions of Americans diagnosed with mental illness lead healthy, productive lives because of information discovered through clinical studies.
These studies are not always right for everyone, however. It is important for each individual to consider carefully the possible risks and benefits of a clinical study before making a decision to participate.
In recent years, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has introduced a new generation of “real-world” clinical studies. They are called “real-world” studies for several reasons. Unlike traditional clinical trials, they offer multiple different treatments and treatment combinations.
In addition, they aim to include large numbers of people with mental disorders living in communities throughout the U.S. and receiving treatment across a wide variety of settings. Individuals with more than one mental disorder, as well as those with co-occurring physical illnesses, are encouraged to consider participating in these new studies.
The main goal of the real-world studies is to improve treatment strategies and outcomes for all people with these disorders.
In addition to measuring improvement in illness symptoms, the studies will evaluate how treatments influence other important, real-world issues such as quality of life, ability to work, and social functioning. They also will assess the cost-effectiveness of different treatments and factors that affect how well people stay on their treatment plans.
The Systematic Treatment Enhancement Program for Bipolar Disorder (STEP-BD) is seeking participants for the largest-ever, “real-world” study of treatments for bipolar disorder. To learn more about STEP-BD or other clinical studies, see the Clinical Trials page on the NIMH Web site at, visit the National Library of Medicine’s clinical trials database at, or contact NIMH.

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Can You Fight The Common Cold With A Natural Remedy?

Kevin Sheldon
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Colds appear superficially similar to the ‘flu, but are generally less severe. Common in the colder seasons, respiratory passage inflammation, irritation of the nose and throat, runny eyes, and of course fevers, chills and muscle aches are typical symptoms of the common cold. In extreme cases, a bad cold may even cause sinusitis or congestion of the chest, which can be particularly distressing for the very young and very old. The differences between a cold and flu are fairly easy to spot – flu usually causes a headache, fever, heavy fatigue and general aches – these are rare in true colds. On the other hand, a cold usually involves a runny nose and a sore throat – both rare in flu. Whatever you do, the symptoms will last between 7 and 14 days (including an incubation period of between 1 and 3 days). Men tend to say they have the flu, rather than a ‘cold’, because it sounds so much more serious! Common colds, however, are far more ‘common’ if you will excuse the pun.
The common cold is caused by a fast mutating virus, which tends to strike when one’s immune system is depressed. Extreme coldness, tiredness, stress brought on by overwork, or overindulgence – all of these can ‘bring on’ a cold. The symptoms of the common cold are actually your body attempting to kill the virus and re-establish normal conditions – a raised body temperature kills the virus eventually. Unfortunately, the fast mutation characteristics of the common cold make it impossible to produce a vaccine, leaving only natural remedies in the arsenal of anti-cold techniques.
At the first signs of a cold (sore throat, runny nose) go to bed – don’t wait for the virus to ‘kick in’. Remember that the first line of attack against the cold virus will be plenty of fluids, and especially vitamin C drinks, such as hot lemon. In fact, you can take large amounts of vitamin C in many forms – tablets, drinks etc. Garlic will also help – both of these are good germ fighters. Other vitamins that will help include vitamin A, B6, vitamin E, and vitamin F. It is also reported that a little extra zinc can help shorten the duration of colds.
While the cold is in full swing, try drinking potato peeling broth. The peelings should be half an inch thick, boiled it for about half an hour then strained and cooled, taken twice a day. After the fever goes, a low calorie raw fruit and vegetable diet can be attempted, although you may not feel much like eating at this point. Raw juices and herb teas will also help. The best herb teas for fighting the common cold are:-

Rose hips

There are many products that help with runny noses and congestions – most are based on eucalyptus oil, and indeed, this is most helpful. Try putting a few drops in a cup of boiling water, then inhaling the vapors with a towel over your head. For a sore throat – gargling with crushed aspirin in warm water is also useful, although be careful you don’t swallow it, and don’t do it to frequently.
The most popular water treatments include hot mustard foot baths (to reduce sinus congestion), Epsom salt baths while drinking sweating teas, hot ginger chest compresses and salt water nasal douches to open the sinuses. Some people swear by steam inhalation (with eucalyptus, pine needles, cloves, or thyme).
And of course, you could always try prevention – stay warm, keep your immune system strong by eating sensibly and exercising regularly!

