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Dental Anxiety: A Self-fulfilling Prophecy

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Many people have dental anxiety and would rather endure the excruciating pain of a toothache than pay their dentists a visit. The fear comes from the anticipation of the pain rather than the pain itself. However, modern dentistry has recognized this problem that they continue to develop new techniques to alleviate it.

treatment, fear, phobia, anxiety

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There are people who would rather endure the excruciating pain of a toothache than pay their dentists a visit. According to the Academy of General Dentistry, about 25 million Americans refuse to get dental treatment due to fear. Millions of people prefer to live with their dental problems to avoid the procedures to fix them. Odontophobia is an irrational fear of dental surgery. Most people experience dental phobia due to the anticipation of the pain rather than the pain itself.
Based on studies, the most known cause of dental anxiety is the memory of an unpleasant experience, such as a cut lip, that occurred in the dentist’s chair. Children who were held down in a chair against their will, or whose protests of pain were ignored by their dentists, may also remember the feeling of helplessness and panic as adults.
There are two factors inherent to dentistry concerning dental phobia: the intrusive nature of the work and the patient’s loss of control. According to Dr. Matthew Messina, a spokesman for the American Dental Association, in order for him to treat his patients, he needs to get into their personal space. “I have to be closer to you than almost any other physician gets — at least while the patient is awake,” said Messina.
Since patients appear to be helpless while someone does unsettling things in their mouth, not only is the whole thing uncomfortable, but the ability to communicate verbally is lost. During the procedure, a patient is usually trapped in a chair with his jaws open, looking at the ceiling without being able to see what the dentist is doing — making it easier to envision a dreaded event.
Dental anxiety may have a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you try to avoid seeing your dentist, the worse the condition becomes. And when you finally have no choice but to go, the condition already requires more invasive procedures and potentially more pain. However, modern dentistry has recognized this problem with dental anxiety that they continue to develop new techniques to alleviate it. Techniques like simple relaxation and the use of sedatives are being endorsed by the American Dental Association.
Patients who are afraid of injections can now feel comfortable with smaller gauge needles and better techniques. While a wisdom tooth extraction and periodontal surgery can be so painful, technological breakthroughs make filling small cavities and routine extractions almost pain-free, with only minor discomfort after the anesthesia wears off.
According to Dr. Howard Weiner, a professor of behavioral science and dentistry at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, another effective way to control anxiety is to establish trust with your patients. Weiner has studied dental anxiety for 20 years.
When a dentist seems to be rushing and doesn’t take time to listen to a patient’s concerns. Patients become anxious regarding the risks of different treatments, such as the effectivity of anesthesia, the safety from the dental instruments being used, the fear of AIDS, among other worries. These stressful aspects of the experience may cause the patient to panic, said Weiner.
Over the years, patients fears have changed and evolved. But modern dentistry continue to develop various ways to handle these fears in a more creative and comfortable manner.

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Dental – From Problems To Business

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It’s perhaps the irony that the same teeth which give us good smile also pain us endlessly; especially so when dental care has become almost unaffordable if not for the insurance. The dental care business in USA counts to a few hundred billion dollars with dental/oral care product manufacturers sitting on the top of the ladder followed by insurers, equipment manufacturers and dentists and other care providers.

The rudimentary problems with teeth like smell, plaque, pitting…

Dental,dental health,oral care,dental oral,dentists

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It’s perhaps the irony that the same teeth which give us good smile also pain us endlessly; especially so when dental care has become almost unaffordable if not for the insurance. The dental care business in USA counts to a few hundred billion dollars with dental/oral care product manufacturers sitting on the top of the ladder followed by insurers, equipment manufacturers and dentists and other care providers.

The rudimentary problems with teeth like smell, plaque, pitting and decay can be prevented by regular cares like flossing, brushing, visits to your family dentists, minimum of twice a year, preferably 4 to 5 visits. The more complex problems like periodontal disease arising due to diabetes take a holistic approach than just dental care. By regularly checking your oral hygiene, you could save unnecessary costs and undue pain in the long run.

Savings Plans
In the first rung are the savings plans. These schemes have dentists and care givers enrolled with them from across the nation. Anyone wanting to avail discount services from these professionals can get registered with such plans for a small fee of $10 a month for an individual. Group registrations are cheaper at $20-25 per month. This is a huge business considering the number of associated dentists.

