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All the Disadvantages of Being a Travel N

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Being a travel nurse is a great opertunity with lots of benifits but this article looks at all the disadvantages.

travel nurse,traveling nurse,travel nuse job,travel nurse employment,nurse,

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The Disadvantages of Being a Traveling Nurse

As a traveling nurse you will need to be able to adapt to your surroundings quickly. Since s/he will be traveling to new areas and dealing with different jobs on each assignment the traveling nurse accepts this is one very important draw backs to the job if you are not able to adapt quickly.

Since nursing deals a lot with interaction to patients and your co-workers if you are a shy person then meeting new people constantly may also be a drawback. If you take a long time to build a good working interaction with your co-workers becoming a traveling nurse may be a drawback.

As a traveling nurse you need to be able to adjust to out of the ordinary situations and the unexpected. If you like and are more comfortable in surroundings that you know and are familiar with then a career as a traveling nurse may not be the wise choice for you as you are constantly changing your surroundings. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. When you travel things can go wrong, no mater how much you have planned no matter how much detail you have put into your plans the unexpected will happen. If you are uncomfortable dealing with problems that can arise during travels then you may want to look into a more contemporary nursing job. If you love the security of home life a traveling nurse moves around a lot and their home is in various parts of the country while they are employed by different assignments.

If you are the type of person who likes to be close to their family and can not deal with being away from their family for long periods of times then you need to be aware that a traveling nurse can be gone for roughly 6 week periods of time to much longer. A typical assignment lasts from 6 weeks on up to 52 weeks. The one plus to this is that you can choose your assignments and choose the places you are willing to relocate so if you wish to only go a matter of a few hours away or 2 days away the choice is yours to accept an assignment or not.

Another draw back is that you are on call usually 24 hours a day because you are living on site, or if you are on a cruise ship assignment your services will be rendered as needed. For people who wish to work a set schedule this can sometimes be upsetting to them mentally and physically.

There is sometimes even co-worker resentment to deal with. When a co-worker finds out you are a traveling nurse they know you are being paid higher for the same work that they are doing. This sometimes leads to resentment awkward working situations. The best way to deal with situations like this is to be pleasant and helpful and to understand that you are there to do a job. A lot of times it will even have a non traveling nurse look into becoming a traveling nurse.
Lastly one of biggest drawbacks is dealing with two employers.

The agency you work for and the facility that hired the agency to place a nurse in their employ. Sometimes the provisions in your contract with your agency will conflict with the regulations that the facility is trying to have you work.

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title:All Scholarship Applications are Alike, Rig
author:Dale Clifton
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Evaluating thousands of scholarship applications has definitely left an impression on me. I still remember some of them, because the students who submitted them managed to get into my head in a personal way.
Many books and articles will tell you that “personalization” is good, but they don’t tell you how to accomplish that. I saw a photo attached to an app showing the senior student shaking hands with the President of the United States. Another enclosed an audio tape that revealed his talent to play the fiddle in a country band. A girl had her photograph taken with a well-known professional golfer after she had won a state tournament. A boy included a picture of his debating trophies. Another had won a two day fishing tournament and held the trophy in a picture to prove it. Another had built his own computer. Still, another had patented her own invention, a device for counting inventory units. In each case the items were part of the requirements of the scholarship award, not just thrown in for effect. These are super examples of “personalizing” a scholarship application, but it doesn’t have to be that noticeable.
There were also attempts at personalization not well received, a picture of a girl in a very tiny bikini. The word thong comes to mind. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Another included prize ribbons with a request to return them when the judging was over. We had to send them back at our own expense! Another application had an algebra homework assignment inside, oops. We sent that back, too. Her siblings were probably blamed for its disappearance. One application had a Santa Claus hat inside. It came from Alaska. I’m still trying to figure that one out.
Why is personalization so important? Imagine that you are on the committee, sitting around a table with 247 scholarship forms. It is the committee’s job to pick a winner. All of the apps appear to look alike. All things being equal, which one is going to be chosen? It’s impossible to say. But, let’s suppose that one personalized his/her request and made it stand out positively from the rest. Now, someone has taken the time to be bold, inventive and creative. They have made it possible for the scholarship committee to know more about who they are. They are more than a just a piece of paper with a name on it. They have revealed intimate sides to their personalities. Who will win now? The choice is obvious.
Personalize don’t dramatize. Use good judgment and common sense when personalizing. Try to imagine who the people are making up the committee. Then, send in your request knowing that, out of all who sent their forms, you are the one who will win. You are the person who deserves the money.
Planning produces positive outcomes when the scholarship effort is truly a family affair.

