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Does Hoodia Work? 3 Ways Hoodia Helps You Lose Weight Vienna Miller

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To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 4460.shtml
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:12

You’ve seen the name everywhere. Hoodia Gordonii has taken the weight loss world by storm. Being touted as the next miracle weight loss pill, Hoodia is now being put into everything from multivitamins to Trimspa.
But does Hoodia work?
Considering the debacle that was Ephedra, consumers are right to be cautious about this new weight loss pill. Does Hoodia actually work to help you lose weight? Does it really do what the pill manufacturers say?
Well, Hoodia has been shown to have some specific effects in the area of weight loss. But there are certain things you should know before running out to buy the latest Hoodia pill from your drug store.
Here are 3 ways Hoodia helps you lose weight and 3 other things you should know to make Hoodia work best for you.
#1) Hoodia Makes You Physically Less Hungry
Pure Hoodia contains a molecule scientists called “P57” which, they believe, is responsible for making you feel full.
Normally, when you eat food, this food turns to glucose. When the glucose in your body rises it eventually signals to your brain (the hypothalamus) that you are full.
It is believed that “P57” molecule in Hoodia mimics the effect that glucose has on your brain, telling part of your brain (the Hypothalamus) that you feel full. Consequently, you are physically less hungry.
One of the first studies of Hoodia Gordonii was done in the UK on obese patients. Half of the volunteers were given Hoodia Gordonii, the other half were given a placebo.
The subjects were allowed to do nothing but read, watch television and eat. After 15 days it was found that those taking Hoodia had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day. Despite having unlimited access to food, the Hoodia subjects lost weight without feeling hungry.
#2) Hoodia Turns Off The Desire To Overeat
Some people have reported that not only does Hoodia make them feel full, but it also shuts off their desire to eat.
As many of us know, we can feel physically satisfied but still eat for a variety of reasons like emotions, timing and social influence. In fact emotional eating is actually responsible for more overeating than physical hunger.
Hoodia can help some people lose weight by quenching this desire to eat and breaking the emotional attachment to food.
By quenching this emotional attachment to food, Hoodia can help the individual to develop new emotional coping skills that don’t include using food for comfort.
Note: Hoodia may not have this effect on everyone, however many people have reported having less of a desire to eat after taking Hoodia.
#3) By Turning Off Your Appetite Hoodia Allows You To Start Making Positive, Healthy Food Choices
How many times have we planned to eat healthy and then that old, ugly hunger rears it’s ugly head and demands food NOW. We end up reaching for anything that’s fast, easy and usually unhealthy.
By turning off your appetite, Hoodia allows you to start to make positive, healthy food choices. It takes the pain out of building new healthier eating choices. Since you probably don’t want to be on Hoodia forever, this is a great way to lose weight and transition your eating to a healthier, lighter diet – with less pain and deprivation.
So those are 3 ways Hoodia Gordonii can help you lose weight. Does that mean that it will? Not necessarily. In order for Hoodia to help you achieve your weight loss goals there are several factors you must consider:
1) Make Sure You Buy From A Pure Source.
Unfortunately, there are scam artists who are taking advantage of the current demand for Hoodia by packaging fake Hoodia, fillers or even sawdust – and then selling it as Hoodia.
Look for genuine South African Hoodia from a seller who displays both a C.I.T.E.S certificate on their website along with Lab Assays and testing of their Hoodia pills. If you’re not sure about which Hoodia brand to buy, do more research until you feel comfortable with your decision.
2) Make Sure You Are Taking Enough Hoodia.
The correct dosage varies depending on whom you talk to but most people start with about 400 mg three times a day before meals. They then increase the dosage up as high as 1000 mg three times daily until they find the dose that works for them.
Also, give it several days for the Hoodia to take effect before you increase your current dose.
3) Make Sure You Consult Your Doctor Before Taking Hoodia or Making Any Change To Your Diet or Exercise Routine.
This one is a given but surprisingly many people don’t do it and it can result in you wasting your time and effort for no good reason. If, for example, you have a medical condition that makes it hard to lose weight, Hoodia may not work for you as you’d hoped. Talk to your doctor before trying anything new.
So those are 3 ways Hoodia works to help you lose weight and reach your goals. Hoodia does work. Make sure you follow these suggestions and you’ll be well on your way to weight loss success with Hoodia.