Dentists are the frontline of this industry. Different packages such as cosmetic dentistry to various treatments generate huge sums for the industry as a whole. General consultation necessary for planning the treatment outlay cost over $65, while periodic examination costs $25. Figures for Crown and metal, or root canal treatment will cost anywhere from $ 450 – $600 and the costliest of them all is the orthodontic treatment which ranges between $2900- 3500.

Insurance is a high growth sector in medical insurance. Although the industry turnover is not quantified specific to dental insurances, one can easily imagine it to be an astronomic figure. It begins with the preferred dentist program which costs $15-20 per month. Students’ insurance instituted usually by colleges, and group dental plans for employees ensure bulk revenue regularly for the industry.

Product Manufacturers
At the top end are manufacturers. The matter that high cost dental treatments are triggered by them does not fall into the scope of this article. But remember, not a single day passes by without hundreds of billions of people brushing teeth at least once daily. The monthly cost of replenishing of your tooth paste and brushes is perhaps enough for feeding half of Africa.

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Denial: The Fabric of Civilization Itself?

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Denial has been a part of the human psyche and social contract for as long as people have figured out they need each other around.However,recent research is starting to show that denial may be significantly more integral to the very nature of society and social relationships that what one might expect.

mental health, emotional health, relationship

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All civilization, an anonymous pessimist once said, is founded on denial, denial, denial. Freud once theorized that people enter a state of denial in defense of their mental health, attempting to avoid things in reality that might damage the fragility of the inner ego. Others theorize that denial is a defense mechanism, allowing a person to avoid having to face some unwanted facet of reality or of their own personalities. Regardless of which theory is correct, it is beyond doubt that everyone is in denial about something and that this denial might actually be an integral component of maintaining stable mental health. However, recent evidence is starting to reveal what some have suspected all along: denial touches on emotional health and relationships too, and not necessarily in a destructive manner either.

According to Michael McCullough, a psychologist and author of the upcoming book “Beyond Revenge: The Evolution of the Forgiveness Instinct,” denial is all part of the social game humans play. The ability to actively and subconsciously ignore the little deceptions and flaws inherent in ourselves and other humans is apparently a core component of our being able to maintain cordial social relationships with other people. Apparently, if people did not go into “denial mode” when faced with something about another person that they are uncomfortable with or don’t like, people would effectively and quickly terminate all social contact with that person. The fact that people also appear psychologically wired to do this to themselves and others at all times on a subconscious level serves to enforce just how critical denial is to the mental, emotional, and social framework that people form around themselves.

Denial also seems to play an interesting role in a person’s moral compass. A recent study was conducted to see just how much dishonesty a person could commit without feeling dishonest about it. A simple test was given out to students, with some test subjects receiving answer sheets that had the answers partially marked out. The study revealed that the students were generally unaware of how dishonest they actually were, with most of them feeling that they weren’t dishonest at all. There were a few, however, that did feel as if they cheated, but only to a certain point. The conclusion that the research them came to was that, for as long as people can find a way to deny that anything wrong is being done or going on, then they can mentally pretend that nothing happened.

However, there is also another level of the denial game that people are playing, which is the semi-conscious acknowledgment of it. Essentially, this part can be summed up in the words “I saw that, but I’ll let it slide this time.” There are, of course, a variety of possible reasons for someone to do this. For the most part, this ties down to an attempt to preserve a current relationship by avoiding confrontation or conflict, particularly if the relationship in question is already on thin ice.

This, like the earlier form, stems from a psychological need to maintain cordial connections with the people around you. Some evolutionary psychologists link this to early human interactions, where people found ways not to hold other people accountable for being unable to render aid. There is a limit to this sort of thinking, of course, but for as long as the mind can conjure reasonable doubt, then people will conjure reasonable doubt. So, in the end, the aforementioned pessimist may actually be right. All civilization may well be built on denial, denial, denial.

