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Depression and Food Binging in the Family

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This article focuses on eating disorders of women and how they are closely related to family problems, negative emotions, and depression. A lot of young girls experience this and is more prone to such eating disorders. With self help and counseling, any girl can control their way of eating in to a much more healthier way.

bulimia, well being, depression, relationships, counseling, diet, weight loss programs

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Young women who grow up surrounded by family problems and any form of abuse are at high risk of getting eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. Unless they get help and support in dealing with their emotional reactions to their problems. According to research studies, family conflict together with other problems, as well as emotional and/or physical abuse, with neglect during childhood, can set the stage for potential eating disorders. For many young girls and ladies, their response to family problems during childhood years, not the family problems themselves, seems to have a strong connection to the development of eating disorders. If a girl has been experiencing family problems that lead to physical and/or emotional abuse and neglect, she would grow up without any emotional support coming from them, a factor that is so important for a young woman’s well-being.

In order to escape her negative emotions, a girl may focus intensely on her physical appearance. Thus, by eating in small proportions or by hardly eating at all, a girl can create a distraction for herself — which then serves as a means of avoiding negative emotions. Somehow, she feels the need to narrow down her focus to something that’s concrete. Another factor that leads to eating disorders like bulimia would be depression. Some girls can experience depression in school, where bullying is at its peak, and when everybody should look better than others. At this point, girls can see and feel depressed whenever they see popular girls with slim waists, and from there they could think of losing weight by means of purging, vomiting, and the like. Other girls get depressed when it comes to relationships, specifically romantic relationships. Of course, girls have the tendency to get jealous whenever her boyfriend looks at another attractive girl. This is normal, but for girls who have low self-esteem, this is pure punishment. They will eventually have thoughts that they are not as good-looking as the other girl, maybe because of her weight. This can possibly get the girl into hazardous eating habits, which can lead to having anorexia or bulimia.

If this is the case, any girl who suffers from any family problems or is dealing with depression should get professional help immediately. A lot of counseling sessions are available for those girls dealing with eating disorders, and this could benefit them by giving them advise on how to handle their emotions and feelings, together with support and help in fighting their eating disorder. Such sessions can open their minds and think of what is healthy and right, and can boost their confidence as well as their self esteem in order to build their true personality. Of course, girls should also be open to healthy diet options so that they can help themselves in getting back to shape in a healthier way. Try to see what options might be available diet-wise, since there are a lot of weight loss programs that cater to different people, depending on what they usually eat everyday. Girls should exercise regularly, like taking brisk walks in the morning or even going to the gym. This can help in maintaining a healthy body and mind, as well as helping oneself from the dangers of eating disorders.

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Depression and Experts Friedrich Asen

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This article is about depression from an unusual perspective. It is about the powerlessness and hopelessness of modern
psychological science and research. The importance of an holistic approach to mental and physical health will be explained.

Do you know, what really startled me since I was a child?

It is actually very simple but profound at the same time. I could see that there were problems in the adults’ lifes. That was one thing. The other was that they never seemed to really get beyond them. My first assumption about grown ups was that they are really
smart people. I mean, they were grown up and I was a kid. You admire them. Anytime they want they can turn on the TV or take the
car for a ride, just for fun. They can go to sleep whenever they want or they can stay awake till the morning dawn. They are gods…

My father used to comment on the radio news. From what I could hear I realized that adult people are not what they seem to be.
They lacked knowledge, although they heavily pretended to have some. Adults build huge hospitals, but the number of diseased
people is increasing. They do a lot of research, but things get worse. They are holding big conferences, but there is no solution to poverty, hunger and pollution. The destruction of the planet continues, unhampered. They scientifically study the human mind for
years, but still they are fighting over minor issues and killing each other. Depression is rampant.

The experts are wearing white coats of authority and they look really impressive. But the picture is deceiving. They are as helpless as the rest. They have been told that depression is caused by some material disfunction in the body. They wouldn’t admit it, but this theory is the cause of their own latent or acute depression.

There is one important saying: “Doctor, heal thyself”. So, obviously, an expert treating depression in a person should be free of that mental condition himself. But is this really the case? Are our experts examples in their own lives? Have they achieved the
peace of mind and the happiness that we are looking for?