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Cheap Generic Drugs Or Expensive Branded Ones?

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In the modern world, there are generally two types of medication that a person has to choose from when sick: the cheap generic drugs, or the expensive branded medications. There are numerous misconceptions and myths about both, usually taking a pro-brand name bias. However, the reality is that one is just as effective as the other.

cheap generic drugs

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When someone is sick, the basic response in today’s world is to medicate. However, in today’s world, whenever a consumer is out to get something (even something that’s badly needed), the first inclination is to go with what’s the most economical option. A person’s health can therefore be a touchy subject in this regard, with both the well-being and the financial situation of the patient being thrown into the pot for consideration. Granted, there are cheap generic drugs available on the market that are lower in cost than their branded, trademarked counterparts. There is, however, the lingering question of whether or not price dictates quality. As with most other things, there are both positive and negative points to both sides, with the decision usually falling squarely on the shoulders of the person deciding.

Cheap generic drugs, provided they’re made by reputable pharmaceutical companies, have the same exact ingredients as their branded counterparts. The core ingredients, the compounds in the medication that make it work and fix problems in the body, are the same both both cheap generic drugs and the more expensive, brand-named ones. There are typically very few differences between the two. For example, in a number of skin care treatments, the active ingredients are of a lower concentration in the generic ones than their prescription or branded counterparts. In most cases, however, the only real difference between the two would be the packaging. A number of cheap generic drugs are made by the same pharmaceutical companies that sell the trademarked medications.

The appearance of generics differs from branded ones primarily due to trademark laws. In some cases, any non-essential ingredients in the medication can also differ, but these do not have any impact on the effectiveness of the drugs. Local regulations and marketing needs may also affect how a generic drug is produced, with a certain medication being sold as a pill in one country, but as a tablet in another. However, in most cases, a trademarked or branded drug will retain its form regardless of what country it is marketed in. The appearance is also retained, mainly because this aspect of it is trademarked, with most customers being familiar with both name and design.

Cheap generic drugs are not designed to be any less effective than their branded counterparts. There are some cases where the active ingredient is in a lower concentration, but this usually occurs if the generic version is over-the-counter, while the branded one is available only by prescription. They aren’t less effective and they don’t take longer to work than the branded ones.

However, one thing that must be kept in mind is that not all branded medications have a generic counterpart. Some medications only come in the branded form, and these tend to be very expensive. Of course, in situations where this is the case, the expense usually comes from the fact that the patient is likely to have no other choice. A medical professional like a doctor or pharmacist is likely to have a better idea of which medications have a generic counterpart, if the patient’s finances aren’t up to purchasing a branded drug. In reality, the differences between the two tend to be superficial and, for the purposes of fixing a problem, one is just as good as the other.

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Can You Catch Insanity?

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While there is nothing but anecdotal evidence and speculation from untrained people to support the theory, there are some that believe people can develop mental illness due to prolonged exposure to the insane. This is strictly speculation and there are no studies to back it up, but there are some experts that claim it might actually be possible, given the right combination of factors.

mental health, counseling, stress, stress and anxiety

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Some say that the more you are exposed to something, the more likely you are to pick it up. The same has been anecdotally proven to be true for mental health conditions and outright insanity. The longer you are thrust into an environment where mental health is compromised, the higher the chances are that you’ll end up emulating their behavior. Some hardcore psychologists can sometimes deliberately attempt to appear insane just to get an inside look at how things are on the “other side,” but those people have questionable mental health anyway. It is interesting that there are very few studies being conducted to see whether or not prolonged exposure to insanity can lead a perfectly sane person to go down that same road.

