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Drug Rehabilitation – No easy options

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The addict has to be the person who decides to have treatment. If relatives put their loved one in a rehab center without the addict’s cooperation he or she will go back to drugs within weeks of coming out. It is an expensive option, but really the only one. The money is going to be wasted though, unless the addict is a willing patient.

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Drug Rehabilitation centers provide the essential support that addicts need, if they are to kick their drug habit.

Drug rehabilitation is best handled in a residential setting, where the clients have no access with the outside world. Mobile phones, Internet access and phone calls are not allowed. This is to prevent clients arranging illicit supplies and undoing all the good work being done.

They are not rest homes and many addicts find the regime unpleasant, but that is only to be expected with any system that deprives them of their daily drug needs.

Before sending an addict for treatment you should visit the center and assess for yourself the level of care and treatment provided. Having made a careful decision you will have to harden yourself against your relative’s complaints.

Drug addiction is physical as well as a mental dependence on drugs. A drug addict’s body has adjusted to cope and expect the daily dose of whatever substance the addict is using. The body shows unpleasant withdrawal symptoms that the addict has to go through.

A rehab center will have medical, nursing and care staff to cope with the needs of the addicts. This should reassure addicts’ relatives, who will have no contact at all for the first month or so, and only limited contact after that.

The cost of drug rehabilitation is high, but worthwhile to the addict’s parents. The high cost is inevitable with residential treatment and the cost of nursing and medical staff wages. The treatment will only be permanent however, if the addict has made the decision to come off drugs him or her self.

Permanent rehabilitation means that the client will need support after leaving the rehabilitation center. He or she will need a job and some positive leisure activity that will ensure total removal from the circumstances leading to the previous addiction.

Addicts and relatives need to be aware that one dose of the drug that caused the addiction is enough to undo all the hard work and send the addict back to square one. Drug addiction, like alcoholism is permanent, there is no cure, only help to get through the withdrawal symptoms.

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Drug Rehab Treatment Centers as an Experience, not a Punishment

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Choosing a drug rehab treatment center is a decision that calls for both negative and positive emotions. The decision to take addiction to a point that rehab is the necessary step, is by no way appreciated. However, the decision to go to one is something to look forward to, as it is the decision to rebuild a healthy life.

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Choosing a drug rehab treatment center is a decision that calls for both negative and positive emotions. Nobody wants addiction to overtake their life to the point that rehab is the necessary step. However, the decision to go to one is something to look forward to, as it is the decision to rebuild a healthy life. It is the conscious realization of a problem, and it is the first conscious step towards healing. Understanding what drug addiction entails and how it affects the user is important for healing substance abuse. As well as understanding addiction, knowing what rehabilitation is will help the patient understand what he is going through and the purpose of the treatment. Lastly, the type of rehabilitation program is of vital importance for the patient. Understanding that a rehabilitation program is as personal as the patient’s problem will certainly help to ascertain the treatment needed for the specific patient. Rehabilitation must be a positive program motivating the patient by his successes and discouraging him from relapses. To reach the stage of being in a rehab center that positively works to heal addiction, the patient and all concerned must understand three things: what addiction is, what rehabilitation is, and what treatment can and should be like.

Drug addiction is much more complex than merely ‘too much drug use’. Drug and substance dependence is beyond the control of the user – he is no longer in control and does not have much choice in the matter of continuing use. In the short term, drug use affects the brain’s reward system, flooding the brain with dopamine, otherwise termed ‘a high’. While the high is a short term effect, long term effects are to follow, which cause the addiction. When our brain’s reward system is working, proteins activate which teach us to pursue the behavior which causes us to feel so good. Naturally, this reaction is in response to food, exercise, and sex. Due to the larger amount of dopamine released due to drugs, the protein reaction is stronger than normal. As a result, drug use is quite addictive, and once the moment is reached that a person cannot control his use of drugs, this is termed addiction, or substance dependence. While willpower is important to controlling anything in one’s life, in drug addiction a lack of willpower is not to blame. Willpower is at play at the first stages of drug experimentation, but at a certain point in addiction, it loses its function. Drug addiction is an illness, and rehabilitative treatment is the only means of curing this behavior.

