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Acupuncture Schools Online

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There is a large quantity of information online about acupuncture schools. There is also quite a bit of information online regarding the practice of acupuncture, which is a form of Oriental medicine.

Topics that are included on informational sites about acupuncture are where you can find schools, what diseases acupuncture can treat, and how acupuncture works. Sites such as the Acupunctures Q&A site also address the safety of acupuncture and how much pain is involved in the…

acupuncture schools,acupuncture school,acupuncture,acupuncture treatment,acupuncturist

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There is a large quantity of information online about acupuncture schools. There is also quite a bit of information online regarding the practice of acupuncture, which is a form of Oriental medicine.

Topics that are included on informational sites about acupuncture are where you can find schools, what diseases acupuncture can treat, and how acupuncture works. Sites such as the Acupunctures For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Q&A site also address the safety of acupuncture and how much pain is involved in the treatment.

If you want any of the above information as well as other information about acupuncture schools you can fine it by using your Web browser to search for it. Another piece of information available by way of the Internet is what prerequisites you need to attend an acupuncture school as well as how much it costs. This is all useful information for those considering the study of acupuncture as a career.

If you are interested in studying acupuncture you will need to know what the acupuncture laws are for your state if you live in the United States. If you live in any other country you may want to check websites of information specific to your country regarding the practice of acupuncture and acupuncture school programs of study.

The study of Acupuncture is a type of Chinese medicine uses fine needles that are used to provide h healing to a person’s body. Sometimes these needles contain electrodes to stimulate the areas of the body that need healing.

Acupuncture is at least 3,000 (some say 5,000 years) old practice based on the theory that a body has an energy force called the Qi (pronounced “Chee”) that runs through it. This energy force called Qi is meant to work in line with the Yin and the Yang. When the flow of the Qi is interrupted then the balance of the Ying and the Yang is disrupted. These points are restored by the use of the practice of acupuncture.

Acupuncture treats many different disorders of the systems of the body such as the circulatory system, the digestive system, the nervous system, and the muscular system. Over 40 common disorders such as food allergies, indigestion, emphysema, asthma, neck and shoulder pain have been treated with acupuncture methods. It also helps cure ear, eyes, nose, and throat disorders.

Furthermore, the practice of acupuncture can be useful for painful menstruation as well as physiological disorders. Physiological disorders that have been treated with acupuncture include depression, anxiety, stress, and more. People have also used acupuncture to help them recover from drugs, alcohol, and nicotine habits.

The practice of acupuncture has quite a bit of uses and is considered a legitimate practice of medicine. This practice of method has been introduced to Western culture for some time now. You can find more about this practice of medicine by researching the sites of the accreditation associations that sponsor acupuncture schools.

The Acupuncture schools that are recommended are those that are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture, and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM). Lists of these schools can also be found on line. You can search with your Web browser for accredited acupuncture schools and you should be led to this site. The ACAOM will be able to help you if you have any questions about the practice of acupuncture as a career.

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Active Learning Teaches Better

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Do your recall in high school that one class that you absolutely hated? Of course there were other factors such as your level of interest and ability to focus that influenced your dislike of the class. Yes, you remember. This was the class that was so painfully boring that you thought you would die before the bell rang. You painfully tried to stay awake and you would develop a splitting headache or daydream about lunch while the teacher went on and on with the lecture.



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Do your recall in high school that one class that you absolutely hated? Of course there were other factors such as your level of interest and ability to focus that influenced your dislike of the class. Yes, you remember. This was the class that was so painfully boring that you thought you would die before the bell rang. You painfully tried to stay awake and you would develop a splitting headache or daydream about lunch while the teacher went on and on with the lecture.

Actually this scenario is pretty normal according to the experts. The experts have determined that people do not learn well in the “passive” way. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Learning byjust listening to a lecture or watching someone else really does not work in the experts’ opinion.

However by doing the activity being lectured on, experts have found it to be a much better and more effective way of learning. It has proven to be much better than by watching, listening, or reading.

