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Docs Giving Wrong Rx to Kids with Sore Throats? Rita Jenkins

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For years, there has been concern that antibiotics are overprescribed, and with good cause. Despite clear guidelines calling for prior testing, physicians prescribed antibiotics in 53 percent of sore throat cases in children, researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Children’s Hospital Boston found in a recent study.
This represents significantly more prescriptions than warranted for actual rates — 15-36 percent — of strep throat among kids with sore throat. Furthermore, almost half of those prescriptions were given in the absence of a test. Details of this research appear in the November 9, 2005, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Group A streptococcal pharyngitis, or strep throat, is the most common cause of sore throat for which antibiotics are indicated. However, many leading health organizations, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics say that a common “strep” test should be performed prior to prescribing recommended antibiotics.
Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
“This study demonstrates that children with sore throat are frequently given unnecessary antibiotics,” says lead author Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, MPH, a BWH internist.
“This overprescribing of antibiotics could be easily remedied by following known guidelines, which include doing a simple, inexpensive strep test,” he adds.
“This is critical for not just children but all patients,” Dr. Linder notes, “as unnecessary prescription of antibiotics can lead to a variety of issues, including increased costs, the potential development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and adverse drug effects.”
Researchers analyzed data from children aged 3 to 17 years from 1995 to 2003 with sore throat who visited office-based physicians, hospital outpatient departments and emergency departments.
Among an estimated 7.3 million visits for sore throat over this time period, physicians prescribed antibiotics in 53 percent of the cases, the researchers found.
Just 15 to 36 percent of children with sore throat actually have the strep throat bacterium, according to estimates. But only 53 percent of those who were given the antibiotics had been tested first.
Testing Is Underused
Over the eight-year time period of the study, physicians prescribed antibiotics less frequently, the researchers found, which suggests an encouraging trend. In 1995, 66 percent of cases were given antibiotics, decreasing to 54 percent of cases in 2003.
Still, there was no decrease in the prescribing of non-recommended antibiotics, which made up 27 percent of antibiotic prescriptions, Dr. Linder points out. Recommended antibiotics for the treatment of strep throat are penicillin, amoxicillin, erythromycin and first-generation cephalosporins.
“Strep testing is underused, and physicians should be ordering this important diagnostic test before prescribing antibiotics to kids with sore throat,” emphasizes Dr. Linder.
“Instead of writing a prescription, physicians should order a test and make sure they are treating kids’ symptoms by offering a pain medication like acetaminophen or ibuprofen,” he advises.
Copyright 2005 Daily News Central


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Do You Use Your Body As A Garbage Can?

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Do you clean off your plate even when you are already full? Do you finish the dinner scraps just because you can’t stand the thought of throwing out the food? Do you eat that last spoonful of chili in the pot just because nobody in your family wanted to finish it? To get rid of this extra food, do you choose to throw it right in your mouth?

If that sounds like you, you are not alone. This behavior is very common. Most of us have been taught not to be wasteful. When we were…

weight loss, diet, nutrition, health, dieting, fitness

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Do you clean off your plate even when you are already full? Do you finish the dinner scraps just because you can’t stand the thought of throwing out the food? Do you eat that last spoonful of chili in the pot just because nobody in your family wanted to finish it? To get rid of this extra food, do you choose to throw it right in your mouth?

If that sounds like you, you are not alone. This behavior is very common. Most of us have been taught not to be wasteful. When we were little, we were told to clean off our plates, so it is deeply ingrained in our minds. We feel guilty about throwing out good food, especially since we know that there are so many starving people in this world.

In addition, since we paid money for the food, we perceive leaving food on our plate as wasting money. It is especially true in restaurants – if there is not enough leftovers to take home, most of us will clean off our plate because we feel we have to get our money’s worth.

Obviously, those last pieces of food that we eat just so we don’t have to throw them out go right to our waist and hips. Day after day, it really adds up. All this food that we eat after we are already full turns into tens of pounds of body fat. You avoid wasting the food, but instead you waste your health, your goals and your weight loss efforts.

