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Don’t Lose Hair Because Of Poor Grooming Richard Mitchell

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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One of the most common reasons why men and women lose their hair is due to poor cosmetic grooming. The unfortunate thing about this is the fact it is so preventable. Fortunately there are some steps you can take to put right some of the damage caused.
Speaking at the American Academy of Dermatology’s 2004 summer conference, Dr Zoe Draelos offered a number of recommendations to improve the hair care regime:
1. Itching associated with seborrheic dermatitis can weaken and damage hair over a period of time so seek medical help if your scalp skin is itchy, red or scaly.
2. Long hair is more easily damaged. People with extensive hair damage should therefore consider a shorter style.
3. Hair growth slows with age and hair becomes thinner in texture. Older people should therefore ensure that only weaker chemicals are applied.
4. Take care when choosing grooming tools. Use a comb made from flexible plastic with smooth, rounded and coarse teeth. Use a brush with bristles that are smooth, ball-tipped, coarse and bendable. In addition brush as little as possible and avoid brushing wet hair.
5. Don’t use tight rubber bands for ponytails as these cause excessive trauma and breaking of hairs. Likewise use hair clips loosely.
6. Understand the nature of your hair and adjust the intensity of your grooming to match. For example, curly hair tends to crack more easily than straight hair so be careful.
7. Make sure the hair is always cut with sharp scissors as crushing the end of the hair will encourage split ends.
8. The less that is done to hair in terms of styling, the healthier it will be. It follows then that care should be taken not to over-style with cosmetic products.
9. Hair coloring and bleaching are damaging to hair. If you must change hair color, try to stay within three shades of the natural color to minimize damage.
10. Hair relaxing and permanent waving are both damaging to hair and should only be used on a very limited basis.
You can find out more about treating hair loss by visiting the site listed below.

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Don’t Let Your Metabolism Fall Jeremy Likness