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Does Generic Viagra work?

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Many men who have struggled for years with erectile dysfunction have found a solution that has literally changed their lives. Once learning of the astounding results that generic medications could provide, their sex lives improved dramatically.

Generic Viagra, Generic Cialis, Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, Generic Levitra

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Many men who have struggled for years with erectile dysfunction have found a solution that has literally changed their lives. Once learning of the astounding results that generic medications could provide, their sex lives improved dramatically. If you are wondering “ Does Generic Viagra work ?” just look at the comments from men who have used this product. If you are wondering, “ Does Generic Cialis work ?” just read the comments from men whose sex lives have been enhanced significantly by use of this.

Countless men have experienced amazing results and have sent in comments to show just how much their lives have changed. With increased sex drive and the physical ability to please their partner, men are recognizing just how much these medicines have improved their sex lives and have led to a much more satisfying love life. There is a valid and proven method of significantly improving the sex lives of so many men. A solution that was once only a dream is now becoming reality for men who have had erectile issues.

We welcome your comments regarding your experience. Please feel free to tell us how generic Viagra or Cialis has improved your life. If your sex life has changed from a once boring and stale one to an exciting, thrilling and satisfying one, we would love to hear from you.

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Does Creatine Really Help Build Muscle? Craig Rowe

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If you are a gym rat or bodybuilder or simply interested in beginning an exercise program you have probably heard a lot about creatine and the muscle miracles it performs. Unfortunately, most people believe that creatine helps build muscle and it does in a way, but probably not the way you are thinking. The best way to describe creatine is to say that it helps the muscles help themselves build muscle. If that is not clear enough, continue reading.
Creatine does exactly what it claims to do and that is to retain water in your muscles. This is the point of creatine and it really is effective at keeping water in the muscles. Now, what happens is when your muscles are retaining water they are in an optimal state for building new muscle. As a result, when you take creatine and water is retained in your muscles then when you weight train you will get more of an effect because your muscles are better capable of building muscle. After this period you may develop more strength and increased endurance as well. So, if you are taking creatine to help you build muscle and you understand what creatine does and how it helps you build muscle then you will not be disappointed. On the other hand, if you are taking creatine and hoping it will simply grow you bodybuilder’s muscles without putting in the work then you are mistaken.
The best thing to do is begin taking creatine and working out with weights on a regular routine or even with a trainer. By taking the creatine your muscles will be poised to grow and get stronger while building endurance. However, keep in mind you have to put in all the hard work and that all creatine does for you is helps your muscles retain water in order to be in a state where building muscle is easier. Over time you will see your muscles growing and should not see any loss of definition because of the retained water in your muscles. Don’t become confused about creatine building big muscles; it just helps your muscles build themselves stronger and better when you put in the work.

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Does Belief In God Better Your Health? Sherri L Dodd

