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Carbohydrates: What You must know

Gary Matthews
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This scares me to death, every day you walk down the street it is becoming more and more apparent that the average person is becoming larger and this trend has escalated over recent years. Why are they getting fatter? Here are some reasons…

Less incidental activity
Automated and computerized lifestyle
Longer working hours and less leisure
Increased consumption of processed foods
Our food servings are larger than ever

Being overweight, or obese, has now moved from a social nuisance and domestic embarrassment to an official disease. The American Heart Association has announced obesity is a major risk for heart disease.
Obesity itself has become a major and dangerous epidemic. More than 70% of US adults are overweight and that figure is rapidly increasing.
What do most people do to rid their body of unwanted fat? They diet! Dieting is now a trillion dollar industry and just about every month a new diet is announced.
If you do have weight problems how do you find a diet that is safe, effective and sustainable?
What you do is try to find a diet that includes a variety of foods that you can live with comfortably. You have to take a long-term view and include plenty of exercise.
A good diet is one that supplies all of the essential vitamins and minerals, and is not high in fat or protein.
Research on people, who have successfully lost a lot of weight and kept it off long term, shows that the vast majority succeeded by consuming a low fat diet high in fibre coupled with strength training and cardiovascular activity.
Be wary of diets that

Ban a specific food group
Promise a quick fix
Replace a balanced meal with a drink or a snack bar
Make recommendations based on single studies
Make recommendations to help sell a single product

Excess weight does not appear overnight and nor will it disappear overnight! In fact the faster you lose weight, the more likely you are to pile the pounds back on.
Seek out a program that will help you maintain long-term body fat losses by providing attainable solutions such as a program that promotes lifestyle changes, healthy eating and regular exercise.
Regular exercise is important (i.e. strength training) as it burns fat, boosts your metabolism and also increases your energy levels. Dietary changes can lead to initial weight loss, but this is only for the short term. Exercise is essential for maintaining weight loss for the long term.
Now let’s take a closer look at what food is made up of and then you will have a good idea of what to look for in your daily eating plan. Firstly we need a wide range of nutrients to perform various functions for a healthy life.
These nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins and fat and are all present in the food we eat on a daily basis.
The foods containing these nutrients are cereals, legumes, nuts, vegetables, fruits, milk products and flesh foods (fish, meat and poultry).
We need all these nutrients to live and thrive and since we receive them through the food we eat, our food must be well balanced and in the proper proportions.
Food is a fuel; the body requires this fuel for energy, which is measured in fats, carbohydrate and protein.
Each of these nutrients provides different amounts of energy and these are measured in calories.
Nutrient Calories per Gram
Carbohydrate 4
Protein 4
Fat 9
Let’s look at carbohydrates first, carbohydrates supply energy for our body, they provide fibre for the prevention of disease and taste and texture to food. They are found in cereals, potatoes, fruits and vegetables.
They come in two basic forms, simple and complex. Simple carbs are easily identified by their taste and are sweet. Complex carbs, such as potatoes are pleasant to the taste buds, but are not sweet.
They are then divided into two groups, high fibre and low fibre.
High-fibre foods are the healthiest choices for nutrition and the intake of these foods is associated with a lower incidence of cancer and diabetes. Carbohydrates supply the sort of calories easily burned during cardiovascular exercise.
They are often wrongly feared and considered fattening, but the most important factor in weight control is balancing the energy (calories) consumed.
Please remember:

Energy In is more than Energy Out = Weight gain
Energy In is equal to Energy Out = Weight maintenance
Energy In is less than Energy Out = Weight loss

