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Dermatologists Offer Advice to Parents on How to Talk to Teens About Acne ARA Content

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(ARA) – Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States, involving 85 percent of the population at some point in their lives. Approximately 20 million teenagers have acne.
“Acne can be especially emotionally devastating for teens because they are extremely conscious of their appearance and their image,” says Hilary Baldwin, M.D., associate professor of dermatology at the State University of New York at Brooklyn. “Several studies have shown that acne sufferers can experience everything from decreased self-esteem and problems with body image to depression and anger.”
Dermatologists encourage parents to seek medical treatment for teenagers with acne and warn against taking a “wait and see” approach. “Many parents are often stuck in the mindset of past generations that nothing can really be done about acne,” says Sandra Swanson, a Charlotte, N.C. dermatologist. “They still believe in those old wives’ tales that chocolate, pizza, french fries, and their child’s hygiene habits are to blame, and that pimples can be healed or prevented by simple lifestyle changes.”
Avoiding treatment, however, can make acne worse and may increase the chance for permanent scars. “The ultimate goal of acne therapy is to help clear up the pimples you have and to prevent the occurrence of future breakouts,” says Larry Green, assistant professor of dermatology at George Washington University School of Medicine. “In general, if your child is not responding to home remedies and over-the-counter treatments after one month, it’s a good idea to see a dermatologist. Dermatologists have a greater chance for long-term success if treatment is started sooner rather than later.”
On, dermatologists from around the country offer advice to parents on how and when to talk to teens about acne and acne treatment, and share some of the common mistakes they see parents make during their child’s treatment.
Perhaps the most common mistake parents make occurs during the first visit to the dermatologist’s office. Too often, parents monopolize the conversation with the doctor and do not give their child a chance to verbalize his/her feelings. “For those parents, I let them know in no uncertain terms that this is not their condition, but rather the child’s condition and I need to hear from him/her,” says Omaha, Neb. dermatologist Joel Schlessinger, M.D. “I think it is imperative that parents be there at the first visit and always be available to discuss issues such as medication, but direct communication between doctor and patient is critical to successful treatment.”
“As far as supporting their child’s acne treatment is concerned, most parents do really well,” says Katie Rodan, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Dermatology at Stanford University School of Medicine in Stanford, Calif. “I like to have parents in the room because I want their input regarding oral vs. topical medications and other issues that arise where I may need their consent. I also like parents to know the treatment regimen because they can help their kids find a workable routine and can give ‘soft’ reminders to use the medications.”
“Parents play an integral role during treatment,” says Montclair, N.J. dermatologist Jeanine Downie, M.D. “They need to be supportive and encouraging, but must resist the impulse to nag or criticize, as it could have a counter-effect (i.e., the child may elect to rebel by not complying with the doctor’s instructions).” Dr. Downie generally provides her teen patients with written instructions they can put in visible places (such as a bathroom mirror) to serve as gentle reminders. “This gives them a sense of ownership to the treatment plan.”
For more advice on “Talking to Your Teen About Acne,” and other skincare topics, visit
Tips for teens are available on The site offers information about the causes of acne, how it can be controlled, dispels common myths about the condition, and offers information about a variety of over-the-counter and prescription treatments. Visitors can also ask a panel of dermatologists questions about acne, makeup, and subjects ranging from skin to nails to hair.

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Dermatologist: The Most Qualified Physician for Skin Problems Michael Sanford