There is a piece of old advice that says playing along with the delusions of the insane is more effective than fighting it when it comes to preserving one’s mental health. The trick, supposedly, is being able to keep their perception of reality from becoming yours. However, this only holds true for those who have psychological or anxiety disorders that are obvious. This would be difficult to apply to someone who has a mental health problem that has turned the damage inwards, rather than outwards. This bit of advice likely stems from the misconception that insane people are easy to spot, primarily due to their behavior and the way they carry themselves.

Another common piece of advice is to engage in frequent and effective methods of stress relief, preferably as often as possible. It is no secret that constantly dealing with one mental health patient is stressful and difficult, so it makes sense that having to deal with a large number of them can put the stress levels near the breaking point for some people. The build-up of stress and anxiety, combined with continuous exposure to the various forms of mental health disorders, can sometimes result in clinical insanity. Granted, this is coming from prolonged exposure and a lack of measures taken to alleviate the problem, but it is a possibility. A very unlikely and rare possibility, but a possibility nonetheless.

There are currently no studies as to whether or not prolonged exposure to insane people can have any real effects on a person’s mental health. Currently, the best on offer is anecdotal evidence and the background story of comic book villain Harley Quinn. Of course, the character’s transformation from professional psychiatrist to the psychotic girlfriend of an equally psychotic criminal is a fictional story. There have been no reports of instances like that occurring, though it is generally accepted knowledge that most people’s psychiatrists often end up going to counseling themselves.

For the time being, there is no concrete medical data that points to a connection between sanity and prolonged exposure to the insane. There are no reports of insane asylums regularly cycling their psychiatrists and staff between themselves to minimize exposure to specific individuals behind asylum walls. The statistics don’t show a lot of former psychologists becoming mental health patients themselves, either. It is probable that there simply aren’t enough anecdotes and stories to justify a full study on the matter. Still, if “catching” mental illness from the insane is a possibility, that does pose an interesting mental health risk to asylum staff members.

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Cheap Contact Lenses – Buy Online and Save

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The FTC reports that access to online contact lens retailers provides consumers with greater choice and greater savings on contact lenses. With over 36 million Americans now wearing contact lenses, the FTC continues to fight for the rights of consumers in accessing cheap contact lenses offered by online contact lens distributors.