Next time you are about to eat because you feel guilty for the wasted food, tell yourself:

– You Are Not A Garbage Can!

Instead of throwing the unwanted food in a trash, you are throwing it into your stomach. By doing that, you are treating your body as a garbage can. You are not the medium to gather stuff that nobody wanted to eat!

To get over the guilt associated with wasted food, think of it from the perspective that this excess food is actually serving a better purpose when it’s thrown out than it would have if you’d eaten it. If you’d eaten this excess food, this food would do harm (make you gain weight). If that food is thrown out, it has no benefit, but it does not do any harm either. No use versus harm – throwing the food out is the lesser of the two evils.

When you do clean off your plate, it definitely does not help any of those starving people that you feel so guilty about. Also, don’t think that you are wasting your money if you don’t finish all the food you paid for. The money is already spent – you are not going to gain more money by eating more!

If you break the habit of cleaning off your plate when you are not hungry, you will automatically start losing weight. Treat your body well. Don’t use it in the same way you’d use a garbage can.

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Do You Think You Have Depression? David Smith

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Do you have days where nothing can make you happy? You are not alone. I ignored my depressive thoughts about life for years. Unfortunately I didn’t do anything to fix my situation until they became so dehabilitating that I had no choice.
Mental disorders are common in the United States and internationally. In a given year, an estimated 22.1% of Americans aged 18 and older (about 1 in 5 adults) suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. According to the 1998 United States Census population estimate, this figure translates to 44.3 million people! In addition, 4 of the 10 leading causes of disability in the U.S. and other developed countries are mental disorders, with major depression being the leading cause of disability.
It is estimated that depression alone will occur in approximately 18.8 million American adults, or about 9.5% of the United States population aged 18 or above. If you are a woman, you are twice as likely than a man (12% vs. 6.6%) to be affected by depression each year.
My symptoms of depression started with an occasional case of the blahs. I was able to cope with them for a long time. I thought that since this happens to a lot of people, that it would pass and I didn’t need to worry. I didn’t think about finding out why it was happening. Besides, after a few drinks I always felt much better. I later learned that depressive disorders commonly occur with substance abuse…
So what is the cause of all of this sadness in our society? Speaking from experience, I wasn’t happy with my life and the direction it was taking me. I would look back at a past week and not be able to recall one thing that I enjoyed. It was a blur. Nor would I look forward to the coming weeks ahead. All I saw were potential stresses that were going to present themselves. But I didn’t do anything about it. I accepted that this was life. Looking back I don’t know how I could have ever believed this.
When we are suffering from depression, it seems that we lose our objectivity. Does thinking that we have nothing to look forward to sound rational to you? Where did my enjoyment in life disappear to? It was my perception of the world that had slowly changed and I was unable to see it because of the control that my depression had over me.
In the fast pace of today’s world we often don’t allow ourselves time to evaluate our lives and set goals to realize our ambitions. Whether you do or do not have depression, you’re reading this article because you think something might be wrong with your life. Have you tried to identify the things you are unhappy with? The first step for me was to educate myself and find out what it was that I was dealing with. I started reading books. I consulted a psychologist to get some unbiased insight about myself.
Otherwise, how do we find solutions for problems that we don’t yet understand? So let’s get started. What’s stopping you?

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Do you remember those good ole days when fresh air was free!

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Aw those where the days, you could go outside you’re door and breathe in to your hearts content and it wouldn’t cost a penny! O.K… I know I’m being a bit over the top here, but can I ask you… would you pay for fresh air?


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Aw those where the days, you could go outside you’re door and breathe in to your hearts content and it wouldn’t cost a penny! O.K… I know I’m being a bit over the top here, but can I ask you… would you pay for fresh air?

A couple of years ago you’d never have thought of going into a shop to buy a bottle of water, if you said it to people back then that you were thinking of selling water in your shop you’d have been told that you were crazy and who was going to buy water when all you had to do was stick your head under the tap for free!

