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title:Boost Your Education And Life With An
Online Degree
author:David Birgelli
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

Obtaining an online bachelors degree can be a swift and easy way to further your career,prospects and life in general. But before you enroll, there are a few important points you need to know get your head around.
Number one, you’ll want to make ensure that the college that offers you a degree online is accredited. School and universities are accredited on a national or state level. This accreditation means that a relevant board of education has researched and approved the schools curriculum and course.
Secondly, you will want to make sure that the school is highly recognized and that the bachelors degree can be transfered. This will help because someday you might need to further enhance your education by completing your masters degree and you might be required to transfer your bachelors credits.
Prerequisite to obtaining your bachelors degree from a university or college, First you must have the minimum of a G.E.D or a high school diploma. It will also help to have some college or previous work experience under your belt. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. If you have attained previous college credits, then they can be put toward your bachelors degree program and the period of time that you will need to be enrolled in school will be shortened.
If you have not attained previous college credits, The majority of bachelors degree online programs take about thirty six months to finish. This period of time is based on a person that takes a minimum of twenty hours of course work per week. With previous college credits, or by spending a larger amount of time on course work every week, some individuals can finish their bachelors online degree program in as little as twelve months.
To choose which university or college to enroll with, it is best to decide what type of degree program you require. The majority of colleges offer these type of programs but some specialize in man varied fields. For example, an individual who wants a bachelors degree in business might decide to go with Ashworth College, while a person that wants an degree for education would want to go with Penn State University.
When you have chosen a bachelors online degree course, you need to research its class schedule. Most online programs or courses allow you to download the course work and complete it at your own leisure, but some programs insist that you log on to the Internet for virtual class sessions at a designated time a few times a week. Now you know the basics you will see that making up for lost time can be easier than you might have thought and topping up your education is a real possibility. Go on what have you got to lose?

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title:Bogus Online Degrees
author:Shaan Randow
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

There will always be con artists, people trying to make a buck on the shady side of the street. They prey on the unsuspecting and the ill-informed. Every year thousands of Americans are hoodwinked by direct mail scams that offer them great prizes and vacations. Some of these victims, many of them elderly or senior citizens invest their hard earned savings with unscrupulous crooks who fleece them of their money through promises of exorbitant returns. The bottom line in business is to know who you are dealing with and check them out if things they say or do raise concern.
Unfortunately these scammers have found the Internet to be a great and anonymous way to select new victims. One way they do this is by creating fake universities and colleges that grant bogus degrees.
A bogus online degree is one that will be worthless to you in the future and will not be accepted as proof of your credentials by any other institution or employer.
Some experts say that there are at least thirty “universities” offering bogus online degree programs and they are willing to sell you a degree, even if you never plan to attend classes. Be forewarned, a degree without the proper accreditation is only worth the piece of paper that it is written on and no one will give you any of the respect and rewards that you think you may deserve with a bogus degree.
The process of accreditation is supervised by a set of regional accreditation agencies across the United States. They examine all aspects of the online degree program to ensure that it meets or exceeds nationally established standards. They look at the curriculum, the instructors, the course material and the quality control processes that the institution has in place before they agree to accredit the program. This ensures that an online degree granted by one institution is as least as good as all of the rest and it protects students, the school and prospective employees from embarrassment or disappointment later.
There are over 750 online degree programs that are accredited and open to the public across the For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. United States. Some are very small and highly specialized

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title:Bogus Distance Learning Degrees – How
Can You Tell?
author:Rose Musyoka
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

With the rise in demand for online distance learning degrees, many bogus learning institutions have mushroomed over the internet with the sole intention of taking advantage of innocent students seeking for a genuine degree. These so-called “Colleges” often attract applicants with their attractive degree programs which are boasts of easy graduation, low tuition fees, no examinations and credit given for life experience, all of which just sound too good to be true. Some of them even go to the extent of prospecting for customers by sending out bulk email citing university degrees for sale.
Therefore, with all the confusion generated, how can students sieve out the genuine from the bogus? This may be especially difficult for distance learning programs when students practically make their choices based on what is shown on a website. In many cases, especially for international students, it may not be feasible to visit the physical site of a college before enrolling. With this, making choices will really depend on the appearance and content of a website, which sometimes may not be an accurate judge of the creditability of a college.
One of the qualifying factors that can be utilized by students to make correct enrolment decisions is by determining the type of college accreditation that has been received by their college of consideration. If the college vaguely states itself as having “nationwide or worldwide accreditation” without stating specifically which regional accreditation body it is accredited with, then most likely this college does not possess legitimate accreditation.
In the U.S., college accreditation is awarded by one of the following six accreditation agencies which are all appointed by the National For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Board of Education – New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), North Central Association of Schools and Colleges (NCA), Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges (MSA), Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SACS), Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges (NWCCU). Each agency has been allocated responsibility for providing accreditation for schools in specific states. Therefore, it would be best to run checks on a particular online degree institution with the agency offering college accreditation for the state in which the college is registered in.
Another tell-tale sign of bogus degrees offered is when the university advertises itself through mass-mailing email featuring university degrees for sale. Many bogus distance learning institutions prey on people who are desperate for a degree, but don’t have the time and money to go for proper education. That is why these colleges boast of degrees without any examinations, classes, studying or even waiting. There are even websites that offer degrees for just a few hundred dollars which can be ordered and received within 7 days. Furthermore, some of them also have dubious URLs, stating accreditation from agencies which are not any one of the six listed above. Additionally, they offer fixed prices for their Master’s, Bachelor’s, and even Doctorate Degrees. Their justification for awarding degrees will be for giving credit to life experiences such as any type of work experience, any educational background, any workshops or community services attended as well as travel experience, hobbies and even on the number of books that a person has read!
In conclusion, as the awareness on bogus degrees increases amongst prospective employers, degrees obtained through a legitimate avenue of education can sometimes be mistaken for bogus degrees too. Therefore, the best approach to select a college would ideally be based on legitimate college accreditation awarded by the appointed authorities to the respective colleges.

