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title:Are Online Degrees Valid To Prospective
author:Rose Musyoka
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Online distance learning has gained rapid popularity with the advent of the internet, which has proven to offer great supporting facilities and convenience for online education. However, just like everything else with pros and cons, the internet has also opened doors for the widespread sale of bogus online degrees. According a report by USA Today, there were already 400 diploma mills in the year 2003 and the numbers are rising. In fact, many of these unscrupulous operations are run by organizations in an industry that is worth $500 million a year.
However, amidst the negative hype about online education, there are actually many distance learning colleges offering valid degrees and diplomas. These institutions do not sell bogus certificates, but actually aim to provide quality education as alternatives for on-campus higher education. Valid online courses with online video lectures as well as online library facilities and test examinations conducted are often deployed to ensure that students truly qualify in their areas of study and graduate legitimately. Sadly though, many employers only see the negative side of things, and easily brush off online education degrees as equivalent to bogus degrees.
In view of the confusion, the National Education For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Board of the U.S. government has authorized 6 accreditation agencies to provide institutional accreditation to education institutions, as a measure to differentiate legitimate universities from the crooks. This means that students choosing their universities will be assured that these universities would have met minimum criteria set forth by these agencies for learning institutions. Additionally, there is also The Distance Education and Training Council (DETC) which provides accreditation specifically for distance learning institutions. The DETC is an accreditation agency that is recognized by the US Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA). Furthermore, there is also specialized accreditation for specific programs of different areas of specialization. These programs which are found to have attained excellence will be awarded accreditation by various professional accrediting agencies depending on the area of specialization. For instance, the International Association for Management Education (AACSB) gives accreditation to accounting related programs while health programs are accredited by the American Health Information Management Association. It is also important to know that only accreditation agencies recognized by the Department of Education or CHEA are considered accreditation agencies which are acknowledged.
What does accreditation mean to a student? An institutional accreditation agency evaluates the various aspects of universities or colleges against minimum standard criteria to determine if the particular institution meets their list of basic requirements. College accreditation is necessary to ensure that the education, facilities and support provided by a college or university adheres to basic levels. On the other hand, specialized accreditation evaluates excellence in individual program regardless of which institution the program is being delivered within. In this type of accreditation, course content and program curricula is evaluated against pre-set standards of the institution.
All accreditation does is to assure employers, students and parents that the graduates who are awarded degrees from accredited colleges have undergone adequate training in their respective areas of specialization. This also means that colleges that are not accredited by the proper accreditation body would not have met the standards imposed by the agencies. However, courses taken by prospective employees that are accredited by the respective agencies would have met standards imposed on the respective specialized areas.
It is totally up to the judgment and decision of the employers on evaluating the validity of an online or on-campus degree. With the recent hike in bogus degrees, employers can’t help but be stringent in their applicant screenings and consider those with degrees that have been accredited. This may prove tedious and sometimes employers may get confused. Therefore, if your accreditation is provided by an agency recognized by the US Department of Education, then you will need to explain to prospective employers on the background of the accrediting bodies. This way, you can avoid employers from sidelining your application based on something that they may be unclear about and increase your chances of being short listed for a job interview.

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Aptitude Tests

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Though you may think you
are done taking tests when you are done with high school and college, there may still be times when you need to take them. You won’t be graded in the way you were in school, but these tests might be even more important.

Aptitude Test

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If you seem a little lost and don’t seem to know what you want to do with the rest of your life, or if you are perhaps looking for a career change, you may want to take some aptitude tests to see where your interest might lie, and what you might be good at in the future.

Aptitude tests will show where you might be best suited to work. They can tell what you do the best, and that can be a huge hint for you if you don’t know what to do next. They can also point out your natural strengths, and you might find that aptitude tests tell you things about yourself that you never knew. You may find that you are good at one particular thing, and you can take that information into consideration when making decisions.

The best thing about aptitude tests is that there are no wrong answers. The answers tell things about you, but you really can’t answer them the wrong way. If you are honest about your answers, you will learn things to help you, and that is why they are so wonderful. If you have a scientific mind, these types of tests will point that out for you, even if you had no idea you might be good at such endeavors. If you have good people skills, this information will show up on aptitude tests as well.