They are not advocating that we get rid of the classroom but that we supplement classroom learning with hands-on learning. Sometimes classroom learningis the only option available however we now realizethat learning takes place by reading about a subject,discussing a subject, hearing others speak on thesubject, watching audiovisual presentations, studying real life experiences or by doing the task itself.

Different presentation methods result in differentretention rates. For example, it has been discovered that as adults we expend 90 percent of our focus in the first five minutes of a class.

The next best method of learning, after the reading or hearing methods, is seeing something done. And finally the best method is by doing.

Some old school teachers treat students like they are totally empty and it is up to them to fill them up with some amount of the world’s knowledge. However we are seeing “interactive” learning becoming more and more popular today. This type of learning recognizes the experiences that each student brings to the table and utilizing these experiences to achieve effective learning.

We must take into account the differences in personalities as they have an affect on the individual’s preferred learning style. No two people learn alike. Next time you attend a meeting at work, try your best to be an active participant in it instead of just soaking everything in. You will find that you may learn something and you will come away with a sense of achievement.

You will discover that when you take an active part in learning that the time will pass by much quicker and you may just get your tasks done earlier.

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title:Actions Speak Louder Than Word
author:Amy Dunn Williams
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

The written word and verbal communication each have their own unique styles. Moreover, each has its own time and place. When we write, we stay within strict guidelines of grammar and syntax. A written correspondence often conveys a serious or urgent message, or is reserved for special occasions such as wedding invitations and thank-you notes. When we speak, we are more informal and imprecise. Grammatical rules are not always obeyed and tone, mood and urgency are relayed in the inflections of our voice or in our body language.
Let’s look at the following for an example of this difference.
The written word: “Kindly remit the requested amount forthwith.”
Oral style: “Please pay your bill right away.”
These not-so-subtle differences are the reason why it is better to prepare your speech from outlines rather than attempt to deliver carefully worded, fully written out speeches. A written speech will often sound stilted and too rehearsed while a speech given from an outline will be far more conversational in tone. This will help you to build a rapport with your audience and to infuse your speech with humor, anecdotes and other details that require the timing and intimacy of real conversation. An outline will help you to stay on course, to cover all of the important points you wish to make, and to keep track of statistics and other vital details. Your speech will still be accurate, but by using an outline instead of a prepared manuscript you will entertain your audience, not bore them.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Typically, oral sentences are shorter than written sentences; we use fewer words when we speak than when we write. In fact, more than half of our speaking vocabulary is made up of only 50 simple words. The oral style is also more personal. People are referred to more often, and words such as “I,” “me,” and “you” are used frequently. When we write, we have a tendency to take ourselves out of the message being relayed. Even if the purpose is to persuade or argue, it is at times considered more impartial, and therefore more credible, to speak from the point of view of the third person. This is not the case when we speak. In public speaking we want to appear as though we are having a one-on-one exchange with our audience members, even when we are speaking to a room full of people. It is more acceptable to come from a personal, more passionate perspective when we speak. We make it personal because that is what our audience will understand; we need it to become personal to them as well.
Public speaking is the art of perfecting the oral style, using the subtle nuances of conversation and pairing them with research and persuasive details. Being a strong writer is vital to career success in nearly every field and is an important talent to nurture. But being able to recognize when the written word is needed and when a less formal, conversational oral style is needed will make you an outstanding presenter as well as a powerful writer.

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title:Accredited Online Universities,
The New Path Of Education
author:Jim Christian
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