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Birds – The American Bald Eagle

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The American Bald Eagle is a national symbol of the United States of America. Read on to learn more about this majestic bird, and how you can help to protect it.

birds,American Bald Eagle

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The For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. American Bald Eagle was unofficially chosen as a National Symbol in 1872, when the Constitution of the United States was ratified. It was not officially nominated as such until 1788. There was a heated debate, led by the great statesman Benjamin Franklin, about this bird becoming the National Bird. Mr. Franklin wanted the turkey which he thought better symbolized the clean, honest, and more straightforward ideals of the American people. His bid was lost, however, in 1789 when George Washington became the first President of the USA, and the Bald Eagle was officially adopted as the “First Bird”.

The American Bald Eagle is the only eagle which is native to North America and it’s only on its native continent that one may find it. Alaska, the 49th State admitted to the Union, is home to about 35,000 of the 70,000 total population. British Columbia boasts about 20,000, and the rest predominantly inhabit the Pacific coastline, with a few scattered throughout the rest of the United States. Population is heaviest in the Pacific Northwest due, in part, to the large amount of salmon found there. Eagles depend greatly on fish as a main part of their diets. They will eat small animals such as mice, rabbits, muskrats, duck and snakes and they will resort to eating carrion (dead animals), if necessary. However, they prefer that their food be of a fresh source and they are partial to fish.

While Bald Eagle are capable of carrying their food in flight, they can actually only lift about half of their body weight. Although they can dive, catch fish in the water, and swim to shore with them, they have also been known to drown if the fish is too big and they don’t let go of it.

The body length, for both males and females, ranges between 29 and 42 inches (73.66 to 106.68 centimeters). The male is usually between 7 and 9 pounds (.497 to .639 stone) and has a wingspan which can exceed 6 feet (1.83 meters). The female is larger and can weigh up to 14 pounds (.99 stone). She can have a wingspan of up to 8 feet (2.44 meters).

In level flight, the Bald Eagle has been recorded at speeds up to 44 miles per hour (70.1 kmp). It can dive (and has been clocked) at speeds of 75 to 100 mph (120.68 to 160.39 kmp). The eagle is capable of riding the thermal air currents in excess of 10000 feet (3048 meters) and can stay aloft doing this for hours at a time.

This species of bird mates for life, and will only seek another mate if their “spouse” dies. They build an “eyrie (also spelled aerie)” in which they incubate their eggs and raise their eaglets until those leave the nest at 12 weekS. An eyrie, or nest, can be built in the tops of giant trees (quite often aspens) or on a ledge of a mountain. The eagles habitually add to their nests until they reach up to 10 feet (2.54 meters) in diameter. The eyries are lined with soft materials such as leaves, feathers, and moss to provide a suitable area for incubating the eggs once the female lays them.

The eggs are usually laid at the end of April, following a fascinating “courtship dance” in early April, which the eagles perform in midair. They dive and climb, and look to be attacking (locking talons, or claws with) each other during this flight sequence.

After the eggs are laid, the male and the female take turns in hunting, incubating the eggs (34 to 35 days, usually hatching in late May or early June), monitoring the nest, and brooding/feeding the eaglets until they are large enough to fly and leave the nest. This occurs when the eaglets are about 12 weeks old. They develop special flight feathers, which make them look larger than their parents, that serve as extra balance (sort of like training wheels on a bicycle) while they learn to fly.

Hatchlings are light grey when born, and turn dark brown before leaving the nest. Young adults have brown and white mottled feathers beneath their wings until they reach 5 years of age. At 5 years, the head and tail feathers turn white. The mature bird is not actually bald. “Bald”, at one time, meant “white”. Thus the name, “bald eagle”. Between the fourth and fifth years, the beak and eyes take on the distinctive yellow color. To see a mature Bald Eagle up close is awe-inspiring. To see one in flight is an experience to cherish for a lifetime.

Preservation Efforts

In spite of the “National Symbols Act” and the “Bald and Gold Eagle Preservation Act,” which were both passed in 1940, the Bald Eagle population declined rapidly because farmers killed them for fear of the harm that they could do to their livestock. Hunters and poachers killed them as trophies and for profit, and many were killed accidentally. This seriously alarmed preservationists. Therefore the American Bald Eagle was officially declared an “Endangered Species” in 1947, under a law which preceded the “Endangered Species Act” of 1973. Until 1995, they were listed as endangered in 43 of the 48 contiguous United States. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Oregon, and Washington State listed them as “threatened”. In 1995, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) upgraded their status to threatened in the other 43 states.