To be quite frank: Our mental health experts are haunted by depression themselves.

Of course, their job is demanding and it is hard to stay untouched from all these unfortunate human destinies. But that is no
excuse. For a health practitioner it is of prime necessity to become a strong, positive and loving personality. It is not enough to just
“know” one’s field of “expertise”. Life operates on rules that cannot be managed properly just by some theoretical knowledge. A
doctor abusing nicotine and alcohol is as unbelievable as a psychologist suffering from a minority complex, being arrogant and

People tell me about their experience with mental and physical health practitioners. They feel ignored, misunderstood and treated
like an innate object. That’s how modern science looks at it’s objects: things, which have to be manipulated into proper function.
People feel that the experts lack self esteem and hide behind academic degrees and honors. They rightly perceive all this as
symptoms of personal weakness. How to develop real trust in such a person?

The formal training in any given area was much less in former times. But that does not mean that we have become advanced.
Modern education has created highly trained specialists in their respective fields, but being too much focused on a tiny segment of
reality they seem to have lost the whole big picture. At the same time they have lost themselves.

A person is not just ears or heart or mind. A person is an individual being. And what does that mean? A person cannot be divided. A person is one. Treating a depressed person without this consideration will only lead to frustration and more depression.

Depression spreads like wildfire. People seem to get lost in the rat race and the competition. Survival of the fittest. They drown in
the struggle for existence. The one and only thing a depressed person needs is unalloyed love and compassion. No one will learn
this at university. The students will learn about material processes in the body, in the brain. But they will learn little or nothing about the person possessing the body or brain. In this way they will not learn anything about themselves, too. They will look at
depression with the arrogance and helplessness of a lost soul. How should they be able to help?

A psychologist, a coach, a trainer, a priest, a doctor: they all have to understand what life really is. They have to thoroughly
understand themselves first. They have to get rid of their own depression and hopelessness deeply buried in themselves. They
actually have to become free and independent loving persons. That is the real challenge: How to transform oneself into a great
personality. Theoretical knowledge alone is useless.

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Depression and EPA fish oil. Does it really work? David McEvoy

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It is now no secret that people all over the western world are turning to high grade ethyl EPA omega 3 fish oil to treat a number of conditions, but can it really work against a problem that knows no boundaries of age, race or gender. It is a condition that affects millions of people at some time in there lives, it’s called depression.
So can high grade ethyl EPA fish oil help with depression and low moods, lets take a look at the evidence. In one study involving 20 people with recurrent depression, researchers studied the effects of the specific omega 3 fatty acid known as pure EPA.
Patients involved in this study randomly received either the ethyl EPA fish oil capsule or a sugar pill in addition to the anti depressant medication they were taking. After only four weeks, six out of ten patients receiving EPA had significantly reduced symptoms of depression.
The leading researcher in this study Boris Nements said ” the effect of the fatty acid EPA was significant from week two of treatment” he also noted that ” the symptoms of depressed mood, guilt feelings, worthlessness and insomnia had all improved by week three.”
This particular study was carried out at the University of the Negev in Israel and was published in the American journal of psychiatry 2002.
Another very high profile study using the essential fatty acid pure EPA was carried out in Scotland by doctors Peet and horribin. This study involved seventy patients who were suffering from depression that was persisting despite ongoing treatment with standard antidepressant drugs.
The study lasted twelve weeks, and the background anti depressant drugs the patients were receiving was not altered during the trial. The results showed that the patients taking EPA showed significant improvement after only four weeks in all symptoms of depression, when compared to the group who were administered a dummy pill.
This study was published in the Archives of general Psychiatry.
Pure Ethyl EPA
Omega 3 fish oil is high in two key compounds DHA and EPA. In both studies mentioned above they used ultra pure ethyl EPA that contained zero DHA. The reason for this was that they found that the purer the compound of EPA then the more effective it seemed to be.
The brain has much more DHA than EPA but the studies found that EPA is much more important when it comes to responses to nerve stimulation. It appeared that the DHA maybe more important for structure and the EPA for function.
Blood samples taken from people in the USA, Europe, Australia and Japan showed that depressed people have especially low levels of EPA, when compared to blood samples of people who were not suffering from low moods or depression.
The lead researches from the study in Scotland both concluded that EPA is the most important essential fatty acid in the treatment of depression.
These findings are backed up with two randomised controlled trials from Sheffield and Baylor universities involving DHA only, which showed no improvements in the symptoms of depression. In fact the results were significant and showed the DHA controlled groups to be slightly worse than the placebo controlled groups.
People all over the western world are successfully using pure ethyl EPA without the DHA to treat depression and related disorders.
Copyright 2005 David McEvoy


