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Did you know that excess Salt is Harmful?

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An informative article discussing the harmful affects of having high salt (sodium) content in your diet.

salt, sodium

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Salt (sodium) plays an important role in the regulation of muscle contraction, fluid balance and nerve impulses in the human body and it is essential for overall good health. All our body fluids including blood, sweat, tears, etc contain sodium. It is essential to maintain proper balance of sodium in these fluids. Sodium in the body is mainly found in fluids that surround the body’s cells, such as blood and lymph fluid. When sodium intake exceeds the amount the body can handle it builds up in the interstitial areas and the kidneys have to work extra hard to excrete it.

A build up may cause the body to hold extra fluids in the blood and around the cells, which contributes to increased blood pressure and also excess weight gain from water. The reason why water retention can be so hard to diagnose is that almost all the body’s tissues have plenty of capacity to hold a little extra fluid without looking abnormal. This extra fluid is what makes one look fat.

Generally, we should only eat between 1,000 and 3,000 mg of sodium a day, so it’s easy to go overboard. The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for sodium is about 2,300 mg – slightly more than one teaspoon. While sodium occurs naturally in many foods and is used in food additives such as monosodium glutamate (MSG), salt itself still accounts for more than 90 per cent of the sodium in our diets.

In fact, three-quarters of the salt in our diets comes from processed foods, with just 10 per cent coming from the salt we add during cooking or at the table, and the remaining 15 per cent that occurs naturally in food. This means they key to keeping salt intake down is to eat fewer processed, salty foods such as sauces, pickles, crisps, canned meats, sausages, ham, and canned soups. The good news is many of these foods are also high in calories and fat making them poor choices if you’re trying to lose weight. The more highly processed a food is, the more likely it is to have high sodium content. That’s why, when it comes to eating, it’s wise to stick mainly to the basics. Fruits, vegetables, lean meant, beans and whole grains all have little sodium.

Tips to Reduce Sodium in Your Diet

Eat canned soups or broths sparingly. These can be very high in sodium. Use fresh poultry, fish, and lean meat, rather than canned or processed types. Switch to low-sodium margarine, or low-salt butter. Avoid salted nuts, chips, pickles and other snack foods. Avoid using table salt. Do not add extra salt at the table. Reduce sodium when shopping. Read the food labels carefully to find out more about what is in the foods you eat. This will help you choose the right foods. This will help you limit the amount of sodium you eat everyday. Rinse salt from canned foods.

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Dianabol Is Perhaps The Most Popular Steroid Ever Banned By The FDA!

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Dianabol, in the pharmaceutical field, is known by its chemical name Methandrostenolone. It was created by the then medicine experiment specialist Dr. Ziegler. According to the experiment which Dr. Ziegler did, Dianabol is capable of growing human growth tissues.


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Dianabol, in the pharmaceutical field, is known by its chemical name Methandrostenolone. It was created by the then medicine experiment specialist Dr. Ziegler. According to the experiment which Dr. Ziegler did, Dianabol is capable of growing human growth tissues. The drug was introduced in the United States by Ciba in 1958. Since then, bodybuilders have been using Dianabol as human muscle growth hormone.

However, when Dianabol was experimented on women, it gave a very disappointing result. The doctors in clinical trials administered a Dianabol tablet a day to women. In spite of low dose, Dianabol showed severe side effects, such as masculinising effects in women.

The drug also has many severe side effects, which compelled the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States to ban the drug and put it in the list of Controlled Substances. Dianabol is perhaps the most popular steroid ever banned by the FDA because of its side effects.

The side effects associated with Dianabol include strain on the liver, increase in blood pressure and heart rate. It can also cause serious acne on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, and back.

Dianabol is a DEA Schedule III (US) drug which has a chemical structure of 17 beta-hydroxy-17 alpha-methyl-1.4-androstadien-3-one and has half life period of 4.5-6 hours. It carries a molecular mass of 300.441 g/mol and has a molecular formula of C20H28O2.