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Demystifying Sciatica Amanda Baker

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What is sciatica? Sciatica is the official name given to a pain in the leg, foot, or buttock, brought on by a form of irritation to the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the entire body.
Sciatica is most commonly caused by a slipped disc in the lower back, some form of arthritis, or a pinched nerve. It begins with back pain, followed by calf or hamstring pain, and sometimes included numbness in the toes. Forms of sciatica, resulting from inflammation get better with time, healing themselves. However, bed rest is not the best way to treat sciatica. It is shown that remaining active and performing exercises that are not weight bearing can help. Given time, even herniated spinal discs can heal.
Treatment for sciatica is varied. It is only possible to find out what treatment is best for you by going to your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. Your doctor may order an MRI to conclude the exact cause of sciatic pain, although many physicians can determine the cause through physical examination alone.
Proper stretching and exercising, combined with over-the-counter pain medications can assist on the road to recovery. If your pain is not relieved by the milder pain medications, your doctor may prescribe a naroctic analgesic. However be advised that these medications can cause nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness, and may result in dependency if taken over long periods of time. In extreme cases, surgery may be required to remove fragment of the disc.
It is important to stay active. Do exercises that develop muscles in your back and stomach. This helps to stablilize your spine. It is also important to maintain a reasonable body weight. Ensure that you practice good posture, and sleep on a mattress that is neither too hard or too soft.
You should always discuss health matters with your physician, especially if you suffer progressive weakness, as this may constitute a medical emergency. The problem thought to be something easily treated may be a serious condition caused by the compression of the nerve roots in the lower end ofthe spinal canal, which requires immediate medical attention.

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Dehydration: The Silent Killer

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Dehydration is a major health concern that is often taken for granted by many.It may deplete the body of electrolytes and other necessary nutrients. Intense dehydration may cause serious health ailments and even death. People should remember to drink lots of water to avoid this health condition.

treatment, diet, nausea and vomiting

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The human body is made up of about 70 percent water. Under normal conditions it loses some body water through sweat, tears, urine and stool. Water also evaporates from the skin and leaves the body in the form of vapor when people breathe. Because of these facts, dehydration becomes a major health concern among many individuals. Dehydration is a condition in which the body lacks water and electrolytes. Electrolytes are substances which contains free ions that are used by the body in important cellular activity. This condition may lead to serious ailments and even death if not given proper attention.

One major cause of dehydration is insufficient consumption of water. Coupled with intensely hot weather, insufficient water intake may lead to severe dehydration or heatstroke (severe form of heat illness). In addition to these factors, other causes of dehydration may include intense workouts and other excruciating physical activities. These activities may cause excessive sweating and deplete the body of electrolytes and other necessary nutrients. Other causes of dehydration can be digestive problems caused by defects, illness or reaction to gastric bypass or other surgeries on the stomach. Health ailments like nausea and vomiting or diarrhea are other causes of dehydration. Too much alcohol and coffee consumption may also cause dehydration.

Some signs of dehydration may include dizziness, sunken eyes, rapid heartbeat, dry mouth, fatigue, and irritability. It is important to give emphasis on the treatment of dehydration because untreated and extreme dehydration can cause shock. This happens when there are insufficient water in the brains and other important organs.

It is important to learn the signs of dehydration and treat them quickly before they worsen. If possible, individuals should try not get dehydrated in the first place. The aim in treating dehydration is to replace lost fluids and electrolytes. Plain water is the best option in the first three hours. Health specialists encourage the use of sports drink and other alternative drinks with electrolytes. These products may replenish lost nutrients faster than ordinary water.

Here additional remedies that can be done to reduce the development of dehydration:

* Reduce or eliminate the consumption of dehydrating beverages like coffee, tea, and sodas. These drinks contain caffeine may increase the risk for dehydration.
* If drinks with caffeine are consumed, it is advised that more water than the normal daily total. The dehydration caused by these drinks can be compensated by drinking additional water.
* Include lots of fruits and vegetables in a diet. These foods have high water content and may increase the body’s water content.
* The sense of thirst is not a reliable dehydration indicator. Individuals may need water long before the sense of thirst is felt.

Many cases of dehydration can be prevented by keeping the body cool and by avoiding hot environments. It is a preventable condition that can result to death if left unattended. Extreme care should be taken to prevent dehydration especially during sports activities and intensely hot weather. Home treatment is usually that is needed to treat mild dehydration. However, intense exhaustion and sever dehydration may need immediate medical attention. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and possible treatments for dehydration may enable many individuals to be conscious of their water intake and improve their health.