But times have change and attitudes have changed. With the great advances we’ve made with new technology unfortunately we also have produced a lot of waste products and gases. The way we live nowadays it seems harder to find somewhere you can go to get a breath of fresh air, you watch the footage on TV of people commuting through smog or in some of the oriental countries where all you can see is cyclists traveling around with what looks like doctors masks on their faces.

So what are you to do?… O.k. you could travel to mountain top get some there but this option isn’t available to everyone and it would also be a bit time consuming if you could do it a couple of times a week but, what about the average Joe.

Well your problems is solved if you live in Columbus in the U.S (although they are popping up all over the place), you can now try out an oxygen bar where you can sit and have a cup of tea and put on a mask and breath in pure oxygen. The bar (no alcohol is served) is supposed to be doing really well. Its clients use it to help relieve headaches and the local hockey team uses it before their matches for an added energy.

It may seem a bit crazy to some of you, the thought of people paying for air but then they said that about bottled water and look what happened there.

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Do You Need Health Or Travel Insurance?

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No one plans for an emergency while on vacation, but you should be prepared.

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Obtaining medical treatment and hospital care can be costly for travelers who are injured or who become seriously ill overseas. The Social Security Medicare/Medicaid program does not provide coverage for hospital or medical services outside the United States.

Before you leave the United States, you should be informed about which medical services your health insurance will cover abroad.

Senior citizens may wish to contact the American Association of Retired Persons for information about foreign medical care coverage with Medicare supplement plans.

If your health insurance policy does not provide coverage for hospital or medical costs abroad, you are urged to purchase a temporary health policy that does provide this type of coverage. There are short-term health and emergency assistance policies designed for travelers.

You can find the names of companies that provide such policies from your travel agent, your health insurance company, or from advertisements in travel publications. In addition to health insurance, many policies include trip cancellation, baggage loss, and travel accident insurance in the same package. Some traveler’s check companies have protection policies available with the purchase of traveler’s checks.

Medical Evacuation

Although some health insurance companies may pay “customary and reasonable” hospital costs abroad, very few will pay for medical evacuation back to the United States. Medical evacuation can easily cost $10,000 or more, depending on your location and medical condition.

One of the main advantages of health and emergency assistance policies is that they often include coverage for medical evacuation to the United States. Even if your regular health insurance covers you for emergencies abroad, you should consider purchasing supplemental insurance to cover medical evacuation.

Whichever health insurance coverage you choose for travel overseas, remember to carry with you both your health insurance policy identity card and claim forms.

Do You Need Travel Insurance?

You may not need travel insurance, if you are already adequately covered by other insurance policies.

Depending on the travel insurance plan, travel insurance usually promises to cover you for cancellation or interruption of your trip, some form of emergency medical care while you are traveling, lost or stolen luggage, and various other troublesome occurrences.

Before you decide on a travel insurance plan, it is wise to investigate the plan carefully and read the fine print. You should closely check any agreements with your travel agent, tour operator, airline, or other companies involved with your travel plans. The agreements may include written guarantees.

If you have a fully refundable airline ticket, you may decide that you would not need trip cancellation/interruption insurance.

On the other hand, it may be worthwhile noting that certain insurance plans can protect you by covering the financial costs in case of the following situations:

A sudden, serious injury or illness to you, a family member, or a traveling companion.
Financial default of the airline, cruise line or tour operator.

Natural disasters or strikes that impede travel services.

A terrorist incident in a foreign city within 10 days of your scheduled arrival in that particular city.

The fact that you, a traveling member of your family, or a traveling companion were quarantined served with a court order or required to serve on a jury.

A circumstance in which you were directly involved in an accident enroute to departure for your trip.

It is a good idea to check your other insurance policies. For instance, your homeowners or tenants insurance may cover the loss or theft of your luggage.

Certain credit cards may also provide additional travel insurance, if you have used them to purchase the ticket for your trip.

Your health insurance may provide certain coverage, regardless of where you travel. But it is very important to note that some policies only partially cover medical expenses abroad. Moreover, as previously explained in the section on Health Insurance, Medicare/Medicaid will not cover hospital and medical services outside the United States.

