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Diet Suggestions For Lowering Cholesterol Levels

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We all have cholesterol whether we like it or not as it plays an important role in our bodies. However, having high cholesterol is not good and should be lowered. Regardless of how we get it, lowering high cholesterol is always a good idea. We get cholesterol in two ways, through our body and mainly the liver. Every day, our bodies produce amounts of cholesterol that we don’t need. Animal foods like eggs, poultry, meat, seafood and milk contain a lot of cholesterol, which add…

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We all have cholesterol whether we like it or not as it plays an important role in our bodies. However, having high cholesterol is not good and should be lowered. Regardless of how we get it, lowering high cholesterol is always a good idea. We get cholesterol in two ways, through our body and mainly the liver. Every day, our bodies produce amounts of cholesterol that we don’t need. Animal foods like eggs, poultry, meat, seafood and milk contain a lot of cholesterol, which add to the levels we produce naturally.

The safest foods are vegetables, seeds, nuts and fruits, as these do not encourage further production of cholesterol.

Lowering cholesterol requires finding the right diet for you and sticking to it. The main source for cholesterol is saturated fatty acids. This makes your blood cholesterol rise abruptly and could cause heart disease. Trans fat also contributes to raising your blood cholesterol level. But diet can beat it all.

The American Heart Association has recommended that the limit for your daily cholesterol should be no more that 300 milligrams. If your diet is maintained properly you will dramatically lower your cholesterol.

Diet plays a vital role in lowering cholesterol. Choosing your food is the best way to start. Choose foods that contain low saturated fat. Saturated fat can be found in foods from animals, such as poultry, meat, lard and vegetable oils like palm oil, coconut and palm kernel.

The best diet would be choosing foods which are low in saturated fat. The solution to this is choosing foods that are rich in fiber such as vegetables, fruits and grains. They do not add cholesterol to your body but they help you maintain a healthy diet. Choose the foods that are low in cholesterol.

Did you know that the dietary cholesterol can still raise your blood cholesterol level? The answer is yes, although it is not that high in saturated fat

Avoid foods that come from animals. These types of foods are the richest in saturated fat and they are not recommended for high daily intake. You can supplement your diet with the help of lecithin. This is helpful and it contains phosphatidyl choline which is able to increase the solubility of the cholesterol in your body and allows the fatty deposits in your bloodstream to break down.

Your diet should be absolutely free from oily foods, which only contain minimal amounts of fatty acid. Choose foods that are rich in omega-3 and omega-6. This is important in normalizing your blood cholesterol level and can help you maintain good health. Increasing your dietary fiber can be very helpful because it can neutralize the excess bile acids in the bowel. Eat fiber rich foods instead of greasy foods.

Observing this diet is a must because your cholesterol is something you should maintain and watch out for in order to stay healthy, fit, and free from heart disease. Lowering cholesterol can be observed and achieved by choosing the foods you eat.

If you are suffering with high cholesterol, you should consult your primary care physician first before making any changes in your diet.

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Diet Sodas Drinkers: Are You Dehydrated? Kim Beardsmore

