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Canine Companions Cure

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This article talks about how depression can lead to serious mental health conditions, if not treated as soon as possible. A new research suggests that by having pet dogs as companions, they can help the person dealing with depression in overcoming their emotional symptoms, as well as physical symptoms.

overcoming depression, depression, well being, lifestyle, mental health, recovery, relationship, stress and anxiety

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People normally encounter different situations that may cause more bad than good. Things like financial problems, death of a loved one, dealing with serious medical conditions, the breakup of a relationship, and certain changes in one’s life can certainly cause depression. Having a family history of depression (with a pessimistic personality) can run in the genes for generations, and this too can affect one’s lifestyle and well being if not treated as soon as possible.
While many people dealing with depression turn to friends and family members for comfort and support, a new research has shown that assigning the help of an unexpected companion–a dog, may also have a positive effect on overall health and well being of a depressed individual. An award winning actress, Linda Dano is leading “Support Partners: Canine Companions,” a new program that offers practical tips on how to expand support networks by incorporating dogs into the recovery process of depression, as part of her commitment to helping people with the health condition. This program is sponsored by Eli Lilly and Company together with the Psychiatric Service Dog Society.
Depression is an illness that is often associated with strong social stigma, causing people to withdraw from their lives, therefore intensifying the emotional symptoms of the illness, such as sadness and feelings of worthlessness. While a doctor, friend, or family member should form the basis of any support network, dogs can play an important role by being a constant companion to the the distressed patient. With daily walks, dogs can help reduce the emotional symptoms while possibly helping other symptoms, such as fatigue or lack of energy.
Research has shown the many potential benefits of having a dog that can correlate to areas which health care professionals believe can help people in overcoming depression. Majority of pet owners feel that their pets are extremely important whenever they are feeling sad, lonely, or depressed. The “man’s best friend,” can provide the desirable qualities as human such as listening, physical contact and empathy which helps in dealing with emotional symptoms of a depressed individual. Half of the population with dogs as companions believes that their pet makes a huge difference to their lives, ranking increased exercise and companionship as the two most important differences. Research has also shown that talking to dogs is related to greater life satisfaction and would lead to better physical and mental health.
Joan Esnayra, president of the Psychiatric Service Dog Society, an organization that works with mental health consumers who wish to train their dogs to assist depression management, explains that there are many simple things one can do with their dog if feeling depressed which would make them feel better. By taking the dog for a walk, it would give the person some exercise. Teaching the dogs new tricks can also give the person a sense of accomplishment, which would help them conquer feelings of depression. Our pet dogs can help with the recovery of a depressed individual by relieving the stress and anxiety that the person may be experiencing. These dogs can really give a sense of comfort, purpose, and companionship that depressed people need in order to overcome their condition.

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Canine Bloat

Ron Swerdfiger
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What is Canine Bloat?
Bloat refers to the bloating of the stomach. Essentially it is a build up of gas in the stomach which is unable to be released. Bloat with Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV) occurs when the stomach fills with gas and twists 180 to 360 degrees on it’s axis between the esophagus and duodenum or the entrance and exit parts of the stomach. Bloat is a very serious problem in large breed dogs. When combined with the complications of GDV, bloat is a leading cause of death of dogs, second only to cancer.
The exact cause of bloat is still unknown. Generally, it is believed that excessive eating and drinking of water followed by exercise can cause bloat. It is thought that exercise causes food or fluid in the stomach to cause a build up of gas. The severity of the conditions is more serious when the stomach twists upon itself within the abdomen in a clockwise rotation causing the inlet and outlet of the stomach as well as blood vessels which supply the stomach to become constricted at both ends. As a result, the constriction will cause the stomach tissue to die. In a very short time, the stomach becomes restricted of nutrients and oxygen. If not treated, the dog can die.
What Are the Symptoms of Canine Bloat?

