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title:6 Reasons to Learn Logic
author:Phyllis Wheeler
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

In Star Trek, there’s the purely logical guy, Mr. Spock, and the purely emotional guy, who is just about any other character. Real life isn’t like that–we need to be able to function both ways, with our minds and with our emotions.
Unfortunately, learning logical thinking doesn’t just come naturally for most people. But it’s an important skill. Logic traps are everywhere.
Here’s what you can do about it: teach logic to your child. Why?
1. Your child will be able to understand cause and effect, and make better life choices. For instance, a child who understands logical consequences will be more able to counter the voices of “friends” who urge him to misuse his money and his time.
2. Your child will be a good problem-solver. Good problem-solving involves coming up with a list of options to consider. This will help later on in a range of situations, from how to deal with a plugged-up sink to what to do about a car that breaks down.
3. Your child will be better prepared to challenge advertising. He will be able to identify fallacies such as circular reasoning. For example, an advertiser might tell us, “For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Happy folks buy Toastie Puffs.” What he means is, “Buy Toastie Puffs, and you’ll be happy!” This is circular logic! Can your child recognize it?
4. Your child will be able to carefully consider persuasion from politicians and the media. What if a TV reporter interviews five people who say the US should allow illegal immigrants to stay? Then the reporter concludes that everyone in the state wants illegal immigrants to stay. What is the problem here? This is an error in generalizing from too small a sample group. The reporter needs opinions from a much wider sample group. Can your child see the error?
5. Your child will be able to evaluate what someone says by looking at who said it. For instance, if your dentist tells you how to take care of your teeth, you should follow his advice-he’s an expert. But if he tells you how to fix your car, you might not consider him an expert on that!
6. Your child will be able to understand how computers think. Computers think in nitty-gritty ways: if statement A is true, then do action B. Otherwise, do action C. Our brains tend to skip around in comparison. But learning to program a computer to follow a logical sequence helps the child learn to think logically, too. In the Information Age, this is a very useful skill to develop, now or later. The more your child knows about computers, the more he will be master of that device that is mastering our lives.


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title:6 Common Misconceptions about Study Ab
road Programs
author:Lee Frankel
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

With over 100,000 college students studying abroad every year, there’s bound to be all kinds of tall tales, urban legends, and misinformation swirling around. While there may be grains of truth in some of these stories, below are some common misconceptions about study abroad.
Misconception #1: Studying abroad is very expensive.
Truth: In most cases, it is actually cheaper to study abroad. Let’s say the tuition at your school is $5,000 per semester and room and board is another $4,000. Now add in the additional fees you have such as health insurance, books, and laundry. You are now well over $10,000 for the semester. Well, all but one of our programs in Spain is under $10,000 per semester and that includes everything except your airfare and spending money.
Misconception #2: I can’t use my financial aid to study abroad.
Truth: In almost all cases, your federal aid (Stafford loans, Pell grants, etc.) can be used to study abroad and in some states, you can use your state aid as well. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. It is also not uncommon for your federal aid to increase when you study abroad since some of your school scholarships may not transfer.
Misconception #3: Host families are all poor and just do it for the money.
Truth: The last thing any study abroad company wants to do is have an unhappy student on their program. The goal is for the students to be happy so that they will tell their friends what a great time they had. If we were putting students in bad families, in dangerous neighborhoods, then no one would ever recommend us to their friends. Since the number of universities that endorse our program doubled over the last year, it’s a pretty sure bet that students are happy with our choice of families.
Misconception #4: I’ll be so busy with schoolwork that I won’t get time to see the country I’m in.
Truth: This one is hysterically funny since your average study abroad student comes home with about 400+ photos from a long list of countries. Students have plenty of opportunities to travel and we even take our students on trips to give them a better feel for the country they are in.
Misconception #5: I might not graduate on time if I go abroad.
Truth: If you have already used up all of your elective or general education courses, then it’s true that you might need to bulk up on courses before or after you go abroad. If you plan ahead, however, and leave some electives open to you, then you should be fine. The clear majority of students who study abroad still graduate in four years, despite being away from their home campus for a semester or two.
Misconception #6: Most of the world hates Americans, so I won’t be safe.
Truth: There’s no doubt that there are a lot of people who don’t like the American government, but that has nothing to do with the American people. If you compare the violent crime rate in the United States to that of European, Australian, or Asian countries, you will see that the United States is actually far more dangerous. There are some areas of South America and Africa that are not especially safe, but there are also many countries on those continents that are incredibly safe. Go to the U.S. State Department website and check out the crime statistics on the country you are interested in to see how safe it is.
Studying abroad is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that every college student should take advantage of. Before dismissing it due to the bad experience of one friend or rumors you have had heard, speak with your study abroad advisor and get the facts. I guarantee that once you look at all that studying abroad can offer you, you’ll be hopping the first flight abroad.
One organization that help ensure that you have safest, unforgettable yet affordable study abroad experience is Academic Studies Abroad. Here are some of our very popular study abroad programs in the following countries:
-Study Abroad Spain – Academic Studies offers study abroad programs in Barcelona, Madrid, Salamanca and Sevilla.
-Study Abroad England- Academic Studies offers study abroad programs in London.
-Study Abroad Italy – Academic Studies offers study abroad programs in Florence.
-Study Abroad France – Academic Studies offer study abroad programs in Aix-en-Provence and Avignon.
-Study Abroad Ireland – Academic Studies offers study abroad programs in Dublin. Interested in going to Ireland?