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Dehydration: A Common Problem

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Dehydration is more common than you may think. It’s a commonly-known problem…


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Dehydration is more common than you may think. It’s a commonly-known problem, occurring when the body looses too much fluid without having it replenished, but many people think that you only get dehydrated when you’re extremely thirsty and are exercising for a long period of time or stuck out in the Sahara desert with a cup of water and miles and miles of sand between you and the nearest oasis. Of course, these examples are both true. Many people who do exercise don’t drink enough water while they work out, and since they lose so much fluid through perspiration they do end up dehydrated. The same is true for those trudging through the desert, but these are extreme cases.

Many people become dehydrated through the course of their daily lives because they’re not drinking enough water. Often this happens gradually, and we’ll hardly notice it until at one point in the afternoon we feel extremely thirsty. If this happens to you, it’s a good indicator that you’ve been dehydrated for awhile, since if you feel thirsty it’s a definite sign of dehydration. Thirst isn’t the only side-effect; dehydration often leaves people feeling tired, lethargic, sickly, or even faint. Though you may be drinking liquid, caffeinated beverages or drinks with high sugar content aren’t very good at hydrating you, and diuretics like coffee can even leave you more dehydrated.

Dehydration is also a big issue if your body is losing a lot of unabsorbed water through diarrhea or vomiting. If this is the case, not only is the body losing a lot of water, people have a hard time replacing it if they feel sickly or nauseous. In most cases this can be remedied by pushing fluids, and electrolyte mixtures often speed the process of recovery. If the dehydration is serious it may be necessary to take fluids through an IV, though this is usually only required in extreme cases.

The best way to avoid dehydration, both in times of illness and in day to day life, is to make sure that you’re drinking enough water. It seems basic, but making an conscious effort to drink plenty of water over the course of the day can have great effects on your energy levels and your overall well-being. It’s usually as simple as carrying around a water bottle or keeping a glass of water filled on your counter at home, since if the water is there in front of you, you’re more likely to drink before you get dehydrated.

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Definitve Proof – Supplements Heal Dr. William Parsons