Rehabilitation, then, is the path that leads to an effective treatment of drug use. Research has shown that addiction is treatable. Research has not shown, and will not show, that treatment is easy. Rehabilitation is the recovery of diminished capacities due to injury or illness. The word itself comes from the latin prefix re meaning ‘again’, and root habilitar meaning ‘to inhabit’. Thus ‘rehabilitate’ literally means to inhabit yourself again – and that is the aim of rehabilitation: to return former capacities to the inflicted person. This is especially true in drug addiction. Freeing oneself from addiction is a type of homecoming to a life of control.

Rehabilitation aims at more than ending drug use. As previously mentioned, rehabilitation cannot be a punishment for drug use. It must be the gradual process of ending dependence while also rehabilitating the patient into society. This is often the most difficult aspect of rehabilitation. It is important that the patient realistically understand that the future will consist of effort to reintegrate and rejoin society. The patient is assisted by counselors throughout the treatment, but the patient himself is the main catalyst in rehabilitation. The family and friends of the patient must also go through aspects of rehabilitation, for life after rehab will not be a continual sunny day. The forecast predicts many rain clouds at first, with occasional storms down the road. The family must know how to be supportive and helpful throughout the stormy weather.

The rehab treatment center can be considered the umbrella in the stormy weathers. It cannot control the weather, but does shield and help the patient and family on their way through the tempest. While there is no one correct rehabilitation treatment, as each treatment must be tailored to the particular needs of the patient, there are means of ensuring that the rehab center chosen is one that will provide a positive environment to optimize the long term results of rehabilitation. The personal treatment for the patient must be continually checked and improved, as different steps throughout the treatment call for different measures, and each patient needs a different length of time for treatment. The personal treatment must also take into account the various problems beyond drugs which the patient faces. Drug addiction is often the result, and not the core of the problem – this core must be dug up through various therapies, counselors, and activities, which all should be readily available through the treatment center. A forced treatment is not necessarily a bad thing – again, depending on the treatment center. With a good treatment center, a person who initially will not admit to his problem or the need for a solution can be fully rehabilitated. Extremely beneficial are experiential therapies, which, through their communion with nature help the patient gradually reintegrate into life, which will eventually ease reintegration into society. A rehab treatment center must be rigid in its aims to help the patient, but cannot be rigid in its process.

Understanding what addiction is and why it happens is vital for the patient and the chosen treatment center. Once this is established, there can be a mutual respect, in lieu of distrust and judgment. The next step is to understand what rehabilitation is. It is a dedication, again, on the part of both the patient and treatment center, to heal a drug problem and, more importantly, rebuild a life – to bring the patient home in the spiritual sense. With these two concepts well understood and looked after, the patient has great chances of succeeding to overcome the addiction. The treatment center that fully understands addiction and rehabilitation will be the center that offers a full and varied program that will be created and recreated for the particular needs of its patient, and that will guide the patient not only through his addiction, but through his reintegration into life and society.

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Drug Rehab – The Basics

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Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease where the individual suffering will need to detox or enter into rehab to recover. Addiction cannot be cured, so the individual might have craving’s their whole lives, but the addict can still live a happy, healthy life if they abstain from the substance.

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Drug and alcohol addiction is a disease where the individual suffering will need to detox or enter into rehab to recover. Addiction cannot be cured, so the individual might have craving’s their whole lives, but the addict can still live a happy, healthy life if they abstain from the substance.

When substance abuse is stop, there are several withdrawal symptoms that occur, ranging from mild to severe, depending on the individual and the substance. Withdrawal from a chemical may be done at home or in a hospital, but should always been done under medical supervision, as detoxification from a chemical is always dangerous. Many individual might want to take the drug just one last time in order to cease the pain of withdrawal. However, it is after detoxification is complete and problems in the persons life trigger cravings that there is a real risk for relapse. There are many programs for the newly clean drug addict that offer support and counseling in the process of long term recovery.

If you have a friend or family member who has a problem with addiction, you should talk to them, and ask them if they want help. It is important to specialize the process of recovery to the specific needs of you’re the individual. You should also be a positive role model for your loved one. Encourage activities that do not put the person in a situation where they would be around drugs or alcohol. You should always be supportive and caring, although you might be frustrated at times. After your loved one has become clean, remember they need all the love they can get so they don’t go looking for it in self-medication.

