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Don’t Ignore Achilles Heel Pain

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

You don’t have to be an elite athlete to suffer Achilles tendon injuries. They can occur even from performing minor household tasks, such as climbing a ladder.

Don’t Ignore Achilles Heel Pain

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
You don’t have to be an elite athlete to suffer Achilles tendon injuries. They can occur even from performing minor household tasks, such as climbing a ladder. According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons (ACFAS), Achilles tendon weakness is common in adults and prompt treatment when symptoms occur can prevent more serious injury.

“The Achilles tendon is the longest and strongest tendon in the body, but is subjected to considerable wear and tear,” said Gerald Travers, DPM, FACFAS, a foot and ankle surgeon in Colorado Springs. “When the tendon becomes inflamed from overuse or too much sudden stress, tendonitis can weaken it over time and cause microscopic tears,” said Travers. “Going without treatment increases risk for further deterioration and possible rupture.”

According to the ACFAS consumer Web site,, pain, stiffness and tenderness in the area are the main symptoms of Achilles tendonitis. Pain occurs in the morning, improves with motion but gets worse with increasing stress and activity.

“In addition to athletes, Achilles problems are common for anyone whose work routine puts constant stress on the feet and ankles,” said Travers. “These injuries happen most often to less conditioned, ‘weekend warrior’ athletes who overdo it. But I’ve also had patients who have ruptured the tendon simply by climbing a ladder quickly.”

When pain and other symptoms indicate possible Achilles tendonitis, Travers said a foot and ankle surgeon will make a thorough diagnosis and evaluate flexibility and range of motion in the tendon. Treatment options vary depending on severity and include casting, ice, anti-inflammatory pain medication, physical therapy and surgery if other options fail.

Travers noted recreational activities involving jumping and running are the major cause of Achilles tendon injuries. “In sports like basketball and tennis, muscles and tendons in the back of the leg are prone to injury from an imbalance that occurs from a lot of forward motion. The imbalance can weaken the tendon unless stretching exercises are performed regularly.”

He added the best ways to prevent Achilles tendon injuries are to warm up gradually by walking and stretching. Further, it’s best to avoid strenuous sprinting or hill running if you are not in shape for it.

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Don’t Have a Cow Over Mad Cow Disease, Just Shop Smarter Mark Jeantheau