In February of 2006 an announcement was made that the USFWS had issued guidelines on how the species should be protected by landowners and others, once the bird is no longer listed as a threatened species. Those guidelines include proposals for laws which prohibit disrupting the bird’s breeding, sheltering, or feeding practices or disturbing it in any manner which could cause injury, death, or nest abandonment. Should those proposals be solidified and approved, it could lead to the removal of the Bald Eagle from the “threatened” list.

It should be noted that even if the new guidelines are approved, the American Bald Eagle is still protected under the “Migratory Bird Treaty Act”, the “Bald and Gold Eagle Preservation Act”, and the “National Symbols Act”. It is illegal to possess, take, barter, trade, sell, transport, import, or export eagles. And it is illegal to collect eagles or their body parts, nests, or eggs without a special permit. Possession of a feather, or other body parts, is a felony which can carry a fine up to $10,000 USD and/or imprisonment and this is very strictly enforced. However, federally recognized Native Americans are still permitted to possess those emblems which are traditional to their culture.

One can learn more about these magnificent, beautiful, and majestic birds and how to help with the continuing preservation efforts by visiting the many websites devoted to them.

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Be Thankful For Grammar

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I neve
r thought I’d say this, but I’m thankful for grammar. You heard me right. I’m thankful for grammar. I guess maybe I should say that I’m thankful that I learned grammar. It’s really true. As an author, I learned quickly to be grateful for those years of elementary school, junior high, and high school grammar class.

Do you remember sitting through those dreadful grammar classes? I sure do. I remember being asked to memorize the function of a noun, pronoun, verb, adverb…


For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Article Body:
I never thought I’d say this, but I’m thankful for grammar. You heard me right. I’m thankful for grammar. I guess maybe I should say that I’m thankful that I learned grammar. It’s really true. As an author, I learned quickly to be grateful for those years of elementary school, junior high, and high school grammar class.

Do you remember sitting through those dreadful grammar classes? I sure do. I remember being asked to memorize the function of a noun, pronoun, verb, adverb and adjective. And I remember learning the difference between the subject of the sentence and the predicate of that same sentence. I have no real memory of how the concepts of grammar made it off the pages and from the teachers’ mouths into my head, but they did. I never intentionally paid attention during grammar class because at that time I was years away from deciding to be a writer. I guess the grammar I needed to learn somehow came to be through osmosis. Think about our what our society would be like without the existence of grammar.

Basically, grammar is the thing that allows us to communicate the same kind of English. Sure, you and I both know what a dog or a tomato are, but what if you thought that each sentence that ended with a period was really a question. Wouldn’t that be confusing? Or what if I decided to write my next novel uses sentences like this: “Told Billy to Sarah loving a mother being a.” Does that make sense to you? Of course not, because that sentence was not written with proper English grammar in mind. If we’re lucky or just have a good imagination then we can determine that Sarah is telling Billy something about loving to be a mom. But without grammar, understanding even the most common English words just isn’t easy.

Do you love to sit down and read a good book? Or perhaps relaxing in front of a movie is your cup of tea? Do you enjoy surfing the internet for the latest facts and news? If you enjoy any of these things, then you better appreciate grammar. It is proper grammar that allows you to read a book or to understand the script of a film or even to make sense of the internet.

If you still are not convinced about the importance of grammar to your life, trying having a conversation using mixed up sentences like the one I wrote for you earlier. It is pretty hard to make it through a day when no one understands each others thoughts or questions.

Fortunately, because we have grammar, we never have to worry about miscommunicating with people because of the way we arrange our words. So be thankful for grammar because I guarentee it has made your life a lot easier.

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title:Beyond Your Child’s Classroom
author:Mark M. Boudreaux
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