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Many of us have grown up drinking caffeinated diet sodas as an alternative to sugary regular sodas. We figure this is a better choice rather than loading ourselves (and our children’s bodies) with large quantities of sugar. Whilst diet sodas do help us avoid a sugar overload (which can lead to weight gain) we should also be aware of the effects of caffeine contained in many cola flavored diet sodas.
Caffeine is a diuretic causing the body to excrete water. The net result of drinking several caffeinated drinks during the day is to deplete, rather than replinish the body’s fluids. Where such drinks ar the primary source of daily fluid intake, the net result may be a loss of water which may actually lead to dehydration. It is not uncommon for many of us to be unknowingly dehydrated!
Here are some common symptoms of dehdration. If you recognise any of these symptoms you may be able to improve your health by simply drinking 6 to 8 glasses of pure, fresh water a day.
1. The most common symptom is headaches. A major function of water is to flush toxins from the body. Your brain is 75% water, so even being slightly dehydrated can cause headaches.
2. Poor concentration/fatigue. If you body can’t get rid of the toxins it will struggle and you will feel less energetic as your body diverts energy to deal with the toxins.
3. Constipation. Your body will divert water to more essential functions and as a result your stools will be harder and more difficult to expel.
4. Reduced urine output or dark urine. Did you know that up to 200 litres of water is passed through your kidneys daily? Without a fresh supply of water for the kidneys to filter waste products out of the blood, your urine will become darker.
5. Furry tongue or bad breath. If you don’t have enough water passing through the mouth to wash away food particles, bacteria can proliferate and result in that ‘furry’ feeling or bad breath.
6. Skin. Your skin should feel elastic. When you pinch the skin on the back of your hand it should snap back instantly.
(c) Copyright: Kim Beardsmore

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Diet Soda Drinkers: Are You Dehydrated? Kim Beardsmore

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 846.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

How do you know if you are getting enough water each day? This is a really important question because many of us have deprived ourselves of water and have become so accustomed to living with less than what our body requires, we don’t recognise the symptoms of thirst.

The most common symptom is headaches. A major function of water is to flush toxins from the body. Your brain is 75% water, so even being slightly dehydrated can cause headaches.
Poor concentration/fatigue. If you body can’t get rid of the toxins it will struggle and you will feel less energetic as your body diverts energy to deal with the toxins.
Constipation. Your body will divert water to more essential functions and as a result your stools will be harder and more difficult to expel.
Reduced urine output or dark urine. Did you know that up to 200 litres of water is passed through your kidneys daily? Without a fresh supply of water for the kidneys to filter waste products out of the blood, your urine will become darker.
Furry tongue or bad breath. If you don’t have enough water passing through the mouth to wash away food particles, bacteria can proliferate and result in that ‘furry’ feeling or bad breath.
Skin. Your skin should feel elastic. When you pinch the skin on the back of your hand it should snap back instantly.

Some people trying to control their weight, drink bottles of diet sodas each day. Often these beverages contain caffeine, which is a diruretic causing the body to excrete water. In fact the net result is often dehydration. So if you are a ‘heavy diet-soda’ drinker, and you recognise these symptoms, you may be able to improve your health by simply drinking 6 to 8 glasses of pure, fresh water a day!
(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore
***Attention Ezine Publishers/Web Owners***
You have permission to publish this article electronically or in print, free of charge, as long as the bylines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.

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Diet Pills Health Risks

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Diet pills and aids are a multi-billion dollar industry. But the promises of pills are usually empty, and the dangers of addiction or other health problems may far outweigh any benefits for the users.

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People who suffer from weight problems would like to believe that there is a simple, easy solution to their situation. A quick fix of some kind that will help them lose weight rapidly and without any effort. And there is a multi-billion dollar industry that revolves around getting people to believe promises of results that are qualified with fine print stating that the statements they are making haven’t been evaluated by the FDA (US Food & Drug Administration). One of the largest areas of the industry is diet pills. Not only can they cause harmful side effects, but they can become both physically and emotionally addictive.

One of the most dangerous aspects of diet pills is that they are not required by law to be tested by the FDA before they are released to the public. However, the FDA will act to remove a product from the market once it has been shown to be dangerous. This happened in 2003 when the FDA banned products containing ephedrine (ephedra) after they were suspected of being at least partly responsible for the death of a prominent athlete. Secondly, these pills can be purchased over the counter as well as by prescription. It’s up to the buyer to make sure he understands and uses the pills as they were intended. However, some people who are trying to “fix” themselves and their weight problems can be inclined to overdose on diet pills in order to try to speed up the weight loss process even more.