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 487.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Unless you’ve been trapped in a meat locker since December, you’re no doubt aware that Mad Cow Disease has been detected in the US herd. Given that “bovine spongiform encephalopathy” is tougher on the mouth than one of the blow-torched steaks we get at Billy’s House of Meat and Welding Supplies, we’ll stick with the short form of the disease name—BSE.
The disease agent responsible for BSE is the prion, and it is unaffected by the heat of cooking or by irradiation. So forget about cooking your steak to a cinder before you eat it—that won’t be any protection (and would be very upsetting to the Association of Beef Cooking Snobs).
Scientists say that the prion spreads between cows via the animal byproducts in their feed. The US Department of Agriculture is implementing new regulations that will reduce the amount of animal byproducts going into cattle feed, but indications are that there will still be a few loopholes in the rules.
Some people may just rely on the new USDA rules and hope for the best, but others may prefer to become choosier shoppers. There are a lot of different labels applied to beef these days, so let’s go through what they mean under rules set by the US Department of Agriculture and talk about how they do or do not relate to BSE.
Organic — The organic label does apply to beef and has the backing of a legal standard and a certification system. In the case of beef, organic means that the animal (1) has undergone no genetic modification; (2) was fed grain that was not genetically modified and was free of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, animal byproducts and other adulterants; (3) was not treated with antibiotics, growth hormones, or chemical pesticides. Animals raised for organic meat must also have access to the outdoors, though that doesn’t necessarily mean that they spend the majority of their time roaming the open grasslands.
Free Range — This label is still mostly ungoverned by a legal standard and shouldn’t be relied on to determine whether the cow actually spent most of its time on the open plains eating grass or that it ate any particular type of feed. “Free Range” is sometimes also called “free roaming.”
Natural — This is another mostly meaningless term. As the USDA puts it: “All fresh meat qualifies as natural.” Meat labeled “natural” (1) cannot contain any artificial flavor or flavoring, coloring ingredient, chemical preservative, or any other artificial or synthetic ingredient; and (2) can only be minimally processed (ground, for example). The USDA requires that meat packages labeled “natural” also include a statement clarifying the use of the term (such as “no added coloring”). In any event, animal byproducts are not specifically prohibited in the feed of cows raised for “natural” beef (though some beef labeled natural may indeed be free of animal byproducts).
Grass Fed — You’d think that any package of beef labeled “Grass Fed” would mean that the cow ate only grass. But given that all cows eat grass at least in the early stages of their lives, shady dealers could legally apply the “Grass Fed” label to beef from normal feed-lot cattle, which usually get a corn-based feed mix that contains animal byproducts. This makes it necessary for you to ensure the label says “100% Grass Fed,” “Grass Fed Only” or something similar that does not leave any loopholes. Beef raised only on grass may be slightly less tender than “normal” beef, but it has less overall fat, less saturated fat, higher vitamin A content, and more of the omega-3 fatty acids that help maintain healthy cells in your body. Beef that is 100% grass-fed may or may not be organic—all requirements under the organic standard would still have to be met for “100% grass fed” beef to be labeled organic.
No Antibiotics/No Hormones — Beef with either of these labels must be from a cow that was raised without the use of antibiotics or synthetic hormones over its entire lifetime. While both of these characteristics are desirable in your package of beef, neither has any bearing on BSE.
No Animal Byproducts — The regulations behind this label are not as strong as for the organic standard, but it’s reasonable to assume that the label means what it says, that no animal byproducts were used in the feed of the cow(s).
Irradiation — Meat that has been irradiated to reduce bacteria levels must be labeled “Treated by Irradiation” or “Treated with Radiation.” However, the irradiation levels used on beef do not deactivate the BSE disease agent.
Prime, Choice, and Select — These USDA grades are a subjective measure of quality and imply nothing about how the cow was raised or whether the cow’s feed was free of animal byproducts.
Well, that’s a lot of things to remember, so here are the three labels you really want to look for when you shop for beef: (a) Organic, (b) 100% Grass Fed, and/or (c) No Animal Byproducts. Beef with any one of these labels is virtually guaranteed to be free of BSE problems. Cows raised under the standards required for the organic and 100% grass fed labels yield environmental benefits too (compared to regular beef production).
Remember that we’re not just talking about steaks and burgers as a potential source of BSE exposure. Processed beef products, including beef hotdogs, sausage, and meat sauce, also have the potential to contain BSE-contaminated beef. Granted, it is unlikely there would be such a problem, but since beef is available that has been raised in a way that virtually eliminates any BSE possibilities, why take any chance? And if the thought of eating ANY beef these days make you nearly have a cow, try soy-based beef alternatives—they’re surprisingly tasty and beef-like these days.
No matter what your beefy fare, just remember what Mom said—“chew every bite 20 times”—and you’ll be able to impress your friends with your rippling mandible muscles!
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Don’t Get Burned By Summer Sun News Canada

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 43.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

(NC)-Warm summer days filled with bright sunshine aren’t always good for you. Over exposure to sunlight can cause serious sunburn, pain and the long-term risk of skin cancer. St. John Ambulance, Canada’s leader in safety-oriented™ first aid training and products, points out that you can still enjoy sun if you reduce risk by taking precautions.
People with fair skin are most susceptible to sunburns. However, no matter what the skin type, the harmful effects of the sun, such as sunburn, can be sustained by anyone.
Prevention is your best defense. Use a sunscreen strong enough to block out harmful rays. Remember to apply it liberally many times over the course of a day in the sun as it will soak into skin, evaporate and be washed off in water.
Don’t stay outdoors for extended periods without covering exposed skin. Never leave tender skin exposed for more than a few minutes at a time. Wear a light, sun repellent cover over bathing suits or other light clothing. Always keep your head and eyes protected.
First Aid for sunburn
Sunburns can be very serious. Ranging from mild discomfort to severe burning over a large portion of the body, extreme sunburn can be further complicated by heatstroke. For minor sunburn, St. John Ambulance suggests the following first aid:

Check the casualty thoroughly to determine the extent and severity of the burn.
Get out of the sun immediately.
Cover the burn with a wet towel or gently sponge the area with cool water to relieve pain.
Pat the skin dry and apply medicated sunburn ointment or lotion. Apply according to directions on the package and watch for warning signs of an allergic reaction.
Protect burnt areas from further exposure to the sun.
Don’t break blisters – doing so may promote infection. If large areas of the skin begin to blister, seek medical help.
If the casualty begins to vomit or develops a fever, give first aid for heatstroke and get medical help.

