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Diabetes: 5 Ways Hypnosis Can Help. Devin Hastings

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2768.shtml
Diabetes is now classified as a worldwide epidemic. Blindness, kidney disease, impotence and many other illnesses are often the direct result of out-of-control or undiagnosed diabetes.
Fortunately, there are several ways hypnosis can help. See which one of the following statements applies to you or someone you know. (1) As a person with diabetes, do you ever feel stressed? (2) Are you the parent of a child with diabetes? (3) Do you wish that you, your child or spouse were more motivated to exercise? (4) Wouldn’t it be great if it were easier to make better food choices? (5) Is your diabetes causing embarrassing, personal problems?
Now, since a hypnotist is by definition, a stress management consultant and a motivational coach, all of the above challenges can be powerfully addressed by using hypnosis but please note the following: a hypnotist is only part of your diabetes support team. Always be sure to have your doctor’s approval before beginning any hypnosis program that can have any influence on your medical condition.
The primary method by which hypnosis helps a person with diabetes is by reducing harmful stress. There are two fundamental ways in which stress negatively affects a person with diabetes: (1) Stress robs a person of necessary personal power that is crucial in giving a person the emotional ability to make choices that benefit their health and well being. (2) As a diabetic’s stress levels increase, so does their blood sugar. This is due to the ‘fight-or-flight’ response that people experience as a result of negative stress. When a person enters this state of mind, their body releases chemicals known as ‘insulin-antagonists’. These chemicals temporarily block the action of insulin while simultaneously causing the release of stored sugar in the liver and muscles.
With the above understanding about the two ways that stress affects a person with diabetes, let’s see how that information, specifically point one (as point two is self-explanatory), then applies to the five problems listed in the second paragraph.
Regarding statement one it is obvious to anyone with diabetes that having that disease is very stressful. This harmful state of emotional affairs then makes it more difficult for a diabetic to follow their doctor’s recommendations. Also, when a person is in emotional pain, they usually reach for whatever makes them immediately feel better. This can be any addiction, though it is usually food and typically too much and not the kind that is good for a person with diabetes.
Looking at statement two, it can be noted that stress packs a powerful double punch for parents of children with diabetes. This is because first, the parent is stressed out caring for an ill child and second, the child has overwhelming stress because they are not as equipped as an adult to deal with the enormous responsibility of successfully managing their disease. The parent must also then have to deal with their child’s stress. This double-whammy makes it very difficult to achieve the kind of precise care that is needed for good child diabetes management.
In statement three, the fundamental issue is exercise. Since 95% of all persons with diabetes have Type 2 and since 90% of all those persons are obese, the implications for enhanced exercise motivation are all too clear. For example, it is well documented that many Type 2 diabetics have had complete symptom remission after achieving a significant reduction in weight typically due to exercise and diet improvement. Additionally, exercise greatly contributes to one’s sense of well being and this therefore becomes a positive motivational cycle.
Statement four addresses a concern that many people have, not just those with diabetes. “I wish I could just eat better!” is a familiar refrain. Again, as a hypnotist helps a person to reduce their feelings of stress, they can then help that person to strengthen their inner commitment to making better food choices. Please note that even a small reduction in a diabetic’s long term blood sugar tremendously reduces their chances of having serious complications later on.
Statement five refers to conditions that are difficult for most people to talk about. For brevity’s sake this discussion is limited to one very common embarrassing problem: impotence. Nearly 60% of all males with diabetes experience impotence. There are two concerns here: (1) There is a good chance that these people and their partners are feeling a great deal of unnecessary and harmful stress. (2) A male diabetic may choose to take a medication for impotence when that medication is inappropriate and quite possibly harmful. This concern is also relevant to those millions of men with undiagnosed diabetes.
In conclusion, a hypnotist can be an important part of a diabetic’s health care team because a person can be responsibly coached by a properly trained hypnotist to more effectively deal with the above mentioned issues.
Devin Hastings
“Speak gently to yourself because your deep mind is always listening.”