More and more colleges and universities are recognizing the demand for alternatives to traditional education. With today’s busy lifestyles, many people find it difficult to find time to go back to school without sacrificing existing obligations. This problem is being solved, though, with an increasing amount of accredited online universities that allow for alternate means of earning a degree.
Accredited online universities utilize advancing technology to expose the student to course work required for the degree. This includes televised classes, online chat, emailed assignments and online classrooms. Students will predominantly use the Internet to learn their studies and submit assignments. Some course work will require group assignments that can be facilitated through email or via instant messaging systems and chat rooms. Students can have the same classroom exposure without having to leave the comfort of their home or office.
Before undertaking a program, make sure that it is available through accredited online universities. Do not fall victim to scams offering degrees in a short period of time, usually for a lot of money. Not only are these offers a scam, they can also be illegal. Applying for a job by utilizing fake credentials can lead to many legal issues. If an employer discovers you have obtained a job through false methods, you will likely be fired and may risk both criminal and civil liability. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. There are currently over three hundred unaccredited universities acting on the Internet to try to defraud you.
Only accredited online universities offer the course load and actual knowledge to help you attain a legitimate degree. Remember that while online courses are designed to take into account work experience and be convenient to attend, they still require effort and time. The idea behind online education is to allow people who are unable to take the time to go to class the flexibility of working during times they are free. However, you can not attain knowledge without research and completing the assignments. A degree that was not earned will not hold the significance of a degree that was earned with hard work and effort.
The Internet is a valuable tool to help in searching for accredited online universities. Not only will you be able to get a list of universities, you will be able to research each one and get a feel for the work required, tuition and educational philosophy. Getting a history of the school will help you determine if it is the best place for your needs. Take the time to get feedback from existing students and faculty before making a final decision. Search the specific university you are considering for possible scams and fraud. If possible, choose a university that is in close proximity to you that you can visit the campus. Since many traditional schools are also offering online course study, this may be easier to do than you may think.
Getting a degree will help expand your career opportunities, enhancing your lifestyle in the process. Be careful to choose only accredited online universities and do not fall victim to the scams running rampant on the Internet. Obtaining a degree takes some time and effort but using online degree programs will add the convenience of being able to set your own schedule and pace.

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Accredited Online Degrees Give
Students More Flexibility

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Accredited Online Degrees – Earning one of the many available accredited online degrees enables you to graduate from some of the nation’s highest ranked universities without ever leaving your home state.

Accredited Online Degrees, Career Degree Source, Online Degree For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Programs, Education Online, Online Degrees, Online Universities, Online Colleges.

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Earning one of the many available accredited online degrees enables you to graduate from some of the nation’s highest ranked universities without ever leaving your home state. Graduating with a bachelor’s degree or certificate from a prestigious university by going through any of their online courses is equal to attending class on their physical campus, except you can live at home, and keep your full time job.

Many adults are working professionals who struggle balancing family, work and other obligations or commitments. However, with technological advancements in the last decade in education online, many are choosing to earn their accredited online degrees simply because they can do so without being constrained to the restrictions associated with a classroom based program. You can now obtain a high-quality and prestigious accredited degree online.

With so many accredited colleges and universities offering online education degree programs, you have a wide variety of options to choose from when deciding on a specific course of study. Nearly every subject available through traditional on-campus programs is also offered online. Degrees in accounting, finance, business and marketing are very popular with today’s working professionals who have decided to go back to school and finish earning their degree. There are also many adults who have decided to pursue their master’s degree and even doctorate degrees through accredited online programs. The number of available options is exponentially better than they were even five years ago. You can also pursue degrees in nursing, journalism, health sciences and criminal justice. The options really are almost limitless.

Although some accredited online degrees require you to take a few courses on site at a campus location, the majority of them are 100% online programs and can be fully completed from your home or any other location with an internet connection. If you have ever had an interest in another field, whether professional or not, accredited online degree programs are a great option. Once you have enrolled, you will receive a personalized course of study with ongoing guidance from the online school’s faculty and advisors. You will be treated with respect and dignity, and you won’t be just another student paying good money but receiving little attention.

Many schools offering accredited online degrees do require weekly attendance and participation. This is a common requirement, however, and is also relatively easy to fulfill, especially since you can fulfill this requirement at any time of day. Whether it’s early in the morning before your day starts or late at night after everyone has gone to bed, you can earn any of the accredited online degrees when it is most convenient for you and your schedule.

