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Different Types of Stress Test Trevor Dumbleton

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1291.shtml
Many people in this world need to take a stress test. These tests can take many forms and are designed to search for different things, but they all have one key goal: they want to see how you are doing. Merely taking a stress test can be a kind of stress all its own, but it does not have to be. And by understanding stress tests, you can understand more fully what they are designed to do.
The first kind of stress test is simply a pen and paper test. These tests will often ask you about certain things you do, where you are in your life, what you are concerned about, and what is going on around you. These stress tests are very easy to take, though the results can often be more than a little surprising. These tests are designed to root out stress in its many forms and are the most common form of stress test.
There are many stress tests out on the Internet, though many of them will not be particularly useful. Some are designed to be scientific but are not backed up by research, or some may simply be jokes. However, there are a few out there that can be very useful. Unfortunately, many are also very subjective and the answers you give may not be all that useful.
If you would like to take a stress test, your doctor can point you in the right direction. There are many valid and very useful stress tests out in the world and they can give you and your doctor the answers that you need to help you determine how you are stressed and how to manage it. Thus, your doctor is the best place to start and the best place to find answers to all that is troubling you.
Another type of stress test is the exercise stress test, also known as a cardiac stress test. These tests involve putting a person on a treadmill at a slow walking pace, then slowly increasing the speed until the person is at a jogging or running pace. In these tests, people are usually hooked up to electroencephalographs and usually breathe through a tube in order to study heart rate and breathing. These tests are effective for studying how well a person’s heart and lungs are working in order to see if there are any coronary problems.
Exercise stress tests are usually akin to exercising hard, but not strenuously. The person on the treadmill is closely monitored and a doctor is on hand in case there are any problems. As well, the person can stop the test anytime if they do not feel right. However, it is best to let the test run until it is finished, as it gives the best idea of how well the body is working.
A final kind of stress test is the thallium test. These tests are usually administered in people who seem to have blockages in their circulatory system and the blockages need to be located. Thallium tests are usually run in conjunction with an exercise stress test and, after the person is done on the treadmill, the person is injected with a slightly radioactive thallium solution. Once the thallium get into the bloodstream, a special camera examines the person’s body in order to look for places where the thallium, and thus the blood, is not flowing properly. Thallium tests are not given very often, as they are mostly used when doctors know there is a blockage, but are not sure where to look for it. Obviously, some people cannot be asked to run on a treadmill and they are usually given a drug as a substitute in order to locate the blockage.
There are a variety of stress tests available and your doctor is the best person to talk to if you are interested in taking one. These tests are very valuable to check your overall health level and they provide a great deal of information that can be used to diagnose any problems or prevent them before they start. So if you are feeling the effects of stress and you wonder if it is causing health problems, there are ways to find out what you or your doctor want to know.

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Different Types of Health Insurance in California

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Whether you buy group or individual health insurance in California, the options you have regarding the different types of health insurance are generally the same. In some groups you can even choose from available plans. These different types are traditional health insurance, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and preferred provider organizations (PPOs).

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Whether you buy group or individual health insurance in California, the options you have regarding the different types of health insurance are generally the same. In some groups you can even choose from available plans. These different types are traditional health insurance, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), and preferred provider organizations (PPOs).

California goes beyond the Federal requirements for offering health insurance to its residents. Examples of this include Industry Advantage plans (IAHP), short-term health policies, Insurance for high risk Individuals and special plans for children and teens.

Additional Health Insurance in California
The traditional health care delivery system is based on a fee-for-service type of arrangement. In a fee-for-service system, you pay or each itemized medical service you receive. In the days of the frontier, “Doc” often received a chicken as payment. Today, physicians are paid with money, lots and lots of it. Fee-for-service health insurance recognizes this practice and is designed to reduce or even eliminate your duty to pay directly for your medical care. Traditional health insurance comes in three parts:

California has four basic options for choosing a health care plan:

  1. 1. Health through an employer or association
  2. 2. Health Insurance through Income eligibility such as Medicaid
  3. 3. Health care for high risk individuals such as those that have had cancer or a heart attack
  4. 4. Private Insurance

Hospitalization covers defined expenses incurred while in the hospital. Generally, the insurance will pay for all of the covered services rendered by the hospital staff. However, if the insurance benefit is an indemnity payment, the payment will be for a fixed sum regardless of the actual expenses incurred. This fixed sum will usually be far below the daily charge actually made by the hospital.