Dianabol is a very powerful steroid, in terms of both androgenic and anabolic effects on the user. These effects result in a great buildup of muscle mass. The drug also helps setting positive nitrogen balance which can also have a positive effect on well being.

Dianabol is commonly combined (stacked) with injectable testosterone products such as enanthate, cypionate, and sustanon, largely to kick-start the cycle to improve gains in muscle mass, strength and improve muscle pumps. Dianabol is a steroid for the slightly more advanced athletes.

The drug is not in common use nowadays because of its severe side effects. The drug however is extensively available online. There are numerous online drug stores selling Dianabol online, but it should always be purchased from genuine and reliable sites.

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Diamonds In The Ruff – Finding A Good Personal Trainer Aaron Potts

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The question of how to find a good personal trainer is as old as the industry itself. In fact, it usually gets transformed into an even bigger question – should you even HIRE a personal trainer? Conveniently enough, the answer to one of those questions will dictate the answer to the other one – every time!
The short and simple truth of the matter is that you should only hire a personal trainer if you can find an effective one that is right for you. Here are several things to consider before you decide!
The term professionalism should cover our prospective trainer’s skills, as well as his/her ability to act in a professional manner. Both are critical to the training process, and if a trainer is lacking in either department, it will spell doom for your program eventually, either in the short term, or later on down the road.
The days of personal trainers just being jocks with a certification are (thankfully!) coming to a close. Today’s personal trainer needs to be a consummate professional with regard to his/her actual skills, as well as ability to treat their clients in a professional and business-like manner.
For now let’s just agree that if your trainer doesn’t have a clue about how to get you in shape, you probably don’t want to hire that trainer!
What about their level of professionalism? A good personal trainer will always maintain their professional bearing. They don’t need to be some stick in the mud with no personality, but there are several things that a trainer should NOT be doing during a training session. These include things like staring at themselves in the mirror, daydreaming, excessively talking to other people, talking on their cell phone, checking out members of the opposite sex, and just generally not focusing on you during the workout.
Your trainer should look professional as well. Although the actual clothing standards vary widely, some things that you should not see are excessive body jewelry, the latest fashions such as arm bands, beanie caps, combat boots, etc., or any clothing or accessories that are worn simply as decoration or because the style is in. The latest styles have absolutely nothing to do with your training program!
Which level of personal training certification is the best has been and continues to be a matter of extreme debate. This article will not propagate that debate with further discussion of the details. However, what you should take home is the fact that regardless of your fitness goals, your trainer should be qualified to train YOU.
For general health and fitness, any of the top 10 nationwide certification agencies offer acceptable programs. A brief list includes – but is not limited to – the International Sports Sciences Association, the American Council on Exercise, and the National Academy of Sports Medicine. There are others, and your trainer should be more than happy to point you to the website that governs his or certification, so that you can learn more on your own.
For more specific considerations like training for a sport or athletic competition, your trainer will need a higher degree of expertise. The American College of Sports Medicine has a great program and is one of the most recognized certifications for sport specific training.
You should ask very specific questions about how a potential trainer is going to tackle the particular issues that you want covered during your training program.
Regardless of your potential trainer’s credentials and professionalism, you need to know where you are going to train. The industry standard of only working out at a gym is being challenged more and more these days. It is possible now to find a trainer who will come right to your house and train you, or possibly meet you outside, or in your housing area community fitness center. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you have to go to the gym if you want a personal trainer!
One of the biggest issues for trainers and clients alike is scheduling. After all, you both have to be in the same place at the same time for a minimum of 30 minutes, and possibly as long as 90 minutes. A good trainer will try to find a way to fit you into their schedule. It won’t always be possible, especially with a highly sought after trainer, but if the trainer truly wants to help you, they will do their best to fit you in.
Having a good rapport with your personal trainer is crucial! If you and your trainer don’t get along, it’s a waste of time for both of you. You will likely end up more frustrated than ever, thinking that even a professional couldn’t help you!
Working with a personal trainer that you like is necessary, and on the flip side, the trainer should like you as well. You don’t necessarily need to pick out curtains together, but you should at least be able to carry on a comfortable dialogue while you exercise. Most good trainers are good communicators as well, but if the two of you aren’t very comfortable with each other, then it will cause tension and increase the risk of your program meeting with failure.
A good personal trainer will agree to meet with you face to face before you actually sign up for a training program. Some trainers offer a free or low-cost initial consultation, and that is the perfect time to size up your trainer to make sure they fit your needs!
You should take home the fact that the definition of a good personal trainer is someone who is not only a professional, but is also appropriate for your specific personality, needs, goals, and desires. You may be working with this person for awhile, so choose wisely!

