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Do I Look Fat? The Top Five Reasons To Say No….. David Skul

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The question is asked by your wife or girl friend every time you get ready to go out right. Well let me tell you something and you better listen up and listen up good. If you like having a wife or a girlfriend you will say no. Not just when it is the trust but when it is a lie too. Here are the top five reasons to say no.
Reason1: Your wife or girlfriend trusts you
Let’s face it cave brothers the women like us to like the way they look. Now for a man that lives with ridicule and trials everyday of his life the truth is all that matters right? Well not all the time. Your wife or girlfriend trusts that you love her for who she is not what she looks like. We all say it, but do we mean it? You had better because of not she will start to lose trust in you as her support system. Sometimes the truth hurts and this time it might be you.
Reason 2: People believe what they hear about themselves
Humans are social beings. We crave interaction from one another. We love to hear that we are beautiful, smart, or sexy from another person. It makes us feel good. Well that is not all this feedback does. It can also shape the way we see ourselves. No matter how confident your wife or girlfriend appears to be on the inside repeated verbal conditioning about her weight and the way she looks can contribute to obesity and lethargy.
Reason 3: Diets are hell (For everyone)
Do you like that inevitable crankiness every woman exhibits toward you on a regular basis? Do you want to amplify the effects of this type of behavior? If you are wise you will do everything in your power to avoid dieting for your wife or girlfriend. You not encourage anything, but healthy portions of good food coupled with exercise. It is proven that we get angry when we are hungry. It is a primal response to hunger. Why in the name of all that it holy would you intentionally set loose this primal urge upon yourself and the outside world.
Reason 4: Men need love and support too
As men we like to pretend that we are on top of things and that we can live all alone with no one helping or loving us right. Yeah right. Men need more attention to keep our pretty feathers from fading than women do. We need affirmation of our ability to lead, support, and yes please the women in our lives. If we did not feel this way we would not love our mommies. How many men can say that they do not ole their moms?
Reason 5: It is just mean
Did anyone you really loved ever break your heart? The answer for most of us is yes. Were they ever really mean to you. I am talking about the tear out your heart and throw it on the floor mean. Spit in your eye and kick you in the groin mean? If the answer is yes, then remember how it felt before you open your big mouth and ruin your wife or girlfriend’s day. See more at
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Do Electric Ab Stimulators Really Work? Nick Nilsson

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Electronic muscle stimulators are the latest craze, the hottest fad… but you want to know “do they really work!” Right?
To answer that question, let’s start with a little background information on what this equipment was originally designed for.
Electric ab stimulators were (and still are) used in medical rehab situations. They are designed to keep muscles from atrophying (wasting away) in situations where a limb must be immobilized. For example, if you broke your leg, the doctor could place an electrode on the muscle and use electricity to make it contract. This would provide a minimum level of stimulation, thus keeping the muscle active.
As far as building muscle, such as the ads on TV claim, this is not backed up by research. The level of electrical stimulation necessary to build up the abdominal muscles to what you see on TV would be extremely high, and thus very painful.
Many companies that sell these belts also claim that the belts help burn fat. In reality, the small muscle contractions produced by these belts burn about as many calories as the effort required to take the belt out of the box and put the batteries in.
If you read the fine print in these ads, you will also notice that the instructions for use also include a suggested exercise and nutrition plan. This, without a doubt, would be the true source of the results people get from this equipment.
But what about people you may know who have tried the belts and say that they feel something when they use it?
Let’s put it this way… the belt does provide a small level of stimulation to the abdominal muscles. When a person’s abs are totally lacking any form of stimulation, any amount of stimulation has the potential to produce results. It is simply a matter of something is better than nothing (in this case, not a whole lot better, though).
A much better solution for working your abdominal muscles effectively is to do the unglamorous crunch exercise. It may not send electric shocks into your guts but it will get the job done. Crunches, even done properly and regularly, won’t burn fat but they will definitely tighten up your abs.
For detailed instructions on how to do the crunch most efficiently visit:
Do electric ab stimulators work? In a nutshell, no. These companies are simply preying upon society’s desire for results without effort. Don’t be fooled by the hype.