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2233.shtml
It only takes a few key habits to raise your metabolism. There is no magic pill required. You don’t have to put heavy spices on all of your foods or run in circles all day long, either. This article shares ten strategies to keep that metabolism elevated.
The technical definition of metabolism is the sum of all the chemical and physical changes that take place within the body and enable its continued growth and functioning. Metabolism involves the breakdown of complex organic constituents of the body with the liberation of energy, which is required for other processes and the building up of complex substances, which form the material of the tissues and organs.
You may have heard terms thrown around such as anabolism and catabolism. These terms refer to actions that take place within your body. Contrary to popular belief, catabolism isn’t just the loss of muscle tissue. When you burn fat, you are catabolic – fortunately, the catabolism is taking place where you want it to.
Conversely, any time your body builds or stores (such as growth of muscle tissue or storage of fat) the process is called anabolic. Sculpting a lean physique means focusing on habits that promote catabolism of fat tissue and anabolism of muscle tissue.
One advantage to having a higher metabolism is that you can consume more food or exercise less to achieve the same results. A higher metabolism implies your body is expending more energy. Therefore, you can take on more energy in the form of food while maintaining your shape or even losing fat. While any one of the following techniques may only impact your metabolism a small bit, the cumulative effect can have a major impact.
1. Train With Weights
Training with weights boosts your metabolism in a number of ways. Weight training itself has been shown to increase exercise post oxygen consumption (EPOC) – in other words, your metabolism may be raised for hours or even days after the session. Weight training is also the main way to stimulate the growth of muscle tissue.
Muscle tissue is metabolically active, so it requires calories even when at rest. Muscle tissue also helps increase the number of fat-burning enzymes and organelles in your body.
2. Supplement With Healthy Fats
Healthy fats are involved in the manufacture of hormones and repair of cell membranes in your body. With the right types of fats, your body can use these anabolically.
These processes require energy, so the fats may actually increase your metabolism despite the added calories you are consuming! You can add fats to your diet without increasing calories simply by increasing the percentage of calories from fats and then lowering the percentage of calories from carbohydrates or proteins.
3. Every Little Bit Counts
Believe it or not, simply changing some simple daily habits can have a huge impact on your metabolism. Do you play the game of driving around the parking lot for twenty minutes waiting for the perfect space to open? Instead, park at the edge of the parking lot and walk to your destination.
You’ll probably get there quicker, and burn some calories along the way. Other metabolism-boosting activities include standing instead of sitting, taking stairs instead of elevators, and even fidgeting!
4. Don’t Fear Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are not the enemy. Using the right types of carbohydrates can be a valuable tool for your metabolism.
For example, you may expend more calories consuming 20 grams of carbohydrate from lentils than 20 grams of carbohydrate from sugar. The lentils contain fiber and other nutrients that the body must work to extract, and therefore expends more energy. Look for fibrous, low-glycemic carbs and focus on unprocessed carbohydrates.
5. Fluctuate Calories
Zigzagging calories is by far one of the most effective methods for keeping your metabolism revved. Homeostasis is the action your body takes to “remain stable.” In other words, if you drop your calories, your body will try to slow your metabolism in order to keep things the same.
By zigzagging calories, you may be able to thwart this mechanism. Some people zigzag day by day – for example, if their target is 2000 calories, they’ll consume 1800 one day and 2200 the next. I prefer to consume low calories for a week or two, and then raise calories for a week, and then drop them again.
6. Increase Protein
Protein requires a complex chemical conversion by your body in order to be used as fuel. It takes up to 30% of the calories you consume to oxidize or use protein for energy.
For example, 100 calories of protein may take up to 30 calories to process. Therefore, increasing the percentage of calories in your diet that come from protein may help raise your metabolism.
7. Perform High Intensity Cardio
High intensity cardio, like weight training, takes you into the anaerobic zone of training. This, in turn, creates what is known as “oxygen debt.” Even when you have concluded your exercise, the body is processing waste and recovering from the activity – and therefore keeping your metabolism elevated.
8. Increase Frequency Of Eating
Most bodybuilders are aware of this technique. Consuming food triggers digestion, and digestion requires calories. By eating more frequent, smaller meals, you continuously supply your body with nutrients while forcing it to digest and break down the foods. This, in turn, can have the net effect of raising your metabolism.
9. Eat Whole Foods
The calories that you burn during digestion are due to the need for your body to break down the foods. Your body must extract the fiber and nutrients, take chains of molecules and chop them into smaller versions to absorb them into your bloodstream, and perform a variety of tasks in order to assimilate foods.
When foods are processed, much of this work is done for you. For example, processed flour is ground into small pieces that the body can digest more quickly. This means your blood sugar rises faster and your body expends fewer calories processing the flour.
Whole grains, on the other hand, pack more nutrients, are higher in fiber, and force the body to work harder to use them as energy. Another advantage to eating whole foods is that many of the nutrients in these foods – such as vitamins and minerals – are cofactors in metabolic processes that your body uses to burn fat and build muscle.
10. Drink Cold Water
This tip is probably overrated. Your body will expend more calories trying to raise cold water to the temperature of your body, but the exact amount is debatable. It stands to reason, however, that integrating this habit with the other habits listed above can contribute to the greater goal of raising your metabolism.
These are just a few habits you can embrace to start revving your metabolism right away. You may have heard stories about people who have lost dozens of pounds simply switching to diet soda or walking a few minutes each day. These are all small habits that contribute to a big difference over time.
Copyright 2005 Jeremy Likness


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Don’t Let Your Feet Ruin Your Day At The Beach

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

For many Americans, warm weather calls for a trip to the beach. An estimated 38 percent of summer travelers plan to go to the beach or lake this year. But if you’re not careful, bare feet can run into trouble along those sandy shores.

Don’t Let Your Feet Ruin Your Day At The Beach

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For many Americans, warm weather calls for a trip to the beach. An estimated 38 percent of summer travelers plan to go to a beach or lake this year.

But if you’re not careful, bare feet can run into trouble along those sandy shores, according to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons’ (ACFAS) consumer Web site

Here are some simple steps you can take to prevent foot problems.

Puncture wounds and cuts. Wear shoes to protect your feet from puncture wounds and cuts caused by seashells, broken glass and other sharp objects. Don’t go in the water if your skin gets cut-bacteria in oceans and lakes can cause a serious infection. A puncture wound should have medical treatment from a foot and ankle surgeon within 24 hours to avoid complications.