The pills work in different ways. Many are appetite suppressants with active ingredients like phenylpropanolamine or caffeine. Many of them are supposed to increase the rate of your metabolism and at the same time they should help in controlling the appetite. Others claim to block the body’s ability to absorb fat. Others even claim to give the same results of a bariatric gastric banding surgery without the operation. These pills expand in the stomach to create a feeling of satiety. Last, but not least, some diet pills are based on the process of eliminating waste or fluid from the body. Many include some form of diuretic or laxative.

Diet pills can be addictive and can also have harmful side effects even when they are taken according to the doctor’s directions. If you have any health problems, consult your physician before taking any kind of diet pill. Be sure that you follow the directions and be sure that you’re aware of possible side effects. Stop taking the pills immediately if you experience any of them. Some known side effects of diet pills include:

  • anxiety or nervousness,
  • irritability, insomnia and a feeling of restlessness or hyperactivity,
  • high blood pressure,
  • tightness in the chest,
  • heart palpitations,
  • heart attack,
  • stroke or congestive heart failure,
  • digestive tract problems like vomiting, diarrhea, constipation or other stomach pain,
  • fever,
  • dry mouth,
  • headaches,
  • dizziness,
  • blurred vision,
  • profuse sweating,
  • hair loss,
  • menstrual cycle and sex drive disturbances and
  • urinary tract problems.

In the case of overdose, users can experience tremors or convulsions, confusion or hallucinations, breathing problems, renal failure or heart attack.

As you can see, diet pills need to be taken with caution due to all of the physical risks. But there are emotional risks too. Often those trying to lose weight may start to feel emotionally dependent on the pills. They may attribute their initial success to diet pills only, forgetting any diet modifications, exercise or other lifestyle changes that may have been the true reason for the weight loss. People will often ‘pill hop’, trying one new pill after the other, looking for the magic cure that will let them continue to eat whatever they want but still lose weight. However, only a balanced, sensible diet combined with exercise has been proven to keep weight off over any amount of time. And no pill will cause the lifestyle and emotional changes needed to stop overeating and start losing weight.

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Diet Pills: Weight Loss or Cash Lost?

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This article deals with the issue of OTC diet pills and potential harmful effects of unregulated use of slimming medications.

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Weight loss is a such a big issue among women all over the world today. Blame it on the close-to-skeletal look that models and celebrities parade on TV, magazines, the Internet, and in those gigantic billboards. Surrounded by celebrities that were already anointed and crowned by media as “Women with the Perfect Figure,” it is no wonder that ordinary women who look up to these “icons” of female beauty are caught up in the image that is projected and marketed almost on a daily basis. It is as if the brains of ordinary women were programmed to think that being thin is the “in thing.” Due to the marketing and advertising blitz, these women have been indoctrinated to desperately seek out the thousand and one ways to shed those “flabbies.” Many women have become so crazy about losing weight that they will stop at nothing just to achieve the skinny look that have been idealized by their respective celebrity idols.

As any weight watcher would tell you, losing weight is not an easy task unless you have magical powers like Wonder Woman. To the relief of millions of women, there are numerous popular diet pills that are readily available in the market. It is just so easy to grab one. But are these diet pills really as effective and safe, as advertised?

At present, there are two kinds of diet pills: weight loss supplements and weight loss medications. Weight loss medications are pills that are only prescribed by certified physicians. Weight loss supplements on the other hand are the popular diet pills which are available over the counter (OTC). Diet pills that range from slimming tea to herbal medicines and promises instant weight loss.

Xenical, Didrex and Ionamin are some of the best selling diet pills in the market today, and many more are coming. There’s even a new weight loss pill which will be out next year that based on clinical trials, and according to scientists. the drug looks promising for weight loss fanatics. The drug is called “rimonabant”, which will be released in the market under the brand name Acomplia. According to research, the said drug will help the user to control food intake.

