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Diabetes Type 2 and Artificial Sweeteners Dr. Jamie Fettig

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1777.shtml
Diabetes Type 2 (adult onset)
Refined carbs/sugars are actually the biggest contributing factor to type 2 diabetes–that is, the type of diabetes people develop later in life. The major contributing factor to type 2 diabetes is eating too many refined carbs. Type 2 diabetes is one of the easiest things for your body to heal. Are you ready? It is so simple. Quit eating carbs. It really is that simple. I have yet to meet anyone who was a type 2 diabetic who could not totally control their blood sugar levels without any insulin just by cutting carbs out of their diet.
All Artificial Sweeteners are Hazardous to Your Health. Like most things, everything starts out as a good idea. When NutraSweet was first invented it was actually made from grapefruit rinds. All the studies were done on this sweetener. It passed with flying colors. Then DuPont bought the rights, examined it under a microscope and chemically made it in a lab because it was cheaper. But there was one problem, this new artificial sweetener is essentially formaldehyde. And at temperatures above 95 degrees (the human body is 98 degrees) the artificial sweetener actually changes to formaldehyde in the body. Formaldehyde is the chemical they use to put into dead people to keep them from rotting before they burry them.
Some people want to argue that it takes large amounts of artificial sweeteners to induce cancer in rats. And in the small quantities the sweetener is found in food it is not harmful to humans. To that I have this to say: I don’t know about you but I don’t want to put anything in my body that causes cancer in any quantity, large or small. Living in the world we do today you are being exposed to toxins that cause cancer. So anywhere I can easily eliminate getting additional toxins, I will.

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Diabetes mellitus is a nutritional disorders, characterized by an abnormally elevated level of
blood glucose and by the excretion of the excess glucose in the urine.

