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Double-Edged Depression

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

For many years, depression has been associated with being unemployed while stress is the bane of the worker. However, recent studies have shown that people who are working are still quite likely to develop depression. Some industries have also been shown to be more likely to depress their workers than others.

depression, stress and anxiety, stress

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In the modern world, depression can become a major problem for people who have low tolerance for stress and anxiety. Psychological and emotional disorders have the potential to effectively cripple a person socially and professionally, a situation that has drastic after-effects to the mental and physical make-up of even the strongest individual. The prospect of such a thing happening alone can be enough to frighten the career-conscious.

However, recent studies show an interesting connection between work (or lack thereof, in some cases) and the onset of depression. For many years, people have always equated being unemployed with the risk of becoming depressed, while stress and anxiety were linked to being employed. This is because of the obvious differences between the two states and the assumed effects such differences had on the average human mind. Being unemployed meant that someone was deprived of income and, in theory, a purpose in life. These things, according to the most prevalent view, are things that a person needs to feel fulfilled, with the lack thereof resulting in depression and other emotional problems. Meanwhile, being employed meant dealing with the pressure and the stress of meeting the demands of one’s employer or customers. Yet, recent research has yielded results that these views might not be entirely accurate in today’s environment.

For one thing, more and more people are becoming depressed despite having employment. While this has been a problem since the last decade, only recently has a study come to arrive at the conclusion that some people are becoming depressed because of work. According to the recent study, 7 percent of all full-time employees, with the numbers only being slightly lower in those who were employed part-time, had fought off bouts of depression at least once. This is a startling development, though unsurprising, given the nature of work and how employees are treated in the modern business world.

The statistics also had interesting disparities and variances between them. The most depressing types of work, according to the research, stems from people who work in the personal care industry, coming in at an alarming 11%. This is a large margin, particularly compared to the lowest-ranked industry, engineering, which only came in with around 4.3% of the total population having experienced depression. Age also appeared to be a factor, with younger employees having more frequent bouts with the problem than their older, more experienced counterparts. The unemployed, however, still remain more likely to develop depression than their employed counterparts, but only by a relatively small margin. 12.5% of all unemployed people develop depression, though this number is reportedly lower now than in the past decade.

However, the study is considered a little too broad by some. While the study did categorize employees by their general industry, it did little to differentiate them, a matter that is significant in terms of identifying factors that shape individual response to stress. For example, while a daycare nurse and a caregiver for the elderly work in the same industry, the exact nature of their jobs can be quite different. The same applies for scriptwriters and graphic artists, who have different jobs despite being in the same general industry. However, that apparent lack of distinction by job description and industry was not seen as a blow to the study’s credibility. Instead, it was merely taken as a sign that more in-depth research is in order.

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Double Calories Burned With Five Minutes Of Exercise! Tim Webb

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2637.shtml
Recent studies have shown that if you perform just five minutes of reasonably intense exercise in the morning you can potentially burn up to twice as many calories you normally would during the day!
What this means is that for those people who often claim “I don’t have time!” there really is no excuse now for not doing five to ten minutes of physical training each day.
This is in reach of everyone!
There is no need for people to run five miles before breakfast. A healthier more focused you is within five minutes reach! Also there are other benefits of doing something physical upon rising in the morning. Breathing deeply and moving your body first thing not only allows you to burn more calories throughout the day but it also puts you in a better mood as well as obviously going a long way to providing yourself with better health.
In short, you will be more inclined to take the day by the “scruff of the neck”, so to speak, and to want to pursue goals and objectives if you are fully awake and energised for the day.
Below are listed some of the major benefits of doing something active each morning. Remember them when you think it is “too much effort!”.
1. Increased calorie burn throughout the day.
2. Higher energy levels.
3. Better health and fitness.
4. Due to point number three, a higher chance of living a longer more abundant life.
5. An increased likelihood that you will want to reach and achieve targets and ambitions in your life due to feeling positive and energised through exercise.
Remember, then, that success in fitness, or indeed in any area of life, is so often dictated by what you do (or do not do) each and every day for as little as five minutes at a time!
Develop daily positive habits where your health is concerned and see and feel your results soar!
© Tim Webb 2005

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Don’t Want a Cigarette: Help Quit Smoking Is Here!