Jellyfish stings. A jellyfish washed up on the beach can still sting if you step on it. If tentacles stick to the foot or ankle, remove them. Vinegar, meat tenderizer or baking soda reduce pain and swelling. Most jellyfish stings heal within days, but if they don’t, see a doctor.

Sunburns. Feet get sunburnt, too. Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to the tops and bottoms of your feet.

Burns. Sand, sidewalks and paved surfaces get hot in the summer sun. Wear shoes to protect the soles of your feet from getting burned, especially if you have diabetes.

Ankle injuries, arch and heel pain. Walking, jogging and playing sports on soft, uneven surfaces such as sand frequently leads to arch pain, heel pain, ankle sprains and other injuries. Athletic shoes provide the heel cushioning and arch support that flip-flops and sandals lack. If injuries occur, use rest, ice, compression and elevation to ease pain and swelling. Pain lasting more than a few days should be evaluated and treated by a foot and ankle surgeon.

Diabetes risks. Due to poor blood circulation and numbness in the feet, a diabetic may not feel pain from a cut, puncture wound or burn. Any type of skin break on a diabetic foot has the potential to get infected and ulcerate if it isn’t noticed right away. Diabetics should always wear shoes at the beach, and remove them regularly to check for foreign objects such as sand and shells that can cause sores, ulcers and infections.

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Don’t let the weather take your breath away

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

There are several weather related conditions that increase the risk of asthma attacks. This article outlines the problematic conditions, their cause, and actions to take if weather triggers your asthma.

asthma, allergy, pollen, ozone, weather, heatwave, thunderstorms, humid, Kane

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There are several weather related conditions that increase the risk of asthma attacks. Hospital admissions for breathing problems often increase as pollen counts rise and there have been many well-documented asthma epidemics following thunderstorms. In these cases many of those admitted were hay fever sufferers with no previous history of breathing difficulties.

A combination of thunderstorms and high pollen counts can trigger asthma. When thunderstorms develop they draw up air over a large area. If there has been a dry spell of five or more days there will be plenty of pollen lying around that will be drawn up with the air. As clouds are created ice forms around each pollen grain. The grains circulate within the cloud, going through several freeze and thaw cycles. This shatters the grains, breaking them into even smaller pieces. When it rains the shattered pollen plunges downwards. The pollen is now smaller, more concentrated and effectively more allergenic because the smaller particles can get deeper into the lungs.

Smog is also a weather related asthma trigger. Despite its name it is seldom a mixture of smoke and fog. It is the effect of heat and sunlight on car fumes and solvents producing high levels of ozone at ground level. Although ozone high in the atmosphere blocks dangerous ultraviolet rays from the sun, ozone at ground level affects those with respiratory problems. Elevated levels of ozone and nitrogen dioxide seem to make lungs more sensitive to allergens and can also be an irritant.

Often the people most at risk are those who have not been diagnosed with asthma. They do not know what to expect and have no medication. If you work in or near a city the worst storms are those that occur in the afternoon or evening when ozone and pollen levels can be high. The situation is worsened if there is little or no wind to sweep away the pollutants. If you are asthmatic or a hay fever sufferer and thunderstorms are expected in your area, make sure you are using any preventive treatment and that you carry your reliever medication with you at all times. Stay inside if possible and avoid strenuous exercise.

Heat and humidity are other factors that can trigger asthma attacks. Stay indoors, ideally in air-conditioned areas and keep your inhaler nearby. If you cannot avoid the heat try to reduce other factors like tobacco smoke and dust. Often it is not the heat itself that affects people with asthma, it is the allergens that are present in greater numbers when the weather is hot.

Pollen counts vary throughout the year, but many plants do pollinate heavily during the summer months. Molds reproduce by releasing spores that can be allergenic, especially during damp, warm weather. Dust mites breed heavily during hot, humid weather.

If you are susceptible to exercise induced asthma you will also need to take care when the weather is cool and dry.