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Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

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Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a very common condition. The incidence is as high as 20%. This condition that has no structural cause, creates a heavy burden of the sufferer, the health professionals and the health providers. Although it is a condition that does not lead to serious illness, patients should ensure a diagnosis is established by a doctor.

Irritable bowel syndrome, ibs, diagnosis of ibs, diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome.

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Copyright 2006 Dr. Phil Hariram

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) belongs to a group of conditions called Medically Unexplained Diseases or Disorders (MUD). Fibromyalgia Syndrome is also in this group. IBS is a functional disorder. In other words, you have symptoms but there is no structural abnormality. It is the most common condition seen by Gastroenterologists and the most common gastrointestinal condition seen by the family doctor.

Diagnosis is easier since the introduction of the Manning Criteria and more recently the Rome Criteria. The Rome 11 Criteria gives family physicians the confidence to diagnose Irritable Bowel Syndrome without invasive tests. This is very useful especially in the very young.

IBS is a very common condition and, as a large percent of sufferers do not see their GP, the incidence could be as high as 20% globally. It is more common in women. It is also a heavy burden not only to the sufferer but to the health professionals and health providers.

Abdominal pain is an important symptom in the diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A patient attended my surgery and said she had IBS. Her only symptom was bloating. She had a flat tummy when she woke up but by the end of the day, she looked like she was nine months pregnant. She had no pain or altered bowel habit or form. This is not Irritable Bowel syndrome but one of the many functional disorders that affect the gut. Thompson and Heaton produced a long list of functional gastrointestinal disorders. Quite a few overlap with IBS.

For the diagnosis of IBS, according to the Rome 11 Criteria, you must have abdominal pain or discomfort for at least 12 weeks in a year plus two of the following in the absence of structural or metabolic abnormalities to explain the symptoms. Relief of pain with defecation. Pain associated with change in frequency of bowel movement. Pain associated with a change in form of stools.

IBS sufferers also have rectal symptoms such as urgency and incomplete emptying. Urgency can cause faecal incontinence. Although this is uncommon, it is a source of severe embarrassment. Bloating is common in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS sufferers are aware of their rumbling tummy and wind. Mucus was a common feature in the past but is not a significant feature today.

Non colonic symptoms of IBS include tiredness and lethargy, urgency and frequency to micturate, backache, pain during intercourse and painful periods in women.

Statistics show that a large percent of Irritable Bowel Syndrome patients wait years before seeing a doctor. These individuals are making their own diagnoses. IBS patients should have a diagnosis established by a health professional. Some serious illnesses have similar symptoms as IBS. Subclinical Ulcerative Colitis can mimic Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

Patients who suspect they have Irritable Bowel Syndrome must see their doctor if they have any of the following symptoms. Unexpected weight loss, loss of appetite (anorexia), bleeding from the rectum and symptoms first appearing after the age of 50. See your family doctor if you have IBS symptoms and you have a family history of colon cancer or polyp. There is a higher incident of haemorrhoids (piles) in Irritable Bowel Syndrome and haemorrhoids can cause bleeding from the rectum. Bleeding from the rectum is, however, a red flag symptom and can point to serious underlying disease. Check it out.

