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Easy as 1-2-3: Obtaining Health Insurance

Many people are often concerned about obtaining health insurance. They are confused about their options or about how to obtain the best health insurance for them or their family. There are several ways to obtain health insurance, though, and some of them are not always obvious, but can be quite easy in the end.

Health insurance is commonly obtained through an employer. Nearly all employers these days offer some sort of “group” health insurance plan for employees. The term “group” simply denotes that there is a large group of people on the plan, which decreases the cost of the monthly premium for all members. These plans can cover yourself, your spouse, and your family, depending on the specific policy. Covering more than just yourself obviously increases your monthly premium, but the ability to cover your family inexpensively is a huge benefit. To obtain group health insurance through your employer, you should contact your human resources department or whoever is in charge of benefits in your company. You should be able to buy into the group health insurance plan at any time during your employment.

If you leave an employer who offers group health insurance without first finding other coverage, you can also use the COBRA law with your previous employer’s health insurance coverage. COBRA is a government act that allows you to continue coverage under your previous employer, though at a more expensive rate. If you had coverage for your entire family, COBRA will allow you to continue this full coverage for a certain period of time.

There are several million people in the United States who are unable to participate in any group health insurance plans, however. Health insurance companies do offer individual plans for those who do not have coverage through their employer, are self-employed, or are ineligible for government health insurance assistance, such as Medicare or Medicaid. Individual health insurance plans are more often than not very expensive in relation to group health insurance plans. These plans can also cover family members and spouses for additional costs. Finding individual health plans is not difficult. Almost all health insurance companies offer individual plans; you can now search online for individual health insurance plans. Some Web sites even allow you to compare pricing and details of plans offered in your area – much like shopping for car insurance.

There is also federal health assistance available depending on certain criteria. If you are over the age of 65 or if you have a disability or specific condition (detailed by the government), you are eligible for Medicare. Medicaid is another government health insurance program that is based on income. Overall, it is simply important to be covered, no matter how you go about doing it. Research your options of coverage and speak with a professional to find out more about the health insurance options available to you.

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Easing the Pain of Sciatica

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Since sciatic nerve pain is caused by a combined pressure and inflammation on the nerve root, sciatic pain relief treatment is generally focused on relieving both the pressure and inflammation through non-surgical treatments and/or surgical methods.

sciatic pain relief

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When standing up becomes a great difficulty and causes excruciating pain, or a mere sitting down can make the pain unbearably worse, chances are, it’s sciatica. Most likely, a person is suffering from sciatica when he or she experiences tremendous pain even while doing simple body movements. Sciatica or sciatic nerve pain is a condition in which the sciatic nerves in the body become inflamed. Sciatic nerves are found beginning at the lower spine and continue down the buttocks area, back of the legs, and into the feet. Symptoms of sciatica is characterized by a light tingling feeling or burning sensation to a full blown shooting pain that travels from the lower back, buttocks area, back of legs, and/or feet. More often than not, sciatic nerve pain affects only one side, although it could also be possible to run down both legs. Sciatica could be a frightening experience especially if you do not realize what is happening. One may begin to feel like becoming nearly crippled. However, most of the time, sciatica can be treated effectively.
Sciatica may occur when the nerve in the lower spine is pinched, or if there is a slipped disk. Arthritis or a sprained ligament will narrow the passageways of the nerves which may cause the nerve endings to become tender and inflamed. Other causes of sciatica, however rare, include an abscess, growth, or blood clot. Since sciatic nerve pain is caused by pressure and inflammation on the nerve root, sciatic pain relief treatment is generally focused on relieving both of these symptoms through surgical or non-surgical methods.
Non-surgical sciatic pain relief treatment may include one or a combination of medical treatments and alternative, non-medical treatments. Most of the time, it includes some form of exercise and stretching. If you are experiencing sciatica, it advisable to stay off your feet for the first few days. One of the things you must avoid is to get up and down repeatedly as this will only cause the nerve to become more irritated. Though some quarters pose questions on the benefits of bed rest, it is still advisable at least for the first few days.
It may also feel soothing to soak in warm baths to ease the pain. However, do not use heating pads while the nerve is inflamed. Prolonged heat will draw the inflammation in and will keep the swelling high. Rather, most healthcare professionals would advise the application of ice packs directly on the lower back area for 20 minutes at a time, every couple of hours. This may feel a little uncomfortable, but the cold packs will greatly help in reducing the swelling. Using mineral ice is also a good alternative in soothing the pain and offers a temporary sciatic relief.
Though some doctors may prescribe muscle relaxants for temporary relief of pain, caution is advised to prevent unnecessary side effects. Some medications can be addictive, or may give a false sense of feeling better.
Massage therapy is another method that is considered to be a highly effective non-surgical sciatic pain relief treatment. Massage treatments can keep your spine in better alignment for longer periods of time. As soon as your back begins to heal, your doctor may give you stretching and low impact exercises so that your muscles won’t stiffen too much. Be sure to engage in exercise only when your doctors approve it.
Alternative sciatic pain relief treatments that you might find available and helpful are acupressure, acupuncture, herbal therapies, homeopathy, biofeedback, and guided imagery to name just a few.
Surgical methods to remove the portion of the disc that is irritating the nerve root are microdiscectomy or lumbar laminectomy, and discectomy. Surgery helps relieve both the pressure and the inflammation especially if the sciatic nerve pain is severe and has not been relieved through medical treatments.