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Do Eat With Your Emotions?

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Weight Loss Hypnosis

Is binging your number one problem? When you are alone and relaxed do you eat anything and everything. It doesn’t matter what it is — you feel have no self-control. It doesn’t matter how I’m feeling because either way I always eat. Please help!

First, realize you are very much in control. It sounds like you are using food to meet needs and handle feelings that you don’t know how to deal with in a healthier manner.

Yes, it feels “out of control” …

weight loss hypnosis, weight loss, diet

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Weight Loss Hypnosis

Is binging your number one problem? When you are alone and relaxed do you eat anything and everything. It doesn’t matter what it is — you feel have no self-control. It doesn’t matter how I’m feeling because either way I always eat. Please help!

First, realize you are very much in control. It sounds like you are using food to meet needs and handle feelings that you don’t know how to deal with in a healthier manner.

Yes, it feels “out of control” as “emotional eaters.” It often feels like the jelly doughnuts sprout wings and cram themselves down your throat. Other times it feels like an alien presence has invaded the decision-making center of our brains, making us do stupid things against our will. We criticize ourselves for being so weak and powerless, when what we really want is to be thin and healthy.

Let’s get real. Fattening foods don’t really fly. Eating requires a decision to eat. Eating requires a deliberate act. Therefore, it’s impossible to be “out of control” of our eating.

Yes and no.

To understand this dilemma, understand that although eating does require a conscious decision to eat, it is influenced by both conscious and unconscious factors. We’re not always aware of the feelings and issues that drive us to binge. We can be in such internal conflict that while our right hand is stuffing our face the left hand tries to stop it. We are bewildered with this vicious battle and end up feeling like a loser every time.

To understand this we also have to recognize the emotional power of food. Food is unique. It gets right down into our belly where we have all those “gut-wrenching” feelings and soothes turmoil. For many, food is a primary emotional coping technique. It distracts. It calms. It’s dependable. And it is almost always readily available. No wonder, then, that so many of us feel out of control in the face of stress. We don’t know what else to do besides eat.

When we spend all day meeting everyone else’s needs, it’s often the case that after the kids are no longer demanding our time and energy, we sit down and “give” to ourselves with food. It’s crucial to avoid buying into the destructive and disempowering notion that we are “out of control” by recognizing that eating requires a choice. If we tune into the lurking feelings and issues that affect our judgment, then we can make a coping choice that might be more direct and ultimately, more satisfying than overeating.

Only then can we truly be in control.

Try an eating strategy called “empowered eating.” By becoming an empowered eater you will be more aware of what you eat and why you eat it, which will help you develop more stable eating patterns. Get started with the following three steps.

Step 1: Take responsibility for your eating. Be accountable. Specifically, find an eating plan that can fit into your lifestyle. You must recognize that no one can do this for you. You must take the lead.

Step 2: Eat with a purpose. View all eating as goal-directed. An eating goal may be physical, like nourishing the body, or it may be emotional, like coping with psychological issues.

Step 3:Be mindful of your eating behavior. Pay attention. Be fully aware of your feelings and the issues that are associated with your eating. Being an empowered eater doesn’t mean you never again overeat because of emotional stress. It does mean, however, that when you do overeat, you understand why. And understanding the “why” behind your choices will make it easier for you to develop new, healthy habits.