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5 tips to choose the online nu
rsing school right for you

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No one can tell you which online nursing school is right for you. As a rule, you must be the one who chooses which path to take and how you want to get there. The differences between the online nursing schools are varied and one needs to be aware that they all have their pros and cons

Online nursing school, online nursing

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No one can tell you which online nursing school is right for you. As a rule, you must be the one who chooses which path to take and how you want to get there. The differences between the online nursing schools are varied and one needs to be aware that they all have their pros and cons. However, if you make a wise and informed choice then you are half way to your goal. If a nursing school fits with your schedule, needs and personality than there is nothing stopping you from succeeding.

Bear in mind that no matter which online school you choose you will still need to take part in clinicals which require ‘in person’ teaching to complete your degree. So before you have earned the degree you will need to transfer to a land campus school.

1. First and foremost check out the fees that the online nursing charges for their courses. This is probably the most important part of choosing an online nursing school. It is the common practice of all reputable online nursing schools to be up-front with their fees. They realize it is important to new students to know how much they will be paying for the course. This will help to build trust in the school as they put fourth the effort to respect their students by offering their fees in an honest manner.

2. You will need to check out the course requirements before signing up for anything. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Each school has different requirements that must be met before entering their program. These may include a high school diploma, previous nursing courses, or specific course studies from other schools. All of these requirements are easily located in the prerequisite area of the course description.

3. Time available is very important when choosing an online nursing program. You will need to check and make sure that you have the minimum amount of time that is required by the school to dedicate to class and course type studies. Most of the schools that offer online programs operate on the same premise of standard schools and require that students complete a minimum number of hours in class room study to be eligible to graduate. All of the time that is required will be listed in the course description during the review process.

4. Degrees offered is another area where one should put fourth some effort in research. If the online program does not offer the degree that you need to get the job you want then it is useless to you as a school. Through most of the online nursing schools you can choose the type of degree that you wish to obtain and enter the course of study as set down by those guidelines.

5. Finally you should determine if the school you are looking at fits the individual needs that you have. If a school does not fit the most basic needs than it will not be of much worth to you as a student. If you have special needs or require an aggressive course study you should check with the online schools advisor to ensure that they can accommodate such a need or desire.

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4 Tips To Find The Best Online Univer
sity For You

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It’s easy to find an online degree program in your area of interest as almost all degree courses offered by regular universities are now go online. But you need to make some research in order to find an online degree program that really meets your education goals. Here are some tips to help you find the best online university for you.

online degree, online degree program, online university, accreditation, online college, education

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Online degree programs have growth rapidly in conjunction with the high demand of online education. Today, getting a university degree online has become a practical reality for people who cannot spare the time and commitment just to go back to regular university for earning a degree. You may find it confusing and hard to make a decision on so many online degree program choices. Although it is a hard decision, making the right choice that will suit your schedule, your learning style as well as your education goal is of prime importance.