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The skin is the largest and most visible organ of the body. It reflects the health of the body and acts as a barrier against injury and bacteria. Sadly, at one time or another, nearly everyone has some type of skin disease that only a skin doctor can absolutely give the scientific explanation for those skin problems. Dermatologist is a medical doctor specializing on the study of the skin, diseases of the skin and the relationship of cutaneous lesions to systemic disease. Dermatologist is a medical doctor trained to usually combine several activities like seeing patients in public hospitals and/or in private practices, acting as consultants to other specialists, teaching and delving into clinical or basic research.
The dermatologist must have expertise in basic sciences including pathology, biochemistry, physics, physiology, microbiology and endocrinology. Because skin diseases are often associated with internal conditions, dermatologist must also be familiar with all the other medical specialties because of their consultant work. Dermatologist likewise perform skin surgery in several situations like preventing or providing early control of disease such as skin cancer; improve skin’s appearance by removing growths, discolorations or damage caused by ageing; and to establish a definite diagnosis.
There are several responsibilities that dermatologist has including examining patients, performing biopsies and other diagnostic techniques of dermatology, interpreting test results and evaluating examination findings before prescribing treatments, including x-ray therapy, physical therapy and medication. Dermatological services are as well managed by dermatologist like formulating plans and procedures for dermatological services, scheduling operation of diagnostic and treatment facilities, and assigning nurses, physical therapists, x-ray therapists and other medical technicians. The dermatologist advises on the types and quantity of dermatological supplies and equipment, coordinate dermatological services with other medical activities.
There are however several types of health care providers who can take care of your skin conditions aside from dermatologist. The first thing that you need to know about picking a skin specialist is the probability that you are really badly in need to see a specialist as sometimes your condition may not need the specialist. Therefore, it is important that you know when you really need to see a dermatologist. Some conditions are exclusively treated by a dermatologist especially with severe forms of common diseases such as acne, rosacea and atopic dermatitis. Most skin cancers are treated by dermatologist, sometimes in conjunction with a surgeon. There is also the dermatologist who utilizes various specialized laboratory procedures to diagnose disorders characterized by defective responses of the body’s immune system.
Getting a referral from your physician is a great help and of high importance in finding the right dermatologist who will be working with you. It is important that you are assured that the dermatologist has the right credentials for the medical procedure(s) that your skin demands. You may have to do some preliminary check that will enable you to be prepared and educated prior to your consultation. Such steps are critical as it will help you achieve a successful outcome. You have to have a give-and-take dialogue assuring that you and your dermatologist have the same vision of what you want the end result to be as well as your expectations are realistic. The communication between you and the skin doctor is of most importance as you are considering things about your skin or associated problems.

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Dermatitis & Eczema

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This article explains the causes and treatments of dermatitis and eczema.


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Clear Skin Remedies

Maybe the first question you asked yourself after the doctor diagnosed your condition was, “Why me ? Why do I have to suffer the redness and irritation of dermatitis ? Why do I have to suffer the itching and dryness of eczema ?”Your doctor is perhaps best qualified to answer that question, difficult as it can be, but it may help to know that you’re not alone. Millions of other people suffer from some form of dermatitus every year.

The following tips are designed to help those with diagnosed conditions of eczema or dermatitis control the itching and dryness that accompany these afflictions :-

Beware Of Dry Air

Dermatitis is aggravated by dehumidified air, especially during winter months when forced-air heat circulates in the home. Since dry air tends to aggravate the itching of eczema or dermatitis, keeping indoor air moist should be a primary concern of sufferers and their families. You can counter dry air with a good humidifier, but you really need a big unit to do any good. If you sleep next to it however, that’s ok. Put it next to your bed.

Like It Lukewarm.

While some experts feel excessive bathing can aggravate the condition, others feel that regular baths reduce the chances of infection and help soften the skin. Taking these different opinions into account, the safest thing to do is to bathe regularly but use lukewarm water. Not too hot, yet not too cold.

Go For Grease.

Regular soap need not be avoided in your bath as long as a moisturiser is applied after its use to keep the skin from drying out. A number of after-bath emollients (greases) are available over the counter. If your skin still seems dry after using one of these products, move up to heavier creams or ointments.

Take An Oatmeal Bath.

For an additional soothing treat, add colloidal (fine powder) oatmeal to the bath water. You can even use oatmeal as a soap substitute. For the bath, pour colloidal oatmeal (from your pharmacy) into a bath of lukewarm water. For use as a soap substitute, wrap the oatmeal in handkerchief, tie it with a rubber band, dunk it in the water, wring it out, and use as you would a normal washcloth.

Take Comfort In Cotton.

Cotton clothing worn next to the skin is much better than either wool or polyester. Avoid synthetics or itchy fabrics, as well as tight or badly fitting clothes. In addition to looking tacky, such clothing can trigger itching.

Compress To Soothe.

Cold wet dressings can help soothe and relieve the itching associated with contact dermatitis. Try cold milk instead of water, it seems to be a lot more soothing.

Cool With Calamine.

Calamine lotion is good for many types of rashes that ooze and may need to be dried out. Also, calamine lotion with menthol or phenol added to it can be purchased over the counter from the pharmacy. This seems to help itching better than calamine lotion alone.

Beware Of Body Lotions.

Sometimes baby lotions aren’t the best thing for childhood eczema. They have a high water content, and that can further dry and irritate the skin as evaporation takes place. Use creams or ointments instead.

Wash Once, Rinse Twice.

