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Do You Have Degenerative Arthritis? Rudy Silva

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 2240.shtml
With 10 million or more people with arthritis, the majority of them will have degenerative arthritis. This arthritis is called Osteoarthritis. Degenerative arthritis occurs when joints are overworked, rub against each other, experience excess friction, and slowly degenerate.
Most joints rub against each other, but bone joints have a protective layer called cartilage. This cartilage has no blood vessels or nerves so it cannot receive nutrients directly. This cartilage serves as a cushion or pad between bones so that bones don’t wear out and so you don’t feel pain.
Cartilage should not wear out if its surfaces remain lubricated with oils that you eat. But if you are not eating the right oils or the proper amount, then your cartilage can become dry. Under these conditions you will slowly deteriorate the cartilage, which will lead to degenerative arthritis.
Once your cartilage becomes damage or grinded down, it is hard to regenerate it. Cartilage is not a living tissue and does not receive its nourishment directly from blood vessels. It is made up of mucin, albumin and sulfuric acid. It absorbs oils and nutrients by osmosis.
Osmosis is the movement of oil from an area of high oil concentration passing through a membrane into an area of low oil concentration. So if the cartilage is deficient in oil and you don’t eat the oil it needs to minimize cartilage-to-cartilage friction, then degenerative arthritis will occur over time.
Eating oil that is high in vitamin D and iodine is what is necessary for good cartilage strength and function. Oil such as cod liver oil is ideal as lubrication for cartilage function. Fish oil is another good oil to eat. When you eat cod liver oil, this oil passes through the joint lining into the joint cavity. Once in the cavity, this oil is absorbed into the cartilage through osmosis.
Once the cartilage is properly lubricated, it has an elasticity and lubrication so that when it rubs against other cartilage little friction and cartilage degeneration occurs.
There is another process that can affect the integrity of the cartilage. Calcium can deposit on the bone near the cartilage and breaking to the cartilage and wear it down.
To prevent this condition, calcium must be kept in solution in the lymph liquid. This is done by maintain a balance diet.
Degenerative arthritis is a process where the cartilage at the end of bones in joint structures slowly degrades. This degradation occurs from the lack of the right oil in the diet and through calcium build up in the bone joint. Joint degeneration starts to occur after the age of 20 and can continue if the right diet if not followed.
Eating the right food to prevent degenerative arthritis is difficult to do if you have been brought up eating the wrong kinds of food. But as an adult you can now make a choice as to whether you will have Osteoarthritis when you get older by eating the foods.

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1055.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Regardless of your age, you could have Arthritis. In North America over Fifty five million people suffer from this debilitating disease.
Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints. It is characterized by pain, swelling, stiffness, deformity, or a diminished range of motion.
The most common types of Arthritis and their symptoms are;
Osteoarthritis; the symptoms are, stiffness, and pain on joint motion. Usually this comes on gradually and occurs after the age of forty.
Rheumatoid arthritis; the symptoms are joint stiffness upon awakening; this usually lasts for a couple hours, also swelling in the finger and wrist joints. This usually affects people between the ages of, twenty five to fifty.
Spondyloarthropathies (including psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter’s syndrome) this group of disorders tends to affect the spine, causing pain, stiffness, inflammation, and changes in body position. This usually affects people between the ages of twenty and forty years of age.
Gout; The symptoms come on quickly with extreme pain and swelling. It usually affects people over forty years of age.
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; the symptoms are joint stiffness, often in the knee, wrist and hands. It can also involve the organs and the nervous system. It usually affects children under eighteen years of age.
If you have this disease here are some of the choices available to you.
You can take pain killers, steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs, and manage the disease, or you can use holistic products, and cure the disease.
You can learn more, visit The Arthritis Foundation at Knowledge is power and life style diseases are curable!
You can change your lifestyle and be good to your joints.
Here are 12 life style changes that will help your joints and the rest of your body.