Maths Tutor Ireland


All About Home Nursing

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with lots of tips and advice to choose the right home nurse and how to get along with your home nurse

travel nurse,traveling nurse,travel nuse job,travel nurse employment,nurse,home nurse,home nursing

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How to Get Along With a Home Nurse

Whenever you are dealing with an elderly parent who’s health is failing, you are going to be stressed. This is one of those times when you are not going to be at your best. You are already worried about whether you are doing the right thing for your parent by keeping them at home and hiring a home nurse to take care of them as opposed to moving them into a nursing home. You have to deal with the rest of your family. You are watching your parent, who was once the person who took care of you; grow weaker and more ill with each passing day.

The good news is that when a home nurse is employed to take care of your aging parent they don’t expect to see you or your family at their best. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. They understand that you are not going to be at your best. Hopefully they have been properly trained and know how to handle the stressed family as well as they know how to take care of their cranky, confused patient.

The first thing you can do to make sure that the home nurse who is going to be taking care of your elderly parent’s medical needs is to make sure that nurse has a personality that compliments you and your family. The way you get a nurse that suits your family’s personality is being sure that you are completely honest with the agency you are using to locate the home nurse. Make sure your description of your family, their routine, and your parent’s medical needs is completely true. The more honest you are about your needs and requirements the easier it will be for the agency to match you with a home nurse. If your parent needs to be physically lifted and moved make sure that you request a nurse with enough strength to get the job done.

When you are told that a nurse has been found for your parent, make sure you meet the nurse before they start taking care of your parent. Make sure this is a person whom you are comfortable welcoming into your home. If the nurse is, for whatever reason, not someone you are comfortable with, politely request a new nurse.

Make sure that both you and home nurse are both perfectly clear on what the nurse will be doing while she is in the home. When the nurse is just coming to the home for a few hours a day it is easy to know and understand that they are a professional that is doing a job. The line between health care and house keeper can become a little more blurred. Before the nurse ever moves into the spare bedroom, make a list of what they will and won’t be doing. Make sure the whole family understands. Having a clear understanding of the nurses responsibilities will make everyone’s life’s easier and will make the whole experience as pleasant as possible.

Remember that the home nurse is a professional. They are in your home to take care of a family member, but they are not an actual member of your family. Make sure that your maintain a polite, friendly, but professional relationship with the home nurse