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No Money in Prevention
I have been recommending a wide variety of dietary supplements to my patients for the past 18 years. Needless to say, this is not the norm for physicians. The medical establishment as a whole is treatment driven rather the prevention driven. There is much more profit in treating illness and disease rather than preventing it. As a matter of fact, the healthcare industry, including the American Medical Association (AMA), medical schools, hospitals, research institutions and drug manufacturers, have made a concerted effort to obfuscate the truth about health supplements and their intrinsic value. What little legitimate research and data, detailing the benefits of supplementation, that actually reaches the general public is quickly dismissed by the medical community as being “unsubstantiated” or “preliminary.” Whenever I relate to a colleague a patient’s recovery from a chronic condition by simply adjusting their diet and prescribing the appropriate health supplements, I often become the recipient of an incredulous laugh or sarcastic comment. At best, I am summarily dismissed with any one of a number of explanations to contradict what I know to be empirical evidence of successful treatment. Supplements can neither treat nor prevent any serious illness or disease according to the vast majority of healthcare providers.
“Only highly trained medical professionals are able to successfully treat chronic illnesses.” This is the mantra of the traditional medical community. The most disturbing aspect of this attitude is that medical students receive little or no education regarding nutrition, dietary supplements or any alternative treatments. There is no curriculum that includes preventative medicine. Similarly, physicians do not augment their education with post-doctoral fellowships in nutrition or alternative treatment research. Additional education or training in this area is non-existent. Again, the primary motivating factor is not the patient’s health and well being, it is treatment. The healthcare system is reactive, not proactive, to such an extent that physicians do not recognize they are, in part, responsible for their patients’ poor health. Physicians wait for symptoms, diagnose the symptoms and then attempt to treat the condition. A more pragmatic and cost-effective approach would be to administer healthcare systemically and organically. Ignoring the importance of preventative medicine contributes to the astronomical cost of healthcare in this country, along with Medicaid/Medicare, frivolous lawsuits and unlimited tort awards. For all these reasons, the average person is woefully misinformed about the benefits that proper nutrition and quality health supplements offer.
Quantifiable Results
Proper nutrition and regular exercise is the cornerstone of any effective health maintenance program. Again, most people do not appreciate the tremendous impact their diet has on their overall health and longevity. There are countless illnesses and diseases that are directly attributable to vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies. It is crucial for you to learn about the nutrients contained in the foods you eat (vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, etc.). The only way to accomplish this is to read. There is far too much data to impart to be sufficiently addressed in this article. The Internet is probably the best and easiest venue for obtaining this type of material.
For a nutritionally sound-eating plan, refer to my “Eating for Health, Happiness and Successful Weight Control” ( or, for a more structured diet, consider WebMD’s weight loss program (“”), which I highly recommend.
Unfortunately, even the healthiest of diets will be somewhat nutritionally deficient due to processing, cooking, and mineral deficient soil. Many food-processing methods, such as pasteurization, destroy essential nutrients necessary for good health. Cooking food also removes many nutritional elements. For decades, our farming soil has been virtually devoid of the 74 minerals necessary to sustain life (see Consequently, no matter how much healthful food we eat, without supplementation we are still “starving” for nutrients. Therefore, as part of a comprehensive health maintenance regimen, I recommend that all my patients take a high-quality multivitamin (ingredients will differ for men and women), an absorbable mineral complex (either colloidal or an above-sea coral mineral), CoEnzyme Q10, an omega EFA group, methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM), chondroitin, colostrum and an immune system support supplement (as such beta-1,3D glucan). It is important to note, however, supplements do not replace healthful food. Their function is exactly as their name, “dietary supplements.” Patients that have incorporated a varied, healthful diet coupled with a consistent supplementation program report notably fewer ailments, with the exception of pre-existing conditions.
For patients with pre-existing conditions or new patients with previously undiagnosed conditions, I will, in many cases, prescribe additional supplements based on: dietary deficiency that may be causing the condition, case history, medical profile, symptomology and test results.
I consider pharmaceuticals a second tier modality and surgery and/or hospitalization a final option unless otherwise indicated. Connective tissue and bone ailments are most easily treated with supplements and have the most dramatic results. Vitamin K1, silica, chrondoitin, MSM, minerals, collagen and elastin are all elements that will facilitate connective tissue and bone (joint) ailment recovery. I could cite a litany of conditions that were markedly improved. Suffice to say, there have been very few patients, whether their condition(s) were minor or chronic, who did not realize at least some relief after taking the recommended supplements for an appropriate period of time. To their pleasant surprise, many patients also experience unexpected ancillary health improvements beyond that of the targeted condition.
Although I have not methodically tracked the recovery success rate, I feel confident in reporting that a significant percentage of my patients have responded well to a nutrition modality. To the extent that the use of more traditional modalities were not required.
For the defintive proof that supplements can heal, read the remainder of Dr. Parsons’ article which can be found at Health Products USA (

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Defining the Complexities of Sexual Health

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Awareness of sexual health issues is very important. More than just the abseof the disease or its dysfunction and infirmities, sexual health is also a state of physical, emotional, psychological and social well-being with regards to one’s sexuality.

sexual health

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The youth of today enjoy much freedom when it comes to self-expression as compared to the old days when parents decide for their children even to the point of choosing their lifetime partners. Although some families remained conservative and traditional, the rest of society adapts to a fast-paced lifestyle where convention is out of the the rule and individuality is the name of the game.
In this sexually-permissive culture, it is important to consider what lies ahead for you and for your loved ones, and how you can protect each other from getting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD).
Awareness of sexual health issues is very important. More than just the absence of the disease or its dysfunction and infirmities, it is also a state of physical, emotional, psychological and social well-being with regards to one’s sexuality. Addressing sexual health issues involves a complex web of factors such as attitude, behavior, genes, environment, and economy.
Sexual health also deals with problems such as STD, HIV, pregnancy, abortion, infertility, cancer, and a wide range of sexual dysfunctions. Those who are in a relationship must not automatically consider an infected partner as being unfaithful. One must learn to practice a positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships and this can be achieved if the sexual rights of every individual is respected and protected.
Do not be deceived by mere appearances. Even the healthiest-looking person can be infected by STD. It’s not easy to tell if the person beside you has STD, or other illnesses for that matter, just by the way that person looks and acts. There are STDs that do not show any obvious signs. Symptoms can be very subtle that the person infected may not even know it. It is very important that aside from your regular health check-up, you should also take special attention in knowing your own body especially when you are healthy. So that if any changes take place such as skin infections or sores, as well as any unusual discharge or pain while urinating, it will be easier for you to recognize these signs and symptoms because you already know how your body is like when healthy.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases are diseases caused by by viruses, bacteria and parasites, which can easily be transmitted through body contact during sex. There are at least 25 different sexually transmitted diseases which can be spread by sexual contact, including vaginal, anal and oral sex.
Sometimes, STD takes a long time to display any kind of symptoms. The following are some of the most common STD that affect sexually active individuals: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Bacterial Vaginosis, Crabs or Pubic Lice, Epididymitis, Genital Herpes, Genital Warts, Gut Infections, Hepatitis, Molluscum, Non-Specific Urethritis, Scabies, Syphilis, Thrush, Trichomonas Vaginosis, Balanitis.
Early detection and treatment of STD is very important to avoid serious infections that may lead to long-term or permanent damage. When left untreated, STD may cause infertility and can be passed on from a pregnant mother to her unborn child. Sexually Transmitted Diseases can be easily passed onto sexual partners and can aid in the transmission of HIV.
One of the surest way to avoid STD is by sexual abstinence. But you don’t have to be chaste just to be free of this dreaded STD. The practice of safe sex can greatly help in minimizing risk from STD. Consult with your professional health care provider for advice on getting tested for STD and other sexual health concerns.