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Drug Rehab: Do You Need It?

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Do you have an addiction? The question shouldn’t be hard to answer. There are fairly clear lines between an addiction and a casual behavior.

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Do you have an addiction? The question shouldn’t be hard to answer. There are fairly clear lines between an addiction and a casual behavior.

According to substance abuse experts Chris and Pax Prentiss, founders of Passages Malibu, a residential drug rehab, addiction is caused by underlying problems in a person’s life that they are unable to cope with. When someone is unable to cope with their circumstances they sometimes turn towards drugs and alcohol for relief. In essence it is not the drugs that are the problem it is rather the underlying problems that need to be addressed and healed in order to cure the addiction. When the underlying problems are no longer present the person will no longer need the drug.

People who don’t have the individual therapy it takes to become healed will most likely continue taking the drugs.

Tolerance. When you take a habit-forming substance regularly, your body eventually accommodates the substance. You don’t get the same feeling you originally got, or at least not the same strength of feeling. This does not mean that you are getting stronger and can handle the drug. Instead, your body is becoming dependent on the drug. Some people addicted to certain drugs may even die if they stop taking the drug suddenly.
Withdrawal symptoms. Different addictions have different withdrawal symptoms. The list of possible withdrawal symptoms is very long, stretching from watery eyes to delirium and even death, depending on the substance, the length of the addiction, and the user.

In short, if you’re not sure if you’re addicted your best bet may be to ask yourself these three questions:

– Do I get the same experience from the substance I got when I first started on it?
– When I stop taking the substance on a regular basis, do I feel worse, emotionally or physically?
– Is there anything in my life that is causing me pain that I might be self medicating?

If you can answer yes to any of those questions, you are probably addicted.

So, you’re addicted. Now what?

Abstention and the Risk of Relapse

According to Chris and Pax Prentiss, one of the biggest misconceptions about addictions is that they’re a disease. Through years of research they have figured out that addiction is definitely caused by underlying problems in a person’s life that they are self-medicating. The addiction will usually continue if the underlying problems are still present. In order to get sober and stay sober it is of utmost importance that the underlying problems be treated.

Every day, addicts everywhere decide to stop. That is, they abstain. But unfortunately, most of those people will relapse. Why is relapse so common? The Prentisses have a few insights:

Habit. Without realizing, you worked your addiction into the everyday rituals of life.

Dependence. The physical and emotional withdrawal symptoms can be brutal. In some cases of addiction, simply abstaining from a substance suddenly, without medical supervision, may cause the individual serious harm, even death. Yet many addicts who abstain are able to get past the withdrawal symptoms–and still end up relapsing. Why?

Underlying causes. Addictions usually have an underlying cause. There was a reason you took the substance in the first place. Once you are done fighting withdrawal symptoms, you will be back fighting whatever problem led you to addiction in the first place. Finding the underlying cause of your addiction will be the most important step in ending it forever.

Ultimately, then, the hardest part of overcoming an addiction may not be stopping, but not starting again. To do that, you need to find and resolve the underlying problems in your life.

Residential Rehab: Do You Need It?

According to the Prentisses, some people can get over an addiction without a residential drug treatment center. But given the challenges of overcoming an addiction, the support of a residential rehab program is invaluable. Have you tried to end your addiction without residential rehab? It might be what makes the difference this time.

Why Do So Many People Fail after Residential Rehab?

You’ve heard of all the people who went to residential rehab and then relapsed–even went and relapsed several times. According to Chris and Pax Prentiss, there are some common causes of residential rehab failure, causes you can avoid.

– Quality of the program. If your rehab program wasn’t great to begin with, you won’t be in good stead to avoid relapse. Before signing up, find out the success rates of past participants.

– Group rather than individualized therapy. Post-rehab relapse is so common largely because most rehabs don’t have offer any individual counseling. When someone sits in group meetings all day they don’t get the therapy they need in order to get better. When they check out of a rehab like that they usually still have the underlying problems that they checked in with.

– Lack of aftercare services. When you leave residential rehab, the whole web of support that kept you out of addiction suddenly falls away. Only choose a residential rehab that provides aftercare support to make the transition easier.