What’s been going on with America’s students?
America’s students today suffer from a prevalent backward predisposition towards their own future success. Lulled into a false sense of security by their surrounding society and influences, plus a slackening of school requirements for excellence, students would rather stage a protest against additional time in school than for the possibility of adding to their own learning prowess. The overriding attitude toward time spent in school as that of “getting through it” instead of active strengthening of a students learning ability has led to an increasingly poor showing in academic performance. This drop in performance is a harbinger for the future of American business and its societal place among the rest of the global community.
Multifaceted in its make-up, the problem stems from several incorrect perspectives and conceptions of the reality of the student condition. The students’ lack of engagement is partially a response to the values and goals held by adult society as a whole. One example of this multi-tiered problem is that a clear message has been sent to America’s children that success in later life is not contingent on the tangible everyday work of the school day. Students have been led to believe, perhaps subconsciously, that luck, connections, and the like have as much to do, or more to do with success as any striving for academic superiority. All of society, even the students themselves, contributes to this and other problems surrounding today’s educational system, and it is an invisible cancer eating away at the nation’s future.
Since the mid-1960s SAT test scores have dropped significantly. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. At first this was considered the result of an influx of lower performing students from diversely ethnic backgrounds; however, there was also an identical drop among the white majority in overall testing. Surprisingly, the deepest drop happened during periods of stagnant growth and is not limited to test taking. In measures of skills and talents of how students read, write and add and measures of what can be done with these talents, there has been significant decline since the early 1970s. Poor academic performance is even apparent among top students. There has been no improvement whatsoever among all classes and strata of students and this leveling off of academic improvement is cause for alarming concern. America’s best and brightest do not fare well against other countries’ students who are considered average in their own country. America’s “A’s” do not equal other developed countries’ “C’s”.
Imagine if you will, America striving to stay atop the economic world while employing citizens who cannot even read or write in a competent manner. The economic costs of such a tragic waste of time and money on schooling and re-schooling just to formulate a competent workforce for the basics is akin to “whistling past the graveyard.” Capitalism has brought America to the top of the economic world. Will the relentless pursuit of economic positioning among America’s people and businesses at the expense of our own future slowly kill us internally?
Amazingly, America’s response includes a lessening of the requirements for successful SAT test taking. Those who have allowed students to produce less than other students had to produce 25 years ago have deluded America’s youth. Performance that received barely a passing grade a quarter of a century ago is now given a “well done” with a passing grade. There are many reasons for lessening these requirements and some people will tell you that it was a needed move for equality to all students, but these people are misguided and be fret of the facts. They do not understand the toll it has taken on Americas’ academic health by giving students an easier time of their work and thus resulting in a student community that has become painfully average.
But what, you may ask, is the nation’s major servant, the government, doing for today’s student? The political arena has certainly given its best shot at curtailing these alarming problems of school performance disintegration. Unfortunately, their efforts have resulted in a zero return on investment. When the fine points of schools are studied, such as teacher evaluation and program organization, it is found that schools can make at least a marginal difference. The liberal view point, as always, is that more money must be spent to create better environments and opportunities for learning. This has given schools a many facetted look of academic and non-academic parts that give the student a wider range of influences beyond books and lectures. Naturally, the conservative view is that this spending has only caused an erosion of student’s performance resulting in over distraction and the whole process must be returned to the basics. The fact, however, is that student work quality dropped off long before any of this spending happened and was the causality for it in the first place. Today’s problems are not only the schools themselves, but the entire social environment that students are growing up in. There is an attitude that over half of all students in America have that has dropped overall performance. When one takes into account that students without this attitude, those who can “swim against the stream” of indifference succeed in American schools; it proves that outside influences have taken their toll on the rest of the student nation. Therefore, any government measures to shore up the educational system cannot solely concentrate upon the schools themselves. The entirety of a child’s life must be studied and the influences thereof reformed, if possible.
The level of engagement or disengagement of students is the number one precursor of success in school. Outside influences that direct these measures can cause a downward spiraling effect that the student is barely even aware of. For instance, students who work are given less responsibility in their school work. The student becomes increasingly bored and therefore works more hours outside of school, and the cycle continues. Too many students’ engagement problems also are the result of social attitudes. Class time is the “commercial,” as it were, to be sandwiched in between their real lives which is composed of their extra school network. Among this network it is believed that striving to succeed well in school and being involved in class activities is a waste of time and “uncool.” The majority of students feel that all one has to do is get through school and graduate, it isn’t necessary to do well or learn anything in order to succeed once school time is completed. The concept of the brain being a muscle which must be exercised much like their physical bodies is anathema, if realized at all. Too many of these students, their parents, and the surrounding working world know all too well that no one is going to look at a students’ grades from grammar school and high school when considering employment. Therefore, due to this invisible work record, the level of engagement in class can be at whatever level will get you passed to the next grade.