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The FTC reports that access to online contact lens retailers provides consumers with greater choice and greater savings on contact lenses. With over 36 million Americans now wearing contact lenses, the FTC continues to fight for the rights of consumers in accessing cheap contact lenses offered by online contact lens distributors.
In the United States, sales of contact lenses are over $1 billion dollars annually. The past few years have witnessed an explosive growth of online contact lens retailers, and other channels of distribution, offering consumers greater selection and lower prices when purchasing contact lenses. The FTC has played a central role in breaking down anti-competitive barriers in the sale of contact lenses that serve to restrict consumer choice and raise lens prices.
Online contact lens retailers are in a unique position to bring consumers cheaper contact lenses. With the entire globe as their marketplace, thanks to the worldwide reach of the Internet, they are able to purchase massive quantities of brand name replacement contact lenses. The sheer volume of lenses purchased provides them with an excellent price advantage from brand name contact lens manufacturers. Couple this fact with their ability to operate very low priced Internet storefronts, they benefit from low operating expenses, while being able to buy huge volume. The end result, in simple terms, is that their ability to pass on savings to their consumers is limited only by their desire to make profits.
Over the past few years, the FTC has been active in promoting the ability of non-traditional contact lens sellers to operate in an open, competitive market. A March 2004 FTC report points out that “non-traditional contact lens sellers, such as Internet providers, represent a unique alternative distribution channel and offer some consumers a combination of price and convenience that they value highly”. Thanks to recent legislation brought into effect with the help of the FTC and other consumer groups, the ability of consumers to purchase cheap contact lenses online is becoming easier.
Important among these legislative changes is the Ophthalmic Practices Rule and the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act (The Contact Lens Rule).
The Ophthalmic Practices Rule requires ophthalmologists and optometrists to provide their patients with a copy of their eyeglass prescription at no added cost after the completion of an eye examination. This was a very important development that helped pave the way for the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act.
The Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act, enacted by Congress in 2003, requires that eye care practitioners provide their patients with a copy of their contact lens prescription at no added charge upon the completion of a lens fitting. In the past, contact lenses were replaced infrequently and the lenses were typically purchased from eye care providers. These lenses were far more expensive than the soft, disposable lenses now favored by most lens
In today’s world, the vast majority of Americans wearing contact lenses choose to wear soft contact lenses that require more frequent replacement schedules. These lenses are far less expensive than the old, hard lenses of the past. As a result, price, choice, and convenience have become extremely important to consumers. The ability of consumers to obtain a copy of their contact lens prescription then allows them to shop around for the best prices
available. The result is increased competition and choice, and this only benefits consumers in terms of lower prices and greater selection.
The Contact Lens Rule (2004) has opened up a huge online contact lens replacement industry. Many of these online replacement lens companies offer exceptional pricing discounts compared to traditional lens sellers, not to mention choice and convenience when purchasing lenses.
Buying Cheap Contact Lenses Online
How does a consumer know if the prices available from one online retailer are better than those offered by another? There is one simple answer. Consumers must take the time comparison shopping on the Internet, just like they do from traditional sellers. In addition, some other variables beyond price should be considered by online shoppers prior to placing a contact lens order online. The steps outlined below will help any consumer interested in buying the cheapest brand name contact lenses online do so safely.
Step 1 – Compare Prices
Your contact lens prescription outlines the individual features required to meet your vision needs. There are many brands of contact lenses available. Find the lens type that meets your needs, and compare prices between the leading online lens sellers to find out what online store gives you the best price.
Step 2 – Find out the Real Price
Learning what online store offers the best price on the lenses themselves is only one step. The real price of your lenses also includes shipping. Many online stores offer excellent deals in terms of shipping. Find out if you can get free shipping by, for example, buying two pairs of lenses instead of one.
Step 3 – Assess the Online Storefront
Buying contact lenses online is no different than buying any other consumer good, whether online or from a traditional brick and mortar business. Assess the return policies, as well as customer service access. Any online retailer you buy lenses from should provide an operational toll free telephone number and address, along with clearly delineated customer service hours.
Step 4 – Website Security
Before placing an order for contact lenses or any other product online, ensure that the webpage you are on is secure. A secure website encrypts all the information you input before sending it across the Internet, thereby preventing others from accessing it. Consumers can easily check if they are on a secure website by viewing the small lock icon at the bottom right hand corner of their computer screen, or by viewing the website address itself. A
secure webpage address starts with https:// as opposed to a regular webpage that doesn’t include the s (http://). Only buy lenses from a secure website.
Step 5 – Check your Lenses
When your contact arrive at your door, make sure that they are the exact brand name you ordered. Every pair of contact lenses must be shipped with the manufacturer’s patient information pamphlet. Accept no substitutes.
By following a few simple steps, consumers can be confident that they are buying brand name replacement contact lenses over the Internet at the cheapest prices available. Buying contact lenses online can save consumers hundreds of dollars a year, with the benefit of increased convenience and choice of lenses. Be a wise contact lens consumer – buy online and reap the savings!

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Can you be hypnotized?

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Find out how suggestible you are

hypnosis, self-hypnosis, suggestibility, success

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People sometimes wonder whether they can be hypnotized. Incredible, but true – there are professional hypnotists and hypnotherapists today who still seem to believe that only certain percentage of people can be hypnotized, and that is what they are teaching through their books, courses, websites and seminars. The origin of these misconceptions may be traced to several hypnotizability scales. Two of the more popular are Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scales (created in 1959) and Harvard Group Scales (created in 1962). Based on the tests performed, the researchers involved in creation of these hypnotizability scales have concluded that 5% of people cannot be hypnotized and that only about 10% can experience deep trance phenomena like auditory and visual hallucinations, and the ability to remain deeply in hypnosis with eyes open.

If you are unfamiliar with hypnotic phenomena, visual hallucinations can be “positive hallucinations” – if you happen to see something that doesn’t belong to consensus reality; or “negative hallucination” – if you don’t see something which may be right in front of you. And it’s good to keep in mind that we often see what we expect to see. It works the same way with auditory hallucinations, which happen when what you hear subjectively is different from the consensus reality.