Different foods affect the ability to exercise at different levels. High levels of exercise (cardio and strength training) require carbohydrate as a fuel source; at lower levels it is fat.
A lack of carbohydrate in the diet will lead to fatigue, the inability to exercise effectively, and excess fat consumption. When our food is digested, carbohydrates are broken down into simple sugars.
These sugars are absorbed by the body and used by the muscles or stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver. As our glycogen storage capacity is limited, carbohydrate needs to be continually topped up by the foods we eat.
But the body has an unlimited storage capacity for fat!
The average person is extremely vulnerable to fad diets and extreme dieting behaviours. The low carbohydrate diet is one of the latest eating plans to hit the streets.
This current diet craze is very popular but there are safer and more effective methods based on scientific research, to reduce body fat levels.
Low carbohydrate dieting is simply wrong.
Why is this? Just as a car runs better on a certain fuel, so does the human body. Unfortunately the latest low-carbohydrate fad diets are not the fuel mix the human body was designed to run on.
Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, whereas fats contain 9 calories per gram. For weight loss, the priority is to decrease total calorie intake. Reducing the amount of fat in the diet will make the biggest difference in reducing total daily calorie intake and hence weight loss.
Carbohydrate intake is not fattening, excess calorie intake is fattening.
If you aren’t having enough carbohydrates in your diet you will experience:

Fatigue due to low blood sugar levels inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals
Low fibre intake, which may affect bowel movements
‘Bad’ breath due to the breakdown products of fats (called ketones)

The bottom line for carbohydrates and weight loss is to:

Try to balance carbohydrate intake with activity levels
Maintain energy levels by eating carbohydrate rich foods on a regular basis
Carbohydrate rich foods are normally low in fat and nutrient-rich

A real weight loss program includes all the food groups, strength training, and low-level aerobics, a slight decrease in your daily calorie levels and a program that can be followed for life.
In conclusion try to achieve a balanced diet, eating a balanced variety of foods will help you to feel great every day, ensure better long-term health and improve weight control

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Chiropractic Medical Necessity: The Reviewer Perspective

AllMed Healthcare Management
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Third party payers demand documentation to substantiate the medical necessity of a chiropractic treatment. This documentation should support care by providing evidence that a treatment was necessary for relief from a condition and to alleviate a patient’s symptoms. When a third party payer requests records, there are necessary documents and information that must be included for review. These include a patient’s past and present history, consultation form, chart notes and any required x-rays.
The patient’s past and present history are needed. These must explain why the patient sought chiropractic care, the nature of the complaints, the duration of the complaints and whether the patient was involved in a traumatic event. The documentation should explain if the patient has exhibited the same or similar complaints previously, whether there is a family history of illness or injury and if there are contraindications to chiropractic care.
It is important that the chiropractor include a consultation form. This reiterates the reasons the patient sought chiropractic care. The form should explain any previous medical and chiropractic treatment, as well as any prior examinations and test results, if known. This indicates whether patient’s condition is acute or chronic and what treatment, has been provided to the patient, along with the prior treatments outcome. Diagnoses are necessary.
The initial examination findings are important. These findings should describe range of motion, orthopedic and neurological, chiropractic palpation and postural abnormalities. If treatment proceeds beyond a brief course of care, progress examination findings are necessary to show progress between objective examinations.
Although x-rays can be integral in formulating a chiropractic diagnosis and treatment plan, they are not necessary for each patient. An unexplained complaint of long standing, trauma, and age, along with the consultation and examination findings and clinical experience, will determine the need for x-rays.
A patient’s chart notes are vital to assess the necessity of chiropractic care and critical to the review process. They show how the patient has improved or not, whether the objective findings (at least, range of motion, palpation and postural) reveal that the patient is improving. Chart notes also show how a patient’s response to treatment, the reasonableness of care and the treatment plan presented. If a home program was instituted, they tell whether the patient is taking charge of his or her own healthcare and if it appears that the patient’s condition is progressing or being alleviated.

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Carb Blocker, A Solution to Weight Loss?