Your travel agent should be able to advise you about the right plan for you. Before purchasing travel insurance, review the plan carefully, and be wary of buying coverage that you may already have.

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Do you need Glyconutrients? George Satovich

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With all of the exciting things people are seeing in their lives as a result of adding glyconutrients to their diet, the question has been raised “Are glyconutrients a miracle cure or are the results people have seen a placebo effect?”
The answer is: NEITHER!
A wealth of information on glyconutrients is available at:
If you haven’t heard the term “Placebo Effect”, this is a nice way of saying “It was all in your head.” This can refer to either the disease itself or the “cure.” If glyconutrients were in fact a placebo, you would see little scientific evidence to support the results. However, there have been numerous studies on glyconutrients, which scientifically validate the technology. Such studies can easily be found on the Internet by searching for information on Glycobiology. One organization that has done extensive research in the field of glyconutrients and disease is The Fisher Institute. They can be found at
To understand why people have such dramatic results after they begin taking glyconutrients, you need to take a look at how and why the body begins the disease process. First of all, glyconutrients are NOT prescription drugs that are prescribed to “cure” or “treat” any particular condition. They are a food. In fact, they are sugars. When you think of sugar, you probably think of the white stuff you put on top of your cereal. However, it has been discovered that all of our cells contain sugars at their core. Without these sugars, the cells cannot communicate properly. There are 8 of these known sugars today, but most diets only contain 2 of these sugars. Fortunately, your body can manufacture the other 6 sugars, however due to stress and other factors; this process can be slowed down or come to a grinding halt. When this happens, cells begin to miss-communicate and the disease process begins.
Once the disease process begins, your immune system recognizes that something is wrong and tries to defend the body against the disease. As with any war, if your immune system has enough “ammunition” to battle the disease, your body will return to its original state of health. However, if your immune system does not have the ammunition or the proper artillery to handle the disease, the disease begins to get the upper hand and your health declines.
You may be asking yourself where glyconutrients play a role in this disease process. As mentioned before, glyconutrients are not prescription drugs. They are naturally occurring sugars and found in certain plants. When you add these sugars to your diet, your cells have the necessary components to communicate effectively. It’s this very process that allows your body to win the war against the disease and heal itself. As stated previously, glyconutrients do not cure or treat conditions. Rather, they allow the body to “treat” or defend itself against diseases.
For years, doctors believed that when you ate sugars, they were immediately converted to energy. In fact some doctors went as far as saying that eating any dietary supplements (such as vitamins purchased at the grocery store) did nothing more for you than make “expensive excrement.” As a result, a study was conducted to understand what happened when a person added glyconutrients to their diet to determine whether or not they were converted to energy or absorbed into the body. The study showed that the body did NOT convert glyconutrients to energy as previously thought. The bottom line is that you can eat glyconutrients and gain significant health benefits.

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Do You Need a Testosterone Supplement To Gain A Lean Physique?

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As you explore the various supplements designed to help you achieve greater results with your bodybuilding efforts, you are sure to be confronted with the great testosterone supplement debate. Do you need testosterone supplements? Are testosterone supplements safe?

Testosterone supplement,Testosterone booster,Testosterone boosters

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As you explore the various supplements designed to help you achieve greater results with your bodybuilding efforts, you are sure to be confronted with the great testosterone supplement debate. Do you need testosterone supplements? Are testosterone supplements safe?

This debate has been going on for some time now. There are testosterone supplements that are safe, but they are typically made of all natural ingredients, and do not contain anabolic steroids. All bodybuilding organizations ban the use of anabolic steroids, and the FDA bans over the counter supplements that contain anabolic steroids as well.

When using natural testosterone supplements, there are no side effects – under the right conditions. You see, you can have a testosterone level that is normal, low, or high. If it is low or high, there is a negative impact on your health and your bodybuilding efforts.

Bodybuilders should strive for a normal testosterone level, and the level of your testosterone can only be determined by a visit to your doctor, with a simple blood test.

