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Drinking Water Filters

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Drinking water filters are generally equipped with the filter paper or cartridge which not only restricts the dirt and impurities but also removes the bad smell and odor from it.

water filters, drinking water filters, water filter systems, home water filters, reverse osmosis water filter

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Nowadays everyone wants to live a healthy and happy life and for that they can go to any extent. They take various precautionary methods and steps just to ensure complete safety and sound health. This applies to water filters too. Water is the basic necessity of every human being and they largely depend upon it for the entire basic requirement. It is not only used drinking but also for cooking, washing, bathing and many more to mention.

Currently if we see drinking water filters are ruling the roost and are the hot property mainly due to growing health awareness among the people. Majority of the companies in town are in race to provide and introduce the best drinking water filter due to which at the moment you can find water filters equipped with various features and benefits.

Drinking water filters are generally equipped with the filter paper or cartridge which not only restricts the dirt and impurities but also removes the bad smell and odor from it. This makes you get clean and pure drinking water. Today’s modern water filters are very advanced as they are outfitted with sensors which inform you in advance when to go in for cartridge change so that you can get clean drinking water. Many companies now sell the water filters with an additional cartridge so that it can be replaced as soon as its life expires. According to the latest market analysis it was revealed that reverse osmosis filters are the best as they provide 100% pure drinking water and that too with its nutrients intact.

Second most popular drinking water filters are distillers. They are programmed in such a way that they simply boil the water to the steam removing all the impurities. It is the traditional way of removing the impurities which is still used in 21st century as it is still best way to remove it.

The next is carbon filter which is best and the trusted drinking water filter. It is the best filter which is used for removing the smell from the water and makes it drinkable. Its filters are so powerful that they clean the water which is very impure and full of dirt and also removes chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, and many inorganic components. This makes this drinking water filter a hit among the public. So just choose the best water filter suiting your needs and install it.

For more information on water filters and drinking water filters, please visit

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Drinking Toxins? Good Health Begins With Filtered Water Dawn Kornels

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Enhancing your health with filtered water and lots of it is the foundation of good health. A person may be able to survive a couple of months without food but only a few days without water. Hydrating the body is the primary step towards optimal health. Water is necessary for the digestion and absorption of food. It affects the body’s metabolism by moving nutrients, hormones, antibodies and oxygen through the lymphatic system. Since it is calorie free, water is an excellent appetite suppressant and aids the body in metabolizing stored fat. Research has shown that for every 25 pounds overweight, one should drink an additional glass of water.
Water also flushes the body of toxins and other waste material. The SAD (Standard American Diet) is laden from toxins including meat grown with the aid of hormones, steroids and antibiotics, pesticides found on fruits and vegetables and the many chemical additives such as preservatives, artificial flavorings and colorings found in prepackaged and restaurant foods. The liver works hard processing and removing toxins before sending them to the kidneys. Without proper water intake, toxins can not be eliminated thoroughly and try to escape through the skin also being a contributing factor to skin conditions like acne, eczema, psoraisis, liver spots, body growths and warts. Offensive body odor also increases with body toxicity. Research has also shown that drinking at least 5 glasses of water daily reduces colon cancer by 45%.
Dehydration retains toxins which can cause stiffness, pain, adhesions, muscle spasms, and headaches. Much of the body’s water is lost daily through the soles of the feet, breathing, perspiration and urine. The average man needs at least 12 cups daily and the average woman needs about 9 cups of water daily. Hot humid weather and extraneous work or exercise require more.
Finding a good source of water is hard these days and requires the use of filtration units. Research has shown that most tap and well waters in the U.S. are not safe because of heavy industrial and environmental pollution. The EPA has identified over 700 contaminants found on a regular basis in both city water supplies or wells and springs. The most common contaminants are abestos, cysts, lead, mercury, trialomethanes, turbidty, endocrine disrupters and volatile organic chemicals.
75% of all U.S. households have chlorinated water . The EPA states that chlorine follows after cigarette smoking in leading causes of cancer. Chlorine kills the good bacteria along with the bad bacteria. It also strips the hair and skin of necessary oils. Chlorine is one of the biggest irritants causing eczema today.
The EPA estimates that 40 million Americans are exposed to lead high above the maximum contaminant allowances. Radon is found in almost all water. 60% of all Americans drink fluoridated water. The underground water reservoirs which supply water for over 60% of the U.S. are contaminated by seepage from underground chemical storage tanks or toxic leaks from landfills.
Not only is drinking pure water important but also showering in pure water is equally important. The skins absorbs through osmosis whatever it comes in contact with be it petroleum based lotions, soaps, or chemical based perfumes. Also, showering in chlorinated or fluoridated water is as dangerous as drinking it. A 15 minute hot steamy shower in contaminated water is equivalent to drinking 8 glasses of contaminated water because of the vapors that are inhaled.
Drinking filtered water is one of the most important factors in good health . Water filter units are also very economical and save a lot of money as compared to buying bottled water. It is very easy to buy your own bottle to take filtered water made conveniently in your home to work with you or wherever you go. Investing in a water filter unit is one of the best investments you can make in your health and the health of your family.