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To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3019.shtml
During the last few years, I have witnessed first-hand the increasing anti-religion movement upon which the United States was originally founded. With items such as removing prayer from schools to banning the public display of the Nativity Scene, and let’s not forget the person who wanted to sue congress for mentioning God in the Pledge of Allegiance, it would seem that quite a few Americans have developed a sour taste to the notion of a celestial god. Granted, my encounters of such behavior are more frequent since I currently reside in one of the most liberal states of America, nevertheless, the truth remains that religion seems to not be as important as it once was. The key word here is ‘seems’.
In August 2005, Newsweek Magazine published a survey that noted 519 million people believe in THE higher power. While “THE” is subjective to each individual, it falls within the many American melting pot religions that turn to divinity for comfort. Also noteworthy is a recent news story. One church managed to drudge its way past celebrity gossip, wartime casualties and disastrous weather forecasts right smack into the media spotlight. Looks like religion really does still exist since this particular church, Lakewood Church, out of Houston Texas just became what is called a “mega-church”. This title belongs to only a few in the United States, and to be deserving of such a label takes massive accomplishment. In this case, having a physical weekly congregation of approximately 30,000 people and claiming NBA’s Houston Rockets former coliseum as its new home. Further, if the number of parishioners is impressive to you, let it be known that preacher Joel Osteen inspires even more people across the country with his televised Sunday morning ministry, which can be found in competitive timeslots to your local Sunday morning service as well as late night hours throughout the week. But what does this mean to the health industry?
In 2005 after a two-year study on participants attending a weekly religious service, research indicated that a spiritual enthusiast actually experiences above-average health. This reduction in illness includes physical ailments as well as mental afflictions, such as depression. And even more interesting is that the mortality rate is lowered over measured periods of time, with one panel’s research showing a 25% lower rate of death in those attending a weekly religious service.
While some once-skeptical medical professors now support the notion that belief in God is associated to health benefits, other researchers excuse the better health as simply a less risky lifestyle of those who follow the faith. For instance, someone striving to be a good Christian may lower there alcohol consumption. In this case, it is possibly the lowered alcohol consumption that actually decreases the chance of illness. Another example would be a person intent upon living a moralistic lifestyle based on religious beliefs may have a lower involvement in casual sex encounters, thereby lowering the chance of contracting disease. And finally, the practice of prayer and meditation lowers the incidence of stress. The latter, a well known factor in many heart disease pre-cursor conditions.
While the proof of a divine higher being will remain a mystery all the days of our life, quite a few professionals agree that there are definite positive benefits associated with being a believer. Number one, we cannot control our lives nor everyone in them, no matter how hard we try. When the chips are down in these instances, what better way to turn the reigns over to another source and alleviate a moment or two of inner turmoil and angst. Number two, it is highly likely that the majority of people who attend church really do want and strive to be good people, no matter what their human tendencies may default to, post service. And finally, if and when we do arrive at that celestial set of white pearly gates, we will have walked the walk of faith and will promptly gain entrance with our well-merited one way golden ticket.


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Does Acne Pamper Your Look?

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Soon when a girl attains its teen age, she becomes more cautious about her look. And then raises a problem of acne’s and related problems. Acne problem varies with person and increases in different stages. Whiteheads and blackheads are the preliminary stage of acne formation. A very tiny protuberance figures out by consuming excess of the body oil and abrupt cells of the skin. These form many layer collectively, and a bung is shaped out to allow constipation of hair follicle. The expelled serum is entrapped in the stoma formed. The whiteheads and blackheads are mostly some what similar, but differ only in the mode of clogging of the skin stoma. When we consider blackheads the skin stoma is partly choked while whiteheads are completely choked off. In the case of whiteheads, the bung formed lies embedded beneath the layer of the skin. This condition prevents the bung to come in contact with the outer environment, which ultimately prevents oxidation and blackening.

acne, whiteheads, blackheads, protuberance, anti oxidation, blackening, skin stoma

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Soon when a girl attains its teen age, she becomes more cautious about her look. And then raises a problem of acne’s and related problems. Acne problem varies with person and increases in different stages. Whiteheads and blackheads are the preliminary stage of acne formation. A very tiny protuberance figures out by consuming excess of the body oil and abrupt cells of the skin. These form many layer collectively, and a bung is shaped out to allow constipation of hair follicle. The expelled serum is entrapped in the stoma formed. The whiteheads and blackheads are mostly some what similar, but differ only in the mode of clogging of the skin stoma. When we consider blackheads the skin stoma is partly choked while whiteheads are completely choked off. In the case of whiteheads, the bung formed lies embedded beneath the layer of the skin. This condition prevents the bung to come in contact with the outer environment, which ultimately prevents oxidation and blackening.