Now I would like to ask you a question : Did it ever happen to you to look for something, perhaps car keys, which were right in front of you, but you just didn’t see them? That is an example of deep trance phenomenon called “negative hallucination”. Of course, if you were looking for the keys, your eyes were most certainly open, and according to these hypnotizability scales, you were in a very deep trance. Did you feel like you were in a deep trance?

Or maybe you have had an experience of someone calling your name, but you happened to be so deeply absorbed in other thoughts that you simply didn’t hear the person calling you. It often happens with children. They get so absorbed in playing “let’s pretend games” that for a while they lose awareness of the external world, or rather the external world becomes a part of their subjective reality. And that’s hypnosis.

Let’s go over few more hypnotic phenomena:

Time Distortion – you experience time distortion when you subjectively experience the passage of time as if the time is passing slower or faster than the consensus time. In a way, because it takes much less time to think of an action than to do it, you can accomplish more in your mind in less time, then it would take to perform the action physically. You can be anywhere with your mind in an instant, and you can accomplish anything with your mind in an instant.

We have all had experiences when time seemed to drag or to fly. If you just stand beside a pot waiting for a water to boil or you’re waiting in line at a bank or at a post office, it may seem that time stretched almost into foreverness. And when you’re very busy or are having lots of fun and you’re immersed in something you really do not wish to end, it may seem that time just flew by and you wonder where did it go?

Amnesia (forgetting something) is another hypnotic phenomenon. Did it ever happen to you that you do something or say something or someone else tells you something and you forget it – even if the action occurred just a moment ago, in the midst of a conversation you were having? This happens naturally when immediately upon the action performed, you switch your attention to something unrelated. Your mind wonders in an instant to some other topic and you forget what just happened.

When hypnotists want to create amnesia for what happened during the session, through conversational form of hypnosis, they use the same method that happens naturally. Before you have fully returned to your normal consciousness, they switch your attention to something else, and you forget what just happened.

If you pay attention to experiences in your daily life, you will become aware of all sorts of hypnotic phenomena occurring naturally – even catalepsy. Catalepsy occurs when a part of a body acts as if it were frozen in space, rigid, usually in some unusual position, and for a while you’re not even aware of that part of the body. Maybe there was a time when you were so deeply immersed in contemplating some thought, that when you returned your attention to external world, you were surprised that perhaps your arm was floating in front of you or was just placed in some position, perhaps lifted toward your face, and you didn’t even notice when it happened.

And perhaps you’ve had an experience where you went to another room, looking for something, but on the way to the room, your thoughts shifted to something else, and by the time you got to the room, you couldn’t remember what were you doing there? By now, you may be beginning to realize that all of these different hypnotic phenomena involve some form of mental distraction – your body may be doing one thing, simply executing the programming in your subconscious to perform a certain action, and your mind may be thinking of something else. If you are mentally elsewhere, of course you are not aware of what is happening with your body and you experience all sorts of hypnotic phenomena.

Analgesia and anesthesia are two more hypnotic phenomena. Perhaps there was a time when you had a terrible headache or have experienced some other pain and then something happened that so much absorbed your attention – maybe you had an interesting phone conversation or were watching an interesting movie, maybe a comedy on TV – and for a while you were completely free of pain. You were completely unaware even of any sensations in your body – and your eyes were wide open all along.

There are many more hypnotic phenomena and the point I want to make is simply to point out that just about everything that people can experience when hypnotized by a professional hypnotist when they are in a so called deep states of hypnosis, people in all walks of life have experienced at some point as part of their normal daily life.

Since, the term “hypnosis” is used to describe a state of heightened suggestibility, a state of mind in which the door to your subconscious is open enough so that ideas may be impressed upon it, absolutely everything that is in your subconscious mind today, got there via some form of hypnosis.