Anxious, restless
Distended abdomen
Attempting to vomit
Excessive drooling
Pale gums
Increase in heart rate.
Difficult breathing

What Causes Bloat?
The stomach becomes filled with gas and because of several possible factors; the dog is unable to relieve the pressure. Bloat, with GDV, is when the stomach goes in to a Atwist.@ This closes both the esophagus and pylorus, preventing the dog from relieving the gas pressure which can quickly build up after a large meal. This condition is extremely fatal, causing shock, coma and eventually death. Like many other conditions which affect our dogs, the actual cause of bloat is still unknown. Several factor seem to contribute to a dogs chances of getting bloat

Eating or drinking too fast.
Exercise before and immediately after eating
Having a large deep chest
Elevated food bowls

Are All Dogs At Risk Cannine Bloat?
Canine bloat and GDV usually only effects large breed dogs, but smaller dogs are still susceptible.. It is thought that some lines of breeds are genetically at a higher risk. Though bloat can occur in puppies, it is a condition which usually occurs in adult dogs. Furthermore, male dogs are more likely to suffer from bloat than female dogs. Here is a list of some breeds that have a higher chance of being effected by bloat and GDV.

German Shepherd
Great Dane
Standard Poodle
Great Pyrenees
Irish Setter
Old English Sheepdog
Golden Retriever
Irish Wolfhound
St. Bernards
Labrador Retriever

What Is the Treatment of Dog Bloat?
Canine bloat is a very serious problem. If you suspect your dog of having bloat, contact your vet immediately. Every second counts! If caught and diagnosed quick enough, initial treatment will involve inserting a tube or tochar in to the stomach wall to remove the gas. If necessary, the vet will then operate, attempting to untwist the stomach. Secondary treatment will involve treating shock, dehydration, fatigue, and other complications resulting from the distension of the stomach.
Is There Any Way To Prevent Dog Bloat?
Prevention of bloat can be difficult. Because there are so many possible causes for this condition, prevention must be examined on an individual basis. If you have a dog that is at risk there are a couple of things that you can do to decrease the chances of this fatal condition. Since bloat is believed to be connected with genetics and hereditary, these preventive measures can only decrease the chances of bloat.

Do not overfeed. Feed 2-3 small meals a day.
Do not use elevated food bowls
Do not allow your dog to drink large amounts of water after eating.
Add an enzyme product to your dogs food
Keep emergency veterinary contact handy
Gastropexy surgery

Ths website only provides BASIC information about canine bloat. your veterinarian is always your best source of health information. Consult your veterinarian for more information about Canine Bloat and GDV and its prevention.

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Children More At Risk With Effects Of Smoking

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For many years, medical science believed that children and adults were at the same general level of risk when it came to exposure to the negative effects of smoking. However, recent findings and concluded long-term studies have found that smoking can be far more damaging for children than adults. This is probably because the lungs and systems in a child’s body have not yet fully developed, and therefore are not as resistant to the problem as an adult’s.

effects of smoking

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Smoking is easily among the most widespread hobbies in the world. Nicotine is also perhaps the second most abused substance

in the world, followed closely by alcohol. Medical science has already presented quite a bit of evidence to show that smoking

has adverse effects of smoking on one’s health, though for many years, smokers persisted that second-hand smoke was not

harmful to the human body. Only recently has data detailing the effects of inhaling or exposure to second-hand smoke been put

to light, dispelling the myth that only smokers were at risk of smoking. Even more recently, information has leaked that

certain individuals may be at more risk at the effects of smoking than others.

Science has found enough evidence to point out that second-hand smoke is more dangerous than first-hand smoke, primarily

because there is no filter to “soften” the blow. It has generally been accepted that second-hand smoke and the effects of

smoking were roughly similar no matter who had been exposed to it. However, recent studies found that the younger the person

being exposed to the smoke, the more potential damage could be done to that person’s respiratory system. The lungs of young

children and infants, in particular, are at a critical stage of development and, theoretically, even small amounts of smoke

can cause irreparable damage to their system. The effects of smoking also extend further, with medical science finally

confirming that tobacco, like alcohol, has effects on developing fetuses in pregnant women.