diabetes, nutritional disorders, blood glucose, urine

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Diabetes mellitus is a nutritional disorders, characterized by an abnormally elevated level of
blood glucose and by the excretion of the excess glucose in the urine. It results from an absolute
or relative lack of insulin which leads to abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism as well as in
the metabolism of protein and fat.
Diabetes is a disease known to the medical world since time immemorial. Its incidence is ,
however, much higher at present than ever in the past. This is especially true in case of more
advanced countries of the world due to widespread affluence and more generous food supply.
The most commonly-used screening tests are the determination of the fasting blood glucose
level and the two-hour postprandial, that is after a meal. The normal fasting blood sugar content
is 80 to 120 mg. per 100 ml. of blood and this can go up to a level of 180 mg. per 100 ml. of
blood two hours after meals. Anything above these norms can be termed diabetic levels.
Diabetes occurs in all age groups, from young infants to the elderly. The greatest incidence
occurs in middle or older aged persons. It is estimated that 80 to 85 per cent of all individuals
with diabetes mellitus are 45 years of age or older.
The word diabetes is derived from the Greek word meaning "to siphon to pass through", and
mellitus comes from the Latin word "honey". Thus two characteristic symptoms, namely, copious
urination and glucose in the urine give the name to the disease. The normal volume of urine
passed daily is about one and a half litres. The urine is of a pale colour, has an acidic reaction
and sweetish odour. The quantity of sugar present in it varies from one-and-quarter decigram to
two and-a-half grams the total per day in many cases reaching as much as one kg in 15 litres of
A diabetic feels hungry and thirsty most of the time, does not put on weight, though he eats
every now and then, and gets tired easily, both physically and mentally. He looks pale, may
suffer from anaemia, constipation, intense itching around the genital organs, palpitations and
general weakness. He feels drowsy and has a lower sex urge than a normal person.
Diabetes has been described by most biological doctors as a "prosperity" disease, primarily
caused by systematic overeating and consequent obesity. Not only the overeating of sugar and
refined carbohydrate but also of proteins and fats, which are transformed into sugar if taken in
excess, is harmful and may result in diabetes. Too much food taxes the pancreas and eventually
paralyses its normal activity. It has been estimated that the incidence of diabetes is four times
higher in persons of moderate obesity and 30 times higher in persons of severe obesity.
Grief, worry and anxiety also have a deep influence on the metabolism and may cause sugar to
appear in the urine. The disease may be associated with some other grave organic disorders
like cancer, tuberculosis and cerebral disease. Heredity is also a major factor in the development
of the disease. It has been rightly said, " Heredity is like a cannon and obesity pulls the trigger."
Any successful method of diabetes treatment should aim at removal of the actual cause of the
disease and building up of the whole health-level of the patient. Diet plays a vital role in such a
treatment. The primary dietary consideration for a diabetic patient is that he should be a strict
lacto-vegetarian and take a low-calorie, low-fat, alkaline diet of high quality natural foods. Fruits,
nuts and vegetables, whole meal bread and dairy products form a good diet for the diabetic.
These foods are best eaten in as dry a condition as possible to ensure thorough salivation
during the first part of the process of digestion.
Cooked starchy foods should be avoided as in the process of cooking the cellulose envelops of
the starch granules burst and consequently, the starch is far too easily absorbed in the system.
The excess absorbed has to be got rid of by the kidneys and appears as sugar in the urine. With
raw starchy foods, however, the saliva and digestive juices in the small intestine regulate the
quantities required to be changed into sugar for the body’s needs. The unused and undigested
portion of raw starchy foods does not become injurious to the system, as it does not readily
The diabetic should not be afraid to eat fresh fruits and vegetables which contain sugar and
starch. Fresh fruits contain sugar fructose, which does not need insulin for its metabolism and is
well tolerated by diabetics. Fats and oils should be taken sparingly, for they are apt to lower the
tolerance for proteins and starches. Emphasis should be on raw foods as they stimulate and
increase insulin production. For protein, home- made cottage cheese, various forms of soured
milks and nuts are best. The patient should avoid overeating and take four or five small meals a
day rather than three large ones.
The following diet should serve as a guideline.
Upon arising : A glass of lukewarm water with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Breakfast : Any fresh fruit with the exception of bananas, soaked prunes, a small quantity of
whole meal bread with butter and fresh milk.
Lunch : Steamed or lightly cooked green vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes,
spinach, turnip, asparagus and mushrooms, two or three whole wheat chapatis according to
appetite and a glass of butter-milk or curd.
Mid-afternoon : A glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice.
Dinner : A large bowl of salad made up of all the raw vegetables in season. The salad may be
followed by a hot course, if desired, and fresh home-made cottage cheese.
Bedtime Snack : A glass of fresh milk.
Flesh foods find no place in this regimen, for they increase the toxaemic condition underlying the
diabetic state and reduce the sugar tolerance. On the other hand, a non-stimulating vegetarian
diet, especially one made up of raw foods, promotes and increases sugar tolerance.
Celery, cucumbers, string beans, onion and garlic are especiallybeneficial. String bean pod tea
is an excellent natural substitute for insulin and highly beneficial in diabetes. The skin of the
pods of green beans are extremely rich in silica and certain hormone substances which are
closely related to insulin. One cup of string bean tea is equal to one unit of insulin. Cucumbers
contain a hormone needed by the cells of the pancreas for producing insulin. Onion and garlic
have proved beneficial in reducing blood sugar in diabetes.
Recent scientific investigations have established that bitter gourd (karela) is highly beneficial in
the treatment of diabetes. It contains an insulin-like principle, known as plant-insulin which has
been found effective in lowering the blood and urine sugar levels. It should, therefore, be
included liberally in the diet of the diabetic. For better results, the diabetic should take the juice
of about 4 or 5 fruits every morning on an empty stomach. The seeds of bitter gourd can be
added to food in a powdered form. Diabetics can also use bitter gourd in the form of decoction
by boiling the pieces in water or in the form of dry powder.
Another effective home remedy is jambul fruit known as jamun in the vernacular. It is regarded in
traditional medicine as a specific against diabetes because of its effect on the pancreas. The
fruits as such, the seeds and fruit juice are all useful in the treatment of this disease. The seeds
contain a glucoside ‘jamboline’ which is believed to have power to check the pathological
conversion of starch into sugar in cases of increased production of glucose. They should be
dried and powdered. This powder should be taken mixed in milk , curd or water.
The patient should avoid tea, coffee and cocoa because of their adverse influence on the
digestive tract. Other foods which should be avoided are white bread, white flour products, sugar
tinned fruits, sweets, chocolates, pastries, pies, puddings, refined cereals and alcoholic drinks.
The most important nutrient in the treatment of diabetes is manganese which is vital in the
production of natural insulin. It is found in citrus fruits, in the outer covering of nuts, grains and in
the green leaves of edible plants. Other nutrients of special value are zinc, B complex vitamins
and poly-unsaturated fatty acids.
Exercise is also an important factor in the treatment of diabetes. Light games, jogging and
swimming are recommended. Yogic asanas such as bhujangasana, shalabhasana,
dhanurasana, paschimottanasana, sarvangasna, halasana, ardha-matsyendrasana and
shavasana, yogic krisyas like jalneti and kunajl and pranayamas such as kapalbhati,
anuloma-viloma and ujjai are highly beneficial.
Hydrotherapy and colonic irrigations form a very important part of treatment. The colon should
be thoroughly cleansed every second day or so, until the bowel discharge assumes normal
characteristics. Bathing in cold water greatly increases the circulation and enhances the capacity
of the muscles to utilise sugar.
The diabetic patient should eliminate minor worries from his daily life. He must endeavor to be
more easy-going and should not get unduly worked up by the stress and strain of life.