This article is originally published here: Accredited Online Degrees

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Accredited Online College And Univers
ity Programs

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It is not unusual to grow indifferent toward your job. Lack of stimulating work, low pay, and limited growth potential within an organization are all excellent reasons to seek out a way to make a change. The best way to realize your full potential is to receive a college education. One of the best, and most convenient, ways to achieve this is by receiving a college education online. This innovative and exciting method of professional development is an ideal option if you are …

College, University

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It is not unusual to grow indifferent toward your job. Lack of stimulating work, low pay, and limited growth potential within an organization are all excellent reasons to seek out a way to make a change. The best way to realize your full potential is to receive a college education. One of the best, and most convenient, ways to achieve this is by receiving a college education online. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. This innovative and exciting method of professional development is an ideal option if you are looking for a promotion, or if you are looking for a new career entirely. An education through an accredited online college or University program is your ticket to professional success.

There are many advantages of choosing to receive your education through an accredited online college or university. Studying for a college education online allows you to achieve your educational and professional goals at your own pace, whether you want to get a 2-year Associate’s degree, a 4-year Bachelor’s degree, or take an accelerated course program to receive a professional certificate. There is no need to live near or commute to a college when all classes can be attended and all work submitted online. Attending school online is a great option for those who might have uncertainties about going to college as an older student or returning after many years. Studying for a college education online can be an easy way to ease into the routine of class work and projects, and can reduce the stress of feeling the need to fit in with younger students. Further, course availability is often convenient for those who work full time or care for a family. Often, colleges offer evening and weekend classes.

There is an online college education available for just about every professional and academic discipline out there. Fields of study include Business, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Nursing, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and various Healthcare programs. These are but a few of the subjects in which you can earn a college education by choosing an online program. Many online programs are delivered through colleges and Universities accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation is an important credential to look for when choosing an online program if you have prior college credits you wish to transfer. Accredited institutions are also more readily recognized and accepted by employers and professional organizations.

You might be concerned about affording an education through an accredited online college or University. You have options. Often, financial aid is available to students in the form of grants, loans, even scholarships. Also, many employers are willing to pay for part or all of an employee’s tuition and fees. Investing in an employee’s future reaps benefits for everyone involved.

The misconception of receiving your education from an accredited online college or University is that the experience might not be as enriching or legitimate as attending campus-based courses at a traditional college or University. This just isn’t the case. Programs offered online present the same opportunities for group work, independent study, and interpersonal communications as their traditional counterparts. While it is true that being an online student requires a certain amount of self-discipline and organization, receiving your college education online will probably help to facilitate the learning process as well as develop your time management and self-motivation skills. With the prevalence of the Internet and advancements such as teleconferencing in both education and the business world today, it is possible to come away from the experience not only with a college education and your dream career, but also with greater knowledge and comfort with technology. Receiving your education through an accredited online college or University is a valuable, convenient, and flexible way to broaden your career opportunities, and have the career you have always dreamt about.

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title:Academic Studies Abroad
Expands Study Abroad Options in Barcelona
author:Lee Frankel
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Academic Studies Abroad, a leader in affordable study abroad programs, has signed an agreement with Griffith College Dublin to offer American students the opportunity to take classes directly with Irish students.
“Up until now, there were very few opportunities for American students to take courses with Irish students in Dublin,” said Programs Manager For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Chelsea Kaloupek, “Only the very best students could get into the two main public universities in Dublin and everyone else was left taking courses with other American students at programs set up by American universities. “
Griffith College Dublin is consistently ranked one of the top private colleges in Ireland and is well regarding for its programs in Business, Communications, Law, Computer Science, Interior Design, Architecture, and Hospitality Management.
As part of their agreement, American students with a grade point average of 2.5 or higher may apply to spend either one semester or a full academic year at Griffith College Dublin.
For information: or
Contact: [email protected]
Phone: (888) 845-4272


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8 Points To Cons
ider When Choosing An Online University Degree Program

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If you are considering online universities for your degree or career training, there are a few important points to consider in choosing your online degree offers by online university.

online university, online degree, online university degree program, online education, online student

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Since the introduction of online degree programs, more and more colleges and universities offer online degree programs with subject areas range from business to nursing, degrees from Bachelor to MBAs and Ph.For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Ds. Online degree programs enable busy people to pursue their degree from any places and at their own schedule.