You may be asked to take aptitude tests in high school, and this can be one of the smartest things you can do for your future. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Many kids don’t know what they want to do, and taking aptitude tests can help give them some ideas. It’s not always easy to know where you want to go, and choosing a career and a college is a huge step. If you have a little guidance to help you, you are going to be better of in the long run. If you aren’t offered these tests, do be afraid to ask if they have any you can take if you are feeling lost, confused, and unsure. There is nothing like a little guidance to give you the confidence you need to move into the future.

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An Overview of the Samurai

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Given their noble role in most Hollywood movies, you might be surprised to find the discussion of the Samurai is a somewhat controversial area, particularly as to how the Samurai actually acted.

japan, asia, samurai, feudal, emperor, nobility, clans, warriors, japanese, Bushido, ethics, movies,

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Given their noble role in most Hollywood movies, you might be surprised to find the discussion of the Samurai is a somewhat controversial area, particularly as to how the Samurai actually acted.

An Overview of the Samurai

One of the most interesting periods in the past of Japan has to be the feudal period. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Out of this era came many different aspects of the Japanese culture that are still thought of today and one of those aspects are the Samurai. Discovering just what role the Samurai actually played is an interesting study into the minds and manners of ancient Japanese warriors.

The story of the Samurai begins with the early shogun warriors, who were trained fighters during the Heian period in Japan. These warriors, amassed by the emperor Kammu in the late eighth to early ninth centuries, were a group of men that were clan warriors from the powerful regional clans in Japan. They were skilled in combat while mounted and as archers. Ironically, the Imperial court did not regard them highly regardless of what you see in movies. In fact, they were seen more as barbarians than as the cultured Samurai now portrayed. As Emperor Kammu’s power declined, this group of warriors was disbanded, but soon after new clans of warriors took their place.

In the story of the Samurai, this can be said to be the era when the samurai really developed. Here, in the late Heian period, the warriors began to adopt traditional Japanese styled weapons and armor. They also came up with the foundations of their famous ethical code known as Bushido. At this point, the clan warriors were known as Saburai, or armed retainers, and often accompanied people as needed to protect against thieves and other criminals. After the 1100’s, Samurai were expected to not only be excellent fighters, but also to be cultured and educated. They had to follow “Bun Bu Ryo Do”, which loosely translated means “the pen and sword in accord”.

As Samurai clans evolved beyond just being warriors who were employed by nobility and possibly the emperor, they battled many wars and skirmishes among themselves and against the nobles. By 1200, they established superiority above the aristocracy and were nobility in their own right. The next two hundred years saw the Samurai at the top of their game, with periods where they defeated would-be conquerors such as the Mongols. They also developed the characteristic Samurai sword at this time, the katana, and the very defined Samurai code of ethics.

Alas, the Samurai clans began to be breached by warriors from other classes. This area of Samurai lore is controversial, but it is now generally believed that the Samurai became more of a problem then the threats they were supposed to provide protection against. Many abandoned the code of ethics and reports of mafia like behavior were not uncommon.

By the 1500’s, Japan began to open up to the outside world. This led to the importation of firearms, which meant the deterioration of the Samurai culture. By the 19th century it had nearly died out, with just a few people claiming to be descended from the famous warriors. As with many famous groups in antiquity, the Samurai ended with more of a yawn than a bang. They simply could not evolve with the times.

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An Introduction To Test Preparation Tutori

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Taking the SAT, GMAT or other tests can be taxing on students, particularly since most academic institutions use these tests to help them make admissions decisions about the applicants. A good score makes an applicant stand out, while a poor score damages the applicant’s chances. In the face of pressure, some students experience examination anxiety, which causes them to panic during a test. Other reasons may be lack of focused preparation. Due to one or a combination of these factors, test preparation tutoring is gaining popularity.

Tutoring, For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Education Tutoring, Math Tutoring, Test Preparation Tutoring

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Taking the SAT, GMAT or other tests can be taxing on students, particularly since most academic institutions use these tests to help them make admissions decisions about the applicants. A good score makes an applicant stand out, while a poor score damages the applicant’s chances. In the face of pressure, some students experience examination anxiety, which causes them to panic during a test. Other reasons may be lack of focused preparation. Due to one or a combination of these factors, test preparation tutoring is gaining popularity.

Test preparation tutorials are available in libraries and on the Internet. These include online tutoring, one-on-one tutoring, and group tutoring sessions. The courses offer comprehensive strategies for each section of the test, rigorous review of the applicant’s responses, and step-by-step guidance from trained faculty, in addition to online workshops and home-study material.