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Ease Menopause Symptoms with Aromatherapy Elena Leong

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Menopause can be a physical, psychological and emotionally challenging time for many women. They will spend half of their adult lives in menopause, according to statistics which shows the average life expectancy of women at 79.5 years nowadays.
By 2050 women will probably live to be at least 95 years old. A new generation of health-conscious women today is looking forward to a new phase of life with physical, spiritual and personal growth.
Most women think of menopause as the point when they cease to menstruate. They do not link irritability, anxiety, memory lapses, or mood swings to hormonal imbalance caused by this process of biological change. About 75% of all women experience some temporary symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, increase in level of cholesterol, decreased libido which may last for years; long term ones may include vaginal dryness and urinary problems.
To know more about menopause, you can visit
Fortunately, these unpleasant complaints or symptoms can be prevented, reduced and relieved by making some changes to daily lifestyles with the right diet, nutrition supplements, regular exercise and adopting some complementary therapies such as yoga, tai chi, spa therapy or holistic aromatherapy, which all help to achieve a healthy, balanced lifestyle with natural medicine. They also offer a safer alternative compared to Hormone Replacement Therapy. It also helps to reduce the risk of future age-related diseases such as cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, osteoporosis and diabetes.
For a list of detailed menopause symptoms please visit
Aromatherapy, which has been well used for over 2000 years, is the practice of using distilled essences obtained from the leaf, stem, flower, fruit peel, bark or root of a tree. As the aromatic molecules from essential oils disperse in the air they:
# carry pleasant fragrances to your nose
# come in contact with the olfactory receptor cells in the nasal cavity
# transmit the information to the olfactory bulb which is a structure just above the nose.
# cause a response in the limbic system of the brain which works in conjunction with the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus region to regulate the hormonal activities
# trigger the production of hormones that govern appetite, body temperature, insulin production, overall metabolism, stress levels, sex drive and conscious thought and reactions.
Essential oils can have a positive affect on all these functions through the sense of smell which happens to be the most complex and sensitive of all the five senses. The sense of smell is over 10,000 times more sensitive than your sense of taste and researchers have shown how aroma causes a brain reaction by activating the hypothalamus gland, the pituitary gland and the body’s hormones as well as stimulating the emotion and memory.
Aromatherapy is particularly effective for stress, anxiety and psychosomatic induced problems, muscular and rheumatic pains, digestive disorders and women’s problems such as PMS, menopausal problems and postnatal depression. It is a natural and non-invasive therapy designed to help a person enhance the body’s natural ability to balance, regulate, heal and maintain oneself.
Essential oils are very concentrated and their properties potent as they contain molecules small enough to enter your skin; except for oils of lavender and tea tree, the oils need to be diluted with a carrier oil, usually a vegetable oil such as sweet almond or jojoba, to avoid irritation before applying on the skin. The oils can be used in a vaporizer, sprays, bath, hot or cold compress, perfume or for topical body application or massage.
Some recommended essential oils for menopausal women:
# Bergamot uplifts mood and reduces anxiety and depression.
# Clary Sage eases hot flashes and night sweats and PMS.
# Chamomile has calming effect, ease tension, anxiety and headaches.
# Frankincense helps psychosomatic problems and anxiety.
# Geranium is a hormone balancer and reduces stress.
# Jasmine is euphoric and eases tension and anxiety.
# Juniper regulates period and relieves water retention.
# Lavender is sedative and aids sleep.
# Rose is a womb tonic and provides relief from pre menopause to post menopause.
# Sandalwood promotes vaginal secretions and stimulates the development of sex hormones.
# Ylang ylang is aphrodisiac and relaxes the nervous system.