It is important to realize that a high testosterone level does not result in bigger muscles or better performance. Only a normal level of testosterone can accomplish this. When excess testosterone is detected by your body, it stops production of its own testosterone. It also turns the excess testosterone into DHT, which is responsible for baldness and leads to prostate problems.

The body can also turn excess testosterone into estrogen, which is a female hormone, which can result in an appearance that a male bodybuilder definitely does not want. It does all of this, and you get absolutely zero bodybuilding rewards from it.

Typically, when a bodybuilder is using testosterone supplements, without even knowing if he has a low testosterone level, it is because he has been misinformed concerning the benefits – or lack of benefits – of an increased testosterone level.

If you aren’t sure whether you need a testosterone supplement or not, you should first visit your doctor for that blood test. Talk to him about your bodybuilding efforts, and how testosterone affects the building of muscles – and how too much and too little testosterone have a negative effect on your efforts.

If you are in your teens or twenties, you can probably save yourself some money on that doctor’s visit. This is when your testosterone production is at its highest, and you most likely have a normal level of testosterone. However, if you are over thirty, and you are serious about bodybuilding, a visit to your doctor for that blood test to determine whether you need a testosterone supplement is definitely in order.

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Do You Make These South Beach Diet Mistakes? Neil Stelling

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date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:10

The South Beach Diet works, for most people. Its low fat, low carb approach helps you lose weight quickly and easily. Health benefits are great too.
But there’s some easy mistakes you must avoid.
Gain Weight in Phase 2
Most people do well being strict in Phase 1. But what happens when you switch into Phase 2 ? Often, you put some weight back on again. Why ? Because your body’s starved of carbs for 2 or 3 weeks. At the start of Phase 2 it grabs at every carb you give it, and turns them into fat. I learned this lesson the hard way, gaining 2 lbs in my first Phase 2 week. So reintroduce carbs slowly when you go into Phase 2, and make sure they’re good carbs.
Feel Hungry
Yes, if South Beach makes you hungry, you’re doing it wrong. You don’t need to feel hungry. Eat 3 meals a day, with snacks in between, choosing from the foods allowed in your current phase.
Stay in Phase 1 for too Long
Isn’t Phase 1 great ? You can lose from 8 to 13 lbs in just 2 weeks, without being hungry. So why leave Phase 1 ? Why not keep up your rapid weight loss ? Because you must start adding some carbs back in. A healthy diet includes some good carbs like wholemeal bread, porridge and fruit. A permanent Phase 1 also gets a little boring, and you’ll start to cheat. Yes you will. A few biscuits here, a few biscuits there, and soon you’re cheating rather than dieting. It’s better to switch into Phase 2 after 2-3 weeks, and accept a slower healthier weight loss.
Fall Victim to Bread Craving
How many people list ‘bread’ as an addiction ? Seriously, there’s a lot. Unfortunately, white bread is right near the top of the Glycemic index, and about the worst food you can eat on your diet. When you get into Phase 2 you’re allowed to eat bread, but only slices of wholemeal. Same with rice and pasta. Small amounts, and ideally whole grain versions. Bad carbs add weight.
Ignore the Health Benefits
Most people start a diet to lose weight. I guess that’s what a diet is for. But some diets, particularly South Beach, have major health benefits. In fact, it’s worth going on the South Beach Diet just for the health benefits, even if you don’t lose weight (but you do). My blood pressure was high when I started. After 3 weeks it was back to normal. People with pre-diabetes, or potential heart problems, can much reduce their risk by following this diet. So there’s lots of beneficial internal changes in your blood chemistry happening while you’re losing weight.
So if you follow the South Beach Diet properly, you’ll get great results. You’ll lose weight quickly, keep it off, and get some major health benefits.

Discover easy to follow weight loss secrets with a free mini-series of South Beach Diet Tips. And learn how to get your own ‘virtual personal trainer’ video. Click or send blank email to mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe

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Do you know the method of asbestos testing?