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Diagnosis and Pathogenesis of Gout

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Gout is a common type of arthritis that causes inflammation, swelling and pain of the joints. The disease is caused by the accumulation of uric crystals at the level of the joints and muscular tissues. In many cases, the underlying cause of gout is high serum uric acid concentration. Uric acid is a substance synthesized during the body’s purine metabolism, having no physiological importance inside the organism. In fact, uric acid is a waste product excreted by the kidneys through urine. High serum uric acid levels are the result of either overproduction or inappropriate excretion of uric acid. The great majority of gout cases are caused by under-excretion of uric acid, as a consequence of renal dysfunctions.

gout, gout treatments, gout diet

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Gout is a common type of arthritis that causes inflammation, swelling and pain of the joints. The disease is caused by the accumulation of uric crystals at the level of the joints and muscular tissues. In many cases, the underlying cause of gout is high serum uric acid concentration. Uric acid is a substance synthesized during the body’s purine metabolism, having no physiological importance inside the organism. In fact, uric acid is a waste product excreted by the kidneys through urine. High serum uric acid levels are the result of either overproduction or inappropriate excretion of uric acid. The great majority of gout cases are caused by under-excretion of uric acid, as a consequence of renal dysfunctions.

Although hyperucemia (high levels of serum uric acid) is considered to be directly related with the development of gout, the disease isn’t always caused by this factor. For instance, people may develop gout even on the premises of normal serum uric acid levels, while many people with hyperucemia don’t actually develop gout. Although the symptoms of gout closely resemble the clinical manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis, there doesn’t seem to be a connection between these two disorders.

Gout is generally diagnosed upon patients’ clinical manifestations. However, in order to confirm the diagnosis, doctors often perform additional tests, such as blood analyses or tissue examinations under the microscope. The process of diagnosing gout involves revealing traces of uric acid accumulation at the level of the joints and soft tissues. Gout sufferers usually have serum uric acid levels above the average of 7 mg per dL. Although hyperucemia isn’t always the primary cause of gout, people affected by the disease generally have elevated serum uric acid concentrations.

Gout is often the result of uric acid overproduction, facilitated by food regimens that contain high levels of purines. However, sometimes the body’ overproduction of uric acid is the consequence of physiological abnormalities. Recently conducted experiments have identified various physiological dysfunctions in people diagnosed with gout, such as abnormal activity of the enzymes that control purine synthesis. Gout is considered to have a pronounced genetic character and it can often be seen in people who have a family history of the disease.

In some cases, gout occurs due to under-excretion of uric acid. This waste product is eliminated by the kidneys, through urine, or by the gastrointestinal tract, through stools. However, the primary cause for the under-excretion of uric acid is abnormal activity of the kidneys. Thus, people with kidney disorders are exposed to a high risk of developing gout.

The symptoms of gout are generally episodic and they often involve intense pain in the joints. Pain attacks tend to intensify at night and they may last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. The medical treatment of gout generally acts on two levels: it normalizes serum uric acid levels and relieves gout attacks. In order to ameliorate pain attacks, doctors usually prescribe gout sufferers non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, colchinide or injections with corticosteroids. Medications such as probenecid, sulfinpyrazone and allopurinol are usually used in the treatment of gout for preventing the recurrence of pain attacks. Corroborated with an appropriate diet and lifestyle improvements, medical treatments available today can in time overcome gout, also minimizing the chances of relapse.