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Depression and Dry Mouth Connection

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This article talks about how old people get illnesses that easily. A common condition among older people would be having dry mouth or Xerostomia. This article discusses its definition, how it is experienced, its causes and factors, and possible relief from said condition.

dry mouth, side effect, depression, diet

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There can be a lot of health complications that may arise as people get older. This fact is considered as a part of a person’s natural aging process because a person’s body tends to get weak as one grows older. Body organs and a person’s body systems (digestive, nervous, circulatory, etc.) are more prone to illnesses, simply because of the length of time a person lives. At this stage, people should be extra careful on their diet, more aware on their everyday medications, and on their way of living.

Specifically, a common problem among older adults would be experiencing lack of saliva, or dry mouth. Xerostomia, in medical terms, refers to a decrease in the amount of saliva in a person’s mouth. Often ignored, this condition affects the mouth itself by not moistening the mouth as we all normally do. This health condition prevents saliva from continually secreting into our mouth, therefore making it hard to swallow and digest, speak, chew, kiss, make love, even sing. Saliva protects and nourishes a person’s teeth, lips, mouth, and esophagus. Lacking saliva would do damage to these parts, and without adequate saliva to lubricate one’s mouth, wash away food, and neutralize acids produced by plaque, extensive decay can arise. Dry mouth is encountered mostly by older people and mostly women.

Several factors are involved when a person has dry mouth. Certain prescription medications produces dry mouth as a side effect, such as for high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, weight loss, allergies, pain, muscle relaxants, urinary incontinence drugs, medications for Parkinson’s disease, and antihistamines. Actually, over a thousand medications can cause dry mouth, and the more drugs a person takes, the more chances of having this kind of condition. Decreased saliva or dry mouth is also associated with a number of psycho logic and medical conditions. A noticeable disease that causes oral dryness would be having Sjogren’s Syndrome, a condition that is characterized by generalized dryness of the salivary and other similar glands. Other diseases that may result in dryness would be AIDS, dehydration, diabetes, and bone marrow transplants. Another cause for dry mouth would be through therapeutic irradiation. This treatment for certain cancers (head and neck) can include radiation that can damage the salivary glands, and eventually decreasing the production of saliva. Depression also contributes to having a dry mouth. People who are clinically depressed or those who become overly anxious have lower percentage of salivary flow. Other more natural causes would be aging (as mentioned earlier) and the decrease in a person’s ability to chew.

If dryness is from the intake of certain medications, it would be good to seek advice from the doctor who can possibly change your medication and reduce the dryness. A more simpler solution would be keeping the mouth moist. A person can do this by sipping water or any other sugar-free juices frequently. A person can also stimulate the flow of one’s saliva by eating foods which require mastication, chewing sugarless gum, by using diabetic-type candies, or by sucking on a cherry, olive pit, or the rind of a lemon or lime. Dry mouth should be given attention, and a consultation with a physician is advised when one feels dryness in the mouth.

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Depression after a heart attack Nicholas Webb

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There are several factors can lead to depression after heart attack. The stress of being in the hospital, the fear of another heart attack, time away from work can all contribute to feeling depressed, helpless, down and despondent.
Do many people suffer depression after heart attack?
Not surprisingly, the answer to this question is yes. Recent studies show that as many as 65% of people who have a heart attack report feeling depressed, down and despondent. A general state of despair. Moreover, women, people who have been depressed before, and people who feel alone and without social or emotional support are at a higher risk for feeling depressed after a heart attack. Two new Canadian studies have shown that More than twice as many women than men tend to fall into chronic depression after suffering a heart attack and are more likely to lead lives of poorer quality following their treatments.
Being depressed can also make it harder for you to recover. However, depression can be treated.
Being told by doctors that you should take up exercise, adopt a new diet, stop smoking, etc. etc. etc. can certainly make you feel helpless, in fact, you will probably have good days and bad days following your release from hospital. However, most people start to feel better as time passes. People that are quickly able to get back to their usual routines normally notice a drop in anxiety faster than those that don’t.
So what exactly is depression?
Depression, be it after a heart attack or not, is a medical illness, like diabetes or high blood pressure and not just somebody going crazy. This is important both for the sufferer and family members to understand. The symptoms of depression may include some or all of the following:

