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E Cosmetic Dentistry 101 Mary Logden

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The objective of cosmetic dentistry, which is elective dental work, is to improve the appearance of the teeth and to enhance one’s smile. Cosmetic dentistry does not contribute to the health of the teeth.
The art and science of dentistry has made advances such that one need not remain resigned to stained or chipped teeth. There are several cosmetic techniques available that allow one to correct dental anomalies that can impair appearance. These include:
The process of bleaching or tooth whitening helps to brighten teeth that become dark with age or get stained due to smoking, tea/coffee drinking, etc. Bleaching removes extrinsic as well as intrinsic stains. The process, which can be carried out once every three years, is carried out largely by using hydrogen peroxide solution. Bleaching can whiten teeth by up to 5 times the original shade. A bleaching tooth tray that carries the peroxide solution can cost between $ 200 – $ 500.
The appearance of teeth that have spaces in between or are cracked and chipped can be improved by the bonding process in which a hard, sterile, and inert tooth-colored plastic is affixed to the teeth. The manner in which bonding is done affects the shape, size, and appearance of teeth. The composite fillings wear more quickly than the traditional silver fillings and patients are usually advised to refrain from hard foods that may result in the chipping of the bonding material. The bonding process takes 10-15 minutes for a tooth and can cost around $ 300 to $ 700 for a tooth. The bonded restoration stains similar to natural teeth.
Porcelain Veneers
These are extremely thin shells used to cover the front side of the teeth. Porcelain veneers are more resistant to stains and chipping as compared to bonding. They are bonded to the teeth using a special bonding material and can be used to alter the appearance of teeth, provide fullness to the upper lips, and fill gaps between teeth. Porcelain veneers enable a more consistent appearance as compared to bonding, they do not stain and a veneer treatment can last for up to 15 years. Veneer application on a single tooth can cost up to $ 2,000. As compared to the application of crowns or caps, teeth are ground to a lesser extent during veneer treatment.
Orthodontics and periodontics
Orthodontics deals with the prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. Braces are used in orthodontics for the treatment of crooked teeth, protruding teeth, widely spaced teeth, an underbite, etc. Metal braces made from titanium are expensive and need to be worn for 2-3 years. Non-invasive straightening braces cost less and require to be worn for a lesser period of time. Lingual braces are placed behind the teeth and are ideal for those who lay emphasis on cosmetic appeal. Periodontics helps individuals to enhance their smile by altering the contours of the gums, it is a simple surgical process accomplished using laser and can cost up to $ 2,000.
Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain crowns are used for broken teeth, teeth with silver filling or those with excessive decay, and also teeth that have undergone root canal treatment. Crowns can be matched to tooth color.


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Dwarfism and Self-Esteem

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The article talks about dwarfism, an illness which causes abnormal growth. People with this illness may have anxiety attacks because of mockery and discrimination of other people. Though there are many medications available to treat this sickness. It is important to nurture the self-esteem of these individuals to avoid anxiety attacks.

sexual health, social anxiety, anxiety

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In the 1960’s, “The Smurfs” became a hit on television. It is an animated series that features dwarf-like characters that walk, run, and talk. They are like human beings except the fact that they are miniature in size. Sad to say that there are individuals today that suffer from a condition which results in extreme small size proportions. Dwarfism is the term that medical specialists refer to as an abnormality in height that is mainly caused by genetics. People with this illness usually have short structures, bones, arms, and legs. Additionally these people may have difficulty in breathing because of small chests.

Medical studies show that the most common form of dwarfism is achondroplasia, which generates short limbs, increased spinal curves, and deformation of the skull. Abnormalities in the chromosomes and pituitary glands may lead to dwarfism. The common origin of this illness according to reports are genetic. People with dwarfism have normal intelligence though there are some cases that certain individuals have impaired mental abilities. The sexual health of people with dwarfism are normal in most cases.