Even when the weather is calm there are potential problems. Airborne pollution like smoke and other particulates can build up in areas where the air is not moving the pollution away.

If you want to keep track of your triggers there are many websites that give details of allergen distribution and air quality forecasts. If you do not know what triggers your asthma or allergy it is vital that you find out as soon as possible.

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Don’t Let the Little Blue Pills Make You Blue

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

There are mechanical and surgical treatments for impotence that a sufferer can explore with the help of medical advice.

sexual impotence, reasons for impotence, impotence symptoms

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Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, commonly affects sexually mature males. It is a condition marked by the inability to achieve and/or maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. Impotence can be caused by a number of issues such as smoking, alcohol abuse, pelvic trauma, hormonal deficiency, psychological problems, stress, or conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. When the cause is determined, the proper course of treatment will then be prescribed. These can range from oral prescriptions, direct injections to the penis, psychological counseling, mechanical sex aids or surgery.

One of the most popular oral treatments for erectile dysfunction is sildenafil citrate, which is selling under the brand name Viagra. Approved for use by the United States Food ans Drug Administration (USFDA), Viagra is a prescription oral phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that has become incredibly popular with men who suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction. It blocks the enzyme known as PDE5, which breaks down the chemicals that cause the erectile response. It also helps the penile muscles to relax, thus allowing it to engorge and stay firm for a longer period of time. But contrary to popular opinion, Viagra does not directly create an erection in the penis. It will only work on impotent patients who are sexually stimulated. However, it does increase the sensitivity of the male sexual organ. In fact, although there are other PDE5 inhibitors available on the market such as Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil), surveys suggest that more men prefer Viagra because of the “hardness” that it produces.

Although these little blue pills have been hailed as a wonder drug by impotent men worldwide, Viagra is not without its complications. Side effects such as headache, nausea, vomiting, indigestion, muscle pains, flushing of the face and body, runny nose, palpitations, and vision disturbances have been observed in some patients. However, there has been some evidence that these side effects diminish with prolonged use. Viagra has also been reported to cause permanently impaired vision or even blindness in some patients. It is also not recommended for patients taking nitrate-based drugs or alpha-blockers, because interaction between those prescriptions with PDE5 inhibitors can be fatal in some cases.

The drug itself is easily absorbed by the body, especially on an empty stomach. It is recommended that men who suffer from impotence take the drug at least an hour before commencing sexual intercourse, but never more than once a day. Before taking the drug, impotent men are advised to consult with their doctors and get a complete physical check-up. They should also discuss the potential impact that Viagra may have on their health.

After any television ad for Viagra comes a little warning: “If you have an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, see your doctor.” More often than not, we laugh at the thought. But men who do not suffer from impotence who wish to take the drug for enhancement of sexual pleasure must also consult with a doctor. Some studies suggest that the drug can actually cause priapism, a prolonged erection that is usually painful. Funny as it might sound, it is a very serious problem. If left untreated for more than 24 hours, it can cause substantial damage to your appendage.

As with any drug, Viagra has both its pros and cons. But with proper care and medical advice, drugs such as this can be a liberating experience for those who are suffering from impotence.

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Don’t Let The Heat Zap Your Work From Home Zippity Do Da!

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Your Work From Home business can be very stressful. It is a wonderful business, however there are pluses and minus to everything. It’s great to be able to work F/T or P/T from home, but many people do not get as much exercise as they should and most do not eat properly.

work from home, work at home, work from home health, health, stress,nutrition

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Your Work From Home business can be very stressful. It is a wonderful business, however there are pluses and minus to everything. It’s great to be able to work F/T or P/T from home, but many people do not get as much exercise as they should and most do not eat properly.

The heat and humidity are on its way. For some it is merely an inconvenience and for others it can be extremely debilitating causing dizziness, nausea, fatigue, “rubber” legs, leg cramps, heart palpitations and even death. When we feel like this from the heat we know that our electrolytes are low and need replenishing. I would like to share with you a product available called Emer’gen-C that is by far the best I have ever found in replenishing electrolytes. It is nutrient rich with 1000 mg’s of Vitamin C, vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, folic acid, B12, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, chromium and a touch of sodium. The vitamin C is buffered with the minerals so it prevents stomach distress. Emer’gen-C is a powerful antioxidant and immune enhancer as well. Some use it daily for it also is a natural energy booster.