Many learning centers offer preparation programs, usually involving one tutor and a group of students. Students are taught specific test-taking strategies, such as making educated guesses and process of elimination. They are also given practice tests to track their progress. The cost of tutoring services vary with each learning center.

A number of students purchase test preparation books like The Official SAT Study Guide or Kaplan New SAT 2005 that offer diagnostic practice tests. Many also download the Free GMAT Prep Test Preparation Software from the Internet. Some consider hiring a tutor to provide an analysis of their test results in a bid to identify their weaknesses precisely.

Online programs like SparkNotes provide critical analysis of a range of subjects including English literature, history, math, and science. They also include mock tests. Many students favor the reduced costs of this method, but perseverance plays an integral role in the success of this approach. Since the individual is left with both the test taking and evaluation tasks, determination levels might drop with some students.

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title:An Introduction To Online Colleges
author:Tawee Subsomb
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Online colleges make obtaining a degree a possibility for anyone with access to the internet. If you have always dreamt of obtaining a degree or other certificate then online colleges are a great way to make that dream come true. One of the main benefits of studying with online colleges rather than conventional campus-based colleges is that you can work on your chosen subject at your own pace and at a time that suits you. Instead of having to attend classes and lectures you can fit your study in around work and family commitments. In particular, many stay-at-home moms are finding that online colleges offer course that they can take while the kids are at school in preparation for returning to work when the kids are older.
Many employees are overlooked for promotion at work because they lack formal qualifications but this is where online colleges come in. Instead of having to take time off work to be able to attend a regular college you can continue working your normal hours and access your course in your free time. If you have been with a company for a while and see no opportunity for advancement you can also study with any of the online colleges to enable you to find a new job whilst you are still earning.
Online colleges offer a wide range of course and have no time restriction in which you have to complete the modules. This gives you the freedom to study where and when you want to and a number of online colleges will allow you to take lengthy study breaks. Some courses do not require a formal exam at the end to obtain a diploma but consist of a number of assignments that are to be completed throughout the course. Most online colleges have specialist tutors who can communicate with the students by email or other means to give support and guidance to them throughout the course. Quite often the online colleges will also have facilities to link students with each other so that they can discuss assignments.
There are online colleges based all around the globe and there are usually no residency restrictions applied. If you want to learn about French art then why not choose one of the online colleges based in France or one of the many For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Japanese online colleges to obtain a certificate in business management techniques then you can. Finding the right course is the easy part but deciding which of the online colleges you want to study it with is probably going to be the hardest choice to make. This is because there are literally millions of courses available through online colleges around the globe.

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Anthrax as a Natural Curse a
nd Dangerous Biological Weapon

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Anthrax is a dangerous disease that was once used as a biological weapon and might be used in the future if conflicts in the Middle East continue. We have to be aware and ready for any attack like those in 2001. Biological method of assassination is the worst out of the bunch of others figured by terrorists and we are to be aware of their cruelty.

teacher resume, executive resume

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Several cases of cruelty of terrorists are still remembered among those who were terrified by the white envelopes sent to countries that took active part in the war of Afghanistan. What that deadly packages carried, were the spores of anthrax that caused one of the most terrible diseases existing. We know the saying that lack of information does not release from responsibility, so it is better to know all the details about the malady to discover it on time. Anthrax is a disease existing among animals, cattle and sheep in particular. Nevertheless it can be transferred to a human being if he or she is in direct contact with an infected animal. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The regions of great danger are South and Central America, South and Eastern Asia, Africa and several countries of the Middle East. The symptoms show up in less than a week after being infected.

To disclose the symptoms of anthrax we have to know the ways the infection spreads. One of the possible ways to get infected is to get spores onto one’s skin. At first it looks a bit shrunk, lacks moisture and looks irritated. Then a bump appears to develop into the ulcer. An ulcer looks like an ordinary skin disease, but if to take a closer look, it has a black area in the center of the ulcer. The only way to avoid lethal case is to run for help to hospital and not to try self-treatment. Another case of being infected is to inhale the spores that go down to the patient’s airway. First symptoms are very much similar to those a person has when suffering from influenza. But then people have difficulties with breathing and shock, similar to one epileptic have. If the person has been intestinally infected, the symptoms are similar to an indigestion problem but then the complications get severe and the lethal case proceeds. There is only one way to avoid the horrible end and that is to do the vaccination.