First Aid for heatstroke
Heatstroke is a life-threatening condition in which the body’s temperature rises far above normal. The body’s temperature control mechanism fails, sweating may stop and the body temperature rises rapidly. When you notice rapid pulse, noisy breathing, convulsions or vomiting and hot, flushed skin, give first aid for heatstroke.

Check the casualty for symptoms of heatstroke. Lowering the body temperature is the most urgent first aid for heatstroke.
Move the casualty to a cool, shaded place or indoors if possible. Call for medical help.
Cool the casualty by removing clothing, covering with a wet sheet, immersing in cool water or sponging with cool water, especially in the armpits, neck and groin areas.
When the body feels cool to the touch, cover the casualty with a dry sheet. If temperature begins to rise again, repeat step three.
Continue to monitor the casualty until medical help is available.

St. John Ambulance is Canada’s leader in first aid training and products. For more than 118 years, St. John Ambulance has provided services to prevent injury and reduce suffering. For more information on high quality St. John Ambulance training and products, contact the branch nearest you or visit our website,

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Don’t Fool With A Seizure News Canada

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 240.shtml
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(NC)-You and a friend are enjoying an outing when -suddenly-your companion appears to lose consciousness, falls to the ground and starts to shake uncontrollably. The person is having a seizure. How can you help?
St. John Ambulance, Canada’s leader in first aid training and products, offers these tips.
1. Make the area safe for the casualty. Keep onlookers away.
2. Don’t try to restrict the person’s movements in the convulsion. Gently guide them to protect them from injury.
3. Carefully loosen any tight clothing, especially around the neck.
4. Never put anything in the mouth of the casualty, between the teeth or attempt to hold their tongue.
5. Never try to give the person food or drink.
6. After a seizure, assess the casualty for injuries.
7. Keep the casualty at rest for up to an hour, regularly monitoring pulse and breathing.
8. Seek medical attention if the casualty does not fully recover, or has a second major seizure within a few minutes.
9. If this is the first time the person has had a seizure, always get medical help.
10. Learn what to do in an emergency – take St. John Ambulance first aid training. Contact the office in your area or check us out online at

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Don’t flex that muscles too much!

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

This article tackles muscle injuries and common muscle relaxants.

common muscle relaxer

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Muscle injuries occur when we overuse or strain our bodies. Anyone who had experienced muscle problems will tell you that they are extremely painful and can be disruptive to everything you do. There are numerous types of muscle injuries since our bodies are mostly composed of hundreds of them. Usually, athletes are the most prone to muscle injuries because of their rigid training, heavy work outs and other activities that needs maximum physical strength. Muscle injuries must be looked up to immediately so as not to re-injure the area of the severed muscle over and over. The more you use the injured muscles, the more that you will harm yourself and it will prolong the healing time and ultimately you risk permanent damage.

The most difficult part of dealing with muscle injuries is to assess the severity of the injury. And with such circumstances, physicians may prescribed muscle relaxants.

Muscle relaxants are drugs to relieve the discomfort of muscle injury or involuntary muscle contractions. They reduce stiffness and help relieve pain and soreness associated with strains, sprains or other types of muscle injury. These drugs do not act directly on the muscles, but they act centrally in the brain and are more of a total body relaxant.

Muscle relaxants are not really a class of drugs, but rather a group of different drugs that each has an overall sedative effect on the body. They come in tablet form and it needs prescription from the doctor.

The most common muscle relaxers currently available in the market are Carisoprodol (Soma), Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril), and Metaxalone (Skelaxin),

Soma is a muscle relaxant used to relieve the pain and stiffness of muscle spasms and discomfort due to strain. Carisoprodol works by blocking pain sensations that are sent to the brain.

Flexeril is another muscle relaxer used to treat muscle spasms and musculoskelatal pain. Cyclobenzaprine is also a drug treatment option for fibromyalgia symptoms.