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Diabetes & The Foot Nicola Cupples

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1069.shtml
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People with Diabetes are at high risk from various health problems such as:

Heart Disease
Eye Disease – Possible Blindness
Nerve Damage – Neuropathy
Amputation of foot or leg
Kidney Problems
Gum Disease
Loss of teeth

Another health problem associated with diabetes involves the feet, as Diabetes is one of the major causes for lower limb amputation in the year 2004.
Amputation is obviously the last resort concerning problems of the feet, but it is surprising how a small cut or abrasion can lead to such dramatic results in diabetic patients.
Why is the Foot at Risk?
Persistent high blood glucose levels can eventually damage the body’s nerves, causing a loss of sensation (neuropathy). Nerve damage can also cause pain in the legs, arms and hands creating problems in people’s everyday lives. Your GP or Podiatrist should check your feet on a yearly basis, which should include a sensory exam to check for loss of feeling.
Small cuts or abrasions on the neuropathic foot can go unnoticed if daily foot checks are not performed. The cut can easily become infected, which in turn leads to an infected ulceration and could eventually result in the loss of the lower limb. Therefore the importance of daily foot checks, foot care & Diabetes in general cannot be underestimated.
High Risk Factors Leading to Diabetic Foot Ulcers
A small percentage of diabetic patients develop foot ulcerations, some of which may lead on to amputation. The foot is at a higher risk of ulceration if the individual suffers from conditions such as vascular disease or neuropathy. However there are many other factors that can increase risk of ulcers such as: –

Cold feet or absent foot pulses
History of Foot Problems
Foot Deformities
Limited mobility
Poor circulation
Inappropriate shoes
Uncontrolled blood sugar levels

A painless abrasion or corn can steadily progress to a distressing foot ulcer, and if left untreated skin deterioration may occur.


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Dhyana Sharon Hopkins

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4850.shtml
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Almost everyone has experienced the fact that when one starts concentrating his mind on any immediate object or an idea, the mind starts wandering. It is very difficult to keep the mind busy with a single thought. The ancient sages too encountered the same problems. Arjuna, in Gita had mentioned that controlling the mind is an impossible thing on earth. Hence, he was advised by Krishna that though mind control is difficult, it can be made silent and steady by regular practice of vairagya and abhyasa. However, he has warned that yoga is very difficult for people whose minds are not steady and controlled. Pantanjali, in Yoga Sutra has emphasized these two qualities to achieve mind control. Hence ,these are the very qualities that make the essence of yoga.
Mind is like a disturbed pond with many impurities. First you need to stop the inflow of fresh impurities and then remove the existing impurities to clean the mind. Abhyasa is one of the practices for purifying the mind. Dhyana is one of the sub practices of abhyasa. This is a stage that a person reaches after practicing concentration for some time. At the start of dhyana, the mind is steadier and only a single thought about an object arises in the mind. Now it is safe to say that the state of dhyana is reached. Here, the mind becomes very stable like the flame of a lamp in a calm atmosphere and its contact with the object of experience becomes intense and complete.
There are two varieties of dhyana called sagunadhyana and nirgunadhyana. In the first dhyana, the stillness of mind is associated with an object of experience which can be experienced through the sense organs. The second one is completely mental. It implies complete absorption of mind into itself. Here, the mind is not associated with any external object. It becomes completely still in this state. This mind is supposed to remain still, silent and sensitive such that it can understand any past, present and future event that might have happened anywhere in the universe.

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Developing Routines, Creating Rituals Beth Yim

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1426.shtml
Routines and rituals are important for the well-being and health of every member of a family, especially in light of the high demands placed on both parents. According to a compilation of 50 years of research on families, routines are a method of organizing family life, sharing burdens and reducing stress. The review of the research in the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Journal of Family Psychology, found that families with strong routines correlated with marital satisfaction, adolescents’ sense of personal identity, children’s health, academic achievement and stronger family relationships.
Psychologist Barbara H. Fiese, Ph.D., states that “Routines involve instrumental communication conveying information that ‘this is what needs to be done’ and involve a momentary time commitment so that once the act is completed, there is little, if any, afterthought.”
The key here is the “little, if any, afterthought!” I love to cook, and preparing my family a meal every evening is not difficult. However, not everyone enjoys food preparation or putting the energy into thinking about preparing food. To change cooking from drudgery to an exciting experience routines that require as little thinking energy as possible are needed.
Creating Rituals
Ensuring everyone sits down together for at least five dinners a night is a routine that can provide incredible benefits. Kids can share the events of their day, discussions on current issues can expand everyone’s thoughts and the enjoyment of sharing good food together can create harmony and balance. Once a routine becomes a consistent event it has the potential to develop into a ritual and according to Fiesse, “Rituals, … involve symbolic communication and convey ‘this is who we are’ as a group and provide continuity in meaning across generations. Also, there is often an emotional imprint where once the act is completed, the individual may replay it in memory to recapture some of the positive experience.”
Once dinnertime becomes an enjoyable routine the ritual of eating together changes from a chore to an enjoyable experience for everyone, including the cook.
My family has several strategies for encouraging a routine and ritual around dinnertime. Our favourite is the long standing rummy or hearts game. Whenever we eat dinner together we play at least 8 hands, keeping score and adding it to the previous nights wins. We are hoping to go for a Guinness Book of World Records, longest continual game of rummy or hearts! Other activities for enhancing everyone’s enjoyment of dinnertime are as follows:
For younger children:

Get the younger children involved in the meal by having them decorate napkin rings. Use empty toilet paper rolls, cut in half and have your child colour or paint them. If they are old enough have them write the individuals names on them.
Right after dinner, before homework or chores, have an older sibling or adult read a short story. It’s great motivation for your child to finish dinner!
Have every family member bring a joke to share during dinner.

For older children and teens:

Have each child share a new word. Initially, everyone has to guess at its meaning and this can be quite humourous. The child then shares the definition and everyone uses it in a sentence.
Create your own “Jeopardy!” game. Everyone comes to the table with a answer and people guess the question. For example; “This city is the name of a queen and a city.” The answer would be; “What is Victoria?” Games like Brain Quest have questions already prepared if you find it challenging coming up with answers and just want to ask straight questions.
Have a crazy dinner night once a month. Invite grandparents or family friends. Everyone dresses up and dinner is all mixed up. Dessert first, purple pasta, flowers sprinkled on the spaghetti sauce, etc.
On a more academic note have each child or adult bring a current issue to dinner and open a discussion about it. Ask questions and encourage creative thinking.
Play games during dinner. We set a ‘Lazy Susan’ in the center of the table and twirl it so each person can see the game board properly. Examples of games that stimulate thinking try, Scrabble, Oxford Dilemna, Tribond, Cribbage, Quiddler or Trivial Pursuit.

Creating routines around dinnertime, routines that become rituals, is a way of keeping the family connected. It creates harmony, and balance and encourages openness among family members. With harmony comes a willingness and enjoyment of the whole process of creating healthy meals and the role of cook becomes a significant and integral part of the rituals at dinnertime. For more information on menu planning please visit my website


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Developing Healthy Eating Habits Amongst Kids

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

It is quite natural for any child to dislike new kind of food right away. It may take 10 or more tries getting a child to accept a new food. It is essential for parents to behave patiently if you want your child to eat right and healthy. For overall growth and development, parents should offer kids foods from each of the food group.

Some ways to develop your child’s healthy approach towards eating

– Cut down on the amount of fat in your family’s diet. Include low fat da…

Healthy Food, Nutritious Diet, Snacks, Healthy Eating Habits, Food

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
It is quite natural for any child to dislike new kind of food right away. It may take 10 or more tries getting a child to accept a new food. It is essential for parents to behave patiently if you want your child to eat right and healthy. For overall growth and development, parents should offer kids foods from each of the food group.

Some ways to develop your child’s healthy approach towards eating

– Cut down on the amount of fat in your family’s diet. Include low fat dairy products, lean meat, fat free cereals or breads.

– Avoid restricting sweets or desserts. Fat, salt, sugar have a moderate place in our diet. Don’t curb them completely. Just teach your child to take small portions of it.

– Make or keep wide variety of healthy foods ready at home to be eaten as snacks. Do allow occasional indulgence of chips, colas and cookies.

– Eating slowly helps to detect hunger and fullness better. Encourage your child to eat slowly.

– Eating meals together with family helps children. Meal time with family can be pleasant with free flowing, light hearted conversations about the day, etc.

– Activities like shopping for food and preparing meals are fun time for children. Both, parents and children learn about each other’s food preferences and enjoy the time spent together.

– Eating meals and watching TV at same time makes it difficult to pay attention to the hunger and may lead to overeating.

– Sending children to bed without eating food may give them the impression that they will have to go hungry. So they may try to eat whenever they get a chance. Avoid using food as punishment.

– If your kid is having lunch at school, find out more about the lunch program. If you pack your child’s food include variety of foods. While dining out, pick healthier items.

– If you as parents eat healthy nutritious food, your child tends to learn and pick up similar eating habits. Set a good example by eating variety of nutritious foods and snacks. Teaching your child healthy eating practices early in life will help develop an approach to eating food with right attitude.

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Developing effective abdominal control and core strength in dancers.