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Do Diet Pills Really Work? Todd Brenner

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You’ve seen diet pill advertisements… You have read the testimonials claiming diet pills work. You have often wondered – will diet pills work for me?
For fast weight loss, diet pills can work. If you are overweight or obese, using diet pills can help to kick start your weight loss program and help you in attaining your ideal weight.
A word of caution when determining whether diet pills are for you, diet pills are not the final answer to your weight loss concerns. No diet pill will let you eat what you want, not exercise and still lose weight. You many see results short term but the challenge will be keeping it off. You should ensure that your consumption of diet pills is in conjunction with a healthy eating and exercise regime. There is medical evidence that diet pills do work to aid in weight loss, but not as a miracle cure. Researchers stress the use of diet pills along with diet and exercise.
Types of Diet Pills
There is a wide variety of diet pills on the market; prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and herbal supplements. Here is a brief overview of the different types of diet pills available.
Prescription Diet Pills: Only available with a Doctor’s prescription, your Physician will monitor your health and weight loss progress while you are taking the diet pills.
Fat Blockers and Carb Blockers: Inhibits the action of the lipase enzyme. When you eat foods containing fat, lipase breaks down the fat in the intestine. Fat blockers remove some of the fat ingested through bowel movements instead of being broken down and absorbed.
Appetite Suppressants: Affects the appetite-regulating region of the brain. These diet pills decrease your appetite by increasing serotonin, a chemical in the brain that affects mood and appetite.
Over-the-counter Diet Pills: Widely available in your local drugstore, supermarket or online, OTC diet pills are monitored by the FDA for efficacy and product claims. Most OTC diet pills work by increasing your energy while boosting metabolism.
Herbal Diet Pills: Also available without a prescription, herbal diet pills found in health food and nutrition stores. Some of the ingredients in herbal diet pills are very powerful when engineered correctly. Some work better than prescription medications. There are some you can try out free of charge to see it it’s right for you. One I would recommend is which can be taken before you go to bed and will not keep you up. It contains no caffeine or stimulants. Another powerful for of an herbal diet pill is Ephedra. Once banned for it’s potency (and a bad rap) it’s ban has been lifted and is available once more.
Research the different diet pills available to determine which are right for you. Avoid diet pills that make ‘sweeping claims’ because you may just end up disappointed with your results. Remember, in order to achieve sustainable weight loss while taking diet pills, you need to include a healthy eating plan and regular exercise. For more information on recommended diet pill sources, visit For public availability information on Ephedra, you can visit


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Do Cellulite Creams Actually Work? Burke Jones

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No cellulite cream can counteract the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, for instance. Neither can a cream magically restore circulation or drop excess weight from a body that does very little and takes in more than it needs.
The best lotions, the most evolved lotions, cannot make up for diets composed of fast foods eaten on the run and deep fried fatty concoctions with little or no nutritional value.
Neither can lotions reduce stress for a body rigid with it and stress is often an element in the problem of cellulite. Stress does not have to be physical to have very physical effects.
No lotion exists that can reverse genetic inheritances or balance hormones reliably. These are all factors in the formation of cellulite.
So, now that we are clear on exactly what cellulite creams cannot do, we can move on to what they may be useful for. Now you have them in perspective you may be less likely to believe advertising that tells you that you needn’t move off the sofa. That all you have to do is languidly stretch out your hand and apply this miracle lotion and you will look like the model in the picture who is often impossibly beautiful, prepubescent and photographed in a good light.
What some cellulite creams can do rather nicely is supplement your treatment program. In this support capacity they can even be quite impressive. Some creams will ardently claim to be all things to all women with cellulite. Personally, I’d still watch the diet, do the exercise and keep the stress levels down.
Broadly speaking the creams on the market can be divided into those whose ingredients are botanical and those that are chemical. Caffeine, and its derivatives, are natural tissue decongestants used in a number of cellulite creams. Many prefer the “decaffeinated” versions that use potent herbs like horse chestnut, gotu kola, ivy and seaweeds to achieve the same results. Many ingredients not only assist in the sloughing off of toxins but also in the stimulation of circulation. Not, of course, as much as a good run around the block would do.
Many cellulite creams claim to contain patented transport systems that facilitate the delivery of ingredients through the outer layers and into the actual site of the damage. This, they say– and it makes sense–is a principal reason for the success of their particular product.
How a cellulite cream is applied is also an important factor. Methods of application vary from the quick rub at home to high tech patented processes that use light frequencies along with specially designed rollers and suctions that help to mobilize the tissue and transport the good stuff deep down into the cellulite stricken areas.