This part of a traditional health plan covers the expensive costs of medical care other than the bill from the hospital. Services such as doctor visits, treatment charges, etc., are covered here. Medical/surgical usually has a deductible and requires co-payments by the insured (payments you make for charges not covered by the insurance), typically 20 percent of the doctor’s fee.

Catastrophic or major medical
There are usually lifetime maximum payments that hospitalization and medical/surgical plans will pay, after which the well runs dry. Unfortunately, these maximums may not be sufficient to pay for all of the care required if a major illness or injury should strike, since such afflictions can eat up hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars worth of health services. Thus, catastrophic coverage adds to your umbrella of protection in an amount sufficient to protect you from the horrendous expenses of such serious and prolonged illnesses. These policies also fill in some of the gaps not covered by hospitalization or medical/surgical.

Health Maintenance Organizations or Private Insurance in California
The health maintenance organization (HMO) is a relatively new player in the health insurance game, although it has been around in a limited fashion since the 1930s. The idea behind an HMO is to pay one premium and receive all of your health care at no or a nominal additional cost. The point is to save money compared to traditional health plans that cost more to purchase and require more out-of-pocket payments from the insured. What you, the insured, give in exchange for reduced cost is a substantial loss of your freedom to choose who will take care of your health needs.

Preferred Provider Organizations
Preferred provider organizations (PPOs) seek to give both the benefits of traditional health plans and the money savings of HMOs. They do this by paying higher benefits as a reward for your using the doctors or hospitals they preselect for that purpose.

Disability Insurance
Disability insurance does not pay for health care; rather it pays for lost wages caused by a disabling injury or illness.

How Health Insurance Is Priced
Ask anyone how health insurance is priced and you will get a simple answer: expensively! Beyond that, there are underwriting criteria used by health insurance providers, whether they are for-profit or, like Blue Shield/Blue Cross, nonprofit.

Underwriting Criteria
The older you are, the more likely you are to get sick; therefore, the higher your health insurance premiums will be.

Number of people covered
Many people buy family coverage rather than individual policies. This means that there will be adults as well as minor children protected by the same plan. Some companies will charge based on the size of the family. Others charge a basic family rate without regard to the number of members.

Unlike life insurance, where women get the better end of the bargain than men, in health insurance women often pay higher premiums. This is based on health insurance industry statistics which indicate that the female of the species tends to need medical care more often than the male.

Health history
Insurance operates on statistical probabilities. If you have had a poor health history, statistically you are more likely to have a more expensive health care future. This, in turn, means that you will pay higher premiums-if you can get health insurance at all.

The more likely you are to suffer injury or illness because of the work you do, the more likely the health insurance industry will be to charge excessively for benefits. This may be well and good for professional deep-sea divers. But the industry has begun to stretch the concept into areas that have nothing to do with the inherent danger of the work.

In your application for health insurance you will be asked questions about your personal habits. Your answers will have a lot to do with the cost of your premiums. If you smoke, you will probably pay more for health insurance. If you drink to excess, you will probably pay more for health insurance. If you are known to be under a great deal of stress, you may pay more for health insurance. California does reward the health care Insurance consumer with lower premiums if they have practiced good health policies.

One of the most important things you can do as a health care consumer is to engage in preventive care. Not only will you be able to spot serious diseases at an early stage, thereby increasing your chances of effective treatment and cure, but you should be able to save money as well, since it is usually far less expensive to treat a disease when it’s a molehill rather than a mountain.

About The Author: is a leading broker of health insurance in California. We provide detailed information and cost breakdowns of Blue Cross, PacifiCare California and many more. Visit our site for a free quote and to help sort through the various health insurance plans to find the more affordable option for your family.