This disorder could be an inherited trait or abnormal bone or cartilage development. In the long run because it may lead to loss of mobility. In some occasions these conditions may lead to inability to walk and function improperly. There are cases however that children with dwarfism die because of lack of medical treatment. This is because the pituitary gland influences the growth and metabolism of the body.
People with dwarfism especially children may develop social anxiety disorder because of discrimination and other forms of mockery by normal people.

There are medically approved treatments for dwarfism. Proper medical care can relieve many of the symptoms of dwarfism. Surgery can be done to improve the some of the spine, hip, and leg problems of people with dwarfism. These operations may lead to relieved pain that are brought by by the wear and tear of the joints that occurs because of limited flexibility. Excessive weight may have negative impacts to people with orthopedic problems. Having a healthy diet may help shed off unwanted pounds. Increasing physical activity without putting excess stress on the bones may help people with dwarfism. It is advised that one consult specialists for these tasks.

Some medical practitioners have approved the use of growth hormone treatment for teens and kids with hormone deficiency. This treatment according to studies may add about 2-3 inches to a person’s height. This move however should improve a licensed doctor and should be done extreme care and precaution.

Though there are many safe and effective ways of treating dwarfism some individuals decide to take matters into their own hands. Reports say that there are some people who use growth hormones without the doctor’s consent. Some of the substances used are either over the counter or banned. Reports say, growth hormones if used improperly may bring serious side effects like fluid retention, joint pain, and and nerve compression symptoms. Other side effect may include ear infections and ear problems. Less common side effects are abdominal pain or bloating, headache, nausea, vomiting, or skin rash.

Normal individuals may help people with dwarfism live the best of their lives by improving his/her sense of independence and self esteem. Anxiety attacks may be avoided if one’s attitude and expectations give significance to their self-esteem. These people should realize that they are loved and not mocked.

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Dual Action Cleanse for your health

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This article contain info on the Healthcare product Dual action cleanse, and what it can do for your skin.

Dual action cleanse

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
By Flemming Andersen

There is nothing else that will cleanse the body like the dual action cleanse. This will start cleaning the colon and repairing the damage that has been done by all the bad waste that we have fed our bodies. With the dual action cleanse, we will find that our bodies will be of better use to use and we will want to take better care of our bodies after we have tried the cleanse.

One way to keep your body healthy and alive is to perform a dual action cleanse. This is to clean and purify the inside of your body. We all take care of the outside of our bodies to ensure a good appearance, however it is important to take care of our internal organs as well. This are what we use a dual action cleanse for and it is worth trying.

Many people are not feeling good and the way that they should. They will spend a lot of money on going to the doctor and getting many prescriptions to make them feel better. After all the money is spent and there is still no reason for their lack of energy or bloated feeling, you may want to try the dual action cleanse. This is going to be the best way for anyone to rid themselves of the toxins and put a better feeling inside their body.

You cannot only cleanse your body and feel better; you will also start to loose weight. By getting rid of all the waste that is inside our body, we will see the pounds start to drop one by one and we will start to feel healthy and better about our bodies. Looking good and loosing weight is just a few of the benefits of the dual action cleanse.

Getting your colon and the rest of your vital organs in shape is the one way to ensure a healthier way of living. This is something that anyone can do and it is never to late to start. Once you try it, you will want to use the dual action cleanse every year to remain healthy and to have the energy and the power that you have always wanted to have for your life.

It is easy to start and you do not have to worry about going to the doctor and having a surgical procedure done. You can simply order the dual action cleanse tablets online and within a few days you will have what you need to start the best cleanse of your life. You will feel better almost immediately and you will want to share your secret with your friends and family as well.

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Dual Action Cleanse: A Holistic Approach

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There was a time when Bill, one of my closest friends seemed to be always disturbed by some sort of stomach related problems. One day he is absent due to diarrhea, the other day he seems to be terribly depressed with constipation. The next day he is complaining of nausea and his plights seemed endless. We really felt for this poor guy. He tried everything, but to no avail, until of course the day when he came to know about the dual action cleanse. This piece of information, t…

colon,colon cleanse,colon cleansing,dual action cleanse

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There was a time when Bill, one of my closest friends seemed to be always disturbed by some sort of stomach related problems. One day he is absent due to diarrhea, the other day he seems to be terribly depressed with constipation. The next day he is complaining of nausea and his plights seemed endless. We really felt for this poor guy. He tried everything, but to no avail, until of course the day when he came to know about the dual action cleanse. This piece of information, to our great relief, worked for him and today he is healthy like just any other normal man in his age group.

