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Does The Place You Live Affects Your Wellness? Christos Varsamis

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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During the course of your growing up years, you lived wherever your parents chose to live. You didn’t give any thought to the health implications of the location your parents chose, or if they had chosen a place that was conducive to your overall wellness. Chances are your parents didn’t give it much thought either. Not until recently, has there ever been given any thought to the fact that where you live affects your health and wellness. But it does, and it’s a piece of information that is sure to influence many generations to come.
So how is this information compiled, and what can we learn from it? The information is compiled based on statistical information from areas such as smog levels, pollution levels, water quality, government based fitness incentives, and recreational and fitness facilities available. Generally, one of the major magazines published in the United States, will compile all this statistical data, and publish an article as a recreational guide to healthy cities.
What do we learn from all this published information? That where we live really does affect our health and well-being, and sometimes, there’s very little we can do about changing that fact. Unless, of course, you want to move.
Often, the greatest contributor to our health and wellness, via our outside environment, is the level of pollution we’re forced to live with on a daily basis. How do we absorb pollutants in our outside environment? The most common way is through the air we breathe. It is not the only way, however. The water we drink, the homes we live in, and the cars we drive, all have the potential for unhealthy contaminants.
Our work environment at one time was a contributor to the pollutants we were exposed to, but thanks to greater Environmental Protection regulation, most of those dangers have been eradicated.
Past the pollutants contribution, the availability of health facilities, the amount of government support for health and fitness, and the availability of medical faculties also affects our health and wellness from a location standpoint. If you live in a rural area with no direct access to health facilities, and there is no medical facility, your level of overall health will not compare to that of a person who lives in a more populated area that can offer those things. The down side to the more populated area, of course, is a greater risk of air pollution.
Some areas of this country are just fitness conducive. Places where the air is still free from pollutants, there is an availability of hiking, biking, and walking trails, and the medical and fitness facilities are numerous. The problem with most of those places, however is that they are usually recreational based, not manufacturing or otherwise industrialized, and jobs are not that numerous.
What can you do about your own fitness concerns, in relation to where you live? Make the most of where you are. Educate yourself about the greatest fitness problems in your area, and do what you can to make corrections for your own fitness benefit.

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Does The Canadian Health Care System Cover Those Visiting Canada?

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The Canadian Health Care System is based on several socialized health insurance plans providing full coverage to Canadian citizens and a model to follow that the American Health Care System has been analyzing for a while.

In Canada, federal government set the guidelines that apply to the different provinces and territories of the country in health matters, but the system comes from public funding on a territorial or provincial basis.

Because every Canadian region manage…

health insurance

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The Canadian Health Care System is based on several socialized health insurance plans providing full coverage to Canadian citizens and a model to follow that the American Health Care System has been analyzing for a while.

In Canada, federal government set the guidelines that apply to the different provinces and territories of the country in health matters, but the system comes from public funding on a territorial or provincial basis.

Because every Canadian region manages its own health care system, there is too much controversy and debate in relation to health care coverage for both locals and people visiting the country.

People who want to access the Canadian Health Care system must apply for a provincial health card and wait for no longer, than three months to obtain their health card in the case of new immigrants.

While the Canada Health Act guarantees that all residents of a territory or province will be accepted for health coverage, temporary visitors can only access this system purchasing insurance by themselves.

However, there are also Public Health Care Providers that ruled under the same act, providing services such as hospitals, dental surgery, ambulatory services, primary care doctors, and specialists to cover provincial insurance policies.

As a visitor to Canada, you can purchase a health care insurance policy and benefit from these public services during your stay in the Canadian territory.

Canada counts with about 30,000 primary care doctors, who account for over half of all Canadian doctors so you will not have a problem finding a physician that can provide you with preventative care or basic medical treatment.

Specialist doctors account for 28,000 all over the country and there are countless private clinics operating in the country offering specialized medical services, although under federal law they should not provide those services covered by the Canada Health Act.

Even though, most clinics offer such services regardless the legal limitation, they are covered by private insurance policies to provide health care assistance to people that otherwise would be left without medical protection.

Private insurance in Canada may cover up to 80% of medical cost and it is available to visitors and local residents unsatisfied with their provincial or territorial health care system.

In terms of medical availability as of 2007, there is one primary care doctor for every 1000 Canadians, who spend nearly $3,300 per capita on health care attention every year.