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Defining Point of Service (POS) Health Insurance

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A POS or Point of Service plan is kind of like an HMO and PPO combined type health care plan. You have more flexibility than a regular HMO, but pay a smaller fee and deducible than a PPO. It is perfect for those people who need more flexibility but want to pay less. You will be asked to select a general provider that is off the list of acceptable doctors.

health insurance

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A POS or Point of Service plan is kind of like an HMO and PPO combined type health care plan. You have more flexibility than a regular HMO, but pay a smaller fee and deducible than a PPO. It is perfect for those people who need more flexibility but want to pay less. You will be asked to select a general provider that is off the list of acceptable doctors. This will be your primary care physician and he or she will be the one to manage what care you receive. He or she will direct you to specialist and hospitals as needed that are also participants in the plan. Usually there are many providers from each specialization to choose from and typically covers a wide geographic area. With this type of policy, you will not have a large deducible if any, and still have a minimal co-pay on visits and prescriptions. Of course, this is if you stick with the preferred providers list. You also may want to make sure what drugs are covered under this plan and if you have to pay more for newer on not generic medications. Some doctors don’t think about what kind of insurance you have when writing out the prescription and you need to remind him or her if you are only allowed to buy generic to be covered.

You will also have a choice to see out-of-network providers when you need a specialist and they are not on the list. Most POS plans require you get a doctor’s referral prior to seeing another doctor or specialist. Once referred to a specialist within the network, you will have to be prepared to pay more. If you choose to do this, you will be billed directly and must submit the claim to the insurance company your self. Your insurance company will pay their flat rate for whatever you had done and you will be responsible for the rest. You may also be responsible at the time of service to pay the entire amount and wait to be reimbursed your self from your insurance. If you chose to see a specialist on you own, the cost will be higher and around 50% if you were not referred. You will be required to pay a higher amount if you go out-of-network. So in essence, you have the right to see whom you chose, but at your own expense. The POS plan will only pay their flat rate for specific medical issues and not above it, unless it is an emergency situation. Many people like the idea of having more say in their health care choices, while others care more about saving money and don’t care who they go to. What you chose will depend on what you personally want and what is more important.

The emphasis on this plan is prevention of illness or disease to cut the cost to both the individual and the insurer. Most other plans such as HMOs and PPOs have the same basic emphasis. You are encouraged to take an active roll in your health and do what it takes to remain not sick and disease free for as long as possible. The idea is to see the doctor less so both you and your carrier together spends less money. The idea with this plan is that if you have to put more money into your health care you will think twice at whether or not you really need to go. If you want to waist the insurance companies money you have to waist your own too to do it. Medical insurance companies are in business to make money, they want you to stay healthy so they can collect your premium and not have to pay it out to the health care provider. So, for those people who do not want to pay as high as a monthly premium tends to opt for this type of health insurance plan. This one will ensure a low rate with out having to worry about huge deductibles or co-pays if used more like an HMO. So, if you think that this sound like something you are interested in, talk to several different companies and get some policies to look at. Make sure to look at what is covered as well as the price. Do a little research in the various insurance policies that are available. The one that you need to pick will depend on your priorities.

