Maths Tutor Ireland


11 Strategies For Graphomotor Problems

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1. For children who have difficulty with orthographic coding, it may be helpful to tape an alphabet line to the corner of their desk for easy reference.

2. Students with graphomotor problems should be given extended time to complete written assignments and/or a reduction in the volume of written output. For example, if the exercise given is to correctly capitalize and punctuate sentences or a passage, these should be provided to the student in typed form so that he/she has…


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1. For children who have difficulty with orthographic coding, it may be helpful to tape an alphabet line to the corner of their desk for easy reference.

2. Students with graphomotor problems should be given extended time to complete written assignments and/or a reduction in the volume of written output. For example, if the exercise given is to correctly capitalize and punctuate sentences or a passage, these should be provided to the student in typed form so that he/she has to only correct the work, rather than write it and then correct it. Also, if the assignment is to answer the questions at the end of the chapter in social studies, the student should be required only to write the answers, not both questions and answers. Additionally, he/she should be allowed to state answers in short phrases. In other words, if the subject matter being assessed is knowledge of information presented in the social studies chapter, it is this that should be assessed, not how competent the student is with the physical act of writing, or how much writing interferes with his/her ability to demonstrate his/her knowledge of social studies.

3. Children with handwriting difficulties may need to be given the opportunity to provide oral answers to exercises, quizzes, and tests.

4. Learning to type is helpful for these students. Writing assignments should be done in stages. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Initially, the child would focus only on generating ideas. Next, he/she would organize his/her ideas. Finally, the student would attend to spelling and mechanical and grammatical rules. There are computer software programs available with spell and grammar checks.

5. Students with graphomotor problems may need to be provided with information presented on the board or on overheads in written form, such as teacher-prepared handouts or Xerox copies of other students’ notes.

6. Children with handwriting problems should be provided with written outlines so that they do not have to organize lectures or class materials themselves. This becomes particularly important in junior high grades.

7. Parents should be given the opportunity to purchase an extra set of textbooks for the purpose of highlighting, particularly for content area subjects. Also, notes may be made on Post-Its and then the Post-Its could be attached to a larger sheet.

8. It is often necessary to use alternative grading systems for children with graphomotor problems. One grade would be given for overall appearance and mechanics of writing, and the second for content.

9. When writing reports, it may be helpful for the student to identify his/her own errors and to correct these after learning specific strategies to do so. He/she would then list his/her most frequent errors in a workbook and refer to this list when self-correcting.

10. It should be stressed to school personnel that slow work habits are often a result of graphomotor difficulties and do not reflect deficits in motivation.

11. Electronic devices, such as the Franklin Speaking Spelling Ace may be helpful for students with handwriting problems.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:10 Tips for Easy Fundraising with Memori
al Bricks
author:Elaine Johnson
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

So, you’re looking for a fundraising project for a school, sports team or construction project and you’re thinking about engraved bricks. Brick fundraising is pretty simple, but what are the pitfalls?
We talked to Larry Cannon (, who’s been engraving bricks for fundraisers since 1988. He offers the following advice before you embark on the campaign…..
1. First look at your donor database. How likely are they to contribute to your new cause? Take nothing for granted. Don’t assume that people will donate without a good strategy.
2. Think about who you’re targeting. You should expect about 20% of your database to contribute. But…how interested are they in your project? How committed are they? How are they doing financially?
4. Think about the best time to mail donation requests. Timing is everything in fundraising.
5. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Think of the best way to word it. Should you play on their sympathies or emphasize that their name on a brick is a memorial will last beyond their life?
6. The project chair will make or break the project. Don’t let just anyone do it…get volunteers with the time and energy to put into the project.
7. How much money do you want to raise? Come into the project with an established goal.
8. Decide how much money people will donate to purchase a brick. Subtract the costs from the brick manufacturer and the difference is direct profit..
9. What about donor level appreciation? Do you want to honor different levels of donor contribution? If so….how? Some options are brick placement, size of bricks, number of words on the brick, emblems or logos on the bricks….
10. Can you get services donated? Does someone in the group know a brick mason who’ll donate their time to lay the brick, build the wall or whatever? If not, the cost for hiring one must come from the raised donations.

Maths Tutor Ireland


10 Things To Know About Russia

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Russia is an immensely huge and diverse country. Following are 10 things you should know about this immense country.

russia, country, lenin, stalin, gorbachev, vodka, russian women, men, baltic sea, peter the great

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Russia is an immensely huge and diverse country. Following are 10 things you should know about this immense country.

10 Things To Know About Russia

The largest country in the world, Russia is a conundrum wrapped up in an enigma, which has been shaken, twisted and stirred over the centuries. There are so many contradictions in the country, that it is often hard to say anything is absolute in For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Russia. Still, here are a few things that you should know and might just surprise you.

1. Each year, the President of Russia has a press conference with journalist held for two hours on live television. No other leader in the world is required to do this nor does.

2. Founded in the 12th century, the Principality of Muscovy, was dominated for over 200 years by the Mongols.

3. Under Peter the Great, 1682 to 1725, Russia was extended to the Baltic Sea and the country was renamed the Russian Empire.

4. In 1917, The Communists under Vladimir Lenin seized power and formed the USSR.

5. Following the death of Lenin, Iosef Stalin became the supreme ruler of Russia. He killed more of his own citizens than the Nazis terminated in World War II.

6. General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev tried to put severe limits on the amount of vodka sold in the country, but gave up after Russians started brewing their own.