Any study based on student ethnicity differences may at first be met with a politically incorrect label, but much can be learned by studying the effects that the American school system has had on immigrants’ children who come to this country. Alarmingly, it is a statistical fact that the longer a family remains in America, the more school success erodes with each generation. This is true for some ethnics more than others and points out some glaring problems which continue to be largely American in scope. Ethnic differences in achievement persist across a wide spectrum even if we take into account economic differences. Pervasively, it is found that Asian students do far better than other ethnic groups across all strata and the strongest indicator was their degree of engagement in studies. Asian children find no shame in being good students. A more accurate gage of student success can be found in what those students believe to be their chances for success later in life. Asian students do a better job in school due to the fear of not getting a good job after school if they fail. They are also emotionally involved in the pride of their parents and join their Asian peers in striving for success, often mixing their socializing with school studies. Children of other races, however, suffer from an undue optimism about their chances for success later in life. This perspective has a direct connection to how poorly they do in school. The students of African-American heritage and those of Hispanic descent tend to believe that it won’t matter how they do anyway and subconsciously forgive themselves from striving for excellence. Sadly, in many cases they may have seen concrete evidence for these attitudes in the failure of the idealized American dream within their own families. Many of those families also seem to communicate to the child that there will be a loss of culturalism if one gets a good education in America and then begins to act “white.” Unfortunately there are too few examples of African-American and Hispanic intellectual success for these children to emulate. In the social group, Asian students don’t have this problem as they are often allowed to be, if not expected to be, a part of the “brain” crowd. The nations “white” children themselves appear to be ambivalent as to their own futures, sharing the problems of both successful and poorly performing ethnic students. They fall into the majority of “B” students in most groups, but suffer from the outside influences that have made those “B’s” of today equal to the barley passing grades of yesteryear. The surprising minority of all ethnic and white students who do not fall into these negative attitudes presents further evidence that success in school is a matter of perspective and approach and not one of skin color or national background.
As stated already, the longer a student’s family remains in America, the less productive the student. Partially to blame is the concept that “grades make you what you are.” If a student relaxes himself in his efforts and then does less productive work, he usually gets lower grades. But today’s majority of students who don’t perform well believe that their lack of success is due to other factors surrounding them, be it luck, family problems, economic woes, et cetera. Therefore, when these students get “D’s” and “C’s,” it is perceived as a reflection of their identity. The successful student, and there are many in today’s American schools, believes his own hard work and effort or lack thereof is a cause for success or failure. These students prove it everyday to themselves that it is not the American school system that has failed them if they get poor grades. Socially, however, they may suffer the scorn of their peers who do not do so well. Due to a prevailing attitude among students of a cavalier “marking time” in school, which results in lower grades, the psychological defense has been the blind agreement of “coolness” or being “with it” if school is given a casual glance of attention. It’s a dangerous psychological trap that has America’s students wasting away on the vine. This trend is not seen in other similarly developed countries and mirrors the internal American problem seen in the generational decline of immigrant students.
Problematically, the struggle is also found in the American home due to a prevalence of the wrong types of parenting styles that result in ineffective stances toward school. Whatever position parents take of themselves as, firm, accepting and autonomous is absorbed internally by their children. Parenting is often a balancing act of love and discipline, mercy and justice where one without the other will not produce correct results.
Out of the three styles: authoritarian, authoritative and permissive, it is found that children with at least one authoritative parent were able to do much better than those with none. Correct parenting styles are now a statistical fact and cannot continue to be ignored by parents when planning the raising of children. Authoritative parenting often creates students with good school and social skills, teaching them responsibility for their actions. Naturally, since these students feel more responsible for their own actions, the idea of outside influences having too much control over their success is minor. Authoritarian parents tend to create poor social skills but acceptable school skills. Permissive parents create high levels of social skills but negative attitudes toward school and adults. Either one of these last two creates a poor fit for the overall experience of the student in school. Authoritative parenting across all social and economic strata, show a marked improvement in school performance, due to the correct psychological “fit” of the child for success in school.
Parents who also show up at school and make themselves visible tend to “spike” the child’s interest and belief in the overall efficacy of school for their later lives. This not only involves the student, but the teachers and administration take notice of such involvement. This can work on several levels and for diverse reasons, such as either showing school employees the parents’ belief in the system or, additionally, leaving little room for teachers and administrators to hide their problems and mistakes within the crowd of parents and students. But how many parents today can find the time and energy to be so involved in their student’s school? Schools themselves may create their own problems by not making themselves available to parents caught up in the double income working world of today. For many schools themselves, there just isn’t enough time in a day for parents, too many students, and not enough pay. The collapse of the parent/teacher system under such economic and population stress can be seen all across the board as one of the major factors in student failure. Someone has to make the first move, however; and who would be better than parents that support the schools, through private funding or public taxes, taking a responsible stance and shearing down the size of their lives to make room for responsible scholastic participation.
Between the tenth and sixth grades a parent’s influence drops off significantly as the peer group takes over as primary director. By the time a child reaches high school it has been found that peer pressure is more important than any parental influence. This pressure can often happen without the child realizing he is being taken in one direction or another. Labels, such as “brains” or “jocks”, are often used by the student to define the society around them for easier access. The disturbing statistic is that less than 5% of any student body labels themselves or others as being in school for the main purpose of academic achievement. Among American students there is wide spread pressure not to do TOO well. To do well is often communicated covertly as “showing off”. The prevailing norm in high schools across the country is to “fly in under the radar” and graduate, otherwise, the student may find himself left out of the social climate. This pressure is often hard to prevent and, paradoxically, short lived, as the students’ future will always be with him but current social conditions will be short lived.