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Different Exercises Schedule to Combat Hypertension, Obesity, and Asthma! Ashley Green

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2784.shtml
Different Health Problems generally do not allow us to do traditional exercises. Above all, one type of exercise cant be effective to each group facing different challenges. But despite all these different challenges, the general rule applies to all: Extra Effort and Persistence.
Exercise Tips to fight Obesity:
. Light cardiovascular exercises like swimming, cycling, biking, yoga, treadmill, walking
. Low resistance weight training.
. Eat less, burn more
Tip: High intensity workouts are no-no (as they put pressure on the knees.)
We suggest: Check out highly acknowledged Atkins diet weight loss program at Key Features: Diet program will be planned according to your body structure and metabolism and the program comes along with immense motivational and mental strength tips.
Exercise Tips to fight Hypertension
. Low level aerobic training (biking, treadmill)
. Walking
. Water aerobics, swimming
. Resistance Training (Bench Press, squats and leg press).
. Circuit training.
Exercise Tips to fight Asthma
. Warm-up: Breathing exercises like pranayam, stretching.
. Aerobics: moderate to high intensity workouts.
. Swimming, kick boxing
. Step aerobics.
. Light weight resistance training to make the bones harder and muscular.
. Jogging, Sprinting, Skipping.
. Cool Down: Respiratory exercises.
This article couldnt answer your needs? To check out more exercise schedule for other health problems, visit

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Different Exercises Schedule to Combat Diabetes, Arthritis, and Obesity! Ashley Green

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2817.shtml
Different Health Problems generally do not allow us to do traditional exercises. Above all, one type of exercise cant be effective to each group facing different challenges. But despite all these different challenges, the general rule applies to all: Extra Effort and Persistence.
Exercise Tips to fight Arthritis:
. Water Exercises: They are most important. They are gentle on the joints, allow full range of motion and increase strength, thus relieving overall muscle stress.
. Moderate strength training for those aged between 50 and 60 years.
. low-intensity cardiovascular exercises like biking, swimming, cross training, yoga etc.
Exercise Tips to fight Diabetes!
. Moderate to low impact workouts(like treadmill and biking)
. Walking
. Swimming
. High-intensity workouts should be avoided.
Tip: Exercises leads to better glucose tolerance, overall metabolism and glucose control.
Knowledge Booster: Learn more on Diabetes Symptoms, precaution, treatment and tips at
Exercise Tips to fight Obesity:
. Light cardiovascular exercises like swimming, cycling, biking, yoga, treadmill, walking
. Low resistance weight training.
. Eat less, burn more
Tip: High intensity workouts are no-no (as they put pressure on the knees.)
We suggest: Check out highly acknowledged Atkins diet weight loss program at Key Features: Diet program will be planned according to your body structure and metabolism and the program comes along with immense motivational and mental strength tips.
This article couldnt answer your needs? To check out more exercise schedule for other health problems, visit

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Different detox-cleansing regimes

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Many turn to internal body cleansing to rid the body of waste products and toxins. A detoxification treatment is designed to help the body eliminate stored toxins and strengthen the organs involved in this process.

detox, detoxification, colon cleansing, colon cleanse, kidney cleansing, kidney cleanse, skin cleansing, skin cleanse, lung cleansing

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Your body should clean itself naturally, but today’s diets make that process difficult. Many turn to internal body cleansing to rid the body of waste products and toxins. A detoxification treatment is designed to help the body eliminate stored toxins and strengthen the organs involved in this process.

Colon cleansing helps clean the organ that assists the body in the elimination of waste. A dirty colon can lead to a build up of toxins in the body and illness. By using herbal treatments or irrigation therapy, a colon cleansing eliminates the toxins and helps the intestinal tract work properly. It is essential to do this cleanse first so that the waste produced by other detoxification procedures can be eliminated efficiently.

Your kidneys clean about 200 pints of blood daily. A kidney cleanse will help your kidneys function more efficiently. It usually involves consuming a very large amount of water or juice and then eliminating it all to flush the kidneys out.

Your liver completes about two dozen processes for the body daily, and cleansing this important organ helps the liver to assist the immune system and support the body’s digestive functions. There are several supplements and liver flush programs available.

Cleansing the lungs is also important for good health. American diets high in dairy products often result in fatty lung tissue. Cleansing the lungs eases this problem.