Keep in mind that the Canadian Health Care System does not provide basic services to residents, and some of them are those that visitors usually require, such as optometrists, dental services, and prescription medication, which people have to pay.

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Does the American government see its citizens as its children?

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The founding fathers had an idea for a country and a way to govern the people, by the people and for the people, but does this mean that the government has the right to tell us we can not do something because it is bad for us.

gambling,casino,government,poker,blackjack,taxes,prohibition, alcohol,internet gambling

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In Americas 230 year history the government seems to have forgotten that there job is to run the government as the people see as best and not the government telling the people what is best for them.

The most recent example is the Internet gambling Ban signed into law last week by President Bush. The bill makes it illegal for banks and credit card companies to transfer money to casinos for the purpose of wagering on sports or games of chance, like roulette, blackjack and poker.

These games are harmlessly enjoyed regularly by millions of Americans everyday, but some people become addicted to these games so the government is telling all of its citizens that no one is allowed to play these games in an online casino.

This is not the first case of the government going against the wishes of the people, in the early 1900’s the government decided that the consumption of Alcohol should be banned, because some people were developing health and mental problems related to drinking too much. So rather then educating the people on the ill effects of prolonged Alcohol abuse the American government banned Alcohol.

But instead of reducing the consumption of Alcoholic beverages it increased, and because the government was not allowing the production or importing of Alcohol, organized grime got into the moonshine business, and eventually the Government saw the error of their decision and repealed the law.

Another great example of a failed policy to protect the people is the war on drugs that the government has been aging since the early 1980’s Billions of tax dollars a year goes into the war on drugs, but what are the results?

The price of drugs has risen, and to support their habits many drug addicts have had to commit acts of robbery and murder to get their drugs.

The American prisons are packed full of people whose only crime was possession of these illegal drugs.

Instead of being an industry that is regulated and controlled you have people selling these drugs to kids in school playgrounds, and shooting each other to protect their territory.

Had the government decided not to criminalize drugs but make it a heavily controlled industry, they could use the tax money for social programs like schools ad to give Americans universal health care.

Please do not misunderstand me I am not in favor for legalizing hard drugs, but the current system is not working at all, but I am all in favor for legalizing online casino gambling.

If I choose to play some hands of blackjack or poker from the comfort of my home what rights does the government have to tell me not to, and what sense does it make that I can not play in a casino over the internet, but I can drive down the street to the local casino and play there.

To enforce this ban millions if not billions of dollars of software and computer hardware will be needed to monitor all of the banks transactions and that money will come from taxes instead of the government taxing online casinos or even having all the online casinos government controlled then they get all the profits to be used to improve the lives of the American citizens, millions of which are bellow the poverty line if not homeless.

The American government needs to start re-thinking its policy of treating its citizens like small children, or the American people need to demand a new government.

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Does Shockwave Therapy Help Plantar Fasciitis AllMed Healthcare Management

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Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a broad ligament-like structure that extends from the heel bone to the base of the toes, acting like a thick rubber band on the bottom arch of the foot. With a few extra pounds on board, or with activities such as exercise, the plantar fascia can develop microtrauma at its insertion into the heel bone, or anywhere along its length.
This causes pain which can be quite severe at times. Women, large individuals, runners and anyone whose job requires a lot of walking or standing on hard surfaces are more likely to get the condition. It’s usually most painful when an individual takes the first steps in the morning after getting out of bed, but the pain can recur after sitting for a while or at the onset of any activity. In severe cases, the individual simply cannot bear any weight on the foot.
There are many treatments for plantar fasciitis, including orthotics, splinting, ultra sound, weight-loss and cortisone injections. In many cases, however, these treatment options may not work. The newest treatment being touted on the market today is shockwave therapy. The typical cost of this therapy is between $6,000 and $7,000. The cost, combined with mixed reviews of the treatment’s success rate, is causing controversy in some medical circles.
While this kind of therapy is advocated by Podiatrists as a helpful measure, Orthopedists looking at the same medical literature tend to interpret the data as requiring further proof. This area for debate makes shockwave treatment a perfect example of why it’s important to leverage external review specialists to help determine the medical necessity and viability of new treatment options. Orthopedic specialists, like those offered through AllMed Healthcare Management, constantly review newly published medical science literature to assure that spending large sums on pain management is medically sound and the best treatment option for the cases in question.