Some of the profession representatives have it regularly and fined if haven’t had it. The vaccine was introduced n the US first and released for use only in the 70’s. People like butchers, farmers, veterinarians have to do vaccination regularly. Now the main task of the UN is to provide countries of the third world that have problems with anthrax with vaccination to save people from horrible death. Diseases like anthrax are used as a biological weapon by terrorists and during wars that is the cruelest way of assassination that is absolutely inhumane. To have the shield from the weapon we have to use our knowledge and our concern.

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Ancient Roman Coliseum

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Rome was the dominant power for hundreds of years and left a mark on the word. The ancient Roman Coliseum is the single structure that most exemplifies this fact.

italy, rome, roman, coliseum, architecture, gladiators, middle ages, falvian, emperor, battles

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Ancient Rome was the dominant power for hundreds of years and left a mark on the word. The ancient Roman Coliseum is the single structure that most exemplifies this fact.

Ancient Roman Coliseum

Perhaps the most well-known of all of the structures in For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Rome, the ancient Roman Coliseum is an important part of the history of the Roman Empire. This structure, built in the 70’s AD, was once the most important site in all of Rome, and also the largest amphitheater built in the Empire. Holding up to 70,000 spectators, ruins of the Coliseum still stand today as a testament to its powerful status in Rome.

The ancient Roman Coliseum was originally known as the Flavian Amphitheater, and was built during the reign of emperors Vespasian and his son Titus. Building on the Coliseum started in the year 72 AD, and was completed in the year 80 AD. The amphitheater was constructed in the location of emperor Nero’s lake below the site of his massive palace. The Coliseum was continuously used until the year 217, when a lightning strike caused a fire at the site, causing damage. The amphitheater was repaired by the year 238, and after this gladiators fought here until Christianity ruled the practice was not to be continued. By 508, the Coliseum was in disrepair, in part because of two massive earthquakes that hit the structure.

By the Middle Ages, the structure had been hit by even more earthquakes, and was eventually converted into a fortress. A Christian church was even constructed in a small corner of the ancient Roman Coliseum. The original marble outer covering was removed bit by bit, and reused in constructions of other buildings and palaces nearby, and in some cases, burned to produce quicklime. In the Middle Ages is also when the Coliseum gained its name, which is said to have been taken from a colossus, or large statue, of Nero that was located near the structure. The former name of the site, the Flavian Amphitheater, became disused and is hardly known at this time.

At the present, the ruins of the ancient Roman Coliseum still stand in Rome. The arena floor no longer exists, but there are still parts of the walls, the underground structures known as the hypogeum, and the 80 separate entrances are still evidenced. Additional buildings were built around the Coliseum to support the site, and there are still parts of these buildings that are standing – such as the armory and gladiator training schools.

The Coliseum will continue to be a source of speculation and much study for years to come. We have learned a lot about the history of the structure, but there is still more to learn. Even now, the flora and plant life of the Coliseum holds much mystery, as there have been 684 species of plants discovered there since the 1600’s and still more appear. This structure has not yet yielded all of its secrets to the world.

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title:America’s Need for Online Tutoring & Educat
author:Matthew Kellmer
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Education in today’s world is a must. No longer can the youth of today rely upon only a high school education to get them where they want to be in life. As a matter of fact, today’s 4-year college degree is becoming yesterday’s high school diploma. There are some specific reasons as to why this has happened. Students in America’s educational system are growing at a rate that the schools are not able to keep up with. We can also look to America’s involvement in globalization. America has more international students studying in the states than ever before. This has created even more competition for the youth of America. Another aspect to look at is the life of students and resources available to them by the school. So what is being done now to help students deal with all these factors that have never before been an issue? The answer is online tutoring and education.
With the large growth in students throughout America, schools have struggled to keep with the basic needs. According to For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. OnTheIssues, the population of students in grades K-12 is over 50 million. This number is and has been steadily rising by 1 million students per year. OnTheIssues also notes that school spending for grades K-12 is now at $260 billion per year. As the amount of students continues to increase, the amount of spending will also continue to increase. This is not the only factor that is affecting students in a negative way.
Many students today, high school and college, do not have the time to research for sources and help on-campus. Mainly because students today are working jobs while taking full-loads in school. This leaves minimal time to be able to take advantage of a school’s resources. Online tutoring and education is becoming the answer to this problem. WashingtonPost author, Mike Chediak, says that according to Sloan Consortium, more than 2.6 million students studied through online tutoring and educational courses last fall. This number is up from 1.9 million back in 2003, which is about a 23% growth rate in only one year.
It’s also important to look at the resources that are offered by schools. The main goal of education is to prepare students for a career path. In high school this is a general path and in college this is a much more specific path. It is estimated that only 25% of 4-year college graduates actually work in the field that they earned their degree. Since online tutoring and education is able to cover such a broad area, students are able to get the help they need, when they need it. Online tutoring and education is now offered by some programs over a 24-hour period, which completely caters to the student’s needs.
While schools are not keeping up with the resources to fully help their students, online tutoring and education is able to fill the gap. Many schools are starting to partner with online tutoring service companies so they can get their students the help they need. Online tutoring and education is a service that will continue to grow and thrive in the upcoming years for America.
Background on Education. On The Issues.
Chediak, Mark. Online Tutoring Part of Growing Trend. 16 Aug. 2005. Washington Post.
The Sloan Consortium. Committed to Quality Online Education.