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Drink your way to good health

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The article talks about the importance of drinking the right amount of water in the prevention or lessening of chronic headaches. People often forget that there is no substitute to water in terms of content and hydrating qualities. They turn to sodas, tea, and other beverages for refreshment. Their bodies and brain therefore lacked nourishment that they develop headaches. When these headaches occur they turn to medication to relieve the pain and uncomfortable sensation.

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Water is a very important component of human life. Over 70 percent of the human body is made up of water. More and more people nowadays beat their thirst by gulping other beverages rather than water. People ought to remember that nothing beats good, old-fashioned water. Our body’s main component is water. According to studies a normal inactive person loses about 10 cups of water through breathing, perspiration, and other kinds of elimination in a day. And sad to say a number of individuals are replacing them with sodas, teas, coffee, sports drink, and other unhealthy drinks.

Other drinks are able to replenish the water we have lost but they are usually high in calories. Sodas contain sugar that is not necessary to the body and does not contain the vitamins and minerals the body needs. Juices on the other hand other hand are considered healthy given it will taken moderately. It does contain potassium, vitamin C, and other important vitamins but it is still high in calories. Six to eight glasses of natural juice is what an average individual needs in a day. Sports drink is another famous beverage today. It replaces the body with the electrolytes that one loses when he/she sweats. But just like other drinks contains extra calories. It is recommended to limit one’s consumption of sports drinks to 12 ounces of drink a day.

One should not rely on thirst to inform you that he/she needs a drink because by the time this happens our body is already slightly dehydrated. Staying hydrated is very important and vital at all times. A quart of water lost in one’s body will have an effect on an individual’s mental and physical performance. If dehydration is ignored tiredness, reduced concentration, and headache may take place. Headache is a sign that one’s brain and eyes are being deprived of water. It is eventually caused by swelling of the back of the eye.

Headaches and other illness can be prevented if everyone will drink the right amount of water. One ought to be aware however of the consequences of drinking too much water. Medical research shows that drinking too much water may cause electrolyte imbalance and tissue swelling that maybe bad for one’s health. If this swelling happens in the brain the bones in the brain hardly move causing the brain to be compressed therefore putting pressure in the brain. Mild headache and impaired breathing may occur if this swelling takes place.

Chronic headaches can be avoided if one consumes the right amount of water. A few forget this that they end up seeking professional help or medication. There are a number of pain-killers out in the market like ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Fioricet is a pain reliever and sedative. It is used to relieve mild to moderate pain and tension headaches. Similar to other pain relievers fioricet also contains ingredients that may produce harmful side effects. Lightheadedness, dizziness, drowsiness, upset stomach, nausea, and sleeping disturbance are some of the side effects that may occur upon using this product. Inform your doctor if you develop breathing difficulties, rapid/irregular heartbeat, or severe stomach pain.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should consult their doctor before using Fioricet since small amounts of Fioricet appear in breast milk and may harm the unborn baby.

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Drink To Your Heart’s (and Lung’s) Content

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People are becoming more and more aware of the benefits drinking red wine has for the heart. Apparently, alcohol also has a few positive side effects for the lungs, as recently concluded research and analysis has shown. Interestingly, the effects do not seem diminished by smoking.

side effects, heartburn, treatment, second-hand smoke

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Some people are aware that a glass or two of red wine per day can help keep the heart healthy. Among the many positive side effects of red wine is its ability to promote a good heart condition, provided that a person doesn’t consume too much of it. This has been scientifically verified and is often said to be a good way to avoid heartburn, even though that may not be entirely accurate. As if people needed even more reason to indulge in a good glass of Merlrot, recent research shows that red wine is also good for the respiratory system. Interestingly, the positive impact of red wine consumption has been recorded even among people who engage in smoking.

