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title:A Career in Photography
author:Peter Sakes
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

A career as a photographer opens many different doors for you, and gives you the options for a whole variety of different photography careers. You can work in the world of journalism, big business, science and art. You can decide to run your own business or you can work for a salary.
Many people think of studio photography when they consider a photography career, producing studio portraits and other similar work. However, there are many more options that this. Journalism is a great area of photographers, who can specialize in news photography, or maybe sports photography. Some photographic journalists specialize in magazine photography, recording fashion and the lives of the famous. There is also a very venerable tradition of news photographers who became war correspondents, documenting war and other world crises through the lens.
Photographers can also work in business, documenting processes and events that concern large corporations or working with the publicity and media departments. You can have a photography career as a science photographer, recording visually the effects of research and development, or you can do similar work specialising in medicine. The career options are wide for a professional photographer, making this a popular career.
If you want to be a photographer, you will need to go through an education in order to acquire the skills and knowledge you need to do the job properly. However, you will also need other personal qualities to be a good photographer, including:-
-Artistic ability in order to be able to see the photo opportunities around you.
-An eye for composition, allowing you to create a picture with the right elements in the right place to send the message you wish.
-Attention to detail – it is often the details of a picture that can make it or break it.
-Patience – sometimes you will have to wait for hours, days or even weeks for the right images to arrive.
-Practical abilities to be able to “finish” a photograph using development or digital techniques.
-An ability to be able to read the market for the style and type of photographs that are acceptable and in demand.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. For many people, being a photographer is not just a career, it is also a way of looking at the world, and in order to be able to do this well, you need to develop the right traits.

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A Brief History Of Magic

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magic, illusions, spells, tricks and ceremonials are usually performed for entertainment. It is a supernatural power which makes the seemingly impossible occur.

‘Looking Back’

In ancient Egypt, there was a magician named Dedi who performed in front of a crowd, where he supposedly beheaded two birds and one ox. He eventually restored the heads of these three animals.

Because of this, the Egyptians were considered to be the first magicians recorded in history.

magic, illusion, trick

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With magic, illusions, spells, tricks and ceremonials are usually performed for entertainment. It is a supernatural power which makes the seemingly impossible occur.

‘For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Looking Back’

In ancient Egypt, there was a magician named Dedi who performed in front of a crowd, where he supposedly beheaded two birds and one ox. He eventually restored the heads of these three animals.

Because of this, the Egyptians were considered to be the first magicians recorded in history.

As the popularity of magic developed, tricks involving cups and balls were shown to the public. Then, playing cards, silver coins and dice were added to their slew of magical tricks.

Later on, ancient Greek magicians invented tricks involving the human body. A trick where a performer thrusts a dagger through one’s arm without being hurt has been developed and shown in public places.

The ancient Chinese civilization also paved the way for magic. The “linking rings” is one of the earliest tricks ever invented. To begin with, a number of rings link themselves. The rings are made up of solid metal and the illusion is that they eventually unlink themselves.

‘Famous Magicians’

One of the greatest magicians of all time is Harry Houdini. He started as a trapeze performer in the late 1800’s and eventually became famous for his magical abilities.

He was an “escape artist” who bonded himself using locks or ropes and eventually extricated himself.

Spanish, Italian, British, French and American magicians presented their acts as magic regained popularity in the 1920’s.

‘Sawing a Woman in Half’

In 1921, the world first witnessed a magician saw a woman in half. British performer Percy Tibbles cut through a box containing his woman assistant. After the trick, she appeared without a harm.

This trick became even more complicated when the woman assistant was ‘operated on’ with her hands, head and feet in full view of the audience. The assistant was sawed in half using a power-driven saw, and was later restored without a scratch on her head.

‘Reaching a Wider Audience’

Before, magicians only performed in theaters which were open to the public where food and drinks were offered but the magic tricks were performed
without any fee given by the viewers.

By the mid-1900’s, they paved the doors for magicians to be ‘professional performers’ by requiring the public viewers to pay for watching magic shows.

In the 1950’s, television was invented so magicians were able to reach an even wider audience spectrum.