Feeling sad or crying often
Losing interest in daily activities that used to be fun
Changes in appetite and weight
Sleeping too much or having trouble sleeping
Feeling agitated, cranky or sluggish
Loss of energy
Feeling very guilty or worthless
Problems concentrating or making decisions
Thoughts of death or suicide

Can heart disease trigger depression or depression trigger heart disease?
Either of the above may be true, one thing seems clear. The two are often found hand in hand, therefore controlling one may help control the other.
According to The American Academy of Family Physicians research has shown that people who are depressed and have pre-existing cardiovascular disease have a 3.5 times greater risk of dying of a heart attack than patients with heart disease who are not depressed. In a recent study, depression was shown to be associated with an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease in men and women. Depression was shown to increase mortality related to coronary heart disease in men but had no effect on mortality in women.
How can the risk of relapse be avoided?
The risk of relapses, be it of heart disease or depression, can be greatly reduced by living a healthy lifestyle, and your doctor will instruct you on this. However, some important lifestyle modifications are avoiding alcohol, illegal drugs, smoking, start a regular exercise program, eating a balanced diet, manage stress, join a club, meet new people or take courses in things that interest you, get enough rest and sleep

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Depression 411

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On negative thoughts; definition and symptoms of depression; effect of depression in persons thoughts; causes of depression; treatment of depression.

mental health, depression

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Negative thoughts regarding relationships, career, health, and personal issues are considered harmful for our mental health. Thinking of bad situations beforehand is also regarded as unnecessary, since the person’s way of thinking affects his or her outlook in life. These trail of thoughts can cause a pessimistic way of thinking that could seriously affect a person’s otherwise healthy way of living.

By consistently thinking and feeling down, a person might be already experiencing depression. A person dealing with this condition may also feel irritable for no apparent cause, together with lack of energy and concentration. Depression is not a one time event. If a person has experienced depression at some time in his/her life, the chances of a recurrence are high. Some people exhibit depression in various ways. Symptoms of such can be the following: consistent feelings of sadness, tension, and irritability; change in appetite with considerable gain or loss of weight; restlessness; change in sleeping patterns; decrease in pleasure of doing usual hobbies and interests; lack of decision making skills; feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and hopelessness; and thoughts of suicide and death.

People suffering from this kind of feeling may not seek help from other people, even from their own family members. Depression is believed to be an illness in a person’s mental health, and treating this would be very critical since this could affect not just the sufferer, but everyone and everything in their life. Other people dealing with depression sometimes attempt to harm themselves convinced that these negative feelings will never end. This is why everyone should be aware of the symptoms of depression and know that it is a treatable illness.

Depression results from a number of factors, depending on the person and his surroundings. Family history plays a vital role in having this mental health issue. Another factor triggering it can be trauma and stressful situations. Death, financial problems, relationship breakups, and changes in your life (be it a new job, school graduation, or getting married) can contribute to feeling depressed. Some people also possess the trait of pessimism, where they usually have a negative outlook on life or having low self esteem. Physical health conditions also cause depression. Serious illnesses including cancer, HIV, or heart disease can trigger depressive thoughts since these health conditions make the person weak and stressed out. By feeling depressed, these medical conditions might make things even worse than it already is. Other psychological disorders including anxiety, eating disorders, schizophrenia, and particularly substance abuse can easily make a person feel depressed.