Finally, a skin cleansing releases the toxins lodged in the fatty layers just underneath the skin. Most are performed with herbs, saunas and sweat lodges.

Cleansing your body from toxins is a great way to keep your systems “clean” and running smoothly. The results are worth it: improved immune system, clearer skin complexion, better sleep, curing of acne, constipation, disappearance of unpleasant body odour, just to name a few!

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Different Aspects of Magnetic Mattress Pads

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Magnetic mattress pads come in a variety of types to suit your individual needs.

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These products are designed to fit over your existing mattress and provide you with additional padding that can help to improve the condition of the bed that you rest and sleep on. There are many effects that can be derived from the use of one of these items, but due to the fact that the exact properties of each item can differ from model to model these effects can differ as well. There are many variations to ensure that you get a product that suits all of your requirements in terms of size, thickness and support.

The reasons that these magnetic mattress pads are used for are dependent on the aspect of the item that is important to the consumer. The pad can be used to increase the comfort of your bed by increasing the amount of padding that you sleep on, though this would also be dependent on the type of padding that is used within the product. Foam is most commonly used as padding, but there are many different types of foam that can provide different levels of support and comfort. You can purchase items that are padded with memory foam that is especially beneficial since it spreads pressure over a wider surface, helping to reduce pressure on pressure points which can help to reduce pain.

Each person is a different size and shape to other people so the size of the item that you buy is important, as if it is too small then parts of you may stick out over the edges. This can be a cause of discomfort or pain especially if the product is thickly padded. The other problem with size is that if you choose an item that this too big for your bed then it can slide around and become unstable. This is minimized as much as possible by ensuring that there are straps to attach the products to the bed. Some of the Mattresses are also created with a non-slip surface on the bottom. These devices work well, but an item of incorrect size is likely to be unable to provide you with the same effects as a correctly sized product.

The thickness and density of the padding within the mattress pads are two of the most important factors in determining whether the product is correct for you to use. Both properties help to determine the amount of support that your body receives when using one of these products on your bed. The density and the depth of the foam will determine how soft or firm the item feels which can determine if it is appropriate for you. There are many different body shapes and conditions that can influence how much support will be comfortable for you.

If you sleep on a bed that has too much or too little support then your body can be damaged while you sleep or existing damage or pain can be exacerbated. To determine what level of support is best for you, you should test different mattresses of different firmness until you find the one that is most comfortable. The depth and density of the foam will also help to cover the magnets within the products so that you are subject to no discomfort when sleeping on them. This also determines the distance that your body will be from the magnets while they perform their magnetic therapy on your body.

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Diets Don’t Work – 4 Ways To Lose Weight Naturally Mark Idzik

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2018.shtml
Any doctor worth their salt will tell you diets don’t work. Plain and simple. Surprised?
Well you might be. You can’t get away from all the talk about South Beach, Atkins, Low Carb, Zone … you name it, they’re talking about it. It’s on TV, in magazines… everywhere you look.
And of course there are the pills, drugs and other expensive methods to lose weight. While they may be appropriate in certain cases, by and large they aren’t necessary. Some can actually be dangerous to your health.
What does work, what’s been proven to work time and time again is something very simple… a lifestyle change. You may not want to hear it, but it’s true.
You can’t eat thousands of calories, rich desserts, sugary snacks, excess fat and tons of carbs, get little or no activity and expect to lose weight with a pill!
You’ll be surprised to know that you don’t need to stop eating or have to exercise for hours every day to lose weight. Just a few simple lifestyle changes added daily can turn your life around quickly. You will start to lose weight within days and feel better as well.
Here are 4 tips you can use to get started today:
Drink water.
Drinking lots of water is probably the single most important thing you can do for your health. Water delivers nutrients throughout your body, flushes toxins out of your system and aids in digestion. When you get up in the morning, start with a full glass of water before you start your day (add a little lemon if you like). Then get at least 10-12 additional glasses of water in throughout the day.
Eat slowly.
Chew your food 10-12 times before swallowing. Your saliva starts the digestion process, and if you don’t chew enough, your stomach has to work twice as hard and many times you don’t get much out of the foods you eat — except maybe some indigestion 🙂 .
Split your entree.
When eating out, split your entree with your dining companion. Most restaurants now serve portions that are up to 8 times the recommended serving size. Supplement with a salad, soup or vegetable to complete your meal.
Avoid sodas.
Did you know that an average soda has 14 teaspoons of sugar? Not only are these empty calories and carbs that take you on a blood sugar roller coaster and adds pounds, the sugar also can also cripple your immune system for up to 5 hours leaving your body working overtime and open to infections, viruses and the effects of stress. Drinking one soda a day alone can pack on 16 lbs of unwanted weight! Skip that soda and watch the weight go away. Additionally, recent studies have linked increased soda consumption with certain cancers and a loss of essential minerals like calcium from our bodies.
You CAN do it!