The first noticeable effect was in the weight of the newborns who were carried to term by smoking mothers. The newborns were

noticeably far below the average weight, with some being dangerously small upon birth. Long-term observations have also found

that children who were born from mothers who smoked during pregnancy were at greater risk of exhibiting symptoms of

developmental and behavioral disorders later on in life. There have also been some pieces of information that suggest that,

among the effects of smoking, it is also possible for a child to be more susceptible to mood disorders if the mother smoked

while pregnant. Learning disabilities are also increasingly common among children born under such circumstances, with

cerebral palsy being among the more common.

Children are at considerably higher risk than adults when it comes to smoking and the dangerous effects it has. Asthma is

among the most common of the many possible consequences, with roughly 100,000 to 200,000 cases of childhood asthma are

worsened by second-hand smoke. The estimates on how many cases of childhood asthma are worsened by the child becoming a

smoker are unknown, though most believe that the numbers would be similar to those of the second-hand smoke category.

Bronchitis and pneumonia are also common side effects of being exposed to second-hand smoke, with the numbers being roughly

in the 300,000 range. Children are also at risk of developing an ear infection. Inhaled smoke causes damage to the Eustachian

tube, which causes that part of the ear to swell and, eventually, become infected.

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Candida Overblown

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Candida is normally inoffensive yeast, an organism that lives naturally inside our bodies in small populations within the intestines. Sometimes, however, under certain conditions is can mutate into a fungal infection. The aggressive fungal form invades the body’s systems and causes a great deal of damage.

How does this happen and how is it treated? Well, there are a number of causes, and not too many possible treatments. Before evaluating treatment options, it is necessary…

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Candida is normally inoffensive yeast, an organism that lives naturally inside our bodies in small populations within the intestines. Sometimes, however, under certain conditions is can mutate into a fungal infection. The aggressive fungal form invades the body’s systems and causes a great deal of damage.

How does this happen and how is it treated? Well, there are a number of causes, and not too many possible treatments. Before evaluating treatment options, it is necessary to understand the cause of the imbalance. Common causes of environmental imbalances are changes in blood sugar levels because of diabetes, changes in hormone levels as a result of pregnancy, puberty, menopause and menstruation, changes in normal gut flora due to intestinal infections or the intake of antibiotics, or a compromised immune system, such as AIDS.

The fungal form of Candida is a far worse companion than the simple yeast infection. The fungal-form of Candida develops aggressive roots that penetrate the intestinal walls, and create the opportunity for partially digested food particles to penetrate the blood stream, and establish food sensitivities. The fungus also ferments the sugars in our colon. This can cause a problem with gas, excessive bloating of the stomach, and extreme discomfort.

The fungal form of Candida also attacks the nervous system. Sufferers of fungal Candida experience mood swings, depression, fogginess of the brain, and poor concentration. There are several theories as to why this occurs. But they are just that, theories. One such theory holds that when the fungus pierces the wall of the intestine and allows the partially digested food to pass into the bloodstream, exorphins are released. They can affect the neurological reactions by switching them on and off. Thus creating the depression and mood swings.

There are hormonal changes associated with fungal Candida that aren’t too pretty either. Severe menstrual pain, thyroid conditions, and auto-immune deficiencies are known to be a result of fungal Candida. Other symptoms that are hormone related and indicate a Candida overgrowth are pain in the muscles and joints, sugar cravings, athlete’s foot, thrush of the mouth, sinusitis, poor concentration, and intolerance of perfume.

There are diets and treatments available to rid your body of this awful fungus, but they aren’t quick fixes, and sometimes the damage to your body’s organs can be permanent. A couple of the more natural treatments are cranberry extract and garlic. Other items to be addressed once you’ve begun to rid your body of the fungal infection are the leaky gut and a general detox, since Candida can produce up to 100 different toxins.