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

If you don’t want a cigarette: help quit smoking is what you need. Many people are tired of smoking and do not want to continue it. But their addiction drives them to continue to buy cigarettes…

quit smoking cold turkey, stop smoking, smoking cessation, zyban, quit smoking support, tobacco, nicotine, laser, acupuncture

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If you don’t want a cigarette: help quit smoking is what you need. Many people are tired of smoking and do not want to continue it. But their addiction drives them to continue to buy cigarettes. The nicotine in there blood stream will not let them just give up it grabs them with constant cravings until the person finally gives in.

Smokers often fight daily with their cravings for more and more nicotine. It is a substance that once in the body has an extremely difficult time letting go. People who have only smoked for a couple of months can still find quitting smoking to be extremely difficult. For those that have smoked for years and year, the idea of quitting smoking is two fold.

Heavy smokers have to fight against the nicotine addiction and try to become smoke-free over time. It is difficult for the body to rely on nicotine and then have to start functioning on less and less of it. But most heavy smokers find that a gradual cessation from the nicotine or tobacco works best for them. Becoming totally smokeless can often take several months.

The second part of quitting for, people who have smoked for several years, is the lifestyle changes that it will bring. For years the person has spent hundreds of dollars on cigarettes every month. They are now faced with a surplus of cash that can be hard to handle productively. Smokers also have developed habits or rituals that surround their smoking habit. These may include meeting friends at work during smoke breaks or going to a favorite bar to smoke and have a drink.

When the smoker is finally able to quit smoking their trigger spots will still be there. If there was a certain restaurant that they always smoked at it may be hard to eat there and not have a cigarette. These responses are normal and it does not matter if you quit smoking cold turkey or did it over a long period of time. The craving for nicotine can last years after a person has quit smoking.

It is important for a person who is trying to quit smoking to incorporate other lifestyle changes into their lives. If they normally meet for a smoking break twice a day it may be helpful to use that time to go for a walk. Smokers need to recognize their triggers and learn to avoid situations that are tempting to them.

Through monitoring of their environment and adjusting their quitting techniques it is possible for people at all smoking levels to quit. Quitting smoking may take a different amount of time for each individual and there is not RIGHT or specific program that can guarantee success.

A smoker that is aware of their triggers and is able to avoid them when necessary will have a better probability of quitting smoking and sticking to it. Millions of people every year try to quit smoking; it is a difficult thing to do. But extremely worth it for the people who do it.

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Don’t Wait Until The New Year Jan Wilhelm

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3597.shtml
Why does everyone wait until the New Year to do something about their health and fitness? It is traditional for everyone to resolve to lose weight or exercise more. I think we should start now. I guess you are laughing at the thought of watching your weight during the Holidays.
Do you have Holiday parties to go to? It is possible to watch your weight even then. One good tip is to drink at least one glass of water before you go to the party. Very often we think we are hungry when we are actually dehydrated. My next suggestion may not be received well. Drink water at the party instead of alcohol. First of all the roads will be much safer if people would do it. But looking at it from a “weight” view, you could save a lot of calories. Put a slice of lemon or lime in your water. You don’t need alcohol to have a good time.
There are so many tempting foods at Holiday parties and Holiday dinners. You do not just have to pick from the vegetable platters. You can have anything you want. Don’t deprive yourself. That makes you want the food even more. Allow yourself a taste or two of food that is really fattening. Portion control allows you to eat many different things. I believe that the dieter’s favorite word should be MODERATION. If you follow moderation, you will not feel deprived. You will not overeat. You will try a variety of things. It is not as difficult as you think.
That takes care of the food issue. Now lets talk about exercise. How stressed are you? At this time of year many people get totally stressed. There is just too much to do. Do you find it hard to believe that you can fit exercise in your busy schedule? You may not be able to fit in a workout at the gym but there are other things you can do.
The Christmas lights and decorations are scattered throughout your neighborhood. Get the whole family out. Take a walk and look at everything. If your neighborhood does not decorate go to another one. It will really get you in the spirit and the family will be exercising together.
The malls are really crowded at this time of year. Use that to your advantage. Don’t keep driving around trying to find a close parking place. Park on the outskirts and walk. What a novel idea. It amazes me how people feel that they have to park close. Not only are you getting a little exercise, but you are saving a few pennies of that black gold that fuels your car.
Most phone are cordless now, so when you are talking on the phone, do not sit. Walk around. Do exercises. Just keep moving. It is amazing how many calories you can burn when you keep moving.