Study revealed that hormonal changes give rise to this type of problem. “Androgen” the male hormone found in the body is the main causative agent that promotes the sebaceous glands to expel out more extra sebum. The expelled sebum than blends with the abrupt skin cells and a hard head structure blocking the stoma of the skin is formed. Dermatologist is of the view that whiteheads do not favor the dry skin. They believe that the sebum becomes hard due to the dry skin, and choke the skin stoma. The blackheads are also formed due to the same reason. Hence the exact reason behind it is yet not clear.

Most probably people get rid of comedones by adopting various means like using needles or blackheads remover etc. The simple means of removing them is by pressing the bulk with bare hands. The specialist advice to ovoid scratching with nails as it may cause asceticism. Whiteheads are very difficult to remove but can be possible by the consulting the specialist. To avoid this problem it is important to take special preventions, and keep away from the cause of it. Many preventive measures can be adopted such as regular cleansing, keep on washing the face at least twice a day. Many scrubbers are available to remove the abrupt skin. Avoid rough scrubbing which may harm the skin. Mostly prefer natural scrubbers using fruit peels and many remedial natural face packs of Azadirachta indica, Ocimum tenuiflorum and herbicides.

Hence to get better and good results one should adopt natural remedial means of cure.

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Does A Personal Trainer Really Need A Fitness Business Consultant?

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This article explains why it is so important for personal trainers to work with a fitness business consultant to dramatically increase their fitness business and income

the next level fitness solutions, darrin nicoli, fitness business consultants, fitness industry consultants, how to increase my fitness business, how to start my own fitness boot camp, the business of fitness

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Asking why a personal trainer needs a Fitness Business Consultant is very similar to asking why a person who wants to get in shape needs a personal trainer.

That person has a basic idea of what his or her fitness goals are. They also know the basics of working out, or at least they think they do. They do all the different exercises they see other people at the gym doing, so they must be doing something right. And, even though is seems like a lot of work, they are starting to see some results from their efforts. So why would they need a personal trainer?

Well, as a personal trainers, we know that the exercises that most people do at the fitness center are usually performed with the wrong form, which can lead to injury. We also know that many people tend to use much heavier weights than they should because that’s what they were always taught. And we also know that a person get far greater results than they ever imagined by performing the right exercise program in the right way, and usually not have to work as hard for those results. A personal trainer’s job is to know how to accomplish the best results in the shortest amount of time. Our job is to take our clients’ results to the next level.

Well the same holds true for why a personal trainer needs to work with a Fitness Business Consultant. When you start your fitness business you will probably do what all of the other personal trainers are doing. Offer the same services, charge the same amount per session, market your business in the same way and work with your clients in basically the same way. You do all the things that other personal trainers do, so you must be doing something right. And, even though it seems like a lot of work, you are starting to see some results from you efforts. So why would you need a Fitness Business Consultant?

Well, since I am also a Fitness Business Consultant, I know that most of what the majority of personal trainers are doing to build their fitness business just doesn’t work. Sure you are going to get some results, but so would putting flyers on the windshields of cars in the grocery store parking lot. And whatever results you are getting are coming slowly and at a large cost, both in expenses and in missed opportunities. The job of a Fitness Business Consultant is to get you and your fitness business the greatest results in the shortest amount of time, and to keep those results coming. Our job is to take OUR clients’ results to the next level.

Personal trainers have the skill, knowledge and passion to make them successful at what they do. But skill, knowledge and passion alone will not guarantee you a successful fitness BUSINESS. You need to learn about the “business of fitness from someone who has the skill, knowledge and passion for building a fitness Business.

That is where The Next Level Fitness Solutions can help. They are a Fitness Business Consulting Company that specializes in dramatically increasing your fitness business AND income. With their comprehensive fitness business training programs you will learn everything you need to know to guarantee your business will be as successful and profitable as you ant it to be. And they offer a sixty-day unconditional guarantee on all of their training programs to prove it.

So, the choice is your. Keep spinning your wheels and getting mediocre results at best. Or dramatically increase your fitness business and income by visiting The Next Level Fitness Solutions today.

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Does a Loved One Need Anger Management Counseling?