According to the study, two glasses or less of any alcoholic substance, including wine or beer, actually helped clear up airways in the body. They also had an appreciable effect in helping prevent conditions such as asthma and bronchitis. The research noted that while there were positive effects for increased daily amounts of alcohol, they were reduced in comparison to the data from the two-glass tests. At some point, the data also showed that the positive side effects actually ceased and more negative effects on the air passageways and lungs began to to appear. It is currently still unknown what exactly causes this effect to occur, but there are some that believe the alcohol somehow aids in breaking down substances that can potentially block the airways.

Another facet of the study involved statistical analysis. The test involves analyzing the statistics between people who were considered “light drinkers,” and the chances those same people would develop a pulmonary illness or would need respiratory treatment. Naturally, measures were taken to eliminate other possible factors, such as second-hand smoke exposure and genetics. The final data results from the research showed that “light drinkers” were less likely to develop any serious respiratory problems on their own, barring other factors. In this case, “light drinkers” were defined by the study as being the type that does not regularly engage in drinking, probably only doing so during social occasions. Moderate drinkers, defined by the study as having a more regular intake of alcohol, also showed a decreased risk in comparison to others. No data for heavy drinkers was released by the study.

However, there are some inconsistencies in the data that seem to indicate that nicotine and smoking play no part in the effects of alcohol on the lungs. Indeed, according to the data gathered from the survey, a good percentage of test subjects were long-time smokers, or had respiratory diseases in the past. Yet, when their survey data was compared with the research data, there was very little difference from those that were non-smokers. There is still much analysis to be done, but is is becoming apparent that the 20% reduction in the likelihood of developing a respiratory illness with light drinking was not affected by how much nicotine was being pumped into the lungs. At least, not directly, anyway.

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Drink A Glass Of Mangosteen Juice For Health Benefits Every Day

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Fruits and vegetables have always been an important part to a healthy diet. Along with daily exercise and your body will reward you with great energy and radiating skin. This is no secret; it’s just plain fact.

Choosing the Proper Fruits

While some of us love our vegetables and fruits, some of us barely eat a handful a week. Eating the proper foods is a part of promoting good health. Learn a bit about your daily diet and you’ll be able to eat right even if you don’t con…


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Fruits and vegetables have always been an important part to a healthy diet. Along with daily exercise and your body will reward you with great energy and radiating skin. This is no secret; it’s just plain fact.

Choosing the Proper Fruits

While some of us love our vegetables and fruits, some of us barely eat a handful a week. Eating the proper foods is a part of promoting good health. Learn a bit about your daily diet and you’ll be able to eat right even if you don’t consume the exact amount needed daily. The mangosteen is a fruit that is filled with all the vital vitamins and minerals required to provide that needed dosage for good health on a daily basis.

The Mangosteen Fruit

Grown in the tropical land of Southeast Asia several centuries ago, the mangosteen tree needs warm temperatures and large amounts of rain to grow. Nonetheless, its growth is very slow and it achieves its peak-season in about 10 years. By then, it starts to produce large quantities of mangosteen fruit yearly.

What Exactly are The Health Benefits of Mangosteen Juice?

The health benefits from mangosteen juice is faster absorption in the body instead of eating fresh or dried. The most significant health benefit from the mangosteen juice is the rich content of antioxidants in each fruit. Antioxidants are recognized for their ability to fight and delay the aging process, thus leaving us with healthier skin.

Drink mangosteen juice for your health benefits. These health benefits include a good daily dose of vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin E, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B1, calcium, potassium, iron and fiber.

Just a Reminder

Although the health benefits from mangosteen juice are huge; it acts to compliment our immune system by assisting it to fight infections and other possible diseases. It does not cure any illnesses on its own. All fresh fruits and vegetables are good for our health and well-being.

Feeding our bodies with natural foods found in nature, with no preservatives or additives, is one of the best ways to ensure a long, healthy and happy life. Consume fresh fruits and vegetables as frequently as possible to sustain your health for the long haul.