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Don’t Undermine Your Diet

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Let’s start this article off right. You are not ‘going on a diet’. Our concept of ‘a diet’ implies a temporary change that will work miracles – if we’re only strong enough to stick to it. That way of thinking is encouraged by decades of ‘fad diets’ that promised us quick, low-effort weight loss, if we just ate this one miracle food. I still remember the Cabbage diet, the No-Carb diet and the Banana diet, among others. Over and over throughout the last 40 years, diets that adv…

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Let’s start this article off right. You are not ‘going on a diet’. Our concept of ‘a diet’ implies a temporary change that will work miracles – if we’re only strong enough to stick to it. That way of thinking is encouraged by decades of ‘fad diets’ that promised us quick, low-effort weight loss, if we just ate this one miracle food. I still remember the Cabbage diet, the No-Carb diet and the Banana diet, among others. Over and over throughout the last 40 years, diets that advocated eating by a strictly enforced menu have been proven ineffective, or worse, dangerous.

Going on a diet also implies that you will eventually go off your diet – whether you ‘fall off’ it, or return to ‘normal eating’. The secret to losing weight and keeping it off is to create a new eating plan that will BECOME your normal eating. And this is the place that most of the popular ‘diets’ fail. Any diet that restricts your intake of ANY necessary nutrients too severely will ultimately fail you. In order to lose weight and maintain your weight loss indefinitely, you need to teach yourself to eat a balanced diet in portions that your body needs.

Below is a list of common diet mistakes that will undermine your attempts to lose weight.

* DON’T restrict your intake to less than 1000 calories a day, unless you are under the supervision of a doctor. Restricting your intake that severely can lead to serious health complications. It also will convince your body that it’s starving and slow your metabolism so that it conserves your stores of food. In other words – your body will kick into gear to hold onto your fat so you don’t starve to death.

* DON’T cut out one or more entire food groups, including fats. Your body needs an adequate intake of all nutrients in order to stay healthy. In every food group there are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ choices for weight loss. Stick to the good ones, and you’ll see your weight dropping without compromising your health.

* DON’T fast for extended periods without medical supervision. For the same reasons that you shouldn’t restrict your intake of calories to less than 1000 a day, you shouldn’t embark on a fast that lasts more than 48 hours without a doctor’s supervision.

* DON’T purge. Purging, whether by emetics, diuretics, vomit-induction or laxatives robs your body of more than the nutrients that you’re getting rid of. It’s unsafe at any speed. You can end up with far worse problems than a few extra pounds.

* DO see your doctor before starting a serious diet. He or she can recommend a visit to a nutritionist to help you design a common sense weight loss plan that will naturally evolve into a healthy eating style that will last a lifetime.