Depending on your specific needs and goals, here are 4 tips to help your find an online university that best suit your needs:

1. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Know your education goals

Different people have different needs for getting an online education. Some people enrolled into an online degree program just to sharpen their knowledge in certain area whereas others may hope to make a career switch by earning a degree in the area they are interested in.

Hence, you need to know what you are your purpose of getting an online education. Before you begin considering your options on various online degree programs, do some self assessment on what kind of education you are looking for, how much time and effort you plan to invest and whether it is personal fulfillment or career advancement that you aim to achieve through the course.

2. Do research on your options

Most online universities provide free information on their online degree programs and many do provide online chat session with their academic advisors so that you can ask any related questions and getting the necessary information needed before you make up your mind. Take your time to gather as much information as you can from various online universities that offer the education program that within your education scope. Ask the academic advisors for further clarification for any doubts; make sure you have a clear idea of the program being offered before you invest your hard earned money and time into any one of them.

3. Beware of online degree scams

Onlinde degree scams or mostly know as diploma mill is a college or university that operates primarily to make money; such schools are not properly accredited and issue degrees without ensuring an education occurs. You need to be wary of these degree mills when doing your searches for the right course; make sure your are enrolled with online university that offers legitimate courses with proper accreditation. Fake degrees and credentials are plentiful and you will only be wasting your time, effort and money if you go with one of them.

4. Look for online degree program with recognized accreditation

Accreditation of the online university that you enroll in is vitally importance. Accreditation provides assurance that the program in which you are enrolled is engaged in continuous review and improvement of its quality and it meets nationally endorsed standards in the profession, and that it is accountable for achieving what it sets out to do.

If the reason you are pursuing further education is to advance your career, the degree you will be earning needs to be recognized by your employers or prospective employers. A degree from an accredited online university is one of the important consideration factors by many employers.

In Summary

It’s easy to find an online degree program in your area of interest as almost all degree courses offered by regular universities are now go online. But you need to make some research in order to find an online degree program that really meets your education goals.

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title:4 Easy Ways To Learn English
author:George Williams
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Now, you decide to learn how to speak English. There are many online resources that can help you improve and practice you English. Now if you are like most other ESL students reading this article then you already have a fairly good notion of the English language. You most likely are looking for a place to practice and enhance your English skills. So, here are four easy steps to do just that.
1. Preparation
There is no need to start from the beginning, since you already a fairly good notion of English. Take stock of your current skills and find out where you are weak. Once you know what you need to learn…all you have to do is learn it.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. So, pick out something from your list of things that you know you need/want to learn. Take a few minutes to analyze why you want learn this information, and make sure you focus on that particular point while studying. It is super easy to get side-tracked onto other topics.
If you do see something of interest while you are on your search for information…make sure to take note of it so you can come back at a later time. But for now…FOCUS on the task at hand!
2. Practice
Now that you know what you know what you want to learn, jump over to Google or Yahoo and do a quick search on your chosen topic of interest. From there you should be able to find sites that will provide you with tools and resources such as audio files, video files, exercises, and tests to practice what you want to learn.
3. Use
Alright! You are ripping, raring, and ready-to-go! You studied what it was you wanted to learn, and now you need to put it into use in real life situations. Use what you just learned on your friends and acquaintances. Hit the forums and try out what you now know. Try to use it at least thirty times to really assimilate it well and make it a part of you.
4. Evaluate
Once you are done for the day, sit down for a few minutes and evaluate how you did. Did you learn everything that is required? Are you still weak in certain areas of this topic?
If you have a strong determination to learn English, take note of these things. Start making plan now and start practice it tomorrow. Make sure to do these four steps everyday, and you will steadily see your skills progressing. So now…just go do it!

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3 Women Get Passports to Succes
s by Returning to School

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The story is all too familiar to people who drop out of high school. Many have low-paying jobs or no jobs at all. And when they try to learn a trade or get a certificate to enter a profession with decent pay, they find out a harsh truth – all professional or post-secondary schools require a high school diploma.

3 Women Get Passports to Success by Returning to School

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The story is all too familiar to people who drop out of high school. Many have low-paying jobs or no jobs at all. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. And when they try to learn a trade or get a certificate to enter a profession with decent pay, they find out a harsh truth – all professional or post-secondary schools require a high school diploma.