If you were non-hypnotizable (i.e. the door of your subconscious could not be opened), you would have no memories, and no programming. That is why the question of hypnotizability is ludicrous. All the information, ideas and beliefs you have acquired and stored in your mind, were stored there via hypnosis – and any time you turn your attention to your subjective experience you are in hypnosis. All that any hypnotist does is simply stimulate the processes that occur naturally to create specific effects.

Perhaps due to hypnosis stage shows and movies, some people believe that the only way they can get hypnotized is if a person called a “hypnotist” tells them “You are getting very sleepy now … you are getting into a deep trance and you are going to obey every command I give you now!” Nothing could be further from truth.

There are also some psychologists, psychiatrists, medical doctors and even hypnotists and hypnotherapists who are trying to convince people that people are impotent and can do nothing on their own or that the most anyone can hope to accomplish on his own with hypnosis is just get a little bit relaxed. Those who are saying such things may be saying them either because they themselves do not know how to do more with their minds on their own, or because they do not want you to know that you can accomplish great many things with your mind, and that you have already accomplished great many things with your mind even if you don’t yet know how you did it.

Here’s how you can and how you do hypnotize yourself and others – even if you or others are doing it completely unintentionally and unknowingly. When you play with your own subjective experience, you are practicing self-hypnosis.

For example, if you go to school to learn some craft, while you are learning it you are pretending in your mind that you’ve already mastered it. This serves several purposes – it helps to motivate you, it opens your mind to learning experience making it easier for you to absorb the information and master the skill, and it makes the journey to mastery an entertaining experience. If you are pretending to be a recognized musician while learning to play an instrument; or if you are pretending to be a lawyer while studying, you are in effect practicing self-hypnosis. If you are a man and you see a good-looking woman and begin to imagine having a date with her, you are practicing self-hypnosis. What you focus upon in your subjective experience, in your imagination, may have a great bearing upon whether you actually end up having a date with that woman or not.

When you play with other people’s subjective experience, you are hypnotizing them. Of course you could use inductions to get people into trance, but you don’t have to. All it takes to hypnotize other people is to engage their imagination (and you can do that with any or a combination of several senses – visual, auditory, kinesthetic, etc.). The entire process of hypnosis may be also non-verbal. All it may take for a woman to hypnotize a man, is to put on a mini-skirt. Granted, some women should be better covered from head to toe, but everyone can offer a genuine friendly smile. What you do specifically would depend on what is your outcome and what is appropriate to the given situation. If you were looking for a job, then dressing as if you were already a member of a team would help the interviewer to picture you as one of them .. and it would make it easier for you to land that job. You get the idea.

And when other people play with your subjective experience, they are hypnotizing you. Can you recall a time you watched a movie you liked or read a book or talked to someone you liked – perhaps you were so absorbed in that person or book or movie which provided certain mental and emotional stimulation and engaged your imagination that, for a while there, the external world faded from your awareness.

When someone says that only certain percentage of people are hypnotizable or that they are hypnotizable to this or that degree, what they are saying is more along the lines of – at that point in time, with that particular hypnotist, given the hypnotist’s repertoire of skills and given the mood and the state of mind the person-to-be- hypnotized is in, the person may be willing or in mood to do what the hypnotist suggested to a certain point, or not at all.

All of us go through many different states and moods throughout the day. There is a time you may feel like eating, there is a time you may feel like sleeping, there is a time you feel like relaxing, there is a time you may feel like jumping around, there is a time you may feel like working, there is a time you may feel like watching a movie, etc. If someone were to suggest something that you feel like doing at that particular moment, you’d be happy to comply and would be then labeled as “highly hypnotizable”. On the other hand, if someone suggested something at a time you didn’t feel like doing that particular thing, you would be labeled perhaps a “resistant hypnotic subject ” or even non-hypnotizable. It’s also possible that you may very well enjoy doing a particular thing at that very moment, but not with that particular person or a hypnotist.

I like to teach people about many different forms of doing self-hypnosis because at different times you may like to do it in a different way. And that’s the reason for different types of recordings. It is not about one being necessarily better than the other, but rather what suits you the best at any given time according to your mood and preferences.