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Does Shaving Make You Itch Down There? Bodworx International

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3151.shtml
Have you ever had this happen – You decide to do something different and exciting for your lover, like completely shaving your pubic area, but end up with red blotches and so sore you don’t even want your lover to see or touch you? What a drag.
The thought was a good one – really – You just made the same mistake most people make, thinking you could use just anything for shaving the pubic area.
The pubic area is quite different and certainly more sensitive than other parts of the body you might already be shaving. For those of you who know, the closest comparison would be with shaving under your arms.
Whether you’re a male or female, if you try shaving your pubic area with the same device you use for shaving your face, under arms or legs, it’s most likely that you’re going to irritate the pubic area skin.
Tell the truth – You were shaving with a wet razor weren’t you? Or was it your favorite triple-headed shaver you usually use for shaving your face?
Whichever it was, it didn’t give you the results you had been hoping for.
This doesn’t mean you should give up the idea of shaving your pubic area, just that you need to find out about better shaving tools for this area.
Just like thousands of others who already have.
What? You think you’re the first to want to have a hairless pubic mound? You might be surprised … Just mention your shaving experience to one or two of your closest friends and see what happens. They may be thrilled to finally be able to talk to someone about their own experiences.
And know this – Learning how shaving is best done in the pubic area is also important to achieving that silky, smooth look and feel you’re wanting.
Your friends may be able to enlighten you to pubic shaving tricks and tips they’ve learned along the way.
Just remember that every body is different and/so what works for them might not be best for you. But at least you may hear some things to think about as you continue to explore shaving your pubic area.
Allow your pubic hair to grow back in some, which will allow your skin to settle down, before attempting shaving again.
But do try again – Those who are shaving their pubic area, and those who are benefiting from it say it’s amazing how much it adds to intimate interactions.
All you need to do now is your own research to find out about the shaving tools designed for safely shaving the pubic area.

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Does Nitric Oxide Really Work? A Nitric Oxide Supplement Review Blake Bissaillion

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To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates. 3916.shtml
Lately, I’ve been hearing alot of buzz about No2 and it’s possible effects on building muscle.

No2 has been around for a couple of years and there has been plenty of people who have tried this particular supplement with mixed results.

For those of you who don’t know what N02 is, let me give you a bit of background.

No2 stands for nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is supposed to relax the smooth muscle in the walls of very small arteries called arterioles.

When a muscles contracts and it’s blood vessels are dilated, a “puff” of gas appears for a brief instant and than dissapears. This gas
settles into the underlying smooth muscle cells causing them to relax which allows a surge of blood to pass through more easily.

This gas is called nitric oxide.

You see, everytime you do a couple sets of curls and you feel that expanding feeling in your bicep, it means that nitric oxide was released
into the smooth muscle, causing an extra surge in blood to your muscles. It gives your muscles that full feeling and that”puffy” look.

However, once you finish your workout, your muscels slowly loose the blood that it accumulated during the workout and it slowly goes back
to normal. Of course, the pump is one of the best feelings you can get and too lose it, well, sucks. So, the man who brought creatine to the
fitness world, Ed Byrd, gives you Hemodilator N02.

This stuff is supposed to help release nitric oxide at different times of the day to keep your muscles feeling pumped. What Ed Byrd managed
to do was create a delivery system called phyex 9 which is supposed to help stimulate the release of nitric oxide at different times during
the day. Certainly a beautiful concept for just about everyone out there who weight trains. Who doesn’t want a constant pump…Maybe just walking
down the street?

Well, I heard alot about no2 and it got my attention. So, I decided to give this supplement a shot. I have to admit, this stuff is not cheap.
At $80 bucks a pop, it’s kind of steep for the everyday working, weight trainer. Today, there are a whack of nitric oxide supplements out
there and they all cost about the same.

Now, I had my doubts. You see, this supplement uses arginine as it’s main nitric oxide delivery mechanism. That is, arginine is supposed to
cause the nitric oxide reaction which will produce the”pump”. Now, back in the mid 80’s, I vividly remember a supplement called”Inosine” which
was supposed to do the same thing as No2. It was supposed to cause the small artieries to expand which would cause more blood flow into the muscle.

Well, as a young, wide eyed teenager looking for a miracle supplment, this fit the bill. I bought a bunch of inosine in the hopes that it would
help me build more strength and power. The result? A couple of hundred dollars down the toilet. I still see adds for inosine and I still shake my head.