When it comes to doing the laundry for people with eczema or dermatitis, make sure the detergent is washed out thoroughly. Don’t use too much detergent, and always rinse the clothes at least twice.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope it has been helpful. Author – John Moore – Please use my link.

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Depression Would Be Second Largest Illness By 2010! Jasdeep

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World Health Organization states one out of four worldwide suffer from various forms of mental, behavioral and neurological disorders. Are you one of them?
It has also been estimated that depression would be the second largest illness by 2010 keeping in mind its pace by which it is affecting people world over. Here is some statistics for you: Experts in the field of mental health claim that more than half a billion people worldwide suffer from psychiatric disorders, which include abuse owing to drugs and alcohol, epilepsy, dementia, schizophrenia and stress related disorders. To break up, we have around 400 million people suffering from anxiety disorders, 340 million from mood disorders, 250 million cases of personality disorders, 100 million cases of alcohol dependence and 45 million cases of schizophrenia Rest, calculation is left for you.
The definition of health as been stated by World Health Organizationincludes physical, social, emotional and logical well being. Out of these four parameters, three are related to mental health. So, now you know how important is mental health for you and we tend to ignore it the most.
Most of us believe, especially who are suffering from mental illness, that Depression and other mental disorders are not curable. Again the specialists, doctors and psychiatric in this field totally feel the opposite. Not just its their profession but it has been proved too. With proper aid, guidance and medicines treatment of mental health is very much possible.
Studies at Harvard has proved that women are more vulnerable to depression than men. For every men suffering with depression, there are two women and one out of eight women have an episode of major depression in her life. Major factors responsible for this result are difference in genes, stress,pregnancy, acknowledgement of symptoms, premenstrual disturbances. Heredity accounts for up to 50 percent of the risk of depression. Well that was really an eye-opener!
Depression is basically psychological disorder involving your body, mood, feelings, and even thoughts. Depression causes the change in the way you think, feel about yourself or about other things, behavior, and your well-being. Depression, if left as it is, can last for months or even years.
Know the symptoms and treatment of depression at

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Depression Treatments And Symptoms Of Anxiety Depression Michael Rad

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More than 17 million American people are affected by anxiety depression symptoms, so that the specialists have been calling this illness as psychiatric flu.
When the young people are concerned, the psychiatric factors are the ones that influence the anxiety depression symptoms. People have to be thought by the specialist how to deal with the stress factors and also they need to know how to improve their own capacity of handling these stressing factors. Almost the majority of the anxiety depression symptoms are very respondent to different treatments, especially to medication. As a modality of reducing stress, anyone can cut some hours from the work schedule program and a refusal of some social obligations. As for the more improved stress confrontation capacity, the patient is supposed to do a lot of relaxing exercises, more adequate sleeping hours and a healthy diet.
Finding an effective antidepressant drug is not an easy task, as every individual has one particular set of characteristics and therefore it is not possible a priori to establish which antidepressant will be that effective one. Beyond to depression medication, other treatments like psychotherapy, integrated therapy and depression medication, electro convulsion therapy and the therapy with light are today available. Each one of these approaches has detailed prescription lists. As an example, the depression medication treatment and that psychotherapy one have a rate success from 60 to 80%. This integrated modality has one of its particular indications in the advanced shapes of depression. Some patients show the persistence of residual symptoms between an episode and the other and in the shapes in which depression medication or psychotherapy alone is not effective.
There is a large number of anti depression drugs that can help remedy the harmful effects of the depressive symptoms but some of them have more side effects than others and this is the reason why they get dangerous. Considering from the price point of view, there are cheaper and more expensive anti depression drugs that can be used for treating this disease, but they may have severe side effects, such as: wither mouth, urine abstain, sedation and a lot of sexual problems. Talking about sexual mal functions, some drugs, which were recently discovered, characterize an important development regarding the sexual abnormality. Each medication used for treating the disease in question has a skimpy different profile of side effects, so it may be possible for one to try several solution treatments in order for the doctor to discover the most appropriate one.