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Diabetes Relief And Prevention Through Exercise Patrick Mckeeman

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4045.shtml
Diabetes is something that can be treated and even prevented very effectively with exercise. Most people are aware of the many other benefits of exercise but the one that could have the greatest impact on the health-care system is the prevention and relief of this health problem.
Diabetes comes in two main types. These are type I and type II.
Type I occurs when your pancreas is producing too little insulin or in some cases not producing any at all. If you already have type I you of course have the daily task of injecting insulin into your body in order to control your glucose levels.
This is not an enjoyable thing to do. If you currently do not have type I diabetes then learn to prevent it through exercise and healthy living. The alternative may be daily injections for the rest of your life.
The second main type of diabetes is known as Type II. Many people also refer to it as adult onset diabetes.
If you are suffering from the symptoms of Type II it’s due to you pancreas not being able to make enough insulin to control glucose levels. It can also occur when your cells do not respond properly to insulin.
This is commonly known as insulin resistance.
One of the most effective ways of dealing with insulin resistance is through exercise and good nutritional habits. A large number of people with this type of diabetes are over-weight.
Therefore, weight control is a must. If you are not active, over-eat and become obese, you have a very high risk of being afflicted with type II. In most cases, simply adding in exercise, including both weight training and cardiovascular exercise, along with good eating habits is enough to prevent type II diabetes.
Only in rare cases will this not work, and medication is needed.
With type II diabetes there are a number of other health problems that can then occur, including; high cholesterol, obesity, and hypertension. Exercise has a very positive effect on Type II for improving insulin sensitivity.
Ninety percent of all people with this health problem actually have type II, and exercise will help your body to process glucose at a quicker rate, lowering any high blood sugar symptoms you may have.
The intensity of your exercise session also plays a role. A more intense exercise program will help your body to utilize glucose quicker. However, high intensity does not mean faster. There is a difference.
Obviously before beginning any type of exercise program, regardless of what type of diabetes you have, you should check with your doctor. There are many differences between exercise for different types of diabetes that you need to be aware of before starting.
There can be certain dangers resulting from injecting insulin just before you begin to exercise. One situation that can occur is the risk of hypoglycemia or insulin shock during the exercise session.
Here are some general rules to keep in mind when exercising if you are type I: allow for enough rest between weight training sets to avoid high blood pressure symptoms; avoid lifting heavy weights or going to failure on each set; when doing cardio, avoid high impact exercises such as running outside; always ensure that you have carbohydrates in your system before you start and a supply of them nearby as well.
You may begin to feel shaky, disoriented, hungry, anxious or become irritable if you allow your blood sugar levels to get too low. Having a carbohydrate snack or drink nearby will help prevent these symptoms very quickly.
Blood glucose analyzers are very effective tools to use when exercising. You can test your blood sugar to ensure it’s not at a level below 80 – 100 mg/dl range and not above 250 mg/dl.
During your post-exercise recovery period, around three to five hours after you complete your exercise session, so-called diabetic diets can be beneficial. Diabetic diets should consist of a good amount of carbohydrates to prevent hypoglycemia.
Exercise has its greatest impact on people with type II diabetes because of its positive effects on insulin sensitivity. Proper exercise and sound nutritional habits work considerably well for type II diabetics.
Consistency is critical in the prevention of type II diabetes. You can’t expect to exercise now and then, and prevent it. You need to make exercise part of your life if it’s going to be effective.

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Diabetes Is Beatable – Part 2 Yolanda Yvette McDonald

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1304.shtml
This is part 2 of a 4 part series entitled “Diabetes is Beatable”. Our topic today is Chromium.
Chromium is an essential trace mineral for the human body. The chromium found in natural foods is referred to as Chromium GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor.) According to the National Institute of medicine, chromium helps maintain proper blood glucose levels.
In addition scientists believe Chromium GTF can:

Reduce fat levels in blood Control blood cholesterol levels
Increase HDL cholesterol Reduce arteriosclerosis
Stimulate production of essential nerve substances
Increase resistance to infection
Stimulate protein synthesis
Suppress hunger symptoms through brain �satiety center�
According to the United States Federal Trade Commission, sales of chromium-based supplements are approximately $100 million a year.
Chromium is sold generally as a chelate, the mineral salt chelated with, or bound to another compound.