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Children in need, not misdeed

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Child maltreatment is a behavior toward a child that is outside the norms of conduct and entails substantial risk of causing physical or emotional harm. Research indicates that without some form of intervention against child maltreatment, the long-term consequences for children can be nightmares, feeling of insecurity, feeling unsafe, poor school performance and low self-esteem. They are also more likely to be abusive or become victims of abuse themselves.

counseling, depression

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In the Philippines, there are more than 36 million people under 19 years old who are living in utterly inhuman conditions. About a million and a half children are estimated to live on the streets. They survive by begging for food and through petty theft. In spite of laws against child labor, more than three and a half million children from 5 to 17 years old work under grueling conditions. The data regarding child abuse and neglect in the Philippines are considered to be below the actual figures since the current statistics only reflect reported cases of abuse.

Recently, a survey by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) reflected a sudden increase in the number of children that resulted from increased awareness and reporting in the community. Most of these children in this survey were victims of child abuse and neglect, also known as “child maltreatment.” Child maltreatment is a behavior toward a child that is outside the norms of conduct and entails substantial risk of causing physical or emotional harm. Child maltreatment can be a single incident, but it is usually a pattern of behavior that takes place over time. There are four types of recognized maltreatment. These are physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse (psychological abuse), and neglect.

The causes of child maltreatment are varied and not well understood. Abuse and neglect are often associated with physical injuries, delayed growth and development, and mental problems. They are more common in poor and extremely poor families than in families with higher incomes. Child maltreatment is also associated with psychological and emotional problems such as aggression, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. In extreme cases, child abuse and neglect can lead to death.

Child abuse is also linked to an increase risk of substance abuse, eating disorders, obesity, depression, suicide, and sexual promiscuity later on in their lives. Women who were victims of physical assault during their childhood are twice as likely to be victims of physical assault as adults. There are also evidences which suggest that victims of child maltreatment are more likely to engage themselves in criminal behavior as juveniles and adults than others.

Although it is said that the most important relationship for all beings is that with their parents or with their families, child maltreatment often starts at home. Unfortunately, an alarming number of parents do not understand the importance of the parent-child relationship. They are often too young or unprepared for such responsibility. Their inability to commit to good parenting techniques causes serious detriment to the lives and well being of their children.

Children who have been maltreated are usually unwilling or unable to reveal their situation to someone because of parental threats, or a feeling of loyalty to the family. For children who are in school, while carefully asking a child may help to unearth details of maltreatment, teachers need to be aware of non-verbal ways in which the message of abuse may be communicated. The presence of one indicator alone does not necessarily mean that maltreatment has occurred. If there are a number of indicators, then immediate counseling is needed for the child. It is the process by which a professional helps a person cope with mental or emotional distress, and understand and solve personal problems is called counseling.

Individual and group counseling sessions usually take two years or even longer. The goal of undoing life-long damage can be very difficult because the damage pervades every aspect of a child. There may also be physiological changes that cannot just be “counseled” away. Medication can be useful for the symptoms of depression, anxiety and other symptoms, but should never be dispensed in the absence of counseling for the root of the problem. For children, play therapy and family therapy can be helpful.

It is important to help a child deal with the abuse as well as the psychological problems they report. Research indicates that without some form of intervention against child maltreatment, the long-term consequences for children can be nightmares, feeling of insecurity, feeling unsafe, poor school performance and low self-esteem. They are also more likely to be abusive or become victims of abuse themselves.