When considering the influences outside of the home that will mold and shape the child’s future, parents need to consider that neighborhoods and schools will be a primary source of the child’s social contacts. As with any public climate, like minded neighborhoods will have schools that are filled with future friends who also reflect parenting and teaching attitudes that may be beneficial or may be of concern to parents. Let us consider that there is a student who usually is expected to do well in school simply because of their race and assumed scholastic prowess that is placed in a school populated with students from other ethnic households. These households may indeed share attitudes and feelings toward school work that are not synergistic, if so; there will be an overwhelming social pressure for that student to be less productive. Whereas in a school filled with like minded offspring, the student may encounter other pupils who are oriented towards school. As a result, they will create bonds that combine socializing and studies and find themselves successful simply due to association. Whether financially well off or monetarily poor, the students’ parents must consider that it is the parenting styles and social climate of other children’s rearing that will do more than they themselves will ever do for the future of the child reaching the high school years.
The ultimate source of achievement problems begins with how students spend their time out of school. The number of students who hold part time jobs after school has risen to 80% since the 1950’s. It’s no coincidence that this figure runs parallel to the decline of student achievement. National companies who hire teenagers are more concerned about thriving on cheap labor, for which they need not provide any benefits, than they are about the nation’s scholastic future. Complaints about students who can’t even make change without a calculator or computer should give national companies pause for thought about their involvement in creating and maintaining the problem themselves. The antiquated idea of the struggling student who must work to help out the family is out of touch with current statistics. It has been found that the overwhelming majority of students who work, earn money for the trivial things in their lives, such as CD’s and other luxury items. These students may work more than 20 hours a week, severely damaging their own ability to succeed in school while at the same time learning job skills that will not transfer into the working world in any meaningful way beyond the level of the job they have. Working students often cheat more, skip class or perhaps take too many easy classes. Other involvements, such as after school activities, sports and clubs are usually only dabbled in for anywhere from 10-15 hours a week, if that much. Further studies show that socializing outside of school, added on top of socializing already done in school, can be as high as 20 hours a week or more. If all of these influences are added up together, it is painfully obvious that today’s student spends as little as 15% of their overall time on scholastic pursuits. Not coincidentally, Asian students score lowest in all categories of outside school activities. Their success is evidence of the correct social climate, parenting styles and attitudes toward school work that create a smooth road toward achievement. This happens in American schools despite the clamor of the school reform movement. The lesson here is that school success is as much a product of the ways a student lives their lives as it is the school they attend. Far too many poor parenting styles, greedy and careless employers and the quick thrill media come in contact with today’s students and school is just one of a long list of things a child does every day. America should never be surprised at the level of disengagement of its student body due to the fact that school engagement has become a triviality in the national psyche.
Before this writer becomes chided for dwelling on all the negative things that have happened to the American educational experience, let’s take a look at those things that can be done to right the sinking ship.
1) The nation must realize that the problem is symptomatic of a complex network of social and private problems that must be addressed en-masse. School reform and restructure are not enough to solve the problems of the educational system and past attempts at reform have failed.
2) Parents must realize that the priority of childhood is doing well in school. All other influences must be sacrificed to the extent that scholastic achievement is primary in the students mind. It must be driven home in clear and uncensored language on a national level that doing well in school has ultimate benefits for the child’s mental, emotional and physical well being. Parents, too, must step up to the plate and become more physically involved in the rearing of their children if they are going to have them. Adult’s lack of engagement in the lives and scholastic achievement of their own children has become a pervasive health problem in this country that may become one day a major factor in the down fall of America as a whole.
3) Colleges today are too willing to accept any student who has been given a high school diploma regardless of how well they have done in their studies. This has resulted in students taking the low road to their later lives and creating a work force of questionable merit. When one considers that this includes professions such as doctors and lawyers and political leaders, the resultant society, perhaps less than four generations away, may have “Orwellian” overtones. It’s a science fact that advanced societies are the easiest to destroy, for how many among us can build an automobile or create a vaccine? Once these abilities are lost a society must be concerned with re-building the wheel, as it were, and in today’s world climate America can hardly take a break from its global position to heal its own internal wounds. Toughening standards for student advancement is no longer a debatable convenience, but must be enacted for the future of mankind.
4) Remedial classes at higher learning institutions have to be eliminated. The practice of providing schooling for skills that should be plat formed and ready to go to the next level has weakened the overall effect of both a high school and a college diploma. Any students who do not possess the readiness for higher education should be disallowed and sent back to secondary colleges or some alternative until these skills are achieved and provable.
5) All after school activities must be examined. Extracurricular activities involved with the school institution can often be beneficial for the student in limited amounts. Parents need to judge the effects of sports and clubs and such and then limit the child’s involvement in order to get the maximum benefit of education for that child. National records and statistics do not, however; show any need at all for students to work upwards of twenty hours a week on part time jobs. Studies have shown that it is more of a waste of time and an interference with school work that results only in lower performance. If a child must work, the hours a week should be concentrated to the weekend and less than 15 hours per week. Work time numbers above the 15 hours show nationally to be disastrously detrimental to the school experience.
Solving the problems of academic dementia among American students must be studied from the point of view that takes in to account their entire lives and the effects on their production that parents, friends, employers and the schools have on the struggling student. Until these things are accomplished, America’s future lies in the hands of lost generations.