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Earning A Health Care Degree Online Is Possible

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Many people enjoy working in the health care field, the career being an attractive one for many reasons. After all, you’re helping others, the job opportunities abound and the field of medicine is an exciting one that’s developing constantly. A career in health care is an exciting one, with hands-on experience and being personally satisfying. However, individuals wanting to break into the medical world need strong credentials and up-to-date training to have good employment op…

Health Care Degree Online, online degrees,

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Many people enjoy working in the health care field, the career being an attractive one for many reasons. After all, you’re helping others, the job opportunities abound and the field of medicine is an exciting one that’s developing constantly. A career in health care is an exciting one, with hands-on experience and being personally satisfying. However, individuals wanting to break into the medical world need strong credentials and up-to-date training to have good employment opportunities with hospitals, private practices and ambulatory care centers. Finding that training can be difficult, but there are options available, thanks to technology and a widening recognition of virtual instruction. Obtaining a health care degree online is a smart choice for landing satisfying employment.

Online education is transforming the way individuals receive instruction for top careers. The fields of opportunities are expanding and being able to earn your health care degree online is a perfect example of just how far education has come. Accredited universities and colleges provide high-quality instruction, leading to Bachelors and Masters Degrees that are recognized by employers. The training has a leading reputation amongst hospitals and health care facilities of all kinds, making individuals valuable assets to the medical field.

Obtaining your health care degree online can help with upward mobility on the ladder of success and increase job opportunities in the medical field. Expanding your education can improve communication skills and promote individual value to the mid-level management section, allowing students to respond to ever-widening community diversity. Interpreting and analyzing data as well as identifying human values, moral choices and fundamental beliefs are just part of what a health care degree online can provide to individuals. Courses within this field of online education touch on varied subjects, such as anatomy, legal issues, the aging process and research methods.

There are other reasons why pursuing a health care degree online is advantageous. Education in the virtual world allows students to easily balance studies with employment, meaning that individuals can continue to work and earn income while earning credits towards a degree in their own time. Home life, education and employment blend very easily, allowing students to combine all three areas of their lives without needing to take time off work to study or put off raising children to obtain an education. Also, pursuing an online degree allows individuals to save money on costs of transportation and commuting to educational facilities or having to pay for lodgings on or near a campus.

Employment opportunities in the health care field are continually broadening as the world’s population ages. Research and technology allow people to live longer, providing ample careers to those who pursue a profession in the medical field. As our population of senior citizens continues to expand, the needs for skilled professionals able to tend to individuals increases and finding employment is usually easy, for those who have the qualifications and credentials of accredited educational facilities. Top schools and universities have responded to the demands and offer excellent, recognized training to students in a manner that matches the technological revolution of today’s computer-based world.

Government offices continually demand high-quality workers and their predictions claim that having solid training is a must for those entering the health care world. Consumers and clients of hospitals, private practices, ambulatory care centers and home health agencies are also asking for better-quality care from those who tend to their needs. The advantages to earning a health care degree from a reputable educational facility are many and the long-term results will provide individuals with solid, satisfying and exciting careers.

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Earn Money While Helping Others Improve Their Health with Low Level Laser Therapy

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Low level laser therapy home devices are growing in popularity, but there’s still an untapped market that’s inviting you to be a part of it. Discover how you can earn money while offering this amazing home health product…

low level laser, laser therapy, cold laser, soft laser, therapeutic laser, quantum healing laser, scalar wave laser,

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If you’ve always wanted to start a unique business from home or earn some part-time income, you can do either of these by recommending low level laser therapy to others. Low level laser therapy is a growing trend that’s helping many people to unleash their body’s ability to heal itself.

Low level laser therapy provides a fresh approach to pain relief and cell regeneration, but there are striking differences between therapeutic lasers and other types of treatments or medications. One of the main differences is there are no known side effects of low level laser therapy. Also, low level laser therapy can now be administered at home instead of spending time and money to visit a doctor’s office for therapy sessions. Low level laser home devices allow those with arthritis, back or neck pain, inflammation, tension and stress, and other ailments to reclaim their health and enjoy a more balanced life.

Low level laser home devices are also called cold lasers, soft lasers, and quantum healing lasers. There are also brand name soft lasers that are named for their innovative technology, such as the Scalar wave laser. The home devices are lightweight, handheld, and easy to use for everyone. Most companies will provide instructional DVDs or manuals to educate users about low level laser therapy and how to use the home device.