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Depression Series (Part 2): My Antidepressant Doesn’t Work. What Can My Psychiatrist Do? Michael G. Rayel, MD

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Maria has been increasingly depressed for the past few years. She has tried at least four newer antidepressants but so far, she doesn’t seem to respond. Unable to work, she’s now feeling helpless and hopeless. Likewise, her family is discouraged. Frustrated and baffled by Maria’s lack of progress, the family doctor refers her to a psychiatrist.
What can the psychiatrist do to help Maria?
The psychiatrist has several options in dealing with a treatment-resistant or refractory depression. First, Maria’s psychiatrist can optimize the dose of her antidepressant. Maria has been taking low doses of antidepressants. In spite of her lack of response, the medication dosage has not been increased. To obtain a clinical response, her psychiatrist should increase the dose every two to three weeks. The antidepressant can be adjusted up to the maximum allowable dose if no or only partial response is observed.
Second, her psychiatrist can choose to augment the effect of her antidepressant with another medication such as lithium, triiodothyronine (T3), or buspirone. Among augmenters, lithium and triiodothyronine have the best support from the literature. Despite lithium’s efficacy, some doctors avoid this drug because it requires regular blood monitoring and has unfavorable side effect profile such as acne, tremors, and thyroid and renal dysfunction.
Recently, studies have shown atypical neuroleptics such as olanzapine and risperidone to be good augmenters. In my opinion, further studies are necessary to establish these two drugs as standard augmenter. Indeed, research studies and clinical experience have found augmentation strategy to be effective.
Third, combination strategy is worthwhile to try. Maria’s psychiatrist can add another antidepressant to boost the effect of her current antidepressant. For instance, trazodone can be added to an SSRI (serotonin reuptake inhibitor e.g. citalopram). Literature suggests that combining two drugs with different mechanisms of action and drugs that involve several brain chemicals has resulted in clinical improvement. In this scenario, one antidepressant plus another antidepressant is equal to three, or four or even ten, not two.
Fourth, the psychiatrist can switch from one antidepressant to another. Previous studies have shown that when making a switch, a drug should be replaced by a drug from a different class e.g. from SSRI to SNRI (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor e.g. venlafaxine), or from TCA (tricyclic agent e.g. nortriptyline) to SSRI. But recent studies show that switching drugs within the same class (e.g. SSRI to another SSRI) is just as effective.
Fifth, Maria’s psychiatrist can also treat other ongoing symptoms or drug-related problems that further complicate her depression. If she is anxious and agitated, then her psychiatrist should prescribe antianxiety drug (e.g. lorazepam) or if Maria is psychotic then adding an antipsychotic drug should help. Moreover, medication side effects (such as insomnia, dryness of mouth, constipation, etc.) that negatively affect Maria’s compliance to the drug should be addressed promptly.
Lastly, if despite above measures Maria doesn’t respond to antidepressants, then electroconvulsive therapy should be entertained. Of course, this procedure should be done with her consent.
In summary, Maria’s psychiatrist can optimize the dose, augment or combine treatment, switch the medication, treat side effects and ongoing symptoms, or use electroconvulsive therapy for treatment-resistant or refractory depression.

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Depression Linked With Hyperparathyroidism

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Whether young or old, no one is spared from going down the abyss of depression. Not even research scientist Marlene Belfort who described the experience as being in psychic hell, was able to eat or sleep during the experiment. It was found that psychosis was the scariest aspect of Belfort’s depression.


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It doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, what you believe in. Whether young or old, no one is spared from going down the abyss of depression. Not even research scientist Marlene Belfort. Her vivid recounts of bouts with depression and the discovery of its possible link with hyperparathyroidism is written in an article published by the New York Times.
Belfort was 46 when she felt nervous and depressed, exactly the same age when her father had committed suicide. While her married life seemed fine, with a supportive husband, three healthy sons and a good career to get by, anxiety prompted her to seek the help of a psychiatrist. She was found to be suffering from dysthymia, or simply called burnout. While no medications were prescribed, she was told that she had to deal with her repressed feelings as the child of a suicide. Psychotherapy was offered as a promising option.
According to Belfort, in science and in psychotherapy, one approaches a problem from different angles through observation, hypothesis, discarding theories and drawing conclusions. When the evidence from various directions converges on a point, that point becomes a discovery, a new “truth.”
Four years of therapy seemed alright until Belfort suddenly began to feel profoundly depressed and returned to therapy three years later. She was advised to take antidepressants. And though she had never taken anything more than aspirin, not even for childbirth, she conceded to the use of antidepressants in various combinations and at increasing doses as depression deepened.
She described the experience as being in “psychic hell”, a place where she was unable to eat or sleep. During this time, an odd e-mail message arrived from her friend and colleague, a Nobel Prize-winning scientist who questioned her contributions to a collaborative discovery that had won for her recognition. She reacted irrationally and began to assume that all her scientific work was fraudulent and that her friend had found her out.
Psychosis was the scariest aspect of Belfort’s depression. She didn’t realize that the true intentions of her colleague was to check the facts for he had nominated her to an esteemed scientific academy. Her paranoia deepened, her depression worsened, and was eventually admitted to a psychiatric hospital.
While inside, she was stripped of everything that could inflict harm on herself: sharp objects, vitamins (drugs and food supplements were prohibited), and her valued right to independence. Yet in the midst of fear and deprivations, the hospital staff cared for her like a child.
She experienced having been repeatedly strapped to a table and zapped for shocked therapy. But almost immediately, she began to recover from the incapacitating despair that had shut down her life.
Psychopharmacology and talk therapy kept her from re-hospitalization. “The episodes put me back in touch with my father’s death, and although suicide seemed like an alternative to my hopelessness, it was not an option. I had too much to live for,” recounted Belfort.
The turning point in her life came when her psychiatrist had been struck by the sudden onset of a first major depression in midlife. “He insisted on a blood workup. The results showed an endocrine condition called hyperparathyroidism, which causes elevated levels of blood calcium and parathyroid hormone. He pointed out a potential link to depression, prompting me to check the data,” wrote Belfort.
“When I did, sure enough, I grasped that there might indeed be a significant connection. Four years after my hospitalization for depression, I had surgery to control the parathyroid problem, followed by a second operation two years later. Plotting the data, I realized that when my calcium and hormone levels returned to normal, so did the moods. That was three years ago.”
She wondered whether her father also suffered from hyperparathyroidism. She also wondered whether doctors will routinely explore a physical basis for the sudden, unexplained onset of emotional pain.