Kristy Haugen
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Low carb diets restrict the consumption of carbohydrates. The difference between the Atkins and the South Beach diet is within the amount of restriction. The induction phase of the Atkins diet restricts most carbohydrates while the South Beach diet allows ‘good’ carbohydrate consumption. These diets can really put one’s will power to the test. Why?
The human body’s primary source of energy is glucose. Glucose is derived from the breakdown or hydrolysis of carbohydrates that are consumed. Limiting carbohydrate consumption forces the body to use fat or protein as an energy source. Decreased carbohydrate consumption may leave you feeling tired and easily fatigued until the body adjusts to the change.
The word carbohydrate arose because molecular formulas of these compounds can be expressed as hydrates of carbons which yield a basic carbohydrate empiric formula of (CH2O)n. Carbohydrates consist mainly of the combination of two chemistry functional groups: the carbonyl and the hydroxyl group. Carbohydrates exist in different forms such as monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides.
Monosaccharides are usually called simple sugars. These simple sugars cannot be broken down or hydrolyzed into a simpler form (glucose). A complex carbohydrate refers to one or more linked simple sugars that require digestion for absorption.
Oligosaccharides contain at least two monosaccharide units. Oligosaccharides may be referred to as disaccharides or trisaccharides depending on how many units of monosaccharides the compound contains. Maltose and sucrose (table sugar) are considered disaccharides.
Polysaccharides contain many monosaccharide units. In order for the body to use polysaccharides, these compounds must be broken down into a simpler monosaccharide form. Examples of polysaccharides are starch and cellulose (fiber).
Dietary carbohydrate digestion occurs mainly in the mouth and small intestine. During mastication (chewing) the salivary glands secrete the enzyme alpha-amylase which is referred to as ptyalin. Alpha-amylase briefly acts on dietary carbohydrates in the mouth to hydrolyze starch into simple sugars such as glucose. In fact, if you chew on a carbohydrate long enough you may taste sugar. This is a result of salivary amylase hydrolyzing the carbohydrate into a simpler sugar.
Mastication increases the surface area of the food for alpha-amylase to act upon. This allows the enzyme alpha-amylase to work more efficiently in carbohydrate digestion. However, the food does not remain in the mouth for a long time so only a small portion of starch is hydrolyzed there.
Once the chewed food has been swallowed into the stomach, carbohydrate digestion halts temporarily. This occurs because alpha-amylase is inactivated by the high acidic environment of the stomach. However, carbohydrate digestion will resume once the chyme (food mass and gastric juices of the stomach) enters the small intestine.
The acidic contents emptied into the small intestine are neutralized by bicarbonate secreted by the pancreas. The pancreas will then secrete alpha-amylase to continue carbohydrate digestion. Carbohydrate digestion is finished when the mucosal lining of the upper jejunum and duodenum absorb the bulk of the dietary sugars in the form of monosaccharides.
Now that we have a good understanding of what a carbohydrate is and the importance of the carbohydrate in the body, maybe an extreme low carb diet isn’t the answer for weight loss. Extreme diets whether they are low carb or high protein can put the body to the test. Carbohydrates may be a necessary evil, but the body relies heavily on carbohydrates for energy. Instead of testing one’s will power, using a weight loss supplement called a carb blocker may be a better option.
Carb blockers are a weight loss supplement recently introduced into the weight loss world. Carb blockers claim to block the enzyme alpha-amylase. If the enzyme alpha-amylase is blocked, then carbohydrate hydrolysis is affected. By blocking the enzyme, you block the breakdown of the carbohydrate which affects absorption of the monosaccharide. How so? If the carbohydrate is of complex origin, the enzyme must be secreted to break down the carbohydrate into a simpler form for absorption. In theory, the carb blocker should indeed help to block carbohydrates from being absorbed.
Phaseolus vulgaris is the active ingredient in carb blockers that comes from the white kidney bean. Phaseolus vulgaris interferes with the pancreas’ ability to secrete the enzyme alpha-amylase. Subsequent studies do prove that Phaseolus vulgaris does in fact inhibit the enzyme alpha-amylase.
Carb blockers are another option for weight loss. However, permanent weight loss requires you to make changes to your lifestyle. If you do not change your lifestyle then no matter what diet or supplement you choose, weight loss is temporary and short lived. This also means that if you choose a low carb diet, make sure that this diet can be done. Many people fail the low carb diets because of extreme commitments.
Copyright 2006 Kristy Haugen