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title:Albert Einstein, the dishonest Newton ?!
incent Wilmot
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Newton’s black-box physics.
From laws of force and motion in mechanics, Isaac Newton developed laws of orbital motion around ‘centres of force’ and saw gravity as governing the motions of the celestial bodies as well as apples falling from trees. But despite using the ‘force’ terminology perhaps more readily associated with mechanics, Newton concluded that gravity might be due to unseen signals acting across empty space in line with William Gilbert’s physics theory, or might be caused by the impact force of unseen ether matter in line with Rene Descartes physics. But Newton saw his laws of science as correctly predicting natural events without the need to know why things happened, in the manner of ‘black box’ behaviour laws that related only inputs or stimuli to outputs or responses. Newton considered hypotheses regarding unseens like ‘gravity signals crossing space’ or ‘ether matter filling space’ as matters of philosophy or logic and not science, but as not easily disproven by science. Newton’s physics was about what the universe did, but explicitly excluded explanations of why.
Up to Albert Einstein’s time, physicists and astronomers had been almost all agreed that the physical universe followed basically simple laws of behaviour, and that their observations and experiments showed that. But technology and experiments became more sophisticated and seemed to be showing that the physical universe followed more complex laws of behaviour, perhaps even defying logic, and so Einstein developed his physics theory.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Einstein’s space-time physics.
Einstein’s view of gravity involved a substantially different kind of Descartes ‘ether matter’ filling space. Einstein concluded that there existed a space-time continuum whose local metrical qualities differ in the environment of different points of space-time, being partly conditioned by the matter existing outside of the territory under consideration. This space-time variability of the reciprocal relations of the standards of space and time, required that “empty space” in its physical relation be neither homogeneous nor isotropic and its state be described by ten functions (of the gravitation potentials g) – space not being physically empty. This ‘ether’ of Einstein’s general theory of relativity is a medium which is itself devoid of all mechanical and kinematical qualities, but somehow helps to determine mechanical (and electromagnetic) events.
What is fundamentally new in the ether of Einstein’s general theory of relativity as opposed to the ethers of Descartes or Lorentz consists in its state at every place being determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places which are amenable to law in the form of differential equations. And in Einstein’s space-time continuum, time itself becomes variable. There hence can be no space nor any part of space without gravitational potentials; for these confer upon space-time its metrical qualities, without which a space-time continuum cannot be imagined at all.
Einstein being dishonest to himself ?
In Einstein’s general relativity physics bodies impose curves on his time-space-gravity continuum, and the continuum imposes motion on bodies. Although push-physics analogies such as rubber-sheets are often used to ‘explain’ this, the theory does not involve any push-physics mechanism and indeed does not specify any clear mechanism for this. Gravitational forces of any kind are completely abolished as controlling the motion of planets or other bodies, and somehow space-curves do this – logically by pushings yet seemingly without having any push properties since the continuum is non-material ?
Einstein concluded that “the ether of the general theory of relativity is a medium which is itself devoid of all mechanical and kinematical qualities, but helps to determine mechanical (and electromagnetic) events.” But if this leaves the improved maths of Einstein’s theory with no realistic explanation of why the universe works as it does, then his theory must be basically taken (as Newton intended his theory to be taken) as a blackbox theory of what happens with the real why explanation an unknown.
Yet Einstein did repeatedly allow of ‘rubber-sheets’ type anologies for his theory’s supposed why explanations – when it actually has no why explanation. He was perhaps not being intentionally dishonest to the world, but almost certainy was being dishonest with himself in not fully facing his theory’s chief weakness – its being basically an improved Newton black-box physics and not more than that ?
The maths of Einstein’s theory certainly seems to predict better than the maths of Newton’s theory in some areas, but that in itself is perhaps no proof of Einstein’s theory of what the universe is and does – and still less of any explanation of why it works ? Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity even he considered to be at least incomplete, and perhaps also giving no real explanation, and now it perhaps is chiefly supported by cosmologists and astronomers. But despite modern quantum physics development like string, loop and other quantal theories that seem supported mostly by ‘particle physicists’ using field and particle-wave duality ideas, it can perhaps be said that nobody has yet successfully published any physics theory better than Einstein’s still limited theory ?
Copyright 2006 Vincent Wilmot

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Affordable Online Degrees An
d The Impact Of Modern Society

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Time is one of the many reasons adults have for not going back to school. Most are already in the work force or have families. Some are stay at home parents with responsibilities at home that do not leave a lot of time for school. Another reason for not going back to school is budgetary concerns. These same adults who work or stay at home with the children often have tight budgets. The idea of having to pay exorbitant amounts of money to further their education may seem daunt…


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Time is one of the many reasons adults have for not going back to school. Most are already in the work force or have families. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Some are stay at home parents with responsibilities at home that do not leave a lot of time for school. Another reason for not going back to school is budgetary concerns. These same adults who work or stay at home with the children often have tight budgets. The idea of having to pay exorbitant amounts of money to further their education may seem daunting. Affordable online degrees are available, though.