During the 70’s, Siegfried and Roy re-ignited the interest in magical tricks by making large animals disappear. David Copperfield is also a major player in the field of magicians who offered great entertainment to the viewing public.

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A Bit Of The History Of Magic

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One could enjoy watching magicians perform their amazing tricks. Whether they are in a circus, in a school program, a friend’s birthday celebration, or in a favorite television show, magicians are among today’s top entertainers.

Here are a few of the top magicians in their times:

The history of using magic as a form of entertainment may have begun with magician Chevalier Joseph Pinetti. More than three centuries ago, Chevalier Joseph Pinetti, wowed his audiences worldw…

magic, illusion, trick

Article For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Body:
One could enjoy watching magicians perform their amazing tricks. Whether they are in a circus, in a school program, a friend’s birthday celebration, or in a favorite television show, magicians are among today’s top entertainers.

Here are a few of the top magicians in their times:

The history of using magic as a form of entertainment may have begun with magician Chevalier Joseph Pinetti. More than three centuries ago, Chevalier Joseph Pinetti, wowed his audiences worldwide with his bag of magic tricks. And that was in 1782!

Among his tricks was the ability to produce an orange tree blossoming on stage that bore fruit. Pinetti’s wife even acted as an assistant, helping the magician to do his mentalist and escape tricks. Known as the “Professor of Natural Magic,” he was known for his great magic tricks, tricks that belonged clearly to the modern era of magic.

Come the nineteenth century. The said century welcomed the use of technical-assisted magic, with some of the magicians developing various devices that would aid or help in their illusions. Using optical aids or devices, electromagnets, as well as various stage lighting forms, these magicians were able to amaze audiences from time to time with their very elaborate and dazzling tricks.

One known magician in the nineteenth century was the magician Hermann the Great. Alexander Herrmann was his real name, and this German magician did his tricks with all of the kinds of stage magic he had known, even from super close-up productions to fill-stage events. An American rival, Harry Kellar, took over Herrmann’s popularity for some time and became the most prominent magician for more than 10 years.

Other magicians in the nineteenth century included T. Nelson Downs and Howard Thurston. Downs is originally a vaudevillian by trade, but had become great and famous in his magic tricks that he became known as “King of Koins.”

Thurston, on the other hand, invested much of his money in building an extravaganza, which is a show on magic. It reigned over the American entertainment magic scene for over twenty-five years.

Probably one of the more known magicians in recent times was Harry Houdini. Known as one of the best American magicians, he was known for his great escape acts, including his own famous creation, the “Chinese Water Torture Cell.”

Another famous American magician is David Copperfield, who until recently performed numerous magic acts in shows and TV programs.

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A better world with child sponsorship

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The world is divided into poor and rich, but it is not necessarily divided into selfish and generous. Child sponsorship organizations can make a difference by letting those who want to help do so. It represents the attempt to bring balance to a world that inclines to be mostly unfair with the innocent.

child sponsorship

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Child sponsorship enables a common person in an evolved country to aid a child from a poorly developed part of the world until he can become independent. This aid consists in money, clothes, moral support and anything that can make a difference. This practice is usually conducted through a child sponsorship organization which deals with money transfers and contacts between sponsors and children. Though they are sometimes blamed for creating cultural gaps between children of the 3rd world, the child sponsorship organizations are the ones that strive to give a helping hand when everyone else has turned their backs to the fate of the unfortunate.

Child sponsorship focuses on needy children who lack even minimal food, water and shelter and who live a tough life without anyone caring for them or providing them with an education. Some of the most affected countries are Paraguay, Peru, Guatemala, Honduras, Colombia and Brazil and each presents a different challenge for child sponsorship organizations.
1. Brazil is one special case as this is a country of extremes. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Rich neighborhoods coexist near slums and shack towns. Children are often used for labor here and education is almost non-existent.
2. Colombia is a country torn by wars where child sponsorship is hard to find. Children there are often trained to become soldiers or bombers and the only education they get is meant to teach them how to use a weapon.
3. Honduras is divided into very rich and extremely poor. Child sponsorship organizations have a hard time getting over the corruption and poverty. Housing is minimal and education is the same. Only 24 % of the population is able to read, therefore this country needs immediate child sponsorship.
4. Guatemala is the place where almost all the children are unhappy. The rate of infant death is high and education is poor. Child sponsorship could really do some good here by help at least some of the 60% of children that live in rural areas. They are the ones that are put to work in the fields early in their life.
5. Peru is a country where most of the children are not well educated. A child sponsorship program would really help in a country where most of the population is very poor and in need of desperate help.
6. However beautiful Paraguay is, 60% of its population suffers of poverty. The children are the ones with the biggest problems. Reports show that 1 third of them never finish school because they can’t speak the national language. Child sponsorship can help these children reintegrate into society by teaching them and offering financial support.