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Capsaicin: A Pain Relief Cream Straight Out of Your Kitchen

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Capsaicin is a common ingredient in many pain relief creams available on the market. This article describes what capsaicin is, where it comes from, and how it works. Capsaicin is said to help ease the pain felt by patients from various medical conditions including post-surgery pain and osteoarthritis.

pain relief cream

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When we think of a chili pepper, we imagine it in adding its distinctive spiciness to food. But how about in a pain relief cream? Strange as it may sound, chili peppers have traditionally been used as a topical painkiller, usually made by crushing the fruit and mixing it with a neutral base or applying the pulp directly to the skin. A modern version of this is the capsaicin pain relief cream available in tubes or jars or as the active ingredient in heating pads for sale at most drugstores. Among the conditions it is used for are back pain, bursitis, fibromyalgia, joint pain, muscle pain, nerve pain, osteoarthritis, pain due to diabetes, neuropathy, phantom pain after amputation, post-herpetic neuralgia, post-surgical neuropathic pain, and rheumatoid arthritis. It can also relieve itching (pruritis).

But what is it about capsaicin that makes it so effective in relieving pain? The answer lies in its distinctive mouth-burning, eye-watering, and sweat-breaking spiciness. Capsaicin or 8-methyl N-vanillyl 6nonamide is one of the six capsaicinoid compounds in chili peppers. It works by activating the chemical terminals of sensory neurons called transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 1 (TRPV1), which increases membrane permeability to elements like calcium and sodium. This triggers the release of substance P, which is primarily responsible for the sensations of pain we experience inside our mouths when eating a habanero chili pepper. When these chemical terminals are flooded with capsaicin, they open and allow the latter to enter specific pain fibers, letting extra calcium inside the cells until the nerves become overloaded and shut down. When these cells shut down, it temporarily numbs the feeling in that specific area where it was applied.

The brain responds to the burning sensation by releasing endorphins, the body’s natural painkiller.

Endorphins are a class of neurotransmitters produced by the body to respond to any kind of pain, and bonds to some of the same receptors in the brain as the opioid morphine. The term itself is a blend of two words coined by American scientists Rabi Simantov and Solomon H. Snyder, “endogenous” and “morphine” and literally means “morphine produced naturally in the body.” Endorphins are also known to cause a sense of well-being, and is the attributed cause of a phenomenon called “runner’s high.” This is largely because its release is triggered by exercise, which puts a great deal of wear and tear on the body and causing muscle pain. The muscle pain in turn becomes the signal for the body to release endorphins. Similarly, capsaicin has also been known to trigger the release of endorphins.

While some studies suggest that it is only effective in a percentage of actual users, capsaicin pain relief creams give patients an alternative to taking oral medications to manage their pain. Although it is associated with certain side effects, specifically a mild to moderate stinging or burning sensation, these diminish with frequent use. However, this treatment option is worth a try.

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Chinese Medicine For Breast Health

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So many women these days face challenges with numerous breast problems, the most serious of which is breast cancer. It is estimated that as many as one in seven American women will have breast cancer in their lifetime. In addition to certain nutritional and lifestyle modifications, there are numerous Chinese herbs which can improve the health of the breast and which may help to prevent the development of breast cancer.


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So many women these days face challenges with numerous breast problems, the most serious of which is breast cancer. It is estimated that as many as one in seven American women will have breast cancer in their lifetime. In addition to certain nutritional and lifestyle modifications, there are numerous Chinese herbs which can improve the health of the breast and which may help to prevent the development of breast cancer.