But, with the rapid growth and high demand in online degree programs, many fake online degree programs have been introduced by unaccredited online universities. Mistakenly earning a fake online degree definitely will not help in your educational journey. Thus, if you are considering online universities for your degree or career training, there are a few important points to consider in choosing your online degree offers by online university. This article will lists down 8 of them for your reference:

  1. How long has the universities been established? While a short educational history is not a red flag, a long-standing position in the educational committee is a sign of institutional security and reputability.
  2. Is the online university accredited? Accreditation ensures a basic level of quality in the education you receive from an institution. It also ensures your degrees will be recognized for the true achievements they are. Most potential employers review a job applicant's educational history to make sure that he or she has received his or her education from a college, university, or program with accreditation. If your degree, diploma, or certificate comes from a school without accreditation, it could hurt your chances for future employment.
  3. What is the institution's financial history/current position? Beware of fly-by-night operations that may not be in business next year!
  4. What other expenses are associated with your selected online degree course? Many online degree programs may require you to attend some hours of physical classes or lab works. Thus, the online universities may assess additional items such as technology fees or lab costs.
  5. Does the coursework of your selected online degree program meet your educational goal? Taking irrelevant courses may waste your time and money. Ask for a list of coursework of your selected degree program and review it against your educational goal before you decide to sign up.
  6. How current is the course material? Ask for a list of current textbooks or other learning materials to ensure they are current and relevant.
  7. What technological support is available to you as their online student? Online Universities normally has a webpage for online student which allow you to logon to view your coursework status, assignment submission, getting support from online university on any course related issues and access online library if any. Check with online university on these related information.
  8. What student services are available to online students? Full advising, placement, and tutoring services may or may not be available to long-distance learners. Get this information from the online universities; it is important to know how much the online university can support you as their online student.

In conclusion, get as much as information on your selected online university's program and review it to see whether it is truthful in its advertising and recruiting and the most important is whether it meet your education need and career goal.

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title:7 Strategies for Success with Distance Lea
author:Rose Musyoka
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Distance learning has opened doors for many students, especially for those who cannot afford to pay for the high fees of full-time courses. Although online distance learning courses have many advantages over on-campus degree courses, many factors come into play in order to make this a success for students. Due to the differences in the way that education is being delivered and acquired, adjustments and changes in approaches need to be undertaken.
1. Selecting the right distance learning school
The first element for success is to choose the right distance learning school. There are many unscrupulous “degree mills” around in the market that are only keen to sell their degrees without providing good education and ample student support. As a result, the degrees offered by these institutions may not be recognized, or may sometimes even be regarded as bogus degrees. In order to prevent this, do the proper background check on the institution you are considering with the relevant authorities to verify on their accreditation and authenticity before registering.
2. Cost-benefit analysis
Some students enroll in an online distance learning course without doing a cost benefit analysis of taking the course in the first place. It is a known fact that obtaining an education requires a hefty sum of investment. However, this should be compared with the potential additional income that can be generated from the degree that is earned. Only then can the full rewards be reaped from gaining an online degree.
3. Degree positioning to employers
There have been many cases where employers were wary of the validity of online degrees. With so many online institutions selling degrees, it is justified for employers to exercise caution. Although a distance learning degree may be 100% legitimate, it would help if you provide adequate explanation on the accreditation of the degree in order to avoid misunderstanding. By stressing that the accreditation body which accredited your institution or your program is recognized by the For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. US Department of Education as well as CHEA, you can then eliminate any doubts that employers about the validity of your degree. You can read more information on why accreditation is important at
4. Exercise discipline, determination and time management
In the actual course of study, many students lack discipline and focus and therefore are unable to keep up with online lessons and assignments. It is very important for distance learning students to have great determination to succeed, as it is very easy to get de-motivated and distracted when you are alone with no peers. Good time management along with communication with other students would make excellent measures for success.
5. Make full use of facilities provided
Many distance learning online courses offer online lectures and email correspondence to facilitate communication with lecturers, tutors and other students. These facilities should be utilized as much as possible as it provides a link back to the education institution. Furthermore, this would be a great source of motivation in order to keep progressing through the course of study.
6. Utilize credit transfers
Most distance learning institutions allow students to transfer their credits from other courses that they had taken from other universities or colleges. This way, students will not have to repeat what they have already learnt. In order to do this, it is important for distance learning students to obtain transcripts and results from their previous schools and send them to their distance learning online university to obtain credit transfers.
7. Good utilization of technology for education
The final element for distance learning success it the ability to make full use of the conveniences that technology has to offer. Many online universities provide students with online research resources that are valuable for completing assignments or producing research papers. The cost of facilities such as virtual libraries and online books has probably been factored into the fees paid and therefore it makes good sense to utilize these facilities to the fullest.