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Dressed Up for Sitting Down Sherri L Dodd

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There is a saying that you should dress for success. Most usually, this phrase implies fine suits, designer shoes and any extra accessory that you can add to the ensemble. This is because when you hear the word success, most people visualize wealth and its preceding occupation. In the fitness world, dress for success means something different. Not necessarily success from a different type of job, but instead fitness success through your method of dress. This is due to that fact that studies have linked casual dress at work to more calories burned while doing normal day to day activities.
For many women with jobs such as those in the media, management positions, bank tellers and even the glamorous gals behind the counters at your favorite department store, tight skirts, constrictive collared blouses and high heels are common thread. In the past, I have also shared in the cruel wardrobe during the many years while I worked for a large corporation and various other professional jobs. As the day progresses and your time-efficient tootsies have begun to swell, sometimes you prefer the sanctity of your stabilized desk rather than the crushing sensation of body weight in heels against the earth. Sometimes even a much-needed trip to the restroom is postponed for the sake of avoiding the walk of what seems like burning coals.
In addition to sore feet, there is also the social lunch hour. A welcomed colleague luncheon may bring plenty of laughter, but the resulting swollen tummy in your form-fitted skirt may beg for shelter beneath the edge of your desk. Pair the two together and it is a recipe for activity avoidance. This lack of interest in, literally, going the extra mile may contribute to sedentary tendencies while in the workplace, which can indeed lead to weight gain.
American Council on Exercise decided to study the activities of employees and their activity levels based on daily attire. The findings were relevant to expectation – an eight percent increase in caloric expenditure in the subjects that wore casual and comfortable clothing. These casually-dressed participants took more steps throughout the day, including stairs over elevators, and subsequently, more calories were burned. This was solely based on time in the office and does not include a visit to the gym. In addition, this study was conducted in the colder seasons. The researchers agree that there could be as much as a 15-20% increase in steps taken in the warmer months, which would equal a total of 23-28% increase in activity of those that dress casually to work.
While the studied percentage may seem insignificant, it does offsets the nation’s average annual weight gain of .4 to 1.8 pounds. If this does not encourage you to seek out better means of your professional presentation, you may want to also consider less foot trauma and the decline of irregular inner thigh contractions from putting off that lingering urge to visit the ladies room.

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Dr. Rai is Certified in Advanced Cardiac Life Support Sara Goldstein

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Dr. Rai, a board certified ASPS Texas plastic surgeon (, received certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons in October 2004. Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) is designed for health care providers who require extensive training in the treatment of cardiopulmonary emergencies. Safety is always the top priority at the Cosmetic Surgical Center ( To ensure the utmost safety for his cosmetic surgery patients, Dr. Rai completed the rigorous eight-hour course with specific training in patient safety in outpatient surgery settings.
The course, which is co-sponsored by ASPS and AAAASF, educated Dr. Rai and other surgeons in 10 different ACLS cases including stroke, respiratory emergency, four types of cardiac arrest, and four types of pre-arrest emergencies. After completing the comprehensive course Dr. Rai received his certification in Advanced Cardiac Life Support.
At the Cosmetic Surgical Center in Dallas, Texas (, safety always takes precedence. Dr. Rai’s certification further demonstrates his utmost concern for patient safety.
Congratulations Dr. Rai!

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Dr. Bernstein Named One of “America’s Top Dentists” Sara Goldstein

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The Consumers’ Research Council of America ( recently named The Consumers’ Research Council of America ( San Francisco area cosmetic dentist Joshua Bernstein ( one of “America’s Top Dentists.” ( This title shall be added to his already prestigious record that includes winning 2002 Dental Practice of the Year Award and being featured on “Extreme Makeover” in 2003.
Wilma Chan ( the California State Assembly Majority Leader had this to say to Dr. Bernstein:
“Congratulations on winning the 2002 Dental Practice of the Year Award. Your ability to provide quality care at a time when the dental and medical profession is being challenged to streamline services and work with managed care is to be congratulated. No doubt you have worked hard to bring your practice to this level of excellence, and it must bring you satisfaction to see that you efforts have not been in vain. Good luck with continued success in providing quality dental services.”
The Consumers’ Research Council of America ( names dentists based on experience, training, ADA board certification and professional associates. Other dentists nominated Dr. Bernstein for this distinction.
William G. Dickerson (, founder and president, Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (
“Just a note to thank you for the great job you did on my mouth. Our patients are rarely capable of making a judgment on the quality of dental service performed, but as a dentist myself the first thing I did was to use my intra-oral camera to check out the margins and the occlusion. You passed with flying colors. Sometimes we take our skills for granted, but let me thank you for your achievements and expertise to perform the involved dental procedure in a minimal number of visits. I know and appreciate the work and dedication needed to get you to the level you are.”
Dr. Bernstein has completed a comprehensive series of post-doctoral studies, served as Clinical Director on the LVI staff ( and completes hundreds of hours yearly in post-graduate dental studies to continue to have a widespread knowledge of the newest dentistry techniques and technology (

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Dr. Software Can Help Keep Your PC Healthy

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There are many things that can affect your PC’s performance. From viruses and spyware to hidden errors and missing application files, there is no end to the possible culprits that could be slowing your computer down. To find any one culprit could take you hours upon hours of searching your hard drive and you might not even be successful. Added to that, is the fact that there could be more than 200 reasons why your computer is not performing like it used to.