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Depression Leads To Weight Loss-Gain

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Depression is said to be is one of the severe most condition of life to survive with. Persons suffering from depression experiences gain in weight, which is an extra tension. Sudden change in weight can be a symptom of depression, as well as a side effect of other medication. Several people experiences certain change in their body weight. Without significant details of your diet, work out habits, and previous medical history, it is hard to decide exactly what effect cortical levels will have on your body weight. Cortical is a hormone secreted by the body that regulates blood pressure and metabolism. It also plays a vital role in the stress response, and has become known as the stress hormone. When a person experiences stress, the body is in such a state of aggressiveness in most of the cases.

depression, medication, aggressiveness, diet plan

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Depression is said to be is one of the severe most condition of life to survive with. Persons suffering from depression experiences gain in weight, which is an extra tension. Sudden change in weight can be a symptom of depression, as well as a side effect of other medication. Several people experiences certain change in their body weight. Without significant details of your diet, work out habits, and previous medical history, it is hard to decide exactly what effect cortical levels will have on your body weight. Cortical is a hormone secreted by the body that regulates blood pressure and metabolism. It also plays a vital role in the stress response, and has become known as the stress hormone. When a person experiences stress, the body is in such a state of aggressiveness in most of the cases.

Serotonin is the brain element which helps us stay joyful and happy. Eating carbohydrates helps to develop serotonin levels and may explain why we sometimes desire these foods. So if you experience depression, do not pursue a controlled or low-curb eating plan. Fine carbohydrates include foods like oats, whole wheat bread, pasta, basmati or wholegrain rice, and beans/legumes. Small quantity of selenium is also helpful in the treatment of depression. Selenium can be obtain by eating foods such as total wheat bread, bran, brazil nuts, tuna, onions, tomatoes and broccoli. Include some of these foods on a regular basis it will be more beneficial. Individuals should include adequate salads and vegetables in the diet plan. They should also include fish with their meals in a week twice with the main course of diet.

Fatty acids and antioxidants present in these foods are very helpful to protect brain cells from getting into depression and aging as well. There are several programs that helps one to lose weight that one has gained due to depression. These programs not only make the individual to lose weight but also provide lots of support for getting out of depression state. A daily routine helps to maintain stable metabolism and blood-sugar levels, which in turn improves mood, and should therefore help to improve some symptoms of depression. Exercise may be advantageous than drugs in treating mild to moderate depression. If it is not possible to exercise of 1 hour that just start with 15-20 min daily. A quick walk, cycling or swimming are superb way to begin. As it is said that start with a single step to achieve the highest goal.
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Depression Is An Equal Opportunity Condition Belver Ladson