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

The deep abdominal and back muscles are critical for a dancer to maintain good posture and strength throughout class and performance. Lisa Howell, dance physiotherapist, outlines the need for activation of the Transverse Abdominis, Pelvic Floor and Multifidus muscles and offers a guide to initiating and training these muscles.

Abdominals, Core-strength, Dance, Ballet, Lisa Howell, Dancer, Stability, Transversus Abdominis, Multifidus, Pelvic Floor, The Corset, Deep Abdominals, Deep Back Muscles

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
The abdominal muscles are critical for a dancer to maintain good posture and strength throughout class and performance. Many people focus on doing loads and loads of sit-ups in order to strengthen their abdominals. Having strength through the outer ‘6 pack’ muscles (Rectus Abdominis) is important in a dance however, the deeper layers of your abdomen are far more important in controlling the stability of the spine and preventing injury.
You actually have 4 layers of abdominals and the ‘6 pack’ configuration down the front of the body is just the outer layer. Alongside these you have two layers of Obliques which help you flex and rotate your trunk and under this you have a very important layer called your Transversus Abdominis. The fibers of this layer run almost horizontal and instead of moving the spine in any direction they contract and stabilize your abdominal organs and your lower back. This is very important to get control of and will help in your turns, arabesque and your balance in general. Dancers are required to take their spines through extraordinary ranges of motion. Establishing effective control of each vertebra is essential to avoiding injury.
Many people try too hard when trying to activate these muscles when in fact the simplest activation is usually enough. To help to find these muscles, feel like you are trying to resist urinating. This may sound funny but it helps engage the deep pelvic floor muscles and the deep abdominals. While maintaining this, see if you can feel like you are pulling the skin of the lowest part of the tummy away from your leotard or belt. This should be a small contraction and should be about 10% of your maximal contraction. See if you can maintain some tension in this area as you continue to breathe gently.
Remember, the spine should not move while you are doing these exercises. The spine must be maintained in neutral when you are learning these exercises; however once you have mastered effective control, movement should be introduced. Many girls focus on flattening their spine when they switch on their tummy muscles. This is actually not good for the back, and can make it more unstable. There are tiny muscles that help stabilize each of the spinal joints that should activate with the deep pelvic floor and deep abdominal muscles. You must keep a tiny curve in your low back to maintain activation of these muscles while you gently contract the tummy muscles.
The combined system of stabilizing muscles is often called “the corset” as it is a natural version of the stiff 18th century boned corsets that women used to wear. It is the most effective way to narrow your waist, and provide protection for the intervertebral discs in your spine. Try turning on these muscles in sitting, standing, lying on your back or side, and while walking. The more you can use them throughout the day the stronger they will be!
This does take practice however it is important to maintain the strength and control of your entire body and your abdominals in general. You will have a much healthier spine for the rest of your life if you find these muscles when you are young!

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Develop Your Physical Potential To The Maximum

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

The body is a mass of muscles and bones waiting to be honed into perfection. It is like a mass of rock or timber waiting to be chiseled into a masterpiece, or like a pile of construction materials waiting to be built into a skyscraper.

The body has latent but explosive potentials waiting to be unleashed. If carved out, trimmed, molded, and polished, this potential can bend tough steel to submission and lift heavy iron to its proper place.

Yet, the body initially comes …

muscle toning,fitness training,bodybuilding,fitness exercise

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
The body is a mass of muscles and bones waiting to be honed into perfection. It is like a mass of rock or timber waiting to be chiseled into a masterpiece, or like a pile of construction materials waiting to be built into a skyscraper.

The body has latent but explosive potentials waiting to be unleashed. If carved out, trimmed, molded, and polished, this potential can bend tough steel to submission and lift heavy iron to its proper place.

Yet, the body initially comes out in its raw form – untapped. Like raw natural resources that are rich though unrefined, the body has to be developed through a process. It must be rid of useless “alloys” (or flabby flesh coverings) to acquire the essential ones (the muscles). The body must be developed into its full potential.

As raw material is nothing if it remains untapped or hidden underground, so is the body’s potential if it remains dormant. The Mona Lisa is a priceless artwork. It originally came from a raw material. The paints used were originally from raw elements of the earth. Had those materials not been made into a conglomeration of canvass and paint mixtures, their potential to produce a world class masterpiece would not have been possible. They would have been useless.

Rocks remain to be mere debris if not sculpted out to be art compositions. Timber will only be good firewood if untouched by the chisel strokes of a carver. Cement, sand, gravel, and steel bars will remain being a construction site if not used for their true intent and design.