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Diagnosing Mental Health

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Commonly referred to as an individual’s emotional or psychological well-being, mental health is a term that has no one official definition according to the World Health Organization. Most experts believe that mental health is measured by an individual’s ability to remain capable and competent, handling normal levels of stress, maintaining happy and healthy relationships and his/her ability to lead an independent life. Another sign of mental health is being able to quickly rec…

mental health

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Commonly referred to as an individual’s emotional or psychological well-being, mental health is a term that has no one official definition according to the World Health Organization. Most experts believe that mental health is measured by an individual’s ability to remain capable and competent, handling normal levels of stress, maintaining happy and healthy relationships and his/her ability to lead an independent life. Another sign of mental health is being able to quickly recover from difficult situations, which may include both physical and emotional.

While individuals who have been diagnosed with a mental illness often require a greater need for mental health promotion, even those who have not been diagnosed still need a certain amount of the same. The truth is that everyone has mental health needs, including those who have no illness. Mental health promotion may be given in the way of encouragement, love, support, understanding, etc.

If an individual believes that he/she is suffering from a mental health illness, a psychiatrist should be consulted for a professional evaluation. In some cases, a regular discussion with a professional may be enough for individuals to overcome their issues and return to a positive mental health status. For others, medication may be required or even hospitalization in extreme cases. With the proper treatment, many individuals who suffer from some type of mental health illness can often live a happy and healthy lifestyle. The first part of overcoming any type of illness is to recognize the problem early, whether that recognition comes directly from the sufferer or from those closest to him/her.

It is important to realize the difference between a positive mental health status and one that may be indicative of an illness. Every life has stressful situations, tears that must be shed and boundaries that must be overcome. However, the best way to measure mental health is by assessing an individual’s ability to handle these situations appropriately. There is no one universal symptom or sign of a mental health illness, but is best described as an individual’s inability to operate or deal with everyday situations in a healthy and productive manner.

The information in this article is to be used for informational purposes only. It should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice. Anyone with questions regarding mental health must consult their physician for further information, a diagnosis and/or treatment regimen if one is deemed necessary.

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Diagnosing Crohn’s Disease – How To Get A Diagnosis Sarah Jenkins

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Diagnosing Crohn’s Disease is often a difficult process. Because it mimics other diseases, Crohn’s may appear to be a myriad of other ailments. Likewise, the symptoms experienced vary from patient to patient, so there are no set guidelines to follow or sings that intrinsically point to Crohn’s.
There is not a single to test to establish the existence of Crohn’s Disease definitively. However, there are several procedures that are done to ascertain if Crohn’s, as well as other digestive tract disorders, are at fault for symptoms being experienced. One such area of examination is stool samples. It must first be determined that the inflammation in the bowels is not the result of an infection. With Crohn’s, inflammation occurs as though there is an infection, but none exists. Therefore, obtaining this information may rule out many possible culprits.
Other tests that may be done are blood tests, a colonoscopy, a flexible sigmoidoscopy, a barium enema, small bowel x-rays, a capsule endoscopy, or a CT scan.
Blood tests may be used to check for signs of infection as well as anemia. As stated above, the existence of an infection would rule out Crohn’s disease. However, if anemia is present, Crohn’s may be more likely. One of the possible symptoms of Crohn’s Disease is rectal and intestinal bleeding. Due to this excessive blood loss, many people will become anemic. Therefore, the existence or nonexistence of anemia is another step in diagnosing digestive disorders.
Another option is a colonoscopy. This procedure is done with the insertion of a lighted tube with an attached camera through the rectum into the colon to check for signs of Crohn’s Disease. However, there are risks to this procedure, including perforating the colon wall and bleeding as a result. Another consideration is that Crohn’s Disease may only occur in the small intestine and not the colon; therefore this procedure would be ineffective in that case.
Similar to a colonoscopy is a flexible sigmoidoscopy, which is the long tube without the camera. The doctor would check for similar things as in a colonoscopy and the same side effects exist. However, this procedure can only examine the last two feet of your colon and would be ineffective on diagnosing problems in higher regions.
A barium enema may be used to provide a silhouette o the digestive tract through an x-ray after barium is inserted in enema form. This, like the other tests that are used, is not as effective as a colonoscopy but may provide valuable clues.


