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Discover Everything About Vitamin And Nutritional Supplements

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Vitamin and nutritional supplements do not guarantee good health, but they can certainly help you meet the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamins and minerals. If like many Americans, you find it difficult to obtain a complete and well-balanced daily diet, then you should consider taking supplements.

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Vitamin supplement or supplements are very great for us since if we do not consume enough vitamins essential for our bodies, the vitamin supplement will substitute for the shortage of the amount of vitamins in our system.

The body needs 10 of the 20 standard proteinogenic amino acids (and thus called essential amino acids). These include: isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, valine, arginine, and histidine. Arginine and histidine are essential only in some cases.

Neverthless, a effective diet supported on nutrients with richly concentration of vitamins is always a most beneficial answer than supplements. But when a diet is not sufficient, dietary supplement vitamin can be the answer.

Nutrient content claims for dietary supplement vitamin describe the level of extraordinary case of vitamin or vitamins in that supplement. For instance, according to several health organizations, a dietary supplement vitamin with at least 12 milligrams per portion of vitamin C could have the following declaration on its label: “Great source of vitamin C.”

Whenever you are certain that you are not getting adequate vitamins to supply what your body needs, then you should acquire a vitamin supplement.Finding a vitamin supplement that can aid you achieve best health may be more smoother than you think. There are several vitamin supplements from which to opt. In order to find the right vitamin product, you need to read labels and compare products.

The best thing about nutritional supplements is the fact that you don’t need a prescription. You can select which ones you want on your own then purchase them at your local nutrition store or online.

It is important to consider the contents of any multi vitamin supplement before ingesting too many. Several vitamins can be dangerous if too much is assimilated and this can occur more easily with multi vitamin supplements as a lot of the content may be overlooked. The labeling of the actual portion of the recommended daily allowance for each vitamin in a multi vitamin supplement should be clearly labeled and must be assessed before a person ingest them. Always seek professional medical advice before accepting any multi vitamin supplement if there is any doubt as to the benefits of the contents.

Always remember that the Food and Drug Administration Board does not regulate the manufacture and sale of vitamin and nutritional supplements. Therefore, it is important to look for a nutritional supplement manufacturer that strictly complies with GMP standards. GMP-compliance assures you that a product is tested for cleanliness and is free of contaminants and prescription drugs. It also assures you that a product contains the right amount of ingredients and dosage, based on the Recommended Dietary Allowances and as indicated in the label.

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Discover Effective Home Remedies to Dandruff Alex Fir

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Dandruff is a common problem. You can fall victim to excessive dandruff at any age. 97% of Americans suffer from dandruff at some time. One out of every two persons in the world have problem with dandruff.
Common practice is to treat dandruff with anti-dandruff shampoos. But did you know that you can use simple effective home remedies to treat dandruff? Home remedies may offer complete solutions for controlling dandruff.
One of the best ways to control dandruff is to apply a mixture of vinegar and water on the scalp. Make a mixture of 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 6 teaspoons of water and apply it on the scalp before you go to bed. Keep it for the whole night with a towel around the head. Rinse your head with vinegar water again in the morning. If you continue to treat your hair with it for few months, it will serve your purpose.
You can also use a mixture of 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 2-teaspoons of vinegar. Massage the scalp with this solution. After the massage, treat your hair with an egg shampoo.
You can rub a combination of 1 part sulfur powder, 2 parts surgical spirit, 1 part almond oil and 4 parts rose water or distilled water on your scalp to keep dandruff at bay. Or:
Boil a mixture of 4-5 dried thyme and two cups of water for 10 minutes. When the mixture cools down, massage it on the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Wash it afterwards and see the results. You will have a dandruff-free head.
You can also soak ground fenugreek seeds overnight in water and massage the paste on the head, leaving it for a few minutes. Wash it afterwards using a mild shampoo.
You can also prepare a homemade mixture of 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice with 100 grams witch hazel in 200ml of water and use it on washed hair. Applying the mixture several times is helpful in warding off the problem of dandruff.
If you wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar, leaving it for 30-40 minutes and then rinsing it with plain water, you are sure to control dandruff positively. You have to continue this process regularly to stop its return. The smell of the vinegar does evaporate!
Try a mixture of olive oil and almond oil. Massage your scalp with the mixture and leave it for five minutes after you feel the burning sensation. Rinse properly and you should have a dandruff-free head.
Did you know the well-known pain killer aspirin, used for relieving aches, can serve you equally effectively to eliminate the problem of dandruff? Just crush and powder two aspirin tablets and add it to your shampoo. Leave the mixture on your scalp for two minutes. Rinse and wash properly to remove the aspirin particles completely from the scalp.
You can directly use Aloe Vera gel to remove excess dandruff. Apply the gel on your scalp 10-15 minutes before you plan to wash your hair. Regular use of the gel before shampooing will keep down the growth of dandruff.
These remedies take time to show a visible change but are effective for some people.
The best point concerning a home remedy is that you have many options and, if you think that a particular ingredient does not suit you, you can try an alternative. You should give each remedy at least a week before trying another.