Chromium Picolinate is a chelate of one chromium molecule linked to three picolinate molecules.
Chromium Picolinate studies have been mixed, while some show health benefit, many others showed little, if any results. Research on chromium metabolism has concluded that while picolinates may be absorbed, the minerals were not effectively metabolized or incorporated into the tissues. Recent articles have questioned its overall safety.
Remember that Professor Thomas
O’Halloran of Northwestern University reported that proteins act as a “chauffeur” to assist the transport of minerals to the proper tissues in the body. This breakthrough science was based on research on the protein signaling system that won the 1999 Nobel Prize.
The American Society for Nutritional Sciences published an article from The Department of Chemistry at the University of Alabama in 2000. The article entitled “The Biochemistry of Chromium” discusses chromium and its role in glucose metabolism. The author describes the specific metal transport protein (protein chauffeur) found in dietary forms of chromium and states that “Chromium from the popular dietary supplement Chromium Picolinate enters cells via a different mechanism,” and further warns that Chromium Picolinate metabolism can produce dangerous free radicals.
A study published in Nutritional Reports International compared the glucose lowering effects of FoodMatrix Chromium and Chromium Picolinate. In this published study, the FoodMatrix nutrient was found to be almost three times as effective in lowering patients blood sugar levels than the chelated nutrient.
Another study, this one published in Diabetes, the journal of the American Diabetes Association, found that FoodMatrix Chromium was able to lower blood sugar levels and help with cholesterol levels in elderly diabetic patients.
The University of California at Berkeley Wellness Letter recommends that consumers do not take Chromium Picolinate because of some recent disturbing findings (including the University of Alabama study.)
Tomorrow we will discuss excercise and it’s benefits to the diabetic.
The Tomlinson Newsletter

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Diabetes Is Beatable – Part 1 Yolanda Yvette McDonald

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1303.shtml
Many people, like yourself, are either victims of or know people who are victims of diabetes. I myself have been diagnosed as Pre-Diabetic, so I have a chance to reverse things if I modify my behavior.
The Cost of Diabetes
“In a recent speech the United States Centers For Disease Control reported that studies show a third of the people born in the USA in the year 2000 will develop diabetes. The projected lifetime risk is about three times higher than the American Diabetes Association’s current estimate.
The total annual economic cost of diabetes in 2002 was estimated to be $132 billion, or one out of every 10 health care dollars spent in America. Consider that a three-fold increase in diabetes patients would severely tax the already overburdened health care system and could create real economic disaster.
Two in three people with diabetes will develop heart disease, while others will go blind, get kidney failure, and require amputations. Diabetes is the fifth-leading cause of death by disease in the U.S.
A man diagnosed with diabetes at age 40 will die 12 years sooner than he would have had he not developed the disease, while a woman diagnosed at that age will have 14 years shaved off her lifespan.”
–Dr. Alan Tomlinson
So now you see how important it is to get this disease in check.
Anyone with diabetes, or pre-diabeties should eat sensibly, lower their sugar intake, get plenty of exercise and proper nutrition.
So what does the diabetic need to include in their diet to help them take control?
A Multi-Vitamin Complex
Studies have shown that taking a multi-vitamin can increase the overall health prospects of diabetics.
Chromium stimulates the insulin receptors on the cells allowing the glucose to be used by the cells. The most beneficial form of chromium GTF (Glucose Tolerance Factor.)
Vanadium and Molybdenum
These important minerals also assist in the metabolism of sugars. Although they are needed in smaller amounts they are just as critical to the process.
Calcium, Potassium and Magnesium
The electrolyte minerals are essential to many of the biochemical processes that go on every day allowing our bodies to heal and grow stronger. Many of these processes affect the hormonal and immune systems. Proper functioning of these systems is key to a diabetic’s health.
The diabetes epidemic in this country has not been stopped. The prospects are devastating, but there is hope. Lifestyle changes and proper nutrition can halt this plague.
Part 2 will discuss Chromium and it’s benefits to the diabetic.
The Tomlinson Newsletter A forum for diabetics and their families

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Diabetes in Children is on the Rise Martin Grandley

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3951.shtml
Diabetes! Why Must So Many Children Suffer?