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Don’t Spend Money on Acne Remedies. Fight Acne Naturally. Scott Green

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3543.shtml
Acne is commonly a skin condition that is seen as whiteheads, blackheads, pustules or infected and inflamed nodules. Acne often is found on a persons face, chest, neck, and back. While many acne types usually affect the teenagers, various acne conditions are not restricted to a particular age group; even adults in their late 20s or even well into their 40s – have the possibility to also suffer from acne.
Eventhough acne is not life threatening, it can cause unwanted permanent scarring and cause emotional distress if it is not treated properly. People with Acne problems often tend to be more self-conscious about their appearances when having outbreaks or blemishes.
Instead of having you dig deeper into your pocket for various types of expensive Acne Treatment remedies, you should attempt to fight acne naturally by avoiding your pores to get clogged. For many people with acne outbreaks, it is about avoiding the common acne outbreak. Just by following some of the simply steps listed below, people that often have outbreaks can dramatically decrease their chance of another acne outbreaks:
– By not touching your face with your hands, including popping the zits.
– By washing your skin with a mild soap, acne cleanser such as Proactiv Solutions
– By avoiding stressful situations
– By allowing your skin to breath; wear loose clothing


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Don’t Ruin Your Summer Fun Roger Carr

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1947.shtml
I love summer! Summer is my favorite season of the year. I love playing sports outside and walking on the beach. I especially enjoy being at an outdoor barbecue. Maybe you enjoy summer activities as well. Imagine with me for a moment being at an outdoor barbecue. Just a little distance away from you there’s a swimming pool full of kids who are having fun playing, laughing and splashing in the water. In another spot there might be a horseshoe game playing. You can hear the “clank” of the horseshoes hitting the posts as the players are trying to get a ringer. And of course there’s the barbecue grill. On the grill might be hamburgers and hot dogs, chicken or steaks. The only thing better than the smell coming from the grill is the taste of the food when it’s time to eat. Can you just imagine the fun that you will have this summer?
Now fast forward with me a few hours. You are at home and your skin is starting to itch. Just before bedtime you’re taking your shirt or blouse off to get into your bed clothes and just the material rubbing up against your skin is painful. When you do go to bed that evening you toss and turn trying to get into a position that isn’t painful so that you can go to sleep. However, you spend hours awake only thinking about the pain that your body is experiencing instead of the tremendous fun you had that day. What is the reason for this itching and pain? You have probably guessed it. You have a sunburn!
Fortunately you can do something about it before it happens. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has provided us with some steps that we can take to help reduce our chance of having to deal with sun damage. These seven simple action steps are as follows:

Limit Time in the Midday Sun – The sun’s rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Whenever possible, limit exposure to the sun during these hours.
Wear a Hat – A hat with a wide brim offers good sun protection to your eyes, ears, face, and the back of your neck – areas particularly prone to overexposure to the sun.
Cover Up – Wearing tightly woven, loose-fitting, and full-length clothing is a good way to protect your skin from the sun’s UV rays.
Wear Sunglasses that Block 99-100% of UV Radiation -Sunglasses that provide 99-100% UVA and UVB protection will greatly reduce sun exposure that can lead to cataracts and other eye damage. Check the label when buying sunglasses.
Always Use Sunscreen – Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 or higher liberally on exposed skin. Reapply every 2 hours, or after working, swimming, playing, or exercising outdoors. Even waterproof sunscreen can come off when you towel off, sweat, or spend extended periods of time in the water.
Avoid Sunlamps and Tanning Parlors – The light source from sunbeds and sunlamps damages the skin and unprotected eyes. It’s a good idea to avoid artificial sources of UV light.
Watch for the UV Index – The UV Index provides important information to help you plan your outdoor activities in ways that prevent overexposure to the sun. Developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) and EPA, the UV Index is issued daily in selected cities across the United States.

Why am I telling you about these simple action steps that can help protect you from the sun? I want you to have fun this summer. I want you to have fun this summer under the sun.