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Discover All The Relevant Info On Vitamin Supplements

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With more and more people especially going into diet programs, there is an ever important need for these image and health conscious people to consume vitamin diet supplements. They are taking more and more on shelf space in the stores and they’re also available all over the internet.

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In today’s very fast paced world we do not consume a proper diet all of the time. If you conduce a busy life and do not acquire decent vitamins for your body to function decently then you should be counterbalancing with natural vitamin supplements.

Of course, the virtually obvious benefit to accepting multi vitamin supplements is convenience. It is far more easily for someone to accept one dosage of a multi vitamin supplement that carries each of the essential vitamins compared to accepting each one one by one. This is especially the case for children as it could be tricky for them to accept a large number of vitamin supplements but one dosage of a multi vitamin supplement is far more easygoing.

This led to vitamin supplements being widely available in grocery stores and even gas stations, especially for the most commonly required vitamin supplements such as vitamin C. The production of vitamin supplements has increased to such a level that there are now specific vitamin supplements available to cater for different age groups, including children and the over 50s. The increase in demand for vitamin supplements does not seem to be decreasing but the variety and choice available to consumers is constantly being improved.

Nutritious content claims for dietary supplement vitamin describe the level of some type of vitamin or vitamins in that supplement. For instance, agreeing to many health organizations, a dietary supplement vitamin with at least 12 milligrams per portion of vitamin C could have the following stated on its label: “Great source of vitamin C.”

To make the decision simpler there are now a many of multi vitamin supplements produced for unique people. For instance, there are multi vitamin supplements that are designed for children. These multi vitamin supplements contain the unique nutrients that children necessitate for them to grow and acquire decently. Pregnant women have singular nutrient necessities to ensure that their baby receives the necessary nutrients and there are multi vitamin supplements developed for pregnant women.

Another thing to consider: Our bodies can stand 500 times the RDA of vitamin as long as it comes from food yet that is not the case for synthetic vitamin diet supplement. We can reach toxic levels by taking too much of vitamin dietary supplement.

It is crucial to look at the contents of any multi vitamin supplement prior consuming too many. A lot of vitamins can be toxic if too much is ingested and this can occur more easily with multi vitamin supplements as a few of the content may be unnoticed. The labeling of the actual portion of the advisable daily allowance for each vitamin in a multi vitamin supplement should be clearly labeled and must be evaluated before a person ingest them. Always seek professional medical advice before taking any multi vitamin supplement if there is any question as to the welfares of the contents.

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Discover Affordable Health Insurance Daniel Lesser