Problems may surely arise once you start taking diet pills without your physician’s go signal. If you are one who believes and wants to try weight loss supplements, make sure you know all the facts before taking them. Apparently, some women used these so-called miracle cures even if they knew that these drugs had uncomfortable side effects. Somehow, their desperation and drive to achieve the thin, supermodel look was strong enough to rule them and, eventually, allowed them to ignore the side effects and other potential harm that may arise by using these so-called miracle slimming medications.

Even some of the popular, over-the-counter diet pills that are easily accessible are not necessarily safe to use. Most of these easy-to-access pills do not contain enough information on the packaging. Moreover, some of these products fail to provide facts on how the product can supposedly help you lose weight. This overpowering desire to lose weight can actually lead to possible health risks, and worse, even death.
There have been reports of sleeping problems, gastrointestinal bleeding and skin reactions from people who have tried OTC diet pills. It is common knowledge that there are prominent personalities who became victims of unprescribed medications and suffered harsh consequences.

If you are still itching to try diet pills, there are is certainly a lot to choose from. But have you ever noticed that some of these pills have specifically noted on their packagings that the product is only effective when combined with exercise and healthy diet? Without realizing it, you eat less and exercise more, thus you really lose those unwanted pounds. More often than not, these pills are really expensive. And it should not surprise you to find out that after using these products, you’ve actually lost more money than weight!

Doctors will agree that a lifestyle change, regular exercise, and healthy eating is still the best health and body slimming regimen. So, the next time you think about popping those pills, remember this:

Not all products advertised as the “best weight loss pill” is actually best for your health. Achieving high standards of beauty is, to some, worth the months of starvation, constant exercise, and thousands of dollars spent on diet pills. But is it really worth it?

Maybe it is high time for women to realize that beauty is not always what can be seen by the naked eye. And that having a body worthy of an FHM or Cosmopolitan cover may not always be a woman’s best asset.

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Diet Pills – A Risky Idea Jeff Dedrick

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I wish I had a nickel for every weight loss aid and pill on the market. You and I could both retire. Many of these have been associated with serious medical risks, including heart attack, heart abnormalities, tachycardia, stroke, seizures and death. That’s pretty scary!
Most diet pills are appetite suppressants of one kind or another, generally stimulants with effects similar to those of amphetamine. They’re okayed for treatment of obesity, where it’s considered that the health risks associated with obesity outweigh the risks of the medication.
But is you have less than 30 pounds to lose, the risks are far less cut-and-dried. Over the counter medications and their risks are not as well-documented as the effects of prescription diet pills. Herbal preparation effects are documented even less, especially those whose makers don’t officially make weight loss claims.
Here’s part of the problem. As long as they don’t contain a ‘new’ ingredient, or one that has never been marketed for weight loss purposes, weight-loss aids are not subject to FDA review. Instead, the manufacturer is held responsible for the safety and effectiveness of their products. So a lot of times that means unregulated dosages, unhealthy additives and ineffective ingredients.
Hopefully, one day all over the counter medications and herbal preparations marketed as weight loss supplements will be labeled and tested by impartial researchers. Until then, there are some things that you can do to lessen diet pill risks.
Research thoroughly. There’s a lot of information out there about drugs and herbs like ephedra, ephinedrine, phentermine and sibutramine. Know what you’re taking and what the risks are so that you can watch for side effects.
Always talk to your doctor before you start taking any drug or herbal supplement. Yes, I know you’ve heard this a thousand times, but there are good reasons for the advice! Some products interact poorly with other medications, or have an adverse effect on chronic conditions.
Follow dosage instructions. Overdoses of stimulant medications, which are a component of most weight loss preparations, can be serious and severe.
Don’t take any weight loss pill or supplement for more than a few weeks unless a doctor has prescribed it.
Ask your pharmacist when purchasing over the counter weight loss preparations to be sure that the ingredients don’t interact with other medications you may be taking. Include both prescription and nonprescription medications in your questions.
There are much more healthy and effective ways to lose weight than taking pills. The potential of serious health problems remains. It’s an awful lot of risk for a little weight loss.