Being depressed can really make the person feel bad, inside and out. But by taking the first step, which is to get proper treatment, depression can deliberately be healed. There are several medications specifically designed for the treatment of depression (also known as anti- depressants). Another way to take away feelings of depression is through psychotherapy. By expressing feelings and sharing it with a therapist, depression can be eased. Types of psychotherapy includes the cognitive behavioral therapy, which helps in identifying thought and behavior patterns related to feeling depressed. Interpersonal therapy, on the other hand, deals with the connection of depression and troubled relationships. A longer therapy process would be the psycho-dynamic therapy, which links depression to certain events and conflicts that a person has experienced especially during childhood. Group therapy is more on interaction with other depressed people, sharing rough experiences with the therapist and offers counseling as well.

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Depression: Flesh and Blood Or Thoughts and Emotions?

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There is currently an argument concerning the nature of depression. Some believe it to be a psychological condition, while others perceive the root of the problem as being biochemical. There is still research being conducted, but for now, the answer eludes medical science.

depression, anxiety disorders, performance anxiety, social anxiety

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Is depression caused by external factors, or by our own mind and body?

The answer may not be as simple as some would like to believe. The commonly held view is that depression is caused by negative events or circumstances that result in fear, sadness, apprehension, and worry. External factors such as gloomy weather, the six o’clock news, and even how one views society at large — are also considered major sources of depression.

Another school of thought in this issue about depression is rooted in biology and biochemistry. Going by this theory, depression is supposedly caused by chemical imbalances which, in turn, affect a person’s psychological and emotional equilibrium. The discipline of psychology, however, takes a different tack by claiming that the chemical changes are effects of the psychological condition, not the other way around.

There are reports and studies that show depression as being linked to a variety of chemical changes in the brain. Changes in the brain’s chemical receptors have been mentioned as possible causes of depression. The same has been said of damage to the nerves and biochemical transmitters that do the gritty work of the central nervous system. Serotonin is usually mentioned, though other neural receptors have also been named by a variety of studies into the topic. Noradrenaline and dopamine levels have also been mentioned by some studies as being linked to depression. It is these drugs that most antidepressant medications are designed to target. The basic idea is that low levels of the aforementioned chemicals causes depression, so higher levels should be uplifting. While most cases of depression are treated successfully in this manner, there are still some issues to be resolved. The low levels may be indicative of another problem, rather than being the root of the problem itself.

Psychology may be a major factor in depression, if not the root cause. Studies show that people who have suffered emotional or psychological trauma are more likely to develop depression later on in life. This is particularly true if the trauma occurred during the person’s formative years, or was caused by a trusted figure in their life. Pessimism can also make it easier for a person to slide into depression, but most do not see it as a major factor. Anxiety disorders may also lead to depression, according to some studies. This stems from the negative self-perception that can be caused by anxiety disorders that cripple a person’s ability to fulfill his perceived duties. These can include social anxiety and performance anxiety, among other types of anxiety disorders. As the negative self-perception sinks in, it begins to alter the person’s view of reality. Eventually, as depression sets in, everything appears bleak and hopeless.

For the time being, it is difficult to be sure whether depression is a mental condition or a biological one. There is ample evidence to show that there are factors on both sides of the argument. However, there is a lack of evidence to point to either side of the coin being the definitive answer. More research into the matter is going to be needed, especially since there are some unanswered questions about depression. For example, the fact that depression seems to manifest frequently in families suggest some sort of genetic connection. Also, if the state of mind does have an effect on depression, then would there be a statistical correlation between nihilism and depression? Clearly, there is still much to be discovered about this condition.

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Depression: Escape Your Mental Prison Jesse S. Somer