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Diets basics and the glycemic index

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Learn the basics of protein, carbohydrates and fat and how to use them in your diet.

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To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Copyright 2006 Raymond Burton

In order to build your body you must know what the materials for your new temple will be. Each nutrient performs a specific function and you must know what that is. Here is a brief look at each nutrient and what it does. Later we will get into how to use these and make your own eating plan.

Carbohydrates – The fuel for your fire. Carbs are the preferred source of energy for the body. When you eat carbs your body converts them to blood sugar or glucose. This glucose is stored in your muscle cells and liver for use when needed (like training!). When weight lifting, it is mostly this stored energy that your muscles use for contraction fuel. As with any calories you eat, any excess carbs that can’t be utilized are stored as fat.

Some sugars are more conducive to a good-looking physique than others. There are three kinds of carbohydrates:

Monosaccharides (one-sugar molecule) Disaccharides (two-sugar molecules) Polysaccharides (three or more sugar molecules)

Monosaccharides and disaccharides are called sugars while polysaccarides are usually called complex carbohydrates or glucose polymers. This is where the real good stuff begins. Because the complex carbohydrates contain three or more sugar molecules, they take longer to break down. The longer it takes the body to break these carbs down, the more time it has to use them as opposed to storing them as fat. A good way to gauge the quickness of the break down is the glycemic index. You can find these charts in different places; the best right now is

You should shoot for carbohydrates in the 55 to 65 range on the gycemic index, but the lower the better. This way you get the slow break down for sustained energy and avoid the sharp rise in insulin levels. If you would like to know more about the glycemic index and how it works I would suggest reading the material at Carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram.

Protein – Building blocks! These are the bricks in the building we call the body. Protein is responsible for the repair and growth of your hair, skin, nails and most of all your muscles! A deficiency in protein can result in reduced energy, weakness, lowered resistance to infections and prolonged recovery time after your workouts. The basic suggestion for intake of protein is 1-2 grams per pound of bodyweight per day. Modulate this up or down depending on how intense your training is, but start at a gram. Protein contains 4 calories per gram.

Fat – Fat is essential for maintaining healthy skin and hair. It also acts as a transport for the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. The deal with fat is that is contains 9 calories per gram, and this is why fat foods are considered high calorie. Despite its bad reputation, you do need between 15-20% of your diet to be comprised of fats to maintain health. Most of this will come indirectly through your regular eating and it’s a fat chance (pun intended) that you’re not getting enough already!

These are the cornerstones of creating any diet or nutrition plan. Using these macronutrients properly will ensure optimum performance and health.

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Diets and Slimming Ric Wiley