Lose weight
Turn off the T.V.
Eat well
Add color to your diet, fruits and veggies
Eat a diet high in protein, eliminate refined carbohydrates, white bread, white pasta, white rice and potatoes.
Visit the salad bar when you eat out
Keep a food journal
Cut down on caffeine intake; no more than two caffeinated drinks a day.
Take calcium, vitamins and minerals each day. All supplements should be a high quality, liquid plant extract.
Cleanse your body of impurities, to learn more about cleanses refer to click on The E book “9 Steps To A Healthy Vibrant Body”, Chapter three “Cleansing The Body”
Eliminate the bad stresses from your lifestyle
Address any addictions in your life, smoking, alcohol, or drugs
Get plenty of exercise

Many people feel that having some form of an arthritic condition is inevitable; they feel it is part of aging. This is not true; many people who practice a holistic life style are free of this disease for their whole life. Our life style determines our health, if you have led an unhealthy life style, you can change your lifestyle, rebuild your body, and you too can have a healthy vibrant body.
© Jane Kriese

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Do You Have A Healthy Brain? The Secret to Mental Agility Catherine Calder

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 1215.shtml
We all know to exercise our bodies to keep fit, but how often do you think about exercising your brain? And what type of exercise does it need anyway? What are the facts? What is the secret to mental agility?
Keeping mentally active will keep your brain in good shape. Getting older does not mean that you have to be forgetful!
Recent research into Alzheimer’s disease found that people who were less active between the ages of 20 and 60 years are almost 4 times more likely to develop the disease. The brain, like the rest of the body, needs to be kept active to keep healthy.
You exercise your body to keep it in shape. Now it has been shown that exercising your brain can keep it in shape too.
That leaves us with the question of what to do to keep our brains active. The research discovered that how you spend your leisure time can affect the health of your brain.
Leisure activities can be divided into –
Passive activities, which include watching TV, participating in social activities, and listening to music.
Intellectual activities are reading, painting, playing a musical instrument, woodworking.
Physical activities, for example, gardening, playing sport, working out at the gym, walking, jogging.
The only ‘activity’ that the Alzheimer’s patients had performed more frequently than the control group was watching TV!
The research team was lead by Robert Friedland, professor of neurology, University Hospitals of Cleveland. He said “A relative increase in the amount of time devoted to intellectual activities from early adulthood (ages 20-39) to mid-adulthood (ages 40-60) was associated with a significant decrease in the probability of having Alzheimer’s disease later in life.”
An intellectual or physical hobby stimulates the brain and may reduce neurodegeneration as seen in diseases such as Alzheimer’s. So sitting watching the TV isn’t enough for your brain, you need to keep it active. One way is by learning new things.
Many of the finalists in the Learning in Later Life Campaign 2000 to find England’s oldest and most inspiring learners had art and painting as their hobby.
England’s Oldest Learner was Fred Moore who was then aged 107 years. Fred continued with art classes until he died at the age of 109. The manager of his residential home said “Fred was a remarkable chap. He kept his memory, going back to the death of Queen Victoria, and always retained his great sense of humor.”
So it’s official then, learning a new hobby is good for you. Fancy learning to paint? Painting can be done indoors and outdoors, as well as by yourself or in a group.
It is never too late to start. Local night classes offer a range of options. Have a look at online courses too.
Remember you can have a healthy brain and enjoy a hobby too. Don’t leave it until tomorrow, begin today!

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Do We Enjoy Sickness? Tyler Brooker

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3157.shtml
Its starting to get cold outside. I have noticed recently that very few people in the last few years have done anything to prevent those little colds that you always come down with at the beginning of the chilly season. Why is that? I remember being a youngster… wanting to go outside and play in the snow even though i had the sniffles. Mom wouldn’t let me. “Your going to get sick!” she would holler. So i wasn’t ever sick!
Nowadays, no one is really concerned with PREVENTING sickness. We all believe that there is enough medicine out there to cure whatever it is we come down with. Well, that’s mostly true. In fact, a good friend of mine came down with Winter Vomiting Disease last year. It sounds like a scary illness, and we all feared for him, until we read up on it and realized that it goes away in 24-36 hours. You just vomit alot and have diarrhea. Not so bad.
But why do we let things get that far every year? Granted there is usually a cure, but we continue to suffer through the times when we DO have a virus. Is it that we enjoy it? Ya right! I think it’s more like we forget how much it sucks, because it was a year ago.
This year, lets all try and stay healthy through the cold season. Keep up on our vegetables and our rest. The problem today is, we all think that we have so much to do. RELAX! Running yourselves down until your are bed ridden is not exactly time efficient. Enjoy the winter and stay cold free!