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Children and Acid Reflux

Hanif Khaki
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Acid reflux is a condition normally associated with adults. Sadly, many children also suffer the effects of acid reflux.
This desease, also referred to as gastro-esophageal reflux, occurs when stomach contents churn and rise up into the esophagus, the tube connecting the stomach with the mouth. A muscle between the esophagus and the stomach, known as the lower esophageal sphincter, is responsible for keeping the stomach closed off until food is swallowed. The lower esophageal sphincter then opens up and allows the food into the stomach before closing again. Although Acid reflux can begin during infancy, it can carry over into early childhood.
Though quite common in children, most people are not aware of it’s occurrence. In most cases, the process of gastro-esophageal reflux occurs quickly, the acid comes up into the esophagus and then rapidly goes back down into the stomach. In this case, the esophagus suffers no damage. However, if the stomach acid stays in the esophagus, it damages the esophagus lining. In some cases, the stomach contents rise up all the way into the mouth, only to be swallowed again. This process causes a number of symptoms such as a chronic cough, or a hoarse voice. More serious symptoms can include difficulty in swallowing, wheezing, and chronic pneumonia.
Anyone who suspects that their child is afflicted with acid reflux, should have the child seen by his or her pediatrician. After examining the child and evaluating the symptoms, the doctor may run tests to diagnose whether acid reflux is present. Often, the doctor will begin treatment before testing for acid reflux.
In one of the tests, called an upper GI-series X-ray, the child’s X-ray is taken after being given a glass of barium to drink. This particular test is successfully used to locate hiatal hernias, blockages, and other gastrointestinal problems.
Another test, thought to be more effective than the X-ray, is the endoscopy. Typically, the child is sedated and put to sleep during the test. An endoscope, which is a thin, flexible plastic tube with a camera attached to the end, is then placed inside the throat. With the help of endoscope, the doctor is directly able to examine the esophagus lining, stomach, and a portion of the small intestine. The endoscopy also allows the doctor to perform a biopsy rather painlessly.
Yet another test, the esophageal pH probe, may also be used. This test consists of using an extremely light, and ultra-thin wire with an acid sensor tip and inserting it through the patient’s nose and into the lower esophagus. This method is used to detect and record the presense of stomach acid in the esophagus.

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Candida- It’s Not Just a Yeast Infection

Dr. Rita Louise
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Candida Albicans or a yeast infection, both digestive and systemic, is a health problem of which answers to its elimination are far and few between. Literally millions of men and women have a potential yeast infection that is causing, directly or indirectly, a significant number of health problems or conditions.
Candida Albicans is a destructive yeast infection that begins in the digestive system and little by little spreads to other parts of the body. Candida is present in all of us not long after birth. Typically, this yeast remain in a healthful balance with the other bacteria and yeasts within the intestinal tract. Under certain conditions, such as excessive stress, lowered immunity or the long-term use of steroids, the candida yeast can multiply, thus disrupting the gastrointestinal "terrain". Candida overgrowth may also be a consequence of antibiotic treatment, as antibiotics not only kill pathogens but also a large number of those bacteria that are part of a healthy gastrointestinal flora. With the depletion of the beneficial protective flora in the intestinal tract and a weakened immune response, this opportunistic yeast can then spread and multiply beyond the intestinal tract affecting every organ in the body.
In babies, an overgrowth of candida appears as diaper rash. It can also be found on the body as jock itch or athlete’s foot. It can appear in the mouth as thrush or in the vaginal tract, known by many women as a yeast infection. Systemic yeast is now being associated with a variety of conditions ranging from mental disorders, deranged immune system, food intolerance, gastric upsets, premenstrual tension, infertility, ovarian failure, sexual function difficulties and fatigue. It can manifest with a multitude of symptoms including constipation, diarrhea, colitis, headaches, bad breath, mood swings, canker sores, muscle and joint pain, congestion, severe itching, PMS, fatigue, kidney or bladder infections to name a few. It is estimated that 30% of the population suffer from health issues directly related to yeast. In fact, the majority of people who have Candida do not realize they have it until become seriously ill.
If you think you might have candida, or would like to find out if you do, take this simple self-scoring Candida Questionnaire located at If you score over 140 points on this test, you might want to follow the Recommendations for Wellness listed below to begin down the road of better health.
Recommendations For Wellness.