Earn Top Dollar with Cold Lasers for Home Use

With so many practical benefits of low level laser therapy, it’s easy to recommend this product to others. The devices may seem pricey, but you can explain to others that the long-term benefits and savings are well worth it. They won’t have to take time from work to visit a doctor’s office for their low level laser therapy. They can keep the device for years to come, even after it’s paid off. Their whole family can benefit from low level laser therapy. Not to mention there are numerous health benefits, and the therapeutic lasers help to relieve stress. Low level lasers can be a precious asset to anyone’s health.

So, how will you earn money? Some companies that sell cold laser home devices will allow you to purchase the laser devices at discounted wholesale prices. Then, you can in turn sell the cold laser devices to others. This can work well if you already have an established business, especially one that sells natural healthcare products and vitamins. In this case, many of your customers may already be interested in unorthodox healing methods. Or, you can start your own business from scratch with only the cold laser devices. You might also want to visit other established businesses to see if they would like to sell cold laser devices to their clientele.

On the Cutting Edge of Technology

One advantage to starting your own low level laser therapy business is you will be on the cutting edge of technology. Low level lasers aren’t new to the medical world, but the home devices are fairly new to the market. The soft lasers for home use have been years in the making and many people are ready for them, just like when personal computers for home use hit the market years ago.

Many people don’t yet realize the tremendous benefits of soft lasers, and they certainly don’t realize they can do their own therapy at home! This proposes an amazing opportunity for you to gain wealth while educating others about this powerful technology. Even if you don’t have experience with low level lasers, it’s an untapped market that’s easily accessible for beginners.

Low Level Lasers as Gifts

Low level lasers make great gifts for any occasion – birthdays, Christmas, Mother’s Day, and so forth. You can earn money while advertising these as gifts when holidays roll around. Everybody knows at least one person who has a lot of chronic pain or other health needs. That person would be thrilled with a device that’s going to alleviate or reduce their pain without side effects. A therapeutic laser home device would make a splendid gift that they will treasure for years to come!

Before choosing a company to work with, make sure the company is well established and up-to-date with the latest low level laser technology, such as the Scalar wave laser. There are many types of cold lasers, so study on the latest products before searching for business opportunities. Once you learn about low level laser therapy and how it works, you’ll want one for your own personal use, and you’ll definitely want to share this technology with everyone you know!

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Early Pregnancy Back Pain Saurabh Jain

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

Normal and Short-term Phenomenon
Early pregnancy back pain is a normal phenomenon in early pregnancy and it generally subsides after about 20 weeks. Back pain or spasm, which is reflected by stretching of muscles or burning pain in the left or the right side of the quadrant, is normally the result of the softening of the supporting ligaments and disks due to an increase in the progesterone hormone. In some cases, urinary infection can also result in back pain amongst pregnant women. The extra weight of a pregnant women’s body and the change in her centre of gravity also result in backaches and back pain.
The most important remedy for curing early pregnancy back pain is exercising. Walking, pelvic rocking, bridging (done by laying on the floor, bending your knees and lifting your buttocks into air), mini-crunches (done by laying on the floor), bending your knees and lifting your head on exhalation, are good exercises for pregnant women and can go a long way in relieving a back pain.
The right body posture and good body mechanics also play an important role in keeping one free of early pregnancy back pain. The right posture means standing straight and tall and is as essential in early pregnancy as before that. However, in late pregnancy, as the uterus becomes big, one tends to pull back her shoulders to offset the additional weight, which results in a back strain. One can reduce back pain in such a position by frequently changing her sitting position and avoiding standing for long periods.
Adequate rest and sleep are also essential for avoiding or eliminating early pregnancy back pain. Although one can do normal yoga exercises to eliminate minor back pain, one should seek proper medical help in case of a major pain in the back of a pregnant woman. Doctors often advice physiotherapy in such a case.