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If you’re seriously interested in knowing about health insurance, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about health insurance.
Affordable health insurance – it seems, particularly today, those words just don’t belong together in the same sentence. Health insurance monthly premiums are becoming the biggest single expense in our lives – surpassing even mortgage payments. In fact, if you have any permanent health problems, such as diabetes, or have had cancer at one time in your family history, your monthly cost could easily be more than the house and car payment combined.
Shopping for affordable health insurance can certainly be an eye-opener. If you have always had a health insurance benefit where you work – especially a state or federal employee – and now have to buy your own, you may not be able to afford the level of health insurance coverage you have become used to.
Affordable health insurance, however, is definitely available -if you know how and where to look.
When you are looking for affordable health insurance, you want the lowest cost per year that will fit your budget, of course. But, even more importantly, you want a company that has a good record for paying without fighting with you on every detail. Just as there is a car for just about any budget, there is also affordable health insurance. You may not be able to afford a “Cadillac” policy – but then you probably don’t need all the frills anyway.
Shopping for health insurance on the internet is the easiest and best way to find affordable health insurance. Here are five reasons why.
Sometimes the most important aspects of a subject are not immediately obvious. Keep reading to get the complete picture.
1. You don’t need a local agent to help you submit the claims for health insurance. The medical provider does it for you. You save money because the health insurance company saves money by not paying the agent commission. This could amount to an 8% to 12% savings to you.
2. All the top health insurance companies are at your fingertips on the internet. Most local agents can only quote you from the few companies that they represent. They may not offer you what is best for you financially or health-wise but only what they happen to have available.
3. Health insurance companies have to be extremely competitive because it is so quick and easy to compare them with their competitors on the internet today. In the past you would have had to visit physically eight to ten agents to do a similar comparison. Most folks just didn’t have the time or desire for that.
4. You can change your coverage, deductibles, and payment options with just a few clicks rather than going through the paperwork delay with a local agent (and then finding out he/she made a mistake – more delay).
5. Charging to a credit card means you aren’t going to forget a payment and be without insurance. Also, it gives you another 30 days before you actually have to pay. Also, many companies today give an additional discount for “auto-pay”.
The key, however, to finding affordable health insurance is realizing that the purpose of any health insurance is to protect you from a major financial loss – not to protect you from spending small money on clinic visits and sliver removal. These small expenses may be cumbersome but they generally will not hurt you. It’s the $100,000 heart operation that will break you. That’s the financial disaster health insurance was originally designed to prevent.
Also, keep this in mind. Health insurance, as with any insurance, is a gamble. You are gambling that you will draw out more than you pay in. Your health insurance company is gambling they will pay out less. The odds are in their favor for two reasons. They have all the facts for millions of families to average out, so they know the risk in advance. Also, they get to set the rules and the prices. The higher you set your deductible, the more risk you take. This is not a bad thing at all. You will most likely be the winner in the long run.
Yes, finding affordable health insurance is much easier than most people think.
By adding more of the risk with higher deductibles, spending a little time on the internet comparing eight to ten different companies, and deleting coverage that you will not likely need (such as maternity for many people) will make it likely for you to find your own affordable health insurance.
This article’s coverage of the information is as complete as it can be today. But you should always leave open the possibility that future research could uncover new facts.

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Discount Vitamins and Nutrition Products Offer Equal Health Benefits

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Many retail outlets and websites tout overpriced products that promise the moon and don’t deliver. The results you obtain from high quality discount vitamins and nutrition products are as sound as those you get from higher priced products.

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When it comes to discount vitamins and nutrition products, the old adage, “You get what you pay for,” simply doesn’t hold true. Many retail outlets and websites tout overpriced products that promise the moon and don’t deliver. The results you obtain from high quality discount vitamins and nutrition products are as sound as those you get from higher priced products.

Here are a few examples:

Multi-Vitamins – Although some people like taking an assortment of specific vitamins, many more prefer the convenience of a multiple vitamin supplement. Different brands of vitamins – and different multi-vitamins within a given brand – contain different formulations, so it’s important to look at the labels rather than the price tags.

A general multi-vitamin is appropriate for most adults, although special formulations tailored to specific groups of people are available for women, for men, for older adults, and for those who are engaged in sports or other very active lifestyles.

When choosing discount vitamins, look for those that offer multiple sources of nutrients and natural sources of trace minerals and micronutrients. Each person’s ability to absorb nutrients is unique, so multiple sources ensure that virtually everyone can benefit.

Acidophilus Powder – Acidophilus powder is a somewhat generic term for a group of dietary supplements that are probiotics. Probiotics are microorganisms that help the body’s own beneficial bacterium and yeasts. Acidophilus powder and capsules/tablets are available in both regular formulations and those specialized for women, vegetarians, and so forth. As with discount vitamins, you can find online sources of acidophilus powder at steeply discounted prices.

St John’s Wort – Everyone from ancient Greeks to modern-day medical professionals have explored the benefits of St John’s Wort. Found to affect the levels of serotonin in the brain, the herbal supplement can improve mild depression, help balance mood swings, and help with sleep problems. Some nutritional products include complementary formulas (such as anti-oxidants) that can also enhance well-being.

Fat Burners and Weight Loss Aids: Some companies that sell the best fat burners charge premium prices, but there’s no reason for you to pay high retail prices when you can buy the same products at deep discounts. Said to stimulate the body’s ability to metabolize fat, the best fat burners contain no ephedrine. HydroxyCut, a popular weight loss supplement said to increase your energy, burn calories, and control appetite, is but one example of a brand name product that can be found online at a steep discount over retail prices. Similarly, you can find a carb blocker through an Internet health and body source at a fraction of the price you would pay at a retailer.

Sports Nutrition: Sports nutrition is big business, but that doesn’t mean that you need to spend big bucks for protein powders, health shakes, muscle formulas, and nutrition bars. Again, you can get a wide variety of high quality, brand name products at the same place where you buy your discount vitamins.

Of course, prices aren’t everything. When you select your online source of discount vitamins, be sure that it also offers expert advice, perhaps in the form of a free weekly newsletter. Look for writing that reflects the knowledge base of the site’s owners. Insightful advice gleaned by trial and error is more valuable that the stale reiterations found on many health websites.

