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Do You Know Someone Suffering From PHN?

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Most of us are familiar with Shingles, the painful and intense illness people sometimes call “the adult version of Chicken Pox.” What is lesser known is that of the 800,000 Americans who develop Shingles this year, 20% will go on to experience Post Herpetic Neuralgia or PHN.

PHN is often a long-term illness that can cause extreme pain and sensitivity for years. One patient’s skin was so sensitive that he couldn’t button his shirt, ride in a car, or even sleep normally (he …


To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Most of us are familiar with Shingles, the painful and intense illness people sometimes call “the adult version of Chicken Pox.” What is lesser known is that of the 800,000 Americans who develop Shingles this year, 20% will go on to experience Post Herpetic Neuralgia or PHN.

PHN is often a long-term illness that can cause extreme pain and sensitivity for years. One patient’s skin was so sensitive that he couldn’t button his shirt, ride in a car, or even sleep normally (he slept sitting up for an amazing six and a half years!).

Can we give patients a pill or a shot that will relieve or cure PHN? Sadly, no. This illness is very difficult to treat for several daunting reasons:

* Patients’ nerves can be damaged by the Varicella-Zoster viruses. Damaged nerves lead to long-term problems.

* The viruses sometimes set up a chronic infection state in a patient’s tissues and nerves, preventing complete healing from taking place. The infection can go on and on, sometimes for years, even when treated.

* Individual responses to various forms of treatment vary widely. What works for one person may not bring any improvement or relief for another person.

Dealing with this kind of pain for a long period of time can cause depression and sleep problems. Studies indicate that the same biochemicals that intensify pain can also cause and intensify depression. This depression is classified as reactive depression, and is reversible with treatment. It is quite different from endogenous depression which is caused by chemical imbalances. Understanding what is happening to you, and why, can go a long way in helping you to deal with it successfully. And of course, medical treatments can help even more.

Some years ago I developed a topical analgesic that helps relieve the pain of PHN. Thousands of patients have used it over the years to dramatically reduce their symptoms.

If you or someone you know is suffering from PHN, do all you can to educate them and yourself about effective treatments and nutrition. Through proper treatment, the effects of PHN can be far less devastating.

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Do You Know If You Are Dehydrated?

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Keeping your body hydrated is extremely important to your health and you need to know the warning signs of dehydration so you can take action, especially if you have a very active lifestyle. Your body needs a minimum of 64 oz of water per day. That’s at least 8 glasses of water and you could probably drink more.

If you live in a warmer climate then you may need to drink more than 8 glasses. If you active in sports or have a hectic stressful lifestyle then you may also need…

constipation, dehydration, colon health, how to tell if you are dehydrated

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Keeping your body hydrated is extremely important to your health and you need to know the warning signs of dehydration so you can take action, especially if you have a very active lifestyle. Your body needs a minimum of 64 oz of water per day. That’s at least 8 glasses of water and you could probably drink more.

If you live in a warmer climate then you may need to drink more than 8 glasses. If you active in sports or have a hectic stressful lifestyle then you may also need to drink more.

You should:

1) Start drinking water soon after you wake up. A squirt of lemon is a good idea for your first glass of the day.
2) Take sips rather than gulping down water all at once.
3) Drink steadily throughout the day especially if you are active.
4) You can also get some liquid into your system by eating fruits and vegetables which contain anywhere from 70% to 92% of water.

Here are some signs that you are dehydrated:

1) Fatigue
2) Flushed skin
3) Dry mouth
4) Dry lips
5) Cramps
6) Headache
7) Sunken eyes
8) Stiff Joints
9) Dark Urine

When you wake up in the morning your urine should be clear with no odor. This is a quick and easy way to tell if you are dehydrated.

You can alleviate many physical problems just by drinking the appropriate amount of water per day. This is especially true if you have difficulty with constipation. When you drink water it gets into the intestines where some of it gets into the bloodstream to nourish all the cells of the body, some goes to other major organs such as the kidneys, bladder etc., but the rest is utilized by the colon to remove fecal matter. You would not expect your toilet to flush properly without water, it is also true for your body. You will not be able to flush sufficient fecal matter without enough water in your system.

As you start getting older you can lose some of your ability to recognize if you are thirsty so it is especially important for the elderly to drink water through out the day. So many physical problems for the elderly stem from being dehydrated.