Another popular muscle relaxant is Skelaxin (metaxalone) but it should be combined with rest, physical therapy, and other measures for the relief of discomforts associated with acute, painful musculoskeletal conditions.

These muscle relaxants that were mentioned above are effective in relieving pain but just like any other drugs, side effects might also occur. Some muscle relaxants might cause dizziness, drowsiness, nausea, constipation or blurred vision. Medical experts advised that it should not be taken by patients with urinary retention or glaucoma. It is also important to avoid alcohol when taking these drugs. As it may also cause blurred vision, patients that are under these medications are refrain from driving a vehicle or from operating a machine. More precautions are needed if you are pregnant or breast feeding, your baby might experience drowsiness and upset stomach. If you feel that you are having reactions with these medications, it is always imperative to see your physician.

Almost all of us use muscles in our everyday existence, but let us not overdo things that will cause us pain or injury. If you are into a health program, ask the experts what is right for you. If you are an athlete or go to the gym regularly. it is necessary to do warms ups or stretching first before flexing those muscles. Muscle relaxants might be an easy access if you suffer from a muscle injury, but too much dependency on these pain relievers can be addictive. You might want to go back to your active self once you have taken these kinds of pain relievers, but try to stop, relax a bit as you might severe the injury and you might not able to flex those muscles again.

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Don’t Blow Your Nose In The Water Fountain Nick Nilsson

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 167.shtml
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We all know the general rules of the gym: don’t drop the weights, wipe your sweat off the machines when you’re done, etc. But do you know all about the more “colorful”, lesser known rules of the gym?
NOTE: These rules are JOKES! If you ever see any of these rules posted at any gym you ever go to, please take a picture for me!
1. Don’t blow your nose in the water fountain.
This is a crude habit and can contribute to the spread of colds and viruses. Besides, that’s what the gym towels are for…
2. No smoking on the cardio machines.
Those little circular spots are water-bottle holders, not ashtrays. If you need a cigarette that badly when you’re working out, tape one to the pulldown bar and take a drag on it as a reward for each rep you do.
3. When spotting someone on bench press, be sure to wipe your face first.
You are not a stalactite, and dripping sweat into someone’s eye is not a good way to make friends.
4. If you choose to wear cologne or perfume to the gym, please don’t marinate in it.
If the person on the stair machine next to you lights up a cigarette, you could both be seriously injured.
5. Those stands that have all the weight plates on them should not be used for holding your donuts.
Your donuts will end up with a terrible metallic taste that even the coffee in your water bottle won’t be able to get out of your mouth.
6. The Crunch Machine is not a vending machine for candy bars.
Please don’t try to put money into this machine. It’s for working your abdominals. You will never, EVER get a Nestle’s Crunch bar out of it.
7. Even though the gym has stair machines, it is not required by law to have elevator machines.
Please stop asking about this at the reception desk.
8. Pick up after your dog when you walk him on the treadmill.
No explanation necessary.
9. If you have a habit of spraying spit when you lift, ensure there is no one in your target area.
It’s bad enough that the mirrors by the squat rack look like a St. Bernard shook himself in front of them.
10. Do not give yourself C.P.R. when doing bench presses.
Bouncing the bar heavily off your ribcage instead of pressing it properly may cause damage to the bar and voids the warranty on the bench. Besides that, you don’t want your spotter feeling as though he’s dribbling a barbell down the court do you?
11. Beer and/or liquor in your water bottle are prohibited.
Unless, of course, you bring enough for everybody. This also goes for mochaccinos, frappaccinos, and anything with an umbrella in it.
12. Use the rowing machine at your own risk.
If it sinks, there are no lifeguards on duty.
Following these rules to the best of your ability will ensure a pleasant exercise experience for everyone.
Thank you.