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Discount Plans versus Health Insurance

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A woman from Las Vegas thought she was buying health insurance. It looked and sounded like health insurance. The Las Vegas woman is not 65 yet, which means she can’t get Medicare. So, she went online looking for health insurance.

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A woman from Las Vegas thought she was buying health insurance. It looked and sounded like health insurance. The Las Vegas woman is not 65 yet, which means she can’t get Medicare. So, she went online looking for health insurance. She ended up finding something called Healthcare Advantage, and signed up after paying $100. Come to find out, this was not medical insurance at all and the sales representative never told this poor lady. She found that out when her cards arrived in the mail. In tiny writing at the bottom, it read, “not an HMO, PPO insurance or managed care company”. This was a discount plan. These plans do not have the same coverage as a full medical health insurance policy. Make sure you know what you are getting and if it fits your needs.

So what is a discount plan? The plans claims to save people money by offering discounts on physician visits, prescription drugs, dental work, eye care and other treatments for a monthly fee. Unlike normal health insurance, which is very costly and very selective about who it covers, a discount health plan accepts everyone, no matter what health conditions they may have. You will use a list of doctors that are willing to charge discounted rates to the subscriber. Discount is not the same as coverage, and so you will pay more for visits and other services that you wouldn’t with a regular medical plan. The average savings is only 25% that could be very expensive if you have to see a specialist or require surgery. These networks claim to have as many as 400,000 doctors and 50,000 hospitals available to choose from, but what if none of them are near you? You can get a savings of up to 30% on both generic and brand name drugs, which can also be costly if you have multiple prescriptions or they are costly ones. So if you have a health plan already but have a high deductible, this extra plan may help save you some money. But to use as a complete health plan, it really isn’t designed for that and will cost you more than a great HMO.

HMOs and other medical plans can offer full medical coverage at great rates. Managed care plans are the way to go for those who are limited on funds. They offer the best policies for the least amount of money. Most of these plans are available to anyone and can save you a ton of cash. You can make the plan even more affordable by asking for a deductible, which will lower your monthly expense. Most HMO’s do not have one at all but, you can request one, and most basic PPOs and POS only have a small one, usually $200 to $500 per year, which you can also asked to raised. The co-pays are also very reasonable with these types of plans. If you choose to purchase an HMO, expect to pay about $5-$10 per office visit and per prescription. With PPOs and POSs you will have a 20% co-pay with both visits and medications. The differences are how strict they are and you pay more of a co-pay to have extra flexibility. Usually a PPO or POS plan is less expensive and you have more freedom to see whom you want so the insurer makes you more responsible for payment. HMOs tend to be the least expensive and best policies for people with fixed incomes.

Make sure you know what your needs are and double-check what you are getting. If you need full medical coverage with low co-pay then a discount plan will not work for you. If you are already covered by a medical group but have a large deductible then you might benefit from the extra savings a discount plan can offer. Also, ask whether the plan is insurance that covers your treatment, or is a discount plan that still requires you to pay all medical bills yourself. Beware of slippery sales pitches. Make sure you know what’s being offered. Discount health plans may only sell you access to a large mailing list of medical providers that it purchased commercially. Don’t assume you’re getting access to a large provider network just because your discount card displays the network’s name and logo. If you plan to use a specific listed doctor, hospital, pharmacy or other provider, ask a few questions before you sign up.

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Discount Health Plans: Filling The Gap Geoff Caplan

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The health insurance crisis is growing in severity. With current estimates that 15.2 percent of the population, or 43.6 million people are without health insurance coverage, companies and individuals are starting to look at cost effective, innovative solutions to alleviate the problem.
“Discount health coverage is becoming increasingly popular because it provides uninsured individuals with a way to receive health care services at a substantial discount,” says David Major, a spokesman for Medprime, an online provider. “This type of plan is definitely fulfilling a big need.”
Medprime’s site, at, is actually one of the first online providers of discount health services to preschedule appointments for its subscribers.
“In effect, we are providing the convenience of qualifying the medical providers for the subscriber and securing the actual appointment at the same time,” says Major. The Medprime plan also offers discount services for dental, vision and provides discount coverage for a wide variety of traditional health care needs.
Discount health plans can actually work out better in the long run for many Americans, the spokesman noted, because spiraling health insurance costs are hard to justify when an individual enjoys good health. Discount health service plans like Medprime offer a viable alternative with reasonable rates and the security of knowing that high medical costs can be controlled.