– Need to change everything. Without realizing it, you wove your addiction into the fabric of your life. You need to pluck the threads of addiction out of your life, or reweave the fabric completely. If you can’t transform your everyday life, you will likely relapse.

Regardless of the difficulties present in the rehab process, the experience can absolutely be a success unlike any other. Please consider the rehab option if you think you or your loved one may be in need. There is always someone there to help.

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Drug And Alcohol Rehab Brandon S

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Although it isn’t something most people talk about or even want to think about, drug and alcohol rehab are places that exist because of such an unfortunately high prevalence of a number of different addictions in society. In fact, so many people are having to deal with some sort of drug and alcohol rehab in their personal lives that a new reality show called “Intervention” is being shown to educate people on how difficult living with an addict can be and the way to direct a person toward rehabilitation. Drug and alcohol rehab serves a single purpose for any addicted person and that is to help this person to stop using the drug or drugs that they are dependent on.
There are a variety of ways that drug and alcohol rehab work to help a person stop abusing a controlled substance. One way is commonly referred to as ‘cold turkey’. This is where a person experiences the complete and abrupt discontinued of all addictive drugs or anything else on which they have become dependent. This type of drug and alcohol rehab often results in something called withdrawal that is often very unpleasant with side effects including vomiting, hot and cold flashes, hallucinations, paranoia, insomnia and other uncomfortable and sometimes frightening effects. Going cold turkey from barbiturates can be very serious and might lead to seizures that could become deadly. Alcoholics that stop drinking suddenly can cause delirium tremens, which is a type of psychosis.
There are other options available for rehabilitation at drug and alcohol rehab without having to go ‘cold turkey’. Some types of addictions have drugs that can be administered by a doctor in a drug and alcohol rehab facility that can lessen the common symptoms of withdrawal that would occur without assistance. Another option at many drug and alcohol rehab facilities is a program designed to help a patient to change his or her behavioral patterns in order to equip them with skills so that they have other actions to turn to when they are tempted to return to drugs or alcohol. Additionally, it is strongly recommended that anyone who is going through drug and alcohol rehab cease all communication and cut ties with anyone who is still using their substance of choice.
There are a number of different dependencies that can be treated at drug and alcohol rehab. Some of these dependencies that are treated include alcoholism, addiction to household products that can be inhaled, street drugs, prescription drugs and any combination of the aforementioned addictions. Sometimes a drug and rehab visit is a court ordered result of an arrest based on charges involving one or more of these different dependencies.
The most common program associated with drug and alcohol rehab is called a Twelve-Step program. The purpose of a Twelve-Step program is to help addicts to find the strength and will power to stop using their substance of choice as well as explore and alter bad habits that are connected to their addictions. The goal of all types of drug and alcohol rehab programs is to eliminate all dependencies and to help every individual begin fresh with a full and rewarding life.

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Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Rehabilitation Jerry Goldfarb