This short presentation of child sponsorship organization findings is intended to remind of the ordeals innocent children have to go through in several well known parts of today’s world. As one can easily see, child sponsorship is necessary and it is sometimes a hard job requiring infiltration into very dangerous areas of the world. NGOs, as child sponsorship organizations are also called, have no profit out of the activity they lead. This is why frauds appear all of the time. There are some false child sponsorship organizations that actually take the money for their personal interests instead of delivering it to the children. However true this may be, there are still some people that want to do good to poor souls in need. They deserve to be given the chance to save someone if they can and if they are willing to. One should not generalize and say all child sponsorships are fakes because of some exceptions.

Contacting a child sponsorship organization is quite simple. One can use communication by mail, fax or through the Internet. Some companies allow persons to send payment VIA e-mail or by using online payment. There are two ways to sponsor a child. Periodical payment is one of them and it is the most benefic for a child. The person who uses child sponsorship can have a direct connection with the child if he chooses to. Small gifts and letters can let the child know that someone is thinking of him and offering support in his time of need. If such a way would be too painful or if the person can not afford a monthly donation, he can still do some good by using the one time payment. A child in a photo line-up can be the beneficiary of good intentions. While some say that helping only with money is crude and unethical, it is the only effective way of helping these children. If choosing a child from many is a painful task, it is obvious child sponsorship programs can’t help all children and someone has to decide. Perhaps in time, with the help of many generous persons, child sponsorship programs will be able to help most of them. However, this idea is quite ideal and, unfortunately there are not many interested in doing so.

Child sponsorship is one of the most rewarding charity actions for both donors and beneficiaries. It is not gratitude that makes the best payment a person can receive from a child, but knowing he has made a positive change in the world and his actions will reflect in many more in turn. Good gives birth to better.

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Avoid the Common Mistakes Make by Onl
ine Students

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The online education eliminates the geography limitation and allows you to earn your degree from any place of the world and at your own pace. As you journey through the maze of online education world, avoid the common mistakes make by many online students can save yourself some hassle.

online education, online degree, online learning, distance learning,distance learning,online student

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The extensive development of internet technology has led to the growth of online education. Today, more and more people are earning their higher education degrees through internet. Generally, the online education eliminates the geography limitation and allows you to earn your degree from any place of the world and at your own pace. As you journey through the maze of online education world, avoid the common mistakes make by many online students can save yourself some hassle:

1. Choosing A Wrong Online University

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Selecting the right online university is a challenging task for online student. The demand of online education has increased, and many "diploma mill" schools are stepping into the market to share the profit. These "diploma mill" schools charge unsuspecting students thousands of dollars for worthless degrees. The worthless degree also as called "fake degree" and it does not help in your career because it is not recognized by most employers. Hence, before you enroll in an online school, make sure it has the appropriate regional accreditation and do some research to find out what type of programs, resources and support will be provided.

2. Lack of Self-discipline & Motivation

Online education is not suit for everyone, many students never finish their degree because they lack the self-discipline and motivation to sit down and get their work done on a daily basis. As an online student, you need to do a lot of self-scheduling, planning and set yourself some definite goals and stick to them. Many students have found it beneficial to create a deadline for receiving their degree and set smaller monthly, weekly, and daily goals that will allow them to reach that deadline.

3. Failed To Connect To Your Professors & Online Classmates

One of the most rewarding experiences in education is learning through collaboration. At every online course, you will be assigned to an online lecturer and a group of online students who are taking the same course, stay connected with them through message boards, chat rooms, email, and other virtual resources can allow you to learn more, stay motivated, and have an outlet to express your own understanding of subject matter. Many online students failed to stay connected consistently with their professors and their online classmates, for them attending online courses are getting the learning materials from the university and submitting their assignments.