7. Russians beer contains varying degrees of vodka.

8. Russia has massive naturally resources including oil, diamonds, natural gas, coal, gold and timber.

9. The population of Russia was estimated in 2005 to be 143,420,309. The population is stagnating and the government now offers financial incentives to couples that have children.

10. There are approximately 10 million more woman than men in Russia.

Two really understand Russia, one need only look at the flag of the country. It is adorned with a two headed eagle, with one head looking to the west and one to the east. Practically speaking, this is demonstrative of Russia’s geography. Being so very large, the country is really many in one. The areas found in the west such as Moscow and St. Petersburg look to and are influenced by Europe. The areas in the Far East such as Vladivostok have a much more Asian feel.

Anyway you slice it, Russia is an amazing country. If the opportunity presents itself to take a trip to the country, you should snap it up.

Maths Tutor Ireland


10 Steps to Developing a Quality Lesson Pl

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This guide is not meant to be the one and only way to develop a lesson plan; however, it is going to provide you with at least some good methods to start with. A general overview highlights the key points of creating a useful and working lesson plan.

home school, lesson plans for home school

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This guide is not meant to be the one and only way to develop a lesson plan; however, it is going to provide you with at least some good methods to start with. A general overview highlights the key points of creating a useful and working lesson plan.

Below is a list of the steps that are usually involved in developing a quality lesson plan as well as a description of what each component should be. They will be listed in 10 of the best points.

1. The first thing that you will have to consider, obviously, is what you want to teach. This should be developed based upon your state or local school standards. You also need to be aware of what grade level you are developing the lesson plan for. Record a time estimate for your lesson plan to help you to better budget your time.

Once you have chosen your topic, you can begin choosing how you want to teach the topic in general. If you didn’t use the state standards to help in developing your topic, you will want to refer to them now to see what specific standards your lesson plan can fulfill.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Having your lesson plan properly set up with state standards, helps to prove its worthiness and necessity later. It also helps to assuring that your students are being taught what the state requires.

If you are able to blend your lesson plan with the local school standards, record links to those standards in your lesson plan in writing for reference later. If you are however, writing this lesson plan for a website, you will want to be sure that you include a title that properly reflects your topic.

2. Develop clear, specific objectives to be sure that your lesson plan will teach exactly what you want it to. You must note that these objectives should not be activities that will be used in the lesson plan. Rather, they should be the learning outcomes of those activities.

As an example, if you wanted to teach your class how to add 1 + 3, the objective may be that “the students will know how to add 1 + 3” or more specifically “the students will demonstrate how to add 1 + 3.”

Your objectives should also be directly measurable. What this means is that you need to make sure that you will be able to tell whether these objectives were met or not. You can certainly have more than one objective for a lesson plan if you feel that this would be more useful.

In order for you to be able to make objectives more meaningful, you may want to include both wide and narrow objectives. The wide objectives would be more like ambitions and they would include the overall goal of the lesson plan, for example, in order for you to gain familiarity with adding two numbers together.

The specific objectives would be more like the one listed above, in such a manner, as “the students will demonstrate how to add the numbers 2 and 3 together.”

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:10 Best Student Loan Options
author:The Student Loan Today Gr
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

There are several different options available for students in terms of student loans; however, following are the 10 Best Student Loan Options:
1. Subsidized Stafford Loan
2. Unsubsidized Stafford Loan
3. Federal Perkins Loan
4. Federal For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. PLUS loan for parents
5. Direct PLUS loans
6. Federal consolidation loan
7. Federal Nursing Loan
8. Federal Insured Student Loan
9. Health Professions Student Loans
10. Private student loans
Let’s take a closer look at more information regarding the 10 best student loan options that anyone considering college student loans should consider:
1) The Subsidized Stafford Loan is available for both graduate and undergraduate study. While the student is in school, the interest on the loan is paid by the federal government. This loan is need based, so not all applicants may qualify.
2) The Unsubsidized Stafford Loan is also available for graduate and undergraduate study. Unlike the Subsidized Stafford Loan, with this loan the student is responsible for the interest that is accrued on the loan while they are in school. This is not a needs based loan, so students may be eligible for the loan even if they do not show a financial need for the loan.
3) The Federal Perkins loan is a type of student loan that is available to both graduate and undergraduate students. Applicants must demonstrate financial need in order to qualify for this loan. Funds are disbursed by the school and must be repaid to the school.
4) The PLUS loan program gives parents of students the option to borrow up to 100% of their child’s cost of education. Parents are eligible for this loan even if they do not demonstrate a financial need and regardless of income.
5) Direct PLUS loan: this type of student loan is available to parents and guardians of dependent undergraduate students. Borrowers do not need to demonstrate financial need and may borrow up to the cost of attendance; minus any amount of financial aid that may be received. Loan funds are first applied to tuition and fees. This type of government and federal student loan has a variable interest rate.
6) The federal consolidation loan program gives students and their parents the option to consolidate loans and take advantage of lower interest rates and monthly payments.
7) The federal nursing loan gives students who are enrolled in nursing school the option of a low interest loan and flexible repayment options. Loan cancellation is available in some cases.
8) The Federal Insured Student Loan program gives students who might not otherwise qualify for a student loan the ability to receive the funds they need to complete their education.
9) The Health Professions Student Loan provides long-term, low interest loans to students pursuing degrees in dentistry, optometry, pharmacy, veterinary medicine or podiatry.
10) Private student loans require a credit check for borrowers; however, students and their families are typically able to borrow more money than they would have been able to through a federal student loan.
For more in-debt information on the 10 best student loan options, and many other student loan topics please visit