In the same way, the body will lose its function if it remains to be a mere untapped potential, undeveloped and left for waste. It will hasten its degeneration if its real design and purpose continues to be ignored.

Muscles and bones are in our bodies for a purpose. They were not put there to remain at rest or to be idle. As things gather dust, moist, and web when ignored for a long time, so do the muscles and bones quickly gather aches, failures, and breakdowns when undeveloped.

Ultimate care for your muscles and bones involves exercising and building them up. Challenge and exert them to full power. Stretch, squeeze, and expand your muscles until they become well sculpted and rock-hard. This will in turn affect your ligaments to put your bones to greater works. You will be like metal hammered into form through flaming hot fire. Then your body will come out of the furnace shining like gold.

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Develop The Correct Golf Swing For Women With Golf Fitness Training

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

The woman golfer has a myriad of questions on how to develop the correct golf swing as does most any amateur. The questions from woman golfers center on a myriad of topics such as; how to hit the golf ball farther, how to develop a more repeatable golf swing, how do I hit half shots with my wedges, what are good putting drills? The list can go on and on in relation to the woman golfer and how to improve their golf swing. An area that is now presenting more and more questions …

Golf, Golf Fitness, Golf Training, Golf Workout, Womans Golf, Golf Flexibility, Womens Golf

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
The woman golfer has a myriad of questions on how to develop the correct golf swing as does most any amateur. The questions from woman golfers center on a myriad of topics such as; how to hit the golf ball farther, how to develop a more repeatable golf swing, how do I hit half shots with my wedges, what are good putting drills? The list can go on and on in relation to the woman golfer and how to improve their golf swing. An area that is now presenting more and more questions from the woman golfer centers upon golf fitness. Questions such as; what are good golf flexibility exercises, and how can golf fitness exercises help me drive the golf farther? These and many more questions are arising in relation to golf fitness and the woman golfer.

It is well known on the LPGA tour the number of players utilizing golf fitness programs to improve their golf game. Annika Sorrenstam has publicly stated the benefits she has received in her golf game from golf fitness training. One area that always appears to be a concern for the woman golfer is distance. How to hit the golf ball farther and Sorrenstam does hit the ball a long way, and utilizes golf fitness training. A simple connection can be drawn between increased driving distance, women golfers, and golf fitness exercises. The bottom line is this; golf fitness exercises can benefit the distance of drives for the woman golfer.

The questions that need to be answered are how and why. First off an understanding of increased distance, the golf swing, and the woman golfer needs to be addressed. Driving distance is contingent upon clubhead speed. The faster the clubhead is traveling at impact with the golf ball. The golf ball will travel farther, an easily understood concept.

Clubhead speed in the golf swing is contingent upon two components. Component number one is golf swing mechanics. The biomechanics of the golf swing in and of themselves create clubhead speed. It centers upon physics and the coiling/uncoiling of the body during the golf swing. In relation to improving clubhead speed and golf swing mechanics. The more efficient the woman golfer performs the mechanics of the golf swing. A greater amount of energy can be developed and transferred into the golf ball as a result. First and foremost for the woman golfer; the development of efficient golf swing mechanics can improve driving distance.

The second component of increasing clubhead speed is the body. Remember, the body is the implement swinging the golf club. It is the woman’s body executing the biomechanics of the golf swing. In addition it is also the body generating power for the golf swing. Power is the ability of the body to generate the greatest amount of force in a short amount of time. Increase the ability of the body to generate more power within the biomechanics of the golf swing. An increase in clubhead speed can occur. How does the woman golfer increase power outputs of their body? This is where the implementation of golf fitness exercises can be a benefit. Golf fitness exercises can increase the power outputs of the body. Power golf fitness exercises increase the ability of your muscles to develop more force within the golf swing.

How do golf fitness exercise achieve this outcome? Golf fitness exercises develop the body around the golf swing: Very different than ordinary fitness training or aerobic classes. Golf fitness exercises develop the required flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power within the body for the golf swing. This allows the body to execute the biomechanics of the golf swing correctly. In addition, golf fitness exercises can improve the swing in areas such as clubhead speed.

This is accomplished with golf fitness exercises training the body in the positions, movements, and physical requirements of the golf swing. This allows for the proper levels of flexibility, balance, endurance, strength, and power to be developed within the body. Improving the capacities of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power can improve the ability of the body to perform the golf swing and increase distance.