Dehydration can be a serious problem but it is easily handled. Pay attention to your body and learn to recognize the symptoms and drink, drink, drink water all day long. You’ll be glad you did.

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Do You Know How To Best Look After Your Dog’s Health?

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

As a loving pet owner, you want your dog to live a great life. Find out how with these important tips.

dogs, pets, home, family, puppy, children, health, medication, medicine

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As a loving pet owner, you want your dog to live a great life. You can do this thanks to the many advances in veterinary medicine. Dogs can live longer and healthier. And, the quality of your dog’s health is all about how well you and your vet work together to make it so.

Your first vet visit should be within the first ten days that you own her. In this time period, the vet will get measurements and weights for her. They will also check the blood and stool of the animal to insure there are no health concerns there. It is also important for you to get some basic education on modern pet care from your vet during that first appointment. The vet will be able to tell you how to brush the dog’s teeth, how to clean his ears as well as how to clip toenails. Just ask.

The next thing that you should keep in mind is your dog’s food. A well balanced diet will include foods that are good quality and in the correct amounts. Your dog needs the right nutrients to sustain a healthy lifestyle. You can always ask your vet which is the best food for your dogs as well as understanding how much to feed them. You don’t have to purchase the highest priced product on the store shelves either. Some of the most costly are not even that good for your dog. There are great inexpensive choices for you as well.

You need to give your dog exercise. It helps to strengthen muscles and keeps her weight under control. It helps with the immune system of the pet as well. You may actually have to encourage your dog to be active. If a dog seems to be a couch potato type animal, you need to find a way to get them moving. Other dogs are naturally active. You should put some time each day aside for the exercise of your pet.

Your dog will need to be seen by the vet at least once per year. This will allow the vet to insure the dog’s health as well as test for parasites that may be there. Blood and stool samples will be used for this. It is important to do this so that the vet can spot and treat problems before they threaten your dog’s health severely. You should also mention anything different that your dog is doing during this time. For example some pets will lick paint or will eat strange substances. These are signs that something is medically wrong and you should bring it to your vet’s attention.

Also important during this visit is that the vaccines will be updated. This is very important to your dog’s life. And, in some areas, it is required by law to have them done.

Lastly, you’ll need to know how to choose a vet. Do it the same way you would choose your own doctor. They should be someone that you trust and feel comfortable talking with. The vet should encourage your questions and support your needs.

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Do You Know Body Effects Of Steroids?

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For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

Steroids are man-made compounds related chemically to the male sex hormone testosterone. For the first time, these artificial substances were developed in the 1930’s to assist men whose bodies generate lesser quantities of the natural hormone, which is responsible for the growth of male characteristics taking place during puberty.

body effects of steroids

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Steroids are man-made compounds related chemically to the male sex hormone testosterone. For the first time, these artificial substances were developed in the 1930’s to assist men whose bodies generate lesser quantities of the natural hormone, which is responsible for the growth of male characteristics taking place during puberty.

Steroids are not harmful, if used in a right manner. But if they are abused, they will surely give negative outcomes. Steroid abusers subject themselves to over 70 fallouts ranging from liver tumors to skin disorders. There are many body effects of steroids. Abusing steroids may affect your body in many ways.

The body effects of steroids encompass both psychological plus physical reactions. The body parts that are severely affected by steroids include liver, cardiovascular and reproductive systems.

The body effects of steroids in males can cause withered testicles, sterility, and impotence. In case of females, irreversible masculine traits can build up in conjunction with menstrual irregularities, reduction in breast size or nipples, and sterility. Psychosomatic outcomes in both sexes include aggressiveness, behavioral changes and depression.

A number of body effects of steroids may not come out for longer times, which includes coronary failure and stroking, and some might not even be known as side effects, for example failure to achieve full height potential due to halted bone growth during teenage years.

Steroid ill-treatment has been linked with cardiovascular disease, which can even occur to jocks under the age of 30. Steroids have an effect on your look as well as your mood. Steroids can make you angry and hostile for no reason.

The other body effects of steroids include increasing your risk of infectivity. Sharing needles or using unclean needles to inject steroids puts you at possibility for maladies such as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.