Those with chronic fatigue syndrome greatly benefit from taking this product on a dally basis. Many complain of a craving for sweets and a drop in energy between 2 and 4 in the afternoon. This is a perfect time for an Emer’gen-C fizzy drink. Emer’gen-C is a powder that comes in little packets. Just add 1 packet to some water and you have a delicious effervescing drink… it doesn’t even need stirring and it totally dissolves in seconds. It is 100% bio-available and works fast, delivering the nutrients to our trillions of cells in seconds. Natural flavors available are; lemon-lime, tropical, cranberry, orange, tangerine and strawberry. The lemon-lime is the most popular. It is sweetened with fructose containing only 5 gram’s of sugar. For diabetics not able to handle fructose a “lite” version is available without any sweetener. On average, 1 packet 2 times a day sufficient. Each person is different, some may need more and some less.

Oh, I almost forgot, Emer’gen-C is also the best we have found for Charlie-horses that occur at night while in bed. (If muscle cramps occur throughout the day, the cause may not be electrolyte related but more of a circulatory one). We have seen a 100% success rate in eliminating these painful nighttime muscle cramps by taking 2-3 packets’s a day at first, then reducing to 1-2 packets a day.

For those on diuretics, a prescription of potassium is usually given, but what about all the other electrolytes? 1 or 2 packets of Emer’gen-C a day replenishes potassium and other important electrolytes lost with diuretic use.

The elderly with heart problems are extremely vulnerable to the heat and humidity. A friend of mine’s mother, Elizabeth, has never tolerated the heat and humidity well, and it is even worse now with her age and heart condition. There were days where Elizabeth took as many as 4 Emer’gen-C packets on one day. They said they carry packets with them at all times.

So, before reaching for the poplar sport drink that it is mostly sugar (14gram’s) and salt with a touch of artificial color and flavor, consider a drink that is truly nutritious and delicious to.

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Don’t Let Sinus Problems Ruin Your Day

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Sinus problems affect millions of people on a daily basis.

sinus headache, sinus problem, sinus, sinus pressure, sinus infection, sinus infection symptom, sinusitis

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Sinus problems affect millions of people on a daily basis. Many people face these problems from the time they wake up in the morning until they go to bed at night. These problems affect them at work, school, play, and during relaxation times. It’s a drag to be constantly pulled down with sinus infections and sinus headaches. Life can seem unbearable at times from sinus problems and better off just to sleep the day away.

Sinus Headaches
Once in a while I’ll battle a sinus headache. At those times my head really feels like it’s going to explode. All day long all that I feel like doing is staying in bed and sleeping. When I have sinus headaches, I can’t think straight and don’t feel like being around anyone. My thoughts jumble together and life is pretty darn miserable. Sinus headache days are days that I’d like to erase from my memory all together.

Sinus Problems
A few days ago my friend and I started talking about sinus problems. He told me he constantly has to deal with sinus problems from the time he wakes up until he goes to bed at night. This friend of mine described a usual day for him and how sinus problems make most days a terrible experience. He says that upon waking up he can already feel the pressure surrounding his eyes. If he doesn’t take measures to relieve the pressure in the morning, it remains with him throughout the day at work and at school. The pressure constantly builds and irritates. By mid afternoon, he feels like taking a nap to rid himself of the pressure. He says he’ll try methods get rid of the pain but nothing usually works. Caffeine doesn’t make him any less sleepy and definitely doesn’t get rid of the pain. His sinus problems affect him during his classes as well. He can’t concentrate during class as he focuses on the immense pressure and pain surrounding his sinuses. At work, he had more troubles focusing and getting his tasks done. To me that doesn’t seem like a fun way to start off each day, let alone spend the whole day.

My friend’s not the only one who experiences sinus problems to such a degree. There are many more people out there, young and old, that suffer from the same kinds of symptoms that make it hard to get out of the bed in the morning. Sinus problems cause major problems for all those who wish to live healthy, active lives. Steps can be made and medicine taken to improve these sinus problems.