Diabetes, the body’s inability to metabolize sugar properly,
is something that most people have to just live with for the
rest of their lives. You can control it, of course, with
proper diet and by taking medication. But the fact that an
increasing number of young children and adolescents are
prone to it nowadays is a cause for concern.

It is not surprising that with the increase in the number of
overweight children and growing obesity problems diabetes
too is growing proportionately. Lesser physical activity
among children Children these days is also creating health

Physical Inactivity, Extra pounds and Stress

Being overweight doesn’t help. The extra burden those extra
pounds put on your body weaken its response and ability to
handle stress. And this kind of stress increases manifold,
especially when your body is still growing, and is yet to
achieve full size.

These extra pounds come from a life of physical inactivity
in children, too much time sitting at the computer and at
meals is taking its toll in increased weight. Children’s
bodies, already hampered by excess weight, have no way,
therefore, to cope with their diets, rich in fat and sugar.
Very simply put, the body cannot metabolize, or burn, these
high levels of fat and sugar, causing an imbalance that
leads to diabetes in so many children.

You are what you eat

In today’s fast paced world, more and more families rely on
easy to cook, processed foods that have a high fat and sugar
content. In the past, our diets contained wholesome and
nutritious foods like fresh fruits and vegetables.

This can place a tremendous pressure on the body. Like the
camel who can take only so many straws, the body can, and
will tolerate many elements of stress. But like the camel
with the last straw that broke his back, too many stresses
interfere with the normal functioning of vital organs, the
liver and pancreas. The result — disease, maybe even
partial or total dysfunction.

Would you really want to damage something so inherently part
of your nature?

Children will be children, of course, and they can make poor
health choices by eating the wrong foods. But isn’t it
really up to families to encourage and incorporate a healthy
lifestyle at home? And when they don’t, children are more
likely to fall prey to health problems and are more prone to

At the end of the day, everyone in the family needs to pull
together as one team on the same side — the side that keeps
illnesses like diabetes and other unhealthy issues at bay.

Most people groan and moan at the thought of healthy living.
But it doesn’t’thave to be such a grind. Physical exercise
can be fun when done together as a group. Family members can
take turns in coming up with new and interesting, but
healthy recipes to cook every day. Slowly but surely, the
benefits of healthy living will rub off on everyone.

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Diabetes Can Be Deadly – Know What To Do News Canada

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 277.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

(NC)-Food is your body’s fuel to provide energy to enjoy an active lifestyle. Healthy bodies produce insulin to convert sugar in the blood into energy. For people with diabetes, the body does not produce sufficient insulin and sugar builds up instead of becoming energy. Diabetics have to be careful with diet and exercise and may take insulin regularly to control their condition.
Sometimes a person with diabetes can have a medical emergency from an insulin imbalance. Insulin shock happens when a diabetic needs sugar. This condition escalates rapidly and can be caused by taking too much insulin, a lack of food or too much exercise.
Symptoms of insulin shock

Pulse and breathing are rapid and shallow.
Skin is sweaty, pale and cold.
The casualty is disoriented, irritable or aggressive.
The person may stagger, tremble or have difficulty speaking.

First aid for diabetic emergencies
Knowing what to do in a diabetic crisis can save a life.

Assess the individual and send for medical help.
Place an unconscious casualty in the recovery position and monitor pulse and breathing.
If a conscious casualty can tell you what they need, assist them to find and take their medication.
If the person is too confused to understand what is needed, give them something sweet to eat or drink – sugar may help.

St. John Ambulance has training courses to help you to learn to save a life. For more information, see the office in your area or check us out online at

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Diabetes Breakthrough Helps Diabetics Fight Back! Troy Simon

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1644.shtml
Have you heard about the diabetes breakthrough that lowers blood sugar levels by 30% in 30 days? The all natural Diabetic Pack was developed with Nobel Prize Winning Science. This FoodMatrix biotechnology has a 4 year proven track record of helping take diabetics off insulin and oral medications.
Today, most people with diabetes are only treating the symptoms and not getting to the root of the problem. Furthermore, most medications given to diabetics are compounding problems instead of getting to the source. The best way to manage diabetes is to get to the root causes.
FoodMatrix nutrient biotechnology has been proven in over 80 clinical studies. Even the U.S. California District Court has ruled that FoodMatrix claims are valid.
The reason FoodMatrix works so well, especially for type 2 diabetics, is because it operates at the cellular level and addresses a key problem that every type 2 diabetic has. Your cells simply do not process blood sugar like they should and these nutrients help your body metabolize blood sugar more efficiently.
If you are either type 1 diabetic, type 2 diabetic, or pre-diabetic who is mildly or heavily dependent on insulin or prescription medications, then the FoodMatrix Diabetic Pack is the nutrional support you need.