When you buy steroids, you should appropriately study how to utilize them appropriately. You must see their possible risks and side effects. You must know the rules and regulations (law) that steroids are illegitimate to have without a recommendation from a licensed medical practitioner. It is banned for individuals to sell steroids without proper recommendation.

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Do you have the Symptoms of Folic Acid Deficiency? Keith Woolley

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

The debate around the basic of taking dietary supplements is continuing to rage.
While many health care professionals maintain we get all we require from the foods we eat, others prefer to suggest vitamins when their patients are under a stress such as a pregnancy or illness or even aging or when the patients body’s function is deficient or overloaded. Others maintain that vitamins are preventative and should be taken routinely to prevent diseases and maintain health.
Studies maintain that taking extra B vitamins, specifically folic acid and B12 have reduced birth defects by 72 to 100% . And since regulations authourising the addition of folic acid to grains have come into force in the USA the incidence of birth defects their have dropped by 19%, although sceptics claim there could be alternative reasons.
So what are some of the symptoms of folic acid deficiency? If your tongue is sore and you suffer from loss of appetite, “shortness of puff”, are irritable, forgetful and mentally sluggish, you may have a folic acid insufficiency. Folic acid is one of the B group of vitamins and most animal and plant foods are poor sources of it. The exception is liver which most individuals don’t eat a lot of these days. Various dietary habits and health conditions can also result in causing a deficiency of this vitamin. Celiac condition, alcoholism and irritable bowel syndrome are three such conditions.
Studies have also suggested that when older people suffer from “the blues” it is caused by a absence of folate (B9) . It should be taken alongside B6 and B12 to support its absorption and function in the body. These three vitamins work closely together and help relieve symptoms of depression. They do this by decreasing the total amount of homocysteine, which is thought to play an major part in causing the depression. Occasionally the amount of folate in proportion to the other two may be required to be increased in order to be effective. Solgar Homocystein Modulators are a good supplement to take and can be found online at
Some population-based studies across the USA have also established that numerous cancers are less usual in people who have high levels of folic acid. These people also consumed high amounts of beta-carotene, vitamin C and fiber. One large study of 50,000 women established that adequate intakes of folate essentially reduced the risk of breast melanoma.
Some prescription medications for inflammatory bowel illness have been found to interfere with the bodies ability to absorb folate (folic acid) and the deficiency has also been linked to some men’s infertility and heart complaints.
Foods that offer the most folic acid are dark leafy greens, brewers yeast, cows liver, some seafood, orange juice and dairy. Root vegetables and whole grains also supply small amounts.
Side effects from folic acid supplements are rare, though they can occur if the dose exceeds 15000 mcg . Taking any one of the B group of vitamins on their own can produce a deficiency in the others, so don’t be too keen to buy without advice. Check out if you really do need it and make sure your health care practised knows your purpose in order to grasp why you want to take these supplements. Some prescription medicines such as antibiotics and warfarin can react adversely to this health programme, while others like ibuprofen and aspirin can actually cause a deficiency. Methotrexate, prescribed to treat some cancer and rheumatoid arthritis conditions increases the body’s need for folic acid, and its side-effects are greatly reduced by addition of this vitamin without impairing its results, so if you must take this medication be sure see your health care professional about adding folic acid to your diet – it could save you experiencing further side-effects .

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Do you Have the Burning Desire to Lose Weight or Reach any Goal? Mike Matthews