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Beware of Fake Diplomas

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With t
he rise of online distance education programs, students everywhere are turning to this convenient method to receive a college education. While there’s no denying that online education offers prospective students a flexible alternative to traditional schools, there are certain scams you need to be aware of to avoid receiving a fake diploma.

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With the rise of online distance education programs, students everywhere are turning to this convenient method to receive a college education. While there’s no denying that online education offers prospective students a flexible alternative to traditional schools, there are certain scams you need to be aware of to avoid receiving a fake diploma. Fake degrees are more common than many people might think, and anyone can be fooled into believing they are receiving a quality education when in reality, they are not. While distance education is a viable way to obtain your education goals, be aware of the following scams or you very well might end up with a fake diploma.

When searching for online master degrees programs, it’s very important to assure that the school is accredited. It’s very easy for a college to say they are fully accredited, but unless they are accredited through proper means you could end up with fake degrees that will mean nothing to prospective employers. Nowadays, some schools that are only out to take your money will create their own illegitimate accreditation boards to give the illusion that their school is the real deal. To stay safe, and to be sure you don’t end up with a fake diploma, check with the proper accreditation boards for any online program you are considering.

One common sense sign people tend to miss is the lack of contact information a school provides. A legitimate school will provide complete contact information for students to get in touch with their teachers and faculty. While e-mail is definitely a convenient way to contact your school, it shouldn’t be the only way. For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Check to make sure the school you wish to attend provides an address and telephone number where you can reach them. Schools that offer fake degrees oftentimes omit this pertinent information, which should be your first warning sign.

It’s also important to remember that any claim that sounds too good to be true probably is. For example, if an online degree program claims you will be able to finish your education extremely fast or makes outrageous claims that sound unbelievable, listen to your intuition! It’s probably an advertising gimmick designed to take your money and leave you hanging with a fake diploma. Fake degrees will not be taken seriously with any employer or school, and if you fall prey to one of these scams you are the one left holding the bag.

While an online masters degree offers people flexible ways to reach their educational goals, it’s important to keep a watchful eye out for anything that looks the least bit suspicious. In obtaining a college education, you want your degree to mean something and a fake diploma from a school that isn’t legitimate will not get you where you want to be in life. When researching distance education programs, always check to make sure the school is legitimate before you pay any money to study with them. If you’re not careful, you may end up with a fake diploma after all of your money and time has been spent.

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Benefits and Drawbacks of t
he Internet as a Research Source

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Researching can be a time consuming task, whether it be for a news article, term paper, or simply general interest. Researching on the internet is quite convenient and has many advantages, but in turn, has some disadvantages also. Is internet research right for you?

research,internet,research internet,researching the internet,rearching on the internet

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Despite the fact that turning to the Internet has become an obvious choice when doing research, the Internet, like any tool, has unique characteristics that create both benefits and drawbacks.

On the positive side, the Internet offers the following:

– Access to new and valuable sources of information that came into being because of the Internet. These include electronic journals (e-journals) and Internet discussion groups.

– For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. A more efficient route for accessing certain standard information sources such as newspapers, particularly overseas papers and electronic versions of existing print journals.

– Access to an enormous amount of information. Currently it is estimated that there are about 800 million pages of information on the Web.

– Access to non-mainstream views. Fringe groups and those without access to the media or a printing press can now make their opinions known on the Internet.

– Access to obscure and arcane information. Because there are so many people with such diverse interests on the Internet, a search can often turn up the most unusual and hard-tolocate nugget of data.

– Access to digitized versions of primary sources. Some libraries are digitizing (making electronic versions) of primary research sources such as personal letters, official government documents, treaties, photographs, etc. and making these available for viewing over the Internet. The same is true for audio and, in some cases, video.

– Access to searchable databases and datasets. There are many sites on the Internet where you can search a collection of statistical data, such as demographic or social science data. While some databases on the Internet are fee-based, others are free.

– Access to government information. The U.S. federal government is one of the largest publishers in the world and it is utilizing the Internet as its preferred method for disseminating much of its information.

– Access to international information. Not only can you easily find official data from other countries by connecting to embassies, consulates, and foreign governmental sites, you can also search other countries’ newspapers, discuss issues with citizens from around the world on the newsgroups, and locate Web sites established by individuals from other nations.

Other key benefits that the Internet brings to the researcher include:

– Speed. Doing a search on the Internet can take just seconds.

– Timeliness. On the Internet you can find information that has just been made available a few minutes earlier.

– Multimedia. The Internet delivers not just text, but graphics, audio, and video.

– Hyperlinking. The ability to click between Web pages can facilitate an associative type of research, and make it easier to view citations and supporting data from a text.

On the downside, the Internet, despite its real and seemingly growing benefits to the researcher, still presents certain drawbacks. Among the most significant are:

– Diverse collection of information. The Internet is truly a potpourri of information-that’s one of its strengths, but it’s also one of its weaknesses. On the Net you can come across everything from a scholarly paper published on particle physics to a 14-year-old’s essay on her summer vacation; there are newswire feeds from respected press organizations like the AP and Reuters, as well as misinformation from a Holocaust denial group; there are commercials and advertisements, and there are scientific reports from the U.S. Department of Energy. All of this diversity makes it difficult to separate out and pinpoint just the type of information you want.

– Difficult to search effectively. A traditional electronic database that you might search in a library may take a little learning and practice, but once you get the hang of it, you can become an effective searcher. But on the Internet, even if you know all the ins and outs of searching, because of the built-in limitations of Internet search engines and the way Web pages are created, you’ll only be able to search a small percentage of what’s on the Net. You also won’t be able to easily distinguish the valuable from the trivial pages; and you can obtain unpredictable results.

– Emphasis on new information. The Web came into being in the early 1990s, and, consequently, most of the information available on the Internet postdates that time. However, this is changing as certain Web site owners are loading older, archival material.

– Lack of context. Because search engines will return just a single page from a multipage document, you can miss the larger context from which that information was derived.

– Lack of permanence. Web pages are notoriously unstable. They appear, move, and disappear regularly. This can be of particular concern for academic researchers, who need to cite a stable page for reference purposes.