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Do Traditional Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Relevance Today? Richard Mitchell

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 818.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

Could it be possible that our ancestors got it right with some of their traditional hair loss remedies? Folklore tells us they certainly went to great lengths to find solutions to thinning hair.
Although each culture had its own approach influenced by local conditions, there seem to have been many examples of common practices. Nettles, for example, formed an important element of traditional hair loss remedies throughout the world.
The samples outlined here have been sourced from the very informative work “Hair Loss Prevention Through Natural Remedies” by Peters et al. This book provides a wealth of information on this topic and can be easily purchased through Amazon or other good booksellers.
Rosemary Solution – this herb crops up frequently in herbal texts for its ability to cleanse the scalp and stimulate the hair root. Here is one recipe that features rosemary as its core ingredient.
Recipe: boil rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock in water. Strain and use to wash hair daily.
Apple Cider Vinegar – this is mentioned often in folk remedies for hair loss. It is believed to exert a normalizing effect on the scalp’s oil glands and has a strong cleansing effect.
Method: Part hair into sections. Apply two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar directly to the scalp with a moistened cotton ball. Allow between fifteen minutes and three hours before shampooing.
Essential Oils – essential oils distilled from plants have long been recognized for their ability to improve scalp circulation and encourage cell generation. Amongst the most useful are cedarwood, clary sage, eucalyptus, lavender and rosemary.
Method: mix ten drops of essential oil with one ounce of carrier oil (jojoba or olive oil). Massage it into the scalp for a minimum of fifteen minutes before shampooing.
Cayenne Pepper Hair Tonic – the ability of this herb to irritate the skin, increase blood flow and stimulate cell division is well known.
Recipe: mix four ounces of cayenne pepper with one pint of one hundred proof vodka or pure alcohol diluted with 20 percent distilled water. Let it stand for two weeks, shaking the mixture once each day. Strain through several layers of fine cloth until the mixture is free of pepper. Once or twice a day, rub a small amount onto the thinning areas of the scalp.
You can learn more about these traditional hair loss remedies by visiting the site listed below.

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Do Skin Tighteners and Skin Creams Really Help to Reduce Wrinkles?

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Learn how you can reduce wrinkles and why some anti-aging skin creams work better than others…

wrinkles, anti wrinkle eye cream, skin tightener, facial rejuvenation, skin cream, botox alternatives, line eraser, anti

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
You’ve probably tried everything you can think of to get rid of those annoying wrinkles. Line erasers, anti-wrinkle eye creams, wrinkle erasers, skin creams, Botox – you may have even tried yelling into the mirror, “Be gone, ugly wrinkles!” But when that didn’t work, maybe you gave up. Maybe you feel there’s no hope in seeing those wrinkles disappear. Well, don’t give up. Here’s why…

There are several things you can do to help reduce wrinkles. There’s no one magical formula, but it’s a combination of things – lifestyle, food and drink, amount of sun exposure, vitamins, facial rejuvenation creams, and even the position of your body while sleeping! It sounds like a lot of work, but most of these involve simple things you can do each day to help reduce and prevent wrinkles. Here are some brief pointers.

Daily Lifestyle and Wrinkles

Several things you do in your daily life could be causing excessive wrinkles to appear. For instance, if you are under continuous stress, expect more wrinkles. You should do whatever it takes to reduce stress – even change jobs if necessary. It’s not worth losing your health or good appearance! Another important factor is your intake of liquids, particularly water, throughout the day. Drink water every day to help hydrate your body and skin. Dried-out skin will wrinkle more easily.

Eat a healthy diet abundant with fruits and vegetables, and schedule your meals and exercise each day. Staying on schedule with healthy eating and exercise has been proven in studies to reduce stress.

Also, try to get a good night’s sleep every night. While sleeping, lie on your back instead of on your face. Wrinkles can form overnight as you sleep! Also, avoid smoking, alcohol, and excessive sun exposure. If you work outdoors, wear strong, protective sunscreen on your face and hands.

Anti-wrinkle Creams

There are many facial rejuvenation creams, anti-wrinkle eye creams, line erasers and wrinkle erasers on the market today. There are even affordable Botox alternatives that work just as well. These can help to reduce wrinkles if they contain the right combination of vitamins to help revitalize your skin. A number of studies have shown that applying vitamins to the skin may significantly reduce wrinkles and help repair skin damage.

The key vitamins to look for in a skin cream are Vitamins A, C, E, and K. One reason is because these contain antioxidants, which help to eliminate toxins from your body and reduce signs of aging. Antioxidants rid your body and skin of free radicals. Free radicals can cause aging, cellular damage, and even skin cancer in some cases.

Vitamin K can lessen the look of aging lines on the skin by building up the skin around the lines or wrinkles, causing them to disappear. Vitamins K and E are also good for scars and stretch marks.

When choosing an anti-wrinkle eye cream, skin cream, or wrinkle eraser, look for products with all of these vitamins combined for the best results.

As you can see, wrinkles don’t have to control your life (or your face). You can reduce wrinkles significantly by combining a healthy lifestyle with vitamin-rich skin creams and wrinkle erasers. Start turning back the clock today!