4. Not Getting Your Credit Transferred

You don't have to start from scratch when you begin learning online. If you have credit from previous schools, make sure you have sent your transcripts to your online university and have the counselors check for course equivalency. There are online universities that will allow you to receive credit on life experience, based on testing or portfolio reviews. Check with your school's counselors to see how you can get credit for what you already know.

5. Ignore on Other Online Resources

Studying online does not mean that you only getting the learning material and information from university's online resources and online library. There are many course related information and resources on internet outside the university online pages available to help out students; make sure you know where you can get the help you need. Virtual library, directories, online books and online research center are places for you to look for your subject matter. Finding these sites from the start will save you money on books and help you find success in your studies.

In Summary

To be get a worthy degree online, you must select online degree program offer by an accredited online university which have a good reputable in employment market. And to be a success online student, you must learn how to manage your course works, and use your diplomas to your advantage. Avoiding the common mistakes make by many online students can save your some hassle and ensure your degree will bring you a brighter future.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Attire Worn By the People of the
City-States of Greece

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Often we have to look to our past to understand our future. Considered one of the first great civilizations, Greek culture is studied in depth. This brings us to the subject of the practical attire of the people.

greece, greek, greeks, attire, chitons, civilization, history, archeology, historians, loinclothes

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Often we have to look to our past to understand our future. Considered one of the first great civilizations, Greek culture is studied in depth. This brings us to the subject of the practical attire of the people.

Attire Worn For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. By the People of the City-States of Greece

The culture of the city-states of the early Greek civilizations has been easily researched from carvings, tombs, ruins, sculptures and art depicting scenes of their every day life. Greek clothing was very simple and light, even for the mythical religious figures. A comprehensible fact to keep in mind is the hot climate of Hellas, the historical name of Greece.

Greeks wore loose clothing generally white or otherwise dyed in bright color or bleached. Typical attire consisted of several pieces with the chiton confectioned in linen for summer and wool during winter. The chiton was a long square garment attached along the arms with pins to make sleeves and a belt round the waist. It is quite similar to the tunics we wear today. Chitons were unisex pieces made by mothers, daughters, and female slaves using long pieces of fabric. Chitons generally were decorated with embroidery on the bottom representing the city-state in which the individual lived.

Historians and archaeologists have found that the clothing, like art, was influenced by the different Greek periods. They found particular Doric clothing existed from the beginning of the archaic period, and other versions from the Ionic that was a later adoption of the original. Research found that women wore peplos, a sort of shorter embroidered tunic, placed over chitons.

Depending on the weather, some Greeks wore cloaks or loincloths, sometimes used as a blanket if needed. Greeks used to walk barefoot, particularly in the house. Outdoors they sometimes wore light leather sandals or boots in rocky terrain. Babies usually wore nothing, except linen diapers, while children’s clothing consisted of cloth wrapped around their middles. Older men wore draped mantles either alone or over their chitons. An item typically only worn by travelers was the Chalmys, a smaller rectangle placed over one of their shoulder.

Chitons and peplos were the basic garments worn by Greeks for centuries. When it came to attire, the people of the city-states of Greece were definitely interested in simplicity and comfort.

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Attention College Students and Writers: Ask and Answer Questions for Knowledge Creation and Sharing Online

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College students and writers can benefit tremendously by using a question-driven knowledge system online. Learn how in this article…

ask, answer, question, get, collaborative, knowledge, share, create

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A new trend that has recently become popular online is knowledge sharing. Specific Web services are bringing together professionals, writers, and college students to create a vast knowledge base, special knowledge-sharing communities, and questions and answers that can benefit anyone in any field. And the best news of all is these sites are usually free for everyone to enjoy. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. It’s like having a live encyclopedia of experts at one’s fingertips!

A collaborative, question-driven knowledge system compiles questions and answers on thousands of topics, organizes the topics, and provides easy access to the knowledge base for users. College students benefit because they learn about a variety of topics or may contribute what they know. They can also form communities for those with similar interests so they can work together to create a reliable source of information on specific topics.