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Asbestos testing is a very important process, since people know the dangers of this mineral (asbestos is a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals of the hydrous magnesium silicate variety). Most asbestos fibers are invisible to the human eye because their size. The method:

asbestos asbestos testing asbestos lawyer

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Asbestos testing is a very important process, since people know the dangers of this mineral (asbestos is a group of fibrous metamorphic minerals of the hydrous magnesium silicate variety). Most asbestos fibers are invisible to the human eye because their size.

Asbestos testing is necessary, because you can’t tell whether a material contains asbestos simply by looking at it, unless it is labeled. If in doubt, treat the material as if it contains asbestos or have it sampled and analyzed by a qualified professional. A professional should take samples for analysis, a professional knows what to look for, and because there may be an increased health risk if fibers are released.
Asbestos testing should always be done by an expert.

For asbestos testing the requirement of EPA is the polarized light microscopy (PLM asbestos test method) analysis with specialized microscopes. The results of asbestos testing establish the percentage and type of asbestos present in the sample material.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or sometimes USEPA) is an agency of the federal government of the United States charged with protecting human health and with safeguarding the natural environment: air, water, and land. The EPA began operation on December 2, 1970. The current Administrator (as of 2006) is Stephen L. Johnson.

If you would like to know, where you can find EPA regional offices and the list of EPA administrators you need to check the following URL:

Asbestos Fiber Analysis (PLM Test Method)

The purpose of the Bulk Asbestos Program is to accredit testing laboratories to assure that they are competent to analyze bulk samples for asbestos testing, using polarized light microscopy (PLM).
National Institute of Standards and Technology (formerly the National Bureau of Standards) develop an accreditation program for laboratories conducting analyses of bulk samples of asbestos-containing material.

You can find the accredit asbestos testing laboratories list here:

Asbestos Lawyers are the lawyers that specialize in the cases dealing specifically with the hazardous effects induced by Asbestos exposure. If you are or someone in your family is an asbestos victim, you will need an asbestos lawyer. More info you can check the following site:

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Do You Know The History Of Trampolines As Exercise Equipment ? Jeb Taylor

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The manufactured trampoline, as we know it today, was
created by two men, George Nissen and Larry Griswold.
Around 1935, Griswold, then the assistant gymnastics coach
at the University of Iowa, and Nissen, a tumbler on the
University of Iowa gymnastics team, “made regular jaunts to
Bloomington, Illinois where numerous circus people had
their winter homes.

Among them were the “Flying Wards”, some of the finest
trapeze performers in the world. Griswold and Nissen worked
out with them at the local YMCA, and frequently helped them
make or mend their large trapeze nets. Nissen remembers the
hours they spent in the basement of the YMCA, threading the
long cords of the nets, using large javelin-head needles.
This experience was one of several that led them to the
idea of creating a trampoline.

One day, with the help of the wrestling coach at the
University of Iowa, Griswold and Nissen bolted together an
angle iron frame. A piece of canvas, in which they had
inserted grommets along each side, was then attached to the
frame by using springs. This was the first trampoline.

Since Nissen was still training for tumbling, they decided
to move the trampoline to a YMCA camp where he was an
instructor. There, during his free time, Nissen used it for
his tumbling training. Immediately, he found that the
children loved it. This was the first realization that the
trampoline could be more than a piece of equipment to use
when performing, or seriously training. It was something
that many others could enjoy.

In 1942, Griswold and Nissen decided to formalize their
small operation of making trampolines. They created the
Griswold-Nissen Trampoline & Tumbling Company, and history
was made.

But where does the name “Trampoline” come from? “El
trampolin” means diving board, in Spanish. George Nissen,
the co-creator of the competitive style trampoline, heard
the word on a performance tour in Mexico in the late
1930’s. He liked the sound of it, and decided to Anglicize
the spelling and call his bouncing rig a Trampoline, a term
he later registered as a trademark.

Find out all you need to know about trampolines. How to
use them for best exercise results, and which models to
buy. Daily updated blog of news & articles. Click

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