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The truth about anger management counselling. Simple steps to a calmer less stressful life This article will help your conquer your anger and improve your self esteem; your family and friends will thanks you for it. Whether you have problems controlling anger or know someone close to you that does then this article is sure to be of interest to you.

anger management, anger class management, anger management technique, anger management teen, anger management program, anger management teenager, adolescent anger management, anger management treatment

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Have you ever blown your stack by over-responding to a situation? Maybe it would be easier to ask if you know someone who hasn’t. Virtually everyone has said something in anger that they wish they could take back. After nasty words are spoken or mean actions are taken, they can have a hurtful or escalating effect on others, and it is too late to un-do their impact. That is why anger management counseling can be beneficial for those who have trouble controlling angry responses to irritating situations. There is no shame attached to seeking anger management counseling in fact, true shame comes from the failure to admit there is a problem and trying to take remedial action.

Anger management counseling can be sought for many reasons. In some cases, a doctor, spouse, or supervisor may recommend it. In other cases, a person may be able to contain physical and verbal expressions of anger, but realize that emotionally, his or her rage surpasses what one should expect in a given situation. At the point of this recognition, a wise person will consider anger management classes, training, or counsel to keep their emotions under check and to manage responses in a healthy way.

What Does Anger Management Counseling Involve?

Any type of personal counseling proceeds effectively when the client admits there is a problem or that others believe he or she has a problem. In this case, anger management counseling will focus on exploring the roots of unresolved anger, discovering triggers of current or unexplained anger, and looking at ways to try and bring anger under reasonable control. Working with a trained and possibly licensed therapist, a client will answer many questions about personal history, current conditions, and future expectations. He may even take one or more psychology tests that could provide insight to the patient’s mindset.

If anger management counseling warrants, a client may be referred to a doctor for a medical work-up that could check the person’s hormonal levels, blood levels, and overall condition to see if health problems play a role. Perhaps the prescription of a mood elevator, an anti-anxiety or bi-polar medication, or another type of medicine will have a positive effect on helping someone manage anger difficulties.

Anger management counseling also may involve the recommendation of self-help techniques that someone can practice at home or on the job. These might include keeping a journal and writing about negative feelings, getting a pet to help reduce irritation and promote a serene home environment, learning to adjust expectations, and being honest about disappointment, hurt, or irritation. Even adopting an exercise routine can help to balance bodily functions and contribute to a greater sense of well being.

Since each therapist uses different techniques, your sessions may be very different from those experienced by other clients. Your counselor may recommend group therapy, for instance, or family therapy if relatives are impacted by the situation. As you explore various techniques of anger management counseling, you will soon get a feel for what works and what doesn’t. For more information before, during, or after your counseling sessions, visit online websites like (site is not complete yet). Then you can go to your counseling sessions armed with information or questions that will positively impact your therapy.

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Doctors advise therapeutic “stops” for muscles in motion

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Due to different situations that might require the use of a muscle relaxant, there is now a large market for such medications. While some are allowed for general use, there are others that are allowed only for specific situations. There is also research being conducted to help determine which drugs can potentially be used as muscle relaxants.

muscle relaxant medication

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Due to the increasing demand from athletes, “weekend warriors,” and the like, there is a rather sizable market for muscle relaxant medication. These medications are designed to help people deal with problems like muscle spasms, chronic pains, and excessive muscle strain. In other situations, the drug is used to keep limbs as still as possible for medical or therapeutic sessions that that require pinpoint precision.

Diazepam, in particular, has found use in the military as a powerful muscle relaxant medication. The drug is primarily used by snipers. Since there are situations when the sniper would be unable to use the base tripod to keep the rifle as steady as possible, diazepam is often recommended to allow the shooter to keep still. The result is that the rifle is stable and the shot’s chances of hitting the target are fairly equivalent to when a tripod is used. With the use of the drug, movement of the limbs have been kept to a minimum, allowing the sniper to improve target acquisition and accuracy. However, there have been reports of substance abuse in the field. This is the likely reason why most armed forces, specifically those units with sniper teams, have begun to seek alternative muscle relaxant medication.