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Depression: The way out could be in changing the way you perceive the world around you.
There is an illness all around me in modern society that seems to be spreading like the Black Plague once did in Europe so long ago. It’s called depression, have you heard of it? Has it affected you? The more I look, the more I see it in so many people in my life, including myself. Depression sucks. It’s a real drag, and I mean real drag. It is different from the feelings of unhappiness that all humans have to deal with in their lives. It is being in a solitary prison where you are the only one who can see the walls; you are the jailor, the guard, and the prisoner all rolled into one. Sounds like fun huh? Well, we better become more aware of it because there are certain aspects of contemporary life that are causing more and more souls to lock themselves up, some believing that they have no hope of ever finding the key out.
If you look up depression on the Internet through a Google search query you will find a lot of different ways and means to manage or treat the problem. There are Eastern and Western approaches, psychological and spiritual; today there are 15,400,000 links about the subject. It seems to be on everybody’s mind and yet we don’t give it the general social awareness that we do for other illnesses. This is probably because there are so many stigmas around faults with the human mind. Broken bones and cancer we can understand or at least think we do; but we touch on a soft spot when we find a problem with that infinitely complex, helpful, magical device we call the brain.
Recently I went to a public talk by a world famous Psychologist named Dorothy Rowe who was selling her new book, ‘Depression: The way out of your prison”. I’m not going to tell you that she has all the answers, but I did like the different approach that she took to the illness. She’s not against modern medication, but she feels that it can be only part of the solution. Of course there are types of intense clinical depression that need certain chemicals to rebalance the brain to a ‘normal’ working order, but for all depression she feels that the focus could be shifted from a management to a prevention paradigm.
Dr Rowe focuses on the assertion that depression comes when one’s structure of interpreting the world around you has been affected by some deeply negative occurrences (usually in one’s youth). Her theory suggests that if a certain event happens to one hundred people, they will all probably interpret the experience in an individual, different way; the perceived ‘reality’ having been a resulting construct from one’s life experiences. For example: Let’s say you get fired from your job. Just about everyone is going to feel a general unhappiness and grieve over the subsequent period. However, many people have built positive, optimistic ways of seeing life and will just go on and feel as though the layoff was another necessary step or a momentary setback on the way to their life’s goals and dreams. “Whatever doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger.” is a common sentiment from this type of personality.
However, a person who is prone to perceiving the world around them as threatening and dangerous (maybe their parents never gave them positive affirmations as a child, or even put them down emotionally) may believe that the loss of this job is a relative ‘destruction’ of their world, their safety, their confidence. This is where the illness of depression can dig its sharp teeth in. This is a pretty mellow analogy; in reality some people have gone through hellish childhoods filled with abuse, neglect and addiction. When this type of person then has to deal with the loss of a loved one or relationship break-up, you can imagine that they would be much more prone to perceiving the experience as deeply negative. Dr. Rowe believes that these constructed structures of perceiving what happens to you can be altered, thus giving rise to a new way of seeing reality. The main idea is based around the idea that we must learn to change the ways in which we see ourselves.
If we can learn to accept ourselves with all our faults and imperfections, and realize that if we are doing our best to be a loving and giving person everyday, then we can see ourselves as being worthy, and that all is well. Then if someone else treats us badly, ignores us, or says we aren’t good enough, we can know and acknowledge that they are the person with the problem and that we don’t necessarily need their affirmation or acceptance. We can then wait for positive people to come into our lives, as like attracts like. Soon enough we will find that there is a group of people that will stand by our side and support us when things get bad because we do the same for ourselves and for them.
One of the most powerful insights I had from this experience was the sheer number of people in the room for Dr. Rowe’s speech. Each and every one had been or known someone close who had been depressed at one time in their life, thinking that they were completely alone in the world. When you see a big group of people together whom have all felt alone, you might just see into the true paradox of reality? If everyone who got depressed realized that it is a common occurrence, and connected to others in similar cases, it definitely could be a step towards healing. Could the Internet take a leading role in this process?

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Depression: A Mental Trauma

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The article is about the perils of uncontrolled depression and its symptoms as well as possible treatment options.

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Judy who recently got a divorce and left to take care of two kids ages 7 and 10 is on the verge of breaking down. She is oftem overwhelmed at how her marriage failed and how her husband of 14 years could treat her as if they never loved each other. She always depended on her husband for just about everythin… fixing broken things in the house, paying the bills, for buying a new house for the kids to live in… sorting out their debts….and even for just picking the right dress for the occasion.

But suddenly…she was alone. Alone in every aspect of decision making. Alone in paying the bills, looking after the well-being of her children, while trying to earn a living as a customer service representative in a well-known retail store. She goes home so tired, she is mentally and physically drained from taking calls and assisting angry customers. Upon reaching her home, she is still expected to do the cooking and satisfy her kids’ demands for attention.