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American Film Schools

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American f
ilm schools have a rich history dating back to the 1970s, when there was little chance to get film education. The only option to gain knowledge was to go to Hollywood at a young age and work along with people in the industry. By the 1970s, many major universities began to offer classes in film technology. Over the years, many film schools have opened with numerous educational programs that provide actual industry experience along with education.

Film Schools, New York Film Schools, Top Film Schools, American Film For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Schools

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American film schools have a rich history dating back to the 1970s, when there was little chance to get film education. The only option to gain knowledge was to go to Hollywood at a young age and work along with people in the industry. By the 1970s, many major universities began to offer classes in film technology. Over the years, many film schools have opened with numerous educational programs that provide actual industry experience along with education.

American film schools are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD) and the National Association of Schools of Theatre (NAST). The schools are commonly departments of universities, divisions of colleges or separate schools. There are some privately owned film schools as well that are not connected to American universities. Most of the schools provide undergraduate and graduate degree programs and some have graduate programs only. Various techniques involved in movie making, including film production, film theory and screen writing are taught. Hands-on practical knowledge and intern programs are included as part of studies.

Some schools are considered top in the nation. New York Film Academy, Los Angeles Film School, USA Film School, San Francisco School of Digital Filmmaking, and FSU Film School are among them. These schools are located in prime areas of cities including New York and Los Angeles, and provide better education and have good infrastructure. But studying in these schools is quite expensive.

Founded in 1929, The University of Southern California’s School of Cinema-Television is the oldest film school in the nation. Some other good schools are the American Film Institute (AFI), California Institute of the Arts, Columbia University School of the Arts, The North Carolina School of the Arts, and the schools at New York University (NYU), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and University of Texas at Austin.

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title:American Civil War
author:Ryan Fyfe
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

The American Civil War took place in 1861 to 1865 in the southern United States; also in eastern, central and southwestern regions. The outcome of this bloody civil battle was the defeat of the seceding CSA. The primary leaders in the War were the well known Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis. Both of these men were corageous leaders, and huge names of their time, as well as ours. Casualties of the war include:
Killed in For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Action: 110,100
Total dead Toll: 359,500
Wounded: 275,200
The war claimed more American lives than any other conflict in history, with approximately 560,000 total killed which at the time was a stagerring 1.78% of population and over 970,000 casualties which again is a staggering 3.09% of the population. Often times debated, the causes of the – civil war, and even the name of the war itself, are still really left up in the air.
When Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860 seven states existed: These states were: South Carolina (December 20, 1860), Mississippi (January 9, 1861), Florida (January 10, 1861),
Alabama (January 11, 1861), Georgia (January 19, 1861), Louisiana (January 26, 1861), and Texas (February 1, 1861). Lincoln was not even on the ballot in nine states in the South. Several Leaders from South Carolina had long been waiting for an event that might unite the South against the anti-slavery forces. As soon as the election returns were certain, a special South Carolina convention declared “that the Union now subsisting between South Carolina and other states under the name of the ‘United States of America’ is hereby dissolved.” By February 1, 1861, six more Southern states had seceded. As a result on February 7, the seven states adopted a provisional constitution for the Confederate States of America and established their capital at Montgomery, Alabama. On March 4, 1861, less than a month later, Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as President of the United States. He stated on this date that he had no intention to invade southern states, but would use force to maintain possession of federal property. The South, especially South Carolina, ignored this plea by Lincoln, and as a result on April 12, the South fired upon the Federal troops there were stationed at Fort Sumter in Charleston, South Carolina. The firing continued until the troops surrendered. This significant event is what many feel was the start of the American Civial War.