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Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing Perfume

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Looking for that perfect perfume fragrance? Here are some do’s and don’ts of wearing perfume…

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The perfume fragrances you wear can cause people to be attracted to you or, unfortunately, to flee from you! You should carefully choose perfumes that enhance the space around you. Be careful not to offend others with fragrances that are too strong. Here are some quick perfume tips on choosing and wearing fragrances.

Choosing a Perfume Fragrance

Find a fragrance that complements your skin and natural aroma of your body. The scent should be subtle enough to not invade anyone else’s “personal space” but pleasant enough that others will want to stay around you. Perfume is meant to enhance your personality, attire, and overall being.

When you visit the fragrance department in a department store, sample perfumes by spraying a couple of fragrances on your skin in areas located far apart from one another. For example, spray one type on your hand and the other on your upper arm. Don’t try spraying on more than two fragrances in a single trip. Then, leave the store or at least the perfume section for a few minutes to smell the fragrances on your skin. This will allow you to smell the scents without them blending with others from the fragrance section.

Try each scent directly on your skin to be sure it’s the perfect match. The fragrance should blend well with your normal body aroma, as well as the scents of your clothing detergent, shampoos, and makeup.

If you think you’ve found the perfect perfume for you, wait a day before buying. Try on a sample of only that particular perfume from the department store and then leave it on for a day. Be sure it doesn’t lose its scent during the day, change scents, or cause any allergies or headaches. Wearing it for a day should reveal all of these.

Do’s of Wearing Perfume

If you have dry skin, wear extra perfume. The oils in your skin, or lack thereof, can enhance or weaken the scent. When it’s cold out, wear extra perfume. Cold weather tends to weaken the scent as well. When, buying new perfume, don’t base your decision on what works for someone else. Try it out on your own skin first. Everyone’s skin reacts differently to a scent.

The best time to apply perfume is right after a shower or bath. After bathing, your skin pores will be open and will soak up the perfume’s fragrance. Also when bathing, use non-deodorized soap where the perfume will be applied. Soaps and deodorants can affect how the perfume will smell on your skin; the mixture won’t always be pleasant!

When applying perfume, dab it in unusual places where it will stay warm and keep its scent longer. It can be applied on the inside of the elbow, on the wrist, neck, stomach, cleavage, and back of the knees.

Don’ts of Wearing Perfume

While there are many positives to wearing perfume, there are few things to avoid. One involves perfume and jewelry. Certain types of jewelry, such as costume or pearl jewelry, can become discolored due to perfume alcohols. Some jewelry can also be stripped of its outer coating. When wearing perfume with this type of jewelry, apply it away from the jewelry.

Don’t use only one perfume year round. Test out various perfumes during seasonal changes to see which ones work best in the hot or cool temperatures. Different fragrances are affected by temperatures when it comes to scent intensity.

Never apply perfume behind the ears. It can blend with skin secretions and create a bad smell. Also, don’t spray perfume onto light-colored clothes because it can turn the fabric yellow.

When buying perfumes online, try out the same brand and scent in a local store first to be sure it’s right for you. You can often find great perfumes and men’s colognes such as Adidas, Antonio Puig, Anucci, Byblos, Britney Spears, Bulgari, Chanel, Capucci, Cartier, and more at online shopping stores.

These stores carry a wide supply of fragrances, even at wholesale prices. You can also shop for other great items while you’re there including sporting goods products, computers, DVDs, pet supply items, office supply products, tools, car items, electronics, jewelry, and more.

Use these tips to find that perfect perfume for you and start drawing people to you with your lovely scent!

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Do’s And Don’ts Of Using Rowing Machines In Your Workout

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

When you begin using rowing machines in your workout you will naturally be excited to use the equipment and want to begin exercising on it as soon as possible. Though you should be aware of many of the exercise routine do’s and don’ts.

When you begin working out do so moderately. Don’t use a tension setting at first. Just get used to the machine and the way it works. You can add tension to the rowing machines setting later on but for starters see how the rowing machine fee…

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To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
When you begin using rowing machines in your workout you will naturally be excited to use the equipment and want to begin exercising on it as soon as possible. Though you should be aware of many of the exercise routine do’s and don’ts.

When you begin working out do so moderately. Don’t use a tension setting at first. Just get used to the machine and the way it works. You can add tension to the rowing machines setting later on but for starters see how the rowing machine feels.

Do not exercise too much. As mentioned previously don’t add to the tension setting until you are used to the machine. When you are regularly exercising, vary your workout routine between heavy and light settings and fast and slow rowing. Also make sure that you give yourself at least twenty four hours between workouts so that your muscles have time to recover.