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Diabetes Associations Peter Lenkefi

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2231.shtml
A person with diabetes needs to acquire the necessary education and knowledge about his condition in order to know how to avoid the onset of acute or chronic complications, and to be able to attack and swiftly remedy any problem. This way life can be enjoyable, healthy, productive, and happy and, above all, free of complications.
Diabetes associations are the perfect places where people with Diabetes and their families will be able to find all kinds of Diabetes related information and education that they need, from from the most basic and simple to the most complex and in-depth aspects concerning to this “Life condition”.
There are lots of leading nonprofit health organization providing diabetes research, information and advocacy. These associations are dedicated to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes.
To fulfill this mission they funds research, publishes scientific findings, provides information and other services to people with diabetes, their families, health professionals and the public. They also actively involved in advocating for scientific research and for the rights of people with diabetes. They usually provide consumer information on many diabetes-related topics—meal planning, exercise, complications of diabetes, nutrition, and more. They often work with municipal, provincial, territorial and federal governments and policy-makers to ensure they recognize diabetes as one of the most significant public health issues in World today, and take action to address it.
Some of the pioneer diabetic associations who are providing commendable contribution in the fight against diabetics are listed below.

Diabetes Australia
517 Phipps Place
Deakin ACT 2600
Tel. 61-6-2835277

British Diabetes Association
10 Queen Anne Street
London WIM OBD

American Diabetes Association
1660 Duke Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Tel. 1-800-2323472 (USA only)

Swedish Diabetic Association
P.O. Box 1545
S 171 29 Solna
Tel. 46-8/629 85 80

Swedish Endocrine Society
c/o Adamson Dept. of Medicine
Danderyd Hospital
s-18288 Danderyd
Tel. 46-1/6556413

Swiss Diabetes Association
Forchstrasse 95
CH-8032 Zurich
Tel.41-1/383 13 15


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Diabetes and Your Eyesight Lucy Nicholas

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4212.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

What does diabetes mean to a common man? Sugar? But it’s not that simple. Diabetes is a multi-organ disease that affects almost all parts of the body simultaneously and eyes are most commonly affected. The side affects of diabetes can be prevented or delayed by being in touch with doctors.
Early diagnosis and treatment goes a long way in preserving good eyesight throughout life. Sometimes, diabetes may be first detected by manifestations in the eye like infections, boils, styes, recurrent redness, mild haziness of vision, double vision, frequent change of glasses for reading, difficulty in focusing near or distance, difficulty in driving especially at night, glare etc. as these signs also appear in established diabetic patients. In the presence of these suspicious symptoms or when in doubt it’s wise to have detailed eye testing from a specialist.
The main affect of diabetes on eyes is a matter of concern since it can cause permanent untreatable blindness – diabetic retinopathy. In simple terms it means diabetic affects or deposition on retina of the eye. In early stages diabetic retinopathy many not have any symptom to warn you of it happening inside the eye. This can only be detected by detailed, meticulous examination of the retina. This early detection is only possible by awareness and understanding of the disease, regular eye examination, minimum once a year, unless told otherwise by the eye surgeon, early referrals by diabetologists, endocrinologists, treating physicians and general doctors, all of whom need to get their diabetic patients cleared of diabetic retinopathy, off and on, as they do to rule out other complications of the disease.
In fact, in this early stage, when there may be just a thickening of the retina or presence of tiny blood clots due to diabetes, called CSME, even in the presence of normal 6/6 vision, laser treatment benefits the patient the most. If diabetic retinopathy is diagnosed at a later stage, it progresses to severe stage with abundance of hemorrhages, exudates and fluids and formation of new blood vessels, ultimately leading to complete blindness due to total bleeding inside the eye, which requires major eye surgery to retrieve a little bit of vision that could have been almost 100 percent in earlier stages.
Uncontrolled diabetes and diet, blood pressure, excess weight and cigarette smoking are not good associations. It is absolutely necessary to get your eyes tested when your treatment is shifted from oral drugs to insulin because the latter can cause start/worsening of diabetic changes in the retina, and that too at a fast speed. Diabetic retinopathy in pregnancy should be carefully monitored. Cataract surgery can worsen the retinal condition and get it checked immediately after the surgery. Diabetes can also cause fast maturation of cataract.