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Just what is addiction, you asked? Addiction is a physiological dependence on something, and is both physical and psychological in nature. When a person is addicted they literally need to feed that addiction constantly. Addiction is a traitor it sneaks up on you. People who are addicted often do not recognize that they have a problem, they think that the problem is with everyone. Addiction is different from abuse, a person can abuse drugs and not be addicted. The two most vital factors in determining addiction are tolerance and physical dependency. Addiction is very destructive, and most of the time people who are suffering from it end up hurting themselves and their love ones. It is hard to overcome but once the person began to see addiction as a problem in their life they can immediately seek alcoholism treatment or addiction treatment.
Teens partying late at night and imbibing drugs and alcohol for added fun, often dominated the silver screen. Quite a pretty picture isn’t it? Oftentimes teens see it as an epitome. Although Hollywood does its part to show a different side of alcohol and drug addiction with movies like “Trainspotting” and “Girl Interrupted”, the character still ended up being glamorous and ideal in nature and often overshadows the dark side of addiction. It is important to look at this depiction with a cynic eye. Movies are after all for entertainment purposes only, and there is nothing remotely entertaining about the reality of alcohol abuse and drug addiction. Addiction can be hell on earth and life in an Alcohol rehab and Drug Rehab can be a nightmare.
Illegal drugs and alcohol are addicting. Records show that the younger you are when you experiment with illegal drugs or alcohol you are more prone to become an addict in the future. Addiction often runs in families; you do not choose addiction, addiction chooses you. Experimenting with drugs and alcohol is a gamble, and the stake is your life, your personality, and your future.
Individuals often hide their drinking or deny that the fact that they have a problem. Signs of a possible alcoholism include having friends or relatives express concern, being irritated when people comment on their drinking, feeling guilty about their excessive alcohol consumption and thinking that they should moderate it but finds themselves unable to do so, or needs a morning drink to steady their nerves or relieve a hangover.
On the other hand, drug dependence often begins with the misuse of legal drugs like prescription drugs and inhalants. Inhalants are legal substances that becomes illegal when use in a manner that causes a person to get high. These also include aerosol cleaners, gasoline, cleaning fluids, butane, and acetone. These things are legal to sell or buy however, they are not controlled substances and they are relatively cheap when compared with drugs.
People with addiction work hard to resolve them, and with the support of family members and friends they are able to recover on their own. However in most cases, people they usually cannot stop drinking or using drugs by willpower alone. A lot of them require outside help, mostly from Alcohol Rehab or Drug Rehab. Alcoholism treatment and addiction treatment may need medically supervised detoxification to avoid possible life-threatening withdrawal symptoms such as seizures and convulsion. Once they are stabilized, they need help resolving psychological issues associated with their problem drinking.

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Drug Addiction Riding Behind Mental Illness?

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For many years, experts have noted that most drug addicts are also suffering from mental health problems, such as social anxiety disorder, depression, and schizophrenia. Recent studies have shown that if the brain is suffering from a psychological disorder, it makes the body more vulnerable to addiction.

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Drug addiction, despite being seen by many as some sort of failing of the mind, is not listed as a mental health disorder. Substance abuse has escaped that category despite the fact that comparatively less troublesome ailments or sicknesses like social anxiety disorder and (in some circles) insomnia are listed as possible or acknowledged mental health conditions. The facts known about drug addiction show that it is a biological and physiological condition, with the body craving the effects that these narcotics have on the brain. The divide between mental disorder and drug addiction is a very thin, blurry line, but there is a line. However, recent research is starting to reveal information that is making this line seem even thinner and more blurred than it already is. It would appear that drug addiction and mental conditions, such as social anxiety disorder and depression, are not as distinct form one another as initially thought.

In layman’s terms, when one person shows signs of being a drug addict, there’s usually some sort of mental health condition riding the coattails, though not everyone who’s crazy is a junkie, and not every drug addict is insane. The psychological problems tend to vary from patient to patient, though things like social anxiety disorder are common in teenage addicts, along with depression, performance anxiety, and a few behavioral disorders. Schizophrenia, bipolar and unipolar depression, and other personality disorders are also commonly observed to tag along with addictions, though not always with narcotics and other illegal drugs. Nicotine and alcohol addicts also tend to have a host of mental health problems riding in their wake as well.

Some recent studies are showing that damage to certain regions of the brain may be responsible for making people more likely to develop addictions, with the amygdala taking center stage in the study’s findings. This does not take away anything from the natural addictive abilities of substances such as alcohol, opioids, and nicotine, but it does serve to explain why some people appear more likely to become addicts than others on a psychological level. The studies also discovered that addictions for people with damaged amygdala are not only more prone to addiction, they are also less likely to discern from one substance to another in their abuse. Findings showed that it didn’t seem to matter what the substance was or what the effects it had on the mind and body were, so long as they had the potential to be habit-forming and the subjects were exposed to it regularly.

Obviously, since mental health problems such as social anxiety disorder and dissociative identity disorder can make someone more likely to become an addict, there are things that need consideration. A number of drug addicts can and do claim that external factors forced them into their substance abuse, with several of these reasons being highly similar to things that trigger mental illness. With psychological conditions now leading to substance abuse, is there now reason to believe that those who are genetically predisposed towards mental illness are, logically, also more likely to become addicts?

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Drug Abuse is Killing Your Loved Ones

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Drug abuse is a big problem plaguing us today. Not only does it cause the addict to waste away physically and destroy his or her life, but it also becomes a traumatizing part of the lives of their families and friends. Counseling for the loved ones of the drug user is highly recommended.