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Don’t Panic, It’s Only Asthma

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

An asthma attack is usually regarded as a physical experience, yet it also has an emotional component. This article looks at why emotional triggers can start asthma attacks, the people most susceptible to these events, and how to deal with them.

asthma, asthma attack, stress, emotional disorder, panic attack , Kane

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An asthma attack is usually regarded as a physical experience. Sufferers often experience chest tightness, coughing, and an increased effort to breathe. Yet asthma also has an emotional component. There is the frustration of experiencing an attack and the fear of what might happen if the attack worsens.

Asthma can be a life-threatening condition. This can increase levels of anxiety, leading to panic, which in turn can trigger or worsen an asthma attack. Anxiety, resentment and despair are common emotions felt by the asthmatic.

For centuries, many people believed asthma was caused by stress or emotional disorders. This led to a stigma being attached to the condition and there grew a stereotype of the asthmatic being a weak, anxious person, forever wheezing and coughing.

Breathing is obviously tied in with emotion. We gasp with fear when we watch a scary movie, and take short breaths if we get involved in an action flick. We catch our breath if something startles us. Laughing and crying are certainly expressions of emotion and they both involve a change in our normal breathing pattern.

Being under stress can gradually tighten the airways. Sometimes people suffer their first asthma attack at a time of heightened emotion, like the death of a close relative. In these cases the person was probably already susceptible to asthma and the traumatic event and stress triggered the attack.

The beliefs of a person can also influence their asthma. Experiments have shown that asthmatics can produce and decrease asthma attacks using the power of suggestion. Just as Pavlov’s dogs salivated to the sound of a bell, asthma patients can suffer attacks if they are convinced they have inhaled an allergen even if the allergen is not present. Similarly they can experience relief if they believe they are taking a reliever drug though the substance they have taken has no medical effects. This ‘placebo effect’ has been noted for many conditions and situations.

This power of suggestion may explain why some people suffer a worsening of their asthma if they just see something related to their asthma trigger. It may also explain why some feel they cannot be without their inhaler.

The cause of asthma is not in the mind. It is in the genes and airways. But it seems that the mind can aggravate the condition.
Research has shown that asthma attacks can be connected to panic disorder – recurrent unexplained panic attacks. This connection seems stronger in smokers than non-smokers, and in women than in men.

It has also been found that the children of mothers prone to depression or panic attacks have an increased risk of developing asthma.

More recently researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison performed tests in which asthma patients heard various different words. They found that simply mentioning asthma related words such as ‘wheeze’ stimulated responses in two regions of the brain. One region is associated with emotional responses; the other is involved in obtaining information about the body’s physiological condition, such as shortness of breath.

The results suggest a direct link between an emotion-processing area of the brain and the physical response to the disease. The brains of people with asthma may over-react to emotional and physiological signals, like inflammation, which in turn may affect the severity of symptoms. This may help explain why asthma attacks in response to allergens can worsen during stressful times.

This research may one day lead to drugs or behavioral interventions to control asthma. Meanwhile it is know that certain relaxation techniques and martial arts can help control asthma that is triggered by emotional events.

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Don’t Obsess About Food

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

One of the dangers of dieting is the ‘diet mentality’. The constant need to weigh, measure, count and account for food that most dieters feel can become an obsession with food that comes close to that experienced by someone with an eating disorder. Is it possible to lose weight without becoming obsessed with food?

Dr. David Katz, author of “The Way to Eat”, suggests a better way.
While it’s important to balance the calories you eat with the calories you burn, he says, i…

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
One of the dangers of dieting is the ‘diet mentality’. The constant need to weigh, measure, count and account for food that most dieters feel can become an obsession with food that comes close to that experienced by someone with an eating disorder. Is it possible to lose weight without becoming obsessed with food?

Dr. David Katz, author of “The Way to Eat”, suggests a better way.
While it’s important to balance the calories you eat with the calories you burn, he says, it’s not necessary to obsess about food by counting every calorie. Instead, he suggests, focus on eating well for your health and permanent weight loss will follow.