Three women in New York City – Lillian Betancourt, 37, Latoya Abrams, 21, and Shereen France, 41 – all found themselves in this type of frustrating situation.

After years of trying to pay bills on time and just getting by, these women decided to turn their lives around and get high school diplomas.

Through advertisements and word of mouth, the women found Careertel, which represents the Liberty High School Diploma Program. This distance-learning program enables adults to earn their high school diplomas while they continue to work and attend to their other obligations.

“Location, working hours, age provide no barrier for serious, motivated distance-learning students,” said Jerome Polvay, president of Careertel.

Approved by the Vermont State Board of Education, Liberty High School allows students to control the pace at which they study. Material is provided for each class and all assignments and exams are completed at home. If students need tutoring, faculty advisers offer help over the phone. Also, credit is given for courses they previously completed.

Now, with their high school diplomas in hand, the future looks very promising for the women. In fact, all three are now seeking higher education. Betancourt is studying criminal law in New York, Abrams will attend Georgia College & State University, and France will be attending nursing school in New York.

“Finally I feel important,” said Betancourt. “I’m reaching my goal.”

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title:3 Things Yo
u MUST Know Before Entering The ITT Tech School Of Criminal Justice
author:Jim Greenberg
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

ITT Tech has about 80 locations in 30 states and is the largest operator in the For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. US of post-secondary school technical education. The school has over 37,000 students in different streams of education. There are, however, a few things that you must know before entering the ITT Tech school of criminal justice.
1. ITT Tech school of criminal justice has come under criminal investigation initiated by the US Justice Department. Although the top management of the school has been given a clean chit by the Justice Department, investigations are still going on at some of the local campuses of ITT Technical Institute. But clean chit or not just ask yourself why an educational institution should come under a criminal investigation?
2. ITT Education Services Inc, the corporate entity that owns and manages ITT Tech has come under investigation by Securities Exchange Commision (SEC). Although the company has so far come out unscathed with no fines or penalties being imposed on it, the fact that it came under investigation should ring a few warning bells.
3. ITT Technical Institute is accredited by ACICS and not by any of the eight regional accrediting bodies that are funded by the US Department of Education. As a result many RA accredited schools may not accept or allow transfer of credits earned at ITT Tech school of criminal justice. Similarly many law enforcement agencies at the local, state or federal level may not accept degrees earned at ITT Tech school of criminal justice for purposes of employment.

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title:3 Alternatives For In
vesting For Your Child’s Higher Education Costs
author:Jay Fran
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

With higher education tuition increasing at double digit year over year percentages an effective saving plan for your kid’s education is becoming much more important than it has been before. Most families will discover that their future higher education costs will be much more than they have saved for their kid’s education. This leaves many kids to be faced with obtaining financial aid to pay for a portion of their college education. The goal of this article is to explore the pros and cons of 4 common investment options when saving for college. This article will also explore why some of these options are better than other when considering a portion of your kid’s education may be funded by financial aid.
529 College Savings Plan: – A 529 college savings plan is a fairly new investment option for college saving. It allows just about anyone to save for college. There is a long list of benefits of a 529 college savings plan, but perhaps the most important is that your earnings grow tax free if you use it for qualified education expenses. Additionally, the maximum amount you can contribute to a 529 plan can go as high as several hundred thousand dollars depending on your State. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. In the event you do not use the funds for college, you can still withdrawal your earnings, but you will have to pay taxes and a 10% penalty. The penalty will be waived if your child receives a scholarship, or your child becomes disable or dies.
529 plans can typically be purchased through a broker or mutual fund company, but a disadvantage is that investment choices can sometimes be limited. Since qualifying for financial aid is based on a calculation that considers your kids assets, another big benefit of a 529 college savings plan is that the money in the plan is classified as a parents assets so less that 6% of the value counts against your kid’s financial aid eligibility.
Uniform Gifts to Minors Act/Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
(UGMA/UTA Custodial Account): – The benefit of a UMGA/UTA Custodial Account is that there is no limit on the contribution and it is easy to set up at most financial institutions. However, the limitations far outweigh the benefits. The first limitation of a UMGA/UTA Custodial Account is that these types of accounts offer very little tax advantage. If your child is under 14, only the first $800 of income is tax free, the next $800 is taxed at your child’s tax rate and after that there is no tax benefit at all. The other big limitation is that the account has to be set up in your child’s name. As a result, if your child needs financial aid all of the assets will be reviewed at a 35% rate. Therefore, this type of account is not advisable for those who may need financial aid.
Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA): – A Coverdell Education Savings Account is very similar to a 529 college savings plan. The main difference is that with a Coverdell Education Savings Account you can only contribute $2000 per child and to qualify your adjusted gross income must be less than $110,000 if single and less than $220,000 if married filing jointly. The account is classified as a parent’s asset so less that 6% of the value counts against your kid’s financial aid eligibility.
In the end, parents should consider planning for college to be a highly important process. The above 3 alternatives can make this process much more easy and financially sound.
Copyright (c) 2005, by Jay Fran. This article may be freely distributed as long as the copyright, author’s information and the below active live link is published with the article.