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Discount Generic Cialis and Viagra Shopping Guide

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To most of us the Internet means discount. Almost anything we can find just about anything we are looking for at great discounts online. Discount Generic Cialis is no different. But shopping online is not just about finding a low price, it is about finding the best quality products at the lowest price available.

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To most of us the Internet means discount. Almost anything we can find just about anything we are looking for at great discounts online. Discount Generic Cialis is no different. But shopping online is not just about finding a low price, it is about finding the best quality products at the lowest price available.

Our shopping guide has been specially prepared to provide you with various advice and helpful tips on all parts of the discount generic Cialis shopping experience. It doesn’t stop there, of course, we also provide information on shopping for discount Generic Viagra as well. An informed shopper is a happy shopper and on the various pages of this web site you will find the best information available anywhere today.

From detailed information on generic Cialis and how it works to helpful shopping tips, we have just about any and every piece of information that you could ever imagine. We don’t want you to go out into the shopping world alone, and that is why we are here, on your side, helping you with the knowledge you need to make wise and informed shopping decisions.

You know what you are looking for, and we are here to help you look for it. All of our advice is written by professionals to help make you the best shopper for ED pills around.

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Disabled Children and Commercial Playground Equipment

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“Play is an important part of your child’s physical, social, intellectual and emotional development,” according to Here at Creative Recreational Systems, we believe that children of all ages and disabilities should enjoy the same quality playground experience. This is why we work hard to comply with ADA requirements and safety guidelines…

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“Play is an important part of your child’s physical, social, intellectual and emotional development,” according to Here at Creative Recreational Systems, we believe that children of all ages and disabilities should enjoy the same quality playground experience. This is why we work hard to comply with ADA requirements and safety guidelines.

Safety experts suggest that the safest surfacing for playgrounds is either wood chips or rubber surfacing. However, wood chips do not provide a sturdy enough surface for wheelchairs to maneuver. ASTM standards state that for wheelchair access, surfaces are required to be “firm, stable, and slip resistant” as specified in ADAAG. This is why Creative Systems specializes in SofTile surfacing, a surface that is durable enough to withstand weather and wear, soft enough to cushion, and sturdy enough to provide easy wheelchair access. We supply and install ADA compatible ramps so that your playground can be fully accessible to those disabled. We also offer a large variety of playground equipment which we can personalize and combine to meet your unique needs. We supply ground level play components, such as swings and stand alone climbers, to accommodate ground play for disabled children. Our elevated play components also meet ADA requirements by being wheelchair accessible.

Many of our site furnishings also meet ADA standards. We offer ADA compliant picnic tables that provide easy wheelchair access at both ends, as well as rounded corners for added safety. When possible, we try to exceed the ADA guidelines to provide increased accessibility and opportunities. At Creative Systems, we strive to give all children a fulfilling, educational, fun, and overall safe environment in which to play.

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Disability Insurance – Why Young And Healthy People Need It

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Unfortunately accidents happen. Some of these may unfortunately put you in the hospital for weeks, followed by months of rehabilitation. Or you are not able to work or leave the hospital because of a permanent injury.

Health insurance might pay for your medical expenses, but you need something like disability insurance to make your mortgage payments and pay your household expenses?

Disability Insurance Is The Answer

For most of us the answer is disability insurance, …

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Unfortunately accidents happen. Some of these may unfortunately put you in the hospital for weeks, followed by months of rehabilitation. Or you are not able to work or leave the hospital because of a permanent injury.

Health insurance might pay for your medical expenses, but you need something like disability insurance to make your mortgage payments and pay your household expenses?

Disability Insurance Is The Answer

For most of us the answer is disability insurance, which provides income when an illness or injury makes it impossible to earn a living. Disability insurance is the policy to have, whatever your age, to continue the income you need.

What Does Disability Insurance Do For Me?

While employers often provide short term disability, few companies offer long term disability insurance unless there is a union contract. If you don’t recover, or have your own disability insurance contract, you will have to use your savings to survive.

Accordingly, it is in your best interests to protect your income and earnings with a personal disability insurance policy.

How Much Disability Insurance Do You Need?

No insurance company will insure you for your full income as generally the payments are not taxable. Another consideration is: if you have group disability insurance from your employer, there may be a cap on how much you can get.

Some Additional Disability Insurance Benefits:
Escalator Rider – an benefit that annually increases the amount of your income .
Return-To-Work-Provision – a benefit of your disability insurance policy that pays you a portion of your disability income if you can work part time.

There are numerous other disability insurance riders which can be added, but which increase the overall cost of the insurance policy. Employer group disability insurance policies are not portable, which is the best, most simple reason to own personal disability insurance.