Over the last several years, there has been a rapidly growing segment of the population that desired to go back to school. This will help educate them and allow for potential career advancement. Schools have started recognizing this and also recognizing that adults wanting to go back to school have some unique issues that are not generally present in students just out of high school. Colleges and universities have started designing programs to accommodate these needs, allowing adults to return to school with greater ease. Having affordable online degrees available is one way schools are working with adults to help them finish their degree.

Affordable online degrees are possible because of the lower cost per student. There is no need for a lower student to teacher ratio and the work is done predominantly online so there is no need for classroom space. This decreases the cost to the school and that savings is passed on to the student. In addition, as with traditional schools, financial aid in the form of loans and grants are available.

Grants are amounts of money to be used for education that do not have to be paid back. There are certain criteria that need to be met before you can be eligible. However, there are several programs available and you may be eligible for one which will give you some, if not all, the tuition for the affordable online degrees you may need. Loans will need to be paid back usually starting after completion of the degree. However, with a degree you have the opportunity to increase your salary and will at that time be able to afford to pay off the loans.

When looking for affordable online degrees, be aware that there are scams on the Internet. You want to avoid these. These sites claim you can get a degree in a very short time with minimal work. These are not legitimate degrees from accredited universities and should be avoided. Using them can cause serious legal issues including criminal charges or civil suits. Earning a degree takes time and effort, so be sure you get the satisfaction of earning the degree and learning the coursework, not just purchasing a worthless piece of paper.

With the increasing popularity of affordable online degrees, many adults are choosing to go back to school to further their education. Having a degree will open up many more opportunities. It will allow you to get into a field in which you are interested or assist you in advancing on the career path you’ve already chosen.

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Advantages Of Learning Through Audio Books

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Books on tapes, audio books, and other audio learning devices are fast gaining popularity in the education field. In using audio book learning systems for the purpose of education, parents, teachers, and educators are relieved that its benefits are numerous. The increasing success of starting and struggling readers is often credited to using audio books as part of their learning process. Aside from this, there are other advantages in using audio materials not only in schools,…

audio books, books on tapes, education, learning systems

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Books on tapes, audio books, and other audio learning devices are fast gaining popularity in the education field. In using audio book learning systems for the purpose of education, parents, teachers, and educators are relieved that its benefits are numerous. The increasing success of starting and struggling readers is often credited to using audio books as part of their learning process. Aside from this, there are other advantages in using audio materials not only in schools, but also in homes and other places.

In education, it is generally cheaper to provide a single set of books on tape, audio books, and other audio learning materials for the class to share. Money is saved because individual books are not needed. Plus, the teacher will be able to do more with his or her time while the class listens to audio lessons. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Researches also show that a large percentage- 85%- of our learning and knowledge actually comes from listening. Another plus factor for using audio books is the improvement of the students’ listening and comprehension skills. They are compelled to listen attentively since they cannot follow what is being played on tape with a book. In addition, studies have proved that reading beginners see printed words as disconnected symbols. Through the aid of audio learning, the rhythm of the speech and its patterns are made distinct, thereby making the printed material flowing and easily absorbed. What’s more, early readers can learn the pronunciation of words through listening to books on tapes. This minimizes the risk of losing interest in reading. Difficulty in pronouncing words and the pressure of pronouncing words correctly are two of the most common reason why people lose interest in reading. Also, even if the reader does not understand the definite meaning of words or of what they’re hearing, they will have an idea about its meaning depending on how it is said on tape.

The importance of books on tape, audio books, and audio learning devices are not confined to the classroom. Homeschoolers often use audio books during their classes at home. Advantages for using audio books include the development of interest for literature. It is common knowledge that children loved to be read to. Audio books and learning are a great way to expose them to literatures other than the traditional fairy tales. The danger of them being bored is very minimal as professional actors usually narrates and portrays the characters. Interesting sound effects are also added for additional enjoyment. Plus, children at an early age will learn to associate literature with a fun activity. For adults, books on tape, audio books, and audio learning devices are great ways to learn a foreign language. It is proven that learning a new language is easier if you hear it often. Also, the need to enroll in a language course is not necessary unless it is a certification that you want.