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Don’t Blame Me If I’m Fat! Jim Foster

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 743.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

In a culture of blame-shifting we often look for someone to blame for our predicament. Being overweight is no different – who is to blame for obesity?
“It’s the fast food outlets – supplying us with fatty foods”
“Our thin-obsessed society is putting all sorts of pressure on even slightly overweight folks”
“The weight loss industry is to blame – after all if everyone was slim – they would go out of business”
Some will simply blame the overweight person – making generalizations and attaching unhelpful labels to the person. “After all” they say, “it’s up to us to manage what we eat and how much we exercise”.
There is truth in this, but it is too simplistic. Many overweight people have tried desperately to eat ‘properly’ to manage their weight – yet continue to struggle for years. There are a number of outside forces here that have more of an influence than we realise.
So Who Is To Blame?
The weight loss industry is large, with millions being spent every year by people looking for answers. Like any industry, it has it’s share of charlatans and snake-oil salesmen. Many manufacturers of diet pills and weight loss supplements are certainly opportunists – rather than looking to treat the source (i.e. by eating right), they are trying to treat the symptoms. However we have found that most decent commercial weight loss programs have a genuine interest in helping people manage their weight. So it’s unfair to cast blame on the entire ‘industry’.
If we were to start looking for culprits, we might want to cast our eye at the food processing industry – that, coupled with savvy marketing experts, has snared us into eating so many kinds of processed foods that going to the supermarket is like walking through a nutritional minefield.
Get Them While Their Young
The Center For Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) recently conducted a study of the magazine “National Geographic for Kids”. In 17 recent issues they found 51 ads for junk-foods – including a depiction of one meal that contained 590 calories (remember this is a magazine for children).
Many years ago a certain famous fast food outlet began calling its meals for children “Happy Meals” – creating an emotional response and attachment to certain foods – typically nutritionally poor foods.
Chemical Food and Clever Marketing
It’s not the weight loss industry that’s to blame – but the clever marketing tactics from the food processing giants that are misleading us. To make things worse – some popular weight loss diets have unfortunately associated themselves with snack food corporations, and severely reduced their credibility.
Is a low-carb / low-fat (take your pick) snack bar really that good for you? Take a look at the ingredients list – can you decipher all those numbers? Do you understand what a ‘partially hydrogenated oil” is?
What about those great ‘health’ bars for the kids – they even have the healthy tick on them (indicating they are recommended by the American Heart Association). On closer inspection those ‘healthy snacks’ are nothing but lots of refined sugar, some white flour, trans fats, and a host of other chemicals. But hey – they’re low in fat so they must be good? Right?
Finding the Right Food
It’s a nightmare. What exactly is good for you? Who do you believe? Next time you see those bright colors, and eye-catching ads – do your own inspection of the ingredients list – you might be surprised.
Recently we bought some cranberry juice for our young daughter who had a slight urine infection – knowing that cranberry has some useful medicinal properties. Like any frazzled parent, having time to stand and stare at the nutrition panel while shopping with children is a rarity. That night our daughter had trouble getting to sleep, and woke up 3 or 4 times in the night. This is unusual for her.
On closer inspection of the so-called cranberry juice – we discovered that only 30% is actually cranberry, and the rest is water and ‘high fructose corn syrup’ – a chemically altered sugar with a fair share of (anecdotally) noted poor health affects.
What Is The Answer?
If obesity had a simple cause, don’t you think we would have the answer by now? Good diet and exercise are the answer – but when we have large corporations spending millions to make us buy their food – it doesn’t seem so simple anymore. Go figure – profit in the food industry is made by either people buying more food, or sourcing/manufacturing basic ingredients at less cost. How does good nutrition factor in this? Are you starting to get the picture?
There is no miracle weight loss cure – no diet plan that will fit everyone. The only long term answer is understanding how your own body reacts to the foods you eat. Weight loss is not a 6 week program, but a lifelong commitment to good nutrition and lifestyle.

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Don’t Be Stressed Out, Enjoy Being Pregnant

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

This articles discusses ways to avoid being stressed and anxious during pregnancy. It also includes the experience and tips given by Hollywood celebrities during their own pregnancy days.

Pregnancy, Stress and Anxiety, Low Back Pain

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Pregnancy should be one of the most celebrated events in a woman’s life. It is the fulfillment of a miracle that only women can perform — the ability to bear and deliver life from the womb. Seen in this perspective, pregnancy can be said to be very empowering for women. However, not all pregnant women enjoy this phase in their lives. Several reports and studies have already been made about women who undergo extreme feelings of stress and anxiety during their pregnancy. As a result, the babies of those stressed and anxious mothers are also affected by their mothers’ negative disposition. A stressful pregnancy can actually cause the infants to be born prematurely or become underweight. It is also said to eventually affect an infant’s mood and behavior.