Take Care of the Problem
Nobody wants to walk around in a daze and feeling constant pressure from sinus problems. It’s time to make life easier for yourself and get you looking forward to waking up in the morning as well taking on the tasks of the day. Nowadays, there are many ways to better your situation and tackle your sinus problems rather than just relying on antibiotics. Natural forms of medicine, like xylitol, offer new and healthier ways of taking care of sinus pain. Remember to always consult a physician so that you know the severity of your sinus problem and get the best treatment that suits your sinus condition.

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Don’t Let Grapefruit Juice Squeeze the Juice Out of You

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Grapefruit juice can have a disastrous effect on patients taking Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

sexual impotence, drug interactions

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Viagra. Cialis. Levitra. These brand names for prescription oral phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors have become increasingly popular with men who suffer from impotence or erectile dysfunction, a condition marked by the ability to achieve and/or maintain an erection suitable for sexual intercourse. These drugs help the penile muscles to relax, thus allowing it to engorge and stay firm for a longer period of time. So with sexual stimulation, impotent patients can achieve erections. However, these so-called wonder drugs are not without side effects. Among the most commonly reported side effects are headache, muscle pains, vision disturbances, change in heartbeat (fast or slow), indigestion, nausea, vomiting, and flushing of the skin especially on the face and upper body.

While most patients are aware that taking nitrate-based drugs or alpha-blockers in combination with PDE5 inhibitors can be fatal, what most are unaware of is that these drugs also interact with certain foods. These drug interactions can be detrimental to the effects of the drug and can possibly cause serious damage to the patient. They can also aggravate the side effects of a drug they interact with. The most alarming part is that the most innocuous food items can be the cause of these drug interactions.

Take grapefruit juice, for example. It has been lauded in the medical community as a nutraceutical, or food that supposedly has health and medicinal benefits such as disease prevention. Some studies have concluded that the juice of a grapefruit contains chemicals that can reduce the risk of cancer and of atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. Atherosclerosis has been linked to some cases of sexual impotence, and there are many impotent men who drink grapefruit juice for preventive and/or therapeutic purposes in conjunction with one of the PDE5 drugs. What they don’t realize is that the effects of the medication are limited by the juice, and even make the side effects worse. Researchers believe this is because compounds in grapefruit juice called furanocoumarins block the enzymes that normally break down these drugs in the body, and this can last for up to 24 hours after ingestion.

This drug interaction was actually discovered accidentally by researchers when they used grapefruit juice to mask the taste of alcohol for their study, which was to see how an oral calcium-channel blocker called Plendil (felodipine) reacts to alcohol. They were surprised to find that in that particular trial, both the effects and side effects of the drug were amplified by the grapefruit juice because of the increased blood levels of felodipine. With further research, they were able to discover that the culprit was the juice itself and that it not only interacts with that specific drug but also with medications such as Viagra, Cialis and Levitra.

By amplifying the blood levels of these PDE5 drugs into toxic levels, grapefruit juice can impair the normal function or cause damage to vital organs. Because of the prolonged effect of the juice on the body, many doctors are now telling their patients to stop drinking it altogether if they are taking these medications daily. Be sure to ask your doctor for more information about drug interactions, because that information may actually save your life.

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Don’t Let Friends And Family Sabotage Your Diet

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

One of the biggest obstacles to any weight loss plan is getting around the many subtle and not so subtle ways that family and friends use to sabotage your diet. While they may not even be aware that they are doing it, the tactics used by those closest to us have the potential to be the downfall of even our most well intentioned efforts to lose weight.

In some cases, family and friends feel insecure regarding your plans to lose weight and thus may begin practicing various t…

Weight loss, Lose weight, Diet, Diet help, Diet Support

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
One of the biggest obstacles to any weight loss plan is getting around the many subtle and not so subtle ways that family and friends use to sabotage your diet. While they may not even be aware that they are doing it, the tactics used by those closest to us have the potential to be the downfall of even our most well intentioned efforts to lose weight.