With numbers l…

computer, PC, Windows, bugs, software

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There are many things that can affect your PC’s performance. From viruses and spyware to hidden errors and missing application files, there is no end to the possible culprits that could be slowing your computer down. To find any one culprit could take you hours upon hours of searching your hard drive and you might not even be successful. Added to that, is the fact that there could be more than 200 reasons why your computer is not performing like it used to.

With numbers like these, you might begin thinking that it is impossible to keep your system running lighting fast and error free, but with the right Dr. Software, you can keep your system operating glitch free without lifting a finger or manually searching your hard drive.

Dr. Software is software that routinely scans your hard drive and operating systems for errors and nasty bugs that can slow it down. If the software finds any bugs or errors, these errors and bugs are fixed and removed immediately before they can cause problems. Not only does this keep your PC performing like new, it can save you a great deal of money because hidden errors are responsible for major computer glitches that often require professional tech help.

Hidden errors occur when a program or application starts to run improperly due to lost operating files or holes in the way that data is stored. This happens when you add programs and delete programs. Hidden errors can also occur when you download hidden and harmful software like spyware and adware. These programs can operate without you knowing it and can compromise your system.

Some of the symptoms associates with hidden errors can include slow responses to your commands, program glitches, pop-up error screens, loss of data and system crashes. While all of these problems are annoying, some can get so severe that they result in a fatal error.

Instead of letting these problems add up until they become annoying, unbearable or result in a total system failure, Dr. Software helps to eliminate any trouble that you may experience from hidden errors. This software fixes errors that cause problems, fixes corrupt files, prevents hidden files from causing harm, and helps you avoid formatting and rebooting errors without you having to think about it.

And you can use this software for a fraction of the cost that you would shell out to tech professionals. Unlimited access to repairs costs as little as $20 per month, $60 per year and $130 for life. Now, that’s a big difference than what you pay for in-house technical service. In fact, you could pay for your doctor software for a lifetime just by avoiding one in-home technical call. All of those technical fees avoided equal more money in your pocket and a smooth-running, error-free personal computer for you and your whole family to enjoy.

And if you don’t think your PC has hidden errors on it, think again. Did you know that research conducted by a leading software company has revealed that more than 94% of computers have hidden errors on them only after one month of operation? In fact, it is not uncommon for computers to have more than 200 hidden errors. That in itself is reason enough to take advantage of all that Dr. Software has to offer.

But even if you’re still doubtful, most Dr. Software companies offer free hidden error scans so that you can see exactly what is happening with your computer before you purchase protection. It only takes a few minutes to download and perform the scan, and once finished, you will be amazed by how many hidden errors it turns up.

So, if you are experiencing slow execution times, program glitches, system shutdowns and data loss, perhaps you should see if hidden errors are to blame with a free Dr. Software hidden error scan. After all, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose except those pesky hidden errors.

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Down with Acne! Beth Scott

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Like a good many people I have been the victim of acne vulgaris (what an appropriate name) the medical term for pimples. It has made me aggravated, made me cry, and made me angry. Thousands of people each year are afflicted by it, and it makes recluses out of a good many teenagers.
It is caused when your pores get clogged and the fatty material made by the sebaceous gland accumulates, and a “bump” appears under the skin-or perhaps a whitehead or a blackhead (a comedone). Blackheads are not caused by dirt but by the discoloring effect of air on the fatty material in the clogged pore. If this substance becomes infected a pimple results.
As anyone can tell you the worst thing to do is to push or “pop” a pimple. Because this will not only cause more, but can result in life long scars. No matter what you see on TV or a friend tells you, don’t pop a pimple. I know, I made the mistake and I’m still regretting it.
But not too long ago I discovered a way to lessen the intensity of my outbreaks, although it stops short of completely curing them.
I totally avoid grain products, most especially bread, corn, cereal, and other pastries, (also potatoes) and to still get all my vitamins I add wheat germ and brewer’s yeast to yogurt or milk and fruit. Brewer’s yeast does take time to acquire a taste to however, and can be found at most if not all Health food stores.
This method may appeal to you or it may not. Use your own judgment and see what is right for you.