– Selectivity of coverage. Despite the size of the Internet, the vast majority of the world’s knowledge still resides in print. So a search for information on the Internet in no way represents a comprehensive search of the world’s literature or knowledge.

Similarly, a good deal of what’s on the Internet is “off-limits” to search engines and is not retrievable. These off-limit sites include those that are accessible only to those who register, input a password, or pay a subscription fee. These include most of the major commercial fee-based databases and online services that have a presence on the Web (e.g., Dialog, LexisNexis). Other “off-limit” sites include newspapers that require subscriptions or registration, professional association members-only sites, and so forth.

In all, one can see that researching on the internet can be a blessing or an impediment for good research results. But doing some research on the internet can, at least, provide a good foundation for your researching endevours.

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title:Becoming A Police
Officer, Firefighter & Postal Exam Just Became Easier
author:Donna Moran
date_saved:2007-07-25 12:30:09

With the economy the way it is today, large numbers of people, both young and old are looking for a long term career which has some stability. The most common of which are police officers, firefighters, and postal employees. In the past many of these job-seekers would merely fill out an application in order to take an entrance exam, and then blindly go take the exam without really knowing or having an idea what to expect. Some would purchase generic books from their local bookstores, only to find out that the material covered was not even close to their exam.
Well that all has changed thanks to a new innovative company. Enter CareerQuiz Inc. ( For a small charge CareerQuiz For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Inc. prepares its members for thousands of law enforcement exams, firefighter exams, and postal exams throughout the country. What makes CareerQuiz Inc. different from other similar businesses is that that they target the specific agency that you are applying for. Depending on the agency that the job-seeker is looker for, CareerQuiz Inc. presents that person with up-to-date study materials and online practice exams to assist the test taker come exam day.
According to Augie Caamano, Jr. founder of CareerQuiz Inc. “Apart from being our main business, there is a great sense of satisfaction to see all of these men and women completing our study programs and getting the positions they’re seeking. I enjoy reading e-mails from past members who have been sworn in to their agencies or accepted positions as a result of our online preparation programs.”
A look at quickly conveys to the visitor their commitment to online test preparation. The web portal quickly allows you to choose which field you are targeting, and depending on your selection directs you to one of three sites, either, or Once a selection is made you are instantly taken to that prep site to choose the actual agency you are targeting. and both list over 4,800 agencies for every state and territory in the U.S.
Caamano states “We would not have thousands of members throughout the country if we did not know the testing business. I’m so sure that we can help, that I offer every member a money back guarantee that they pass the exam on their first try. Therefore, our members have nothing to lose, and everything to gain by preparing for their respective exams at CareerQuiz Inc.”
For a modest one-time modest fee of only $24.95, CareerQuiz Inc. provides it’s members with hundreds of sample practice questions, along with test strategies and tips. They also provide all members the opportunity to communicate with past members who have already taken their entrance exam, and who may be able to provide better insight as to what to expect.
When asked if he would expand his service to other types of entrance exams, Caamano stated “We only want to prepare our members for exams that we know and have researched. Our subject matter experts carefully screen exams throughout the country so that our members have the best possible opportunity to pass that first critical step in the hiring process”.
For more information about preparing for the police officer, firefighter and postal exam. Be sure to visit CareerQuiz Inc. at
Donna Moran is the author of “Becoming A Police Officer Just Became Easier (2004)” mailto:[email protected]

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Becoming a Home School Teacher

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Transitioning from parent to home school teacher isn’t as hard as you may think

home school resources

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Have you ever wished to become a teacher? Have you ever wanted to educate children with the right skills and concepts in order to survive life’s challenges?

If you are a parent and you believe in the benefits of homeschooling, then, you could be a homeschool teacher! With homeschooling, you have the option to teach your own child in ways that follow a particular homeschool curriculum. Hence, the learning process is not limited with the rules and regulations set by the typical school system.

In homeschooling, the parents-turned-home-school-teacher can freely incorporate the right values and knowledge that they want their child to know.

You do not need some specific technical requirements in order to become a home school teacher. What you need to have is the yearning to teach your children.

Teaching your children how to learn things and how to achieve something in life will be a rewarding experience, as you watch them grow and achieve successful.

Home schooling is a rapidly spreading alternative form of education. It requires a strong desire, but nothing too stringent. Even parents without a high school diploma can handle it.

For the best Maths Tutor In Ireland company, call Ace Solution Books. Planning for Home school

Planning is essential for home schooling to make the flow of things smoother. Plan first the location. An extra room around the house can be perfect; however, if none is available, the dining room or the living room will do fine. Try using durable plastic bins as storage for the books, supplies, equipment and other stuff as well.

Also, include in the schedule the amount of time allotted for each subject.

Looking Up Resources and Instructional Materials

You do not need to put too much strain on the family budget to afford materials for home school instruction. If no curriculum is being followed, try to schedule enough topics and projects to last the whole school year. One can get tips online on which lessons to include plus the scope and the proper sequencing of lessons.

Finding the Right Curriculum

If the parents are trying to adapt one for their child, it is important to determine the means the child learns best, by first-hand experience, listening, reading or the like.

Home schooling is a great educational experience for both parents and children. It is for the parents to be resourceful and creative to maximize the resources and the learning of their children.