Reasons for using books on tapes, audio books, and audio learning devices are many; but still, education is the greatest. These reasons should and hopefully will provide readers with ideas on how important, and fun, audio learning is when used for education. A hoped-for and expected effect of books on tape and audio books are that children and students read at home with willingness and interest.

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Advantages Of Having An MBA!

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MBA grads are desirable in any job market, an MBA will give you the opportunities you need to advance in the business world. As today’s marketplace evolves and becomes increasingly complex, many employers are choosing to balance their need to retain good employees with their need to fill managerial positions with candidates possessing advanced-level knowledge and skills. They’re doing this by sending selected employees to business school – and footing the bill.

In the Unit…

mba,mba graduate,mba gradutes,master of business administration,university,universities,online mba,m

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For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. MBA grads are desirable in any job market, an MBA will give you the opportunities you need to advance in the business world. As today’s marketplace evolves and becomes increasingly complex, many employers are choosing to balance their need to retain good employees with their need to fill managerial positions with candidates possessing advanced-level knowledge and skills. They’re doing this by sending selected employees to business school – and footing the bill.

In the United Sates alone, in any given year, there are close to 300,000 MBA aspirants pursuing the MBA degree. Taking into account the thousands of students who take the MBA program all over the world, there surely must be something of great value that the MBA degree offers you. But is it really as worthwhile as it seems? Here’s a look at what an MBA can do for you and how valuable it actually is.

Business Knowledge:
The MBA program and business schools give you valuable knowledge about business and all its related aspects. You learn about business strategies and concepts, not just on paper, but the training and internship required in an MBA course, teaches you how to use these skills in practical life and in day to day business operations.

Leadership Abilities:
An MBA degree involves rigorous training, assignments, reports, presentations, and group projects; all of which give you the necessary abilities to handle real-life business situations. This helps to set you apart from those who do not have such expertise and can make you a leader in your chosen field.

The alliances that you form with your classmates and the network that you create is deemed as one of the most important and valuable things that an MBA program can give you. MBA graduates have often felt that the associations formed during the MBA course are resources that are invaluable and can be drawn upon for years after the MBA degree has been achieved.

Career Prospects
An MBA degree provides you with innumerable career opportunities in various fields. It is especially beneficial to get jobs in high level positions such as managerial and executive level jobs. Whether you are looking to further your career in your existing job or are looking to change your job and start your career afresh, an MBA degree can be very valuable in either scenario.

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Advancing The State Of Continuing Education

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Students interested in continuing their education now have an easy, safe way to find their ideal program.

Advancing The State Of Continuing Education

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Students interested in continuing their education now have an easy, safe way to find their ideal program.

Two leading education organizations are advocating for their industry by creating a free, informative Web site of regionally accredited continuing education providers.

The site-For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. was created by the University Continuing Education Association (UCEA) and Educational Directories Unlimited, Inc. (EDU) to provide students with access to a trustworthy array of associate, baccalaureate, graduate and certificate programs, both on-campus and online.

“The site’s mission is to help students further their careers and increase their potential, and to increase enrollment in continuing education programs,” said Roger Whitaker, UCEA president and dean of the College of Professional Studies at The George Washington University.

The goal is to ease the often arduous process of finding the right program with the right degree by offering vital information on schools that have earned the highest level of accreditation. Students can search via degree level, format, subject and, if applicable, zip code. The site will also offer college advice.

“We know how stressful it can be to find a school offering the best education with the most financial opportunities,” says Lori Faunce, site manager. “We have created this site in the hopes of easing this process for all students.”

Founded in 1915, UCEA promotes excellence in continuing higher education and works to increase awareness of the importance of lifelong learning. Member institutions, which include public and private accredited colleges and universities and nonprofit organizations with a significant commitment to higher education, are committed to extending opportunities to the expanding population of nontraditional students seeking continuous learning. Users are able to access the site and its database at no charge.