Bill’s symptoms sound familiar to many of you who have availed every possible treatment but with no improvement and you are feeling curious to know what a dual action cleanse is all about. Well then, let us come directly to the point.

Dual action cleanse refers to a two-part cleansing program that is specially formulated to facilitate maximum amount of elimination of body’s wastes. The uniqueness of the system lies in the fact that in its attempt to optimize the size of the eliminated waste, it does not cause loose stools or pain due to over contraction of colon. It works for a good bowel movements and thus keeps the entire body and other vital organs and lymphatic system free of toxins.

In addition to getting rid of the typical symptoms of colon dysfunctions like constipation and diarrhea, you get several other benefits by using dual action cleanse. First of all you will feel more energetic because of the elimination of toxins from your body. Then you will feel lighter, as a result of the elimination of wastes from your system. Another advantage of dual action cleanse is that you will stop feeling bloated. It cleanses your entire body and thus the health of the vital organs like kidney, liver and colon considerably improves.

The dual action cleanser formula comes with two types of supplements: one meant to act for purifying the whole body and the second is to cleanse the colon.

The first is composed of 33 powerful cleansing herbs including Hawthorne Berry, Licorice, Milk Thistle and so on. All these herbs work to improve the functioning of 29 specific body parts by supplying anti-oxidants and releasing free radicals and toxins trapped in the body and help your system to absorb maximum essential vitamins and minerals.

The colon clear formula comprises a blend of 22 fibers and herbs like Psyllium, Alfalfa, Pan D’Arco, Oat Bran, and Lactobacillus Acidophilus, that stimulates peristaltic action of colon resulting in 2-3 bowel movements per day and your digestive function also improves.

The natural herbal formula of dual action cleanse has changed the lives of thousands of men and women. Incorporate the system in your life as well and see the difference; you will get a body that is clean from inside and a renewed energy level to face the world in a more positive way.

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Dual action cleanse

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

This article contain info on the healthcare product Dual action cleanse, and what it can do for our skin.

Dual action cleanse

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
By Flemming Andersen

One way to keep your body healthy and alive is to perform a dual action cleanse. This is to clean and purify the inside of your body. We all take care of the outside of our bodies to ensure a good appearance, however it is important to take care of our internal organs as well. This are what we use a dual action cleanse for and it is worth trying.

Waste in the body will come from eating the wrong things and using the wrong items. When people smoke or drink too much, this will eventually build up in their bodies. Stress can also add to the toxins in our bodies and we have to have a way to release these things from our bodies.

There are many ways to get a dual action cleanse. You can go to the doctor and have one performed with a tube and chemicals. Another way is to use vitamins everyday to cleanse your body from the inside out. These pills can be used for anyone that is in good health and has no major medical conditions.

Dual action cleanse is an all-natural and safe way to clean your colon. It will improve your health and make you feel more vibrant. This system will maximize a person bowl movements and assist them in cleansing the vital organs and lymphatic system as well. There are many products on the market now to do this work, and you should do your research on each one. You need to make sure that you are getting the best product for your body that will help you in the most efficient way.

Using this form of dual action cleanse will give you more energy. They will make you feel better about yourself and how you feel on a daily basis. You can get the energy back that you once had by getting rid of the bad toxins that can destroy your body. Everyone gets these toxins no matter how well he or she eat and how much they exercise. You may start to feel bloated and have less energy when you are full of bad toxins. When you are full of the bad, you may not be as productive in life as you want to be.

You will also loose some weight when you use the dual action cleanse system. You will loose the weight of the waste that is in your body. Getting rid of the bad is going to make your body feel better and a lot less bloated. You will also be supporting good colon health when you choose to do a dual action cleanse for your body.