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Early Pregnancy Back Pain

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Early pregnancy back pain is a normal phenomenon in early pregnancy. Most of the expectant mothers witness some degree of back pain during the early phase of pregnancy and this pain generally subsides after about 20 weeks. Back pain or spasm, which is reflected by stretching of muscles or burning pain in the left or the right side of the quadrant, is normally the result of the softening of the supporting ligaments and disks due to an increase in the progesterone hormone during early pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy Back Pain, back pain

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Early pregnancy back pain is a normal phenomenon in early pregnancy. Most of the expectant mothers witness some degree of back pain during the early phase of pregnancy and this pain generally subsides after about 20 weeks. Back pain or spasm, which is reflected by stretching of muscles or burning pain in the left or the right side of the quadrant, is normally the result of the softening of the supporting ligaments and disks due to an increase in the progesterone hormone during the early phase of pregnancy. In some cases, urinary infection during pregnancy can also result in back pain amongst pregnant women. The extra weight of a pregnant women’s body and the change in her centre of gravity also result in backaches and back pain.

Remedies for Pregnancy Back Pain

The most important and safe remedy for the treatment of early pregnancy back pain is exercising. This is mainly because certain medications for back pain are contraindicated during early pregnancy. Walking, pelvic rocking, bridging (done by lying down on the floor, bending your knees and lifting your buttocks into air), mini-crunches (done by lying down on the floor), bending your knees and lifting your head on exhalation, are good exercises for relief from pack pain during early pregnancy. Pregnant women do these exercises on their own relieve back pain during their pregnancy.

The right body posture and good body mechanics also play an important role in keeping one free of early pregnancy back pain. The right posture for prevention of back pain early pregnancy is standing straight and tall. However, the importance for correct postures is as essential in early pregnancy as before that. However, in late pregnancy, as the uterus becomes big, one tends to pull back her shoulders to offset the additional weight, which results in a back strain. You can reduce back pain during later stages of pregnancy in such a position by frequently changing your sitting position and avoiding standing for long periods.

Adequate rest and sleep are also essential for avoiding or eliminating early pregnancy back pain. You should take proper rest and avoid strenuous activities to avoid back pain during your pregnancy. You can also do normal yoga exercises to eliminate minor back pain. However, if the back pain persists you should consult your doctor and take proper medication for relief from back pain during pregnancy. In some cases of back pain during pregnancy, doctors may prescribe physiotherapy for back pain relief. Massages and use of special mattresses are also effective for back pain relief during pregnancy.

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Early Diagnosis Is Critical For Effective Treatment of Mesothelioma David Arnold Livingston

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Cancer is one of the most fatal diseases nowadays. It doesn’t choose its victims. Men and women alike, old and young die of cancer. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that affects the mesothelium, specifically the Pleura (membrane that surrounds the lungs) and the Peritoneum (membrane surrounding the abdomen). Both Pleural Mesothelioma and Peritoneum Mesothelioma are primarily caused by the inhalation or exposure to asbestos, an incombustible fibrous mineral of impure magnesium silicate used in various industrial products. About 30 to 50 per cent of the total Mesothelioma cancer patients had not been exposed to asbestos, yet they have acquired the disease. Cancer specialists continue to study this rare kind of cancer so as to provide the public clear and exact information with regard to its cause, nature and cure.
Like many other forms of cancer, Mesothelioma has different stages. The earliest stage is still curable since only one layer of the pleura is affected. Surgery is the number one option for patients with Stage I Mesothelioma. The doctor removes the part of the lining of the lungs or chest (in case of Pleural Mesothelioma) and the lining of the abdomen (in case of Peritoneal Mesothelioma). In Stage II Mesothelioma, surgery can still be executed although some lymph nodes may have already been infected by the malignant Mesothelioma cancer cells. The diaphragm may also be removed; in severe cases, the Mesothelioma patient has to sacrifice one of his lungs.
Usually, surgery comes with systemic treatments, which include radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Through radiotherapy, Mesothelioma cancer cells are killed; however, only the cells in the treated area die. High energy rays used in radiotherapy or radiation therapy may either come from an external machine or from thin plastic tubes positioned into the tissues where Mesothelioma cancer-stricken cells are found. Inside the plastic tubes are radiation-emitting materials that kill the malignant cells. The use of an external machine is called external radiation therapy while the other is called internal radiation therapy. Also, a radioactive substance such as radiolabeled monoclonal antibody is circulated around the body during radiotherapy.
Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer drugs to kill the malignant cells. In treating Mesothelioma, the anti-cancer drugs are usually given to the patient through intravenous injection (within the vein). Oncologists are still studying the possibility of treating Mesothelioma through intracavitary chemotherapy (within the chest or abdomen). Some Mesothelioma patients also undergo Photodynamic therapy, a kind of cancer therapy that combines the use of drug (photosensitizer) with a specific kind of light. The photosensitizing agent when exposed to the light produce oxygen that destroys nearby malignant cancer cells. The drug is injected into the bloodstream and is absorbed by the cells.
In order to relieve the symptoms of Mesothelioma such as the pain in the chest or abdomen due to the build up of fluid, a physician drains the fluid by using a needle. The procedure is known as thoracentesis (removal of fluid in the chest) or paracentesis (removal of the fluid in the abdomen). To prevent further accumulation of the lubricating fluid in the membranes of the chest or abdomen, drugs are given through a tube in the affected organ.
Although the said treatments to Mesothelioma have been proven effective, chance of recovery and survival still depends on the size or extent of the cancer. Chances are higher when Mesothelioma is still in its early stages. Surgery is only advisable only up to the second stage of the Mesothelioma cancer wherein only one part or smaller portions of the membranes are affected. A patient diagnosed with stage IV Mesothelioma (diffuse Mesothelioma) has only about 4-24 months to live. Furthermore, the age of the patient and his general health condition is also crucial to his recovery. Older patients do not respond well to certain cancer treatments such as surgery because their tissues, organs and other body parts are more delicate.