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Drug abuse has been an extremely distressing and difficult issue plaguing society today. Thousands of people with varying ages, sexes and nationalities have come under the spell of these dangerous substances, using anywhere from marijuana, magic mushrooms, heroin and cocaine down to controlled substances like prescription medications and designer drugs such as Ecstasy. For a price, it seems that anyone can get high on their drug of choice. The secret drug abuse that celebrities, athletes, politicians and other famous people have taken pains to hide has been exposed and widely publicized in the media. High profile personalities such as Eric Clapton, Nicole Ritchie, Lindsay Lohan, Robert Downey, Jr. have all battled their drug-enhanced demons in public. The subject of drug abuse is a common theme in movies, television shows, and literature. Everyone seems to have an opinion about the subject; some vehemently against drug abuse, and other even glamorizing it. Despite the massive attention the issue of drug abuse gets, the scary part about the whole matter is that there doesn’t seem to be a clear solution in sight.

In the last few decades we have seen the most horrendous crimes committed by crazy people with a drug abuse problem who were too much under the influence to have control over their actions. Many innocent lives have been ruined or lost in school shootings, sexual assaults, and other random acts of violence done by these drug addicts. This is because drugs can strip away inhibition and affect other brain functions, leaving the person in its grip to burst in uncontrollable rages. People who habitually abuse drugs eventually suffer a decline, not only in physical and mental health but also in maintaining their relationships.

Occasionally, the drug addict will agree to go into a rehabilitation facility and undergo a type of group therapy and one on one counseling. But more often than not they will have a relapse after being released. largely because their issues were not adequately addressed during the course of therapy or because they lacked the resolve to remain sober.

There is a popular axiom concerning drug abuse that says we should blame the drugs and not the person. However, it is difficult to keep that kind of impartiality when the drug addict is a loved one. Contrary to popular belief, drug abuse is not just the problem of the person addicted to these substances. Family members are frequently the victims of the violence brought about by these drugs. Children have been abandoned, or worse, sold by parents who needed their next fix. Drug addicts are notorious for saying and doing anything just to be able to purchase drugs. They may turn in desperation to crime or prostitution to earn enough money to pay for the constant drug supply. In time, relatives and other loved ones eventually pull away and give up out of disillusionment.

Having a family member with a drug abuse problem is extremely difficult for all those who care for that person. But it is important to remember that they need your help and support to get through their addiction. Breaking off the relationship may only make them feel worse and sink further into their drug-fueled fantasy world. Group therapy or counseling is often recommended for the victims of drug abuse—the families and friends of the drug addict. This helps them help the addict by being better equipped to understand their motivations and knowing the best way to do an intervention.

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Drooping Egos: Alternative Treatments for Impotent Men

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Alternative medicine has grown increasingly popular over the last three decades. It has been defined as any system of healing or treating disease not included in the traditional medical curricula, often based in belief systems at odds with scientific knowledge. Today, even medical doctors have become more open to guiding patients in exploring other treatment options such as acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, herbal medicines and chiropractic medicine. Many are turning to these alternative treatments to treat chronic illnesses that modern medicine has not been able to help them with or to alleviate symptoms.

One of these chronic illnesses is sexual impotence. It is one of the most common medical conditions afflicting sexually mature men today. Also referred to as erectile dysfunction (ED), the main symptom of sexual impotence is the consistent inability to obtain and/or maintain an erection for successful sexual intercourse. Reasons for sexual impotence include pelvic trauma, neurological problems, smoking, alcohol abuse, conditions such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, stress, hormonal deficiency, and psychological problems. Treatment will largely be determined by the underlying cause and can range from oral prescriptions, direct injections to the penis, psychological counseling, mechanical sex aids or surgery. Among the most popular treatments for sexual impotence are prescription oral phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors such as Viagra (sildenafil citrate), Cialis (tadalafil) and Levitra (vardenafil hydrochloride), which regulates an enzyme the body produces to diminish erections. They also help the penile muscles to relax, allowing the shaft to become engorged and stay firm longer. Unfortunately, these drugs only work in about 75% of sexual impotence cases and are contraindicated for patients taking nitrate-based drugs or alpha-blockers, because interaction with PDE5 inhibitors can be fatal. Patients may also experience a myriad of side effects such as headache, flushing of the face and body, indigestion, runny nose, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, muscle pains and vision disturbances.