So, after a bit of research I decided to give this particular supplement a shot and see if the results were as good as they claimed on the label.
I choose to use the Hemodilator No2 for my nitric oxide supplement review.

According to the label, it reads “NO2 generates a PERPETUAL PUMP, Helps Boost Strength, Augments Peak Power, Delays Muscle Fatigue”

Well, does it do all that? First off, according to the label, they performed a clinical trial of this supplement at Baylor University. According
to the results, there was a 300% increase in bench press strength for those who were taking Hemodilator compared to those who were taking a placebo
(fake), over an eight week period.

Also, the group taking the Hemodilator gained more endurance and power than the placebo group over the same 8 week period.

So, how did I fare with this supplement? Now, I’m just finishing up my third bottle and the results have not been mind blowing. Maybe I was expecting
too much from this supplement but I haven’t gained as much as I would have hoped. There has been a slight change from the pumps I get in the gym but
they are not perpetual. The pumps stay in the gym.

In terms of strength, I gained a little bit in some of my compound movements but not as nearly as much as I would have if I would have taken creatine.
For endurance, I can’t say I noticed any thing at all. In terms of overall power, I would say that it has increased…But not 300% or even 20%.

Did I get my monies worth? That’s a hard one to say. I mean, would have I gotten the same results if I didn’t use the supplement? Probably not. The thing
I noticed most about this product was the pumps in the gym. Like I said before, pumps are the reason I mainly go to the gym.

Am I happy with this product? I guess you can say that I’m “ok” with it. However, when I take the supplement Xpand, which is a combination of the
nitric oxide booster arginine and tri-creatine malate, I simply explode! Maybe the combination of nitric oxide and creatine compliment each other
more so than regular creatine or straight arginine.

In terms of side effects, I didn’t experience anything. Just remember, huge doses of arginine can be toxic. However, there are some reports of users
experiencing diarrhea nausea with relatively high doses.

Now, do I recommend this product? If you do not want to take a product such as creatine, I would have to say yes. It does work and will produce some
results provided you have a well laid down eating plan and steady lifting habits. Just remember, you have to be on it for at least 8 weeks to see
any sort of results.

However, next to a good creatine product such as SAN V12 or Dymatize Xpand, I would have to say no. These products are so much better and the results
are more immediate and dramatic.

So there you have it. A personal nitric oxide supplement review

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Does My Pit Bull Look Fat To You?: Dog Health Information

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Let’s face it, we love our pets. Sometimes that love can lead pet owners to pamper their pets just a little too much when it comes to food and treats. This over indulgence has the same effects on our pets as it does on us when we over eat or snack a little too often, we get fat. If you add in not getting enough exercise, then it is a problem compounded.

Yes, pets too can suffer from being obese. Statistics show that one in four pets weigh in the overweight or obese categor…

Does My Pit Bull Look Fat To You?: Dog Health Information

To find the best pilates exercise company, click here for Cara McGrath Pilates.
Let’s face it, we love our pets. Sometimes that love can lead pet owners to pamper their pets just a little too much when it comes to food and treats. This over indulgence has the same effects on our pets as it does on us when we over eat or snack a little too often, we get fat. If you add in not getting enough exercise, then it is a problem compounded.

Yes, pets too can suffer from being obese. Statistics show that one in four pets weigh in the overweight or obese category. It is a problem which carries a lot of health risks to our four legged loved ones, and it is a problem that we as owners must handle.

As a Pit Bull owner, I know first hand how good it makes your pet feel to get those special treats, and how hard it is to not give them when it results in getting the loving look that only your Pit Bull can give. I also know as a Pit Bull owner that this particular breed needs a lot of regular exercise. Pit Bulls are very athletic and energetic by their very nature, and if they do not get enough exercise they are not happy. The dog also runs the risk of being overweight, which puts him at risk.

I realize that some Pit Bull owners would ask, “What’s the worst that a little weight could do?” Well the answer is that a little weight would do no harm, but if left unchecked the weight gain could quickly put your Pit Bull into the obese category. Some of the common ailments brought on by canine obesity are heart problems, arthritis and even diabetes. An overweight pet is also more susceptible to a hip condition known as dysplasia, as well as problems with the back and joints.

By now you’re probably glancing over to your Pit Bull trying to quickly gauge if your pet is within acceptable weight limits. Glancing isn’t going to give you an accurate answer, but if you’d like to do a quick home pet obesity test, then here’s how to do it.