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1265.shtml
Its time to talk about diets. This but in America today there are many people who are overweight and, many of us need to think very seriously about a diet. I don’t like diets and I bet most of you don’t like them as well, but it’s a fact of life that many people in the US need to think about how to improve their well being. To help do this, one of the best ways is to diet. I didn’t want to get straight to the point but I think I need to. So here goes, Diet, Diet & Diet.
I’ve said it now so those of you who are not interested in reading about a diet can go and look at pictures of really fatty foods which are loaded with calories. Go out and eat loads for a week and then you’ll need to come back and read this page again because you too will need to diet.
Why do our bodies not like us? I find that anything I look at these days expands my waistline. I haven’t thought about eating it yet, I’ve just been looking at it and I find I need to go out and buy a new pair of trousers. What’s more it’s getting worse. As I get older I find that the small bag of donuts I just ate makes me so heavy I have to jog from Seattle to Chicago just to get rid of the excess calories.
It’s not that bad really but a lot of what I eat these days does seem to stay with me so I’ve decided to change my life style and start to diet. But where do I start. The problem is my body doesn’t need too many calories to keep it going. Now that I’m older I am not as active so I need less, but my brain wants to tell me to enjoy myself and eat what I want. It says, “Go on, treat yourself, you deserve it”.
Well I don’t, what I do deserve is a slim, trim body but the only way is to eat less than my body needs. I can eat more but I then need to step up my exercise regime to compensate. The problem is that I’ve read somewhere that running a marathon consumes just 2600 calories. I could eat 2600 calories in just one meal. I don’t believe the 2600 calories marathon but it’s got me worried. So its diet time, but where do I start.
I could just decide to starve myself and cut out most of my daily intake of food but we all know that is not a sensible thing to do. What we need is a sensible diet regime which will help us to loose the calories and stay trim and slim. The trouble with diets is that they are so hard to keep to and usually they only work on a temporary basis. Ok, you’re on the diet and you loose weight. Great, you can forget the diet now and go back to normal and that’s the problem, you do go back to normal and so does your waistline.
It’s working with me because I have tied my diet to a sensible fitness lifestyle. I jog, do aerobics and lift weights as well and the lower intake of calories and making my body burn more calories is making the diet work for me. It’s not just the diet though and you need to remember this. Link your diet to an exercise program and you will see the benefits of a diet. You will also be a lot fitter if you link the diet to fitness training or exercise. Remember though to keep a check on the calories. Good luck

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Diets, Exercise, Health and Weight Loss Donovan Baldwin

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4228.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