When you are feeling better and your internal organs are cleansed by the dual action cleanse system, you will notice a change in the way that you can function on a regular basis. There is no better feeling for your body than to eliminate all of the waste that is built up in our bodies.

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Drugstore Hemorrhoid Medications Rudy Silva

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There are many drugstore and alternative Internet products for treating hemorrhoids. Most of the products are not made to cure or eliminate hemorrhoids but to give you temporary relief of itching, pain, swelling or bleeding. I don’t recommend using any type of product that is not natural or that comes from a drugstore.
If the product contains petrochemicals, additives, coloring, dyes, or other chemicals, which enhance its appearance and feel, I would not use them. Most, if not all, of these chemicals will be absorbed into your body where your organs of elimination will have to deal with eliminating them.
All products whether drugs, drugstore medications, or natural formulations use chemicals, substances, oils, and herbs that have the following properties:

Anesthetics – suppresses pain and gives relief…any name with the suffix “caine” like tetracaine
Analgesics – suppresses and give pain relief – some of them are Anacin, Tylenol with Codeine, OxyContin, Darvocet, Ultracet
Vasoconstrictors – helps to narrow or constrict hemorrhoidal veins…any name with the suffix “rine” like phenylephrine
Lubricants – provide lubrication in the colon to relieve constipation – mineral oil, flax seed oil, castor, oil olive oil
Astringents – help to tighten tissue, which have been pushed out by hemorrhoid action – zinc oxide, witch hazel, calamine
Keratolytics – help to remove excess hemorrhoidal tissue. They are compounds of sulfur and salicylic acid

Many of the drugstore medications have anesthetics. They can aggravate and irritate the hemorrhoids you’re trying to eliminate. If you are using one of these drugstore medications, consider using a more natural remedy.
In 1975 Carl I. Flath, wrote a book called The Miracle Nutrient – How Dietary Fiber Can Save Your Life. In his book he talks about the effectiveness of drugstore suppositories,
“Suppositories quickly work their way up in the rectum beyond the location of most internal hemorrhoids, and so are of limited value in reducing local pain. As antiseptics they are essentially worthless, since the surface areas they are supposed to protect are under constant exposure to new bacteria…. Anesthetic agents do offer temporary relief from local irritations and pain… Neither the suppositories nor the ointments, however, do anything whatever to correct the basic cause of hemorrhoids-constipation.”


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Drug-Free Allergy Cures

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Allergies can bring discomfort and misery to your everyday life. Many people who suffer from the affliction are seeking allergy cures to relieve the symptoms they experience. In order to properly address allergy problems, it is necessary to try and determine what causes your symptoms in the first place.

allergy cures

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Allergies can bring discomfort and misery to your everyday life. Many people who suffer from the affliction are seeking allergy cures to relieve the symptoms they experience. In order to properly address allergy problems, it is necessary to try and determine what causes your symptoms in the first place.

Common causes are pet dander, mold, dust and outdoor elements like pollen. Once you determine what is behind your symptoms it is easier to find possible allergy cures to try. Some have found over the counter medications to be very helpful. Others find relief after visiting a specialist. Then again, some find no relief at all.

For those who can not seem to find any relief from commonly used allergy cures, homeopathy may be a viable option. Homeopathy is an all-natural approach to medicine and health that is the subject of some argument and controversy. Some argue that homeopathy is a hoax and no allergy cures can possible be found through natural elements. Others swear that they have experienced instant relief from their symptoms through homeopathic remedies.

Some of the symptoms include congestion, headaches and colds. These symptoms often evolve into more severe conditions like bronchitis and pneumonia. For people who face the symptoms and the more severe conditions on a daily basis, finding allergy cures is crucial to their health and general well-being.

Traditional methods that the medical community often uses to address allergy symptoms include painful shots, medications that leave the patient groggy and miserable and even surgery in severe cases. These traditional methods of treating allergy symptoms are quite disheartening to many people who want to find allergy cures without using medication or taking shots. No one really wants to undergo surgery but many do to find some relief.