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Do Antibiotics and Birth Control Flow?

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For many years now, some people and doctors have reported that antibiotics and birth control medications don’t mix very well. While concrete studies on the effects of antibiotics on the effectiveness of birth control are few, most doctors and women prefer to lean on the side of caution and use more than one method of birth control. This is sound advice because no evidence to prove antibiotics don’t have an effect on birth control effectiveness has been found.

antibiotics and birth control

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It is a little known fact that birth control medications rely heavily on the body’s natural biochemistry. A large number of pharmaceutical birth control products work by affecting the chemical or hormonal balance of the body to prevent pregnancy. While most of these medications are designed to be able to work despite the multitude of variables that cannot be fully accounted for in the body, that doesn’t mean that they work no matter what. In particular, the drug interaction between antibiotics and birth control pills has been noted to be rather antagonistic towards one another. A number of antibiotics have been noted to interfere with how some birth control methods work, though other types of contraceptive pills work just fine. It is currently believed that something about the way antibiotics and birth control medications work is making them incompatible with one another on a chemical level, though it is still unknown what.

It should be noted that only one antibiotic has been definitively proven to reduce the effective abilities of birth control medication. Though this declaration was made by the Mayo Clinic, one of the most respected health care institutions in the world, it should be noted that long-term studies have not been conducted into the interaction between antibiotics and birth control medications either. This implies that while only one antibiotic has been found to have an effect, it is possible that the others may have an effect and simply have not yet been explored fully by the medical community. This blank spot has been recognized and most doctors, while waiting for further studies to be concluded and the findings made public knowledge, are keen on advising couples to use backup methods, such as condoms, in conjunction with the pills.

Most doctors believe that certain medications can lower the effectiveness of birth control, though the list is mercifully short at the moment. Most medications found to have an effect are noted to cause minimal increases in risk, usually within a certain margin of error. However, some medications are believed to cause a more noticeable increase in risk, such as rifampin, amoxicillin, penicillin, tetracycline, and minocycline. Other medications that might have an effect, depending on the circumstances and some physiological variables in the body, are phenobarbitol, nitrofurantoin, sulfonamide, and cotrimoxazole. Griseofulvin is sometimes believed to have an effect, though the possibilitiy of such is not widely accepted by the medical community.

Doctors might advise their patients to lean towards caution when dealing with antibiotics and birth control medications. It is advisable to have a second birth control method on hand, such as a condom or diaphragm to minimize the risk of unwanted pregnancy. This is considered good advice whether or not the female is taking an antibiotic, since no single pharmaceutical or blocking birth control method is 100% effective. A pharmacist may also be consulted to have a better idea of how drugs interact, to provide a better idea of whether or not risks would be reduced by using more than one method of contraception.

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Do You Need A College Health Insurance Plan?

When you are finally done with your high school education, there is no doubt that you’ll be enrolling into a college. Many times when a child reaches the age of 20, they are no longer covered by their parents’ insurance and this can lead to a troubling situation if they are not working and just strictly going to college. However, many colleges offer health insurance plans. Whether one of these insurance plans are right for you or not takes a lot of deliberation.

College health insurance benefits are going to vary from campus to campus. Although many people think that they are free, this is not true. While there is usually no charge for an office visit and routine checkups, the student will have to pay for lab work and other specialist type of visits. Benefits will usually pay completely for only types of covered services at the campus health center. In the event that you have to see an outside doctor then the student’s coverage can drop up to 70% and run the risk of being required to pay a high deductible.