First of all, let’s talk about some basic lifestyle suggestions for maintaining breast health. Deodorants and anti-perspirants that are used in the area of the armpit need to be free of aluminum based ingredients. There are a large number of lymph nodes in the area of the armpit that branch out towards the breast. Many potential toxins, including aluminum, may be absorbed into this region through the skin. It is also important to wear bras that are not too tight, because this can inhibit the flow of lymph as well as blood circulation in this area. Underwire bras may be particularly bad for this reason. Sports bras and other bras that are made of more flexible material can be much better for allowing proper circulation in the area of the breasts.

In Chinese medicine, the functioning of the Liver has a great deal of influence over the health of the breasts. The Liver is adversely influenced by stress and abuse, and by nutritional and environmental toxins. Therefore, in order to maintain proper breast health, it is important to reduce or to manage stress in a healthy way. It is also important to avoid emotionally toxic and abusive situations. It is also important to reduce contact with toxic substances in our personal environment. Drinking purified water or spring water, eating pesticide free fruits and vegetables, eating hormone free meat, and avoiding harsh chemicals, dyes and perfumes can all help by preventing carcinogenic substances from entering the body in the first place. Having a lot of indoor plants can also help to significantly reduce indoor air pollution. The breasts are predominantly composed of fatty tissue which can easily store all sorts of toxins which can eventually become carcinogenic over time.

One herb which can be useful for maintaining breast health is dandelion, or pugongying. Dandelion is an excellent herb for detoxifying the breasts. It is also useful for breast abscesses. Fresh dandelion greens can be mashed and applied topically as a poultice up to three times daily for breast abscesses. This herb is also good taken internally for detoxifying the liver.

For fibrocystic breasts, the herb, vitex agnus castus, or manjingzi, can be very helpful over time. Taken regularly over four to six months it may eliminate fibrocystic breast problems. The Chinese herbal formula, Free and Easy Wanderer, or Xiao Yao Wan, can also be used for fibrocystic breast conditions.

Some Chinese herbs which have been shown to have anti-cancer effects in the area of the breasts are Chinese rhubarb, or dahuang, and oldenlandia, or baihuasheshecao. Chinese rhubarb is a strong laxative, and should only be used under the supervision of a skilled practitioner. Oldenlandia has been shown in recent Chinese research to have anti-tumor effects on many different types of cancers, including breast cancer.

Chinese herbs can be used to promote lactation for breastfeeding or to stop lactation after a child is weaned.

Acupuncture can also be used in the treatment of fibrocystic breasts and chronic mastitis.

In order to prevent serious issues from arising, it is important for every woman to get examined regularly and to give themselves regular self-examinations. It is important to always get a proper diagnosis for any breast problems from your physician. Nevertheless, Chinese herbs and acupuncture can both be useful for maintaining breast health.

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Cant Stop Smoking, Start Drinking Tea…

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Let me start off by saying, that this is not an article about how to stop smoking. In a way, it is quite the opposite. Whether it is a pipe, cigar, or cigarettes, some of us have found that we are smokers. Maybe you have attempted to quit, and maybe you haven’t cared enough to try. Either way, the truth remains, “I am a smoker.” If this sounds familiar, then you I write this for you.

stop smoking, smoking, tea,

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Let me start off by saying, that this is not an article about how to stop smoking. In a way, it is quite the opposite. Whether it is a pipe, cigar, or cigarettes, some of us have found that we are smokers. Maybe you have attempted to quit, and maybe you haven’t cared enough to try. Either way, the truth remains, “I am a smoker.” If this sounds familiar, then you I write this for you.

It came to me one afternoon, when I was trying to fight off a sore throat, and I held my pipe in my left hand, and searched for my lighter with my right…I shouldn’t be doing this. I have had this sore throat for a week, and I can’t stop smoking.

Well, the truth was the truth, and I really didn’t have intentions of stopping…Slowing down, yes; stopping, no. Though this moment was quick, it was important, as it was then that I accepted my fait. And more importantly, was now able to balance the scales.

Smoking makes you look old, smoking causes cancer, smoking smells, smoking makes your teeth yellow, and a million other STOP SMOKING ads rushed through my head…

I accepted them all…

Ok, now what…Well, I began to think. With a sore throat nagging me at the moment, I decided to attack this enemy first. Mouth wash, medicine, vitamins; I found these were all good ideas. But although I was helping the issue, my throat still hurt, and I was beginning to cough.