Square one. Stop thinking about diet, diets, dieting, on a diet, fad diet, latest diet, celebrity diet, diet pills, diet plans, diet programs…ad nauseum…literally!
A diet is simply what you eat! Your diet can consist of chocolate donuts or alfalfa sprouts, but most “Diets”, with a capital “D” will not set you free. Instead, they lock you in a cage. Eat anything other than what they prescribe, and you are a failure…at least, so reads their literature.
Of course, what we eat and when we eat it can play a big part in weight loss or gain. Even where we eat can be important. Ever eat too much at Grandma’s on Thanksgiving? I have. How about that cocktail party when you went wandering over to the snack trays…and drank one more drink because someone offered it to you? Okay, for me it would be sitting at the bar ordering one more beer (light, of course) because the game’s not over yet. Oh yeah, pass the chips.
Take in more calories than you use, you gain weight. Use more calories than you take in, you lose weight. Proven scientific fact. Although we are all different and our bodies shuffle calories and file them differently from our neighbors’ bodies, we can all contribute to weight loss by taking in fewer calories or by burning more calories…or both.
You’ve figured out that using both techniques simultaneously is more effective than trying to accomplish successful weight loss with only one.
I’m assuming that the reasons you want to lose weight are quality of life and concern about your health. Being over fat can contribute to major and minor health problems. You honestly believe it would be great to lose weight, but you don’t want to be miserable, and neither do the people around you.
By the way, I said “over fat”, rather than overweight, because healthy people can weigh more than charts say they should weigh. Weight is not the problem. It’s the fat that cripples and kills people, so I was just making a point. According to the charts, when he was in the best physical condition of his life, Arnold Schwarzenegger was “overweight”, but I doubt he was “overfat”.
Somewhere in a “diet”, you begin to feel deprived, depressed, and desirous of dessert. You might even feel like you’re being punished. Can’t eat the things you like. Can only eat asparagus, or bean sprouts, or three from this column and two from that column…except on the third Tuesday when the moon is full. Is it any wonder you and any other living human might quit a diet simply because of this nonsense?
As if discomfort and stress were not enough, there are actually a couple of hidden reasons why diets don’t work.
Most diets are structured on one principle…cut calories taken in. Most of us burn calories at a given rate based on our age, physical makeup, activity, and heredity. The rate at which we burn calories is called the “metabolic rate”. Our own metabolic rate is unique, and is simply the measure of how fast we burn, or metabolize, calories. As we grow older, the metabolic rate slows down and eating the same number of calories as last year causes us to gain weight. As we age, we also become less active, and our body gradually changes its metabolic rate based on our activity levels as well.
When you cut calories drastically, as in most diets, your body responds by lowering your metabolic rate. It now takes fewer calories to maintain your weight. While eating less, you might even find yourself gaining weight.
What usually happens when someone tries an extreme diet? Well, eventually, they usually fall off the wagon and go back to their old eating habits…perhaps even bingeing a little….or a lot! If their body has learned to get by on fewer calories, what’s going to happen to the calories that are now excess? They will be stored as more fat.
If calories are cut too drastically, the body may actually begin eating own tissue! It’s going to go after muscle tissue. The problem is that muscle burns calories more effectively than other body components. When you lose muscle tissue, or muscle mass, you burn fewer calories. You are also probably not going to feel as well or as energetic, so you will become less active. So again, simply dieting might create a double whammy.
Okay, you’ve slowed down your metabolism and lost muscle mass. Now you’re disillusioned and depressed because you’re not losing like you thought you would. You have less energy and you’re hungry all the time. You’re fed up with eating the same old stuff, you’re miserable, your family doesn’t understand, there’s nobody to talk to…! Oh! One little dish of ice cream won’t hurt, will it?
Next thing you know, you’re in the gutter surrounded by burgers and fries and chocolate milk shakes.
Really, now you’re depressed (which can contribute to weight gain) because you failed again. On top of everything else, you’re gaining again. How did that happen?
Remember what we said earlier about your metabolism slowing down and the body depleting it’s supply of muscle tissue? Well, with less muscle tissue you burn fewer calories, and, as you saw earlier, the body has slowed down its metabolic rate and doesn’t need as many calories to survive.
You could hire a dietician to help you plan meals. You can take prepared menus shopping to help you buy the specific ingredients needed for healthy, nourishing meals. You could take some courses and learn how to do all this yourself.
There’s where the diet problem lies. To control calorie intake properly, somebody has to be in charge of the nutritional side of a planned weight loss program. You can take the responsibility yourself, but be prepared to spend a lot of time planning, preparing, and compensating.
There are organizations and companies who can provide the guidance, planning, and/or products to help. You might want to look at: NutriSystem, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, or TOPS International.
These can provide you with a broad range of delicious planned meal choices which can help you stay on target. Forget the word, “diet”.
Remember that part about metabolism and muscle mass?
When you engage in physical activity; gardening, walking, weight lifting, swimming, biking or dance aerobics, for example, you burn more calories during the activity than during times at rest or doing other less strenuous activities.
This is good, but it gets better. If the activity is strenuous enough, your metabolic rate can remain elevated for some time after the activity has ended. Uh Oh! I said “strenuous”, didn’t I? Look, what is strenuous enough for you is what YOU can handle, not what some Olympic miler can do. Do what you can, and your body will figure it out. In fact, your body is going to get all upset and team up with your mind and convince you that this is JUST TOO HARD if you try to do too much at first. That’s one of the reasons many well intentioned exercise programs don’t last. The other main reason is that people expect too much in too short a time. It took years to get out of shape, you aren’t going to reverse that in a week, a month or even two.
The degree to which the metabolism is raised, and the length of time it remains raised, will depend on various factors. Two key factors are the intensity and duration of the activity. The bottom line is that if you want to lose or control your weight, some sort of activity is important.
Combine increased activity (exercise) with a controlled calorie intake, and you have the basic ingredients for healthy weight loss. Forget the pills and fad diets. Exercise and nutrition are broad areas, and there is no way I can go into all the possible variations on those themes here, so take responsibility for your own education.
The programs mentioned above, in addition to guidance on exercise and nutrition provide one other highly important ingredient for success….SUPPORT!
Some have counselors, meetings or online support. The key is that you can communicate with others who know what you are going through.
Remember, you are only human, so forgive yourself if you slip and fall. It’s the getting up and moving forward again that’s important.
Copyright 2006 Donovan Baldwin