In some cases, family and friends feel insecure regarding your plans to lose weight and thus may begin practicing various tactics that are aimed at de-railing your diet plans. They may complain about the amount of time that you spend working out; deliberately schedule other activities that conflict with your scheduled exercise times; shower you with tempting and fattening foods and in the worst case scenarios make pointed observations that you don’t look as though you’ve lost weight or make predictions that you will just gain all the weight you’ve lost right back.

Usually; this type of tactic stems from the fact that the other person is suddenly afraid that your change in lifestyle may affect your relationship with them. This is especially true in relationships concerning husbands/wives and other romantic partners. There may be a very real concern present that you will begin to notice others when you become slim.

In other cases, the tactics employed from those closest to you may not result from insecurities but rather from lack of knowledge. They simply may not recognize that offering that one teensy slice of chocolate cake could set you back an entire week in your diet plans. Or perhaps they truly do not realize the health risks those extra pounds are presenting to you.

This type of behavior from those closest to us can be disheartening when we are already feeling vulnerable. Fortunately, there are several tactics you can use to withstand even the worst tactics friends and family may throw your way in order to sabotage your diet.

First, never accuse friends/family of the obvious tactics they are using. Instead, explain how much it means to you to lose weight and become healthier. Try to turn this into a way to spend more time together and bond by asking them to be your weight loss buddy. Not only will this provide the back-up support you need, but it will help to eliminate the feelings of insecurity they are experiencing as you begin to reveal your new, slimmer body.

When friends and family express judgmental feelings; the first thing you should do is realize that these statements are more about their own feelings of inadequacies. Try not to take it personally. Instead, focus on the fact that you are doing something healthy for yourself.

Be sure to let those closest to you know the guidelines for your diet. In some cases, what appears to be sabotage could simply be the result of not having enough information. If you find that certain areas are especially weak points for you; clue your family and friends in so that they can help you to meet your weight loss goals.

Don’t be afraid to toot your own horn. When you reach a milestone in your diet, let everyone know about and see how happy you are in your own success. Chances are that when family/friends see your enthusiasm and happiness, they will be much more likely to provide the support you need.

Finally, while it’s great to try to introduce your family and friends to a healthier way of living and eating; do realize that no one wants to be lectured to. Toward that end, work together on family meal plans and get-togethers so that everyone is satisfied with the choices offered.

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Don’t Just Go On A Diet, – Watch What You Eat! P. T. Griffin

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

I won’t pretend to be a diet guru. But I AM an advocate for eating well. I am embarking on a plan to lose weight and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Here’s what I know to be true.
It’s important to understand that as important as the quantities of food you consume – are the types of food. Wholesome food, free of additives, can help your body stay healthy and may help you to reach your target weight goals. How?
The additives in foods to preserve them or make them look or taste better actually do more harm than good. Personally I think these additives have altered our taste buds so that what we have come to expect as the real taste of something is NOT that real at all. We are much better off eating foods in as natural state as possible.
Years ago when I was much smaller and weighed much less (smile) I often stayed with my grandparents in rural Virginia. Most of what we ate came from their gardens. It was usual for me to pick vegetables in the morning to be served for the daily meals.
For my money, there’s nothing like a tomato just off the vine, delicious sun-kissed squash or freshly husked corn to make a wonderful dining experience. What I’m getting at here is that this food-straight from the garden and onto the table is the way it was intended to be served. It was and still is better for you and the best part? In most cases, unless your doctor or dietician has advised otherwise, you may eat your fill of fresh vegetables and fruit.
This means you will become fuller faster but with foods that are better for you! What’s better do you think? Filling up on junk food and soda or on vegetables and milk or juice? I think you know.
Hand in hand with diet is excercise. Do you have to join a gym or run a marathon? Nope! You just have to get moving. A simple walk around the block, using the stairs instead of the elevator or parking a distance from the door to your destination are all small steps you can take to get some movement in your life.
And the last bit of advice is that you drink lots of water. Not only will it flush impurities from your system, you’ll feel fuller and likely eat less.
So as you diet-try something tried and true: In other words-don’t “diet” at all-just modify your habits and get moving to get great HEALTHY results.