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2006 High School and College Graduation


It’s time to order your Graduation Invitations.

Graduation Announcements

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There are many things to take into consideration before you are ready to place your order. You will first want to make a list of the people you plan to send the Graduation Invitation or Graduation Announcement to. This will help you to avoid a shortage of invitations. After you have the quantity you need, you will want to make sure you have all the correct information regarding the actual For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Graduation. You will need the place and the time of the Graduation. When choosing a verse, you will want the wording of your Invitation or Announcement to be written in a way that meets the requirements of the school. Some schools only allow a few family members to attend, where other schools allow you to invite as many people as you like. You may want to consider sending out an announcement verses an invitation if your school has a limit. An invitation invites them to attend and an announcement contains information that informs them that the event is going to happen or it has already happened.

One of the great advantages of ordering your own personalized Graduation Invitations or Graduation Announcements is the ability to order your Graduation Announcements or Invitations and include your name as part of the printed verse. This will give your invitation a more personalized appearance. You have the option of choosing different ink colors as well as customizing your wording. If you choose to have your name printed in the verse, you do not necessarily need to order name cards. Some students like to give these away, however you would not need them for your actual Announcement or Invitation.

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15 Strategies For Managing Attention Prob

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The following strategies are offered for enhancing attention and managing attention problems. This listing is by no means exhaustive, but rather is meant as a place to begin. The best resources for strategies are the creative, inventive minds of enlightened assessment professionals, teachers and parents, in partnership with the students they serve. Together they can create multiple alternative strategies.

1. Take the Mystery Away

The first and perhaps most important man…


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The following strategies are offered for enhancing attention and managing attention problems. This listing is by no means exhaustive, but rather is meant as a place to begin. The best resources for strategies are the creative, inventive minds of enlightened assessment professionals, teachers and parents, in partnership with the students they serve. Together they can create multiple alternative strategies.

1. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Take the Mystery Away

The first and perhaps most important management strategy is to insure that all students understand how attention works and identify their particular profiles of attention strengths and weaknesses. Then, students should be taught attention management strategies.

2. Understand Consistent Inconsistency

Teachers and parents should understand that the inconsistency of children with attention problems is not evidence of a poor attitude or lack of motivation. It is a part of their biologically based attention dysfunction, and is beyond their easy control.

3. Explore the Option of Medication

For many children and adolescents, medication can be helpful in dealing with attentional difficulties. Medication can improve mental alertness and the intensity and duration of concentration. In addition, it may diminish impulsivity and hyperactivity. The student and his parents may wish to explore this option with his physician.

4. Allow for Movement and Breaks

It is helpful for students who have problems with inconsistent alertness and mental effort to be provided with opportunities to move around. For example, at school, teachers could ask the student to erase the board, collect papers or take a message to the office. At home, parents and/or the student could schedule regular breaks and change work sites. That is, the student could work several minutes at the kitchen table and several minutes on the living room floor. Each time the location is changed, the student may experience a burst of mental energy. Additionally, students may need to be doing something with their hands while seated. They may doodle, roll a piece of clay or perform some other manual tasks that enhance their alertness and arousal.

5. Vary Instructional Strategies

Teachers should use a variety of instructional strategies and these should be changed approximately every 15 to 20 minutes. For example, they could deliver information for 15 minutes via lecture. This strategy could be followed by small group work or cooperative learning for 20 minutes. Next, students could engage in individual seatwork or watch a video.