Finding just the right school may be easier with the resources found at a new, free site.

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title:Adult Continuing Education is Healthy for Yo
author:Ian McAllister
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Adult continuing education is very practical. Seniors have several advantages over children.

Better memory (truly!)
Fewer distractions

Better memory
Doctors thought that you couldn’t grow new brain cells, so as old cells died you became more stupid. They now know that the more adult continuing education, the more new brain cells you get. You can even delay Alzheimer’s disease by keeping your brain active.
But old people keep forgetting things! That’s true, because what you remember best are startling, new, shocking things. To an old person it’s a case of “been there, done that”. Nothing is new or shocking.
However, you often have to learn boring things, and there you have an advantage. Seniors trounced the kids in a test of memorizing meaningless words. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. My book about exams will show you how to make your adult continuing education more exciting, which cuts kid’s advantage over your memory.
You learn from the known to the unknown. So it’s logical that the more experience you have, the more you can think “yes… that’s right… it’s just like…” I am 65 years old now and I can say that my adult continuing education keeps getting easier because there are always relevant things in my experience.
You may have distractions at work still, but let’s face it, are they really as obsessive as your teenage interests? You aren’t going to have to choose between going out on a date and doing some study. You might have to choose between having a nap and study, but my book about exams shows a way round that problem. I’m using it right now!
Just as your three advantages apply to study, they apply to exams. Were you sick with nerves in your school exams? Your life-career depended on your performance. Now it would be nice to pass, but your experience tells you that you will survive failure, and land on your feet again…so less nerves.
Unless children have wealthy or helpful parents they can’t afford resources that you can afford. For instance, they can afford my free report on writing essays, but not my eBook about passing exams. If you live in a country with timed local phone calls, kids may not be able to do much research on the internet because it costs too much.
There are ways to become a lightning calculator and ways to develop a super memory, and you can afford them all. If you want to learn a language you can probably even afford to get a “superlearning” course that teaches you the language in only fifteen hours.
Why Adult Continuing Education
All right, you have advantages, but why should you bother with adult continuing education?

Prevents brain deterioration
Retraining for a new job
Self employment

I’ve already covered the effect of study on the brain. You get new brain cells.
In modern times you can only expect to keep one job for a short time. You are going to need to retrain for your next job.
Self-employment. You can’t be sacked if you are self-employed, but you can go broke. It is best to develop your home business part-time until it is earning you twice as much as your job. Then if you are retrenched from your job you won’t care.
Then you won’t need to worry about adult continuing education any more will you? Oops… you will need to keep learning even more when you have your own business. For instance, you are going to have to learn book-keeping unless you can afford an accountant to do the work. If you have to employ people, you will need to learn the laws that apply.
How should you learn?
I prefer to use a correspondence coursefor my adult continuing education, but the big advantage of attending classes is that you can get your questions answered instantly.
My book about exams shows you how to find answers on the internet. You will probably find lots of eBooks about what you want to learn. But will I ever see what I buy on the internet? …you may ask.
Think about it. How much more does it cost an eBook vendor to supply 100 eBooks than it costs for one? That’s right… nothing! If it costs me nothing to supply an eBook, why should I try to rob you? I keep buying new eBooks myself and have never failed to get what I paid for. You can definitely get an adult continuing education online.