Writers enjoy many benefits as well. They can write on topics of interest and share their knowledge with others. Writers can also use the knowledge base as a source of research for their work. A question-driven knowledge system enables writers, college students, and others to ask questions on topics that do not yet appear. Then an expert in that particular field can provide a reliable, knowledgeable answer. It’s a quick, easy way to get the research needed for books, articles, essays, term papers, and editorial writings.

How the “Share and Create” System Works

A properly-operated knowledge site will work smoothly and provide easy search mechanisms for finding questions and answers. Users won’t have to worry about redundant questions. Some sites will provide a bookmark feature so questions can be saved for future reference or for update notifications. Other features that are beneficial include a discussion forum that is separate from the knowledge base, community-building features, and the ability to check the editing history of a question or of a contributor.

A knowledge-based create-and-share website may offer incentives for contributions such as free advertising or ads revenue sharing. These benefits will increase more and more as the knowledge base grows and attracts new college students, writers, and professionals. The advertising is usually targeted, based on the questions and answers that are contributed, so users get free exposure to their targeted audience.

Research Topics on Anything and Everything

Though the question and answer system on a knowledge-driven site is usually very well organized and targeted, it is also being expanded on a daily basis to cover thousands of topics. The topics might be about anything, including gardening, parenting, pets, gas mileage, mortgages, health, beauty, interest rates, travel, medical, science, and water conservation. That’s why so many college students and writers find this type of service useful. They often research a variety of topics on a regular basis, so this system provides one source for all around the clock.

With a high-quality, question-driven knowledge system, college students and writers are able to share their interests and knowledge with others as well as get the answers they need through this unique system. It provides a two-fold benefit for all those who ask and answer questions for knowledge creation and sharing.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Attempting the Multiple Ch
oice Questions (MCQ) in Entrance Exam
author:Anurag Chopra
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Like it or not, Multiple Choice Tests formats are now being
universally adapted for testing Student IQ and knowledge in a
particular subject. Students fear multiple Choice exams as some find
it confusing and tricky. Some feel that the questions are deliberately
phrased that the student chooses the incorrect answer. Well, these are
wrong notions. While attempting the MFor the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. CQ’s, we need to relax and
attempt the Test without getting jittery. Here are a few tips that may
be of help while attempting the Multiple Choice Entrance Exams.

1. Read the questions carefully.

2. Always try to guess what the answer is BEFORE you look at the choices.

3. If you are unsure about an answer, eliminate what it CAN’T be. Try
to remember if any of the answers left are related to that subject. Do
you remember seeing that word in the chapter? If you have never heard
of a choice it is probably a distracter. If you can not recognize a
choice then it is probably NOT the answer.

4. After eliminating all other choices, lake a logical guess. At least
you have narrowed down the odds of getting the answer correct.
Remember, the first guess is usually more reliable unless you obtain a
major revelation along the way.

5. If after a few seconds you are still perplexed, mark the question
so you can find it easier later and go on with the test. Sometimes the
answer you’re looking for is given in a different problem. Go back to
that question later.

6. NEVER leave a multiple choice question blank. You have a 20-25%
chance of getting it right by guessing.

ALL-OF-THE-ABOVE QUESTIONS: If 2 or more of the answers are correct,
then the all-of-the-above option is the correct answer, EVEN IF you
are unsure of the third option.

LOOK-ALIKE OPTIONS: Sometimes there are 2 options that are alike
except for one word. Such a pair indicates that the question is
focused there. USUALLY, not always, you can assume the answer is one
of that pair.