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Early Diagnosis Improves Treatment News Canada

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(NC)-Popular myths have led many to believe that mental health disorders are untreatable. As a result, a lot of people who suffer don’t seek help. In fact most mental disorders are treatable. The treatment success rate for schizophrenia is 60 percent, 65 percent for major depression, and 80 percent for bipolar disorder. The success rate for treatments of heart disease, on the other hand, is only 40 – 50 percent.
A variety of treatments are available to improve symptoms. In fact, for most mental disorders there is more than one proven treatment. Most fall under two general categories, psychosocial and pharmacological. The combination of the two – known as multimodal therapy – can sometimes be even more effective than each individually.
Although there is a wide range of treatments, the stigma and fear associated with mental illness prevents many from seeking help. The longer mental illness goes untreated the more serious, and less treatable, the illness can become. Early identification and intervention of mental illness is key to getting your life back on track.
For more facts about mental illness and how a book called “Catch a Falling Star: A Tale from the Iris the Dragon Series” is helping parents identify and understand early onset mental illness visit

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Early Detection is Key to Preventing Vision Loss ARA Content

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 19.shtml
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Don’t wait for symptoms — regular exams are recommended
(ARA) – Which of your five senses would you most fear losing?
Most people say they fear losing their vision. Our eyesight enables us to maintain our independence, to gather information, to enjoy the people and places that are dear to us.
And yet, few of us worry enough about our eyesight to schedule regular eye exams to detect diseases that can lead to vision loss.
“People say they’re too busy or that there is nothing wrong with their vision and they don’t need an eye exam,” says Emily Chew, MD, an ophthalmologist at the National Eye Institute of the National Institutes of Health. “But it’s important to know that in many instances, there are no symptoms of eye diseases. It’s like high blood pressure: by the time you know something is wrong, it may be too late.”
But early detection of diseases like glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, macular degeneration and cataracts may prevent vision loss. Regular eye exams, from infancy to late in life, can be the key.
Chew says guidelines on the frequency of eye exams are divided into two groups: the general population and those who are at higher risk.
For the general population, eye exams are recommended at 6 months of age, age 3, age 6 (before entering first grade) and then every two years. From ages 18 to 40, exams through dilated pupils, which allow the eye care professional to view the back of the eye more clearly, are recommended every two to four years, and from 40 to 60, every two to three years.
People who may be at higher risk, and the recommendations for each, include:

Premature infants who were given oxygen at birth: frequent eye exams during childhood
anyone with a family history of eye disease: a dilated eye exam every 1 – 2 years
Blacks over age 40: a dilated eye exam every 1 – 2 years
anyone over age 60: a dilated eye exam every 1 – 2 years
people with diabetes: a dilated eye exam at least every year

Chew cautions that waiting for symptoms to appear before scheduling an eye exam is not a good idea. “By the time symptoms emerge, often the disease is fairly advanced and harder to treat,” she says. “Once vision is lost, it cannot always be restored.”
In addition to regular eye exams, there are steps to prevent eye injury and vision loss, Chew says. Anyone who is involved in a “high velocity” sport such as hockey, baseball or squash, should wear eye protection such as goggles or protective glasses. Anyone using tools such as welders and chain saws also should wear eye protection, whether it’s for a professional job or a do-it-yourself weekend project. Anyone working with chemicals or solvents also should protect their vision by wearing goggles.
To learn more about protecting your vision, visit the National Eye Institute’s Web site at