The stress and anxiety felt by pregnant women arise from various factors. One possible reason is that pregnancy causes women to gain weight and somehow distort their pre-pregnancy, nicely-curved bodies. Some women believe that these changes in their body structure make them look ugly and they cannot wear anymore the clothes that they used to wear before. They then feel low and develop insecurities which can contribute to their stress. Another possible reason can be the “heaviness” that pregnant women experience because of their added weight. This causes them to have low-back pains and limits them from doing certain activities that they used to do. Other career women who are forced to temporarily stop working because of their pregnancy feel bored with the change in their lifestyle. The idleness, compounded with possible insecurities, also causes their stress and anxiety. During this phase, women tend to feel lonely more often and afraid that they have to face the difficulty of delivering their babies alone. Moreover, worrying about how to lose weight and how to lose the stretch marks that they develop also stress some pregnant women.

Fortunately, some Hollywood stars and experts in this field have offered advice and tips for women on how to lessen or totally lose stress and anxiety during their pregnancy. The main goal, according to them, is for pregnant women to enjoy the whole experience. Pregnancy should be approached with a sense of excitement and liveliness, but always with utmost care. It cannot be denied that this phase is very delicate and one wrong move can either cause harm to the baby or the mother or even to both of them. However, this does not mean that pregnant women should just sulk in a corner and wait for their boring pregnancy days to be over. Every day is full of new discoveries and changes for pregnant women. The key is to be open to these changes and deal with them positively. Further advice and tips on diet, fashion, activities and losing the pregnancy weight and stretch marks are discussed below.


Most pregnant women have a misconception of pregnancy as a period of indulgence. According to obstetrician-gynecologist Dr. Raul Artal, indulging on food high in calories such as sweets can pose a danger of pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure, or diabetes. “Eating for two” during pregnancy applies more to the amount of nutrients that a pregnant woman should consume rather than the amount of calories. Foods that are high in nutrients such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, lean meats and low-fat dairy products are more recommended. The top 5 nutrients that pregnant women actually need are calcium, folate, iron, protein, and vitamin C. Eating healthy can also decrease the feeling of tiredness and fatigue. Finally, avoid skipping meals during pregnancy. According to Dr. Laura Caufield, the risk of having premature labor increases among those who habitually skip meals. Eating breakfast is also important to avoid feeling lightheaded, famished, and sick to your stomach.


Being pregnant does not mean being out of fashion. A pregnant woman can still look sexy and beautiful by choosing the right kind of clothes. Start with the bottom pieces first such as short cotton interlock skirt, black leggings, twill pants and denim jeans. Mix and match these pieces to tops with fashionable styles and colors. Fashion pieces such as boot leg jumpsuits, print dresses and coordinating pant suit are also necessary. For fabulous maternity outfits that are styled to fit their figure, pregnant women can check out top quality shops like Japanese Weekend, Belly Basics, and Duet Designs. Actresses Jennifer Garner and Heidi Klum are among the famous clients of these shops.


Some women feel tired and lazy to move around during their pregnancy. Other pregnant women are left with no other choice but to sulk at home because of not knowing what to really do. Celebrities like Catherine Zeta-Jones suggest that taking yoga classes or practicing yoga at home is very good during pregnancy. It helps pregnant women to focus, cultivate awareness, maintain optimum health, be flexible, and strong as well as develop stillness and calmness within. Practicing Lamaze techniques of childbirth during pregnancy days is also good for strengthening the bond between couples and increasing the confidence of the pregnant woman. Other fun activities that pregnant women can actually do, and some activities being unique only for them, are making pregnancy belly casts, pregnancy belly painting, taking dance classes, doing pre-baby window shopping, having a pregnancy massage and spa treatment and planning or organizing a baby bash.