Another common muscle relaxant medication is carisoprodol. Unlike diazepam, which is typically taken in capsule form, carisoprodol is administered in the form of a powder. This particular muscle relaxant is more of a skeletal muscle relaxant, which means it targets specific muscle areas attached to the skeletal system. This is a significant difference as compared to diazepam, which is a drug designed to target and work on the entire body through chemical interactions within the central nervous system. Carisoprodol is typically dissolved in liquids, particularly water or alcohol, before being administered. One similarity that carisoprodol has with diazepam is that both can occasionally be prescribed for patients that are undergoing withdrawal from alcohol. It is, however, not prescribed for use by persons being treated for drug abuse since the medication can also be addictive or habit-forming.

Methocarmabol is also another common muscle relaxant medication, with chemical similarities to certain antihistamines. This particular drug, while lacking the addictive potential of the above medications, is also far less potent and, in some cases, the effects last for shorter periods. However, this is understandable, as methocarmabol was specifically designed to treat spasms and aches. This particular muscle relaxant medication was not made with the same potency as diazepam simply because it was not meant to treat symptoms of the same severity as the aforementioned drug.

Recently, research has been conducted on the possible use of gabapentin as a muscle relaxant medication. Currently, how exactly the compound works in treating epileptic seizures is unknown. It is theorized that the drug affects the central nervous system by blocking neuro-transmitters in the body. Gabapentin is primarily used as a drug for psychological treatment, and less common as a muscle relaxing agent.

There are other more potent medications in the market. These drugs are reserved and prescribed for more serious conditions such as epilepsy and Parkinson’s disease. The said conditions require the use of powerful, non-anesthetic muscle relaxants such as orphenadrine.

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Doctor, do I have to wear this CPAP for the rest of my life?

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Yes, you may just have to wear that CPAP for the rest of your life. Those are hard words to say and even harder words to hear. The fact is the more mild your sleep apnea and the less pressure you need to open your airway, the better chances you have of getting off of CPAP. It may take some life style changes or even undergoing surgery– but it has been done. The problem is that not every one has mild sleep apnea. Allot of us take high CPAP pressures to hold open our airways.

CPAP, BIPAP, APAP, Auto CPAP, Sleep Apnea, Stages of sleep, OSA, REM sleep, Obstructive

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Yes, you may just have to wear that CPAP for the rest of your life. Those are hard words to say and even harder words to hear. The fact is the more mild your sleep apnea and the less pressure you need to open your airway, the better chances you have of getting off of CPAP. It may take some life style changes or even undergoing surgery– but it has been done. The problem is that not every one has mild sleep apnea. Allot of us take high CPAP pressures to hold open our airways.

Let me try to explain why everyone needs a different CPAP pressure to open their airway. Think of your airway as a balloon. Some balloons are hard to inflate and hurt your cheeks, others will inflate slightly easier. An airway that is obstructed may not even begin to inflate until you get into the upper pressure ranges. Your weight and the severity of your obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) are the two main factors that play a large part in how high of a pressure you may require for your CPAP machine. The pressure acts like a splint or cushion of air that holds open what gravity is trying to close. Yes gravity plays a large role in obstructing your airway. That is why most OSA patients have learned to sleep on their side rather than their back. Because of this, some mild OSA patients can be treated with positional therapy. This position allows the airway to stay open as long as they do not lay on their back. The more weight you carry the harder it is to keep your airway from collapsing under your own body weight because gravity is pulling down on it.

There are a number of reasons why you may have OSA. For example, when lying on your back gravity will pull your tongue back and obstruct your airway. Another contributor to OSA is the excess stomach weight that is pushing up against your diaphragm. Again it can be relieved by lying on your side. Gravity now will prevent it from pulling into your diaphragm. Instead the stomach lies to the side along with your tongue. Genetics also plays a role by the way it has shaped your jaw, the size of the airway opening, the size of your tonsils and adenoids. These are just a few of the reasons why a patient will be predisposed to having OSA.