To summarize, the questions surrounding women and developing the correct golf swing are many. How to improve the golf swing through golf fitness exercises is one of these questions, and one specific area within this topic is distance. Increasing distance is contingent upon increasing clubhead speed. Improving clubhead speed centers upon golf swing mechanics and the body. Improving the efficiency of the golf swing mechanics will allow a greater transfer of energy into the golf club, thus improving clubhead speed. The second component of distance lies within the body and its ability to generate power. Increasing the power outputs of the body will enhance clubhead speed. Power outputs of the body can be improved through golf fitness exercises. These exercises differ than normal gym based exercises in that they develop the body around the swing. This allows for the proper levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power to be developed within the golf swing.

Sean Cochran

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Develop Fantastic Health And Well Being Fast! Tim Webb

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3954.shtml
Many people want a miracle method of obtaining good health and peace of mind. However, there isn’t one!
Having said that there are protocols that if followed on a daily basis will give you the best possible chance of having and keeping robust health in all seasons.
1. Physical Movement
Get that body moving!
This is SO important. It can help rid the body of unwanted pounds, boost self-esteem, prolong life, and provide greater energy in daily activities.
Use methods and movements that are holistic in nature, emphasising internal and external health, and that promote energy as opposed to sapping it!
Activities such as Yoga and some of the most recent exercise classes (that focus on martial arts movements for example) are great ways to to use your body in a total manner.
Try to avoid isolating each muscle group while training.
Use your body as a unit and feel your energy soar!
2. A Little Each Day
Try and do SOMETHING each day.
No, I’m not talking about intense sessions each day. Instead stagger intensity levels throughout the week.
It is amazing how many people do NOT do this and simply ruin their bodies!
Some days you might do a little light stretching and meditation, while on another you might perform vigorous deep breathing exercises and a gym session.
The point is this. The body was made to be used and moved. Keep the below quote in mind.
“It is better to wear out than rust out”
3. Mix It Up
Don’t eat the same things each day.
Keep your diet full of brightly coloured fruit and vegetables, lean protein sources, and plenty of carbohydrates if you are exercising regularly.
Do NOT fall into the trap of the fad diets that are prevalent nowadays.
To exclude, for however long, whole (and massively important) parts of a well rounded diet is ludicrous and dangerous.
Try and eat every two to three hours (and eat within the first hour after exercise) and you will be feeling awesome!
4. Positive Thoughts
Try this little test.
Monitor how many times in just three hours you are thinking in a negative fashion. Try this today.
I expect the number of times is higher than it should be.
Yes, it takes effort to be positive! The mind will often take the easy (and non productive) route of spiralling into negativity and procrastination.
It requires effort but is the hallmark of successful people. Take time for yourself each day and be goal focused and forcefully positive!
Even if done for just five minutes each day this will make you a happier, more fullfilled, person.
OK. There they are. Common sense points that can change you for the better fast if applied.
Start applying today!
(c) Tim Webb 2006

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Develop a Strategy For Dealing With Premature Hair Loss Richard Mitchell

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 790.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

The fact you are reading this probably indicates you have concerns about the rate of your hair loss. Baldness may sometimes be a source of amusement to those with a full head of hair, but premature hair loss at any age can be the cause of intense concern to those affected.
But you can do something about this! By following the guidelines suggested in this article you will place yourself in a position to identify a hair loss treatment that not only works but also fits in with your lifestyle and preferences.
To achieve this you must truthfully answer four simple questions:
1. What is the true cause of your hair loss?
Most instances of hair loss in men, for example, can be attributed to androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness) but you must be certain as this will influence your choice of hair loss treatment. To be completely certain you should consult with your physician.
2. How far has your hair loss progressed?
It is crucial to realize that the sooner you start treating hair loss, the greater your chances of success. You need to identify the pattern of hair loss as this will help establish both the cause and most effective treatment option.
3. What hair loss treatment options are you prepared to consider?
Your answer to this question will depend on a number of factors including the type and extent of hair loss, what treatments have been tried previously, your personal preferences with regard to using medications or natural remedies and the amount you are prepared to spend.
4. Do you have sufficient patience and determination to succeed?
There really are no miracle cures for premature hair loss. Equally, there are treatments that can halt and even reverse this condition, but none of them will work overnight. Treatments take time to work and there is no such thing as a remedy that suits everyone.
When you have given proper consideration to these questions you will find yourself in a better position to choose the hair loss treatment that best suits your circumstances. It you’re still not sure, talk to your physician or carry out more research. But you need to be clear on one point – the longer you delay, the more difficult your path to hair regrowth will be.