If you have a pre-existing condition, then you may have a problem with getting treatment at the college health center. Having a pre-existing illness or disability does not mean that you will be disqualified for obtaining a college health insurance plan, but you may not be able to get treatment for that pre-existing illness. This can lead to a number of problems if a new problem arises and is a product of a pre-existing illness.

All plans are different, so be sure you find out everything you can about your college’s plan. Be sure to check if you or your child will be covered during summer break when students are not taking classes. This is important because you don’t want to have an accident and find out that the insurance becomes inactive when they are not in class. Many colleges have coverage during summer break, but some do not.

Make sure you understand the plan. Is it an HMO, or can the member use any provider they want? This is just as important because you want to know where you can go in the event of an emergency, and there is nothing worse than finding out after the fact that you will be stuck with paying the full amount for a medical bill.

There really is no definitive answer as to whether you should or shouldn’t commit to getting college health insurance. Be sure that you understand your plan fully so that no problems can arise in the event of an emergency. While it is not free insurance, it surely will save you money in the event of an accident or illness.

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Divorce and Health Insurance Benefits

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Divorce has a significant effect upon the availability of health insurance beneftis. Find out how to maximize the health insurance benefits available to you after divorce.

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Divorce causes major issues with health insurance benefits. Many families have employer provided and/or paid for health insurance benefits that cover the entire family. It is not uncommon to see situations where the other spouse is a stay at home parent, with absolutely no access to health insurance benefits, or employed at a job with either no health insurance benefits available or those benefits available at a substantial cost. After a divorce, the spouse with the family health insurance coverage can no longer cover the other parent. They are no longer “family” members who can take advantage of one health insurance policy. How to then ensure that everyone stays insured does become an issue for negotiation and/or divorce litigation.

If both parties do not have health insurance benefits available and if the cost of obtaining those health insurance benefits for the other party after a divorce become prohibitive, there is one way to continue benefits without additional cost. That way is to enter into a separation agreement, but delay the divorce. That way, the parties actually do remain married and they can stay on the same health insurance plan even thought they are separed. The parties can consent to waiting for one, two or more years before either one files for a divorce. While the parties will remain married, their property, custody, and support issues will be addressed in their separation agreement. Under some circumstances, this is an optimal resolution. For example, what if both parties want one spouse to remain at home for several more years with young children, but they do still want to separate and divorce? This option works for them. They can separate, agree upon getting a divorce and all of the terms that they have to agree upon, but delay the final divorce so that they can keep cost effective health insurance benefits in place.

The above example can provide some difficulties that must be discusse in detail with your divorce attorney. For example, if you separate but do not divorce, your federal tax filing status may be affected. Also, in some states, it is not as easy as in other states to enforce a separation agreement. Or, in yet other states, it is possible for one spouse to take the advantages provided by the agreement for a year or two and then go to court and seek entirley different forms of financial relief in a divorce action. Only a divorce attorney licensed to practice in your state can advise you on these issues.

Another option for couples divorce is COBRA coverage. COBRA is a federal law which mandates that a person covered under a health insurance policy be given the right to continue that coverage, at their own cost, for a set time period if certain requirements exist. For example, if you obtain a divorce and your spouse had family health insurance coverage through his employer, the employer would have to provide COBRA coverage for you after the divorce. That COBRA coverage would require that you have the same health insurance policy, although your coverage would now be individual and not family. You would have to pay the employer’s cost for that individual policy.

It is not uncommon for a stay at home spouse or a spouse who has less income or employment options to obtain COBRA coverage and to negotiate that their spouse pay for that coverage for a specified time period after the divorce. In doing so, this gives the spouse who did not have coverage available some time to either obtain employment with coverage or become financially settled and able to afford their own coverage.