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title:7 Language Learning Tips
author:Ron Tichenor
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Learning a foreign language can be a daunting task. But when we break it down, it’s really a numbers game. How much time are you putting into it and how many words do you know? In most cases, you will require a few hundred hours of study time and overall 2000-3000 words of active vocabulary to be conversational with any hope of one day being actually fluent. Once you learn it to that point, it pretty much becomes self-sustaining, if you maintain it and continue to use it.
This sounds like too difficult a task for someone who casually says “hey i’d like to learn spanish!” but the reality is, you can learn to speak a language at a daily conversation level much more quickly if you apply a few additional techniques to supplement your language method or class. You can be functional with a lot fewer words and you can significantly reduce the number of hours necessary to learn the foundation of the language.
Flashcards Pound for pound the single best and most efficient use of your time when learning a language. Ten seconds of free time becomes a quick quiz – whip card number one out of your pocket “what is the spanish word for … food? comida? flip the card over … correct!” Two minutes is a major review session. Look at it this way – if you spent ten seconds on one word, for two minutes – that’s twelve words in two minutes. Twelve words a day for five days a week is 3000 words in one year. All the words you need to be conversational in just two minutes a day. That doesn’t account for grammar and pronunciation, but still – one year to learn all the vocabulary you need. Don’t say you don’t have time to learn a language. Remember this the next time you are on line at the bank or the grocery store, doctors office, waiting at a red light etc.
Read Once you have some basic understanding of the language, get some reading material. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Here’s the important part – something you are interested in. If you’re into gardening then get a magazine or print out an online article on gardening in your target language. You’ll be learning vocabulary and phrases that really interest you, and that will help you pick it up that much quicker.
Audio If your language method doesn’t have an audio component then get one. If it does then get another one anyway. Hearing the language is the most important aspect of learning if you intend to speak it. Give yourself opportunities to use it during otherwise non-productive times like while driving or just relaxing.
Internet Radio Following the above advice, give yourself more (and free!) opportunities to hear your new language. Radio can expose you to new vocabulary and fresh content daily. Don’t overdo it with your one audio cd. Mix up your audio with other sources, and constantly changing ones like music and internet news broadcasts from other countries. The more sources you have to hear from, the better.
Daily Contact This is probably the cardinal rule when it comes to learning languages. You must expose yourself to the language every day if possible. Studying ten minutes a day is better than cramming for an hour once or twice a week. Frequent review, even if only a few minutes, is essential. This is true for maintaining a language after you have learned it too. Long periods off are deadly.
Penpals Use the power of the internet to hook up with other people around the world who speak the language you are learning. They can help you immeasurably. You can help them with English and they can help you with your target language. There are plenty of free sites and forums to find people who will be happy to work with you.
Study With Others Studying and practicing with other people can give you instant feedback and interactivity that you just can’t get from a book or even audio or software. Even if you only know very little, you will absorb it quicker and with more enjoyment than just studying alone. Ultimately, that’s the purpose of learning a foreign language anyway – to communicate with other people.
So, try applying some different techniques to your language learning regimen. You will probably find that you can add a few techniques without requiring any more time from your already overtaxed schedule. You may find that you can actually use less time studying as you streamline your learning process. Learn to learn more effectively and remember to keep your eye on the goal whether you put a number on it or not.