Dr. Katz’s suggestions include replacing highly processed foods which contain added sugar, fat, starch and salt with more wholesome foods with short ingredient lists. Avoid foods with added ‘flavor enhancers’ like monosodium glutamate and high fructose corn syrup which tend to stimulate the appetite and make you want to eat even more.

Instead, focus on healthier alternatives within food groups. That’s far easier to do than you’d think. A simple change in your diet like replacing the light cream in your coffee with low-fat milk can save you 50 calories per cup. If you drink a lot of coffee, that could add up to a substantial lowering in your overall daily calorie intake – with the added bonus of giving you all the calcium and vitamin D you usually get with less than half the fat.

But, you say, you just can’t drink your coffee with skim milk? That’s fine, too. We all have little luxuries that we think we can’t live without. Take a few minutes to analyze your diet and figure out which things you just can’t give up – then make adjustments in other areas to account for them. Can’t live without cream in your coffee? Skip the muffin you usually have with it, or replace the butter you use on it with a low-fat margarine substitute. Eating healthy is about choices – not obsession.

Here are some other suggestions to help you stop obsessing about calories and start eating healthier:

1. Toss out sugared breakfast cereals in favor of a whole-grain cereal that has little or no added sugar and drop a few berries into your bowl

2. Switch to an all natural, no additive peanut butter instead of a highly processed one that contains added sugar and oils for stabilization.

3. Keep a baggie of dried fruit in your desk drawer for a
high-potassium pick-me-up at mid-morning. You’ll be far less inclined to overeat at lunch – and you won’t find yourself yawning at 11 A.M.

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Don’t Needlessly Suffer From Chronic Pain Robert Gould

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3502.shtml
As a chronic pain sufferer, with a diagnosis of a herniated disc along with bone disc degenerative disease, for many years I have needlessly suffered from chronic pain. During the many years of needlessly suffering in pain, I have learned how chronic pain is treated, or should I say undertreated.
First of all, patients seeking treatment from the medical community are greeted with a negative stigma that’s associated with chronic pain treatment. This is due for a variety of reasons. Some physicians and healthcare professionals are afraid of the new and ever changing government regulations, patient addiction, diversion, or just the pure lack of knowledge when it comes to treating chronic pain.
Its a sad fact that chronic pain is grossly ignored and undertreated by healthcare professionals. Too many Americans are needlessly & silently suffering from chronic pain. It also appears that doctors are hesitant about what types of treatment is best for people that suffer from constant daily pain. As in my case, a doctor told me that he recommended back surgery. After several second opinions, and talking to many surgery patients who already had surgery with the same diagnosis as me, going under the surgeons knife didn’t seem like a reasonable or logical option.
With failed back surgery being very common, and needed follow up surgery from damage or complications due to surgery, and the possibility of permanent nerve damage and paralysis from having surgery, again surgery wasn’t worth the risk. But it seems physicians & surgeons try to pressure you into surgery, or some kind of invasive measures so they can justify the prescribing long term narcotic medications.
After trying physical therapy, biofeedback tactics, countless steroid injections, anti-inflammatory, to several different over the counter medicines with no great results, I felt helpless. Luckily, after years of low back and leg pain, I finally found the help needed to address my pain. I am now on a responsible drug therapy program. I no longer feel like a drug addict, or not believed when obtaining the proper pain medication needed to treat my pain. But after years of enduring chronic pain, I know there’s so many people like I was, who are still silently & needlessly suffering in pain.
Chronic pain patients are discriminated against tremendously. If someone has tried every treatment program to treat their pain with no positive results, they should be entitled to the proper pain medication needed to address their pain. Chronic pain sufferers should not be a victim of the system and suffer needlessly. I myself am a chronic pain sufferer dedicated to helping other chronic pain sufferers live a more productive and a better quality of life.
Copyright 2005 Robert Gould