Losing weight and stretch marks

Hollywood stars like Reese Witherspoon are noted to have taken yoga classes to lose weight after pregnancy. Catherine Zeta-Jones followed a strict diet of low-carbohydrate and high-protein intake. Debra Messing reported that breast-feeding her son after she gave birth helped her lose 33 pounds. Kate Hudson, on the other hand, worked out two to three hours a day, 6 days per week to lose her excess pregnancy weight. According to diet experts, losing baby weight is always a combination of proper, healthy diet, and exercise. Even simple walking around the neighborhood every afternoon while eating small portions of food every meal can already be a big help. Aside from excess weight, pregnant women are also bothered by another change, this time concerning their skin. Because of the increase in their body size, the skin adapts to it through stretching as well. However, because of this, stretch marks develop all over their body especially in the stomach area. According to some skin experts, stretch marks can be avoided through eating food that will highly nourish the skin and drinking the recommended amount of water per day. The skin is more prone to having stretch marks when it is dry, thus, taking a lot of liquids and applying moisturizer twice or thrice a day will help a lot. Finally, the best way to avoid stretch marks despite growing body size and weight is to grow gradually. The same is said about losing weight, to do it in gradation, to avoid having the horrible marks.

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Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions About Your Health. Terry McDermott

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4258.shtml
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If we fail to ask questions when we have an appointment with a medical professional, we may not be getting the full value from the visit. Asking direct, relevant questions of a doctor is not an imposition. It is our right and is also in the best interests of the doctor to provide all of the information we need.
Forgetting to ask questions during an office visit is a common occurrence. This can be a stressful and hectic time and being distracted is normal, especially if we are not feeling well. It is helpful to write down any questions that you may have before your appointment so that you do not forget to ask. You may also want to discuss these questions with a friend or family member. Another person may be able to add insight by seeing things more clearly than we can at the time.
Don’t assume that you are causing a problem by asking questions. Most doctors appreciate patients who ask good questions. Feelings of fear, embarrassment or inadequacy are not good reasons for failing to ask the about things you really want to know. If you don’t ask, your doctor may assume that you understand, or that you do not care to know more. He or she cannot guess what your concerns are.
As you know, television and magazines are saturated with advertising for various medications. Such conditions as high blood pressure, depression, arthritis, high cholesterol and even erectile dysfunction are being targeted by pharmaceutical companies with new medications. The information supporting these products encourages viewers and readers to “ask your doctor about (name of product).”
Essentially, these companies are putting pressure on doctors to prescribe their medications. But, in a way, the pharmaceutical companies have made it much easier to initiate a dialogue with your doctor. It is no longer unusual for patients to ask doctors about something they have read or heard about. Consequently, the dynamic between patient and doctor is changing. Doctors are becoming conditioned to hearing questions from patients and they are obliged to respond.
Finally, if you forget to ask a question or think of one later, call back and ask! Your doctor should prefer, if you do have health questions, that you get the proper answer rather that guess. Guessing could be hazardous to your health.


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Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions About Your Health Terry McDermott

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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If we fail to ask questions when we have an appointment with a medical professional, we may not be getting the full value from the visit. Asking direct, relevant questions of a doctor is not an imposition. It is our right and is also in the best interests of the doctor to provide all of the information we need.
Forgetting to ask questions during an office visit is a common occurrence. This can be a stressful and hectic time and being distracted is normal, especially if we are not feeling well. It is helpful to write down any questions that you may have before your appointment so that you do not forget to ask. You may also want to discuss these questions with a friend or family member. Another person may be able to add insight by seeing things more clearly than we can at the time.
Don’t assume that you are causing a problem by asking questions. Most doctors appreciate patients who ask good questions. Feelings of fear, embarrassment or inadequacy are not good reasons for failing to ask the about things you really want to know. If you don’t ask, your doctor may assume that you understand, or that you do not care to know more. He or she cannot guess what your concerns are.
As you know, television and magazines are saturated with advertising for various medications. Such conditions as high blood pressure, depression, arthritis, high cholesterol and even erectile dysfunction are being targeted by pharmaceutical companies with new medications. The information supporting these products encourages viewers and readers to “ask your doctor about (name of product).”
Essentially, these companies are putting pressure on doctors to prescribe their medications. But, in a way, the pharmaceutical companies have made it much easier to initiate a dialogue with your doctor. It is no longer unusual for patients to ask doctors about something they have read or heard about. Consequently, the dynamic between patient and doctor is changing. Doctors are becoming conditioned to hearing questions from patients and they are obliged to respond.
Finally, if you forget to ask a question or think of one later, call back and ask! Your doctor should prefer, if you do have health questions, that you get the proper answer rather that guess. Guessing could be hazardous to your health.