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NOTE: This article is one of the component parts of the 9-step WTA3 program contained in the ebook titled “The Action Path -Your Key to Success!” due out in 2005 at
– Do you have a Burning Desire? –
Do you have a burning desire to lose weight and reduce your body fat to 10%?
Do you have a burning desire to get a flat, well-toned midsection?
Do you have a burning desire to increase your net worth to $500,000?
Do you have a burning desire to improve your personal relationships?
Do you have a burning desire to start a business next year?
Do you have a burning desire to reduce your credit card debt?
The key phrase is “Do you have a burning desire to…”. We all have hopes, dreams, wants and wishes. Do you have a ‘Burning Desire’ to make the right choices on a daily basis and take positive action steps toward your goals?
Let’s start with a common goal of reducing body fat or losing weight. While losing weight is a more common goal, reducing body fat to your body’s optimum level is the better route to take. For this illustration, imagine you had a personal goal of losing 10 lbs in 30 days. Because you’re smart, you know that losing weight can be accomplished by taking in fewer calories than you burn. This is a law of nature and makes logical sense. Even though we are aware of this basic principle, losing weight continues to be a difficult goal for many people to accomplish. Now the question; do you really have a ‘Burning Desire’ to lose 10 lbs in 30 days? If you’re like many, your answer is “…yes, I have a desire to lose weight…” but in reality you don’t have a ‘Burning Desire’.
Another source for creating your own ‘Burning Desire’ is a program from Tony Robbins titled, Get the Edge! You can see a product review of his program at
To further illustrate our day-to-day choices and the difference between a desire and a ‘Burning Desire’ let’s pretend that you are two days into your diet and you’re at your favorite hamburger restaurant for your usual lunch. What are you going to choose from the menu? What choice are you going to make?
Will it be the usual double cheeseburger, large fries and a soft drink?
Will it be a double cheeseburger, small fries and a small soft drink?
Will it be a single burger, no small fries and a diet soft drink?
Will it be a burger (no bun), small salad (light dressing) and water?
Will you leave your favorite hamburger restaurant and find a different place to eat?
Most will order the usual lunch or might only cut down slightly. You might even justify it by convincing yourself that later in the day you’ll eat less, you’ll exercise more at the gym or you need all this food because you are ‘starving’. By choosing to order the usual lunch, you’ve made a choice to take action towards your goal of losing weight. Let me repeat in a slightly different way. By selecting the usual lunch, you have made a (wrong) choice to take (a negative) action towards your goal of losing weight. Every minute of every day you have the power, potential and intellect to make good choices that will help direct you to take positive actions towards meeting your goals. Will you succumb to a need for immediate gratification or can you delay it for a short period with your eye on the prize, of a larger, more gratifying long-term goal.
Was choosing the usual lunch the right choice for you to meet your goal of losing weight? It probably wasn’t the best choice, but only you can make the decision to make the right choice. Your decision to eat a high calorie lunch was probably based on a short-term craving and the need for immediate gratification. After the meal, you’ve met your short-term craving but you’ve moved farther away from your long-term goal of losing 10 lbs. You need to be aware that your day-to-day choices are often based on a superficial need to satisfy your immediate gratification. When short-term wins over long-term, it shows that your immediate gratification cravings have registered more votes in your brain. Your objective it to move the pendulum; make your long-term goals register more votes so you will automatically start taking more consistent and positive action steps. You need to create a ‘Burning Desire’ to make long-term win over short-term.
Don’t forget to check out the other examples, such as increasing your net worth, outlined in other chapters of this book. You can also check out a product review of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle at
Stop reading and take your first positive action step to create a ‘Burning Desire’. You can apply this technique to any goal. To make this exercise easier, use the form in the appendix section of this book.

List at least 6 reasons why you want to attain a weight loss goal (or any other goal). List both the positive reasons (I want to look good for the Caribbean vacation) and the negative reasons (I can’t fit into my pants). Positive reasons are “What will I get if I attain this goal”. Negative reasons are “What will happen if I don’t attain this goal”.
Next to each reason you listed above, write a short, visual description of that reason. It’s important that you visualize your reasons. If one of your reasons is “…I can’t fit into these pants…”, describe this visualization as a picture with your stomach hanging over the edge of your belt or waistband. Make sure you complete this visualization description for each reason. As you go through this visualization process you may start thinking of more reasons – go ahead jot them down on your list.
Take 10-15 minutes and read your 6 (or more) reasons along with your visualization descriptions. Which one or two reasons trigger the most emotionally energized response?
Take the top 1,2 or 3 emotionally energized reasons, write them down on a business card size piece of paper and place them in your wallet, purse, desk and/or car. For the next 3-5 days, take out this card and read the reasons and the visualization description out loud.
By the end of the 3-5 days, if you still get emotionally energized and excited; congratulations, you now have created your own ‘Burning Desire’.