One day, she just sat in front of the t.v set…staring at the screen without really watching the show. She felt very sad at how her life turned out. Instead of seeking help and companionship, she avoided her own family and whoever was left of her few friends. After the break up of her marriage, she everything as black and bleak. A dark cloud hung over her. She slowly lost interest in going to work. Soon, she found herself locked up at home. She was in the pit of despair.

She was scared of being a single parent. Judy found herself in the middle of depression. It is condition that afflicts millions of people around the world.

Depression is a common condition in fast, high pressure societies. Studies shows that women are likely to be more depressed than men in the United States. Depression is a prolonged deep sadness and the symptoms are the following:

l Drastic change in appearance and appetite either weigh gain or weigh loss
l Emptiness and pessimism
l Feeling overly tired or lethargic
l Thoughts of suicide
l Restlessness and/or Irritability
l Difficulty in concentrating
l Being so forgetful
l Feelings of guilt
l Loss of interest in usual hobbies
The degree of depression depends on how person goes under the degree of mental trauma. As we get older we may gradually experience some loses in the previous years like relatives, spouses and friends due to death or illness. Our body simply cannot take so much stresses but in most recent years a lot doctors are giving antidepressant prescriptions like Prozac, Wellburin etc…as a new generation type of cure and a host of the most effective antidepressants out there in the market but taking medications along is not a 100% guaranteed.

A depressed person would likely get over it if there is an caring friend or a close relative that can be supportive. True enough, a depression makes the person go to extreme mood swings but giving enough patience to that person goes a long, long way as simply as doing things together and making that person feel belongs. Showing that person the positive and other good things in life. It might be tiring from the start and if are there for the long haul make sure that person is getting the professional help he or she can get to overcome this depression.

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Depression David Chandler

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Depression is a very serious matter, which does not discriminate. Depression doe not care what your age is, what gender you are, or even what your race or social class is.
Depression can often make a person feel sad, helpless, hopeless, and irritable. It is normal for people to have these feeling sometimes, but some people cannot just snap out of it and this is the difference between what is normal and major depression. It is the determination and brutality of the emotions that determine the mental illness of depression from normal mood changes.
We are going to talk about different types of depression and how it can affect you. Depression is an illness that affects your body, mind, disposition, thought, sleep, energy, concentration, weight, and much more. Depression is not a mood, it is not a sign of personal weakness, and it cannot be simply willed away.
Clinical depression is constant and can interfere significantly with an individual’s ability to function by emotional experiences of sadness, loss, or passing mood states. Clinical depression can be devastating to all areas of a person’s everyday life, including family relationships, friendships, and the ability to work or go to school.
Bipolar disorder (manic-depression) is a mood disorder, which means that the symptoms are abnormalities of mood. Bipolar disorder involves episodes of both serious mania and depression. Bipolar disorder can have a devastating impact on sufferer’s lives and can lead to suicide if it is not treated.
Major depression is a more common illness, the symptoms of which are mainly those of ‘low’ mood.
Several things can cause depression; one of the causes can be attributed to a deficiency of certain neurotransmitters in the brain that signal from one nerve cell to another. The immune system of a depressed person is usually very low and therefore ineffectively responding to diseases, including cancer. The everyday stressors faced by Americans have simply become too much for many to bear, and reasonably so. In recent years, taking an anti-anxiety medication or anti-depressant has become as common as taking a multi-vitamin.
How to Alleviate
Two amino acids are known to alleviate depression in many persons. They are tyrosine and L-phenylalanine. The two amino acids are a natural precursor of certain neurotransmitters.
You can’t afford what?
Perhaps the only thing worse than depression is having depression and not being able to afford treatment. Needy Meds is a website that offers all the information you need to get your meds free, just click the name of your drug in the list on the left side of the page.
The Medicine Program is for people who do not have insurance and do not qualify for government programs you may qualify to enroll in a privately sponsored program. They do charge a $5 processing fee but the medications themselves are free. Volunteers staff this organization and the processing fee covers their expenses. This company will contact the drug manufacturer on your behalf, or you can choose to contact the drug companies themselves.
Free Samples – Often pharmaceutical companies provide physicians with free samples. Ask your doctor is he/she has any samples on hand of your medication.