Maths Tutor Ireland


title:Attaining an Online College Degree
author:Jay Moncliff

date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

There are a lot of people out there who just don’t have the time to go to a college campus for an education. This can be for many reasons, such as work, finding a babysitter, costs of college courses, or even coordinating it to fit into your busy schedule. There is a solution for this. You can obtain an online college degree.
An online college degree is just as valid as a degree you receive at a regular college campus. In fact a lot of people prefer it. This is because you can get an online college degree from the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to go anywhere to get the online college degree and you can register for the courses for your online college degree at home as well. You also don’t have to commute to go to school, which in turn will save you gas, time, and money. An online college degree program will fit into any busy schedule and is convenient for anyone.
Online college degree programs offer financial aid and assistance just like regular college campuses do. Online college degree programs also offer job placement programming to anyone who completes the courses and obtains the online college degree. Online college degree programs often boast that you can get your degree in half the time it would take from a normal on campus course program. This is true because an online college degree program allows you to take the courses as quickly or as slowly as you want. It is all done at your own pace!
Now that you see the advantages of obtaining an online college degree, let us look at some of the online college degree courses offered. Some are: accounting, teaching, business, computers, criminal justice, legal and paralegal, dental assistance, travel and tourism, and many more. There is even master degree programs offered online so you can even further you education.
For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. The prices of online college degree programs can vary from school to school. It is best to do your research and see what school offers you the best deal and the best education. If you need financial aide, be sure the school offers it before you enroll. Remember, this is an online college degree program so it doesn’t matter where the course is coming from!
You can now see the huge advantageous of obtaining an online college degree. There really aren’t any disadvantages. Only positive things have been said about online college degree programs. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Why not give an online college degree program a try? You will find it is truly worth it, for you and for your future.

Maths Tutor Ireland


Atlanta School Distri
ct Receives High Marks and Scholarship Funds

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Newsweek magazine ranks twenty-seven thousand high schools throughout the nation and North Atlanta High School, part of the Atlanta School District, ranks among top 2%. Newsweek magazine compiles the lists of Best High School and releases the list at the end of every school year. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. This year North Atlanta High School was ranked at 531 out of the 27,000 schools ranked.

Atlanta Schools

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Newsweek Ranks North Atlanta High School in Top 2%

Newsweek magazine ranks twenty-seven thousand high schools throughout the nation and North Atlanta High School, part of the Atlanta School District, ranks among top 2%. Newsweek magazine compiles the lists of Best High School and releases the list at the end of every school year. This year North Atlanta High School was ranked at 531 out of the 27,000 schools ranked. These rankings are based on the high schools’ use and offering of Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate courses. Advanced placement classes are college preparation courses. The international baccalaureate uses an internationally recognized course curriculum.

North Atlanta High School offers and encourages students to take and pursue advanced placement classes or international baccalaureate courses. North Atlanta High School also operates International Studies and Performing Arts magnet school programs. The International Studies magnet program offers courses that focus own foreign languages, communications and social studies courses. The International Studies magnet program offers students opportunities to take part in youth foreign exchanges and internships in international companies. The Performing Arts magnet program stresses high academic achievement with performance art training.

Mays High School Teacher Receives Award

A Mays High School, a high school in the district of Atlanta Schools, teacher received the Close Up Foundation’s Linda Myers Chosen Award for Teaching Excellence in Civic Education. Hajj Womack received a plaque and one thousand dollars. Mr. Womack, a social studies teacher, was awarded the Close Up Foundation’s Linda Myers Chosen Award for Teaching Excellence in Civic Education while in Washington D.C. with students participating in the Close Up Washington program. Civics education is vital for students because teens often feel separated from politics in America.

Atlanta School District’s Douglass High School Receives Scholarship Funds from Magic Johnson

Former NBA player Magic Johnson visited Douglass High School on his nationwide AIDS awareness tour. He spoke to the students about safe sex, the value of education and their future. He gave the school twenty thousand dollars for college scholarships for graduating seniors. Twenty students were awarded $1000 scholarships as part of Douglass High School’s Visions of the Future Awards program. The awarded students were: Bianca Barnswell Talesha Noble, Lawrence Boddie Jihan Pankey, Mychael Bond Andrea Parks, Seron Fields Louis Perrino, Ramia Finley Shatila Platt, Aamir Fard Adrienne Richardson, Mavia Hanson Anthony Rogers, Yareli Hernandez Catrina Searcy, Kadayas Howard Delisa Stevens, Kenya Merritt Paul White. Magic Johnson gave the students advice that they should continue their education in college or start their own business. Johnson discussed his own work as a businessman after retiring from basketball. He also gave out Los Angeles Lakers jerseys to eight students in the audience. The jerseys bore Johnson’s own number and current Lakers players.