What if this didn’t work and you’re not emotionally excited – what if you didn’t create a ‘Burning Desire’. Your current goal has reverted back to a wish, a want, a dream or a hope. At this stage you have a few options. First, you should go back to step #1 and try this exercise again. Often during the first attempts, you may not have put enough time or energy into the process. Right now is the time to change for the better – take a positive action step and give it another chance. Second, if you’ve tried this exercise or other techniques and still can’t seem to create a ‘Burning Desire’, than you may need to pick another goal, abandon the goal or change the goal. Changing the goal is not giving up; changing the goal is often one of the best ways to get yourself re-energized, motivated and excited about moving forward.
By taking these 5 steps to create a ‘Burning Desire’ for each one of your goals (large or small), you will make your goals much more attainable, you will start to consistently meet more of your goals and you will have more fun along the path to success. This technique can be used in other areas of your life such as your business (career), your personal finances and your relationships. Other chapters in this book will provide the details on how to use this technique to succeed with more of your personal goals.
Author’s Personal Note: I have successfully used this technique in the area of weight loss and have lost 10 lbs (in 45 days), reduced my body fat by 3% and dropped from a 35-inch waist to a 32-inch waist. What was my ‘Burning Desire’? I had about seven of them, but two created the most passion and drive.
First, was when my youngest son commented about how big my stomach was getting and that I looked out of shape. This comment was my negative reason that drove me to make a change. If I didn’t attain this goal, I would continue to hear these comments . Second, I had a closet full of size 32 pants and was ready to go out a buy more tight-fitting 34 size pants. Since I personally don’t like (despise) spending money on clothes, I created a visualization of all the money I would save by not having to buy another 3-4 pairs of pants. If I did attain this goal, I would have another $150 to do what I love most – invest.
My personal visualization for the first reason was a flat stomach instead of the love handles and no ‘fat’ comments from my son. My visualization for the second reason was seeing $150 invested in 3 shares of a blue chip stock on my portfolio statement, instead of pants hanging in my closet. While my personal visualizations might not get you motivated, these visualizations created enough push, motivation and drive for me to change my dietary habits and eat right (not necessarily less) and exercise more often. Remember, each of you will have your own personal visualizations that will get you to take action.
It was the first time in my 40+ years that I’ve ever wanted to lose weight and while it was difficult to make these dietary and exercise changes; I sacrificed my short-term immediate gratification needs for the benefit and success of my long-term weight loss goal. Not only did I receive gratification from meeting my weight loss goal, but I received even more gratification by knowing that I could make the appropriate day-to-day choices to minimize my short-term immediate gratification needs to meet a long-term, more gratifying goal. It was worth the efforts. Other personal success stories can be found throughout this book.
It’s time for You to take Action!
What are you going to do right now to take one positive action step towards meeting one of your personal goals? To get the momentum moving in your favor, you need to take immediate action. After reading this article, take the next 30 minutes to complete this 5-step process for one of your goals? You don’t have 30 minutes, take 5 minutes to start the process. The key is to take Action. You owe it to yourself to be successful and one key component for making your personal goals attainable, is to create your own personal ‘Burning Desire’. Start it now!

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Do you have Sinus Infection Symptoms? Mike Nielsen

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You’ve heard the saying, “No pain, no gain” but for many of us who have experienced the tremendous, annoying pain associated with having a sinus infection, I am sure you feel as I do; there isn’t anything that I can gain or want to gain from having a sinus infection. Most of us have all experienced the pain and pressure in our head and face that only seems to get worse before it gets better. In the following article I will be talking about what causes sinus infections, some general sinus infection symptoms, where sinus infections occur, and some possible remedies to treating your sinus infection symptoms.
What causes sinus infection symptoms?
First of all we need to know what the sinuses are. The sinuses are hollow packets of air located on either side of the nose, behind and in-between the eyes, and in the forehead. The sinuses produce mucus that cleans and moistens the membranes of the nose and throat. Each sinus has an opening into the nose that allows for free exchange of mucus and air. Sinus infection symptoms are the result of inflammation and blockage of the openings. The mucus and pressure then build in the sinuses creating a perfect breading ground for bacteria. Sinus infection symptoms generally follow a cold or some other respiratory illness. For someone who suffers from allergies they can also be caused by an allergic reaction. Other causes include: blowing the nose too hard, not completely treating the first sinus infection, or frequent swimming.
General sinus infection symptoms:

Upper jaw and tooth ache
Tenderness around the nose, forehead and cheeks
Swelling and pressure around the eyes
Ear ache and infection
Weakness or fatigue
A cough, runny nose or nasal congestion
Bad breath

Other symptoms can include:

Nasal sounding speech
Only being able to breathe through your mouth because your nasal passages are so plugged.
A decreased or total loss of smell
A nasty, possibility green, stinky nasal discharge. (Sounds exciting doesn’t it!?)
That gross feeling of mucus draining down the back of your throat known as post nasal drip.