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Diagnosing Anxiety Disorder Todd Williams

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Anxiety disorders are more common than you may think. Millions of individuals suffer silently every year, when help is available. If you or a loved one suffers from an anxiety disorder, know that there is help and relief out there for you. The key is to find a doctor and therapist that will listen to your concerns and help you on the road to recovery.
One of the trickiest things about anxiety disorders is the origins. Anxiety is a common part of every day life. It is the drive that keeps up safe from dangerous objects and situations. You may feel a bit of anxiety when crossing the street- this helps you pay attention to on-coming traffic and make it to the other side safely. Anxiety disorders develop when your mind has trouble distinguishing between extremes. You may become very anxious over common, non-threatening life events. Such “attacks” may leave you feeling confused, alone, and scared. If you feel that this may be the case with you, consult a doctor immediately. Don’t be afraid to seek help and treatment, because that is the only way that you can get better. Your doctor and therapist are trained to deal with anxiety disorders, and can help lead you in the right direction.
There are many different types of anxiety disorders that you should be aware of. It could be a generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, panic disorder, or phobias. Many patients experience one or more of these disorders over the course of their lives. While it is still unknown as to why some patients develop anxiety disorders, it is understood that we all begin the same way. Every individual is born with a fight or flight response that is meant to keep them out of harms way. At some point, patients with anxiety disorders experience an alteration in perception or brain chemistry.
If you feel that you may have an anxiety disorder, you may be experiencing one or more of the following symptoms:

Increased heart rate or tightness in the chest
Feeling shaky, dizzy, or lightheaded
Dry mouth
Sick to your stomach
Frequent urination or bowel movements

Mentally you may feel:

That you are sick
That people are looking at you
That you may lose control
That you must escape to a safe place

Once you have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, there are plenty of things that you can do to help eliminate panic attacks. Your doctor may discuss medication options to help improve the chemical imbalance present in your brain. This coupled with therapy has been very successful. In therapy you will discuss different triggers for your anxiety disorder, and work on ways to eliminate those triggers. Discussing your condition with friends and family members will also help improve your success rate. Once they understand that certain social situations trigger your panic attacks, they can help you avoid those areas until you are comfortable again. There is a lot of work involved in treating an anxiety disorder, but if you set your mind to it, success is imminent.

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Diagnosing & Treating Parkinson’s Disease

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Characterized as a movement disorder, Parkinson’s disease often is accompanied by muscle stiffness, a slowing or loss of physical movement, tremor, etc. In addition, Parkinson’s disease may carry symptoms that include mood swings (i.e., depression, anxiety, panic attacks, apathy, etc.), changes in behavior, sensations (i.e., arms, legs, hands, etc.) and the ability to process thoughts. Because each case of Parkinson’s disease is unique to the individual it affects, the sympto…

parkinsons disease

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Characterized as a movement disorder, Parkinson’s disease often is accompanied by muscle stiffness, a slowing or loss of physical movement, tremor, etc. In addition, Parkinson’s disease may carry symptoms that include mood swings (i.e., depression, anxiety, panic attacks, apathy, etc.), changes in behavior, sensations (i.e., arms, legs, hands, etc.) and the ability to process thoughts. Because each case of Parkinson’s disease is unique to the individual it affects, the symptoms may vary from one person to another.

There are several treatment options available to patients who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, including medication that may help to ease the symptoms, surgical procedures, a customized diet consisting of nutrition and exercise. Clinical research indicates that nutrients may help to treat Parkinson’s disease and may even help to slow it’s deteriorating effects. Certain types of physical activities, including yoga and dance are believed to be beneficial in helping to maintain mobility and may ease the discomfort associated with muscle stiffness caused by Parkinson’s disease.