Homeopathy methods suggest that the allergy cures lie in the substances that cause the allergic reactions in the first place. The substances are diluted and introduced to the body in small doses. This enables the body to create the proper antibodies to ward off the abrasive substances successfully without producing an allergic reaction.

The process is quite similar to getting a vaccine. When we get a vaccination shot, we are actually injecting the virus or threatening substance into our systems. The weakened substances are introduced to our systems in small doses that can be fought off by our immune systems. Once our bodies demonstrate that they can fight the virus, we are immune. Since homeopathy follows the general logic we use behind vaccines, it probably is worth a try.

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Drug Trade Accounts for Forty Percent of the Afghan Economy David Snape

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The voice on the radio suddenly forced its way into my conscious awareness. Absolutely staggering, I felt it deep in my gut with no uncertainty.
Forty Percent of the Afghan economy is from illegal drug production and trafficking. More disturbing is the fact that the United States has nothing that can replace the drug trade for Afghan entrepreneurs.
As I contemplated these hard hitting statements, I found myself imagining how different our world could be if we just stuck to some basic tenants of common decency.
Yet, what does this say about our world, where such an obscene industry can thrive? It’s not just the growers and traffickers that are contributing to the problems, but the users of the end product. Those users ultimately feed the entire industry’s cash flow.
Considering the Afghan drug problems alongside illicit drug trade around the world, there has to be an incredible amount of drug users to support the global market for drugs. Why? Is it really about the high, or is it about escaping the sober realities and pain of human life? It seems that we never hear anyone talking about this aspect. Life is often painful. Whether you are poor or rich, there are all kinds of problems and challenges that we human beings face.
How appealing a drug addiction and the escape it provides must be to the user. In some ways, it may even be understandable.
Facing life and its challenges head on is NOT for the timid. But, we are all faced with life nonetheless and there is no escaping that for the rational and sober minded person. Sure there are moments of pleasure that provide temporary relief but how long do those moments last? How long before the next problem rears up to block our path arrives?
For some, the moments of pleasure and happiness last longer and not so long for others. That may be related to a whole host of factors including socio-economic ones.
So what can we do? Not much as it turns out, for a simple reason. It is a fact of our very existence that free will exists. Each person makes his own choices. More laws won’t change what people do when they think that they can’t be seen.
Perhaps a greater degree of personal happiness and contentment would prove to be more attractive than the lure of drug use. As you may have heard, “history tends to repeat itself”. And why is that? Maybe the human condition doesn’t really change that much, only the scenery and technology change, while the basic conditions of human life stay about the same throughout the ages.
If that is true, and similar conditions existed in the past, how were they dealt with back then? One of the western world’s most revered philosophers was Socrates.
Socrates talked about virtue. He discussed things like Truth, Beauty and Goodness with his students. Today, Master Li Hongzhi expounds on Truthfulness, Compassion and Endurance. Perhaps contemplation of these things can bring greater contentment and personal happiness? With happiness and contentment, there may no longer be as strong a catalyst for feeding a drug addiction.
One thing is fairly certain. Due to the existence of free will, only each individual can choose for himself the path he wishes to tread.

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Drug tests and detox tips

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Article about drugs, alcohol. Drug tests, drug detection and health problems. Useful tips about detox.

drugs,detox,alcohol detox, drug test,drug detection,zydot

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Rick never expected he would wind up with the problem of prescription drug abuse. He was a high school athlete, graduated college with honors, moved to Florida and was working successfully in his chosen career path. However, like many Americans, Rick found himself addicted to painkillers after being injured in an auto accident. After the accident, Rick was some time recovering. He was taking his medication and attending physical therapy like a good patient. The next thing he knew, his doctor cut off the prescription. That’s when Rick discovered his prescription drug addiction.

Teen drug abuse is at an all time high, but not in the same way that most people might assume. Parents are accustomed to hearing about teens doing everything from huffing chemicals to smoking weed, popping ecstasy, and even injecting heroin. However, with the international development during 2003-2004 of illegal online drug dealing operations, teens are able to order potentially dangerous prescription medications off of the internet without a prescription.