As you can see it may not always be just one factor that will cause your sleep apnea. Weight reduction alone may only reduce your risk of OSA. Most people who have moderate to severe OSA have more them one problem going on. That is why correcting one problem through surgery or weight loss may lower the pressure you need, but not always fix the entire problem all together. This is not to say that for most moderate to severe apnea patients losing weight will not allow you to discontinue CPAP therapy. It may just get you into the realm of ‘Very Mild’ which can then be then treated by alternative measures such as the positional therapy, surgery or possibly even a dental appliance. Each person has there own combination of problems which they would need to discuss with there doctor.

The first thing you need to do to feel better is get on CPAP. Then when you feel better try exercise with a weight loss program, then go from there. There are a lucky few who everyone hears about who are able correct one problem and manage to reduce their pressure or eliminate CPAP altogether. Unfortunately most people don’t fall into that category. My advice to you is that if you can correct something through surgery or weight loss, go back for a repeat sleep study to determine if you truly are with out OSA. You may think you’re cured only to find that you may still need CPAP therapy but
at a lower pressure.

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Docs Medical Group moves towards OmniMD Integrated Electronic Medical Records(EMR) and Practice Management

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Implementation of OmniMD electronic medical records and practice management has reduced the amount of support services and not to mention reduction in the number and cost of errors. Doctor can now save his favorite prescription and need not to write again same for different patients

EMR, Electronic Medical Records, EHR, Medical Billing, EMR Software

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Yonkers (NY) – Access of records for the multi-location multi specialty practice of over 20 physicians, is easier for Dr. Sindhwani since the implementation of OmniMD EMR – Electronic Medical Records and Practice Management system. One can see the changes in the workflow of the clinic, now you will find physicians and nurses carrying Tablet PCs or some handheld devices in the hands, all the paper work and bundles of files have vanished from the clinic and they edit the records on notebooks. Lab tests done a week back have been integrated with EMR and are available right there on patient chart.

Being a multi-location facility with specialties like Cardiology, Family Practice, Pediatrics, Internal, Medicine, Gastroenterology, Orthopedics, Pain Management, Ophthalmology, General Surgery, Podiatry, Allergy and Immunology, Occupational Medicine and Endocrinology, it was imperative for DOCS to choose an integrated EMR and Practice Management solution that was easy to use, robust, and accessible from multiple locations.

Dr. Rajeev Sindhwani Director Docs Medical Group says, “OmniMD EMR and Practice Management has contributed immensely on both the physician office and administrative aspects of the Practice. The business case for EMR is based not only on its ability to lower costs, increases revenue and improves the efficiency but also on its role as a tool to enhance the quality of services provided.”

The whole practice is apparently on network, pulling up records from a centralized server and editing them on their respective Tablet PCs. The OmniMD EMR has been integrated with the hospital information system and an interface has also been established with laboratory center.

Implementation of OmniMD electronic medical records and practice management has reduced the amount of support services and not to mention reduction in the number and cost of errors. Doctor can now save his favorite prescription and need not to write again same for different patients; even more impressive is that, prescription can be sent directly to the local pharmacy automatically.

After the integration of OmniMD EMR, Docs Medical Group’s patient also expressed their satisfaction, as now they don’t have to wait too long, and also not required to fill long paper form at the front desk.

And from Docs point of view OmniMD EMR and Practice Management has helped them in saving considerable amount. Saving from reduction in ‘no-shows’, accurate coding, faster documentation and billing, immediate saving result from elimination of real estate space required for proper records. Before the implementation of EMR and Practice Management physician’s tend to miss some procedures which were performed on patient while billing, but OmniMD EMR has reduced this error up to a great extent by generating automatic billing and taking care of all ICD and CPT codes.

Hospitals and Practices are increasingly looking to information technology solutions to help deliver better quality patient care while containing costs. And Electronic Medical record companies are trying to develop best possible solution and services by keeping in mind the current trend of healthcare industry.

OmniMD – is a developer of HIPAA compliant healthcare practice software and solutions