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Diet Not Working? The Yo-Yo Diet Dana Goldberg

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

Does it seem like no matter how little food you eat, you never lose a pound? You start your day out with an apple, eat vegetables for lunch and have a tiny dinner. You have all week, but you’re still the same weight. Why?
It seems to be the first thought in someone’s mind when they decide they’re going on a diet: I need to eat less. The general rule is eat less and exercise more. In all actuality, this will do nothing but cause you to gain weight and become fatigued. When you eat less your body believes that it is being starved and will hoard every fat cell it can. It will do whatever it takes to keep these fat cells and no matter how many calories you burn, you won’t lose weight. Your metabolism slows greatly. Your body is in starvation mode.
People who start these diets will quickly end them when they realize they aren’t losing weight and they will return to their normal eating habits. Because the body still thinks it is in starvation mode, it will hoard all the fat cells of which there is twice the amount being eaten now, and the dieter will actually gain more weight back than they lost. This will prompt another diet and the process begins again. This is called a “yo-yo diet.”
The number way to avoid yo-yo dieting is to see a nutritionist. They will create a proper diet plan tailored to your needs and they have all the know-how to create a healthy and safe diet. Diets are not about eating less, they’re about eating better. A nutritionist will help you balance what types of food you’re eating, when you’re eating and how much you’re eating.
The second way to avoid yo-yo dieting is proper exercise. It is recommended to visit a personal trainer in order to receive a personalized workout plan to properly introduce you to regular exercise and muscle building. It is also imperative to ignore diet pills at all costs.
Eating better, not less, and exercising properly will lead you to weight loss!

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Diet Helps You Lower Your Blood Pressure

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People who suffer from high blood pressure should have a healthy diet which can help them lower blood pressure and neutralize the effects of hypertension on their body.

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People who suffer from high blood pressure should have a healthy diet which can help them lower blood pressure and neutralize the effects of hypertension on their body.

The diet involves reducing the salt consume and also eating more fruits, vegetables and non fat or low-fat dairy products, according to a declaration from the American Heart Association (AHA),which affirms that all these elements are important for the persons who need to lower blood pressure.

According to statistics, one in four American adults has hypertension, which means that these people need to quickly lower blood pressure in order to decrease the risk of stroke, heart attack and kidney failure.

This would be the first time when the AHA’s Nutrition Committee advises individuals who need to lower blood pressure to add fruits, vegetables and low-fat or nonfat dairy products to a reduced-salt diet.

The Nutrition Committee also counsels the patients who need to lower blood pressure to consume food rich in potassium, calcium and magnesium and low in saturated fat, total fat, cholesterol and sodium.

The committee affirms that a salt restricted diet rich in fruits, vegetables and nonfat or low-fat dairy products is the most appropriate to lower blood pressure.

The AHA’s Committee approximates that even a small reduction of two points in diastolic blood pressure could lower a person’s stroke risk by 15% and lower heart disease risk by 6%, so it’s essential to lower blood pressure.

Dr. Kotchen, author of the report, recommends to the persons who need to lower blood pressure to eat more fruits, vegetables and diary products, which are high in electrolytes and naturally occurring minerals. Studies have evidenced that persons eating foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, dates, potatoes, and raisins tend to have lower blood pressure.

For those who need to lower blood pressure, the committee recommends to limit their salt consumption even more as recommended by their doctor.

One of the important recommendations of the committee for the persons who need to lower blood pressure is to manage their weight. Also, those who need to lower blood pressure must avoid having more than two alcoholic drinks per day.

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Diet For Aching Joints

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Chronic illnesses like arthritis, are often linked to dietary practices. Researches show that certain food can start arthritic pain. But on the positive side, recent studies also show that some food can alleviate pain caused by arthritis. However, it must be clarified that far from being cures, these offer only temporary relief or act as preventive measures.