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Depression is a serious medical condition that can affect anyone. Men, women and children are all susceptible to this disease which can have devastating effects on someone’s daily life. Depression can come on suddenly, for no reason, or it might follow a traumatic experience such as a death or some other traumatic experience.
Symptoms of depression can interfere with a person’s ability to work, sleep, study and enjoy life in a fruitful way. If you find that these symptoms persist for more than a few weeks you should discuss it with your doctor. The symptoms to look for include: sadness, irritability, no interest in hobbies and activities which once were loved, hopelessness, problems sleeping, fatigue, thoughts of suicide or death, feelings of guilt and significant weight change.
Once these symptoms start affecting the way you live your life, it’s time to seek help. M.I., who has had depression on and off for many years says, “I never really knew what was wrong with me. I would have these bouts with trying to cope with life, but all I would end up doing is staying sad and crying all the time. I couldn’t see any way out of what I was dealing with in my life, but I’m glad I hung in there. Being able to find out what was wrong with me and knowing that I could get treatment for it changed my life.”
Depression an also affect the physical health of a person, which is a symptom that is often overlooked. I. A., a depression sufferer shares, “I would get these pains in my arms, shoulder and hands. My doctor told me that he couldn’t find anything wrong. Nothing wrong with my bones or my joints, but the pains never seemed to go away. Now I know it was related to the depression.”
No one knows what exactly causes depression, but some believe it might be caused by an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain, and in that instance you and your doctor might decide that you need to take antidepressants. One form of depression called “Seasonal Affective Disorder” (SAD) uses light therapy as treatment since it’s thought that a lack of sunlight during certain times of the year could be a cause.
If you think depression might be entering your life, don’t wait to get help. There is nothing wrong with asking questions and trying to get help. Many people are too afraid or feel guilty about asking for help for depression. A lot of the world still thinks that depression is “just the blues” or just a person feeling down. Depression is a very real medical condition that is just as valid as having a broken bone that would need to be treated.
“A reluctance to get help can lead to years of disability and not having a good and happy life,” says B.D., “I could have gotten help a long time ago, but I waited for about ten years before taking action. I thought I should have been a person strong enough to beat depression on my own. I sure wish I had made the move toward help instead of waiting.”
Remember, depression is a treatable condition that can get better. You need to take the steps to get the help you need.

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Depression and The Dagger

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Depression may not be the leading cause of suicide in the world, but statistics are starting to show that it plays a larger role than initially believed. There are some findings that suggest that while depression may not be a major factor in the development of suicidal thought, it does make environmental factors more likely to trigger such.

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epression is on the rise. This statement is backed up by statistical fact and, frankly, most people are not willing to really put the effort needed to contest it. However, with the rise of depression comes the rise of the potentialconsequences. For the business world, the main consequence would be the sudden and slow rise in the demand anti-depressants, especially as more and more people are going to be needing them. The other problems that tag along with the condition, such as insomnia, can also make any attempts to interact with the world and hope for recovery significantly more difficult. However, on a more personal scale, depression can also become one of the things that pushes someone to commit suicide.

Suicidal thoughts and the Thanatos complex are not dependent on someone having depression. According to some statistics, most cases of suicide stem more from fear or personal disappointment than anything else. Other possible causes can also be considered, such as fanaticism and a general but overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. Even if someone isn’t depressed, that person may still entertain suicidal thoughts and eventually come to a drastic decision. In the same vein, just being depressed is not always enough to push someone to take his own life. There are several factors to be considered in the volatile psychological mix that suicide creates, but that does not mean depression should be ignored or simply pushed aside because it is not “the big evil” of the scenario.

The mental health effects of depression are not to be underestimated. Some studies have shown that a large amount of suicide cases in the past have experienced clinical depression, or appear to have done so. People who become depressed may not always be on record because they decided to attempt to endure the problem, rather than seek professional help. However, closer inspection of the memories of friends and family normally reveals that the person suffered from the condition at an earlier point in their lives, even if they did not make others aware of it. While it is unknown if depression can recur, there are a few that believe that the damage done does not fade away with time and may, in fact, be triggered by other factors at a later date. Of course, this is merely speculation and conjecture because it is rare to find a way to get an accurate look into how a case of suicide felt during his last days.

Another aspect to be noted is that the condition can easily become a catalyst for a person’s psychology to become even more damaged. The potential side effects of leaving depression untreated can cover a wide array of psychiatric and psychological disorders. This, combined with the emotional vulnerability that often accompanies the mood of the depressed, can make even the slightest bit of ego-jabbing very dangerous. High-pressure situations can also aggravate a person’s state of mind even further, particularly if the person’s psychological problems are closely tied with his ability to perform under duress. In these cases, the person’s psychological state is already a volatile mix and, conceivably, triggering a reaction out of any of the “components” can result in suicidal thought, though outward violence is just as probab