Avoid all yeast containing foods: Yeast breads, fermented beverages (beer, wine, brandy, scotch, etc.) moldy cheeses, fermented vinegars, salad dressing, peanuts, biscuits, canned citrus fruit juices, cake mix, ice cream, all dried fruit, oranges, pickles, tomato sauce, sugars, yeast powder, processed and smoked meats, malt products, barbecue sauce, olives, mayonnaise, chili peppers.
Avoid all refined carbohydrates, artificial sweeteners, hidden sugars such as those found in soft drinks, pastries, canned fruits and vegetables.
Rotate between at least 3 different anti-fungal herbs every 4 days to kill the candida yeast in the intestinal tract. These herbs can include Garlic, Caprylic Acid and Pau d’ Arco (Taheebo tea).
Supplement with Lactobacillus Acidophilus or Bifidophilus daily. This helps to reintroduce the good bacteria back into the intestinal tract.
Take 1 tablespoon of Flax seed or olive oil daily to improve healing and prevent the fungus from destroying cells.
Incorporate Echinacea to help strengthen the immune system.
Multivitamin & mineral complex with vitamin A to provide all the nutrients needed for proper immune function and for repair of intestinal lining. Try to select a vitamin complex that includes zinc.
Treat any skin yeast or fungal infection with tea tree oil.


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Childhood Obesity In Our Youth

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Seeing a child abused is one of the worst sights a mother can endure, so why is making your child obese any different? Childhood obesity is on the rise as well as adulthood obesity so why are we all concentrating on adults getting slimmer when it should be children that are our main focus. An obese child is something that cannot go unaddressed. The child will have some serous problems in his life if he is not made to loose this weight. He will be unhappy and unfit for the res…

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Seeing a child abused is one of the worst sights a mother can endure, so why is making your child obese any different? Childhood obesity is on the rise as well as adulthood obesity so why are we all concentrating on adults getting slimmer when it should be children that are our main focus. An obese child is something that cannot go unaddressed. The child will have some serous problems in his life if he is not made to loose this weight. He will be unhappy and unfit for the rest of his life if no one takes charge, how I he supposed to know any difference he is a child, it is the parents responsibility to make sure that the child gets better!

A child is less likely to be obese due to health problems and although genetics play a part in his obesity the lifestyle of his family contributes most to his disease. To be straightforward most childhood obesity stems from an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise. Although in this day and age being overweight is nothing of a surprise with junk food, takeaways and sweets everywhere you go and convenience not health is on everyone’s mind! Not to mention that most children would rather sit in and watch television or play their console games than go out and play! Exercise is no longer a part of children’s routine, they are lucky if they get two hours of exercise at school and at home it is non existent. The National Diet and Nutrition survey in 2000 showed that 40-69% of children did not get the one hour a day exercise that is recommended and there is concern that this number has increased.

Childhood obesity can be sorted if worked on from a young age, we do not want to have to watch our children getting bullied at school for being grossly overweight, or getting operations to prevent them from eating as much. We need to show our children to eat sensibly and we need to get them active. Most children copy examples from their parents so if we were to eat fresh fruit and vegetables then there is no reason why they can’t. To help prevent childhood obesity try to eliminate a lot of the sweet stuff in the house and replace it with nutritional foods such as fruit, and low fat alternatives.

As well as an increasing mortality childhood obesity adds to the likelihood of contracting chronic diseases and we need to prevent this, we need to show our children that being overweight is not the life that they should be living and parents should buckle down and get their children eating properly or else obesity will lead us all into a recipe for disaster.