Certain types of medication, including those prescribed for treatment of Parkinson’s disease, carry a risk of dangerous side effects. Therefore, it is important for patients to discuss any possible side effects with their physician prior to taking any medication. It is equally important that physicians be made aware of any past or current medical condition from which the patient suffers and/or any medications that they are currently using. At times, one medication can have a negative reaction with another, which is why it is very important that the patient disclose their medical history to the doctor who is treating them for Parkinson’s disease.

To this day, research continues in the fight to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease. Fundraisers and donations are all a part of what makes medical research possible and what many hope will eventually lead to a cure for this life-altering illness. While Parkinson’s disease may result in the patient becoming more apt to developing other medical conditions, the most common cause of death in patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease is believed to be that of pneumonia.

The information in this article is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be considered as, or used in place of, medical advice or professional recommendations for the cause, diagnosis or treatment of Parkinson’s disease. If necessary, individuals should consult a medical doctor for information regarding the likelihood of developing Parkinson’s disease, a proper diagnosis and/or course of treatment.

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Diabetic Eye Disease Can Cause Blindness, Gives No Early Warning Signs ARA Content

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Annual Eye Exams Crucial to Early Detection and Treatment
(ARA) – Loss of eyesight in people with diabetes is a national health problem. People with diabetes are 25 times more likely to become blind than those without diabetes, and diabetic eye disease can cause as many as 25,000 new cases of blindness every year, according to the National Eye Institute (NEI), one of the Federal government’s National Institutes of Health.
Nearly half of the nation’s estimated 16 million people with diabetes will develop some degree of diabetic retinopathy, the most common form of diabetic eye disease, and the leading cause of blindness in American adults. Diabetic retinopathy damages the tiny blood vessels in the retina, the light-sensitive tissue that lines the back of the eye.
The disease does not have any early warning symptoms such as pain, and vision may not change until the disease becomes severe. “This is one of the most frightening things about diabetic eye disease,” says Dr. Paul Sieving, director of NEI. “People with diabetic eye disease do not realize that their eyesight is slowly deteriorating.”
The only way to diagnose diabetic eye disease in its early stages is with a dilated eye exam. Using eye drops to enlarge the patient’s pupils, a dilated eye exam allows the eye care professional to see more of the inside of the eye to check for signs of the disease. People with diabetes need to make annual dilated eye exams a priority. Ignoring the importance of an annual eye exam could lead to trouble later on, when diabetes begins to affect a person’s eyesight.
Vision lost from diabetes cannot be restored. Yet in about 90 percent of those who would otherwise become blind, the early detection of diabetic eye disease, combined with laser surgery when needed, and appropriate follow-up, has helped preserve vision. Laser surgery can shrink the abnormal blood vessels caused by diabetic retinopathy.
Sieving notes that “the longer a person has diabetes, the more likely it is that person will develop diabetic retinopathy. However, studies have shown that people with diabetes who keep their blood sugar levels as normal as possible slow the onset and progression of diabetic retinopathy and lessen the need for laser surgery. This may also help reduce other complications from the disease, such as kidney disease, stroke and nerve damage.”
Individuals with diabetes are also at risk for other eye diseases. Studies show that they are twice as likely to get a cataract as a person who does not have the disease, and that cataracts develop at an earlier age in people with diabetes. Glaucoma may also become a problem. A person with diabetes is nearly twice as likely to get glaucoma as other adults. And, as with diabetic retinopathy, the longer someone has had diabetes, the greater the risk of getting glaucoma.
Much research is being done to learn more about diabetic eye disease. For instance, the National Eye Institute is supporting a number of research studies in the laboratory and with patients to learn what causes diabetic retinopathy and how it can be better treated. This research should provide better ways to detect and treat diabetic eye disease and prevent blindness in more people with diabetes.
A free brochure, “Don’t Lose Sight of Diabetic Eye Disease,” is available by writing to Diabetic Eye Disease, 2020 Vision Place, Bethesda, MD 20892-3655. NEI’s Web site, provides additional information about diabetic retinopathy.