Perhaps the coughing was a blessing in disguise as I reached for cup of tea to help stop a fit of coughs. The steam helped me breathe, and the hot water cleared my throat. If nothing else, this experience got me thinking.

I looked further into the matter, as I of course stepped up my tea intake.

I found out that drinking tea, Rooibos Tea and Jasmine Green Tea in particular, will help me to relax (calming down my nerves), contain large amounts of anti oxidants to fight against the increased level of free radicals in my body from smoking (the cause aging skin and of course, Cancer), clean my body of toxins, help me breathe, and help my previously mentioned sore throat. I looked at this list, and the STOP SMOKING ads returned…

Could it be that a pot of tea was a helpful accessory walking down this smokey path?? From personal experience, I have found that tea helps. And NO, I do not think drinking tea will protect me from all ailments, or that I will never get sick again, or I will avoid any other ill drawn fait that may await me, but with certain facts that I had to accept, I can only do my best to minimize the damage. And as I end this article with no promises, I will restate a simply written statement that proves itself time and time again, “Drinking tea is a good idea…”

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Chinese Herbs for Menstrual Pain Relief?

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It has been tried and tested that this ancient method has a lot of benefits to treat symptoms of illnesses. Research has found that not only is it beneficial as a tool for relaxation and stress relief, but it is also an effective tool for a lot of conditions most especially to treat anxiety. This article will try to show why reflexology is an alternative therapy that works.

treat anxiety

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It is a gentle art, a fascinating science, and an extremely effective form of therapy that has carved an impressive niche in the field of alternative medicine. Many studies have been done in relation to the effectiveness of this wonder method called Reflexology. Reflexology is the practice of strategically applying pressure to areas of the feet and hands as they correspond with specific body organs. By stimulating nerves on specific areas of the feet and hands, it can stimulate blood flow and eliminate toxin buildup in the corresponding organs and systems of the body.

Reflexology is an art because much depends on how skillfully the practitioner applies his or her knowledge, and the dynamics that occur between the practitioner and the recipient. And because it is based on physiological and neurological study, it is also considered a science. Reflexology is a holistic healing technique. The term “holistic” is derived from the Greek word “holos”, which means “whole.” The goal of reflexology is to treat the individual as a complete entity, incorporating and healing the body, mind and spirit.

Research has found that reflexology is not only beneficial as a tool for relaxation and stress relief. It has been established that it is also an effective device for improving circulation, relieving pain, and speeding up the body’s process of detoxification. Reflexology is also good for people who are recovering from surgery due to its positive stimulating effect on the immune and nervous systems. In fact, many people with illnesses such as allergies, acid reflux, migraines, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), menopause, insomnia, fertility problems, and even arthritis have been helped tremendously by reflexology treatments.

Because reflexology works to put the body in a state of well-being, it is beneficial to every system in the body. It has been shown to relieve many common pregnancy complaints including headache, nausea, backache, sleepiness, fatigue, constipation, swollen ankles, and digestive problems. However, a lot of practitioners have been giving this holistic approach for most cases to patients to treat anxiety.

From side effects of chemotherapy to pain and depression, symptoms associated with cancer and its treatment can impinge on quality of life almost as much as the disease itself. No equipment needed nor invasion of privacy are some of the ease of reflexology which can be applied in a medical environment which makes it convenient alternative treatment.

In 2006, a team of medical school researchers at University of Udine, Italy, reported positive results for the use of reflexology foot massage to treat anxiety in patients admitted to an oncology unit for a second or third round of chemotherapy. And, in yet another recent study, to treat anxiety for breast and lung cancer patients, the reports said that the patients experienced relief after reflexology. The breast cancer patients also experienced a decrease in pain. Furthermore,the study also claimed that women that had at least 10 reflexology sessions showed reduced labor times and complications than women who did not have the treatments.