Vital information and significant factors need to be recognized to be able to determine the necessary alcohol and drug detox program suitable for a patient. Among these considerations are the medical facilities available, the extent of the patient’s addiction, the span of time in which care must be provided, and of course, other personal requirements that the patient may need.

Helping people recover from alcohol and drug addiction has become a global concern. The success of every alcohol and drug detox program is not brought about by the patient’s determination and perseverance alone. It is a product of the continuous support and love offered by the patient’s family and friends.

The length of time that the presence of drugs of abuse in the body can be detected is an important factor in drug screening. The chart below outlines approximate duration times. When interpreting the duration for the presence of drugs of abuse in the body, you must take into consideration variables including the body’s metabolism, the subjects physical condition, overall body fluid balance, state of hydration and frequency of usage.

The addiction that both elements-alcohol and drugs-cause may be different, but alcohol and drug detox program and treatment methods that provide solutions to these problems are quite the same. Professionals on this area recognize alcohol as a drug and therefore view alcohol addiction as some disorder that can be treated in a drug detoxification center.

You are about to know what alcoholic must know about alcohol and drug detox. Angel CH is an expert and has been writing and researching about alcoholism facts daily. Discover the truth by visiting, a popular website that offers valuable alternative alcoholism treatment tips.

Do you need help identifying a drug that you’ve found? We are here to help you! Please ask for assistance at our drug identification forum over at We are here 24 hours, 7 days a week to research for you and find the answer.

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Drug Rehabilitation; The Key Component Jay Stockman

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Drug and alcohol use can be traced back to 4000 B.C., in Egypt. By the 19th century, active substances were being extracted from the raw materials, and these psychoactive substances were being sold without any regulations. By the early 1900s there were an estimated 250,000 drug addicts in the United States. The anti-war upheaval of the 1960s brought with it a dramatic increase in drug use and increased social acceptance. The 1980s saw a decline in most drug use, with a slight increase in Cocaine use. Despite this overall decline, most Americans still regard illegal drug use as one of the nation’s most serious problems. Opinion polls show the public favors a variety of different approaches to the drug problem. In addition to strict laws, it is vital to effectively treat individuals already suffering from drug dependence and substance abuse, through education, therapy, medicine, and group support. Drug rehabilitation is a key component to a successful campaign against the use of illegal drugs.
At its fundamental level, humans use substances such as alcohol and psychoactive drugs because these substances give the user a feeling of pleasure. Pleasure is a very powerful force. Our brains are wired in such a way that if you do something that gives you pleasure you will probably want to do it again. All drugs that are addicting can energize and enhance the brain’s pleasure circuit. Addiction is a chronic disease that affects ones brain, and ones behavior. Addicted individuals abuse drugs without regard to the consequences of health, relationships, money, work etc. It is a consuming disease that not only effects the individual directly, but others indirectly. If left untreated, this disease can lead to the social death, as well as the actual death of the inflicted individual. Proper management must be instituted immediately to return the individual to a life that is more manageable, and drug free. A program of drug rehabilitation best achieves this goal.
Drug rehabilitation is the process of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment for substance abuse. The goal of any drug rehabilitation program is to provide comprehensive drug treatment and alcohol rehabilitation services, and introduce individuals to a new lifestyle free of chemicals. Successful treatment of substance abusers depends upon the severity and nature of the addiction, as well as motivation. Some treatment programs use medicines that neutralize the effects of the drug. Acupuncture has also been successful in treating the cravings that accompany drug withdrawal. Comprehensive substance abuse counseling and education is another component for a successful plan. Evaluating the efficacy of any treatment plan is difficult because of the chronic nature of drug abuse, and the fact that the disease is usually complicated by personal, social, and health factors.
Statistics show that getting sober is easy; staying sober is the hard part, and the first year of recovery is the most difficult. It may take a number of attempts before success is achieved. Nobody chooses to become a drug addict or alcoholic, this disease cannot be wished away, it has to be treated.