6. Use Signals

The teacher and parents should have a private way of signaling students when they are tuned out. For example, a gentle tap on the shoulder may be effective. Also, the student’s teachers and parents may need to signal him when something important is about to be stated. Looking right at him, his teacher or parent could say, “Now listen very carefully. I am about to give you important instructions about tomorrow’s test.”

7. Leverage Interests

Attention is enhanced when interest is heightened. Thus, students should be encouraged to read, write and talk about subjects in which they are interested. Additionally, students’ attention is enhanced when information is personally relevant to them. For example, if students need to learn a chronological timetable, the teacher could begin with having the students develop a chronological timetable of the important events in their own lives.

8. Minimize Noise & Other Distractions

Students who are easily distracted should benefit from a structured auditory environment. They may need preferential seating near the front of the classroom so that noise and distractions from other students are minimized.

9. Develop Previewing and Planning Skills

Teachers and parents can help students develop previewing and planning skills by requiring them to formulate plans for writing reports and completing projects. For example, when completing a book report, the students could submit plans for how they are going to accomplish this task. They will likely need specific instruction, followed by modeling, then guided practice, and finally feedback on performance. The concept of previewing should be explained to the students and they should be aware of the fact that the activities they are engaging in will help them develop previewing/ planning skills. It is helpful if they are first given practical examples of planning, such as planning for a party.

10. Use Behavior Modification and Self-Assessment

The use of behavior modification and self-assessment strategies can be helpful in increasing desired behaviors (e.g., task completion) and/or decreasing behavior problems (e.g., impulsive blurting out during class). The specific behaviors that need to be changed should be identified (e.g., completes reading classwork; raises hand before answering questions; brushes teeth before going to bed; puts dirty clothes in laundry). The specific consequences for behavior change should also be identified. The consequence for positive behaviors must be more rewarding to the student than failure to complete the positive behavior. For example, if the child is allowed to stay up an extra 15 minutes in the evenings, this behavior must be more rewarding than leaving his/her dirty clothes on the bathroom floor. Additionally, performance of the targeted behavior must be the only way that the student is able to obtain the reward. In the previous example, the child is only able to stay up the extra 15 minutes at night if he puts his dirty laundry in the designated place. School-home notes can be used to communicate back and forth between home and school. In both settings, charts and graphs can be used to monitor progress toward the goal. Students should be encouraged to assess their own behavior in addition to being assessed by the adult. They could be given an additional reward for accurate self-assessment.

11. Discourage Frenetic Work Patterns

To help students refrain from rushing through their work, teachers and parents could avoid making statements such as, “You can go out to recess as soon as you finish your assignment” or “You can watch television when you finish your homework.” Offers such as these may inadvertently encourage students to work too quickly and carelessly.

12. Get Organized

A notebook with three sections labeled “Work to be Completed,” “Work Completed” and “Work to be Saved” may be used to help students organize their assignments. Color-coding notebooks for different subjects may also be helpful for organizing work.

13. Use Daily Planners

A student should use a structured daily planner to help him organize his assignments and activities. A planner that is broken down by subject within the day and has sufficient room to write all the information he needs would be preferred. ELAN Publishing offers a number of good student organizers. Alternately, he may benefit from using a personal digital assistant (PDA).

14. Set Up a Home Office

At home, parents should guide their child/adolescent with setting up his/her own well-organized “office.” Parents should schedule a weekly time that their child/adolescent will dedicate to straightening up the office and making sure all office supplies are well-stocked (e.g., post-its, pencils, pens, highlighters, paper, paper clips, stapler). The student should find his/her best time(s) for studying (his/her most alert times of day), and post these times as his/her “Office Hours.” The student should also experiment with different kinds of background noise levels that work best for him/her when doing homework of studying. Some children/adolescents actually concentrate better in a noisy environment or while listening to music while others may need to use ear plugs.

15. Allow Time to Wind Down

Many students with attention problems have trouble falling asleep at night. It is helpful for them to have an established routine for going to bed at night. For example, they could read a book or have a book read to them. They can engage in stretching exercises before getting in bed. They could drink a glass of milk or hot chocolate prior to going to bed. They might also listen to quiet, easy music while falling asleep. “White noise,” such as a fan, may also be helpful in facilitating sleep.