Studies have also shown that patients that received reflexology treatment after surgery experienced far less pain than the patients that took painkillers alone. Moreover, reflexology was shown to be more effective than catheterization in patients with retention of urine after surgery.

Reflexology is safe, non-invasive, and effective therapy for everyone that can and should be used throughout a person’s lifetime. In a society that relies heavily on chemically laden prescription drugs for remedy, reflexology is definitely showing a lot of promise as an effective alternative treatment.

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Chinese Gambling Games: Casino Games with Chinese Origins

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Here you can read about some of the most popular casino games and gambling games that were imported to the US from China.

Chinese gambling games, popular casino games, American gambling, American casinos, Pai Gow poker, American poker, Sic Bo, land based casinos, Fan Tan, Mahjong,gambling,entertainment,games,online gaming

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The Chinese culture has a significant influence on the American gambling industry. Many of todays popular casino games were introduced to American casinos by Chinese immigrants. In this review, you can read about some of the most popular Chinese gambling games that had a successful immigration to the West.

Pai Gow Poker

Pai Gow Poker is a hybrid of American poker and traditional Chinese tiles game called Pai Gow. The original tile game Pai Gow, which means Make 9, is one of the most ancient gambling games that are still available in cotemporary casinos. Pai Gow Poker is played with playing cards instead of tiles and it uses the traditional poker hand ranking. It is one of the most popular casino games worldwide and it can be found in almost every major casino in the US. Its online version can be played at most casinos on the internet.

The object of the Pai Gow Poker is to form the highest possible two poker hands, one five card hand and a two card hand, out of the seven cards dealt to each player. Each player competes against the banker that can be either the casino dealer or one of the players who can afford paying the players winnings.

Sic Bo

Sic Bo is yet another popular casino game with roots that go back to ancient China. The chance game came to the States around the beginning of the 20th century by Chinese immigrants. It can be played in most land based casinos in Macau, the US and the UK. Sic Bo has an online version as well.

The meaning of Sic Bo is Dice Pair. It is played with three standard dice on a special table. Each player places any number of bets on the table and then tosses the dice. The outcome is determined by the combinations of the three dice. Each combination has a different payoff according to a payoff schedule, which vary from one casino to the other.

Fan Tan

Fan Tan used to be the most popular gambling game among Chinese gamblers but the glory days of Fan Tan have already passed. During the 1890s, Chinese immigrants brought the game to the United States. At that time, every Chinatown in American City had several Fan Tan houses that were always full of enthusiastic gamblers. Nowadays, you can find Fan Tan in some casinos in Macau as well as in some online gaming sites.

Traditional Fan Tan, not to be confused with the card game of the same name, used to be played with any objects such as coins, dried beans or small buttons on a table with a square marked on it. Fan Tan. The object of the game is pretty simple and odds are 1: 4.

The play begins with the banker puts on the table a pile of objects then covers them with a bowl. Each player has to bet on one of the numbers that mark the four sides of the square, or on one of the corners of the square. After the bowl is removed, the croupier removes four of the objects each time until the last group remains. If 1 object is left, then the player who placed a bet on 1 wins the pot, and so on.


Mahjong is probably the biggest inherit of Chinese culture to the gaming world. The ancient Chinese tile game has many variants worldwide including variety of online games. According to the myth, Mahjong was developed by Confucius around the 500 BC. The game was brought to the United States during the 1920s and soon was very popular especially among women. The game was played in Chinese style decorated rooms with waiters wearing traditional customs.

The American version of Mahjong was developed during the 1930s and it is played in America until today. At the same time, the National Mahjong league was founded. In addition to American Mahjong, there are Japanese, Vietnamese, Cantonese and other variations of the game, which vary from one to the other by their scoring structure, number of tiles and rules variants. In 1998, the China State Sports Commission had set a standard set of rules that will differentiate the illegal gambling game from the skill game.