Start off with my free report about writing essays to help your adult continuing education.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Adding From Left to Right — A Better Way
to Add
author:Peter Waycik
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

More than likely, when you learned how to add, you started on the right and moved to the left. If you were adding whole numbers, you added the ones, “carried” if necessary, and repeated for the tens, hundreds and so on. This works well on paper, and it is the most efficient paper and pencil method; however, adding in the other direction has several desirable advantages: the left to right method promotes a better understanding of place value, it can be done mentally with much greater ease, and it does not require that numbers be lined up in a column.
Article: More than likely, when you learned how to add, you started on the right and moved to the left. If you were adding whole numbers, you added the ones, “carried” if necessary, and repeated for the tens, hundreds and so on. This works well on paper, and it is the most efficient paper and pencil method; however, adding in the other direction has several desirable advantages: the left to right method promotes a better understanding of place value, it can be done mentally with much greater ease, and it does not require that numbers be lined up in a column. Students can learn left to right addition, so they have another method to choose from when presented with addition problems.
Left to right addition involves adding the largest place values first. As you move from left to right, you keep a cumulative total, so it is simply a number of smaller addition problems. To give you an idea of how it works and what it sounds like, consider the example, 677 + 938.
Begin by adding the left most place values. In the example this is 600 plus 900 equals 1500. Add the values in the next place, one at a time, to the previous sum, and keep track of the new sum each time. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. In the example, 1500 + 70 is 1570, 1570 + 30 is 1600. For students who are more proficient at this algorithm, they don’t necessarily think “plus 70” or “add 30.” Their thought process, if said out loud might sound like, “600, 1500, 1570, 1600, . . .” Continue adding the values in each subsequent place until finished. The final steps in the example are 1600 + 7 is 1607, 1607 plus 8 is 1615. The sum is 1615.
As you can imagine, students need to be proficient at single digit addition and have an understanding of place value before attempting left to right addition. When they are first learning it, they might try repeating sums as they go along (e.g. 1500, 1570, 1570, 1570, 1600, . . .) to help them retain the newest sums. They might also cross out digits as they are adding. There is no rule about having to add in this way mentally. Students could write down the sums as they proceed.
Left to right addition promotes a better understanding of place value than right to left addition. In right to left addition, single digits are carried or regrouped with little emphasis placed on what the value of those carried digits are. In the example, 1246 + 586, students add 6 + 6 to get 12; they write down the 2 and carry the 1 when they should be carrying the ten. In the next step, they add 8 + 4 + 1 to get 13; they write down the 3 and carry the 1 when they should be adding 80 + 40 + 10, writing the 3 in the tens place (i.e. 30) and carrying the hundred. Essentially, right to left addition excludes vocabulary related to place value. Left to right addition, on the other hand, promotes an understanding of place value as each digit is given its correct value. In the example, the one in the thousands place is one thousand, the two in the hundreds place is two hundred, and so on.
Left to right addition is well-suited to mental addition since the sum is cumulative with no steps in between; in other words, there is nothing for the student to keep in mind except for the cumulative sum. In right to left addition, several numbers must be remembered as the student proceeds. To illustrate this, consider the simple example, 64 + 88. In left to right addition, the sum is simple to find: 60, 140, 144, 152. Only one number had to be remembered at any point. In right to left addition, 4 + 8 is 12, so there are already two numbers to remember: the two in the ones place and the regrouped ten. The next step is to add 60 + 80 + 10 to get 150. At this point, the two must be recalled and added to the 150 to get 152. Although this sounds simple, it becomes more complicated with more digits.
Right to left addition does not require numbers to be lined up in a column, but it is often taught that way because the method tends to ignore place value and relies on a student’s ability to line up the place values to compensate. Many errors that students make in right to left addition occur because they don’t have a strong knowledge of place value, and they forget or don’t realize that like place values need to be lined up. They might, for instance, add a digit in the tens place to a digit in the hundreds place. Another scenario is a sloppy recording of numbers where a digit is mistakenly added to the wrong column. In left to right addition, the emphasis is on finding a certain place value in each number rather than relying on the place values being aligned. Students, of course, need to be able to recognize place value before they can be successful at this method. For instance, they should be able to recognize that the ones in the numbers: 514, 1499, and 321 are in the tens, thousands, and ones places respectively. If they can’t, further teaching on place value is required before addition can be taught effectively.
Although left to right addition has several advantages, it isn’t suggested that you scrap everything else. Learning a wide variety of addition methods allows you latitude in problem solving situations. By teaching students this method, you give them another option when they are tackling addition questions.