First, get your Pit Bull to stand in front of you, and look at him from above. Your Pit Bull should have the shape more of an hour glass than say, an ocean liner. A dog with rounded out sides is certainly getting into the obese range. You should also be able to feel your dog’s ribs easily. Don’t press hard on your beloved pet; we don’t want to hurt him.

Keep regular vet appointments for your Pit Bull, as your veterinarian will also be checking your pet’s weight. Your veterinarian can also advise you on how you can get your pet back into optimum shape should he weigh in a bit too much.

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Does modern society drive people insane?

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The modern world is a harsh, stressful place. Some experts believe that people today are more likely to suffer from nervous breakdowns and insanity than ever before. For some, the breakdown can come suddenly, but for others, the process can take years and manifest only after an event triggers mental breakdown.

stress and anxiety

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Stress and anxiety are things anyone and everyone has to deal with. The mental stresses and pressures placed upon the typical human being by modern civilization is a price that must be paid to live within the social strata we have now. It is understandable for people to have to bear with stress and pressure, to need to develop the mental tools to adapt to their culture and working environment, but for some, the burden is too great to bear. The human mind is a sensitive instrument, a computer program that has algorithms and protocols that can be stretched to a breaking point. The average person either has the capacity to deal with the stress and anxiety inherent to the modern world, but others are not so lucky. It has been suggested that, more than any era on record, the world we live in today has a sizable percentage of the population that is incurably mad.

Indeed, the stress and anxiety being pressed upon people can stretch less adapted minds to the breaking point. Apart from conforming to social norms, one also has to deal with the culture of work, the demands placed upon one’s gender, the social duties one has, and the conflicting need to fit in while retaining one’s individuality at the same time. This incredible amount of stress and anxiety, when combined with some personalities or mentalities, can result in someone that has embraced madness. In many ways, being utterly insane is a way to escape the stress and anxiety that society, work, and culture press upon a person. It is an unusual sight, but it is not impossible to see someone who has become so stressed out by events in his life that he can find himself having a complex philosophical debate with a stop sign.

As was once said by the comic book character The Joker, all it really takes for someone to go crazy was one “really bad day.” Unfortunately, when one takes everything into context and considers the thousands of layers that one has to navigate on a daily basis, the possibility of at least one person in the world having that “really bad day” is relatively high. There is no specific combination that can lead to this, nor is there any specific personality profile that is more prone to just snapping. The fact is, this is all based heavily on circumstance and luck. For some, it will only take a single event in that person’s life to make a difference, to cause a significant enough change that his mind can no longer handle the strain. For others, it would take him being served divorce papers, losing his job, learning he has cancer, being robbed blind in the middle of the street, and learning his youngest daughter just died for him to “lose it.”

The modern era, according to some analysts, is structured with so many complications and duties for a single individual that going completely insane is not that far-fetched. However, it is distinctly possible that insanity is a long-term development. People in the workplace or within some social circles may be slowly developing insanity in some form or another, but lack that single, defining moment to trigger the nervous breakdown. The emergence of insanity does not always have to be instantaneous, as the degradation of one’s “sanity” can be a slow process that can last a lifetime, requiring only a single event to open the proverbial door to the psychological point of no return.

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Does It Matter If You Are Overweight? Kim Beardsmore

For the best pilates exercise company, call Cara McGrath Pilates.