Mahjong Solitaire, the online version of Mahjong, gains wide popularity recently. The online version of the classic Chinese game is a matching game that uses the Mahjong tiles. Online Mahjong games can be found in many online gaming sites in variety of layouts and versions.

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Cannot Lose Those Extra Pounds Of Weight??
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Intake of fats and carbohydrates in excess results in obesity. Lack of exercise, physical work also helps in accumulation of fat in the body. In Ayurveda this condition is called medoroga. The fat in the body is primarily drawn from the oils, ghees, and other fatty substances consumed through food and drink. Chocolates, wafers, sweets, remember excessive fat may also impair the function of the vital organs like heart, liver, joints and the kidneys. Obesity may also cause diabetes, asthma, arthritis, high blood pressure.
Walking is the best exercise to begin with.
Honey is an excellent home remedy for obesity.
Make a mixture of two teaspoon of lime juice, one teaspoon of honey , in a glass of water, add some pepper to it & have it regularly.
Drink a glass of boiled water daily after every meal.
Spices like ginger, cinnamon, black pepper etc. are good for loosing weight. Drink ginger tea 2-3 times a day.
Shudh Guggulu is very beneficial for curing this ailment. It helps to regulate the lipid metabolism. Take a teaspoon of guggul with ginger and honey, twice a day.
Two teaspoon of lim e juice added to water also helps in loosing weight. Have it frequently.
Mint is very beneficial in losing weight. Have some salads, vegetables with it.
Trifla , a herbal combination of amalaki, bibbitaki, and haritaki is good for loosing weight.
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Chinchillas Staying Healthy With Pellets and Hay

The chinchilla’s process of consuming food is quite different than other animals. They should have a lot of roughage and fewer nutrients. One of the things that they must have enough of is pellets.

Chinchilla pellets can be purchased from a breeder or a pet store. Not all brands contain the same ingredients. When your purchase them, be sure that the basic ingredients are in the mix. This would include alfalfa meal, wheat germ, molasses, oats, soybean oil meal, corn, and added vitamins and minerals. The chinchilla pellets are long because the animals eat with their hands and they must be able to grasp them.

The chinchillas consume the pellets until they feel full. When they get to that point, they will stop and refrain from overeating. You can either feed them once or twice a day. You’ll want to figure out which feeding regimen is best for them. Stick with whatever works best and be consistent. If you’re not, the chinchilla will know and the inconsistency will cause them to be stressed.

A chinchilla’s livelihood is based on routines. You can feed the pellets to them either from a hopper feeder or a ceramic bowl. The hopper feeder is good to use because you don’t have to concern yourself about it falling over. Ceramic bowls are good because they are heavy and the chinchilla can’t chew it, like they would a plastic bowl.

Chinchilla pellets are one of the best things they can eat; but if for some reason you can’t locate them, you can substitute rabbit or guinea pig pellets for them. These are fine to consume as long as they contain plenty of fiber and are low in fat. If for some reason you do have to switch their pellets, do it gradually. Once they get used to a system, it’s difficult for them to change suddenly. They will adapt, but they get stressed if it happens all at once.

Hay is good for them because it also provides fiber for their system. You can choose from two kinds: alfalfa or timothy. They can be purchased in loose or small compressed blocks with a measurement of 1″ X 1″ X 2″. The animals will eat both kinds and it must be chemical and mold free. Because of their sensitive digestive system, chinchillas can only consume fresh hay. To remain fresh, it must be stored in a dry place.

Fifty-pound bags may be too much for a chinchilla owner, so cubes can be purchased in smaller amounts. It’s better if the cubes are broken into smaller pieces. This way, they can handle them easier as opposed to being one cumbersome piece. One pressed cube or a handful of hay is all an adult chinchilla usually eats.

An alternative to hay would be Bermuda grass. If your house has a lawn with Bermuda grass, you can feed that to your chinchilla. However, the grass must be chemical and fertilizer free. Just wash it off and give your chinchilla a few. Bermuda grass helps to remedy any digestive issues.