Make sure that you are doing warm-up and cool-down exercises. These are stretches designed to loosen up your muscles and work out the kinks that may develop during the workout routine. The warm-up exercises will make you more limber too and prevent possible sprains.

If you do manage to injure yourself on the rowing machines don’t try to push through it. When you feel pain that is a signal from your body telling you that something is wrong. Its not a good idea to keep pushing yourself when working out on rowing machines. Especially as back injuries tend to be the most common injury from this type of machine. So stop and relax to keep a small injury from turning into a big one. If your pain doesn’t go away in a few days make an appointment to see the doctor.

Also remember to stay properly hydrated. Rowing machines can give you a lot of calorie burn but it can also make you dehydrated. Don’t forget to check out rowing machines reviews online for more information.

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Do Natural Hair Loss Remedies Have Any Real Relevance? Richard Mitchell

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 804.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

The effectiveness of modern hair loss treatments is clear for all to see, but many people simply prefer not to use strong chemicals or non-natural substances.
If you fall into this category, does this mean you’ll just have to accept an ever-decreasing head of hair? The answer to this is an unequivocal NO!
Many natural hair loss remedies, both traditional and contemporary, have shown their worth in reducing and reversing hair loss. They are also perceived as being free from side effects and even deliver additional health benefits.
Why then, don’t we hear a lot more about these natural hair loss remedies? Simply because claims of cures cannot be made without FDA approval, and obtaining the FDA seal of approval involves lengthy and expensive scientific research that only major companies can afford. Even the biggest companies could not recoup the costs of such a process as no-one can control the rights to common natural substances such as basic foods and vitamins.
The big question however is, do natural hair loss remedies work? Firstly, hair growth at root level is a living part of the body that depends on sound nutrition, just like any other part of the body. The importance of vitamins, minerals and other nutritional elements in maintaining healthy hair cannot be disputed.
Secondly, the role of herbs and plants in treating numerous ailments is receiving increased recognition after years of neglect, and hair loss is no exception. Many herbal remedies for both internal and external use are offering new hope to people suffering from premature hair loss.
Thirdly, traditional hair loss remedies may still have something to offer. Ancient literature and folklore reveal that our ancestors went to great lengths to treat thinning hair. Some of the more acceptable traditional approaches are now being incorporated into many potential treatment regimes.
Other articles in this series tackle each of these areas in much more detail but you can find out more now by visiting the site listed below.

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Do I need Health Insurance?

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

If you think you do not need Health Insurance; then think again. The unpredictable nature of life is itself a valid reason to own a health insurance. Life is filled with risks

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To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
If you think you do not need Health Insurance; then think again. The unpredictable nature of life is itself a valid reason to own a health insurance. Life is filled with risks. Wherever there is an element of risk, risk management is indispensable. Insurance is just a form of sensible risk management.

So, what is health insurance? To put it in simple terms, a health insurance policy is an agreement between an individual and an insurance company. The policy will include a host of benefits such as medical tests, medicinal drugs and other medical treatments. When an Insurance policy is issued by the company, then it implies the insurance company has agreed to cover the cost of a particular set of benefits listed in the policy, which are known as “covered services”.

So, when a particular service is not covered by the insurance company and you have it performed anyway, the insurance company “denies the claim.” In such a situation, the individual will be left with no other choice, but to pay for the service out of his own pocket. However, the policy holder has the right to challenge the insurance company’s denial, by following the appeal process mentioned in the plan handbook. But, it is advisable to do so after consulting the doctor in this regard.

It is also very important to read the terms and conditions of the insurance policy clearly, before signing up for one. This is to ensure that your hard-earned money is not invested in a policy that does not meet your needs. It is also important to bear in mind the fact that decisions pertaining to what will be and what will not be reimbursed are made by the company, and not by the doctor. So, even when a shadow of a doubt about the policy arises, it is advisable to call the insurance company for support.

In conclusion, when considering the purchase of health insurance it is important to consider all of its merits. One has to realize that the money that is involved in purchasing a medical insurance is very little, when compared to the cost incurred in undergoing some major medical services. Moreover, insurance policies may also be tax deductible, in which case you can be said to be paying for your policy with money you might have otherwise given to the tax man. These are some of the financial incentives of having an insurance policy. Excluding the protection to family and oneself, however, the greatest benefit is that possessing a health insurance policy would also ensure peace of mind to the policy holder, a significant psychological benefit. In light of all these advantages, it really wouldn’t be such a bad idea to own a health insurance policy.