Where areas do Sinus infection symptoms affect?
There are essentially four areas where you can feel the pain and pressure from a sinus infection. You may have experienced a headache in the forehead caused by an infection in the frontal sinuses. If the pain is more focused in the cheekbone area then your maxillary sinuses are infected. Your sphenoid sinuses may be infected if the pain you experience is more general and goes all the way to the top of your head. The sphenoid sinuses are located deep behind the eyes right above the throat. Finally, if the infection centers in the ethmoidal sinuses, you’ll get that extremely uncomfortable pain behind the eyes.
What are the remedies for sinus infection symptoms?
Sinus infection symptoms are usually treated with an antibiotic, various nasal sprays, or other medication. Because sinus infection symptoms are common and chronic for many individuals, prevention is much better than the cure. There are some simple activities, such as using a humidifier and regularly cleansing nasal passages, which can greatly decrease your chances of experiencing sinus infection symptoms.
In this article we have looked at what causes sinus infection symptoms, some of the general sinus infection symptoms, where the sinus infections take place and some possible remedies to curing your sinus infection symptoms. I hope that you learned as much from reading this article as I did from writing it. I also hope that you will find the information in this article valuable to the health of you and your loved ones.


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Do You Have Insomnia, or Just Temporary Sleep Problems? Candace Rice

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Very few people can claim to never have difficulty sleeping. But for those who do, it may be a case of wondering do you have insomnia, or just temporary sleep problems?
Insomnia is usually a chronic, long term condition, during which a person may have any or all of the following: difficulty getting to sleep, waking up and unable to go back to sleep, early waking patterns, restless leg syndrome. It is classified into two categories: secondary insomnia, which is unrelated to any physical or environmental causes such as illness, pain, medications, etc. and primary insomnia, the repetitive sleep difficulties that seem to have no real cause or identifiable origins.
Temporary sleep problems happen to almost everyone, and can be the result of heartburn, a bad day at work, hot weather, jet lag, and other relatively minor disruptions of your daily life or sleep patterns. Insomnia on the other hand, can impact a person’s ability to function, resulting in sleepiness during the day, excessive irritability, and even depression.
Insomnia can occur for a few days, or even weeks, and on a sporadic basis where the sufferer sleeps well for months and it recurs again without obvious reasons.
It’s unlikely that temporary sleep problems will cause any significant disruption in a person’s life. However, some circumstances such as pain due to injury, accident or surgery, may require medication to allow you to get the sleep you need to recover both mentally and physically.
If you are suffering prolonged and repeated bouts of sleep disruptions, are unable to get to sleep, and finding yourself unable to concentrate during the day, it would be wise to consult your physician. They will ask about any changes in your personal life, diet, and other factors that could have an effect on your ability to sleep. Treatment will depend on their assessment of your condition.

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Do You Have Heart Failure? Jane Kriese

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Heart failure is a condition in which a weak or over worked heart doesn’t pump efficiently enough, to adequately supply the body with blood. Usually this occurs because the heart muscle is damaged, and its contractions weaken.
Symptoms of heart failure are:
When the heart becomes weak, blood flow slows and fluid builds up in the heart, lungs, and body tissues while muscles are denied oxygen.
This can result in; Shortness of breath, trouble breathing during activity or rest, a persistent cough or raspy wheezing and breathing, tiredness and fatigue as a result of every day activities, swollen ankles legs or feet, dementia, sudden weight gain due to fluid build up, rapid or irregular beats as the heart tries to compensate for inefficient pumping.
Two life style diseases, that lead to heart attack or heart failure are;
High Cholesterol, and High Blood pressure.
Have you been told that you have high cholesterol, or high blood pressure?
If the answer is yes, you will be concerned. The great news is; high cholesterol, and high blood pressure are reversible .
To reverse these diseases you need to change your life style.
Are you ready to make some life style changes and to heal your body? If so visit and print off the E book ” 9 Steps To A Healthy Vibrant Body”
In this book you will find valuable information on changing you life style, and changing your diet.
Are you motivated to make these changes? If so, you have one other consideration.
Your body needs vitamins and minerals;
You should be taking; calcium and magnesium, a multi vitamin with a high vitamin B content and trace minerals (sometimes this is available in a multi mineral combination), and you need a special herbal product designed for the cardiovascular system.
Remember that, in order to get the goodness from your supplements they need to be a liquid herbal extract.
We have only touched the tip of the ice burg with this information, I would like to suggest that you read the book, Left For Dead” by Dick Quinn. This book is a wealth of information on heart disease and how to heal yourself. In the book Dick says “after my heart attack and failed by pass, I saved my life and beat heart disease, without drugs, you can too”.
Your healing is in your hands, the more you know, the better you are prepared to heal yourself ,and have a healthy vibrant body.
© 2005 Jane Kriese [email protected]
Would you like to have a Healthy Vibrant Body?
To learn more, sign up for Jane Kriese’s
Herbs For Health Newsletter and receive you free (life changing ) “Alkalinity Testing Kit”. visit:

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Do You Have Healthy Credit?

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Have you ever wondered about credit reports, credit scores and how to protect your personal information?

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Read more and learn how to keep your credit healthy.

Jeanne S. answered an ad that promised 0% financing for her new car. When she got to the dealership, the best she could get was 6%.

Marco N. and his wife found their dream house. But their loan officer told them that the interest rate they qualified for was so high that they couldn’t afford the house anymore.

Karen W., after a long search, found an apartment to rent – but the landlord turned her down as a tenant, after he ran a credit check on her.

All of these peoples’ lives were affected by information in their credit report. Sometimes our own credit history affects us-decisions that we make ourselves. Sometimes we are hurt by the things that other people do-through errors on our reports or, worse still, identity theft.

Credit reports and credit scores

Q. What is a credit report?
A. It’s a history of how you pay your bills. It also includes where you live, whether you’ve been sued, arrested, or filed for bankruptcy, and which companies have checked on your credit-worthiness. All of this information is collected by three nationwide consumer reporting companies. You should know that the information that they’ve collected may not always be the same, so it’s important to check out all three companies when you check your credit history.

Q. What is a credit score?
A. Information in your credit report is boiled down into a number that helps lenders and others decide whether to give you credit-and at what rate. It’s supposed to represent how likely you are to repay your debts, because it’s based on information in your credit report. Scores range from 300 to 850. Most people score in the 600 to 700 range.

Q. Why do they matter?
A. The better your credit history, the higher your credit score. The higher your credit score, the lower your interest rates will be. That’s true if you’re buying a home or car, or if you’re simply using a credit card. To creditors, a higher score means you’re a lower risk, so companies will charge you less to loan you money.

Even if you’re not in the market for more credit, you should know that your credit history and score may both affect whether you can get auto or home insurance, and how much you’ll pay for it. Since many landlords check credit histories, your credit may also affect whether or not you can rent an apartment. The same is true of employers. Many now check credit histories before offering you a job.

Q. How can I get my credit report?
A. There are several ways. The best place to start is by requesting your free reports. A new right, by law, allows each of us to get one free credit report from each of the three nationwide Consumer Reporting Companies (CRCs): Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

There’s only one source for the free reports, but you can request them online, by phone, or by mail. Here’s how:

Mail: Annual Credit Report Service
P.O. Box 105281
Atlanta, GA 30348-5281

You can request one, two, or all three reports at a time. It’s up to you. You’ll have to give your name, address, Social Security number, and date of birth to get your reports. You may also have to answer some questions with information that only you would know-such as the amount of your monthly mortgage or car payment. This is to protect the security of your credit information.

You’ll be able to get your free reports every 12 months. But if you want to check your reports in the meantime, you can always buy them. They cost about $9.00 and are available directly from the three nationwide CRCs.

Q. Should I buy my credit score?
A. Different CRCs may have different scores for you. If you’re about to make a big purchase, it probably pays to find out which score your lender will be checking. Much of the time, that’s your FICO score. You can buy that score at You can also buy your credit score directly from the three CRCs. If you’re not making a big purchase, though, you may not need to check your score very often. What’s most important is being sure that the information in your credit report is accurate-and actually belongs to you.