It is mostly because of these side effects that men have begun looking for alternative treatments for sexual impotence. Some feel that continuous intake of prescription medication will have negative effects in the long-term, and surgery is too radical a solution to even consider. To them, alternative medicine seems to be the most holistic way of dealing with this condition. For example, drugs such as Viagra are ignored in favor of horny goat weed, garlic, gingko biloba and yohimbe root as oral supplements for sexual impotence. Horny goat weed is based in traditional Chinese medicine and is a popular aphrodisiac with testosterone-like effects, stimulating sexual desire, and sensory nerves. Garlic has been shown to help the body react to nitric acid, which is important in maintaining an erection. Gingko Biloba improves vascular function in the body, which means it increases blood flow in the penis as well. Yohimbe root is approved by the FDA for the treatment of sexual impotence. Yohimbine, an extract of yohimbe, has proven effective in treating erectile dysfunction in scientific studies.

Some alternative treatments for sexual impotence are complimentary to medical treatments. Massage, aromatherapy and acupuncture have been known to decrease stress and fatigue, two major components in sexual impotence. Another option is chiropractic, a non-invasive and non-drug treatment that involves manipulation of the spine and extremities for mechanical musculo-skeletal dysfunction. Some practitioners believe that manipulation will help impotent men regain their erections by improving the transmission of nerve impulses from the extremities to the brain.

However, contrary to popular belief, some of these alternative treatments have side effects and risks. Yohimbine for example has been known to cause allergic reactions and irregular heartbeats, both of which can lead to serious problems if the patient does not discontinue drug intake. Chiropractic can cause spinal injury. The most important thing for impotent patients to remember is that while alternative treatments can be holistic and effective, consulting with a licensed medical doctor is equally beneficial.

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Drinking Water Is A Must!

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You can barely make it through a day without hearing or reading some piece of warning or advice about your health. Our society is obsessed with all of the latest fads and techniques for doing as little as possible and eating as much as you want while maintaining the body of a supermodel. There are so many diets and health plans that can be found on the internet or in any magazine that it becomes easy after a while to simply ignore everything you read. For the most part, many …

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You can barely make it through a day without hearing or reading some piece of warning or advice about your health. Our society is obsessed with all of the latest fads and techniques for doing as little as possible and eating as much as you want while maintaining the body of a supermodel. There are so many diets and health plans that can be found on the internet or in any magazine that it becomes easy after a while to simply ignore everything you read. For the most part, many of the warnings and pieces of advice you see could be safely ignored without any serious effects on your life. One piece of advice, however, that you cannot afford to ignore is about drinking water.

Drinking water is one the most simple, easy to follow, and most necessary pieces of health advice that you’ll ever hear. Take the advice seriously. Drinking water is absolutely essential to your life for a variety of reasons. Because our bodies are made up of such a high percentage of water in the first place, it only makes sense that drinking water would benefit our bodies in great ways.

Drinking water is a great way to purify our bodies from many of the toxins and impurities that make their way into our systems with each meal we eat and through the air we breathe each moment. There is no better way to consistently cleanse your body and keep your digestive system moving than by drinking water each day.

There are a wide range of suggestions out there about how much water you should drink each day. The easiest and best method I have discovered is to take your current weight and divide it in half. This is your magic number of ounces for drinking water each day. So, for example, a woman weighing 150 pounds should drink the number that is half her weight, or 75, in ounces of water each day.

Sound impossible? Drinking water may be hard at first if you aren’t used to it. Begin by finding yourself a large water bottle that holds a significant amount of ounces in it. Fill it up each morning and carry it with you during the day. When you get thirsty, opt for drinking water rather than choosing your favorite soda or coffee as a beverage. The more you begin to drink water, the more that your body will crave it. The process of getting enough onces into your body will become a habit in no time.

There are many other great reasons to start drinking water. But, if you’re like me, you’ve already heard them all at least ten times. All that is left for you to do is follow the advice you heard just this one time. Start drinking water for your health. You’re body will thank you.