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Everywhere we look in the western world we are inundated with pictures, images, icons and inferences of the ‘perfect’ female shape! The truth is that many of these images are altered or enhanced in some way and do not depict the typical female form. The pressure to lose weight is immense when we are bombarded every day with media selling products based on slimness, sex appeal and fashion. The constant message is that slimness will make you desireable.
With the current demographic trends in western countries, and faced with a sea of high fat, high sugar combined with physical inactivity; it is time to pay attention to our weight but not for any reasons of desirability. The most important reason for wanting to be a healthy body weight is for health rather than for how your body looks.
Overweight and obesity are major public health problems in western countries. Since the 1980s both adult men and women have become heavier, with obesity rates more than doubling in the last 20 years! Children are also becoming heavier. There is a growing concern that we are inadvertently training our overweight children to become obese adults. It has been said, we are digging our graves with out teeth! So just why should we be concerned with achieving a healthy body weight?
Overweight linked with diabetes.
In January 2003, the Journal of the American Medical Association featured two studies that highlighted the topic of obesity and its impact on health. The first study focused on the relationship between obesity and diabetes, as well as the growing concern of diabetes in the U.S. between the years 2000 and 2001. The numbers don’t look good, with an alarming 5.6% increase of obesity in both men and women-from all ethnic groups, age ranges and educational levels. The occurrence of diabetes also increased-up 8.2% from 2000.
Overweight linked with premature death.
The second study found that obesity appears to markedly lessen life expectancy, especially among young adults. The researchers compared Body-Mass Index (BMI) to longevity and found a correlation between premature death and higher BMIs. For example, a 20-year-old white male, 5’10” weighing 288 pounds with a BMI of greater than 40 was estimated to lose 13 years of his life as a result of obesity. Findings were similar for women with higher BMIs, who were estimated to lose an average of eight years. While these studies reference extreme levels of obesity, there are still millions of overweight people in developed countries with a life expectancy rate that is three to five years less than their healthy-weight counterparts.
Overweight linked with heart disease.
Overweight people tend to have higher blood pressure and higher blood cholesterol, which are major risk factors for heart attack and other blood vessel disease. Being overweight can contribute to problems in the joints, and is also associated with other serious diseases such as diabetes.
How you tell if you are overweight
As we are all different shapes and sizes, there is not one recommended weight for your height. Instead there is a range of weights that are healthy for your height. One way to check your weight is to calculate your Body Mass Index or BMI.
Your BMI is a ratio or comparison of your height and weight expressed in a number. To find out your BMI you need to divide your weight (measured in kg) by your height (measured in m) squared. If you do not know your measurements in the metric system you can find any number of BMI calculators online that will do the conversion for you into empirical measures. One such calculator is at the website listed below.
The accepted definitions of weight categories by BMI are:
Underweight – BMI less than 18.5
Healthy weight – BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
Overweight – BMI equal to or greater than 25 and up to 29.9
Obese – BMI equal to or greater than 30
These BMI values only apply to adults aged 18 years and over and are based on studies of Caucasian populations. Therefore, they are not applicable to children and adolescents and they may not be appropriate for people of other cultural backgrounds.
Another way to check your weight is to measure your waist circumference, using a tape measure. This gives you an idea of whether you have a lot of fat stored around your middle. Waist circumferences associated with increased health risk are:
For men – Waist circumference greater than 94cm
For women – Waist circumference greater than 80cm
Being a healthy weight can help:

improve blood cholesterol levels, blood pressure and blood glucose levels
reduce your risk of other health related problems
improve self confidence and self esteem
make it easier to be physically active.

If you are obese or overweight…try not to gain additional weight. This will help you in years to come as people tend to increase weight with age. Better still look after your body and follow a healthy lifestyle incorporating a nutritious, delicious, health enhancing weight loss program. Just by losing 10 pounds you can significantly improve your overall health.
(c) Copyright Kim Beardsmore

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Does It Cost Anything To Donate? News Canada

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(NC)-No, the donor’s family doesn’t pay, or receive payment, for organ and tissue donation. All costs related to donation are paid by local organ procurement programs or transplant centers through provincial health plans. Hospital expenses incurred before the donation of organs, and funeral expenses, remain the responsibility of the donor’s family.
Organ transplants, especially kidney transplants, provide tremendous health care cost savings over other treatment alternatives. For example, kidney transplants cost approximately $20,000 plus $6,000 per year thereafter (for anti-rejection drugs), or $50,000 over a five-year period. Dialysis treatment costs about $50,000 per year per patient, roughly $250,000 over a five-year period.
Are we told what organs and tissues were used and to whom they were given?
Your local procurement agency sends letters to donor families telling them which organs were used, the age of the recipient(s) and, sometimes, a few basic details about the person(s). Recipients often write letters of thanks to the donor families. Names are kept confidential and are not given to the donor or recipient families.
Do all religions support organ donation?
Most religions throughout the world support organ and tissue donation as a humanitarian act. You should consider discussing such concerns with your own minister, priest, rabbi, religious advisor or hospital chaplain. For more information visit on the Internet.
Isn’t it a bit insulting for hospital staff to ask for organ/tissue donations at such a time of tragedy and loss?
Organ transplants offer life or a better quality of life to other people. It gives the donor family the opportunity to help others during a time of sadness.
For more information on organ and tissue donation and how you can donate, visit on the Internet.