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Defeat Your Evil Mother-in-Law, with Generic Viagra

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Things sure were different last Thanksgiving! That was before I finally broke down and ordered some Generic Viagra, determined to satisfy my nymphomaniac wife, who’d caused quite a scene at the family Thanksgiving gathering, which was at our home, as usual. She’d broken into hysterics when she pulled out the turkey baster to baste the freaking turkey with. I guess she was jealous of the stupid turkey, getting that nice, juicy baste of juice. She remembered how I used to baste her, and also remembered how I’d refused to order Generic Viagra. And believe it or not, she let her mother and every other member of the extended family hear all about it, right over Thanksgiving dinner. I, for one, was scandalized. The rest of the family just chuckled at my expense. I was crestfallen. After this humiliation, I knew my proud cock-of-the-walk would retreat into its coop and never show its head again, unless I ordered some Generic Viagra. And I did exactly that, that very night, with the vow to bang my wife into hysteria over the coming year, so that next year, when I saw my beloved Motherinlawasaurus Rex, I’d be able to cause a scene of a different sort. I placed my order for my Generic Viagra on the Internet, as soon as the last football game was over, and in just a couple of days, it arrived. When my wife got home from her silly holiday mall grazing, I burned her little barn down. She was finally satisfied, and slept like a baby. I doubt she rang up her mom to tell her of my triumph-but then, I wouldn’t put anything past those two. I wonder why they didn’t marry each other. I guess that’s illegal in most states.

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Things sure were different last Thanksgiving! That was before I finally broke down and ordered some Generic Viagra, determined to satisfy my nymphomaniac wife, who’d caused quite a scene at the family Thanksgiving gathering, which was at our home, as usual. She’d broken into hysterics when she pulled out the turkey baster to baste the freaking turkey with. I guess she was jealous of the stupid turkey, getting that nice, juicy baste of juice. She remembered how I used to baste her, and also remembered how I’d refused to order Generic Viagra. And believe it or not, she let her mother and every other member of the extended family hear all about it, right over Thanksgiving dinner. I, for one, was scandalized. The rest of the family just chuckled at my expense. I was crestfallen. After this humiliation, I knew my proud cock-of-the-walk would retreat into its coop and never show its head again, unless I ordered some Generic Viagra. And I did exactly that, that very night, with the vow to bang my wife into hysteria over the coming year, so that next year, when I saw my beloved Motherinlawasaurus Rex, I’d be able to cause a scene of a different sort. I placed my order for my Generic Viagra on the Internet, as soon as the last football game was over, and in just a couple of days, it arrived. When my wife got home from her silly holiday mall grazing, I burned her little barn down. She was finally satisfied, and slept like a baby. I doubt she rang up her mom to tell her of my triumph-but then, I wouldn’t put anything past those two. I wonder why they didn’t marry each other. I guess that’s illegal in most states.

After our Generic Viagra year, my wife had a lot to be thankful for. Of course, I hadn’t exactly suffered either; it had felt good to get my rocks off. To “take a load off,” as the saying goes. I was relaxed, loosey-goosey; and my wife had mellowed out quite a bit too. Like most women, she was never really happy unless she was getting pounded hard, and every which way. That’s the way she liked it, and since I’d ordered Generic Viagra, that’s the way she’d been getting it. And so, the world kept turning, and finally, the next Thanksgiving arrived. Once again, her entire obnoxious, ignorant family pulled into my driveway and stank up my bathrooms. Her mother came to the door with a fake, saccharine smile; it was all I could do to play the gentleman and kiss her on both cheeks without retching all over her tacky dress and fake pearls. I wanted to give her some Generic Viagra and tell her to please have her husband turn that frown of hers upside down for the first time in twenty years. Well, I controlled myself. I was plotting something to really blow her mind. I wanted to go on a tirade.

I wanted my precious mother-in-law to understand that, with the help of Generic Viagra, I was the undisputed man of the house, and that I was making her little girl feel like a woman every other night (at least!). I’d been plotting my revenge all year, and I’d concocted a brilliant, extremely dramatic plan. It involved the turkey baster. I was going to get freaky in front of the entire extended family. They didn’t have to know about the Generic Viagra inspiration for my harangue-only that I was wearing the pants around here, and that they’d better not laugh at my supposed “impotence” if they wanted to be guests in my home. I’d throw them all out on their asses-if I never saw any of them again, it would be too soon! To be continued!