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Cancer Treatment May Cause Heart Disease

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Chemotherapy is a systemic therapy that makes use of drugs to treat cancer. However, certain breast cancer treatments such as chest radiation, lack of exercise during treatments and stress, are found to make women more susceptible to heart disease. Researchers are looking at chemotherapy medicines called anthracyclines, known to have a weakening effect on some women’s hearts.

cancer treatments, heart disease, stress

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Certain breast cancer treatments have been found to make women more susceptible to heart disease. In the October 9 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, a variety of sources for heart disease risks have been identified, such as chest radiation, lack of exercise during treatments and stress.
Pamela S. Douglas, M.D., chief of cardiology at Duke University and co-author of the JACC paper, said that the greatest damage comes from a breast cancer treatment mainstay: chemotherapy. Douglas always felt that “the benefit of saving lives outweighed the risks and were just part of the accepted cost.” But with the success of treatment and growing survivor numbers, Douglas and her colleagues are urging doctors to take the long view when deciding on a woman’s breast cancer treatment. First treat the cancer, but don’t forget about cardiovascular health down the road.
Chemotherapy is a systemic therapy that makes use of drugs to treat cancer. Prior to a surgery, chemotherapy may be used both to reduce the size of the breast tumor and to destroy cancer cells wherever they may be. After the surgery, chemotherapy works throughout your system to kill cancer cells that may have spread throughout your body. Chemotherapy affects the whole body by going through the bloodstream. Just like other systemic treatments, the purpose of chemotherapy is to get rid of any cancer cells that may have spread from where the cancer started to another part of the body.
The body’s normal cells grow and divide in a controlled manner. Cancer cells, however, grow and divide in seemingly total chaos — without any control or logical order. Chemotherapy works by stopping the growth or multiplication of cancer cells, thereby killing them.
Specifically, Douglas and her team of researchers are looking at chemotherapy medicines called anthracyclines. These compounds are used to treat a variety of cancers, which includes leukemia, lymphomas, uterine, ovarian, and breast cancers. Anthracyclines are also known to have a weakening effect on some women’s hearts.
According to Douglas, “There are other drugs that are less harmful, and we know a little bit about how to lower the doses”, but added that it’s too soon to start completely overhauling breast cancer therapy. Instead, doctors and organizations including the National Breast Cancer Coalition are calling for more research into cancer treatments to see whether other drugs might yield the same result without the added long-term risk.
Douglas also stresses the importance of taking into consideration the different factors surrounding a woman’s condition, as patients are “taking hits from multiple places.” While the cancer therapy might be one source of added cardiovascular risk, diet, weight, and family history also play a major role.
Still, she advises patients who learn they have breast cancer to consider treatment. “First get cured!” But she clearly emphasized to seriously take the consequences that dieting and regular exercise can have for your health while taking chemotherapy medications, something that is not necessarily heart healthy.
No matter how you look at it, cancer treatment remains to be a right combination of medicine and living a healthy lifestyle.

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Cancer Survivor Turns Cancer Information Specialist

News Canada
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(NC)-When callers to the Canadian Cancer Society’s information service connect with Isabelle Wilson, they’re talking to someone who’s been there herself.
The Christmas of 1997 was turned upside down for the Montreal mother of three. Days before the holiday she learned she had a rare tumour on her left lung. The lung was removed on Christmas Eve. Wilson was a 30-year-old non-smoker and had a six-month-old baby at home. Even her doctors were stunned.
“Everything went so fast,” she says. “I didn’t know what was happening to me.”
Worse, Wilson had to recuperate during the infamous ice storm, which knocked out power and heat to her home for days. Eventually she turned to the Canadian Cancer Society’s information service for support and help in understanding her condition. It was a life-changing call. Three years later, Wilson joined the service herself.
“Knowing there was a professional there who was with me and researching this disease too meant a lot. I felt a lot less isolated,” says Wilson, a biologist and former health services worker. “One morning I woke up and said, ‘I have to do this job.'”
The service is Canada’s toll-free bilingual source of cancer information. Trained and caring specialists provide information about cancer and community resources. This helps newly diagnosed patients and their families understand their condition and act as informed members of their healthcare team.
When you want to know more about cancer, call the Canadian Cancer Society’s information service at 1 888 939-3333 or e-mail [email protected].