Teas are known detoxifiers and cleansers. But did you know that they also minimize inflammatory signals that cause a…

arthritis, fatty acids, fruits and vegetables, tea, wine

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Chronic illnesses like arthritis, are often linked to dietary practices. Researches show that certain food can start arthritic pain. But on the positive side, recent studies also show that some food can alleviate pain caused by arthritis. However, it must be clarified that far from being cures, these offer only temporary relief or act as preventive measures.

Teas are known detoxifiers and cleansers. But did you know that they also minimize inflammatory signals that cause arthritic pain? It is actually advised by doctors to persons who suffer from arthritis to drink more tea. Moreover, all teas made from tea leaves have the same effect. This means that it doesn’t matter if you prefer black tea over green tea. Another drink which have high anti-inflammatory agents is red wine or other grape-based wine. Snacking on fresh grapes is also advised since these agents are actually found on grape skins.

Vegetables are also known to restrict transmissions of pain signals. Experts even advocate the removal of animal products from your diet to reduce pain and inflammation due to arthritis. Broccoli has glutathione, an efficient detoxifier and antioxidant. Researches show that people with lower glutathione levels are more prone to arthritis than people with higher levels. It’s not a problem if you don’t like brocolli; cauliflower, tomatoes, asparagus, potatoes, and cabbages also have high levels of glutathione. If you are a fruit person, this agent is found in watermelon, grapefruit, peaches, oranges, and avocados. Speaking of fruits, pineapples also contain anti-inflammatory agents and are known minimize swellings.

Containing large amounts of fatty acids like omega-3, fish had also made its mark as an anti-inflammatory agent. Researchers found that consuming more fish actually reduced risks of developing arthritis in women. Omega-3 in fish limit the inflammatory agent production. Fish diets composed of tuna, mackerel, herring, and other oily fish are recommended. Fish oils supplements are even prescribed for people who suffer from severe arthritis. Another source of good fatty acids is olive oil. Experts recommend cooking vegetables in olive oil. They found out that compared to raw veggies, those cooked in olive oil actually produce more anti-inflammatory agents. Another health food that reduces pain caused by arthritis is soy or soy beans. What’s more, it’s an excellent substitute for protein.

Maintain a diet abundant in the above-mentioned foods and minimize the discomfort of having arthritis. Don’t have arthritis? Start this diet just the same and lower the odds of having it. After all, no one wants to grow old with aching joints.

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Diet Food Stinks! Dr. Jamie Fettig

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To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1779.shtml
One big thing that can keep you from eating healthy is the idea of the food. People often think it sucks and doesn’t taste good. That is the best thing of not dieting, the food tastes great. And since eating healthy is a “non-diet” the food also tastes great, often better than junk food. Have you ever had a strawberry that was so good it was almost orgasmic?
People get caught up in comparing the old food they used to eat to the new food they are now eating. Don’t do this. Do not get caught up in trying to find something that tastes like your old favorite thing. Here is a little secret, the natural healthy food will not taste the same. It will taste better, if you let it. Let me explain what I mean with a story.
My friend was eating an apple, and after a bite or two, she put the apple down and was going to throw it away. It was one of the worst apples she had ever eaten, she said. Don’t ask me why, but I wanted to taste the worst apple ever. I took a bite, and it tasted pretty good to me. And then I had a thought. If I ate the apple expecting an apple taste, it was pretty bad. In fact, horrible. But when I tasted the apple for the taste it had, without comparing it to anything else, it was fine. In fact, the apple was pretty good. My friend, who just a moment ago was going to throw the apple out, tasted it again. When she didn’t compare it to what she thought an apple should taste like, she thought it was pretty good as well.
If you try to compare the new food you are eating to things you’ve eaten in the past, it will not be the same. It is not the same. But if you actually taste the new food you are eating for the food it is, you will find it is just as good, if not better, than the food you used to eat. Fresh and pure food always tastes better than toxic food, if you taste the food for what it is without comparing it to what you used to eat.
Find your new favorite foods from healthy selections and the food you eat will taste great.