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Diverticulitis and Diet Roy Thomsitt

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What Is Diverticulitis?
Diverticulitis is another one of those conditions that has followed from industrialisation, and a fundamental change in eating habits to a diet of processed food. The condition emerged after milling became commonplace in Western countries, starting in the US. Milling grains strips out valuable fibre, and since the early 20th century a shortage of fibre in diets has been commonplace amongst the American, and other Western, population.
Diverticulitis actually follows on from a condition called diverticulosis, which tends to come with age, particularly over 60. Diverticulosis is quite common, and past the age of 60 about half the population have this condition. With diverticulosis people experience the formation of small pouches in the intestinal tracts. These pouches are called diverticula. They are, in themselves, harmless, and most people never know they have them.
If diverticula become inflamed or infected, however, then the patient will experience pain in the abdominal region. Only a relatively small percentage of people with diverticulosis develop diverticulitis, and many of these are mild cases which can be treated with rest and diet change. More serious cases may require surgery.
What Should A Diverticulitis Diet Include?
If diverticulitis has been diagnosed by your doctor, and is confirmed as a mild case, then your doctor will probably recommend some dietary changes. Although a shortage of fibre in the diet over a number of years may have caused the condition, once you have it, your doctor may ask you to cut down on fibre even more for a few days, as it may aggravate the pain.
Your treatment is likely to include antibiotics to kill the infection, and it is vital you finish your course and take your doctor’s advice. In about half of cases of diverticulitis, the patient will be hospitalised

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Disturbed by Sleep Aid Side Effects

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There are countless of people around the world who has a sleeping problem. This article tackles other medications for treating sleep disorders. This article also mentions popular sleeping pills which reportedly have been demonstrating extremely odd side effects.

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There are millions of people around the world who struggle with sleeping problems, but fortunately, there are many treatments available. But before popping on those pills, one must think that treatment for sleeping problems really depends on the specific issue that needs to be resolved. For example, if a person is simply trying to reduce how much he or she snores, using specially designed pillows and breathing strips may just do the trick. If a person is not getting enough sleep, there are both natural sleep aids and sleep medications that can help induce sleep. However, there are more medications readily available for all those people who constantly battle with sleepless nights.

Sleep disorders such as insomnia can be naturally relieved with herbal teas, infusions, and baths. Professional herbalists do not prescribe herbs simply to treat symptoms such as insomnia. They do so in order to correct the imbalances within the body that cause those symptoms. Sedative herbs such as hops and valerian are very popular sleep aids used to relax the nervous system so that one can enjoy natural, restorative sleep. Each herb contains a variety of active constituents and has a main action and several subsidiary actions which determine the conditions for which it is most appropriate. Recent increased interest in the areas of complementary and alternative medicine shows it is virtually risk free and has a wide range of treatment options worth exploring.

Over-the-counter or OTC drugs are one of the common sleep aid treatments that a lot of drugstores offer in a wide range of choices. But people are more likely to consider the possibility of drug interactions and the high risk of sleep aid side effects each time they think of using OTC or prescription drugs.

Just recently, a report from the New York Times stated that two popular sleeping aids have been demonstrating extremely odd side effects. The reports said that there were some users of the most widely prescribed drugs in the market today which started complaining online and to their doctors about unusual reactions ranging from fairly benign sleepwalking episodes to hallucinations, violent outbursts, nocturnal binge eating, and the most troubling of all, driving while asleep.

Sleep medicines may cause a special type of memory loss or “amnesia.” When this occurs, a person may not remember what has happened for several hours after taking the medicine. But it is always safe to talk to a doctor if a person is experiencing memory problems because of the sleeping pills.

The recent reports of strange and dangerous sleep aid side effects associated with leading conventional sleep medications have awakened Americans to the risks of prescription and OTC drugs. Drugmakers are now revising the labels on the two popular sleep aids to warn that these sleeping pills might result in unusual and destructive behavior.

There are many unconventional options available to try in conjunction with or in place of conventional OTC or prescription drugs. Acupuncture, reflexology, chiropractic, relaxation, meditation, homeopathic and herbal medicines are just a few to choose from and one can be sure that there are no unusual sleep aid side effects that will happen to them.